5 Reverb Pedals For Every Guitar Player

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so one of the things i love doing on this youtube channel is talking about guitar tone as guitar players that is our voice that's how people hear us it's not just what notes and chords and what we choose to play it's how it sounds now for me one of the most important effects or tools when it comes to guitar tone is reverb i use reverb all the time and this year i've actually picked up a few unique reverb pedals so in today's video i'm going to show you my five favorite reverb pedals show you what they sound like show you why i love them and hopefully teach you a thing or two about reverb at least my approach to using reverb now some of the pedals in this video have been given to me by the manufacturers some of them i've bought myself but this is not sponsored in any way none of these companies have asked me to feature their pedals or talk about them these are all genuinely my own favorite pedals my own thoughts my own words and with that said i will have all of these linked in the description box down below some of those will be affiliate links which means if you buy something through one of those links i earn a small commission which is a great way to support this channel and help me keep making these videos all right with all that out of the way let's jump in and take a look at our first petal [Music] [Music] now [Music] all right so the first pedal we're going to take a look at today is the endless summer spring reverb and booster from recovery effects now i got turned on to this actually just a few weeks ago i was in hamburg germany for three weeks recording an album and the producer uh johann shearer turned me on to this pedal and uh i'd never heard of it before i had never heard of recovery effects before but i immediately fell in love with the version one of this pedal that they had at cloud's hill it made it all over the record that i was playing on and so when i got home i immediately jumped on reverb and i bought this one this is the version two so what's cool about this pedal is it's an actual spring reverb there's a real spring tank in here and uh it starts off you know pretty tame but quickly gets into the realm of uh absurdity in terms of how much reverb this thing has on tap i've got my novomirus going into the endless summer and from that going into my axe fx3 here's my clean tone so you've got two controls here you have the balance and the brightness the balance is the amount of reverb but it's also the amount of boost the more this balance control goes up the more reverb you're getting but it's also boosting your signal going into the front end of your amp which is a really unique take so if you start it down here like eight o'clock it's a pretty tame spring tank kind of sound [Music] but you notice it's kind of cutting the signal there so i'm gonna bring it up to like 10 o'clock [Music] now i already love the way that sounds and that's actually a really usable reverb sound for single note lines [Music] and if you go all the way up it kind of encroaches into fuzz territory a little bit so it's definitely not right for every guitar player out there but if you're looking for something that's super unique and has a really nice analog real life spring kind of sound it does something that's a little bit different i'd highly recommend checking out the endless summer [Music] [Music] so [Music] next up on the list is a pedal that i think is already kind of becoming a modern classic that is the jhs 3 series reverb now i'm a big fan of the 3 series pedals i think josh and the crew at jhs did a phenomenal job putting out really great sounding effects that are attainable and affordable for most guitar players out there and the reverb believe it or not is actually one of the more versatile reverbs that we're going to look at in today's video so starting off we have kind of just a nice lush stock reverb sound here [Music] to me that's a nice sort of middle of the road room digital plate kind of thing but the real magic of this pedal is when you go to the extremes so if we push the decay all the way up and the verb all the way up put the eq down now we're into total ambient swell abrasion kind of territory [Music] and the real kicker of this pedal is the pre-delay switch now if you don't know what pre-delay is i did a whole video about reverb for guitar where we cover pre-delay and i also have a video course called the tone course which goes into more detail about the stuff you can check it out down below but essentially when you're using big washy lush reverbs like this it's easy to get buried underneath the reverb so the pre-delay is delaying the onset of the reverb so that the initial attack of your notes or your chords can come through and then the reverb fills in underneath it i love that they fixed a set pre-delay length and it's just attached to a switch here so you can hear i strum the note and then the reverb fills in underneath it which allows me to play without getting too muddy and because that pre-delay switch this thing actually doubles as a really nice slap back delay check this out [Music] so yeah it's affordable it's pedal board friendly they're built really well they're built in the states for 99 bucks the 3 series reverb is absolutely one of my favorite reverb pedals of all time [Music] [Music] this is the ultra shear from von gin effects and without a doubt this is my favorite pedal that i've picked up this year i bought it from eastside music supply in nashville tennessee uh back during summer nam i walked in and saw this sitting on the shelf plugged it in and immediately had to have it this is a forever take it to the grave pedal for me this is a stereo reverb and a stereo pitch vibrato in one pedal now the reverb side which is here on the right is based off of a 1978 lexicon 224 which is one of the original digital studio reverbs it's incredibly famous you've heard it time and time again on countless records and then we have a digital pitch vibrato with some really cool options but starting with the reverb you can dial in some nice sort of room sounds here if you keep the delay and the mix relatively low [Music] or you can go to some really lush ambient territory if you bring the decay and the mix all the way up [Music] [Music] if we bring the decay all the way up and the mix all the way up we can get it to some almost like brian eno territory here [Music] but the real magic of this pedal is when you engage the vibrato now the vibrato circuit has two different modulation styles it has a cycle which is just a nice sine wave but my favorite thing is this random and what happens is we have a smoothed out sample and hold type algorithm that randomizes the vibrato and it gives you this almost like um bad tape kind of sound almost like a lo-fi worn out cassette deck and when it's in with the reverb it's just magical [Music] um [Music] and what's cool is with this switch right here we can switch the order so right now i've got the reverb going into the vibrato so the vibrato is modulating the reverb trails but i can go the other way and send the vibrato into the reverb and that gives us this kind of sound [Music] now this one was a bit of a tough choice for me uh if you're a fan of this channel at all you probably could have guessed that i would put a stroman pedal on this list and initially i was gonna pick the big sky because that pedal has been with me for years and years it's seen me through thick and thin good gigs and bad and it's a great pedal but if i had to pick one strymon reverb that is my absolute favorite it's the flint this pedal is incredible they've been around for years and i really think this is one of the all-time great guitar pedals period i think it's earned a spot up there at the top i love the tremolo specifically the 61 harmonic tremolo algorithm in here it's so just lush and you can slow it down and get almost into kind of like a univibe territory if you bring the speed down and you bring the intensity up name another reverb pedal that can do that but the thing i love about this pedal is how they've set the order of the tremolo circuit which is much like you would get in a fender blackface style amp which is what the 60s setting is trying to emulate that spring reverb sound and they've put the tremolo after the reverb so this gives you that ability to do these really really cool uh sort of modulated reverb kind of sounds like this the tremolo is modulating the reverb and i love that [Music] so this does a great job of giving any one of your amps a reverb sound that's very amp-like it's very organic these things are super robust they're built like tanks honestly this is one of the best pedals of all time [Music] [Music] so this is the mates aor from caroline fx and i've been messing around with this thing sort of behind the scenes for the past five or six months now and this has become one of my favorite reverbs because it's unlike any other reverb that i've ever played before it does its own thing and it's something that either works for you or it doesn't and it definitely works for me it's got this sort of slapback delay quality to it which is really fun to play off of and integrate into the parts that you're playing but this is one of my my go-to settings here with the meteor [Music] [Music] it's got this spring tank kind of thing but it doesn't sound like the endless summer or the flint um it's got some nice long reverb trails but it doesn't sound like the ultra shear or the von gun or any other pedal that i've spent time with now you can make a tame you can keep it kind of in like a standard spring reverb territory if you will [Music] but i think this thing really shines when you kind of start to push it a little bit [Music] [Music] [Applause] and with this mix control you can get the reverb to sound really out of control but there's an analog drive through on this pedal which i really like so you can kind of keep things under control while also being out of hand at the same time if that makes any sense get it to where it's self oscillating and then bring that mix control down so you can play on top of it so those are my five favorite reverb pedals at least for now these things tend to change as i uh try more things but i want to hear from you what are your favorite reverb pedals what didn't i talk about what do you use on a daily basis let me know in the comments section down below once again i'll have all these pedals linked in the description box some of those are affiliate links and also if you want to support the channel and learn more about guitar tone and the ins and outs of great guitar tone i have a video course called the tone course which you can check out in the description box down below there's also two other video courses there the nashville number system course and fretboard fundamentals and i have a fourth course on the way we just started filming it this week and it's a course dedicated to guitar chords and everything you need to know about guitar chords so if you want more information on that it's all linked down below it's a great way to support the channel and i really appreciate it my name is retro thank you guys so much for watching and remember there is no plan b you
Channel: Rhett Shull
Views: 58,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reverb, reverb pedal, guitar, guitar pedals, guitar gear, guitar pedal demo, jhs pedals, guitar effects, best reverb pedal, pedal demo, chorus pedal, electric guitar, electric guitar instrumental, electric guitar lessons for beginners, rhett shull, reverb pedals, best guitar pedals, boss pedals, music gear, best effects pedals, strymon bluesky, strymon pedals, effects pedals, ambient pedals
Id: mh8UDXiTCTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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