Extraordinary Reverbs

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the first reverb pedals ever came out in 1985 and since then reverb has come a long way on today's episode I'm going to show you my favorite reverb pedals that go above and beyond the normal sounds [Music] before we jump right into the episode I'm going to lay out the rules that I kind of made for this one and they're really simple I don't want to play any spring reverb haul plate that kind of stuff because I love it but it's not extraordinary so any sounds you hear me play today are sounds that I'm pulling out of these petals that are really really extraordinary and I think that'll speak for itself any of the petals I'm playing pretty much I could confidently say you can pull classic sounds out of them that's not what I'm doing for this show I'll do that later and I promise I'll do many many reverb episodes also I'm just playing a clean amp a guitar no OverDrive's no fuss so when you hear the sound of these verbs it's just the sound of the verb and then you can use your imagination and think about what if I added this or that to it and you know get into stacking scenarios but I want to give you a good good picture of how cool some of these reverb sounds are also it's gonna be a chill episode it's a lot of reverb I'm playing guitar I know like 4 chords I'm gonna play them over and over and I think it's a good chance to just hit play and take a nap you know lay down go to sleep I might even fall asleep so I think it's just time to let's do this let's jump right in the first extraordinary reverb for today is the walrus slow I actually had the fatum slated in I found some amazing sounds in that but then walrus releases a new pedal and Colt sent this out to me so I gotta say it's super super cool this is a multi texture reverb it's been out for probably a week or two now it's really new and I'm using the dark mode and the sync waveform this has a hold sustain function as well it's super cool and I love this lower octave thing that's going on underneath the verb I have it set really faint but man it really brings anything I'm playing do it to life in a new way [Music] next is the old bullet noise endeavors procession this has a ton of sounds it does some really crazy stuff as anything that Brady and the old blood noise crew make and I just want to read the copy here for my phone from their website because I think it's worthy of being read you ready out of the hazy sand blown distance something comes forth moving slowly moving softly it is seen and just as quickly lost it echoes in the open air a voice on the wind it's a procession and cavalcade making its way through the deserts of a distant planet the sounds of another world or something along those lines it actually says that this is a really cool pedal I'm using the tremolo settings so you have a moving trim underneath this crazy big ambient verb [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the seymour duncan Silverlake dynamic reverb this is fairly new as well and it has a setting on it that's called swell and it is like this mixture of so many things I love it's like the old Auto swell from the Green Line 6004 or a slow gear mixed with just beautiful ambient reverb and it's so tweakable it's crazy I mean you're talking about modulation you've got all these stereo outs you've got expression it's it's really really impressive and they're killing it Seymour Duncan's new line this stuff is amazing you're gonna be seeing it more in the vlogs but check this out [Music] [Music] next up is Cusack musics resound reverb so Cusack is a genius and he's helped me finish designs like the muffuletta he actually builds a lot of our circuit boards for us and other builders he's just an amazing dude a true engineer a brilliant brilliant pedal designer so if you haven't heard of his stuff definitely go check it out but this pedal this is one of his newest and it's super cool so it has eight different reverb modes I'm choosing number five it's called glisten and I think it's really unique it does a similar thing here what you would put in like the shimmer category but it's quite different because it has almost this LFO movement of a tremolo it has this low octave and then the high octave feels so much like an organ like it feels like a Hammond organ up high to me depending on where you have the knobs and that's kind of how I set this it's really amazing so [Music] next is the Ventress dual reverb by source audio I recently became friends with these guys I got all the units I've tried them all and they are hands down killing it in the DSP game the digital reverbs and delays and there is a setting on this it is called offspring has nothing to do with the 90s band at all but it is really crazy I actually argued with myself for 20-30 minutes in here probably looked crazy about is this a delay is this a reverb is this a delay I just decided it is a reverb because of how it responds and what it's doing but it is this rhythmic melodic crazy thing that ties in to the tempo and I've never heard anything like it and you're about to hear [Music] the Caroline meteor loaf I revert before I talk about this reverb I have to talk about my failures concerning my good friend Philippe first of all I showed the Hawaiian pizza as one of my favorite pedals of last year and in that episode I called him Philippe it is the Hawaiian pizza sweet and savory by my good friend Philippe Philippe even though I've known him for years and knew his name was Philippe it was just a long day you know then I do octave fuzz 101 and I teach everybody show everybody all the classic octave buzzes and then I'm like didn't hear my favorite modern ones but one of the octave fuzz is that is modern that is in my absolute top three he makes it and I forgot about it so it's this one you need to check it out so I'm like oh four two right off the bat but this time I get to redeem myself and I get to say that this is such a cool reverb pedal it's like dirty lo-fi spring reverb from the surface of Mars that's what I'm calling this because it's super cool and then you engage this foot switch and it goes into feedback and holds and the distortion grows and it's spectacular so Philippe I commend you on this and all of your pedals and if you're watching this go to his website check his stuff out just for the branding alone I'm gonna move on and play this but just check his stuff out it's amazing [Music] is the dark world by chase bliss so if you know anything about Joel and his company chase bliss you know that every petal is packed with so many features it's almost unbelievable he's a wizard and if you're a petal builder in this industry basically you just walk up and you're like hey Joel wizard wizard Joel and that's just how we refer to Joel he's amazing I mean look at this dip switches on the back it's like a billion settings we're all jealous all of us because he crammed so much stuff into these pedals he's brilliant I'm gonna quit talking about him and talked about his reverb so here's the deal I love you Joel but here's the deal black on this setting here so his mod shim and then a black mode it is incredible it's like some type of ducking reverb so that means as I play it goes down but then as I stopped playing it comes back up into the mix so it has some of that going on it's reading the input of my guitar so it can do that and it's just super cool it's almost like this infinite hold setting like I don't know but I know it's really cool and you got to hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Earthquaker devices after neath this has been out for several years but the sounds that it has in it are some of the first times I ever heard these sounds and now I see them in a lot of petals even some of them I'm showing today and it's really amazing I have to read this copy as well it's so good the after neath sounds a lot like it looks a wizard in a cave in a box you are the wizard or sorceress if you prefer and the cave is your instrument signal vast expansive and magical roll a d20 to proceed yes this thing's amazing I'm using it as this big massive pad but yet my clean signal can be tweaked in a way where it still stays super up front it's just crazy it is as ambient as ambient can get super super extraordinary [Music] [Music] I have the astronomer by Matthews effects this is the early version of version 2 with onboard toggles but Rick who's a good friend he just rebranded his whole line and reworked some of his pedals this is the brand-new version this is a few days old switches are on the side it looks so cool it's got the manual printed on the back he even read it as packaging it's just super killer stuff like check this out I have them all here but there's the chemist in the box I love this stuff I love the way he thinks about pedals and I think they sound great so on this astronomer it is basically a reverb pedal he says that harnesses the power of celestial bodies so I believe that it's very otherworldly I'm using a setting on here that's basically this really great shimmer sound so it has octaves it's just a beautiful reverb sound and this has multi functions you can actually have two sounds with the two foot switches and it's great for a live or studio system [Music] last but definitely never least is the GFI specular Tempest I have a good friend session player here in town just a phenomenal musician and he has two of these on his board I'd never seen them I walked up and he was showing them to me I had to have them so I met these guys at NAMM got a hold of this you've seen some of their other stuff in the past video from last Thursday but this thing's really really powerful I'm using a setting called vortex and it is just a really tweakable big ambient verb that has this chorus flange dynamic going on so you hit a chord and you hit a note and then modulation is swirling in the decay and I love it I love everything about it it's super super cool [Music] [Music] there's a lot of reverb pedals in this room and I've used reverb for 20 years so I'm very attached to certain things so I'm gonna mention some honorable mentions that are very very worthy because they do really really cool extraordinary reverbs number one is the RV 500 by boss there's a setting on here called fast decay now this pedal does a lot of the sounds you've heard today that fast decay setting is super super cool the Eventide h9 this pedal has actually been on my board for almost five years at one point I ran to h9 s and there's some reverb settings like one particularly called black hole that's amazing to swell into with a volume pedal to use in a very dynamic way as a pad when I get into situations where I don't have synth players or keyboard players but I need to hold and have a very ambient texture of the band mix going on I can pretty much fake a second musician underneath my guitar with this effect called black hole and this thing does every effect known to man so it's a really valuable tool the dead beat reverberation station it has a lot of the classics but I love the reverse the reverse setting on this is really really spectacular and then I've shown this before but it's it's deserves a second mention the fender marine layer reverb it has a type switch here and if you go to special it has some nice big shimmer otherworldly sounds as well this whole line is great they continue to put stuff out it feels like every few months it everything's great I'm playing it all and I love where fender is taking their effects yeah today's record time is brought to you by Trent Dabbs the way we look at horses Trent Dabbs is a solo artist but he's also a rider and this is my favorite album of his and my favorite song of his is the title track so on this song there's something about it where I imagine if you hit mute on the reverb sindh of the mix of the song it just wouldn't feel the same it would lose the magic so that's why I chose this record it's really phenomenal and I want you that song especially tell me in the comments below a song or an album that's really made by the way reverb effects all the instruments and the mix I want to hear about that and you need to listen to this that's it for this episode thanks so much for watching in the comments below I would love to hear what your favorite reverb pedal and sound that I played today was and also I'd love to know about any other reverbs you have that fit into this category tell me about them and tell me how you use them if you liked this episode hit like subscribe to the channel and click the Bell icon to get notifications every time we post a new episode on Thursdays there's also a link in the description to reverb where they've built this really cool page that shows every piece of gear that I played today and gear from past episodes until next time have a wonderful day
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 543,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, Guitar, Guitar Pedals, Electric Guitar, Guitar Effects, Guitar Player, Guitar Playing, Pedal Demo, Guitar Demo, New Pedals, New Guitar Pedals, Josh Scott, Guitar Gear, Music Gear, Guitar Tones, Pedal Tones, Good Guitar Tone, Best Guitar Tone, Best Electric Guitar Tone, Analog Guitar Tone, Guitar Sounds, JHS Guitar Pedals, JHS VLOG, JHS Videos, Reverb Pedals, Ambient Pedals, Walrus, Earthquaker, Seymour Duncan, Reverb Effects
Id: 5TtedtAOb3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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