Analog Man’s BEST Pedals!

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on today's episode i'm gonna teach you all about how analog man is an important part of effects pedal history i'm gonna play my favorite pedals that he's ever made i'm gonna tell you all kinds of stuff it's gonna get rowdy it's gonna be fun i i just need you to trust me [Music] as i've often said on the show companies don't make things people do so to understand why analog man is great you need to know first of all the analog man is a person his name is mike pierre and he got started in the mid 80s i think around 1985 when he moved to japan to be a software engineer so he's over there he starts seeing vintage guitars he'd never seen in the states effects and just a universe of crazy stuff that was very collectible and interesting to him so he starts tinkering around recreating some of these rare effects he starts modifying things for friends one thing leads to another and he starts a pedal company and he's one of the very few og boutique builders that was pre-internet as a matter of fact i believe his website was the second or third pedal website ever made that's astronomically crazy to think about because there are millions of guitar related threads websites and posts with all that said let's look at my favorite analog mana pedals i'll tell you a little bit about them we'll do some dams let's jump right into this and talk about analog man's most popular famous and prestigious pedal it is the king of tone dual overdrive this is a doozy because on the used market they go for really crazy prices and if you are on his waiting list where he sells it at a very fair and reasonable price the wait is sometimes two years i've heard three years i just don't know it's true but all that said it's a fantastic pedal he makes these by hand and yeah i don't know what else to say about it except there is an easier way to get this sound and it came out in the form of a pedal called the prince of tone i just so happen to have one with the box and a story now inside this here it is the prince of tone on the back it says p000 number five and the person i bought it from sent me a little message let me read it to you it says hey josh i have something quite special you might be interested in i received the first analog man prince of tone that was made public analog man made four prototypes and the first production pedal was number five which i have you have probably heard this but the idea came from two guys on the gear page mike responded to them and was interested in their idea for a yellow side of the king of tone only so this pedal is half of this pedal same sound just half and mike sent number five to the thread creator and this is it so this is a little bit of history with the box and i'm going to demo this because the other one's two petals and that would take too long and i like this one more actually because it's simple you can find it and it's more affordable i'm going to quit talking about it [Music] next up is in my opinion the most underrated and under under-appreciated analog man pedal ever made and that will ever be made i don't care what he does i don't care what brilliant idea he has next he'll never have a more under-appreciated pedal than this i know that's a big claim but it's true it is the astro tone fuzz three knob fuzz it's based around the pedal that i actually don't have um but there's another version of the pedal that i don't have the sam ash fuzz box but anyway i don't have the actual astro tone there's a picture of it there i'm dying inside silently [Music] the beauty of this is it is a 60s fuzz it actually came out in 1966 but it feels more like a distortion i actually think i would vote in an imaginary voting scenario in front of an imaginary panel of nerds who actually care about such a hypothetical situation that this would be the first distortion pedal ever invented and he replicated it but that imaginary situation doesn't exist although i am telling you so you're kind of an actual situation of the imaginary situation so i'm going to vote to you this could be the first distortion circuit ever made and the most underrated ever made this is a very important pedal let's play it [Music] um [Music] next up is the oldest analog man pedal that i have date wise it's from 2001 and it's had some use which means it's a great pedal it is the juicer it's based around the dan armstrong orange squeezer and again i'm almost positive correct me if i'm wrong i think he was the first person to clone this in such a quality way and put it into an enclosure with true bypass that said i'm a huge fan of the orange squeezer i based my compressor on it as well and this one's fantastic it's also beautiful somehow red on orange works it's a mystery [Music] one of the things the analog man is most fantastical at doing and i do use that word as a choice word because he is fantastical at this type of circuit it is recreating faithfully and very well classic fuzzface circuits from the 60s and 70s if you don't want to fork out a billion dollars for one of these and the enclosure size is massive you can look at his line of pedals they're called sun face there's several versions i'll go over here but he covers different ranges and transistor types mike has extensive knowledge on transistors leakages and gains and he just knows a ton probably more than anyone out there to some extent what was actually in certain pedals and how to replicate it so one of the versions that's really cool is the bc109 that's the type of transistor in it and you see this clock here this hints at time which is a pink floyd reference from dark side of the moon and this would have been the fuzz face esque tone sound and circuit that david gilmour used in that era then you have the bc 183 version it's just another type of transistor slightly different sounds but different enough that they are completely different petals my favorite though i have the box is the sun face in kt i'm not going to get into having the sticker and manual and all that stuff that really excites me but i do have the bag and that still excites me here it is ntk red dot very very very very very very very very very rare transistor type i don't know that it sounds better because there is no better maybe it's because it's so rare i feel like it's better but i do love how it [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds [Music] my [Music] next is the bino boost i have the miniature version there is a larger box version same circuit and this is a very well made faithful recreation of the 60s dallas range master which was a box with no footswitch uses a battery has an annoying cable you know whatever but sounds great and this sounds great i love this for pedal boards because it's not obnoxious and treble booster is not something that most of us even though i love it will run all the time so it is kind of a peripheral effect for a lot of players and you can get it on your board if the case is this size so yeah that being said we'll play this there is tossing back to the fuzz as i just talked about he makes the sun lion which has this petal here and then one of his sun faces there it's pretty awesome it's extravagant if you're an extravagant person you might want the two in one you might be a little crazy you might be reckless and wild i don't know but i'm not i just want this i want the small one it's simple i'm a simple person my mind is small let's play [Music] last but not least never least possibly most not most but it's cool it is the analog man chorus this is based around a classic small clone now the classic ones are getting hard to find they have a very cool unique sound and he did it justice this is one of the best bucket brigade choruses i think you can buy uh it's simple has two knobs not a lot of bells and whistles because let's be honest you don't really need them most the time so i'm going to play this i'm also going to play his modified distortion by boss the ds1 this was the first analog man product i ever had i remember sending it in and he modified it so he has a big portion of market share when it comes to mods and historically that's how he got started so a lot of you may have those or have seen them so i'll play these together and we'll do like a bad nirvana thing that should never have existed yeah let's do that [Music] in 2020 the term boutique is often convoluted and watered down it's really hard to even know what people mean when they say i only like boutique pedals it's it's really hard to deal with but and the truest form boutique is small batch small production runs and usually by a small crew that gives incredible attention to detail and i think in the current pedal market it's a pretty rare thing but analog man is actually boutique so with that said if you've ever wanted that definition and wanted to understand how to visually see it and see a product line that i feel like represents boutique analog manage that let's go to record time today's record time is brought to you by 1995's rubber neck by the band toadies this is in hindsight all these years later you know it's pretty influential i'll listen back through this they just released the vinyl and i ripped this record off constantly the riffs are fantastic i'm not saying i'm fantastic i just say like this brainwashed me and i didn't really know and i'm kind of sharing that with you now but if you don't know this record you need to know it because 1995 was you know it was a weird year gangster's paradise ruled the airwaves but the toadies are like no no no no no gangsters paradise here we're gonna scream and play alternative grunge rock post grunge experimental alternative rock and we're gonna do it in a way that like peels your face off this is a very important record to me my favorite songs are possum kingdom that was their one hit of being a two-hit wonder i came from the water as a solid hit not a huge fan of that song but tyler the song tyler it's a creepy song uh but it's interesting so check this out if you're a patreon member of the show there's a link in the description below i'm going to give away brand new sealed copy it's never been played and it's brand new i already said that but it could be yours i don't know in the comments talk about this record how you love it or hate it don't care about it never want to hear it whatever just let me know thanks so much for watching this episode i hope that you enjoyed it and in closing i just want to make the point and say that companies like jhs and dozens and dozens of others would not exist if it were not for people like analog man who started this boutique industry in the early 2000s we all owe him a great debt and he's done such a great job keeping effects history and important circuits alive and available to players like me and to you there is a book that he's involved with you can get it on reverb there's a link in the description below it's by tom hughes but he was a huge part of this process it's called analog man's guide to vintage effects i dig through this often because there are interviews with people who are no longer with us there's some really really great stories information photography it's a really important book because no one's really put this amount of effort into something to this degree so go check it out hit like if you did like this episode subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes go watch some other analog man demos people that actually play guitar well and just have fun do stuff go do things go eat go get a snack bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 161,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer, analogman, analogman pedals, boutique pedals, boutique guitars
Id: 7fvyWnH-PSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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