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hey everybody my name is sam and i'm angela and  welcome back to our channel for a lot of our   subscribers you could also have just heard we  are samgela sanjila people have created really   brad and uh what's your angelina yeah well we are  apparently samjila samgela welcome back to angela   that's weird it's kind of hot all right what are  we gonna do in today's video clue them into the   fun they are about to be bespoke we are going to  be doing a little bit more demo just a little bit   everybody loves demo we got to put a hole in our  house and the floor and the floor and the wall   jeez this is a big one a very big one  and it all happens in one day because   well you're just gonna find out so come along  as we decide to rip apart the front of our house   rip apart some of the floor and hopefully  get a new door in before it gets too wet   first step is to take this old door out we'll try  and be careful with the storm door and not destroy   it in the event someone may want it locally but  otherwise getting it out is the name of the game i have a crowbar out here too  if you want no it's just sticky so so so no that's strong wood you can see the hole right there  that went all the way through it's actually not in too bad shape well once again we have a hole to the outside of  our house we do we have done this okay we've not   done this door before but we've done an opening  bigger than this we have if you guys have not   seen that video when we did our kitchen renovation  we took an eight foot wide section out of the wall   and house and everything that was wild yeah it was  wide open that was a one day tear out rebuild like   today is yes so the door came out pretty easily  yeah it wasn't bad at all it is uh pretty gnarly   and rotten the door jambs definitely toast the  plywood floor that was underneath the door sill   not too bad shape that is not the original  flooring of course from the mobile home so   whoever did that floor repair in the past did  a pretty good job kudos we're still taking it   out though because it's not the same thickness  as all the other plywood we have in the house   and it looks a little gnarly too might as well  we're already here might as well so what we're   going to do next is start on the left side of the  door opening i'm going to take out the wall stud   and take the bottom plate back to the adjacent  stud that's over there i want to build out a new   bottom plate new wall studs and everything we've  got to change the whole framing opening for this   because we have a larger residential style  door to go in this wall of the mobile home   so we're going to start by taking that stud out  but then transition to doing the floor repair   so that we have new floor new wall stud jump  over take the wall straight out floor and do   the the same i guess we're eating over so there's  it's going to be held up the house is still going   to be held up we're not taking out the whole  big section for it to theoretically fall right   yeah we want to avoid having to put a sure  wall in place or a temporary support structure   so by taking one out replacing it and  moving to the next we should be fine   that being said we're not mobile homologists  are telling you guys you can do that your place   this is what we're doing yeah  it's what we're doing let's go with the bottom plate cut and the siding separated  from the stud it should be pretty easy just to   pull it out considering that the walls in  the mobile home are assembled with staples   yeah the walls staples that's how they  did it makes it easier for us yeah and they call that a header i don't call it a header pull it straight  towards you yeah i'm just making sure that   i'm not about to cause more damage than i want to oh wow you make that look easy honey because the house is built cheap wow  look at that i know i noticed that   look at this i think it's had a  little bit of rot over the years with the wall stud taken out and the  little bit of the plywood started   we're going to go ahead and take out  the rest of the plywood in this section   and see what we're working with underneath with  framing members floor joists room joists that   kind of stuff and then put our new plywood down  next before we move on so flooring coming up next that's not mine that one fits better do you  want to do that i like my bar my prize bar that ew what there's a bug hey we live here too the cat  usually keeps these things out   cat's useless look how rotten  entities we're joined sorry that looks fine it's the same height as this   okay which is shorter yeah this is the  same height it's a little bit off here   that's because the floor joints sag yeah but  we'll level that but this is good all right   i think i'm gonna leave it in place for now i  don't want to attach it in case we need it up all right this shows you how it does it has sagged  a little bit because it goes in fine over here but   if i move this down i mean it's off just a hair  it is off not a lot but that's a good way to check   you make sure you measure a stud that's  fully supported you know you're good on your   length or height and so down here  i know i'll just force this up i need to measure and make sure where this goes  and stuff this is where we're really glad that we   have our new roof with the overhang because it's  raining but it's not blowing in the house yet   we have a tarp and tape and everything  ready to seal this up we planned ahead we   prepared for rain but as long as it doesn't  start blowing in on the floor or anything   we're gonna leave it open because  why not it's a room with a view so this box is for a integrated smoke alarm or  smoke detector system we're gonna put this back   up and we're gonna get some of those hard wired  smoke detectors because it's a pretty cool feature   that we've not had before this what i just put  up is called a king stud it runs from the floor   to the top plate full height of your wall what  we're going to add beside it is called a jack stud   that goes from the floor to the bottom of your  header what's a header good question header is   the bore that goes left to right across your  door or window opening and supports the weight   of the roof above disperses it transfers  it to the jack studs and down to the floor   king stud supports the roof in this area jack  stud supports the header which in turn supports   the roof so king stud jack stud header box we're  going to disconnect the wires for this and drill   a hole through our king stud to bring this over  to the left and still leave room for our header   and jack stud we're just not focusing on it right  now because since we don't have the drywall or   anything to install we can keep it out of our  way and keep working on sealing this opening up well that was easy what are  you a one hit wonder yes we put up ourselves a nice little dutch  door from a green tarp this is going to   allow air flow to still come through and keep  any of the blow-by or the rain from blowing in   and splashing on the floor it's not really  that bad outside but it's just enough to where   before we put it up just to not mess  up all the hard work we've done so far   if it ends up getting a lot worse with  the rain i can easily just fold the rest   of it up and tape it in place so works  pretty good convertible construction door oh because there's one right  there that will come out so wow it was an extra piece and it pretty much  fits so we'll see if it works i think it   looks good we're going to be using floor leveler  so it'll kind of fill in any of the gaps anyhow we have the plywood down so our floor is  buttoned up again yay that's nice we'll have to   consciously think where we're walking everything  as we walk i have the left side of the doorway   opening already done already rough framed in with  the king and jack stud and i put my bottom plate   down on this side of the wall the right side  of the doorway next thing i'm going to do is   put the king's nut in place and as you will see  i'm going to have to hammer it into place i have   double checked my measurements they are correct  so that means that this section of the wall has   sagged about an inch to an inch and a quarter  i don't think it did it while we've been doing   our work i think that's just been deterioration  over time and sagging with water damage and stuff   at least that's my assumption either way we're  gonna have to pick up the wall a little bit or   just hammer it to get it to fit i'm gonna  go wreck it ralph on a constructive side   please i can't pick the house up fix it felix yeah  um while we have the camera stopped and everything   what are your thoughts and i don't know woman's  perspective of this endeavor i feel like i'm just   like tunnel vision work and just get it done so i  think we kind of realized or i am even more that   there is frustration with absolutely any job you  do yes but we've not been fighting no like just   letting you guys know you're like in the heat of  the moment like trying to get the plywood down and   the battery dies and you're like oh come on and so  you have to go and like find another battery and   it's just things like that over and over and over  again but someone has a tendency to get angry when   she does projects apparently huh i thought it's  been going pretty good i mean other than it being   hot and extremely humid because the sun is now out  which is great no more rain but humid really humid okay let's get back to it alright put it up in place so all right we have the rough opening totally  done we have our header in place our little   [ __ ] studs i think that's what they're called  the tiny little things up top they're all put   into place everything looks great but we have two  problems one we don't have enough flashing weather   sealant whatever peel and stick window door  flashing we don't have enough to do it and two   there's a big thunderstorm head in this way the  second one today yeah yeah this one is larger   and it is literally heading pretty much straight  towards us so we're going to stop our work and   we're going to put all of our hopes and dreams in  a dollar fifty tarp from northern tool and a roll   of gorilla tape we're going to tape up the whole  door opening seal it up and then we got to go to   the hardware store to get more weatherstripping  tape plus pick up the boys from mimi's house so   hopefully we will get this door in before tonight  because we have critters that we don't want to get   in the house i don't think we have critters in  one in the house so much as we've got kidders   we don't want out of the house true we  have a little cat so all right let's go it is nice to have a new plywood floor that's nice okay good stuff whoop good enough let's  go to the store and get back quick we're back from the store and we  have the flashing tape we needed and   the tarp is still here which is great  there's no water inside the house   which is really good because it was a  giant thunderstorm that went through   what we're gonna do next is go ahead and put a  pencil line on the aluminum siding from the inside   and cut it out so that it matches the size  of the new door because it's wider and taller so i need to clean up the old silicone and putty and  everything off of this so it'll have a better seal   whenever we put the lexel on to put the door on  which stand under look nice you're not in the rain   this is my new evergreen porch cover 1.50 porch is slippery almost did a split all right i have the door opening prepped i used  some flashing tape and taped out the pan of the   door i think that might be the term put down  several layers and did it as best we can given   this is a mobile home retrofit of a residential  door and a mobile home so it's kind of not by   the book unless you're reading the same book  we are which is called winging it volume 12.   page 37. tell them and vanna white and show  everything that we have behind us the exciting   part of this whole venture so here is our  beautiful door i love that it has the window   on top so it can let more light into the house  because we are all about natural light we love all   the windows so having more windows on the front of  the house is awesome i can't wait i like the style   that it's a little bit craftsman style or actually  kind of reminds me of shaker style cabinets in the   kitchen it's a style that we both like it's i  don't know it's white which is cool and it's   a pre-hung exterior door which is even cooler and  it's huge we went from a 32 by 73 to a 36 by 80 so   well i got a door ola just here step back  everybody well as far as the steps to install this   door i'm not 100 sure because i have not installed  a pre-hung exterior door before but my assumption   is that we will unpack it first it's probably  handy read the instructions if there are any   and probably we'll just apply a bead of lexel  sealant around the molding or trim that's   on the outside put it into the opening shim it  plummet square it and then attach it with screws   through the casing or jam on the inside to the  king and jack studs that we framed into the wall   i don't know that we've ever i have  ever helped with doing an exterior door   that's not mobile homes because we did the  back door taking it off and putting it in no this would be my first i've  never put an exterior door in before   not like this i mean we've swapped out slabs we've  done one in your workshop well that's not a house   right that was a junkyard find dumpster  fine thanks son but that one doesn't count   so cool this is a total first for us and we  are realizing that at this point we're crazy   we just go for it we do so let's go  for it let's finish this thing let's go i found the instructions that's a tall door of course we're not tall people  hey makes our place feel even more palacious so you so all right we are working on making  the mortise for the deadbolt   larger what we have with the lock set  does not match what comes from the factory   so i've got a forstner bit i'm going to drill the  four corners out and then i will chisel and sculpt   the rest so that this metal plate recesses  in flush nice and neat and everything fits nothing is ever easy if you don't know that yet  know it nothing's ever easy we bought a pre-hung   door brand new lock set and still had to file at  the striker plates and mortise out the deadbolt   thing and everything of the sort that being said  maybe that's i don't know maybe we just got a   limit of a door but we still made it work it locks  it closes it's all smooth and looks good move on   yes yes let's move on to something else we're done  filing the deadbolts there we have it the door is   installed and it latches good and locks good and  it looks good it looks very good yes it doesn't   it's not able to shine as much as it can because  it's just around like a white light right now   right but it's very very nice so the next  thing we're going to do is put some more   screws through the door casing into the  wall there are about i think another   three or four points that we need to attach it and  then we're just going to do it for good measure   not because we're worried about this door stopping  intruders or being a security thing thankfully we   don't live in an area where that's something  we really have to be concerned about we more   want to make sure that it is just 100 locked down  titan beefing we have two boys we do have two boys   and they're rough so yeah they are rough so we're  going to do that and then i'm also going to go   around the outside everywhere and caulk it up  all the way to the house and in between all the   joints and everything to make it weather tight  got a kawasaki saw what i think it's a dazuki all these electrical wires so we use this great stuff to weather seal  or insulate around our doors and windows   the blue can is for windows and doors it  doesn't expand as much as like the red   and i think black do so hopefully  one can will do the whole door that it's all done now so let's check it out nice it makes you look short i  i can see why it's way up there look at it it's so pretty do you like it  i like it you think it's a little bit of   an upgrade from what we had before i thought you  were going to say it's a little bit big isn't it   because it's pretty big all right so here here's  how sam's mind works we wanted a residential style   door yes we knew it was gonna be taller cool no  problem you were kind of like why don't we just do   a 36 inch wide door that's what's in there and not  have to 32 yeah sorry not have to reframe the wall   same on the other hand a little bit of uh i  don't know whatever you want to call this thought   i guess i'm like no if we're going to do a new  door we might as well do 36. it's kind of the   industry standard for entryway doors plus it's  wheelchair accessible now that we plan on being   a wheelchair or anyone else but it's you know if  you're gonna do it do it well and it'll make it   a lot easier to get in new furniture say a couch  or something like that i don't like that thinking   that's scarier to me than oh gosh i mean you  want to go shopping no but it will be easier   to get stuff like that in and out because it has  been a nightmare to get those in the little door   yes so and with our refrigerator did we have to  take the doors off our fridge i can't remember   we'll say yes we did okay she thinks we did so  we totally did so yeah a 36 inch wide opening   very nice which is not something a lot of people  with homes need to think about or really probably   ever do think about but mobile home doors  are not only shorter but they're skinnier   and that you know yes this door is made for two  by six walls and we only have two by four so we're   going to have to do a little bit of finagling  with the molding when it comes to finishing it out   but it's also worth it it's not going to mess  up how it works or anything like that it's just   going to have a little bit more of a bump out  than normal it'll just be that much more custom   bespoke that's another term a lot of reviewers  over across the atlantic you'll know the term   bespoke more than a lot of americans do but i like  that term bespoke another thing that we hadn't   really mentioned is cost um it was i called one  of the local mobile home stores to see if they had   any um doors i didn't even ask about storm door  really just any like entry doors and they had a   combo which was all together for just over six  hundred dollars for a plop and drop door you   know yeah take it out put another spot so that  was like 6 20 and so we're like wow that's a lot   so we went and we did shopping we found that  home depot had better price doors than lowe's did   um we did have to drive farther to go to home  depot but all in all we saved 200 200 bucks for   going wow what 20 minutes further down the road  not bad and getting bigger because otherwise it   would have been the same exact size and stuff like  that so oh you mean from the mobile home door to   the home depot door yes oh i thought you meant  between lowe's and home oh i started out with   the mobile home store yes that's where you lost  me i also didn't pick that up in reality when you   actually were telling me that in the car i just  thought liz was more expensive for some reason   i just believe what you tell me well this  was actually more beefing and cheaper than   the mobile home store so yeah win-win you  just got to reframe your whole living room   yeah and it it's got to look like this for a  little while it's all right at least it's not   cold outside right now it is weather tight  the rain can hit it we won't have a door   that's the way it goes all right well that's  going to end this part of the video saga we   have our door installed it is weather tight and  looks great well guys hope you enjoyed this part   of our renovation obviously we are not done  there's lots more fun to be had so if you're new   or haven't yet subscribed consider it this  is kind of what we do along with every other   thing in the world we're definitely diyers  thanks guys for coming along leave a comment   below we love to read them and we'll see you  guys next time on the homestead see ya bye hey put a bunch of layers down and did  it in the best bubble possible wow hey hon yeah doorknob goes on the bottom just saving you some work thank you honey  adora just here step back everybody i googled is that what that smell is did you google in here   you were googling right there weren't  you uh-huh if you're just coming into the   series right now you might want to  stick along stay tuned stick along ow i mean we could change it up we could start a new  trend right it was the closest to where i was at it's kind of the industry standard  for entryway doors plus it's weird plus it's wheelchair accessible every single time i get your face oh but  my face is here now i'm gonna close the   door because we're doing video if you're just  seeing this video for the fur well if you're   seeing us for the first time here you let me  say it yeah okay then you start the recording you
Channel: Green Acre Homestead
Views: 185,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green acre homestead, diy, green acres, sam and angela, diy couple, mobile home repair, mobile home door, house door install, prehung exterior door, exterior door, mobile home door upgrade, mobile home front door, house door in mobile home, residential door in mobile home, bigger door in mobile home, regular door in mobile home, 36x80 door in mobile home, 36 x 80 door, door opening wall framing, mobile home wall framing, wall repair, floor repair, framing a wall
Id: CWX39EaNb7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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