EXTREME Mobile Home Transport & Set Up in ONE DAY!

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good morning everyone sam here and  angela and welcome to our channel   say good morning because we just arrived  back on our north carolina property   it is not even eight o'clock yet we are here for a  very exciting special day which is our house move so everything's done in the house i got the gopros  mounted we did a one last check of everything   and then we actually put metal  strapping over the doors on the outside   so that they don't fly open down the  road just as a preventative measure   now we just wait for the crew to arrive and  then get to film and watch them do the hard work so foreign so so i think that's it we're at the point where  they've got other equipment they're moving   their stuff out of the way and i think  we're about to see the house pulled out so does that matter so that's not the way i thought they  were going to take it very interesting good so so so so so so so so so so so i am totally in shock at how they're taking  it down and that my house is that like   a degree angle that i never thought i  would see not many people can say that but   i am praying the whole way that everything  is good and fine and it'll be good and fine   hey if it can survive going down this hill like  this road trip no problem seriously no problem so so so praise the lord that it made it down in one piece  it did and uh yeah so them taking it down the hill   was not known to us at all but as they were about  halfway down the hill we got a call from the mover   the head guy he said hey just how's it going  checking in i said well it's going good they're   taking us straight down the hill though he said  yeah we talked about it and figured that would be   the safest way so they all knew they just didn't  tell us until it kept backing up and backing up   and wait a second maybe they're going to turn it  no no they're not turning it okay but that was   awesome i mean it was no problems i guess one of  the main benefits with that too is we don't have   to worry about the house flexing as it was trying  to go down the curves and stuff like that too   maybe i think they figured a straight  shot was safer than trying to   turn and curve down our driveway true  just probably the same thing you said yeah   well that is it for north carolina so let's hop  up into the jeep and let's load up and see if   we can catch up with this thing on the road  which shouldn't be difficult at all because   they've backed it out the road and they've  got to go i think a mile or two backwards   and then they're gonna stop and  take off the jade which is the   four wheel carriage thing that's on the back of  the house and they're gonna put some more axles on   so we probably got a little bit of time to kill  but we could at least go watch yeah let's go ah there's a house coming right  for us they're going the wrong way so in the white car that's in front  of this there's a guy in the back of   it watching and he's driving the jade  which is the little four wheeled thing   so it helps to get around the curves a lot  easier he's using a little remote driving it slow down you're going too fast i actually  tell her that a lot whenever she drives   well we are going less than five miles per  hour so i might be comfortable at this speed i think so they've pulled the house over at this is kind  of a place where they can park semi-trucks if   they need to it's on the side of the i mean it's a  highway but it's not a highway highway um they got   the house pulled over here what they're doing now  is taking off the jade j-a-d-d-e it's the little   carriage thing that helps steer the house they're  taking it off and they're gonna put the rest of   the axles under the house i also saw one of the  trucks go that way back towards the property   i guess we're gonna load up the other  equipment and get stuff cleaned up out there   we're gonna stick with the house and wait for them  to get the axles on it and then hit the road and   we'll follow them for a little ways but there will  be a point where we just decide to peel off and go   the back way where they're probably gonna stick  straight to the interstate that way we can get   home quicker we can get everything ready there  at the property and watch for the arrival then my so so so so it's really cool watching as we're falling  behind the house that it just looks like a   giant shed rolling down the road there's no  great pomp and circumstance there's nothing   awesome happening it's actually pretty  boring to watch but i think in this case   that's probably the best thing we would want  is a boring uneventful following of our home   across the mountains and into tennessee so  just uh something i'm thinking as we're driving   35 going up the mountains  and about 55 to 60 going down laughs yeah oh my gosh that was incredible all right let's go all right as you can see i'm no longer driving  angela's at the helm we peeled off and we split   off from the house so they're taking the home  on some major interstates from point a to point   b the long way we are taking our normal scenic  route that we enjoy taking so we pulled off away   from the house and we stopped and got lunch at an  east tennessee specialty little fast food place   i don't know if they're only in east tennessee but  i believe they're originally from east tennessee   it's called pals p-a-l apostrophe s they've  got some good food it is a very very i won't   say cheap nothing's cheap nowadays but like  a burger for less than two bucks french fries   less than two bucks stuff like that so the  boys are back there chowing down and uh i may   be as well but otherwise we are headed towards  tennessee to homestead base camp homestead one and we are hoping we get there  before the house which we should   and then we will see the house be rolling in  on the much flatter much larger new homestead   we made it and we beat the house the house is not  here yet that was one thing we were generally a   little bit concerned about as we drove we're like  trying to calculate in our heads how much farther   would it be and oh my gosh did we make it are we  going to be late and angela kept getting a little   bit faster and faster and faster but we made it no  speeding tickets we weren't speeding i mean so hey   of course yeah we're good whatever we're here  let's get our stuff out and look for the house   as you can tell there should not be any problems  them delivering our home to this destination   compared to where they had to take it down  from we just saw one of the trucks come by   and do a 360 kind of turn around and go back  we're thinking that that was maybe a scout   truck they want to come see the area probably  drive these back roads and make sure you know   go this way don't go that way and then they  are probably pretty close so we're all out here   kind of huddled around our parking  area at the camper waiting and just   waiting for them to show up i guess at any second  we have been told that the plan okay the original   plan because i don't know they may change it when  they see it is to bring the house um from kind of   what i mean i guess you could say it's a front  yard not to bring it on the driveway but anybody   that's watched our channel you know that we did  our additional driveway here and we did our whole   turnaround back up towards the road there in the  event that they needed to bring the house here   hopefully they don't um i mean i don't know why i  say that other than maybe smashing the gravel into   oblivion but after seeing it travel across the  yard in north carolina i don't think it's going   to destroy the gravel it's very very dry out here  we've not had rain out here in probably five to   six days and it's a pretty firm base so no matter  which way they decide to bring the house i think   we're going to be good we have plenty of room  for activities and lots of land for them to roam it's here i can't believe that our house is actually  sitting here it made it safe and sound and   wow look at it just look at it it looks very very  good over there that's one thing we just said and   i'm like hang on give the camera to austin turn it  on it looks really good sitting there we've always   you know thought and drawn it out on paper and  planned that it would go there and look good but   nothing like the real thing right  very nice i mean as nice as an   old single wide can look it's looking it  it's our sleeper house yeah there you go   she's got a turbo in it nope just  a new kitchen with some cabinets so so well uh how many hours later from when we  they started 11 hours 11 hours later and   the house is here it is set it is anchored  leveled it is ready for the next step   they worked so hard and they did such a good job  they saw to every little detail and i am blown   away yeah you can definitely tell that the crew is  a team they all worked as a team because there was   really no like hey what do i do or hey get to work  it was just they were all all day just doing stuff   very little communication but just everything  just working like clockwork it was amazing it   was really cool i am totally amazed at having our  house here and after it being on the hill in north   carolina here it looks so tiny because it's on  this huge piece of property and it looks good it   does i think it fits really really well definitely  our layout our plan yes two thumbs up rock on we   planned yeah we had months to plan the plan but  hey the plan worked out like a plan it did and   i love the fact that the house is much lower to  the ground than it was in north carolina right in   north carolina we walked up to the house we could  not see the boys bedroom windows they were like   i don't want to say like this level here they're  just about eye level if not a little bit below   it's really cool very cool we still have plenty of  room to get underneath plenty of room for all of   our utilities and everything to run but it's just  much nicer being a little bit lower to the ground   and we have a vaporware area this time we do as  you probably noticed when they took the house   apart there was no plastic under there we didn't  know any better when we put the house there no   vapor barrier required we didn't do it well here  it's just automatic included and it's awesome i   always regretted never having a vapor barrier in  north carolina and i was thrilled whenever they   just immediately said yeah house blah blah  blah plus your vapor barrier i'm like sweet   unfortunately the day is coming to an end  even though it was greatly successful no one   got hurt the house is here that's an amazing  blessing but that means you guys will have   to wait until the next video to actually get  to see inside it and us really start to see   did the drywall explode how did things inside  the house fare so if you want to see you've got   to stick around for that we're going to tease you  with it because we're just horrible mean people   that and we're tired and we're ready to call  it a night we're ready yeah yeah and it's dark   it's super dark so i'll let you do your outro i  guess well thanks guys for coming along as we got   our house moved to our tennessee property if you  have any questions or comments please leave them   below otherwise we will see you guys next time on  our homestead that's all right see you guys bye you
Channel: Green Acre Homestead
Views: 852,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green acre homestead, homesteading, diy, green acres, sam and angela, diy couple, mobile home grading, single wide mobile home, setting up a mobile home, moving a mobile home, mobile home transport, disconnect mobile home, mobile home tear down, mobile home break down, single wide, singlewide, palm harbor
Id: bwKec2Cix6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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