FINISHED!!! Moving In & HOUSE TOUR // Renovated Single Wide Mobile Home

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hey everybody Sam here and Angela and Welcome to  our Channel this is probably the number one video   that anyone watching our Channel following us has  been waiting for this is a video that's going to   cover the house being finished and us moving in  the house in the last video we finished up the   trim in the house that meant that we were waiting  on collectors fulfill the rest of the stuff that   needed to be done before we could get moved in  right as far as contractors we had to have the   HVAC which is our Mr Cool multi-zone mini split  hooked back up we did that ourselves in North   Carolina but since this was considered a new  construction here in Tennessee we had to have a   licensed person pull the permit for electrical and  they needed someone's name on the paper with the   county as far as who did HVAC and it actually  ended up good too because they needed to add   some more of the coolant back into the system  which made it nice and cool for us in the house   definitely it's very nice to now know that our  mini splits are hooked back up correctly properly   and the whole system's been checked out there  were no leaks and just needed topped off from   the move so while we were playing the waiting  game we decided to get all of our stuff out of   storage and bring it to our home wait what storage  what are you talking about give them something we   had all of our furniture and extra clothes and you  know all of our belongings in a small storage unit   in North Carolina so we decided to rent a big  U-Haul truck go take a day and bring all of our   stuff home not exactly sure when this is going to  work into what video but it's one of those things   that I wanted to film while it's happening we  are here in our home our 1988 Palm Harbor single   wide mobile home although honestly the outsides  1988 the inside is a 2022 model pretty much all   it's all been redone by this point it is looking  nice we have a 26 foot U-Haul truck that is full   of all of our stuff that we brought over from  North Carolina it's a beautiful day not as hot   as it has been so it was the perfect time to go  ahead and bring it over before the craziness of   inspections begin so we have the truck backed  up here at the house and one of the reasons we   built our front deck like we did number one  because we could because the property's flat   and amazing but number two is for this exact  reason so let me turn the camera around and let   you guys see what we got cooking so here's the  beauty of the deck that I can just walk right   into the truck get what I need and walk right  back out no steps no transfer anything like that here we are now let's get unloaded we've  got just a little bit of stuff in here   don't we yeah how exactly this is a 26 foot  box truck how did all of this fit in a 10   by 10 storage unit this actually didn't we  had it in a couple of different places but   the 10 by 10 unit was totally full packed like  a can of pork and beans it was let me tell you   oh there it is anybody wants to come and help here  we are right here today it's one day only okay so   our plan of attack is we can't put the stuff  in all the individual rooms we still have just   a tiny bit of finish work on our molding and trim  like caulking the corners and stuff like that and   we've got a lot of tools still in the kitchen  dining room area so what we're going to do is   put the majority of the stuff here in the living  room behind me this room's totally done this room   is clean so we're going to use up that whole  Corner the boys room is also completely done   so we are going to clean their room probably  mop it as well and then every bit of furniture   toys and clothes we're gonna go ahead and put  in their bedroom might as well put their stuff   in there they could also hang out and play in  there or whatever and that just kind of makes   sense since their room is completely done we'll  fill it up with what it needs the rest of it goes   in here in the living room behind me unless  it's not house stuff and then well it goes   to the workshop or the carport or I don't know  somewhere else where you can find to put stuff I have a surprise for you what is it these  are your new dining room chairs what the   new table is supposed to be here but maybe  tomorrow I bought you the dining room set oh   did you know no you really didn't know no  I didn't know it's taking forever forever   to ever surprise there you go that yeah  that's a total surprise it's a bad surprise well we have gotten everything unpacked as you  can see as you can hear the boys room has been   put together already I figured it would be good to  go ahead and do that because as we're finishing up   in the rest of the house the boys can go ahead  and get their toys unpacked and have new things   that they've not seen in five months to play with  and you know make them have something busy to do   but it's gotten a lot smaller in here I have to  say the living room is very full but this is the   room that has been completely done we're waiting  on a few bits of trim and like our bedroom and   that type thing and then we can start moving  stuff throughout unpacking a little bit that   type thing I don't know when this will air  on what video no clue but it's real time   what happened what just happened we just  passed our electrical inspection we did so   we are officially good electrical wise the last  thing to do is our building inspection with the   county but that's gonna be a piece of cake they  just make sure the house is not on the property   lines they make sure we have underpinning or  skirting and that we have portraits and decks   I think we're good on that front I think  we're good pretty amazing pretty awesome   just wanted to shoot a short clip like  I said I don't know where this is going   to end up in what video but this is us happy  and honestly I'm starting to unpack stuff yeah   so with everything moved into the home we I think  was around middle of the week when that happened   we had to still wait for the county to give us  our Co but they did exterior inspections that went   great wonderfully no problems there which meant  then the county tells the power company they're   good work them in your schedule to run the wires  and actually give them power in the house what   stinks it was right at the weekend so we had to  make the choice of whether we wanted to go ahead   and move in or stay in the camper longer I don't  think there was ever a chance that we were going   to choose to stay in the camper longer we had  spent five months in that camper family of four   29 foot camper so we all unanimously voted house  because we had more room we had our beds and we   had everything we needed minus air conditioning  because we didn't have official power power I   hooked our generator up to the house which gave  us everything we needed but only the 120 volt   circuits so no hot water and no air conditioning  were the two biggest things we really missed it   was a very hot weekend we sweated in our beds but  we were in our beds and we took cold showers a   couple of times but hey you're burning up at that  point so right yeah the showers were pretty rough   you get away with that by just letting it out and  scream through the whole thing but for me the the   hot nights and sleeping at night with it still  being like upper 80s close to 90 degrees in the   house that was miserable it was but it made it  so much better when we finally got our power on they just left now we can go out  here turn the generator off and   work on disconnecting our home from our  off-grid system and connecting to the grid take a break all Feller take a break so I'm walking out here to our  meter base and I'm going to flip   our main breaker and then we'll go  in the house and turn everything on good grief I didn't put the panel back on good foreign turn on the main breaker got them popped now we'll  start turning light circuits on your fans this one that's the one I'm  most excited about guys this one oh yeah mini split number one most exciting part  about having real power versus off-grid Power   we've not had any kind of air conditioning in  the house we've been in here I think about four   days now the hottest it's got in the house is  93 degrees even with fans and windows open ugh   that thing right there is set on 62 and I  think that's a good place to start we'll   see if we need to go colder after that so when  the power company showed up to hook us up I just   played reverse peeping Tom and watched and filmed  them do their work from inside the house I didn't   want to go out there and Bug them I definitely  wasn't going to go out there with a camera being   the one guy filming about six guys doing their  work so suffice to say this is the footage you   got and all they really did was just push the  wire through the conduit which is already put   in place and everything and connected stuff up  I think whenever it actually came time to flip   the switch you weren't here so it was able to  just be a fun thing for me to do and the most   important thing of that was turning on the ACs  Legit by the first time I think I set them to   about 62 degrees and by the time you got home it  was nice and cool it was like coming into a hotel   room I guess like you know how cool it feels  and oh yeah well especially after our living   situation yes living in a camper did you go into  your house air conditioning wow big big difference   so I think this brings us to the number one thing  you're all waiting to see I think we're ready to   give them the finished home tour yes let them see  the place I think it is time that we let you guys   into our home and let you just view it check it  out and see our space as best as we can convey   it to you and hopefully you're as excited  and happy to see this as we were to move in thank you foreign thank you thank you foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign hopefully the footage that we shot does it  justice a little bit to let you guys kind   of get a feel and a sense for the home how  the colors that you picked look awesome the   flooring you picked looks awesome and you know  maybe I did something too that looks alright   I gotta say the floor plan changes we did  changing the pantry putting our washer and   dryer stacked building The Pantry in the kitchen  it it's amazing it fills everything it really felt   like coming home to a new home even though it's  still our old home it's like it's very odd but it   very it felt new we still find ourselves or  at least I will catch myself looking out the   window any window I'm just thinking that's so  weird because I used to look out this window in   North Carolina and the terrain in the view was  totally different or at night when a car will   drive by we're wondering what that was because  again in North Carolina it was totally different   topography in North Carolina we were way up on  the hill so any lights that we saw from cars   going by was way down below but now it's almost  up a little bit so it's like whoa is that like   a UFO or something like that like yeah no UFOs  yet no like Angela said it is interesting and   kind of odd to have effectively a brand new  home and to have spent so much time inside   there renovating and working but then the final  like flip of the switch click move in and you're   actually in there you know I don't know you got  your socks on and you don't have to worry about   the way weather you can just throw clothes in  the washer and dryer big deal big deal we never   shared it with you guys on videos but the whole  time we were in the camper our washing machine   set on the front concrete porch from our Workshop  it was hooked up with garden hoses and an outdoor   propane water heater and your clothes dryer was  an umbrella Style which meant Clothesline Laundry   only got done on sunny days and it only got  done if there were how many hours it took to dry   and then if you left it out too late and it got  due on it so you had to wait till the next day   and hope it didn't rain and it was a mess and  it's great to know that it can be eight o'clock   at night and already dark and I can put in a load  of laundry and just go ahead and throw it in the   dryer yeah in fact the other night I literally  started a little laundry at like 10 30 at night   he did you were like why are you doing laundry and  I said because I can and I can dry it they can sit   there overnight it's the modern conveniences in a  home that we take we took for granted and being in   the camper and doing laundry outside and all the  stuff we've gone through the past five months has   taught us to really appreciate and our boys too  they never did laundry but I am guarantee you they   love well they love having their bedroom back and  their shower and their toys all of their toys so   while they've not come forward directly and said  we love it we love being in our house we can tell   that they're more comfortable and gosh it's a lot  better situation than the camper so while we tried   to catch everything we did on camera eagle-eyed  viewers might see that the kitchen cabinets look   a little bit different did you do something to the  kitchen cabinets I did we replaced the knobs and   pulls in there from like the satin nickel finish  to a oil rubbed bronze to Black I can't remember   which it is but it gives it a whole different feel  and we have a new cast iron sink to go go in with   a viewer bot faucet that'll match everything but  it's just one of those things we were not putting   off the move anymore we were ready to get in right  this new cast iron sink that Angela speaks of is   not new she got it from a habitat store and you  got it when we lived back in North Carolina we   knew we're moving the house at that point so I  said you know what I'm not doing this project   just just save it it has lived in my workshop  it's still over there maybe it's yes something   we're going to do so I guess that also answers the  question a lot of people ask your house is done is   that it are you done no we're definitely not done  doing videos you may have noticed in the video   that the master bath has not been shown there were  some people that got us gifts for that room but we   decided that we did not like the bright yellow  and I think some people had commented on that   it just doesn't fit the rest of the house but  that doesn't mean the gifts we got aren't going   to work I'm still using that color scheme we're  just going to get the walls a different color   yeah and let it be toned down a little bit  right also that room needs I don't want to   say the word renovation ever again but it needs a  little bit of face lifting new floor not subfloor   but Floor Covering new paint probably a little  drywall touch up and then Angela's also wanting   some kind of a storage something put in there  so there's projects coming along even though   the house is finished we've got bathroom projects  we're going to do sometime kitchen sink there's   that big wooden cabinet in the dining room that's  going to be done that's a separate little mini   project we want to do and so I don't know if  you like how stuff stick around we're going   to continue to do it but it's just not going  to be 100 house stuff now because we have an   entire other property that's been put off for  five to six months on things that we need to   do well guys thanks for coming along for our final  Reveal video if you have any questions or comments   please leave them below otherwise we'll see you  guys next time on the homestead see you guys bye thank you ah smudged it ah smudge well guys time well guys time  well what time is it last time   what well guys thanks for coming along for our  whole journey as we did everything it's done well   guys thanks for coming along for our final review  video if you have any questions or comments please   leave them below and other time otherwise at the  last second I know well guys thanks for foreign I can't just cut shot to be grinning big  we're Sam's eyes good well guys thanks for   coming along for our final review review reveal  review yep the bird is throwing me off all the   bloopers in the last 30 seconds well guys thanks  for coming along for our final reveal see it's the   bird this is where you start hitting me for  some reason come on throw something that in and now let's throw something at the bird   I almost started laughing but I had to hold  it in so bad because that one yes take 50. wow I don't know I just gotta feeling it's gonna  be really stressful to shoot because there's   so much we gotta say how do we tell the story  when there's so much to tell oh no I like my   hair this short I feel super fluffy I think  the it's showing your fluff well you you hadn't   trimmed here I like as fluffy as I feel you're  kind of fluffy honey so it's like it's better
Channel: Green Acre Homestead
Views: 199,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green acre homestead, homesteading, diy, green acres, sam and angela, diy couple, single wide mobile home, single wide, mobile home drywall, mobile home renovation, mobile home remodel, mobile home repair, single wide remodel, single wide repair, mobile home makeover, living room, living room renovation, mobile home design, house tour, home tour, mobile home tour, renovation tour, finished home, new home, moving day
Id: 7IKF1N5_8qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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