BadBoyHalo’s Bedwars Strategy Is Slowly Making Me Insane...

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what's up guys in today's video we decided to try bad boy halo's hiding tactic the super professional one because bad boy halo is just a genius that's it oh and subscribe come on subscribe okay bad here is the concept we continue from the last strategy and we we win okay i'm gonna go get emeralds got it okay give me your iron give me your iron give me now give me all your give me all right okay thank you go hurry hurry alright okay now listen skeppy what we can do is we can actually share the resources okay so we need to be smart okay but you're not gonna find sharing no i will share just i'm giving you a heads up what the muffin how did he get past you i would kill and kill him all right well let's just play this well great scubby now you have to not die i'm not gonna die you don't die okay no you don't die oh they added like christmas gifts for christmas oh good will that help us not die yeah it'll help because i'll get us here protection he's literally coming skeptic get ready we need to alternate alternate he'll go all right my turn my turn go go go hit him one more turn we need to heal up get a gap here i can't afford one take one take one take one okay nice okay heal up get ready the little muffin head's gonna be coming again okay this is gonna get him wait a minute we can still do the strategy no we are gonna do this oh okay bat we didn't need the bed anyway here he comes ray ray ray ready good stuff good stuff good stuff all right good job not scary lol i know but they're they're bothering us scary what are we gonna do do you think he knows nah there's no way i got his diamond i got his diamonds i'm giving it away okay back up back up oh my gosh got one all right all right next time okay perfect oh my goodness we need to deal with these muffin heads skipping should we just like get their bed do you think yeah wait um i don't know i'm a little bit worried about that if you come behind me i think we got this are you behind me are you behind me no i'm not behind you uh i'll figure it do not go i need you i need you i need you i'm here i'm here i'm here just cover yourself all right all right i have like five hearts dad watch out got him good stuff let's go did you get their bed no let's go behind you get b that i had like no hearts okay i'm a speed bridger it's okay let's get him wait wait wait he's bridging back up back up scummy what he's bridging i'm going through him i don't think we should do this and you're still doing that either way it's jumping i said i don't think we should do it why did you do it you know what this is your oh is that my fault i said nothing i literally heard the oh my nickname my nickname is what got us killed are you kidding me your name is literally steppy in the name what do you mean my name are you kidding me that dude are you actually i'm going to die i'm literally you are an actor you're actually can you let me concentrate no i'm not yeah bad be quiet i'm trying to concentrate so that i can get us the win no oh look at that look at that oh there it is there it is i don't need my thought i don't need this i don't even oh you got their bed you got it i did it i'm dead because of you no i'm not jumping i don't think we should do this and you went i'm not jumping in the void yeah whose fault is that yours jump in the void let's go now i can play the game without you and win this is amazing do the strategy then oh i'm not doing the strategy without you i have respect for you exactly what do you mean i could do it but i don't want you you couldn't do it i literally could i just don't want to do it without you jump in the void you're basically afk let's go do it how am i basically afk that is actually a really mean insult you're like an afk you call me an npc why don't you you basically see that a guy in our base who gives us stuff the guy you're looking at he's more valuable than you as a teammate shut up okay it's not upsetting so rude you're so rude because you decided to die and you're blaming it on me like that is the definition of someone who is bad someone who has to blame everything on someone else yeah whatever this is literally you know it's true you're the reason we lost oh why look at me my name is skeppy i got tnt yeah i have lots of tt i have iron armor i have good stuff and you would have good stuff too if you're still not you're bad if only you had skill to go with them you'd be more valuable if you just stood in there and handed me you'd be more valuable if you muted your mic oh sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry that i didn't mean it okay no no i ever give wait what step skip go back go back why look what look what go back you'll see it what i'm down why look at that thing that's like me pushing you off i love it that's literally trying you're dying why did they do this there were chances i changed why did you do that i was looking at that you jerked oh whatever i don't care oh here comes this guy to kill you this is it game over um um um um um you know what if you win this i'll give you five pennies and then went through that one through oh here we go it went through dude i want five people yep you're dying no i'm not yeah no how did that guy not kill you because i'm the best you're so squishy and he couldn't squishy squishy what do you mean i'm squishy it's like weird no it's not no one has ever said that that's weird literally look it up it means when someone's like easy to kill dude okay squishy you've got no it's literally a phrase i'm not even meaning stop being weird oh okay you won't forget it you're just uncultured am i uncultured i'm trying to a gamer a true gamer oh here we go oh okay okay i bet you're really happy about that i'm really happy that i'm gonna win oh it's just these two guys left yo i got this you're about to die i'm not oh oh my gosh you're not allowed to say that that's my phrase i don't know you didn't get him or phrase your phrase is like 14 or something like that i don't know i don't care i don't care let me win let me concentrate let me concentrate on winning on a catchphrase you're just trying to distract me so that i lose okay because you can't admit that i'm better than you no in the comments someone come up what skippy's catchphrase yeah guys give me a new catchphrase i'll start using it every video i already know what it is i'm skippy oh my god yeah yeah that's right that's right i'm unstoppable actually i figured out your catchphrase oh come on oh my god why do you what you're not rooting for me man why are you rooting for the enemies what is going on you are going to die there's no way you're going to win this gonna win this if you win this literally i will hop on a plane tomorrow and no you won't stop stop that stop stop saying things stop stop no i'm confident i know you will well you already said it you already said it so now i'm like a really dedicated yeah dedicated to losing no you'll see you'll see no you're going to lose there's no way you're going to win i mean to be fair i have no confidence in these guys but that's how bad you are you're so bad they're going to win these two little muffin heads oh my gosh what what was that how did he do that come on get him guess kevin get skippy buy your plane ticket boy no kill him yes yes come on yes how how buy your place ticket boy zero no you have to win still you haven't won i will never won i will you know what i know what your phrase is gonna be it's gonna be oh no i lost again stop there we go i'm trying real hard to concentrate here and you're not letting me no i don't believe you come on skippy what are you doing what are you doing what the muffin are you doing you're not even playing smart i'm playing it really no you're not i hear these guys what is wrong with these muppets they don't even have like enchantments on their gear i think oh yeah they don't why wouldn't they get protection these guys are annoying me because oh my god playing like and they're not playing together it's like they're not even trying okay we need to redo our bet because these people are no no no no no no no you already said it you already said it i don't care oh my gosh he doesn't even have protection what he bought this oh my god oh please oh please yes oh you're done wait what you're taking like do not give them advice you can't just be giving them advice i'm allowed to i yes i can you can't do that yes i can that's unfair that's unfair he's invis i think oh my goodness it won't let me dm them good what is this i can't believe you're actually trying to dm them i am trying because they're bad they need advice they're not that bad but they aren't getting diamonds i knew it i knew it i knew it no no no no no no i'm not allowed to use commands as a spectator no did you fall no i [Music] i lost because i can't hear anything i was trying to listen to him being invis and every five seconds you're just like i'm gonna dm them fine let's go again let's go again right now oh what is this easily you could have won that oh that's so weird so annoyed at you you're annoyed at me you are the definition of annoying dumb you just put things on the line just to mess with my head you're bad so you're bad literally and physically you're bad literally and figuratively you didn't even pick the right map i don't even care about the map i don't even care about this anymore okay anymore fine no listen maybe we can do the strategy here no we're not doing the strategy i don't know we have if anything you should apologize to me because you died no for being a jerk oh my goodness that's right i said it what are you gonna do i'm gonna go to the next bed before they get our bed and you should actually protect the bed this time fine i'll come with you don't come with me protect the bed that's all you're good for protect the bed don't come with you which is it you gotta pick something you gotta be smart about this gate and you're dead no i'm not i'm very good well oh look at that look at that good job skippy you're on fine fine i'll protect the bed they want you it's going to be so well protected literally nobody's going to get in not even us not even us yeah that's how protected it is i put something in the wrong spot goodness actually i shouldn't calm down i just need to calm down i'm still like flustered right now yeah you do need to calm down i'm calm i'm relaxed i'm calm you are not calm i am i am i'm calm no you're not and you're bad dude are you dumb okay you're supposed to put the wool outside and this stuff inside yeppy no this is called the smart strategy oh my god what are you laughing at you're so bad what are you laughing at what why are you laughing i ain't laughing at anything good i'm making a hot dog good i want to eat one right now no it's the hot dog strawberry yes it's a great strategy thank you all right do me a favor do me a favor do me a favor okay purchase a fireball right now i don't have enough for a firewall all right tell me once you have enough i'm not gonna have enough kill him knock him off knock him off i don't wanna hear it i don't wanna hear i'm very annoyed right now can you buy a fireball yet no there's a guy oh they can afford fireballs you get him okay i got him good bye he'll pull that buy he'll pull with what with the diamond i threw you okay can you buy a fireball or no he'll pull oh can you buy a fireball or not no almost throw it at whitehead right now throw that whitehead right now right now right now wherever we go done it's on its way nice oh there's a guy in our base guppy good job good job man good job i got it quick quick i got it oh my goodness he's minding our base he got our bed he got our bed i'm gonna die skippy scotty help oh my god no i'm not oh my god he killed me oh good good i'm put in the same position as last time and i can prove myself again okay say this say the thing again no i'm not you know what fine i'll say yes say it if you win this i'll fly out to meet up with you tomorrow yes okay okay okay i'm back in the same position okay okay wait okay hold on okay no no no no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god this guy oh my god oh my goodness that went through him hypixel is scaring me oh my goodness come on come on please look i'll meet up with you eventually i just tomorrow no no no it's getting me just perfect i'm going to win four fights okay you're gonna lose this coming back you're dude it's our nicknames i'm telling you bad they know it's us no they don't they they do they really do they keeps coming back for no reason yeah these times i'm gonna die no buff villager is literally going to kill you right now he knows oh no it's your stupid nickname here he comes come on here he comes oh my goodness oh what is wrong with buff villager listen dude you need to support me once in a while no i'm not going to support you i want buff villagers to kill you you might just want to win this game i just want to win this game and then that piece after i win this game oh my god they're both coming for me you need to just die die skeppy jump in the void right now gaby no oh my goodness did she just tell her you're running you're running back to our base the hot dog is already broken scuffy oh my goodness here it is here it is dude there they're so annoying they're so annoying they came back 20 times you probably dm them i did not i literally did not can we change our nicknames no we're going to win all right last one if we don't win this it proves you're bad okay add up i think it's fair like saying if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bike what does that even mean not even close at all oh my goodness you don't even know math oh really what's 8 times 72 that's right you don't know that's a big number give me a second eight times seven eight times seventy oh eight times seven yeah seriously that's too easy you didn't even answer it all right it's 56 56 no no it's 56 i mean you don't know your time tables i know my time samples because eight times six you need to go back 64 middle school could you imagine that bad boy halo in middle school again i could see that you know what i'm not talking about you'd be arguing with the little kids you'd be like i want nap time i'm not playing i could see that leave me alone i want muffins i hate the naughty word did you say language to the kids in middle school no you didn't why not i literally don't like it true to your roots okay what do you want to do for this game i want to win solo oh you want to win without me that's like my mission here i'm gonna go camp somewhere you try and win with it okay okay okay same thing good luck no i'm not saying that say the thing all right i don't care okay fine the thing is steppy yes if you win yes that will prove you're very good wow okay why did they just kill you no oh my god i killed him i killed him i killed him oh [Music] i was going to win why did you kick us out what if i had one you know what i bet if you just sat there and watched you'd watch me win really you'll test it all right let's test it test it you're gonna die so quick i'm sitting back and relaxing all right and i'm gonna do that no no listen i'm gonna do the heidi thing no no no no no no you go you go and kill the base right next to us okay dude you just okay okay all right we'll work together stick true to your word for even five seconds be blue you gotta kill them and we need to take all their iron okay so go go go go go go here i'll help all right bad there's a guy okay all right let's do this back up okay try and knock them off i did it i did it i did it i did it i did it it was so nerve-wracking all right i'm sorry listen based on your track record i'm not cute you're good shut your mouth so i can get their bed okay go go go muffin them i'm on my way i'm following you all right help help help i'm hurrying i'm okay kind of low am i supposed to get there ah bad bad bad get here get here i put team together i put t i put two knocked one of them off and they're in there in there got that you got that you got that fudge ah i didn't get any blocks ah good job no oh i was so close i watched you die i was close you usually have a track record for that kind of stuff i gave you all of the items no you didn't yes you literally picked up all of them i didn't take any because i'm literally here get me help okay i got one here you killed that guy i'm going in go go go in go ahead go ahead i got it i got it i got it all right don't go in don't go in i haven't tried tnt i'm so far behind you i knew that was gonna happen i thought you were right there i told you not to go in i said don't go i dropped it good good good i'm on my way all right i couldn't even get it i had little hearts man wow they're so bad oh you i thought you were good at the games how does someone get so bad oh fudge instant karma stop don't laugh at me stop it i need to boost my confidence you know what let's let's say nice things right did you take the tt i threw it i threw it i have one heart wow one heart skippy go go go in got him okay i dropped the tnt all right here we go i'm gonna take it oh their bed's gone so like yeah oh good okay let's just knock that guy off then kill them kill them try and kill at least one you know i got that you know i got that okay that's perfect now we got one i got one strap all right well i jumped off the map it's not smart skippy i know it's not smart i didn't mean to all right yeah i know you didn't mean to but does that really help blue guy meaning to okay he's just chilling up there look at it he's such a muffin head oh that hurt my life skippy get him i'm i'm dead oh my goodness don't call me don't talk kill him i'm right there i'm right there i'm not even gonna follow up let him run let him run let's just do the strap and then we will win okay everybody in this game is gonna keep killing us no he's gonna leave us alone now because he got what he wanted you think so he's back he's back he's back nevermind he's back scary here get inside let's just get resources okay okay we'll just chill here good idea let's just show let's just relax all right okay i'm here he's here he's here telling him to kill me i got him i got him i got him good we got him okay let's continue the strap all right i got a sharpness apples not sure how much that helps us but all right i'll get us emeralds okay sound like a plan that does sound like a plan two three one two three one two three one two three one two three oh i got him two three how are you holding up bad good i'm just trying to get the stuff this is a lot harder to build than i thought it would be well on the bright side i got emeralds yes that is good i have seven emeralds how would you like to spend them uh just get like good gear for you okay oh okay all right there we go the thing should be built i think it looks okay all right let me have a look yeah that looks really good bad thank you oh it looks like there's only one bed left oh perfect okay we need to get stacked and then we'll hide in the thing three boom we got it okay we're good we're good skippy we're good are you ready yes okay hurry back we can hide okay let's do it i think we're ready i think so too i think there's nothing holding us back anymore except the fact that we don't have a heel pull what oh my goodness we don't but now we do let's go all right let's do it let's do it let's do it okay are you ready i'm ready follow me power up right here and just go inside okay go skippy go get up in there all right all right i'm doing it i'm doing no no right here right here no no no don't tower up there tower up from there okay go straight up no no no scare me i'm sorry stop i'm sorry why just destroy it what are you doing what do you mean get down here find you get it run uh-oh get inside get inside we'll heal up he's dead we got him we got him okay tower up you you do it first i'll follow you i don't know what you mean no just tower oh oh okay okay okay what are you doing i didn't know oh my gosh you're an actual ow what are you doing move over you can hurry all right go go there's no room stand over you can't move in here here go move over move over now okay okay now move move get up somewhere all right all right go go up there go up oh oh i see it now i see it there's a guy coming there's a guy coming okay oh my gosh crouch crouch all right five guys okay okay good good good go up here go up right here go up there perfect just go i'm up all right come on hold your mouth okay i have to break this as i tower we can't make it too obvious that we like went in here okay okay oh my god now we wait we wait do you see oh he's there he's there skip me you know he's fine i don't know we need to take the bat out oh no the last two ah scabby this isn't gonna work how did he know i have no idea he might as well because he yeah you won't forget it let's just go kill him actually you know what we have some blue wool do you want to hide at blue base sure here come over here quick skevi i just got a great idea he's behind me okay okay just kill him and then come over here okay he's coming i'm gonna try and knock him off yeah try and try and kill him before he comes over are you gonna fudge no kill him skippy dang it hey bad what happens if i win nothing happens if you win what happens if i win back you know what oh you're feeling awfully confident aren't you tell me okay fine if you win i will fly out and meet with you sometime tomorrow fine yes okay okay okay third channel third chance that's all i need oh look who's here actually i'm not helping you what am i doing these guys are actually good actually never mind that guy had a wooden sword oh my gosh let's go let's go let's go on take back this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it i just need to break the red i can do this i am capable oh no it's over there stacking the emeralds defending the emeralds oh no and then i'm golden come on guys kill him no no no what are they doing no no no no no no this is actually not good no no they literally have wooden swords come on guys get back and all the muffins and then kill skeppy oh but at what cost bad at what cost no cost i hope they get you oh here they come no what are you doing they just got a bunch of emeralds don't attack noah [Music] yes oh skeppy maybe next time 1v1 versus batboy halo i'm sad right now because of reasons that have occurred in the last three games of my bad boy's career but i don't want to talk about it and it doesn't matter and now we're just going to 1v1 and i need to become happy and i'll be happy when i win you are getting beaten you little muffin head oh look at that shiny head that i hate you tiny oh wow okay you're just mad that you lost so many games i hate you tell me how you really feel i am so aggravated don't care all right well let's just see this if you want i'll just kill you real quick and then that's that yeah we'll do this 1v1 i'll kill you you'll cry and rage quit and then i'll win i'll cry in a rage quit yeah because your name is skeppy and that's literally what you do you're gonna be sad when i win you're gonna be good you know i did a poll on my channel bad i did a poll on my channel and you know what the poll said what who is taller bad boy halo and then there was three options that said skeppy and you know who won brad where halo skeppy well that's just because you put and then i did a poll today on my channel and i said who is taller skeppy skeppy skeppy or checkmark and you know who won who skeppy no so you are not taller people think i'm taller than you they don't they know that i'm the tallest oh i'm alive i'm alive boy okay i'm not alive i'm not alive but you're literally about to die no you're literally about to die oh my goodness come on i'd be worried if i were you yeah i would be worried i'd be running away right now oh my goodness come on i'm on the hunt bye oh hey there's this guy who doesn't have any protection on his bed oh yeah what's his name is his name is muffin head nope it's skippy all right well you motivated me hey good i'm glad i give you motivation you motivated me what can i say was it worth it was it worth it yes it was it worth it dang it rematch i win i win i'm happy again i'm happy again celebration music in the background i'm happy i'm happy to be the best i'm leaving i want to talk to you right now goodbye all right bye stupid
Channel: Skep
Views: 630,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Id: aAMM_FxfW14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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