FIRST TIME WATCHING * Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl * MOVIE REACTION

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just [Music] trism TR yes guys how you doing welcome to justra sash welcome oh you're doing impression of pirate no I'm doing an impression you when you get pirated in the eye daddy chill yes guys how you doing welcomeing so insult in to an immigrant who's been in this country for 11 years and she's doing stop doing that that's your only joke and no it isn't yes it is well it's your only joke making fun of the the guy that can't speak English yet you can't even read the Star Wars thing like it's so like shut up we are the gift that gifts on giving because you keep on giving keeps on giving you got that twice we are the gift that keeps on giving you are good boys and good girls you sat on our laps and you've been very good and we decided to give you the gift it's so creepy Pirates of the Caribbean oh he's such a creep M Hardy actually before we get into it remove your stupid pillow out of the way so they could see the mer you always have this stupid pillow we have to look show it to them sell it to them look at this we've got with new merch we've got the new merch old merch Classic this is the classic merch ashon I'm just showing it to them you've got the new merch this is the classic merch when Ash this is how Ash saw himself back in the day yeah that's a bit rude but we're going to keep realistic merch now so we've got the symbolism merch right and you can only get that exclusively on patreon okay so make sure you go to patreon to get this merch and then eventually you could get this one as well also head down to our patreon to get the mommy f l reaction the Pirates of the Caribbean full length reaction we've got Star Wars we've got Hunger Games we love you guys also I forgot you got to make sure you head down to your girls Channel okay it's popping up up there go check out your Game of Thrones and stranger things so if you can't get enough of your girl on this channel then go to her Channel and get those reactions we love you guys let's get into this oh can I have some water please I'm Captain Jack Sparrow not sure I deserve it Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl wow K nightly beautiful getting me nervous who is she or me you are listen she was in Bender Like Beckham and you know the symbolism here I'm sure you can see it as well okay Bend you know it Daddy chill yeah like Beck bend that Arch Back look at this I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today the ceremony Captain norrington's promotion ceremony fine Gent baby it's a corset is you yeah that's if I had a boat if I was a pirate every single person would be wearing a corset and everyone would be woman no one would attack you why would they attack you they've got women with big tits we got women with you know small tits but they're wearing a it's beneficial for everyone so they're not going to attack you they're going to save you they're going to try and sleep with them and then when they sleep with them we kill them we get the boat now number two the beneficial factor for me is I get to sleep with them as well number three everyone's on Equal Pay Here even my flag would have a bones with corset on it coret bring corsets back Hannah has two and it's amazing on her wow look at here he is what an entrance what an entrance let's see his boat it's sinking it's an actual boat oh my God tiny it's a little boat this is had some trouble here's a symbolism for you everyone this is for free symbolism about no no this is a symbolism look listen to this no listen to this listen to this when life gives you a sinking boat where life gives you a bad day okay you don't complain look at him he's not complaining he's happy he's getting the water out of his boat this man Embraces his bad days and he Embraces it properly okay embrace your bad days that is a symbolism for free for you how many coffees have you had and he is clearly a pirate look at [Applause] this wow that sing that is really when life gives you a sinking chip use it as an opportunity and look he using his opportunity stepping stone to your next destination wow what did you say to three Shilling we forget the name welcome to Port Roy Mr Smith Mr Smith I love how that's just the name to go to isn't it and he just stole his money listen land of opportunities instead of crying about your bad days embrace it and you might end up with 15 Shillings symbolism how do we know that he got 15 Shillings this dock is off limits to civilians if I see one I shall inform you immediately but it seems to me that a a ship like that makes this one here a bit Superfluous really what a word what is that super perus but there's no shipers can match the Interceptor for Speed I've heard of one the black pear the black pear that's in the title cuz PS are white and this one's black That's crazy cuz it's been corrupted by evil you haven't seen it yes I have I just want to milk his beard there's no real ship as can match The Intercept I confess it is my intention to comment one of these ships pick up a crew and Tor to G raade pillage plunder and otherwise P for all weasle black guts W he's he's got yeah really he's got like the he's like is related to Bellatrix Bellatrix strange it's like part of her ancestory you look lovely Elizabeth yeah that corset ain't helping her no deep breaths deep breaths a marriage to a fine woman oh my God he's about to is that not the same Giza when she was a child on the boat yes that came up to her I'm a bit nervous myself oh sh oh on the Rocks she's dead she's 100% dead wow look oh [ __ ] this is some like Paranormal [ __ ] it's a pirate thing though remember don't tell me they're coming to life but saving her now he's going to get like instead of 15 Shillings he's going to get 69 Shillings maybe oh wow what was it Ashan the coet listen it ain't going to going to buy it's going to put me off no cuz you're going to be W in in 5 seconds and I'm going to be turning and I'm going to be stripping you like that you won't be able to undo a coet don't try trust me when I'm horny I can do a lot with a bra strap yet I can do a lot of things when I'm horny don't even worry about it I'm yet to see it you can't kill him yeah absolutely not give him some money I believe thanks are an order there we go that much better oh [ __ ] pirate hang him F keep your guns on him andette the best a man can get no additional shots nor powder a compass that doesn't Point North useless this guy is such a smug prick isn't he yeah you are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of the worst pirate what you have heard of that's so true it is true he must be so good he either must be the dumbest pirate to be known or the strongest pirate to be known finally oh [ __ ] no don't shoot oh my go to me her je is something else you will always remember this is the day that you almost caught Captain ja he must be good to never be caught though getting them man's tanning out his way out of this this is Johnny Deb escaping from Amber herd in court ashon he's literally Jackie Channing his way out of this that's amazing parkouring for days oh my wow look for a guy who acts drunk or he is drunk yeah he's so good on his feet agile and agile and witty donkey yep clever it's not clever they've got to have a sore here though yeah oh he's going to use the donkey oh no to kick it no no oh is that how you move [ __ ] no that is not how you move donkey you burn a donkey's ass no Ash that's not how you do it that's crauel well at least we didn't kill the donkey we use him for a good cause it's will and remember will is is a Smith pirate he's he's just escaping oh my dear Lord what's behind him you have no weapon look what's behind him oh that donkey is look a the poor donkey Oh Hey listen Jack's pretty good at fighting he's so good we we're balancing on a piss off look at this both of them they must be the exact same way oh my God he's so yourself out of that Nimble he's so flexible oh that's so lucky he's got luck on his side this guy he's wearing some lucky charm or something then beads in his head some dangling bead that I'm out I'd say all right go he's a pirate is it he's fighting dirty go he's fighting dirty you cheated yeah pirate this shot is not meant for you oh [ __ ] who is it there you go Miss look even the Mage coret looks banging I don't think she has a coet on she does I can see it from here you can see something from here has my daughter given you an answer yet uh no because she passed out and fell into the sea mate oh my God that is wild it's the Pearl Black Pearl [Applause] what right oh [ __ ] look how dirty they are oh my gosh that what no way these Pirates don't wash they're going to have fleas dangling down from their pubic hairs wow he should have exploded what are the chances look at that friend you have no manner of luck at all no manner of luck at all he does he's going to fit through that Gap he's Nimble as he's a dominatrix well well well look what we have here twe Captain Jack spah wow what what the that's very interesting so there is a Curse of the Black Pearl a curse ing you literally turns you into a pirate flag basically right I don't know that's a symbolism again you have that from for free guys that will be explained surely even Pirates don't like him Sparrow I know hey you were familiar with that ship the Black Pearl I've heard of it they took me swwa I she no profit in it for me I can get you out of here with the right leverage and the proper application wow honestly being a blacksmith look look at where it can get you skill a trade if you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the black pear and your bonny L bony bony Bonny Bonnie Bonny Oh I thought he was calling it like really bony or something no Bonny L bny get me W to ask myth bosses if this is real this is amazing look at the sign behind it someone would have heard that without my I'm really enjoying this I love the way he runs it's like he's doing like a middle eastern woman dance you know how does that work well they're above water level and the boat is floating on top so no one can see them you don't know what you're talking about how are they underneath water they in this in in water not drowning there's got to be a way to it the Myth Busters this is crazy listen we also just had a necklace and freaking brain waves over to the Pirates to come and say that like this ain't how that is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen no is it though probably the best it's so yeah it must be embarrassing to still Navy ship yeah like look at your little mates on the boat and there's two of them and he's doing this with his hand it's like he's just teasing them Follow Me if You Dare search every cabin every hole down to the build oh look do you see what they' done do you see what they've done Ash they are so smart that is so clever thank youor he's like they prepped the ship for them they prepped the ship it's amazing he's like a fish he's so slippery that's got to be the best part I've ever seen so it would seem you might have gone right down in my estimations the fact that you would let your pride get in the way of some someone you love and want to marry one more time love marry you knew my father I love because I am your dad good man good pirate I swear you look just like him my father was not a pirate look how smart he is he uses everything around him this man is improvisation on two feet pirate is in your blood boy so you'll have to square with that someday so right look can you sail under the command of airus this descripting this and the choreography and just acting right it's like a beautiful dance it's like everything they had a massive budget no no no it's no cuz movies have amazing budget and they do [ __ ] yeah no you're right this wow this is why we need a corset this is why we need a corset this is why we need a coret I'll tell you mate look at this that woman's a three and with a corset she's a 26 ashon look she's a four but she's a 19 not sure I deserve that does what you from he was against pirate this man would rather be with the pigs than be with that Commander that shows the character of that Commander I'm going after the Black Pearl I know where it's going to be and I'm going to take it oh sh take it it's a Fool's Aron well you know better than me than the tals of the Black Pearl oh look at the what he's talking what makes you think baros will give up his ship to you so Will Turner is is's deliver look even that lady with coret that is the child of bootstrap Bill Turner tell me about him lever says you I think I feel a change in the wind says I when this man talks it's like he's stroking my he give you me a good old rubber it's so it's so te like the way he talks it's so it's like a beautiful storytelling I'm so in the way he talks it makes everything interesting next time the next time that I do a little stroke stroke yeah I'll do that accent for you don't worry about it please don't don't you worry about it I know what you want okay I know what you want now you must be hungry oh she's going to dive in that doesn't look cooked that that it's not crispy oh she's going to get salmonella off for days I don't think that is gooded and the apple apple oh look at this little baby poisoning her you don't know what this is an immortal that removes but a single piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity find it we did we took them all a and now what's happened to them cursed cursed the more we gave him away the more we came to realize food turned to Ash in our mouths that's and all the pleasurable company in the world could not St L that's why he was envious he was envious of her eating right cuz he wants to feel that again they can't even have sex and feel Rel you wouldn't want to live would you thanks to you we have the final piece and the blood to be repaid oh blood sacrifice sense to be killing you she's the blood sacrifice oh [ __ ] what she doing it's not he's not bleeding I'm curious after killing me what is it you're planning on doing next that's true with a butter knife what are you going to do with a butter knife [ __ ] oh she did just St oh my gosh they're all actual like actually dead they're actually dead they're cursed they're all a pirate flag this curse just went oh you want to be a pirate I'll turn into you into a pirate back to the treasure chest they can restore them then they will restore them and become human again and then the monkey dead what the of course for too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it too long I've been starving to death and haven't died wow listen to The Script look at the CG start beli in Ghost Stories Miss Turner look how sick that looks you're in one you're in one what I know it sounds awful because I know then they're clearly not very nice people but I can understand why so desperate for that bit of gold do you know what I mean I can actually understand the motive so well did real treasure isn't silver or gold the real treasure feeling feeling alive symbolism how is it that Jack came by that Cass not a lots known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after The Treasure of the island de Mora that was before I'd met him back when he was captain of the black pear Captain he was the captain Hanah a maroon Jack on an island and left him to die but not before he'd gone mad with the heat he's been through a lot now will when a pirate's marooned he's given a pistol with a single shot one shot shot That's the pistol he had he escaped the island and he still has that single shot oh he won't use it though save on one man Bosa wow he's SI there's so much motive on the fourth morning he roped himself a couple of sea turtles rushed them together and made a WFT wow stop best pirate what did he use for rope he's caught him in a lie okay human hair from my back from my back what you a middle eastern Dad what's going on here hang on right I tell you what though no I think something I think what happened part of it is true and they just exaggerated in there but he he just came into a bit of luck somewhere and what but what's so sad is that the reason he ended up in that situation in the first place is because he had too much trust and and Barbosa let him down yeah gentlemen the time has come look they're there rash no oh my God no no no no I hate chance like that does it have to do with like a m oh my God he's going to get hit in there oh he's doing something stupid this idiot no they all the curse will be gone now it's not going to work is it how are you going to know you'll feel again did it work yeah I don't feel no different how do we tell oh [ __ ] oh that's a good point actually yeah shoot one you're not dead no the car is still upon us so they're going to lose faith in him now cuz they're going to think he's chatting [ __ ] why your father William Turner they thought look oh it needs to be William that's that's why he's the leverage he's the liage it didn't work look at this idiot it's quite sexy the way he grabbed her face though I know you see that yeah TR me I saw it you and your coets let me have a moment Orlando Bloom is your corset I'm sorry oh my God blackith hands I know they're rough I mean yes they are but blacksmith's hands rough but don't stop wow she wants to get fingered by them rough no you got to relax did she oh he's going to choke her oh a t it's the necklace I'd bring this closer like this and I kiss her that'll be how smooth I would be of the TS I the only one who hasn't committed Mutiny if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die I would have an equal share in that curse same as you yeah that's why look at the way he's eating an apple look he's pissing him off look look look got [Music] oh but the poor monkey can't even eat and enjoy it Jack needs an animal though that's what he's missing I feel like he needs something on his shoulder do you know what I mean no because he wouldn't be able to look after an animal and then what well thank you Jack you're welcome not you we Nam the monkey Jack oh my days and the monkey smiled [Music] at but he's underwater yeah yeah yeah so he didn't die there's no way he died look at this wet sexy and she's wet symbolism she goes free yes you're legol ass and he's a legless pirate come on man my name is Will Turner my father was bootstrap Bill Turner that be the same little island that we made you governor of on our last little trip oh that's the island he was left at perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous Escape but I doubt it I don't doubt it at all do you how did you escape last time last time I was here a grand total of three days all right oh it's exaggerated the r runners use this island as a cash came by and I was able to bought a passage off of your bloody friend sington for that the whiskey will be aged though yeah you spent 3 days lying on a beach drinking R welcome to the Caribbean L that people pay good money for holidays like that yeah exactly instant concern sunburn we ain't got any F 50 on Jesus Christ oh no no she's trying to get signals out the rum yes the rum is gone why is the rum gone that signal is over 1,000 ft High the entire Royal Navy is out looking for me do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it but why is the rum gone he's got shoot look this is this is you don't take away the Rob take away problem it is true though that's a lot of smoke yeah and actually her plan has they'll be no living with her after this her plan worked Mr Sparrow you will accompany These Fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to ELA DEA you will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase silent as the grave silent as the grave that might be a foreshadowing for commodor you know commodor ain't going to be commanding [ __ ] when he's silent in the grave you see my way with words I see your way with words I hear your way with words just a prick it a finger few drops of blood he's only half Turner We spill it all a they're going to kill him do you think Americans think when they go to a PB we speak like that it's not far off is it yeah yeah I mean you yeah but you don't go to pubs no no when I worked in the pub people actually look like that missing teeth eyeballs falling out looking like they've been cursed you don't want to be doing that mate no I really think I do your funeral look he's just putting doubt in his head he words this is good because he's saying if you do that they're all going to kill you because the HMS Dauntless Pride of the royal Navy is floating just offshore waiting and if you make yourselves alive then you will actually die wow killing two birds in one stone ja here Jack always plays both he's not on any team ever he is in Jack Sparrow's team only yeah just not yet wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment he looked at him then that was like a coose yeah it's like a coose opportune moment going keep one he's definitely keeping one in his hand there yeah then won't work yes look at this David bla magic trick David bla magic trig bring the coin behind my ear Jance take a walk there's no way he can believe that though from Jack Sparrow I've got to say something no this movie I was about to say something but I'm not going to say it because look how sick this is this is the thing like as much as it's a curse right now to them it's a [ __ ] blessing we've got a Little Mermaid Under the Sea friller Michael Jackson star ladies and gentlemen you know what your boy's got away with his words I don't know where I'm going but I always land like Jack Sparrow do you understand you're my Jack I am you're my Jack Sparrow look at this guy wow oh my god oh they're going to pretend they're two ladies they always wanted to dress up as ladies look wow he's so natural at this is just like what the Greeks done at Troy Greeks done at Troy I must admit Jack I thought I had you figured me I'm dishonest and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest honestly he's giving you them True Lies this man is so look at that he's literally a drunken master Jackie chanar look even though he's drunk he's disrespecting everyone he cut off the feathers of his hat you can't beat me Jack cuz he can't die you actually can't because he can't die oh [ __ ] oh what hey oh [ __ ] what what what what he was cursed as well I couldn't resist mate couldn't resist mate oh you see oh because he took the cuz he stole from the chest right so if you steal from the chest you just get cursed immediately so what now Jack Sparrow we to be two Immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day or you can surrender I just want Jack Sparrow to say inconceivable I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain you like pain W try wearing a corset yes yes right time oh [ __ ] look they all thinking quickly no stop 10 years you carry that pistol now you waste your shot oh perfect on on time but he hasn't shot him yet but he shot him before he died what oh wait what he shot him before he died he shot him before but now the effect of it I guess yeah you've been shot right the shot shooting doesn't go away I feel it feels wow he's thankful towards him Hannah I think we just killed him look he never got a taste of apple he never got the taste of the apple and their last thing that they feel is death Ash I feel for them though they work so hard to get 800 coins or whatever it was right they got their thing back their life back their soul back and now they going to go to jail they won't go to jail they'll kill them all parlay I feel for them a little bit like they worked really hard yeah I know I know what you mean do you know how hard it is to get 800 cursed coins no this is not fair how is it getting hanged this is not fair Jack Sparrow he known that you had captain captain against the ground look this is um will Robin Hood Jesus Christ will stop it oh [ __ ] oh that's so I thought he was going to cut use it to balance he builds great swords that he can balance on wow that could have really hurt if you got that wrong yeah could have just cut your wrist these are the best look how good they are as a team yeah yeah yeah what's funny Ash is they said earlier that boot Bootleg Bill was on Sparrow's side wouldn't he that's why they killed him yeah and this is his son carrying on exactly he's a pirate and a good man they fall what is going to happen I'm actually feeling rather good about this I think we've all arrived at a very special place ehy look he knows that the crew are nearby Elizabeth it would never have went between us telling she always has a pout look always pouting this is the day that you will always remember as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow he [Music] slipped the person who wrote this script has to be such a fun person yeah like the script is like imag even like I don't like reading yeah I'd be reading a script and just clapping it's so good this is a beautiful sword I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life don't tell me oh my God he's actually God what a turn around what a turn around because he actually obviously cares for Elizabeth what about Sparrow well I think we can afford to give him one day's Head Start wow he's being so nice what in the world I expected him to be a proper Village the ending for me was a little bit disappointing because he was about to get hang hung right and he just got away too easily like I get this guy has luck no no no no but the reason he got away is because of will they came back for him that's so lovely Captain's Sparrow the Black Pearl is yours [ __ ] the Black Pearl is yours wow great movie man yeah really fun so fun wasn't it so fun I think the ending for me like it was a little bit like fairy tale everyone so happy it's not going to ruin the movie for me because I had genuinely just like Mommy I had so much fun watching this like for me it was so breathtaking and refreshing to see your script this fun for me to not even care about the action scenes I'm an action guy but if you have this like the casting and the script are like a it's like everyone in this movie were made to be in this movie We're made to be their characters in this movie it's so good but yes the ending for me was a little bit bit too like you know going into the sunset fairy tale Disney style which I didn't want I wish they still like had some sort of like [ __ ] we got to go kill him or chase him orever whatever yeah but you know this isn't the only one it was too much of like oh is lucky I know but it was that ending if this was if I'm going to judge this movie alone the ending should have been something like he's still a dick he's still Jack Sparrow he's still a pirate should go up we're the British Empire we don't deal with pirates yeah you know there was no like heartache was there no I wish this is the thing I wish there was some sort of death heartache something because for me it was too joyful yeah but is it because they knew they were going to do a second film and it was a bit like the Star Wars thing they're getting they're getting the setting they're getting everyone's character like we're getting it we're understanding it I I agree with you but also disagree because I think if you're going to make just a you shouldn't think of a movie as a FR you should just think of a movie as a single single lone player yeah and I think if you had like a sad ending like one of his crewmates died it no no that's what I'm saying it doesn't take away from how much I loved it but the ending was just a I would have changed the ending bit too yeah wholesome I re I think this was a banging movie banging movie not even a joke so guys hope you enjoyed your reaction thank you so much for watching this with us I love you take care
Views: 224,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pirates of the caribbean, pirates of the caribbean reaction, curse of the black pearl, jack sparrow, movie reaction, pirates of the caribbean theme song, johnny depp, reaction, captain jack sparrow, pirates of the caribbean movie reaction, pirates of the caribbean black pearl reaction, first time watching pirates of the caribbean movie reaction, just trust ash, alex hefner, reaction video, natalie gold, curse of the black pearl reaction, dylan is in trouble, popcorn in bed
Id: BJwYmUtk1BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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