Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Movie Reaction | First Time Watch | ARRRRR!

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think you have what it takes to be a pirate no no I don't like the water that's like the number one number one requirement happy folks welcome back to you me and the movies and N Army I ready the sale the Seven Seas yeah cuz it's time to start a new franchise the Pirates of the Caribbean totally or the Pirates of the Caribbean I like Caribbean better in this context if I'm like saying I'm going on a vacation to the Caribbean yeah but Pirates of the Caribbean just kind of like rolls off the tongue a little bit better it's weird how there's two ways to pronounce it and neither of them are wrong so weird right sure everyone wrong I'm sure everyone will have an opinion and they're still going to type it the same way yeah it's still spelled the same way so why haven't you watched these I don't know I CU you're such a hipster in high school you're like I'm everybody likes this movies I don't want to see it it was like high school time right junior high high school for me and I want to say I thought it was probably too scary okay the Curse of the Black Pearl and then also if it was high school I just didn't have a lot of time then yeah busy with sports so I didn't watch a lot of anything egg stuff all right well uh Johnny Depp Orlando Bloom Kira nightly I like all of them here you go should we jump in and sail the seven seas are you ready to walk the plank yeah I'm excited all let's do it but first like comment subscribe come hang out with us for the beginning of the Pirates of the Caribbean yeah well it's the first one we're going to be watching the whole franchise right it's the beginning of the franchise that's what I meant so you subscribe so you're here for the whole franch yeah don't miss a single one we new movie one a week till we're done yeah and check our patreon link down below if you want to watch along with us or if you want Early Access full in com access P help pick watch next links down there check it out let's watch Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl I'm not sure I'm I'm up with your pirate your Arnold kills but a pirate accent is whatever you make it right Pirates are are you know whatever you want them to be pot of everybody a mixing pot Melting Pot that's what I said Melting Pot it's a mixing pot AR mes shiver me timbers well she's [ __ ] creepy she's just singing is that loud is that supposed to be loud no okay quiet Miss cursed Pirates sail these Waters Mr Gibbs that will do she was singing about Pirates bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mared in this unnatural fall how dare she that's why I never sing about Pirates to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves a short drop and a sudden stop hang them by the neck till they're dead you see this is creepy are you scared yeah I'm [ __ ] scared this is creepy as [ __ ] there's no way I would have watched this in High School junior high I'm questioning why we're watching it now honestly oh [ __ ] he'll be in your charge take care of him do you think it's Pirates it's those movies called Pirates of the Caribbean I'm guessing it's Pirates okay maybe they hit like an iceberg or something blew up they're they're in the Caribbean oh no the base in this is intense huh can feel it vibrating on my temples that's what the ocean feels like I don't like base yeah she's hot isn't she oh that's her that's her as an adult oh yeah like 10 years ago she's young in this too this looks like maybe before Pride and Prejudice yeah I think so couple years Elizabeth she's naked may I inquire as to the occasion does a father need an occasion to doubt upon his daughter nope clearly not you're always buying our girl's crap you don't need [Laughter] oops Mr Turner good to see you again oh that's him I have remember he was Lego l in B of the Rings yeah like right after right after impressive very impressive swords are cool do pass my to your master I shall a Craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is a appreciated he probably named that SW well so good to see you I had a dream about it's the little boy from I we gathered that yet yeah that's why I said it's him oh not because it's Orlando Bloom because it's the little boy oh okay gotcha good day Elizabeth he loves her the man of the hour right there [Music] is Tiny boat start [Music] bailing dangerous place for [Music] [Laughter] pirates he made it the dock he didn't even care it's a shilling to tie up your boat the dock What boat and I she need to know your name what do you say to three Shing we forget the name name welcome to Port Royal Mr Smith I think he uh made M on that exchange I don't think he [Music] did hell of a ceremony for just a a promotion he's going to be Commodore though means nothing to me this dock is off limits to civilians I'm terribly sorry I didn't know if I see one I shall inform you immediately but I have seen a ship with black Sals oh and no ship that's not crewed by the doubt could possibly have Black Sails therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Black Pearl is that what you're saying no like I said there's no real ship as can match The Intercept no he's gone I confess it is my intention to Commander one of these ships pick up a crew and toruga raid pillage plunder and otherwise pill from my weasle black G's out I said no lies I think he's telling the truth if he were telling the truth he wouldn't have told us unless of course he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you he's got a point I think he's being truthful yeah oh no he's going to propose to her she's going to pass out cuz she can't take a deep breath I can't breathe yes I I'm a bit nervous myself oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and then they made me their Chief oh [ __ ] that's a long way to fall will you be saving her then I can't swim PR of the king's navor you are do not lose this beautiful dive he's a pro what was that oh no it's awake in the Death Ship or whatever it's called the wind's turning that's how it works it like is triggered when somebody drowns I think the coin hit the water so I never would have thought of that clearly you've never been to [Laughter] Singapore shoot him father do you really intend to kill my rescuer well well Jack Sparrow isn't it Captain Jack Sparrow if you please sir well I don't see your ship captain I'm in the market as it were mean his boat still docked he's still a captain you are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of but you have heard of me that's something identified by his t too finally no no don't shoot I knew you'd warm up to me Comm noring is in my effects please am I easy on the goods darling you will always remember this is the day that you almost caught Captain Jack [Music] SP fancy oh [ __ ] oh oh [Music] open I mean clever fella he's great at just weighing it yeah he's going to find will yeah blacksmith [Music] wa ouch brilliant he clever that ass is like my ass do you think this wise boy Crossing blad with a pirate you threaten Miss Swan he also saved her life though mhm some in your head it's not even quenched yet going to break it yeah makes all these I do and I practice with them 3 hours a day you need to find yourself a girl mate or perhaps the reason you practice 3 hours a day is that you already found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet you're not a unic are you oh it's going to hurt when he falls on his back oh oh [ __ ] he land up there oh it's got good balance you cheated pirate coming in clutch excellent work Mr Brown you've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive just doing my Civic duties well I trust that you will always remember this is the day that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped I think he's awake to hear that quote come here boy a nice juicy Brown come here boy come here boy remember that from the ride no it's part of the ride okay there you go Miss that's what we need for you on the bed that would be so great keep my feet warm but the Commodore proposed fancy that that's a smart Match Miss if it's not too bold to say it is a smart match he a fine man smart match just not a love match huh well that will turner He's a fine man too that is too bold she's just giving you a warning if you're not going to go after will she is right no creepy Black Pearl it's the Pearl I've heard stories she's been pring on ships and settlements for near 10 years never lives any survivors no survivors and where do the stories come from I wonder at least one [Music] surviv [Music] come Pirates are [Music] ugly let's practice with this throwing axe too huh [Music] yeah uh [ __ ] hello jump oh god oh boy no [Music] mercy T oh [ __ ] I took out one of its own guys son of a [ __ ] come out and we promise we will don't hurt you you've got something of ours and it calls to us damn go calls to us go we just give it back just Chuck it at him what I invoke the right of parlay according to the code of the Brethren you have to take me to your captain I know the code an adversary demands parlay you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete raes with the code she wants to be taken to the captain surrender look what we have here twe Captain Jack Farah uh-oh not friends huh so there is a curse that's interesting you know nothing of hell they must all smell so horrible you see use the skeleton yeah I saw that so that one guy that will ax in the back got up yeah yeah you can't kill them obviously they're already dead so she's invoked around of par with Captain Barosa I'm here to you speak when spoken what the [ __ ] and you'll not lay a hand on those of under the protection of parlay I sir big dumb Dum I am here to negotiate the cation of hostilities against Port Royal a lot of long words there miss we not but humble Pirates what is it that you want I want you to leave and never come back I'm disinclined to acques to your request means no is there some big words he knows big words too Behold a Buren with swag that bit of shy matters to us well I suppose if it is worthless and there's no point in me keeping it called your love you have a name Missy Elizabeth Turner I'm a maid in the governor's household Miss turner oh no very well you hand it over and we'll put your town to our Rudder and N return steal the guns un store them in you have to take me to shore according to the code of the order of the rec your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor whoopsie and secondly you must be a pirate for the Pirates Code to apply and you're not and and thirdly the code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules welcome aboard the Black Pearl backfired on her dang it well I mean they're stopping the attack but they're taking her with her yeah it's not ideal I mean they're going to do so many not great things to [Music] her is he using the dog or the bone to train I help build these cells these are half pin barrel hinges with the right leverage and the proper application of strength the door will live free what's your name Wilton no doubt name for your father eh yes uhuh he seems to know his dad huh h someone have heard that mean those cells don't seem that secure if you can just take a bench to them just pick them right up we going to come and here that ship notal Town one question about your business boy how far are you willing to go to save her I'd Die For Her oh good you probably will [Music] then oh nice the air pocket this is either Madness or Brilliance it's remarkable how often those two trats coincide oh [ __ ] he took the barrel the whole way everyone stay calm we are taking over the ship I of us this ship cannot be Cru by two men you'll never make it out of the bay I'm Captain Jack Sparrow Savvy does that means he can man it with two people taking the ship the big huge [ __ ] ship rash Turner that is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen here they come it's just a poy to get the faster ship right what it's just like a game to get them all to get so that he can steal the fast ship right one they can to man yeah that's funny back to the Interceptor now thank you goor for getting us ready to make way we've had a hard time of it by ourselves put the sails up stun we won't catch them I don't need to cat and just get them in range of the long nines yikes I'm going to sink his own ship I'd rather see her at the bottom of the ocean than in the hands of a pirate is disabled the r chainer like they have no control that's got to be the best part I've ever seen so it would seem clever clever as [ __ ] when you think he has a bad plan he actually has a good yeah you ignored the Rules of Engagement in a fair fight and kill you that's not much incentive for me to fight fair then is it oh [ __ ] when it's life and death there are no rules of engagement no can you sail under the command of a pirate or can you not some Pirates have honor I'm sure when they need [Music] it oh jeez Cur you for breathing your [ __ ] your idiot no better to wake a man when he's sleeping it's bad luck ah fortunately I know how to counter it the man who did the waking B the man who was sleeping a drink I'll about do it he's like yeah yeah that means you're going to buy me a drink yeah yeah last I'm already awake that was for the smell sleeping with pigs looks like a fun place yeah I'm going after the Black Pearl I know where it's going to be and I'm going to take it he's going to take it what makes you think baros will give up his ship to you let's just say it's a matter of Leverage hey well think he wants well yeah something about him he's the kid that got away right that is the child of bootstrap Bill Turner his only child what's the big deal with this Gib was on the ship when they found will remember him he's the one talking about [Music] Pirates I can't imagine a a ship with holes in the sails sails that well but guess sails with the wind the magic of dead something you'll be dining with the captain and he requests you wear this well you may tell the captain that I am disinclined to acquest to his request he also said if that be the case you'll be ding with the crew naked fine I backfired y they got a good Chef on board huh try the wine and the apples one of those next n no no no no that's not a goodlooking apple this is Aztec gold one of 882 identical pieces they were the Heathen Gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse I hardly believe in ghost stories anymore Captain Barosa there' be the chest inside be the gold we took them all that's why they're all dead boy I think they found out like El Dorado or something maybe all the scattered pieces of the a gold must be restored and the blood repa thanks to you we have the final piece that's the final piece blood to be repaid oh no that's why there's no sense to be killing you she's a sacrifice to the gods it doesn't matter he's already a dead guy [Music] well they're launching her High Zombie Pirates what's her plan here oh even the monkey's dead huh look the Moonlight does that shows us for what we really are we are not among the Liv and so we cannot die you best start believeing in Ghost Stories M Turner you're in one it's a great line if eating and drinking doesn't do anything for you then why are you doing it seems like for the effect wasted time Mr cotton do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death Mr cotton answer man he's a mute sir poor devil had his tongue cut out so we train the parrot to talk for him o Mr Cotton's parrot same question your sh mostly we figure that means yes and what's the benefit for us a lady Anamaria is always s Donna yeah oh I didn't know she was in this you stole my boat actually borrowed without permission but with every intention of bringing it back but you didn't you'll get another one that one I that one what say you I she's like hell yeah it's frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard sir it'll be far wor not to ever what did he say what was he looking at I don't know how can we sail to an island that nobody can fight with the compass that doesn't work hi the C sto North but we're not trying to find North are we oh what's in your head has put you such a fine mood captain we're catching up that's why there's a storm right perhaps so they give up IM mortality just to taste food again well is it's not going to bring them back to life they'll die right it'll just let them actually die instead of being stuck in this in between maybe the curse turns them Undead they're not able to actually die but yeah that's what he said not able to live as well that's what he said yeah like death without rest how is it that Jack came by that Compass not lot known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up inugo with a mind to go after The Treasure of the island de morta back when he was Captain of the Black Pearl what so he's dead too they marooned Jack on an island and left him to die but not before he'd gone mad with the heat oh before they found the gold yeah actually worked out pretty well for him then huh he roped himself a couple of sea turtles lushed them together and made a raft he wrote a couple of sea turtles I sea turtle do you believe that what did he use for rope human hair from my [Laughter] back and that's why there's no hair left on his back what if the worst could happened keep to the guard I the code what's the code mean the parlay thing so they brought the gold here they're bringing the gold back once we're quit of the curse we'll be rich men and you can buy an eye actually fits and made of glass this one does Splinter something terrible stop grabbing me he's got a wooden eye ouch they just been been getting pretty things huh at least that trunk was you know for having such a bleak outlook on Pirates you're well on your way to becoming one SP a men from jail and you're completely obsessed with treasure I am not obsessed with treasure not all treasure is silver and gold mate that's right you're my treasure that's sweet just like that Bruno Marsh song oh yeah I don't listen to that Bruno Mar it's called treasure it's called treasure it's catchy tune may I ask you something have I ever given you reason not to trust me do you trust Jack no do you trust Captain Jack I don't know I trust K nightly okay sorry Jack I'm not going to be your [Music] leverage that's it waste not oh well that's helpful that's great I'm not going to kill her how do we tell you're not dead no he shot me it didn't work the curse is still upon us you made your father what was his name you brought us the wrong person you like every decision you've made led us from bad to us it was sure said bootst to the de maybe they wouldn't kill will though they just take his blood right yeah you any coward here Dare Challenge me let him speak also what are they going to do they're all dead who cares can't kill them the ores have G missing find them they took all the ores you're supposed to be dead am I not what was his plan there parlay parlay that's the one parlay [Laughter] to the depths whatever mut had thought a paray that would be the French cuz they're always surrendering well that's the joke hey boy where be Jack Jack Jack Sparrow fell behind keep to the code way anchor po the quick Zoe's the captain now kill him the girl's blood didn't work did it hold your fire I know he's blood you need they got to run it wasn't your blood they needed it was my father's blood my blood the blood of a pirate you're a pirate Willie I don't think piracy works that way though I think it's more like a lifestyle choice not like a you're not blood born into it your family is a family of contractors but you're not a contractor yeah I've tried it he's tried it too he's not you know he's had his taste at it if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die I would have an equal share in that curse same as you Apple's really green mhm probably tastes really good nice and tart sour what say we run up with flag of truce I Scurry over to the Interceptor and I negotiate the return of your medallion I people are easy to search when they're dead lock him in the braak he's so pissed he can't taste that Apple this is the fastest ship in the Caravan you can tell them that after they've caught us well then can't we lose them amongst those shs land in the ship the anything we can afford to lose lose weight make it lift the boat up with lot of weight on them yeah think you have what it takes to be a pirate no no I don't like the water that's like the number one number one requirement we must fight load the guns with what anything everything you just threw it all over spoons it's not going to do much they're dead already like you can't kill them no the anchor on the right side on the stared side it certainly has the element of surprise you're D lady you both are D like Jack like hitting the parking brick I like slingshot him around basically right let go we're going to collide here keep a [Applause] steady oh that was lucky he just got forked oh boy finally some luck [Music] uh-oh oh [Music] [ __ ] oh dang it's the main sail not good kind of a necessary feature for a ship it's kind of a one-sided fight oh you need him too yeah exactly Medallion is not any use unless you got him well thank you Jack you're welcome not you we named the monkey Jack D our hope is restored not yet sure isn't you able to find a way out hopefully he's good at holding his [Music] breath welcome back [Applause] then here he is we've only got one shot and we can't die don't do anything St I can like that Elizabeth goes free yes we know that one anything else and the crew the crew are not to be harmed agreed round two you lying bastard you swore she' Go free I agreed she' Go free but it was you who failed to specify when or where you got to be specific with your given terms that be the same little island that we made your governor of on our last little trip I did not perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous Escape but I doubt it hopefully it's sea turtle season last time you left me a pistol with one shot with the powers you're right where be Jack's piston Bring It Forward he's got in wonderful diving form he's had a lot of practice probably you're Captain Jack Sparrow you you vanished from under the eyes of s buried something somewhere the Run runners use this island as a cash came by and I was able to B A Passage off looks of things they've long been out of business probably have your bloody friend ning to thank for that well at least they can get wasted huh welcome to the Caribbean L grab a bottle and have a seat find some it must be really terrible for you to be trapped on this island oh yes but the I'm not entirely sure that I've had enough rum to allow that kind of talk I know exactly what you mean love to the Black Pearl one too many mega points you burned all the food the shame the rum yes the rum is gone why is the rum gone entire Royal Navy is out looking for me do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it but why is the rum gone but why is the rum gone to keep a weather eye open and you will see white sails on that Horizon if they're out looking for her they are she's of course the whole Fleet is looking for her she's the commodore's fiance sure enough there they are save now we will return to Port Royal immedately not go gallivanting after Pirates then we condemn him to death the boy's fate is regrettable but then so is his decision to engage in piracy to rescue me to prevent anything from happening to me yeah they would have never found her man Commodore I beg you please do this for me as a wedding gift Elizabeth oh are you accepting the commodore's proposal she's going to give up with Will to save him wedding I love weddings drinks all around Mr Sparrow you will accompany These Fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to ELA DEA you will then spend the rest of the voyage contemp lating all possible meanings of the phrase silent as the grave do I make myself clear inescapably clear what are they going to do with him when he's when they're done though you knew William Turner oh bootstrap Bill never sat well with bootstrap what we did to Jack Sparrow he strapped a can into bootstrap's bootstraps and last we saw of old bu Turner he was sinking into the crush and black of iion of Baby Jones Locker also he was cursed so dead so he's just floating him or stuck to the bottom of the ocean right that would be miserable the Pirates let Cur they got be killed don't worry Miss he's already informed of that a little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story what is that sparrows doing oh so they don't believe that they can't die apparently not no reason to fret just a get a finger a few drops of blood no mistakes this time he's only half Turner We spill it all what that mean everybody's only a half Turner if you're a Turner yeah excuse [Laughter] me where's Elizabeth she's safe just like I promised she's all set to marry Norrington just like she promised and you get to die for her just like you promised so we're all men of our word really except for Elizabeth who is in fact a woman shut up you don't want to be doing that mate no I really think I do your funeral what are we doing here Pirates come out we catch them in a crossfire why aren't we doing what it was what Mr Sparrow said we should do with the Cannons and all because it was Mr Sparrow who said it so yeah Crossfire is great it's a great plan wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment for instance after you've killed norrington's men every last one he kept one take a walk not what are they doing I know I'm getting Whiplash from Jack [Music] Sparrow oh they're walking there H what different hold fire this is just like what the Greeks done at Troy was in a yeah Trojan Horse instead of dresses I just want you to know I uh I believe you made a very good decision today couldn't be more proud of you but you know even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision is he saying he doesn't want her to marry the Commodore she want maybe he wants her to be happy this is not good Elizabeth are you even listening to me good choice stop that you really feel like a fool look n [Music] I I think it's a little too little too late I must admit Jack I thought I had you figured it turns out you're a hard man to predict me I'm dishonest and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest honestly honestly because you can never predict they're going to do something incredibly stupid we're sword fighting with people that can't die you're off the edge of the map mate here there be monsters yeah how do you want a sword fight against the undead what would you pick to eat first I think we should decide now just so we're ready when the time comes they're just so they're like so excited to eat they're just so hungry it's Elizabeth so she's going to take the Pearl [Music] perhaps make for the ship move what they didn't hear the gunfire before you can't beat me Jack uhoh cuz he had a coin in his hand he stole one oh it's a really risky [Music] [Music] decision you're not going to be able to beat them so what now Jack Sparrow we to be two Immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and the trumpet sound or you could surrender the endless battle what about Jack you just going to leave him jack owes us a ship and there's the code to consider your Pirates hang the code and hang the rules they're more like guidelines anyway that's what Bosa [Music] said I mean could we put the coins back and spill the blood to make these people real and then they can actually die this this fight seems pretty pointless I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain you like pain try wearing a coret have you ever worn a corset [Music] no [Music] no fair they going to be able to put themselves back together again don't [Music] know 10 years you carry that pistol now you waste your Shard he didn't waste it never got to eat that Apple never got to eat it die or Surrender par now she has to marry the Commodore or they just have to run away together your fiance will be wanting to know you're safe if you were waiting for the opportune moment that was it now if you'd be so kind I'll be much surprised if you dropped me off my ship which're is gone I couldn't pardon him for all the things he did for your willful Commission of crime against the crown said crimes being he looks like a Three Musketeer commodor Norrington is bound by the law as are we all can't the governor of Port Royale pardon you would think perhaps only the king couldn't pardon Ry depravity I means his buddies are close I should have told you every day from the moment I met you I love you now's an interesting time to tell her good thing he's good at throwing that [Music] sword can make a good team on our return to Port Royal I granted you clemency and this is how you thank me he's a pirate and a good man if all I have you forget your place Turner it's right here between you and Jack O as is mine is lower your weapons so this is where your heart truly lies then duh I'm actually feeling rather good about this I think we've all arrived at a very special place eh spiritually grammatically grammatically I want you to know that I was rooting for youate [Laughter] it would never have work between us darling well nice hat this is the die that you will always remember as the day that you [Music] ooh they got new Sails this is a beautiful sword I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life thank you oh that's nice this is the path you've chosen is it here's a black smth no he's a pirate dad's okay with that she's into it what you were supposed to keep to the cut me we figured there were more actual guidelines Dr up Meo where's that Compass leading them now back to that island of Death Or there's a whole bunch of treasure still there too yeah maybe I think he's going to go as long as he doesn't touch the coins he should be okay just leave the atic gold there exactly well Pirates one out of the way what do you think yeah um was good yeah I liked it yeah mhm it's crazy to think this is all based on a amusement park ride what this movie is based on an amusement part Ray it's not the other way around no pirat of the Caribbean existed like 40 years before this movie was ever isn't Pirates of the Caribbean a story also somewhere it was just a just a random park ride that they de to make a ride that featured Pirates and this movie is based on since this movie they went back and they changed Pirates of the Caribbean to add Jack sure and then some of the story of this movie into it right but originally it was just a place to go and take a boat ride and witness a pirate raid on a Town and wow jail and all that kind of stuff see where they had their gold and just the experience of a pirate sweet when was the first time you went on PIR caran with you so it was after this movie so you you've only seen the right the the remodeled one so not the I don't I mean if I went when I was in second grade or something I don't remember it so what do you think of Captain Jack Sparrow I liked him a lot actually yeah it's like bad guy good guy bad guy good guy bad guy good guy I mean even will at the end was like this is a good man I'm willing to break the law just to Spring him cuz it's not right to kill him exactly cuz he might be a pirate but he has a little bit of a an honor streak in him yeah so what about will oh yeah I like will a lot like him more than legol Los definitely yeah he's got more of a personality in this leg Los is kind of I honestly I don't remember that you don't remember him and gimy competing for kills and Lord of the Rings oh yeah I guess maybe a little bit people this one he's using a sword in the floor of the Rings he's using his bow more mostly right so sword fighting was good yeah great choreography especially their first fight will versus Jack and the the blacksmith it's a great fight with them sure is doing all the balancing act and all that stuff so it's probably the best sword fight of the movie cuz it's really just the one-on-one there's not more action see a lot of it just them right featured mhm but U yeah what about Kier nightly as uh I'm just a Kier nightly fan I just like her you like her she's your girl beautiful and yeah you know yeah she'll always be a proper ladye Bennett to me so she's always playing the proper lady with a little feisty side to her right who is your favorite pirate of Barbosa's crew I the the duo the yeah the ladies ey this is just like what the Greeks did they were the com comic relief you know I appreciated that yeah I wonder how much of uh did they I guess they captured half most probably half of Barbosa's crew right yeah must be about that cuz most of everybody else probably got like stabbed right when they were figuring out they could be or they had uh you know arms missings missing they were kind of crucial this is going to kill me for sure so yeah all right this is probably the most perfect pirate movie yeah yeah so the other ones are just me I mean it's hard to top the first it's true hard to top any but they do make four chapters but maybe you'll like when the later chapter's better you never know but yeah yeah I feel like most first chapters of a franchise are the best except for maybe like Harry Potter right perhaps so we'll see what you you think of the second one next week can't wait so you can't you didn't think you could live the life of a pirrate no NOP I wouldn't have that in me yeah get seasick you you don't got sea legs no it's too bad can't swim you know all those things I like this cuz I feel like they took a lot of inspiration from arol Flynn's old pirate movies and I think some of the the highflying stunts like Jack doing all the cutting ropes kind of like a flim classic pirate movie style so those were good yeah gota love Jack in his master plans of it doesn't seem like a good idea but good chess player yeah he's always one step ahead even if you don't think he is yep well what should people comment on after Pirates of the Caribbean curse of the Black Pearl who's your favorite pirate yeah who's your favorite pirate or character mhm and Pirates the Caribbean one and did you think the special effects were as good as I did cuz I thought the special effects were really good the between the the skeleton and the regular moonight transitions very good like you couldn't and this came out over 20 years ago this was like 200 green screen or anything you know it looks really really good the effects hold up Y and it's weird to say that they're probably better than some movies coming out today I would agree 20 years later you think you would have been able to improve on they did a great job think nowadays they're doing too much CGI right this was kind of just well there was kind of a lot of it with all the skeletons yeah but that was basically it yeah right everything else was all practical all the ships were practical and all the you know explosion all pretty they spent a lot of money those were real ships all the ships are real cool so real I mean when they blew up the Interceptor mhm and that was really a big old water set blew up a big old wooden boat out there so what makes it better it's like you can almost feel it even though you're watching it cuz it's it's all real yeah practical well anything else thanks for hanging out come back next week for pirates 2 Pirates of the Caribbean I can't remember what the next one's called number two the second one part two part two yeah awesome what do you think is going to happen more pirate Antics they'll be on a boat definitely think there'll be more Pirates yeah probably more [ __ ] Pirates God and check out our patreon link down below for my early access to our videos comment or access to P help pick watch next links down there check it out until next time have a good one bye Jack survived he fell off the boat when Elizabeth threw him oh no he's going to take a a freaking coin [ __ ] not again this was like one of the first movies to do like a sting or two yeah right that actually meant something like a hint at what's to come sometimes I mean movies had Stingers before this but not like oh there's more to this like yeah for a franchise right all right all right that's it for the Stinger see you next week for pirates 2 bye is
Channel: You, Me, & The Movies
Views: 83,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reaction, First Time Watching, You Me and The Movies, First Time Watching Movie Reaction, First Time Watching Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Reaction, Pirates of the Caribbean Reaction, Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl Reaction, Reaction Pirates of the Caribbean, Reaction Pirates, Pirates, Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow Reaction, Pirates Reaction, Johnny Depp
Id: cqFNhn1rmmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 44sec (4004 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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