*Pirates of the Caribbean* WAS SO MUCH FUN | Reaction

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I'm Spartan and I'm p and today we're watching Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black [Music] Pearl so we finally met at the Pirates Yep this has uh been pulled a couple times over on patreon and it won finally yep and I think it'll be a nice mix up the last movie we saw was was interstella and that emotionally broke us it was a beautiful Journey but I am also looking forward to watching something yeah everyone keeps saying that we're going have so much fun you know I've obviously seen references to Jack Sparrow like I'm not completely in the dark I do know what the guy's like I don't you don't know at all no like honestly it might be hard to believe but I genuinely don't know anything and it's exciting because he's a very pudgy character and I think you're going to like him look I've been excited to I never had interest in of the Caribbean right I you know why I don't know why I just didn't think it'd be something that I'd like look this was young pudgy like young pudy had no idea yeah this came out we were pretty young and I just like never watched it for that reason but for those of you who know if you know you know pudy was very enthralled with the court case between Johnny de and like I was there live every day watching and I got pretty excited to watch Pirates when I saw Johnny Depp during that court case I you like the way he carries himself I love the way he carries himself and I am a very big fan of Edward's hands this is a movie that you haven't watched before it's quite an older movie I don't remember what year it was but I remember watching it in school and I loved it and I love Johnny Depp so yeah I think that's why I've been pretty excited since then okay see Johnny de's a name that gets thrown around a lot yeah and you everyone knows about his name he knows who he is but off memory I can't think of any particular notable movies that I've watched with him in it that I like really know so yeah I feel like a lot of his movies aren't ones that you would necessarily go to yeah so it would be I'm excited to definitely see it I didn't really follow the call case that much but I saw snippers that you sent me and stuff I also like the way he carried himself in general he's a bit quirky he's got a you know bit witty in the way he speaks and I've obviously seen you know um I've seen memes and I've seen little scenes used in like edits on YouTube and stuff so I know a bit of what Jack Sparrow is like as a character I mean it was when I was a little kid like a five or six it was a big deal you know I remember parents loved it watched it it was on the TV and stuff so definitely sent him around but pretty much don't have anything to do with what the story is or you know I've never watched the movies properly so well when you know it's a big deal you know this part P you haven't watched it before yeah I know it seems especially between like the 20 yeah I mean I think just in what talking about just in general we suck well other than like some of the yeah main Marvel movies and I was going to say warrior but then there's been a lot of warrior movies we haven't watched right I don't know well we suck full stop that's it listen you suck okay your boys coming in hot now debate we say Pirates of the Caribbean but is it Pirates of the Caribbean or Pirates of the Caribbean how do you guys say it yeah good luck it's Caribbean to me you know what's funny because when I go oh like they're going on a holiday to the Caribbean I'll say it like that but when I say Pirates it's Caribbean I don't know yeah I don't know it's always been Caribbean to me so yeah now at this stage what was in the poll and what we're signing up for is to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy yeah we've been told that the fourth and fifth movie were a bit of a hid and Miss with a lot of people do let us know in the comments down below if you want to see that because look we the best example I can think of is Transformers We Loved all five and I know the trilogy was very much Compact and then the four and five sort of wenten that they you know messed around with the law a little bit and whatever but I still really enjoy them so if there's enough demand out there and you guys do want to see us react to those for the first time I'm open to watching them because we might end up liking them I mean we like the hobbits a lot of things people have said you know you won't like we have enjoyed if it's part of the law in the same universe so and you know maybe not growing up with these things sometimes you're not as harsh cuz it's not like your childhood you know you're more specific on what you want and don't want yeah so let us know we're going to start with the trilogy but if we see that demand there then more than open to considering the final two as well yeah I think if there's a lot of like demand in the comments for this video we might pop a poll on patreon for you guys to vote whether you want it or not thank you everyone over on patreon for supporting the channel if you do want to get 3 to 4 weeks of Early Access to edited and uncut reactions we'll leave a link in the description down below and if you guys are watching this Ser on YouTube don't forget to leave a like on the video subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comments down below what you thought of the movie all right let's go let's go so gloomy as soon as you begin going to say it's funny cuz everyone's saying how funny this is and it starts with most gloomiest like intro quiet Missy cursed Pirates sail these Waters you don't want to bring them down in a snow you seems to love the pirate laugh bad luck to be sing about pirates with us mured in this unnatural fog mark my words consider them marked is there something I would say consider them marked look a boy there's a boy in the water [ __ ] the Titanic all over again oh my God my name's Elizabeth one will I'm watching over you will man is struggling man wake up for like a brief moment it passed out you're a pirate has you said anything his name is William Turner that's all I found out oh she's looking after him is that a pirate ship it's got the same Mark but can no one else see it okay oh okay is this like a a future now it's gorgeous looks she looking looking pretty good still a bed at this hour it's a beautiful day what a view now that's a view to wake up to man beautiful isn't it may I inquire as to the occasion does a father need an occasion to doubt upon his daughter he's funny he's left eyebrow like raised every time he does like a little Quirk I'm told it's the latest fashion in London well women in London must have learned not to breathe Comfort always oh my God good day sir I have your order do you know who that is we'll turn on oh leg ass yeah thinking I don't want to be the go to say again cuz people get will so good to see you they definitely have a thing for each other hey how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth at least one once more miss one oh good day oh he's so sweet Elizabeth I called her [Music] Elizabeth he's got that legal ass like Purity about him already I'm not he does Goblin mutant oh [ __ ] is this the main man I'm waiting for you to M look I don't for you like see he looks sick he does look sick but he just oh dude oh is that like a little tiny bir touch a j down he's on a massive [ __ ] but he's on that pie of [ __ ] he's OT oh [ __ ] Are they like Pirates or something cuz they did say they would hang them P you're being warned the confidence the guy is an idiot oh my God the confidence man the last legs but he knew you take him right there where he needed it's a shilling to tie up your boat the dock there's nothing tied up son I'm locking him already oh a great start already that b was that was great C me off guard this dock is off limits to civilians I'm terribly sorry I didn't know if I see one I shall inform you immediately if I see a civilian get away from there you don't have permission to be aboard there mate why is he he wasn't trying to get away he's just chilling it is my intention to Comedy one of these ships pick up a crew and torug raade pillage plunder and otherwise P for my weasle black guts out I sit no lies oh my God the funny thing is yeah he's telling tell truth he wouldn't have told us unless of course he knew you wouldn't believe the TRU even if he told it to you oh this is already a py character although I'm liking him too he's mine hands off still down okay he he's more of a sparten she's like dying you look lovely Elizabeth damn man saw people where today should be dying a marriage to a fine woman you have become a fine now she's doubly dying I can't breathe yes I'm I'm a bit nervous myself this guy is in his own bloody Planet dude and then they made me their Chief what did she do She fainted I get it it's so tired that you can't breathe will you be saving her then I can't swim heard of the king's neighbor you are he's just turned them into like his little Aon boys I love how cashley though he said he like so who's going to save her yeah he's so good already oh she got the part necklace on what was that what the hell did it do I guess they never been in the water probably since she took it so it activated something not breathing move oh definitely breathing now yeah the freaking clothes are reason she wasn't breathing where did you get that on your feet disgusting serious saved her he doesn't even want to like brush with the East India Trading Company did we pirate he's been branded Jack Sparrow isn't it Captain Jack Sparrow if you please sir well I don't see your ship captain I'm in the [Laughter] market no additional shots nor powder the compass that doesn't Point North and I half expected it to be made of wood he's talking like he's so beneath him pirate or not this man My Life One Good Deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness though it seems enough to condemn him inde no don't shoot I knew you'd warm up to me B's opportunity and you ran with it man I'm playing I don't think he wants to harm her you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack SP ohar oh dude I love the Escape man leaves in style look at the soundtrack J he's going to take a boat as well him open fire it's like he just hopes for the best yeah like he doesn't have a plan he just sort of wings it I guess being tied up uh helped him in the end [Music] oh no what's this guy going to [Music] do oh it's will it's funny like the most preoper well behaved mannered iconic boy is going to meet the most like Reckless pirate true but we also don't know much about his upbringing yeah he did have the pirate necklace on no Dy you threaten Miss SW I made it all he's the biggest troll oh know Well's pretty good yeah well at least he's capable as a p i was wor didn't a SW for excellent form but how's your footwork First Step here very good did they know each other back in the day before he I don't know he said he look familiar yeah and it look like they got similar technique oh that's so funny he just made him like go to the side just distracted him he's like all right I'm out it's suck my friend oh [ __ ] they got a balance and everything now must be the most unconventional fight ever and that guy still sleeping yeah that's something else oh God the luck this man has honestly I need a bit of that luck I love how they done this scene so simple yet so creative you know they've used all their environmental resources look cool yeah you lost that one love you want a knife to a gunfight baby move away no please move no asking nicely this shot not meant for you oh tell me they didn't work up that's not fair man he really was being decent about it I know you can tell they're making ja bar appear like he's sort of half menacing but is actually a good man you've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive just doing my civic duty sir oh my God you Lally done nothing Mr Brown Can honestly [ __ ] off dude absolutely useless man is that the Black Pearl looks like a y it's got the ripped uh flags and stuff what's that oh [ __ ] damn dude the black p wasting no time shredding [ __ ] up oh the poor Buba [Applause] they definitely look Savage yeah but they seem pretty normal you said they look normal like they were saying they were like Undead or something before but right yeah but the man put his eye back in so yeah there well they're coming for Elizabeth why would you open the door hello Chum he's an idiot must be the most useless Butler whatever the hell he is ever oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my god oh damn thinking that would be easy now that's a py character come out and we promise we won't hurt you yeah I believe you you've got something of ours and it calls to us oh the necklace what the hell you saw when went in the water created like a sh yeah that's how the pill needes come wa so will was part of the hello oh my God that is creepy paray I invoke the right of paray according to the code of the Brethren set down by the Pirates Mor a bolom you you have to take me to your captain I know the code oh [ __ ] loophole that man has never brushed his teeth ever so will must have been I don't know bored with the Black Pearl at some point either neckace either that or he was yeah you're right maybe good boy he was probably part of the ship that got destroyed by the Black Pearl maybe he stoen at some point I don't know my sympathy friend you've no man of luck at all oh [ __ ] dude how unlucky you got to be dude I know how the hell is it going to fit through that come on you filthy slimy mangy C no no no no no no no I didn't oh my God he's one chance well well well look what we have here twe Captain Jack SP every knowy oh he's SP him the deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers oh okay they're definitely Undead so there is a curse oh my God massive curse that's very interesting oh what's he thinking I want to know what's going on inside of his brain I'm here to negoti you speak when spoken oh [ __ ] M's having none of it you'll not lay a hand on those under the protection of paray okay it's a massive code interesting I want you to leave and never come back I'm disinclined to acques to your request you can use big words oh I'll drop it seems to be very important to them all why it's what you've been searching for I recognized this ship I saw it 8 years ago on the Crossing from England oh it's the one she saw yeah that's what I was saying before yeah yeah yeah true well I suppose if it is worthless then there's no point in me keeping it tricky tricky she called their BL you have a name Miss it yeah none of your business Elizabeth Turner oh the name is she want I like it very well you hand it over and we'll put your town to our Rudder and N return what what Assurance does she have no way she gave it I thought she would have held on to it according to the code of the order of the you returned to sure was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing oh [ __ ] you must be a pirate for the Pirates Code to apply and you're not and thirdly the code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules yeah she over Behavior there's an inity for Will and Jack to both chase after the same thing you can see how it's coming together Governor we will establish their most likely C in that's not good enough oh let's go do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth I think he only cares because of the position really yeah he's got half a brain andless she's gorgeous but you know he's still trying with the bone oh my God you Sparrow hey you with that ship the black tell like he sleeping why ask me because you're a pirate and you want to turn by yourself is that is never never say never what's your name Wilton no doubt name for your father eh yes he know his father I think Jack knows a few things do we have an accord interesting you put something together because now he SE something in it for him yeah agreed the name turn like it's coming up so it's to do with Will's past we're going to steal the ship I'm actually looking forward to these two like becoming a jeo it's kind of cool let go how far are you willing to go to save oh a die for oh did you die me what's the movie pudy we've already been through this every time a line comes up just making sure you know you are stolen and I have a chance to hang out Jack bar I'll pick Jack oh my God oh my God look at them this is more brilliant's pretty brilliant two St C inside I like that too what he has great lines man brilliant lines you'll never make it out of the bay yeah I like to see them try I'm Captain Jack Sparrow heavy that's that's all they had tonar and then off the ship although his name has much meaning even though he's like Meed himself rash Turner too rash that is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen stop doubting my man all right he's unconventional not the worst search every cabin every hole down to the building oh they going to take the other one cuz they're all running onto the main one yes because that was faster so even though it's smaller they can't catch it now oh dude they got destroyed that's got to be the best part I've ever seen it would see oh dudey them it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help since that's what I wanted I didn't press them at I'm you knew my father yeah he put two together real quick probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner everyone else just called him bootstrap or bootstrap Bill oh someone else mentioned that remember he was a merchant sailor a good respectable man who obeyed the law was a bloody pirate of scell w scy wag it's not worth you getting beat again you didn't beat me you ignored the Rules of Engagement in a fair fight no rules not much intended for me to fight fair then is it he's got all these one liners the only rules that really matter are these what a man can do and what a man can't do fa enough the pirate is in your blood boy so you'll have to square with that someday I can listen to him talk all day can you sail under the command of a pirate or can you not is he's intriguing you know like he's clumsy and silly but then at the same time he's actually really like sharp and wiy he's very smooth I love the way he speaks is like all by my [Laughter] onesies yeah that one you I don't know my love she what oh oh [ __ ] Mother's Love Jack oh he was on Elizabeth's sheep when she was young what the hell blast I'm already awake that was for the smell fair enough sleeping with the pigs better you wake up like that dude I'm going after the Black Pearl something to Troke on just say it's a matter of Leverage hey oh no tell me he's going to use will please don't oh that is the child of bootstrap Bill Turner his only child heav is he now and Bosa must be his father cuz he said he's searching for his father you know I don't know that's where my mind goes you know cuz on the ship the name Turner meant something and then he he's searching for his father and then he's like I've got leverage I don't know I just feel like or if he's not the captain he's someone on the on the ship I feel like yeah because if Turner was so important he to go back to that town you know what I mean if he was looking for his son you must be hungry oh [ __ ] woman can eat now that's a pudy you don't know what what this is do you it's a pirate Medallion already gold one of 882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest Cortez himself all right the Heathen Gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse and the curse of the back Pearl find it we did there will be the chest inside with the gold we took them all and they're all cursed the drink would not satisfy food turned to Ash in our mouths wow oh that sucks we a Cursed Men mner that must sucks so much she's a fighter I'll give her that he goes I don't know that didn't kill him cuz he's like Undead yeah damn that must be so scary oh my god there were the Other Guys these are like fully Undead oh [ __ ] yeah if the knife wasn't going to work that's definitely not look the Moonlight shows us for what we really are oh that's why I look like that oh that's why they're focusing on the moon before you best start believeing in Ghost Stories Miss Turner so the Moonlight shows them what they really you didn't get that refence yeah but but that's why um that's why his arm was like that when he reached for Jack Sparrow yes makes sense now I like that all making sense I was like what did he figure out Mr cotton like oh [ __ ] what did I agree to PO devil had his tongue cut out so he trained the parrot to talk for him no one's yet figured how he copies like your sh your mostly we figure that means yes of course it does satisfied that is the shittest test holy [ __ ] he's using his Compass but apparently it doesn't show the true no but maybe that's but one day was a compass made for the Black Pearl that's what I was thinking how can we sail to an island that nobody can fight with a compass that doesn't work it does work but we're not trying to find North are we so you definitely know you w't going North by mistake what's in your head has put you in such a fine mood captain we're catching up oh he loves it I love how things that un important to everyone else is important to Jack and there's a specific reason for it not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after The Treasure of the island of morta that was before I'd met him back when he was captain of the Black Pearl it was his ship there was a mutiny they marooned Jack on an island and left him to die wow gone mad with the heat oh so that was his crew that's why I were having that chat but after 3 weeks of a starving belly and thirst that pistol start to look real friendly Jack s still has that single shot or he won't use it though save on one man oh damn that's why he keeps wow oh [ __ ] definitely what greed looks like what code is gifts to keep to if the wor should happen Pirates Code any man who falls behind is Left Behind oh [ __ ] you know for having such a bleak outlook on Pirates you're well on your way to becoming one didn't realize it that's not true I am not obsess with treasure Elizabeth is his treasure so not all treasure is silver and gold mate I am Captain Jack far like I must be settle down actually must be we both thought it one of us said it it is the cursed Treasure of Cortez oh [ __ ] how we have to cut off her head might be a bit of blood might not be death I don't know they saying blood sorry Jack I'm not going to be yourage oh [ __ ] he thinks he's out playing him but he's really not yeah it's just a bit of blood okay that's all right then that's it waste not all right it's like the Moment of Truth for them better work if it I don't think it will they'd be [Music] spewing did it work maybe you needed to be someone's like specific blood you're not dead oh [ __ ] what a way to tested though oh damn what's your father William Turner no where's his child the child that sailed from England 8 years ago the child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner where right here baby Al they need Will's [Applause] blood I don't feel safe with that Jack I know spe oh my God oh look who it is you're supposed to be dead so are you am I not I think it's AIT of [Music] days man's got a concussion that's what he's got P that's the one p pa like why' you help him we just clear left him behind though man it's bit of a snake move yeah don't you remember the rules the code hey boy where be Jack Jack Jack Sparrow that's the one behind fall behind you get left behind when you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land you forgot one very important thing mate MOS Captain Jack Sparrow I love it I love it and I'm pudgy kill him the girl's blood didn't work did it he knows whose blood he really needs you know whose blood we need I know whose blood you need oh now they're off an adventure together oh she going I tell him now it was a gift from my father he sent it to me wow didn't know about it till the till now it wasn't your blood they needed it was my father's blood my blood I wonder why they need his blood to end the curse specifically I think they might have mentioned it but kind of went the blood of a pirate oh I'm so sorry please forgive me wow they're so close having like this happy ending this is the fastest ship in the Caribbean a she said Caribbean there's there anaw this man has been locked out most of the movie apparently there's a leak guys I was thinking that too like how much water know we have to make a stand we must fight oh let's go I'm down for a fight no the anchor on the right side it certainly has the element of surprise your D lady you both are D like Jack oh I like it which means it's going to work oh [ __ ] pulling some uh maneuvers oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] even Elizabeth's getting into it and there's his opening man cares about his ship that's pretty funny the luck this man has something else oh [ __ ] and still no Medallion inside really it could be at the bottom of the ocean by now like thank you I'll take that thanks very much it's funny because he's smooth but he's not like he makes it himself smooth cuz he accepts whatever happens there's no way monkey monkey the monkeys Got The Medallion holy [ __ ] man so much is going on it's pure chaos yeah I know no oh he's got the one the one shot no what the hell we might blow open a hole for to him I don't [Music] know oh [ __ ] that would make a hole for wil but that's he's underneath already you took advantage of our hospitality last time it holds Fair now you return the favor you tell him who it was again oh my God back like that there he is she goes free we've only got one shot and we can't die don't do anything stupid please you can't I can now this is a bargain my father was bootstrap Buon his blood runs in my veins try to get you out of this I'll pull this trigger and be lost to David Jones Locker name your terms Mr tur I've heard that before David lock yes we know that one anything else and Jack and the crew the crew are not to be harmed and to be free Jack the whole point was that she goes oh yeah I guess they don't care how she goes free hey you swore she'd Go free don't dare impune me on her boy I agreed she go free but it was you who failed to specify when or where yeah man is such a snake Sneaky Snake Bosa don't dare impune me on her and Jack knew they be like that's why saying that doing anything stupid too long oh [ __ ] oh my God man's just like too long and just stops it bam last time you left me a pistol with one shot with the powers you're right where be Jack pistol okay he's going to use it but he really can't can he gentleman give us a pair of pistols it'll be one pistol as before and you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady and starve to death yourself oh man my God the water looks beautiful second time I've heard watch that man sail away with my ship yeah that's sickening are you the pirate I've read about or not how did you escape last time you true about the real story The R Runners used this island as a cash came by and I was able to bought a passage off it was such a simple story he spent three days lying on a beach drinking R welcome to the Caribbean L yeah [ __ ] at least he's sharing the r she had a plan but I don't know what the hell she's called that was the song that she was singing as a young girl yeah what the black pear really is is freedom oh I love that man I was hoping you'd say that to Freedom like they're on different planets I don't know man is's drinking himself into Oblivion what was she doing tell me she was faking it creating a massive fire you burned all the food the shame the rum yes the rum is gone why is the rum gone oh dude you want to kill her you entire Royal Navy is out looking for me do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it far out let's hope why the wrong going man Master terrible for bloody is now thing there'll be no living with her after this oh bootstrap Bill we knew him never sat well with bootstrap what we did to Jack Sparrow but he was the only good one that's why you sent off a piece of the treasure to you as it were so he was an honorable man after all tell him Whata did I'm telling a story that's like me and you you strapped a Canon to bootstraps boot stra tell me they killed him left him to drown that's siing they didn't confirm his death they don't know if he's actually dead but if he sunk he sunk hey I go in I convinced Barosa to send his men out with their little boat you and your M Return To The Dauntless and blast the beesus out of them with your little cannons eh blast the beesus out of them man's loveing his life right now Jack's just trolling everyone right now I know love how Jacko just rocks up at the right time he just walks in Walters in like it's nothing he's thinking surely not to not again it's not possible it's possible all right you don't want to be doing that mate no I really think I do your funeral he always gets him a little doesn't he cuz the H Miss dauntless Pride of the royal Navy is floating just offshore waiting for you as soon as you become alive you're dead anyways yeah he's playing both sides I love this dude he's so witty you order your men to row out to the daers they do what they do best Robert's your uncle Fan's [Laughter] around oh this guy wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment M that definitely mean something doesn't it the opportune moment after you've killed norrington's man every L one Oran he kept one [Music] mhm there it is oh [ __ ] it's kind of a cool scene not going to lie oh they can walk on the water cuz they Undead anyway there's something badass bit just walking in the water like that's I you don't even need slowmo it's already slowmo for you oh my God tell me those two dresses stop oh my God keep them distracted they are so stupid Oh [ __ ] damn dude talk about a stealth Mission they've actually done that pretty well oh that's not ideal oh [ __ ] they blew their cover turns out you're a hard man to predict me I'm dishonest and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest it's the honest you want to watch out for interesting I like that are they're going to do something incredibly stupid yeah yeah that is true Jack wasting no time the music's A J that's what I've been saying how does he win at this point cuz he can't die oh [ __ ] there ain't no way why Jack had the the whole time what oh cuz he stole it right that is a cool little twist he the most like clumsiest but such beautiful fights I know what are they been fighting for this point no one can die why he runs like that oh my god dude oh OS my friends what is in that cave we must save him ready and hey just by myself what about Jack you just going to leave him jack or us a ship and there's the code to consider oh that damn code they're more like guidelines any anyway she's learned a lot her adventures damn they really just up and left is this supposed to be doing that they're stealing our [ __ ] Dy Pirates everyone hates Pirates even Pirates I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain you like pain yes Elizabeth coret dude the fils the fils side is Jack on a moment he doesn't even know oh they're going to stop the curse Jack uses one bullet you waste you Shard I don't think you wasted it oh the timing bada bing bada boom the timing dude that's perfect oh you'd be spewing H I know right at the second you get your freedom patient man my friend feel cold yeah he finally feels the night the feeling man damn they all get their freedom but look at the position they're in right now yeah miserable the ship is ours gentlemen this gu is going to come out and Cate get back in there abely nothing oh dude he oh my God disgusting man get rid of him get him off my screen oh God look at this guy if you were waiting for the opportune moment that was it that was it oh love it I'm sorry Jack they done what's right by them can't expect more than that yeah he's going to do what's right by him what the hell are they stupid you know he's getting out of it yeah for sure but how the H Captain Captain going to get all theal is correct Norrington is bound by the law as are we all oh get off it sell out Elizabeth finally not miss one I should have told you every day from the moment I met you oh here we go not wasting any time I love you now at all moments before Jack oh cuz he's going to risk now there's that move oh perfect he like I'm a little too short for this Jack's been on death Zord too many times I know take the sword oh we know he can't pull it out wave of the wave what an epic Duo oh damn look at the mess they got themselves into he's a pirate and a good man very good man at least my conscience will be clear it's right here between you and Jack oh that is sick shot's fine my love lower your weapons for goodness sake put them down Jack is like y down Elizabeth it would never have work between us [Laughter] daring ear your dreams he rejecting Earth this is a day that you will always remember is the day that this guy even how he fell was So Graceful perhaps on the rare occasion pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy oh can be the right course interesting finishing off his advice to Elizabeth this is a beautiful sword I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life so he knew all along yeah here's a blacksmith no he's a pirate go tell me she's going to say that he's a pirate oh dude the dad's going to be like he's okay about it I don't know him and the com all turned around in the end I didn't expect [Music] that I think after all he just wanted his daughter to be [Music] happy that b me holding on thought you were supposed to keep to the code we figured there were more actual guidelines mhm thanks to Elizabeth there's a crew that actually respects Jack and really bad eggs oh he's singing the song I love that dude Meo that soundrack super iconic well I'd say that really lived up to the hype and the sort of expectations that everyone was setting for us I think take me back to that very first scene with Jack on the that was my fav that was hilarious that was hilarious I have to actually watch that again that was so funny yeah honestly that was actually a really enjoyable I don't know what you call like an action adventure but the setting of Pirus was really fun and utilized well but it was just it was actually written really well oh that's what I was going to say I feel like you just don't get multi-dimensional stories like that no like wow it makes me appreciate this time period a lot we keep saying that watch but like even finishing with the words that the girl started with and just all the little ties and uh ironies of the Show and The Way It Was Written was oh it was just great well even then like I think the rewatchability is going to be great because I noticed a lot of times like we didn't necessarily react but they brought in dialogue that was mentioned earlier and the way that it was set like I don't know it was just like amazing writing like even the fact that you know the main love interests are like an ensemble main character but really Jack is the main character and like it he didn't have like a love like you know yeah the love interest wasn't that typical generic like having Jack there it was almost like it's he almost like breaking the fourth wall in that sense not exactly but you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean I know cuz you're so specific I knew I use that g over he breaks the fourth wall in the sense that he says what we're thinking and he says it out loud and if they're like let's say they're about have rantic moment and you're sort of thinking oh this is this is the moment yeah or whatever like that he will come in and say it yeah so I don't know if that's exactly breaking the fourth wall but you guys get what I mean I don't think it is but I am understand what you me all right enough of that honestly I feel like these movies are Comfort movies I could see the re watchability being perfect uh you want to watch something just fun and adventurous and you want to just put a smile on your face like that's what these movie is for yeah even like I don't know just the whole buildup of you know we didn't get all the information from the start we like we got little Snippets of okay he knows something something's up like oh this word or this like phrase pricked pricked up his ears a little bit but you still don't know you're still like waiting on the edge of your seat like how is this going to turn out yeah and they do it in a way that furthers a story as the story advances you discover locations you get little tidbits of closing in the gaps in our knowledge and I also loved how in the beginning you s sort of leave it a bit ambiguous on whether Jack Sparrow is he like how brutal is he how serious is he but as you keep going like we find out later on that he was only ever going to save that one bullet for what was his name again Bosa babosa captain babosa and so when he was threatening which you sort of had a feeling then too just because of what I knew about his character but when he was threatening Elizabeth and later when he was threatening um will more obvious but you know he was never actually threatening them he was never going to shoot them he was never going to waste that bullet it was more just like let my reputation precede me and get me out of this situation even like you know being on the island I can't even remember the stories of how like people think he got off the island two turtles and he tied them together that seemed farf and really he just got rescued by some sort of dumb luck you know yeah I know so it's just great that I don't know I love the unpredictability of Jack like you don't know what's going to come come out of his mouth even the fact that he went to Commodore and he was like you know I was rooting for you and then he turns around and he like to Elizabeth it was never going to work out I'm sorry he's great honestly like he he just reminds me of like a pirates version of Deadpool he's just so good even when he's fighting and then it starts running away like Goofy and like he doesn't give a [ __ ] all the stereotypes with like you know pride and strength whatever he just does whatever like he sort of he set those rules from the beginning he's like there's what you can do and what you can't do that's it yeah and if I can do it I'm going to do it which is great even like when he's like negotiating with each side he like no one understands what is happening and they think they do and they don't and the perfect example was with those two soldiers like is he telling truth or isn't he like we don't know what one to believe yeah they didn't know the Black Pearl was real so that that goes to show like Jack's Legend because I thought Black Pearl was like just the undead sheep or something it's like no it's actually Jack ship and that's how legendary it it is yeah I love how they ended the movie like it leaves you completely content so I get the idea that when they wrote this movie it was just one movie but obviously did so well that they kept making more but it does really close off almost pretty much every story line yeah I just feel like with Jack I want to see him in more environments more scenarios exactly my words I was going to say like honestly I don't care if it's a new story whatever I just want to see Jack like he actually is funny and I don't always find that quirky witty kind of humor like it does always make me laugh out loud but in this one I genuinely couldn't help it like he was just such a fun guy he just even if you were in a bit more of a serious mood or whatever he just he snaps you out of it yeah he does brilliant um uh Orlando Bloom and I'm pretty sure it's Kiera nly so Elizabeth and yeah I know I know um I was going to say I know I've seen her too but I don't know from where I'm pretty sure um this kirite I'm pretty sure that is her that name means nothing to me but the only reason why I know the name is from if you know you know because is a wavely place I watched a bit of that when I was growing up yeah what's that a hat a crazy funky junky hat what do you mean she say try to look like K nightly yeah oh why you know her name yeah dude that was oh my God so thinking I'm like that song was was sung by Selena Gomez so I was like what the hell are you talking about all right throw that in the be I'm sorry guys we wasted 30 seconds of your time I think the choreography behind the fighting scenes was just done excellent like one thing I love about movies of this time that I'm growing to appreciate especially movies like Lord of the Rings was the first one that really I saw it and now I'm seeing with these two in the absence of a crazy amount of CGI they actually have to do really cool stance really creative scenes and ways of making something feel Next Level so even like in the earlier battle between will and Jack getting the Flaming sword so you got a bit of Sparks happening and then getting flipped up on the ledges so you're balancing and then on the cart that was sort of fighting and just maneuvering be more creative yeah maneuvering around the room and I love that creativity with Elizabeth with the undead like with the sheet and it was like a trampoline exactly cool exactly a lot of those scenes I just felt were really fun and I don't know I feel like modern movies they lack that bit of oomph because they don't have to be as creative cuz they can just see everything yeah so I actually I appreciate that and it makes it more fun and you able to connect with the scene more I feel I just feel like a lot of heart went into this like the script the the acting the set like it was all just like really really great well after watching the first movie all I can say is and I'm I'm sure I speak for both of us yeah I'm very excited for the second one M me too like honestly guys I want to watch it like like now or like in an hour I want to go straight to it we'll be patient we'll record it when we get a chance but I just want to get into that cuz it just feels like another fun adventure put some good Smiles on our face and you know we have had actually somewhat stressful week so it actually is really good timing to watch this movie we've had a lot of technical errors and issues and things happening and uh it's just this movie couldn't have been timed perfectly so that was good well guys we hope you enjoyed our reaction to this movie if you did don't forget to leave a like on the video subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comments down below what you thought of the movie and if you do want to get early access to our reactions or 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Channel: Spartan & Pudgey
Views: 224,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Reaction, Pirates of the Caribbean
Id: M_FZbyO41As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 13sec (3793 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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