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just [Music] trolis you have one little dry flake here wow and one other little dry flake here listen it's snowy season it's dandr season it's sasis season hang on a minute SK condition season you actually have enough like he didn't have D dandruff though it's this is because you didn't use your head scrub yeah listen there's tips they keep their Oh my days you you're so rude control your mud whistle lady you're a lady you're wearing a turtleneck so you're an extra lady today okay control your mud Whistle stop farting your farts are disgusting okay I have a block nose your farts open my Airways listen guys I know why you're here you're here for some great entertainment for a great show you're here for the JTA family you're here on Christmas because you want to sit on our Labs so we can watch a reaction together so why don't you come on sit on our on our Labs because daddy and mommy are here to watch the mommy wow I didn't even mean to do that you know there was a bit of something in my drink oh what was in your drink I don't know probably my dandr off it was like a clump of something maybe coconut The Mummy which was recommended mmy by the millions of people on our patreon so make sure you go on our patreon to watch the full length reaction seven no don't don't disrespect ja yeah what's mommy in fary M no mommy M no that's mom m m no but that's Nan isn't it yeah we don't have mommy we just say mama M mommy just sounds like you're some entitled you know this could actually be thaty this could be a movie about an entitled little who calls his mom mommy yeah and the mommy just has enough God I know what this film is going to be about go on you know Game of Thrones with a little boy that suckles till forever it's him this is going to be literally his upbringing with his mommy yeah could be but guys or it's about someone wrapped in toilet paper all that guys make sure you head down to our patreon to watch the full length reaction to the mummy and to the Hunger Games and to Star Wars and to Pirates of the Caribbean all the videos there what life life is um beautiful whatever it's called also girls and boys you know how like there's a big H thing about like saying Daddy in bed yeah why don't people say mommy they do I've never been called Mommy they do why don't you call me Mommy I think mommy is like is for people who are really like girls with like super daddy issues and boys with like really mommy issues like they just want to like suck on your tits and like drink your milk and stuff so what what what about the daddy thing the daddy thing is like the girl will like refuse to like you know to like eat you know you're like eat your chicken and she's like no Daddy but she's like 35 and you're likeing eat it and she's like yes daddy like it's about that is that what it's about yeah yeah yeah or like eat your broccoli she's like no and then you're like make sure you head down to your girl's channel to watch watch your stranger things and Game of Thrones reaction I love you guys let's get into this they're building how sick would it been you to be in that era just watching this on a rooftop yeah but not very sick for the people having to freaking do it do you know what I mean was there even coffee back then can't even coffee they barely even got water little on coffee pharoh's high priest Keeper of the Dead Keeper of the dead oh oh this is what I mean no other man was allowed to touch her ass she's painted gold as a god I'd be like I would break God and I would just like have a look I'll have a quick look as a guard I'd have a quick look they all looked but they're not allowed to touch her it's worth death I'll just quickly touch just jiggle a bum quick daddy chill for their love they were willing to risk life itself a my Prest wa wow only you you can resurrect me I you can't kill her come on look at you my body is no longer his Temple you can't kill her oh she's going to kill what a shame you know you could have just ran away with each other not without a sports bra on you can't her vital organs removed and placed in five sacred kopic jars okay okay we're in Hogwarts uh oh wow but you have no organs the phoh bodyguards had followed him and stopped him before the ritual could be completed imotep priests were condemned to be mummified alive mummified a lot no what are they doing what are they putting down their throat oh my God as oh what are they putting down the he was condemned to endure the home die oh my God they're going to cut his dick his tongue oh oh my God no thanks oh my God at least they're bandaging it up so they suffocate them with this you do for a woman like that do you know what I mean this is what happens you rather be mummified this man was willing to be mummified to be with her think about that Ashan what they do oh my what they're like beetles flesh eating beet lying that's a lie that's a lie is this how mummies were created I no I don't think so and for 3,000 years we the Magi the descendants of Pharaoh's sacred wait this guy looks like me kept watch no he does I swear to God that's the first time I ever said someone looks like me oh can we stop damaging me yeah this is like artifacts you know I mean don't give a we got bullet holes and everything in it now say you got gold quick say you got gold quick oh oh oh they something oh my gosh what's just happened oh my God they just the are panicking there is something on him or around him maybe it's the mommy the spirit of the Mummy is like scaring off the horses oh my God it's talking to him wa what the hell it's a sand monster oh no now you'd really get it in your eyes wouldn't you oh it is what the jeez this is like Bam Bam Bam already Toth mosis what are you doing here t t T who is this woman I don't know I tell you what though the eyebrows are so thin who gave her that style oh oh oh my God that is a balancing act in it's oh just lean forward oh wow we've turned around oh no no no no no listen you might be looking for a tea but all you're going to find is trouble with your manager do you know when you when you've made a dead joke who is this woman sons of the pharoh sons of the phoh LI locusts anything but you wow compar to you the other plagues were a joy wow step over the threshold oh my God it's my brother and what did he say he said he was just looking for a good time oh we got George of the Jungle here but this is my sister Eevee how' you do oh well guess she's not to lo I you be back we've found your puzzle box you came to ask me about ham yell hell Ashan the I I've just got one of those faces Ash now look what you've done you've put me on the edge you actually as have yeah I was there you swear he still shouted in the back I was there said's Place City of the Dead could could you tell me how to get there [Laughter] you want to know well yes you need to take him out of them take him out of prison he's going to he's going to put his finger in his mouth yes this is what we want let's go on a journey together he's going to get hanged he won't but she will save him because she has never experienced a man this Brave to grab her face and kiss her like that she reads that stuff in the book but this happened to her in real life this is what we want this is True Romance I don't know if that was romance she's offering money and what else I'm a very lonely man I'm a very lonely man oh he is you can't just oh my God his neck did not break he won't die what kind of fake rope we got he knows the location to have an aptra are you telling me this filthy Godless son of a pig and if you cut him down we will give you 10% 50% he's still hackling 4 30 25 he went lower than what she said this is my mom every time she goes grocery shopping every time yes she did get a free pillow for us yesterday look she just fell in love instantly put you in a suit get your haircut give you a nice brown suede bag I love this movie it's like I'm on a Magic Carpet you know you know it's like I'm just there with them right you know yeah sorry didn't mean to scare you anything that scares me Mr O Connell your manners oh yeah yeah why did you kiss me no I was about to be hanged it seemed like a good idea at the time oh oh oh oh oh isn't it sexy when a man his hair like just Falls naturally front of his eyes naturally naturally naturally it's sexy good friend you're alive I think I'll kill you think of my children you don't have any children someday I might shut [Laughter] up you never believed in huming up tro why are you going back she saved my neck she saved my neck literally actually the Rope saved your neck for being a rope actually your neck saved your neck no the being so strong you know bye Benny W Benny looks like the type of guy who plays around with mummies in a you know in weird ways oh he's going to go into her room must her hair down Ash she's letting hair down yeah yeah yeah she's in love she can't focus wow look I know the obviously look look you're such a romantic that cannot be her real hair she's going to get up and he's behind us you just turned the things off no it's your scream your scream is so loud that it turned the airpod the airpod got scared and just went no oh ah oh wow ah the keay that's all he wanted oh oh my iar God it's a lot going on we need the key look at his forearms his forearms is turning getting slowly closer to him she just saved him again again can you swim of course I can swim if the occasion calls for it trust me wow it calls for it is isn't this like the River Nile like it's got crocodiles and in it no oh my days look at this this man's a ninja look at this you can't get him around his neck he's got the strongest neck in history and the forearms look at this hair just naturally flowing in front of his eyes while he pushes this man into a good Egyptian barbecue wait here I'll go get help he's got one eyebrow he's got a bridge wait here I'll go get help he y sh Benny's like a oh look yeah look oh wow wow wow it's like stockings you know it's like black stockings on your leg but it's that's on a face you know I just want to pull it down and be like you know yeah don't you just push your hair back be like sort your eyebrows up first and then I'll give you a kiss her eyebrows are too thin for me they have to be authentic that's how thin the L eybrows fash hey Colonel nice camel a oh his camel loves him we're about to be shown the way oh what the sun points them in the direction no the sun like reveals wow this is a magical City look at that this is what type of movie fun adventure and Middle Eastern men let's get into this mov hang on can a camel run that fast of course camels are fast oh stop hitting them they're going as fast as they can I can't bear it this is what I love them look they still got a smile on their face Benny's a cockroach you know Benny's type of guy who will survive any apocalypse anything yeah oh off you go Benny look he would still survive this these poor camels the horses will overtake surely hey he's like you're good at riding you know look at this she's Alex she's got a control on that camer Alexa up front I think she's doing that to be sexy daddy chill what having a legs up front like that they jump oh my God I thought the camel was about to jump the wall then no they're not that talented a I feel sorry for the camels they've been hit quite hard that he is a very good character in this if he dies I I swear to God I'd actually Cry he's the best thing in know something we don't they led by a woman what does a woman know come on say something what does a woman know protect your kind listen listen this is the problem you're not listening she knows everything you worm so uh what are these old mirrors for ancient mirrors ancient Egyptian TR he'll see he's getting nervous here this is for for you that's some I borrowed off for American Brethren I thought he might like it oh look at him he's well nervous o this man had has a heart he's a warrior but he's being crumbled by This Woman's presence and her eyebrows her eyes that is such a kind beautiful thing I know isn't it yes yes it is that's such a romantic cuz she's passionate about that he's like look here are the tools that you scario they're in and look he can still be romantic yeah yeah look at the scenario they're in and he can still be romantic y look at this man oh he's just here because he's you know he wants to be a wise man and get his gold that's all he wants yeah that's why pretty much any of the people are here these days no no no he's willing to crawl and look at this man look he's already found it now that thing is going to eat your eyeballs he's putting it in his b Oh I thought he was putting in his pants it's they're getting these guys to do it look no don't open always a villain this man no this is like reading oh oh oh oh my God it's acid oh my God that was some like mummy acid you know something very nauy look at this man look they're all going to eat oh it's touched the sand it comes to life now Ash so the Beetles have been MiFi oh no look that's it now oh it's giving me itchy it's making me itchy he's going to go now he's going to die smack it smack it just take your pants off no look at the nipples oh my God they're so pink what it's inside it's like a Persian carpet Ash it's going to oh my God oh my God is he going to be a mummy oh it's in in his head it's in his head it's e his brains I'm so sad cuz he's dead are you seen it I think it went through his bum hole no it could go through your dick hole as well oh you don't believe in cises huh no I don't I believe if I can see it and I can touch it then it's real I believe in being prepared wow onehanded honestly what does that show to you when he does that that he wanks himself off a lot that box in itself is worth a lot of money yeah there is a curse upon this chest let's read it he knows he knows death will come on Swift Wings to whomsoever opens this chest oh well we're not opening that I don't think we should open that do you know what I mean like it's actually telling you what's going to happen if you open it no but you don't even need to to read it if it says curse anything that's curse you don't read curses that's it that's just a number one rule he will kill all who open this chest and assimilate their organs and fluids oh to curse oh my God even Benny is scared if Benny is scared you're all open oh my God this gentlemen this is pleasure I wouldn't trade you for a bre oh my God it's her organs yeah yeah we've got a pulsating heart in there there's two things you can't trust okay cucumber in a woman prison and a book that has a lock on it a black book that has a lock on it there cuber in a woman's prison oh yeah you can't trust cucumber in a woman's prison you can't you really can't you're in her seat now yep oh according to my readings our friend suffered the humai if a victim of the humai should ever arise he would bring with him the 10 plagues of Egypt oh some biblical fastic you just how can you be sleeping with someone's organ inside because it's greed it's all just greed greed greed he's ain't going he wow he what this girl reads the book let go I swear to God she deserves to die I think this may be the book of the Dead The Book of the Dead are you sure you want to be playing around with this thing mon don't read it out like that on he's going to slow fall back oh that is terrifying you must not read from the book wow the owner of that Library was so right about This Woman This Woman's actually causing plague you know seven plagues of Egypt that guy said you're worse than the plague and she actually just released the plages no look at this what is this I think these are grasshoppers no oh my God yeah yeah these are grasshoppers or whatever they are Goodness Me Lotus no Lotus sorry sorry I watch Da van bro what have we done well why didn't he tell anyone don't whatever you do do not read this book oh oh my God oh God this this just went this just went into horror realm something's touched him something's yeah the mommy shouldn't eat his eyes though cuz you would have bad eyes sights you got to save that eye you got to save his eye go take things from every individual like his tongue he needs a new tongue you know yeah yeah yeah they did cut his tongue off so he needs a new Tong yeah he's turned into the mummy he's turned into the mommy everyone oh my God that's the last thing that bomie should have ate guys look he is actually doing that what I said he's going to rebuild now he's going to take her hair yes she does have great hair don't take her eyebrows though she great hair please help me my tongue tongue as well oh I think he's going to take her hair oh no oh you to see what they do now look look look they're going to they're like piranhas look watch he's going to be a skeleton now that's it oh oh so quick let's get out of here wa oh whoa there what still skeleton play on that he likes her oh well oh my God he's going to get Benny's heart this man's going to be even more corrupt protecting oh man don't take it off oh my god look how many religious necklaces he has oh my God he's got all of the all of the religions he's beging for the Buddha man is cultured he's going to make a deal what oh he wants to use her organs to bring her back how L can we just appreciate Benny how cultured he is because we him being cultured might save your life be cultured go learn another language mhm learn about other cultures yeah for sure I'm so pleased to meet you a I'm afraid more is needed sacrificing Everyone by myself oh my God but you would turn this man into a raisin he literally looks like a raisen he look oh he's gaining some muscle he didn't take teeth though I wonder why he has good [Music] teeth he just tried to kiss who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa It's a cat wo oh he's allergic to cats that's how that is what happens when I see a cat oh keepi that cat around instead of the gun wearing it as a hat it would be sitting there trained to not move question why doesn't he like cats cats are the guardians of the underworld that's very romantic but what does it got to do with me perhaps he will once again try to raise her from the dead yes oh my God it appears he's already chosen his human sacrifice oh he needs her he needs her because he's going to needs to regenerate the lady so he's regenerating himself through all the men that open the box he's regenerating her through this lady here yeah he I knew her hair was a selling point you know and he stretched forth his hand towards the heavens and there was Darkness throughout the land of Egypt wow I'd have to have a nap right she stays here you three come with me not me who put you in charge of what do you think you are doing Jonathan oh what's he doing but how would he knows you are not leaving me in here oh oh do you know what no she is a bit you know stressed out you got to release the stress you got to have sex with her so you can release the stress she's a bit angry she's a bit upset she's a bit scared release the stress instead of releasing the curses release your stress all over her give you me a good old rub he's locked her in the room because he obviously knows that the guy is after her this this the mommy is after her you think a powerful mommy like that isn't going to find a woman that's locked in a room listen it's too late oh Benny pisses me off so much Benny is a survival like Benny is a cockroach survives anything spring [Applause] clean that must have really hurt the back of his legs you came back from the desert with the new friend didn't you Benny but friend you are my only friend and try not to lie to me oh no no no it won't kill you I've done that before as a kid I did oh off off look jumps out window you're right Benny Benny Will Survive Benny is cockroach look at this this man makes raisins out of people if he has all of ladyes body parts and that girl oh look it is that is terrifying though his breath look his breath is flies ash oh my he's a walking apocalypse this man this is he's not riding on a pale white horse this man is literally a apocalypse walking he looks like Prince Charming this guy if he shoots it then he won't be able to regenerate the woman oh yeah it burn you destroy but the thing is I mean ultimately it would be nice if the mommy has his G back maybe he'll calm down then oh what sand oh my God oh God he going to wow sucked him dry yes keep saying that oh look he just needs a little bit more sucking he just needs a little bit more sucking he's just cheering it like tobacco and let me just tell you Hannah is better than this mommy at sucking sorry Dad that's a compliment um Ashan we're about to lose the G I told you locking in a room ain't going to do this is the second time she's being kissed without her permission hey get your ugly face off of her look at I got ah ah literally instead of guns put two cats in your pockets and I'm thinking that if the black book can bring dead people to life then maybe the gold book can kill you you just shut up please no she's clever please with your eyebrows flew shut up she's about to save it the gold book just he just said the gold book can kill him look we've given these people diseases innocent because of this damn right but we have to save it somehow how you going to save them from these spots not Dr pimper pop ain't going to do they're all mad because their wives have left them to be fair I will give you one thing she honestly doesn't give a across much guilt come on E faster patience is a virtue eeve mate we haven't I now you're taking the piss The Golden Book of a moonrise inside the Statue of Horus take that benridge Scholars I just can't believe how happy she is even though she's caused carnage oh my life look at him look his mouth goes so big the CG on his face is sick isn't it mhm oh how are they going to get this surround Ed by them look no I'd have to say something you need a good speech that's for sure oh he's fully recovered he looks terrifying you take my hand and I will spare your friends oh I'd straight away give myself up take me it's fine if you can save the world right now where's the cat don't he still has take me to H andapa to perform the ritual I'll be seeing you again oh how lucky getting the sewers oh I wouldn't want to do that but you'd have to wouldn't you sewers in 1923 as well you know oh mate in that heat yeah yeah yeah oh look look look look at this guy I I I I I jump in the hole come on PO guy look look no no no he was always just trying to save people and actually that girl that he disliked has now gotten killed yep maybe Benny will save the day oh this is epic wa great body as well look at this everyone in this film is is definitely got a gym membership yeah look at this this man this is his playground are you mad he's going to be sand castles and monsters out of this for them wow look at this oh this looks sick you know that that looks epic sick that is epic that is epic that's so sick it doesn't feel outdated at all that's what I was worried about sometimes oh come on you ain't going to do sh oh it's like a giant stand projector yes oh my I'm glad he put his goggles on stop it you kill them it's not her Ash it's the script the way they've done her script stop it you'll kill them oh look at this that's what he wanted and you gave it to him a key to a man's heart is good kiss that was quite intelligent of her though to do that I mean that man risk to be mummified for that girl's body I'm sure you can save these guys by distracting with a bit of your tit you know show him one nipple and he would stop even just a shoulder would probably do it at this rate this man hasn't been touched in 3,000 years a little help would be useful if it's not too much trouble how did he survive wow look at this guy's hair honestly sexiest man I've ever seen in a movie I'm not even joking sexiest man I've ever seen a movie Tom Cruz sexiest man you're telling me the way his hair is flow looking what's hilarious Ash is the minute you saw him the first thing you said was this guy looks like me identical to me tell me that man is not one of the sexiest men you've ever seen in your life look at him I'll will open book just to have him you know tell me off come on put your backs into it Hanah come on yeah well the idea Chop Chop have you ever seen a man be that sexy taking bricks out oh man of a rubble nice oh look now look what he's going to do it's going to go through his skin oh no oh it's going to go through skin it's his skin I know I know you got to cut it out you got to cut it out chop it chop it chop it chop it can't watch that sorry can't watch it stab it stab it I'm itchy oh my God no oh my God they're all underground oh look oh look at this isn't this man look as if this man's hair wasn't that sexy enough we give him a machine gun look at this even the way he shoots he like I think you could look put me in mommy put me in mommy free what in the world is the plan he's going to kill it I don't like it I don't like the look of it I don't like oh god listen you'd rather that than one of them flesh eating beetles let me tell you love Denny you you're upsetting the camel he's not smiling wait this Camel had fangs did you see it yeah I know he needs a good F working for them Pharaoh you're going to go the gold book The Gold book can undo this ashon ashon but the key you haven't got the key oh look at this man just saving them oh God kill the No No you don't deserve to die oh my god look him sacrificing himself for these idiots that amazing hair as well going to waste oh look he ain't scared he's jumping in the army of awful for that oh my god oh look out look at his effects on this that's banging Hannah I'd be crying so much yeah she deserves to die come on great knife as well careful with that sword they fight dirty though don't they what did don't have anything else of course they're going to he's J in his head that was sick that was sick use your fists oh my God this is they're going to do some biblical Kenyon aable on him they going to drop it on his head yes there's a hand oh my God he's he's Goring on his neck oh smart now we got the army of the Dead with actual weapons actual hats on they actually have hats [Music] how oh look how terrifying they that's not do anything the way their mouth opens so wide it makes it so scary but also you know what I mean mommy your head goes [Music] places they're so fast for mommies you know look how I can't get over how sick the CGI is look how ins sync they are who Men first look how lucky he got they're going oh he's controlled them yeah cuz he's read the book look so now he's saying what to do Hanah even the woman yeah the woman mommy is still faithful towards him even at this moment she's faithful towards him him how amazing is that oh oh cuz look she was going to fight them but look they're going to kill her freaking hell oh he's going to regenerate that back he is so lucky he has a bit of string tied up here to stop the blood oh my God we've just attached our arm back on keep it busy you're about to look he's got a strong neck it's okay no he has a strong neck yeah oh my God come on look how terrifying that looks oh look these are the heavens the the heavens are taking him back look God's chariots are taking him back wow oh it's sad really but it's not like no I don't understand why the mommy is in a fun something went wrong there he's mortal yes yes he's feeling pain work oh my gosh imagine that would just squish you so hard that would like pancake you no he's going to save Benny hey hey hey hey a that's cool though throughout all of this he actually tried to save Benny I like that oh Benny's going to be sleeping with choice you know you are right Benny's going to be sleeping with the mummies that's terrifying yeah that's the scariest he's not moving quick enough for my life yeah you're going to be sleeping with your greed now he's there forever Benny he's going to be hundreds hundreds thousands millions oh he's a raisin now Benny the raisin wow look at what we've just destroyed I love like people actually watching this movie like this is just supposed to be a fun movie but now you made me realize yes wow that was so close to elbowing me yes you have earned the respect and gratitude of me and my people may Allah smile upon you always oh my god wow I guess we go home empty-handed again I wouldn't say that ooh that was so smooth a the nose flick she never done that to me yes we have not the nose flick my nose does that before even kissing you that's how big my nose is wow this fun movie a mommy maybe Benny becomes a mommy oh yeah and in them two get Revenge maybe Benny becomes the power yeah Benny becomes the leader of the Dead yeah I loved that that was fun it was so fun we we don't get movies like this anymore do we no like just really simple fun adventure movies I am concerned that is just for me though I've got to say this Omid jal's character and the The Protector the guy with the long hair stole the show for me stole the show they should have utilized om's character imagine om's character with Benny right until the end of the movie how amazing them just teaming up just to be their mommy's right- hand man and left-and man that'd be so sick that's the only downside to it should have utilize om's characters more because he was the comedic relief for me but he was the he was such a good reason for us to for them to figure out the beetle thing yeah yeah yeah the beatle that was a great scene yeah the C also this film was made in 1999 yeah oh so good but the CGI they used it wasn't dated at all like I like I would you would you always would do that as well like I would see it the mummy effects looked banging the the be effects look banging it was all and actually what's mad is the mommy only end at the end when he started saying like I will be um what's the word we un Invincible that was the only point that I went oh he is in it for bad I just thought he was in it to get his girl back and play happy families yeah but through the whole movie we were actually rooting I wasn't ever rooting for the mummy no no no but I could but I didn't like dispise his motives yeah yeah yeah you know until the end when he started getting all power hungry and saying I'll be Invincible yeah yeah they tried to make me despise the mommy but I actually didn't I thought listen he was a great character he just wanted his chick he just wanted this chick that's it justed don't get that in this day and age yeah yeah you know that doesn't happen anymore yes it does yes it does listen if you get nose flick with a kiss if my look look try it I don't okay you want see look mine I have I can't get close look see look see that's how big my nose is wow don't choke me no you want to pin me again some more flick flick and then kiss anyway flick and then kiss okay I'm not Brandon Fraser okay how sexy was that man I desperately need a piss okay but how sexy was that I'm going to leave you to have your moment now about that man and I'm going to go win yeah say bye to the people don't be rude well I was going to come back and say bye no no we I'm going to go with weiv time yeah yeah I need some listen I'm going to IMDb that man okay beautiful I'm going to follow in Instagram I'm going to say listen honestly he becomes obsessive yeah I am obsessed guys thank you so much for watching this reaction with us hope you enjoyed it love you guys take care oh
Views: 228,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the mummy, the mummy reaction, movie reaction, the mummy 1999, first time watching the mummy, reaction to the mummy, the mummy movie reaction, movie reactions, first time watching movie reaction, the mummy 1999 reaction, brendan fraser, the mummy first time watching, the mummy movie, popcorn in bed, natalie gold, blind wave, just trust ash, funny, rachel weisz, reaction, reaction channel, the mummy trailer, movie, first time watching
Id: WOLwTIrHvco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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