FIRST TIME WATCHING Lord Of The Rings : Fellowship Of The Ring | MOVIE REACTION (PART 1/2)

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[Music] yes guys welcome back to just trust this is my beautiful boyfriend papa did you just say papa you we are here to react to lord of the rings if you want to watch early access of this reaction just head on to my patreon don't forget to spot and kick that subscribe button smash that like button let's get into this are you frightened do you write this down before no i just think i'm advised really yeah what before you go to bed no no no i just in your head i just come on what you think about you've got your ad still up i've got this out this is [ __ ] barney house get her location now let's get her on the phone it began with the forging of the great rings in the land of mordor in the fires of mount doom the dark lord sauron forged in secret a mastering to control all others one ring to rule them all see that guy he had staples in his face [Applause] [Music] are these elves i don't know that's what i was thinking but i thought elves were small now i'm going to take a guess he's going to lose it in battle that is son of the king took up his father's sword here we go cut his finger off bam ring snap that up so what you destroy his finger and he's he's completely take the ring take the pretty room [Applause] oh [ __ ] [Applause] oh so what it just tells you invisible don't lose the [ __ ] thing the ring betrayed him the ring betrayed him to his death oh i've heard this had now line who does this voiceover i have no idea but something happened to her yeah she's got one of those like pronounces her t's and oh the music i feel like everyone every person that narrates this can just put you to sleep mm-hmm they've got that in a good way though yeah look at that archway this is my kind of house this is a place like as soon as i see this i'm like i would love to take a nap in this place yeah by the fire by the fire as well oh no actually i get way too hot oh look at that satisfactory writing i know satisfying writing yeah it's like the voices the voices the voices are great and they've got great handwriting and they've got great hallways yeah this is the place you want to live you know full of strange creatures no have you ever stroked a sheep not a sheep a pig yeah smackdown he asked as well thank you it's like put it live this looks like a great retirement home as well don't you find it weird when you watch your film but you know the names already like i know the names through people talking about the film because yeah it's so i've never had a massive film that you've had specific scenes yeah like people call each other frodo yeah like you call each not like sorry what kind of friends do you have that you call them bilbo baggins smeagol isn't it you have friends that you call them smeagols she doesn't actually look like me and we call her dobby too but that's not a story [Music] oh [Laughter] is yeah i love the music yeah it's cute you can like irish plants to it look how beautiful this place is it's very green [Music] i feel like if you were to walk on your own this is like filled right you listen to this song you would be skipping you'd be slipping pigeons birds sheep smacking pig's arses he's the guy who's uh he's got the ring yeah he's panicking he can't find the ring can't find the ring this is me every day with my keys that's so true there it is imagine being a kid there gandalf is a he's like a little magician isn't he not little but like he's like this a wizard a wizard you're a wizard harry i'm the one [Applause] of course he smokes a pipe of course he does this song makes me want to just get a moment and go for a walk go for a walk appreciate trees and stuff i love how beautiful does this movie look but is this green screen no this so hobbiton this is the only thing i know it's actual like it's in new zealand because you can if it's a green screen no no it's not green screen they actually made this town this whole place they made it you can go visit in new zealand [Music] how's he gonna get in that house [Applause] welcome welcome such a bad back but it's tall enough for him oh i love this man so much that's like you with my light above the table the people who done the set on this must have had an absolute field day people like appreciate these actors and like you know to give them credit and stuff but think about the designers of this place no that's what i'm saying yeah like how like the detail they've gone in even the makeup look at his eyebrows it's amazing yeah the other one gandalf oh that is so pretty this place is i don't even smoke a pipe when i want to smoke a pipe yeah look i can do them what when i'm pissed i can do them i can do i can i can do the boat i could eat a boat i don't know why i took you enough your mother and father died but it wasn't out of charity [ __ ] it was because of all my numerous relations you were the one bagging [Music] [Laughter] the point be all is [Music] i'd be like yes was that it i'm not being funny but if you're trying to hide from someone at a party you're not going to go up and do a speech right yeah that's true [Applause] he's going to get the [ __ ] ring out is he gonna he's going to make himself disappear i'm going now nothing's gonna happen oh he just wants to live on his own nothing's gonna happen though it's gonna embarrass him ah now he knows right he knows he must know something about this ring oh it's like a toxic relationship this is how every girl wants their boyfriend to treat them what world are you living i am not trying to rob you whoa you see the lights on here oh he scared him oh but he hasn't given the ring has he no he can't part with it it actually is like a toxic relationship isn't it it's how i feel [Music] softly wink did you see that you just went oh show me how's that that's not soft wings that is a sock do it again no you're closing both your eyes i'm not no i don't think either of us can do it you do it you're both you went like that you actually blinked can you trust him though because like this ring like i feel like anyone who like holds this ring makes them evil no no yeah wow these shots are like wallpapers um like you can like that yeah yeah like you can put these as your screensaver and bear in mind this one was made in like what like early 2000s it looks better than some of the cgi now it's shrunk yeah like it shrinks to the size of whoever's got it yeah that the only thing that fire destroy it no fire if you put it in fire then you can read what it says on it oh i'd definitely be a hobbit wouldn't you yeah or would you be in it i think you'd be in it why because i'm not white with curly hair yeah i wouldn't first of all brown your feet are hairy though i would have i would have the hair hey guys that's the only thing i have in common with keep your hobbits out of trouble and no trouble will come to you beautiful eyeballs what are you doing oh he's trying to see what's written on it [Applause] you'd react a little bit more to that like [ __ ] fire on your hand all right oh [ __ ] there are markings some form of elvish i'd be like [ __ ] this [Music] but the enemy found him first [Music] oh because he knows he'll get he's so powerful he'll get addicted to it yeah but i'd be like i don't want the [ __ ] ring imagine giving that responsibility like the holy spirit why does he not get because he's so innocent no no because he's so innocent and sweet a virgin probably right that he's that he can trust him but he's so powerful that if he had the ring he would cause way more damage yeah frodo's just sweet yeah i'd be with frodo he's like four foot 11. not far before pick him up that would be lovely you can learn all that those to know about their ways in months and yet after 100 years they can still surprise you oh [ __ ] oh my god oh i love it when they put a goofy look at this shirt that is beautiful oh it's because bilbo put it on this is so scary for these kids are they kids though they're like they they're literally supposed to be like they're like teenagers no they're like 100 years old no bilbo was i think these are youngsters well like 98 years old that is stunning this is in new zealand right it has to be that is beautiful most of this is in new zealand come on sam come on sam yes sammy has bacon sammy boy they smoke though so maybe they're not children i need to stop focusing on whether they're children or not you know of what i speak gandalf a great eye lidless wreathed in flame 20 a day they will find the ring thank you the one who cares he's just oh [ __ ] he just closed the door for madness that was no one talks back to me like that [ __ ] oh his bones he's far too old for that imagine having a stick that could just fling you across the room oh he grabbed this stick oh no you [ __ ] now they weren't kidding oh my god he's making him do break dancing moves [Music] oh [ __ ] he's gonna throw him off he's gonna throw him off he can't die he's not dead i'm telling you he can't be dead i love the accent you don't feel good [Music] that is a beautiful shot look at this smoke coming oh [ __ ] it's the riders it's got a red eye it's been eating something blood it's got blood on its shoe holy [ __ ] don't do it oh no because because the ring wants to find them you see once oh i see so their presence makes them want him to put it on yeah and it's like like it's like a drug that you want to put it on like you lose control holy [ __ ] [ __ ] sake that was a big jump for a little man all right just let me in i don't ask the questions no because it's raining inside anyway we'll put a [ __ ] roof on it what is the point oh we're thinking it's a pub or something oh no get out of there instant who is he that's such a cool shot though it is but there should be a no hoods policy because you don't know who these people are yeah just put them it's like it's popping in an orgasm to put it yeah yeah isn't it do you know what i mean it's like you want to you want to turn them off yeah imagine every time you put the ring on no no no no it's cause he's had a party [Music] you turn invisible nightmare now he's obviously he's obsessed now oh see no they're going to come off he's going to be obsessed with the ring now take the ring off thank you good yeah oh he's on their side like you said he's got a candle as well he's just going to be like gandalf sent him to look after these to they're going to kill him in their sleep oh no he's moved them they can't die no no he's moved into a different location what do you mean he's moved to them who's moved them the the ranger oh okay i see what's happening they just stopped the beds yes at drawn to all power of the one they will never stop hunting you like listen mate can you just take the ring you're much more equipped we do not stop till nightfall we've had one yes what about second breakfast yes that's my time guy wow what is this place that doesn't even look real they're like bushes thick bushes juicy ones you just want to jump into oh my god he put him on top of the towel you had a fear of heights that's it that's it done just lie down put the fire and it's going to give these easier although we say idiots but no one's told them they've got these like tiny swords how do they know not to put a fire out um they're just hungry and they're they think with their bellies no but no one's told them don't make a fire because they're not warriors though they should be informed if they're on the journey yeah true oh my god dude he's got blades for feet as well he would just kick you and you die just kick them like a rugby ball they'd get stuck on the end of the shoes oh look how good they are they're proper protecting him as well they didn't do a very good job oh now they've seen the ring is all oh you can see their faces oh [ __ ] i didn't get it i didn't get the ring yeah but they [Music] he said that they're not dead but they're not alive so just burn them so you can't really kill him can you throw it throw it throw it boom [ __ ] he needs irish medicine what's he need elvis medicine elvis yeah like elvis presley it's a bit of elbow oh come here sugar tits i think like elves like elvish elvish yeah yeah not elvis no no [Applause] [Music] black minds it's like the only innocent thing around here oh no it's gandalf oh look it's going to give him hope oh don't eat yet because he has an e in his wall right do you think he's going to eat it he's whispering in his ears please get out please get help no he's going up to him you're completely [ __ ] oh my god that looks like childbirth holy [ __ ] yeah he's well proud of that [Music] [Applause] imagine being that actor now makeover covered in that oh my god that would be amazing [ __ ] scary though would you want him to chase you yeah or do you want those dark horsemen which one would you rather chase you i think him this guy with those eyes what would you rob you can't even see it goes like that obviously at least i can see where he's looking the other ones i don't know where they're looking they could be anywhere a woman oh finally she has a sexy voice wow she's glowing all right one woman in the whole field yeah i'd go with her yes i'm hearing your voice i will come back to life come back to the light i will come back to life if i was dying i'd be like i'll come back to life now this is all very sexy don't you think i'm the i fancy her and you were getting jealous of me no but honestly she's it's the elvish thing right harder that's quite hard oh i will honey i write faster she's like i'll ride faster he's like right heart and i'm there like bring me back to life [Music] she does ride hard so frodo needs the elvish medicine and she and they've summoned her like called her princess holy [ __ ] this is beautiful she doesn't fear them though does she she's probably fearing them a little bit now come on yes she is but they don't go in water do they no they can't go into the water that is stunning if you want him come and play him [Music] baby and actually she's done way more than any of the geezers in here yeah not one of them has done anything really apart from little fire and attracted them [Music] i was delayed the friendship of sodom is not likely thrown inside delight oh there is only one and he does not share power what called a butterfly he was like turn into an eagle no i don't think the butterfly can do that bless you bless you this is just it's amazing it's really great imagine living in here you live to like a thousand years my friends don't hug me like this they're just like all right [Music] yeah you yeah billboard bilbo he said it just like he's got older sean bean another ginge there you go another ginger you getting excited the blondie got to me hairy ginger guy i was there the day the strength of men failed where the ring was forged the one place it could be destroyed that's the only place it can be destroyed it should have ended that day but evil was allowed to endure he could have saved everyone but because of the rings his name is john cena can i need to sign a health and safety contract nearly collapsed on us christ that was that's what happened especially after mount doom mount doom why i invented and off the grid this guy's sexy man i don't know i prefer the way he's talking he's holding a book and he's coming i actually prefer the evening man's voice what you prefer sauron's voice yeah voice voice what am i doing with you then i look 45 [Music] listen to her god that's so sexy isn't it i'm gonna learn elvish elfish middle earth stands upon the brink of destruction none can escape it you will unite or you will fall oh it's whispering to them all you can't touch this [ __ ] you can't yeah frodo's got quite good willpower isn't he yeah never before has any voice out at the words of that tongue here in in ladras give gondor the weapon of the enemy let us use it against him you cannot wield it none of us can the one ring answers to sauron alone it has no other master and what would a ranger know of this matter he is legolas that's a great name he's sean bean has been in this for like what five minutes and he's my favorite character the ring must be destroyed oh oh it's hurting frozo because it's become oh my god it broke his hammock i destroyed kimberly son of cloy giblin one of you must do this so one of them has to get they're going to pick frodo oh that's from the meme one does not simply are guarded by more than just orcs excuse me i will take it me oh they're all gonna patronize the [ __ ] the smallest person has more like belief in him than everyone well it's broken now where did you get another axe oh sam mr oh here we go here's a pretty thing let me see you put it on oh like it will protect him from uh oh oh he's going to manipulate him [Music] don't [ __ ] let him hold it again no he knows look he's mature you see he's going to do his button up good lad you see his face this is why he's aged isn't it yeah that's ruined his life bilbo billy i wonder what they call him billy farewell hold to your purpose may the blessings of elves and men our journey starts
Views: 459,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lord of the rings, lord, of, the, rings, frodo, movie reaction, first time watching lord of the rings, lord of the rings reaction, first time watching, lord of the rings movie reaction, fellowship of the ring reaction, movie reactions, girl, newbie, lord of the rings fellowship of the ring reaction, lord of the rings reaction first time, fellowship of the ring, movie, movie review, lotr movie reaction, first time watching fellowship of the ring, ian mckellen, gandalf, movie commentary
Id: Bfvg6LoHWCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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