Black & Gold Epoxy Board Over Wood | Epic Resin Pigments That Are Super Easy To Use | DIY Friendly

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welcome to lagari products today we will be showing you how our unique market first pigments can give your project a one-of-a-kind look we use a black metallic epoxy base and gold lagari effects visit our website to get yours today we launched new videos every week so if you're not already a lagari subscriber hit that red button now let's get started [Music] all right so we before I prime I want to kind of go over the steps we took to get the board ready for primer so we're using half inch MDF we router the edges you never want to go over a square corner the materials not going to want to flow over easy around those edges that's going to make it look a lot nicer and then we cleaned it really well we've leveled it everything's level both directions so this board is basically ready to coat you want to make sure you're doing that before you're doing like wall art pieces sample board stuff like that last thing you want to do is take the time do an awesome board come back the next day and it's all ran off the edge on one side or your corners don't look good because they were squared up so router your edges or you can just take like 80 grit sandpaper palm sander and you can kind of mold those edges to a nice rounded edge so what I'm gonna be using is our WB primer and black if you guys are just looking for primer you can go to our store you can purchase that on our store if you want the full kits we have those also as well the kids come with primer epoxy metallics top coats and they also come with a lifetime warranty so when you guys are ordering our counter top kits or floor kits they come with a lifetime warranty when you're ordering single items off the store you're not gonna get that lifetime warranty so just keep that in mind but we do have all of our items on the store available for single purchase so I got my black primer ready to go here we're gonna be using a roller tray small stuff like this you could just dump a beat out the middle roll it out real quick then you're not wasting a roller tray but it does make it nice and easy to coat evenly with the roller tray and then I got my 3/8 nap roller D shedded it ran it on some tape because again we don't want to get any fibers loose hairs in there even if a roller says it's shed less it's still gonna shed always run it on some tape first and then we're just gonna dip this in here kind of get it saturated with that primer before we start and we're just going to start applying it to the wood [Music] you can work fast with the primer I'm not worried about roller lines because I just like to roll it out quick and then I can go back and kind of fine-tune any roller lines thick spot stuff like that make sure we get our edges good MDF when you cut it like these edges have been cut it's gonna be really porous so if you want your edges to turn out really nice you might want to do two coats of primer on that to kind of seal those up so I'll do half of this with the roller tray and then I'll dump it out and just kind of show you two options for spreading that primer out and this is a fast cure primer so this is gonna dry extremely fast we'll be able to coat over this within a half an hour 45 minutes we don't have to wait till the next day and it's also an amazing adhesion promoter so this stuff will bond to smooth surfaces Formica tile granite it's absolutely amazing primer for adding that adhesion that you want when doing coatings [Music] [Music] all right so that's kind of the roller tray process still pretty fast but now I'll just dump a bead when I'm dumping it out I'm rolling it I'll just do a bead down the middle you can always add more you don't want to get too much out there where you have to kind of pick some up at the end so just keep that in mind when you're pouring the beads up but you'll see how much faster this goes [Music] that's it priming is very simple can be boring also to watch but hey it's very vital when you're wanting that extra adhesion for you know chipping flaking stuff like that peeling off you're not gonna get that with this primer so a few things typically 45 hour maybe hour and a half depending on temperatures if you can get airflow on the primer it's gonna dry out even faster I'm gonna put a fan on here it's relatively hot in the warehouse so I can probably epoxy over this in like 25 minutes so just get an airflow it's gonna dry it out faster and then just remember you want to apply the epoxy on the primer within two hours so you don't want to wait past two hours or you need to scuff it up or do like a denatured alcohol wipe with rags so if you're gonna prime make sure you add that epoxy on it within that two hour window and you'll get the an amazing adhesion result from the primer to the epoxy alright guys primer is dry it's still tacky and that's about the time we want to go on it we don't need to let this thing set up all the way same thing if you're doing are the Garzon kits right if you're taping off your edges doing that technique you can go on the primer sticky the tapes not gonna pull the primer off and the primer is still gonna cure underneath that tape so don't worry about that so I got my epoxy mixed up here I'm gonna be doing a black base on this and then I'm gonna be using our lagari effects which is a revolutionary effects pigment liquid pigment absolutely beautiful and super easy to use and it creates some amazing looks and effects in the resin so you guys are gonna really like that so I'm gonna just coat this whole board black I'm gonna use the same roller that I did with the primer 3/8 nap I've decided it got any loose hairs off and I'm gonna pour a bead down the middle cross roll that out get the board all coated and then I'll probably let this sit for maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes maybe before I put the effects in and the reason why is because it's such a small board if you guys are trying to do sample boards or mimic what you're gonna do on a counter doing your base coat it's gonna take 20-25 minutes maybe so you want to kind of do the same thing on your sample boards if I was to just put my base coat down right after add my highlights you're gonna get different movement different effects so you want that a base coat to kind of level out get flattened off everywhere quick kind of moving and then add your highlights or the lagari effect so that's what I'm gonna do get that put down wait a little bit then I'll add my effects that way the base coats all leveled out and it's not gonna move as much so like we always show we're just going to pour a bead down the middle and I'm using four ounces of epoxy per square foot so we have 16 square feet and I got 64 ounces of epoxy here so notice when I pour that bead out I'm trying to make it when it starts to level out all the same thickness I don't wanna have a big bead over here and then it gets skinny towards the end now when I cross all this this is going to make it a nice even coat everywhere so we'll just start cross rolling get it close to our edges I don't want to push it off the edge because we're just wasting material [Music] this is the fastest way to get it even coat on all your on all that tops that you're trying to coat you don't need a notched squeegee not to trial any of that stuff so I'll get it kind of close to those edges and then what I'll do is I'll run down the side getting it even closer to the edge still not kind of pushing it off yet you know I'm just bringing a little resin to my edge and then we'll do the same thing here get that nice and close to that edge some starts to run over I'll just push it back a little guys notice how glass smooth it is without we haven't even torched that we haven't done anything to it we're just rolling it out this resin doesn't doesn't require required torching to pop bubbles they simply pop themselves all right so now I'll run it all the way to the edge I'm not really pushing it off the edge I'm just getting it coated to the edge now now what I do to test for like if I have thick spots or thin spots just run the roller across I'm not applying any pressure just back and forth and what's going to happen is if I have a thick spot it's gonna start to build up in front or if I'm pulling it back behind see how it's building up right there so I have a thick spot there so I want to roll that out kind of spread that out throughout the top so I just run over my counter real quick like that or whatever you're coding now I know I have a good even code everywhere there's no thin spots I don't have any really big thick spots and I'll mimic a thick spot for you to show you what that looks like so we got a big pile there you might not notice that when you're spreading it out but if you're rolling across there without any pressure once you hit that it'll just push a big old bead in front that's telling you you have a really thick spot there so we want to spread that out all right tops done I'm gonna start hitting my edges roll a little on the edge hit the top roll a little on the edge so what I'm doing by rolling on the top is I'm getting more product on my roller and then I'm gonna plying that to my face or my edge roll on the top hit the edge and I'm only doing about one foot two foot pieces at a time and then I'll read soak that roller on the top hit my edge that'll get us a good nice coat so that resin can start to flow over nice and evenly and then we'll just do one final pass even everything out and I'll show you guys I'll create some bubbles in the resin and they'll they'll pop [Music] they're popping so fast you can see them just all starting to pop all on their own very very cool so that's why we don't torch our residence we don't have to now you can't torch for like movement maybe you want to spread some color around thin out a spot you can torch it for stuff like that but we don't have to torch our products to pop bubbles there just really isn't bubbles in it the only reason or time you would see bubbles is if the resin was setting up right getting sticky and you're still trying to move it around mess with it that's gonna create bubbles and it's going to be too sticky to self pop so that's really the only time people will get bubbles if they overwork it or they've been working with it too long and it's starting to set up on you but as you can see glass smooth bubbles pop on their own very very cool product so what I'm gonna do I'll let this set up for 10-15 minutes that's gonna let everything level out get nice and flat because this is a self-leveling product that's why we don't have to get it perfect and then I'll come back and I'll show you guys that awesome lagari effects pigment alright guys so the base coats been sitting for about 10-15 minutes so it's all leveled out now it's not gonna move as much as if I was to apply my highlights or my effects right after I applied the base coat so I'm gonna be using our gold lagari effects when you guys get these make sure you shake them up they also have white black brown and silver and then obviously the gold so awesome awesome effects and probably the easiest highlight or technique to get cool effects in the fastest so I'm gonna show you guys a few ways to apply this so the first one I'm going to show you is what we call fracture veins so very very skinny fracture veins in your epoxy how I do it is I'll take the the effects and I'll drip it from the top halfway down right so when I go into my epoxy it's kind of flowing down very slow and then I can run just skinny fracture veins through my epoxy right so I got these real skinny fracture veins very very cool and that's it guys now we have these really tight fracture veins going through our poxy really really subtle if you want them thicker you can obviously drip out a little more on your tongue depressor and then say maybe you get to your end and you don't have as much on that in you can add a little more or let it drip off a little and then start on this side and then run it back through right if you wanted to add more on one side or the other but really really subtle veins that it gives you and that's it guys it's a single component we don't have to mix it with anything this is going to get hard it's not gonna rub off but we do recommend still top coating if you're doing our lagari effects so you definitely want to lock that in with with the top coat so there's one way I think I'll kind of I like this design so I'll do a couple more just fracture veins in here and then I'm gonna add a lot more of this lagari effects because I want to show you how cool that looks when you add a lot so simple fracture veins probably the easiest on the market to create fracture veins like this because if you do like say you do like spray-paints or something those tend to like bubble out and kind of get really wide these don't so it's very very cool and it just creates that natural look of a real fracture vein that you would see in granite or natural stone alright so the other way I'm gonna just be pouring this out and I'm gonna start blending it with my fingers very very simple so I'm just gonna get a bunch out here kind of just following these patterns that I have right just keep in mind the more you blend it kind of the more it's gonna dissipate you can always add more two spots can't really take it out so just keep that in mind this is gonna create a really cool effect with the black [Music] and I like to pour some out and blend it in while it's still a liquid because this will start to set up a little and it can become kind of like almost like a film to it so I don't like it sitting on the surface too long so I kind of do it in sections pour a little out blend that in again I can go back and add anywhere I want I just can't take that out so just remember when your guys are using this start out with less add more as you need it very very cool [Music] [Music] you still got about half left soap and you can see how potent the actual color is very very potent we're going on black with the goal we blended it and now we got this just awesome looking piece and when this is all finished and I show you the different angles you're gonna really see how much that gold pops so I think I like I like how much I have out here but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run some fracture veins through some of these spots again just following the design that I already have out there and just run some of these small fracture veins through it notice again guys I'm going with the flow of the design I don't want to run a fracture vein across there unless I'm like dripping it off right and I could even do I could do like a silver in this I could do you know any other color of our lagari effects as well if I wanted to add a few different colors in here so what I'll do is I'm gonna spritz this with isopropyl and it will affect these fracture veins and then after I do that I'm gonna run a few more fracture veins and then not spritz it with the isopropyl and you'll see what this does just adds a lot of character to it you don't have to do this again you can see it's a glass smooth there's no bubbles there's no torching none of that's required with our resin so now I'm just gonna spritz the surface and this is gonna give it an even more added effect and all these cells that it's creating are gonna stay in there they're not gonna disappear like they usually do in just metallics those will actually stay in the resin but you can see it's kind of breaking up some of my fracture veins and I want to get some of those facts remains to be nice and solid all the way through so what I'll do is after I spray now I'll run a couple of those fracture baits and that's gonna give me just a solid vein all the way through and I don't know looking at it now guys it's actually really cool how these veins just split up I'll maybe run a couple if I don't like him as much as I like this all I got to do is spritz it with denatured alcohol so we'll just run one and see what we think of it [Music] that's what's cool about this product is you can kind of tweak it as much as you want and notice when I'm running through the epoxy right now with that fracture vein it's also making a black edge next to it so if I was to let this sit for maybe another half an hour and I just ran through it again with just a just a tongue depressor it would make that spot look black and it would kind of make give it that give it a really cool depth by letting the metallics set up a little because what it's doing it's riad jeté ting the metallics just in that area and making it almost a different color yeah so see I almost like like it after it's sprayed right versus a straight fracture vein but again there's so many different techniques and ways you can do your your veins straight up and down we could just go random directions with our hand there's just so many different ways you can do it but since I like it better with the effects of the ISO profile I'm just gonna scratch it again and it's going to create those effects in those fracture veins notice I'm spritzing small comedian drops so beautiful guys awesome super cool and again the different angles you get on this that gold it almost looks like it's lit up it's very very cool so we'll let this set up and then we'll show you guys once it's dried we'll get some cool shots you guys can see how cool these legardie effects are and you guys can get the lagari effects off our website lagari calm and just click store that's where you can buy all our single items if you guys are looking for full kits some of our kits do have the ligardi effects in them as well but if you're just looking for the effects or maybe you want some primer epoxy and just effects that's fine head to our store and you guys can purchase that there just keep in mind when you guys order the full kits they come with a lifetime warranty whether it's a countertop or floor and the reason we do the kits lifetime warranty because they come with every product that you need to install that kit and they've been proven to last without chipping spalling flaking off peeling cracking all that stuff and so that's why we offer the lifetime warranty and the full kits so we'll show you guys this tomorrow it's gonna look really cool she's gonna want to check that out not tomorrow in about three seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 185,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy resin, epoxy, epoxy table, wood epoxy, wood epoxy project, wood epoxy resin, wood epoxy resin color, epoxy wood table, epoxy wood turning, epoxy wood art, epoxy and wood, epoxy and wood table, epoxy and wood art, epoxy resin wood projects, epoxy diy, diy epoxy, diy epoxy table, diy epoxy resin, diy wood, एपॉक्सी रेजि़न, इपॉक्सी लकड़ी, madera epoxi, resina epoxi madera, resina epoxica, эпоксидка, эпоксидная смола, diy, now i've seen everything
Id: 62rW2TS_ReQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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