First Time Reacting To My Own VOICE ACTING! | The War of 1812 by Drawn of History

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hey youtube welcome back to another history teach reacts video mr terry's i continue my search for historical knowledge found here on the internet all right today's video is a little bit different in that i'm gonna be reacting to a video that i had a small part in now i've uh promoted this channel before recently and if you don't know this is the best history channel that you may not be watching right now and it is drawn of history so drawn of history is an animated series by another history teacher mr betts and he makes this amazing content i like to call it basically oversimplified for american history and it's a new channel and it really could use your support and i promise you that you'll like it well anyway he has recently finished up uh putting out his series as a three-part series on the war of 1812 the war that only canadians care about anyway um he asked if i would be interested in doing some lines uh for one of the characters and i thought heck yeah that sounds like a lot of fun so i have some lines in these different parts of these videos and we're going to go ahead and watch them all i haven't fully watched all of the videos yet and there's three parts each ranging about 10 to 12 minutes each and i just want to do it all so we got a long video for you here to be able to learn about the war of 1812 and we'll see because i have not heard myself back yet and i'm sure it's going to be super cringe to to hear me but it was a lot of fun and i definitely like to do it more so anyway go ahead and get yourself i don't know a drink and settle in and we'll have some fun uh watching all three of these videos all right the original video links are down below make sure that you please please please support drawn of history it's amazing i really really think you'll like it even if you're not an american if you're interested on american history it does have some non-american history stuff too but a lot of american history stuff i promise you'll like it so definitely click the links down below sub give a view all that stuff and let's get this channel to be uh much more popular than it is right now because it really deserves it all right let's do this [Music] all right so this is episode one and i love i love how he uh titles this it's war of 1812 starting america's dumbest war uh so this is great i don't think i have many lines in the first episode from what i think he told me i think there's more in episodes two and three but uh i think i may maybe i have one in this i forgot but let's let's see and i'll obviously let you know when it's my part but let's just learn about the war of 1812 here i love it's like it's all very good stop drawing that intro i got to do that again because this is this is like my child this is like saved by the bell you're in the high school north america colonial high school awesome guys are we got the colonies stop drawing on your desk stop drone on my desk stop smuggling t stop not paying taxes why are you always hassling me so much because you're on great fail now why is that multicore hey canada i'm gonna ditch class next period you want to come by the way the writing is so good sorry we're gonna be here for like four hours if i stop too much i'm sorry you uh no well i forgot your old goody goody colony why you always acting better than me um i don't know maybe because your homespun clothes look like snotty handkerchiefs come on you and me we should totally hook up yeah okay i i know you want historical context home spun close so part of the american protest against the british was the fact that the british should basically force the americans to buy british goods and as part of the protester boycotts was boycotting the british uh clothing and then do more of an attempt to try to make your own and and home home spinning it and yeah there is he's ragging on canada because canada didn't do a uh a revolution they basically got their independence kind of naturally without a straight up war like the americans again so that's what they're referring to there again we're gonna be here for way too long too much we could be kissing cousins ugh [Music] it's 1776 and the 13 colonies were tired of being simps for england they were sick and tired taxes for nothing other than war debt from the french and indian war which they kind of started they were sick and tired of british troops trying to take the guns they had been stockpiling to shoot british troops and they were sick and tired of drinking cheap crappy british east india tea they wanted to drink smuggled and slightly more expensive crappy tea so they declared independence and it sucks turns out putting your superpower colonial daddy is hard so for help they turn to france england's arch nemesis the stiff wind to england's trump hair yeah the 16th we somehow won the battle of saratoga signaling that we might actually win this war with your help that is if france becomes our ally you could defeat your enemy england force them to lose their most valuable colonies and possibly regain some of your own step a man can only get so hard so america won the war and its independence americans have come i mean not completely but totally glossed over how important ben franklin was in the fact that he got france and that it got france involved right and he he was basically the spokesman for the americans i mean he had to go to he had to go to parliament to explain why the americans are being so whiny and also he's basically the american bass ambassador and he went you know of course to uh um to france and then that's something that's completely glossed over is how important france was to the colonies in the um um in the in american revolution i mean it just it would not have turned out the same way without the french with france's help and by help it was more like france beat the boss while little brother united states mashed away on a controller that's true it wasn't even plugged in true true oh i don't know if kids relate to this okay i was guilty of getting this done i think to me because i was a youngest child but also doing it i think later on to to younger people you have the nes greatest console by the way some of you have commented you missed my nes collection that was in my old house and i need a new game room with all my nes collection anyway you're in the game and you have some little brother friend i know something that wants to play with you and they suck and they're going to ruin the game so you're like all right you're you're you're the one playing and you give them a controller awesome little brother united states okay give him the controller smashed away on a controller that wasn't even and you don't plug it in now some of the smarter kids that get grifted in this and i think i was one and i know the kids that i i had to do this to as well they picked up on this that they weren't actually playing and then they get pissed but so true plugged in the treaty of paris signed in 1783 ended the conflict and established the new order in north america ah with this treaty the matter has been settled i'm not so sure these terms will be fulfilled we've gained the northwest territory but england isn't abandoning their forts there we've secured fishing rights off the coast of canada but we're already getting hassled by british naval ships and as for us returning loyalist property that's not happening i mean you could have it back if you want oh that was one of the deals of the um of the of the treaty of paris was that all that damaged property and uh and all the debts they were basically to the british but also the loyalists the the british want to make sure the loyalists there didn't get screwed over after a lot left to canada and stuff like that but that they would actually get it back and i hadn't really i didn't really know how if that process really happened very much and but apparently it did i mean i'm sorry it didn't and i didn't think it would that yeah that was still gonna it wasn't gonna be that friendly of a of a return back to normalcy for these people yeah but you forgot the most important part great britain has recognized us as a free and independent nation something that they will never forget or ever try to question hey guys look at the shadows this candle's giving me one two three four shadows it's foreshadowing meanwhile oh so we won the americans war against england but we didn't get any land we didn't get back canada louisiana the community and colonies or holdings in india that's the other thing like people understand france got absolutely nothing from helping the americans okay they had lost the seven years award of the british back in the 50s now our fighting here it fought here in the 70s and then into the 1780s and got nothing out of it other than sticking it to an old enemy at incredible costs that of course was levied onto the people and you get the french revolution of course right after but france got nothing out of helping no and the war costs a billion livers so the country is going bankrupt well at least it can't get any worse hello do you have a second to talk about our lord and savior back across the atlantic the young american republic started to make its way in the world you know declaring neutrality establishing trade displacing native people american type stuff then an old friend came knocking on the door hey america oh hey friends hey remember how you had a revolution because you wanted to have liberty and hit the taxes and stupid kings well yes yes i do oh we did the same thing man that's fantastic what are you doing now that you have a revolution we're cutting off everyone's in hand is boxes man you would love it do you want in no i think we're okay i got to head back england and the rest of europe is pooping bricks right now and i gotta put this mean short son of a [ __ ] if it's for sale i would sell it to you hey i thought spain owned it you fell off a truck it's mine now i will sell you new orleans and all of louisiana for say 50 million dollars really are you sure yes well i am about to go to war with all of europe and i do not have the time to invade you from there right now wait what nothing we have a deal we born au revoir now having both yeah originally the united states was just gonna make an uh a pretty a really substantial offer for new orleans um and when when then when approached with it napoleon's like you know what i'll give you all of our stuff there in north america like don't even care he needed quick money for his war in europe and it you know took a little bit more money it took a few more million dollars than than um the americans had had agreed to well that congress and everybody had kind of agreed to for just new orleans but the deal was so good they couldn't pass it up and they doubled the size of the united states so from the american perspective i guess thank you nepal the northwest territory and the louisiana territory and since baseball had not been invented yet americans the rookie car personal white settlers had steadily been heading west encroaching on native american land and plopping down pretty much wherever they pleased some tribes were bought off but others had the gall to stand there and fight two such brazen shawnee native americans living in the indiana territory where tecumseh and his brother attends katawa aka the prophet brothers and sisters the problems that affect one of us affect us all we need to unite to form a confederation that can defend all of us from the americans yes and i've been to the other side i spoken with the master of life he has shown me two worlds one of blessings and one of pain and we must reject the white ways of the evil spirit their customs their goods their alcohol and the way that they put up inspirational words on their living room walls i hate these anyone else hate these i'm glad they're kind of going out family is love beautiful trust traditions blessings smiles forever joy strength patient laughter what about live laugh love oh cringe the governor of the indiana territory william henry harrison was not impressed and fearful of their growing power hey if you're so buddy buddy with your master of life why don't you make the sun disappear and then there was an eclipse oh fart come here what is it white man if you're going to unite the people along the mississippi you're probably going to need these why are you giving me these why should i trust you british who abandoned us after the revolution well if you haven't noticed i still have territory in canada and my hands are full with this napoleon guy but if you don't want these guns i'm sure i can find a home for them leave them and go brother i must venture off and unite the people i leave you in charge but please don't start anything with the americans okay we're just just not yet okay why if they shoot us the master of life will ensure the bullets simply bounce off yeah that's not how bullets work exactly unbeknownst to the brothers harrison had received permission to lead a raid of soldiers and militiamen on prophet's town the central headquarters of tecumseh's confederacy i was wondering what kind of profit it was like make money p-r-o-f or men on prophet's tower the central headquarters of tecumseh's confederacy yeah they won't even see us coming and then the prophet quickly disregarded his brother's instructions what would be known as the battle of tippi canoe wasn't particularly a victory for either side unless you asked harrison oh that was great i mean it was great we sure taught them savages a lesson or two didn't you lose just as many men as they did well yes but did you kill the prophet no he got away well did you get to komsa no he wasn't even there but we did push them back and then i burned prophets down to the ground wow so we're burning down our enemies capitals now hope that doesn't become a thing hey look at all these shadows the battle of timmy canoe further strengthened the alliance between the brits and the native americans and fueled american anger at both also back in 1803 the civilianic war started in europe what is this from pretty much taking on everyone because england and france were too busy killing each other the united states started getting filthy rich trading with both countries this is because i'm playing both sides that's amazing because that's what america once america became independent america always did like try to try to trade with countries that are at war it's also brought the united states into conflicts both with world war one and world war ii later on that united states doing business with the countries at war is always a big threat for the united states because um you're putting your your your own risk if you're going into war zones but also the political aspect of it of um like if you're doing more business with one side then you know the the other side can really look at you as like like an enemy even if you declare neutrality um but you know doing business with one side especially if it's war materials uh can bring something in but yeah united states always finds a way there's a war going on there they're gonna make it find a way to to make some money off of it boys come out on top as you can expect soon both france and england started ignoring supposed american neutrality and seized ships bound for their respective rivals yeah because are you neutral if you're doing business with the country at war that's always been the big thing for the american perspective it's always been yes from this war of 1812 the world war one or world war ii but from the other perspective it's no you're doing business with somebody at war you are fair game make matters worse england started impressing sailors on these american ships and that's the story of how i ordered coffee behind emma watson no not that impressment oh and now you're part of the british davy yeah that one england needed all of their sailors and then some but many british sailors had deserted the british navy claimed they had become american citizens or just left for better pay on neutral american ships so english naval officers would stop u.s vessels and try to determine which sailors were really british ace british he's british yeah among us guy don't i know you no sir i'm from new jersey oh lord he must be telling the truth no one would ever lie they were from new jersey over 6 000 men most of them actually british were impressed i think i think mr betts works in uh new york city there's always that great rival of new yorkers and new jersey people and most true americans were eventually released but what incensed americans the most were the orders in council by this point napoleon had taken over all of the european continent and passed the berlin decree banning all ships under his continental system or even neutral ships from using british ports not to be outdone the british countered with the orders and council saying all continental ports are hereby blockaded and neutral ships headed to them needed to first stop in britain submit to a search pay a duty trade the cookies their mommies had packed them but perhaps worst of all first you gotta do truffle shuffle come on do it come on goonies [Music] then president thomas jefferson had had enough and persuaded congress to pass the embargo act of 1807 meaning that american merchants couldn't import or export goods that'll show them as you can guess the american economy interesting how i mean we're in 1807 i mean the the war still years away um but how long the lead-up of this was i mean it's it's like it's been building since american independence at least has been building since the end of the french revolution or specifically i should say the rise of napoleon right right in the early 1800s good 10 years before the actual war of 1812. promptly fell into the toilet congratulations you played yourself in 1809 the embargo act was switched out with the non-intercourse act which really only made trade with england and france forbidden and didn't really make the situation much better so between the aiding of indians the impressment of men and the orders and councils america kinda wanted to go to war with england jefferson's successor president james madison no nope go down go down scroll down he was short madison had tried to work it out hey he was sure about this i'll trade with whoever agrees to stop attacking our ships okay fine or stop attacking your ships be neutral whatever what about you england you win now this is stupid well if he's not going to stop i'm not going to either nationalism swelled in the united states with a second war for independence being called for by young war hawks like henry clay and john c calhoun just curious what did these dashingly handsome men look like a few decades later [Music] what's wrong with you madison was pushed to ask congress to be fair everyone looked really terrible in 19th century photography declaration of war on june 1 1812 debate raged along party lines with democratic republicans calling for war and federalists calling against we need to restore the honor of this great nation yeah we need to restore our economy adult the only thing preventing us from expanding are the indians who are supplied by the brits great we gotta have our ports blown up so you can have some more cow patties hell if we do this thing right we could grab canada they'd be happy to join us we could grab canada we could grab canada we could greet these braces canada i'm coming baby let's go to war so by the smallest margin of votes to do so the nation would ever cast so united states declared war on england but wait coincidentally just days after the award declared england repealed the orders in council maybe this war wouldn't be needed after all word was rushed across the atlantic and when it reached the shore it was greeted by [ __ ] you let's do this yes hey mr beat what brings you here our collab remember you're doing the war of 1812 which takes place both in the u.s and canada and i did a video comparing the united states and canada oh yeah and lookie lookie you another awesome uh um big history um teacher mr beat who does uh stuff i think in the original video it's got some links to his stuff he's a he's a teacher that makes a lot of content as well you can check out that video over here check out another drone of history video over there subscribe or even become one of these patreon superheroes so uh mr beat you did a video about canada sure did did she happen to mention me no she didn't damn it okay good stuff so i didn't have any okay so i didn't have any lines in that one um and i i think i think he actually may have told me that that maybe it was in second or third but that was amazing that was so good i learned a ton of of the lead-ups the lead-up to the war um which was so so cool so um but yeah let's go ahead and jump in so that was episode one you'll see the link down below again go go to that like subscribe thumb up all that stuff um and then let's go ahead and we'll jump right into episode two previously on drone of history one day canada it's 1776 and the 13 colonies were tired of being simps for england great britain has recognized us as a free and independent nation something that they will never forget or ever try to question so between the aiding of indians the impressment of men and the orders in council america kind of wanted to go to war with england we could grab canada i'm coming baby let's go to war england repealed the orders and council maybe this war wouldn't be needed after all [ __ ] you let's do this all right wartime episode two this one's actually called fighting america's dumbest war okay ollie we just declared war on britain wow that's exciting wait a minute you and what army the us army we have an army no they really didn't at the start of the war the united states had an army of about 7 000 men yeah that's it see early america didn't really like the idea of a standing peacetime army sounded very kingish to them if things did pop off that's what militias were for to defend and keep the peace if need be it's right there in the second amendment i feel like people might focus on the science sure too much maybe i should underline the first part nah it's crystal clear and can in no way be misinterpreted america's navy wasn't in much better shape either whereas daddy of the ocean britain had 100 ships of the line and 200 frigates the united states had let me see yeah zero ships of the line and seven frigates they also had a handful of briggs a few schooners and a couple of noodles so yeah you're not going to win a naval battle right against the british i mean that's anybody basically world history but that's a major problem for the united states not having a standing army if somebody wanted to exploit that it was still being the little pain in europe's big butt so the americans wouldn't have to face the full might of the british military right yet still organizing any american war effort was gonna be difficult communication was slow dial up internet slow you've got mail at the isolated yet strategically valuable american fort mcinac commanding officer lieutenant porter hanks only found out about the war when hello americans do you give up what [Music] oh fart british forces in the war might have been fewer but they were good aided by canadian militias the british regulars were well trained and their officers battle tested of note was major general isaac brock who was like every positive trait of disney princes frankensteined into one person he was so likable that men wanted to be him women wanted to be with him grandmas wanted to feed him an artist wanted to draw him he needed to be because he had the task of getting to kamsa and his confederacy to ally with the british once again why should we so you can abandon us again like you did after the war for independence why should i trust you because like you i've been a warrior my entire life and give you my word as such let's play a game all right on the count of three name your biggest threat here in north america don't even think about it one two three united states a relative killed by the americans during the revolution older brother if you were a chick who's the one guy you would sleep with john did we just become best friends yup you want to go kick some american butts yep the strategy of the british was basically to defend canada good strategy considering the americans planned a three-point invasion of their northern neighbor but first an american officer was sent to test out the theory that canadians would welcome the americans as liberators with open arms my canadian brothers we the united states are here to free you from the tyranny of great britain yeah i guess we're gonna have to go with that invasion plan first they would invade canada from detroit in august outside fort detroit brock having few british soldiers knew he was outnumbered to fix this brock dressed the militia up like lobsterbacks to make them seem more intimidating he also learned that the american general william hull was deathly afraid of indians so he had to come some march his men in front of the fort three times to make them look more numerous it had the desired effect hull surrendered the fort and shortly after in november 6 000 american soldiers and militia men were tasked with taking montreal they were led by major general henry dearborn former revolutionary war hero and current mrs doubtfire doppelganger the invasion failed when half the troops refused to invade and the half that did ended up in a fierce battle with each other the most noteworthy of the three-point invasion happened one month earlier when the americans led by general stephen von rensler tried to cross the niagara river into upper canada the americans were briefly able to take queenstown heights before being pinned down by first nation warriors and british reinforcements as well as this being the first real contest of the war the battle of queenstown is remembered for one heroically tragic loss after the americans had gained control of a cannon overlooking the escarpment brock personally led a daring charge to get it back all right chums let's do this isaac [Music] oh no brother are you all right what it's wrong i felt a great disturbance in the force one beautiful voice suddenly cried out in terror and was suddenly silenced i fear something terrible has happened despite repelling the first real attempt at invading canada britain had lost one of its best officers and tecumseh had lost his best ally [Music] the 1812 invasion of canada turned out to be bail fail so you can imagine how bad the war at sea was going and you would be wrong the americans finally scored a w when the uss constitution whooped the derriere of the hms gearier and itself the nickname old ironsides after british cannonballs bounced off of it how is this possible first mate activate the secret weapon [Music] star still the first year of the war had been generally terrible for the americans and president madison looked forward to improvements in 1813. secretary of war armstrong i have to say i feel good it's me look that's me my first line all right here we go get ready to cringe hold on let's go back first year of the war had been [Music] still the first year of the war had been generally terrible for the americans and president madison looked forward to improvements in 1813. secretary of war armstrong i have to say i feel good it's secretary of war so you know new year a new war anything new to report yeah we just got massacred a river raisin oh [ __ ] oh that wasn't very good or anything new to report yeah we just got massacred at river raisin oh fart out west william henry harrison that was very good you know what can be hard when you're doing voices or whatever voice acting is like you don't really have direction it can be kind of hard like you know it's someone to bounce off of gives me respect for people that do real like actual voice acting because you know so it's much easier because a lot of times they just do their lines you know and and having like a back and forth and like a director i mean you usually have a director there um but well let's listen one more time it was just the one line for this for this part i have more later but he did say he was gonna make him look like me i think it's pretty good you think it's pretty good wait this way it's pretty good even got my freckle or my mole thing hey i feel good it's a new year a new war anything new to report yeah we just got massacred at river raising oh fart out west william henry harrison on a mission to retake detroit dug in at the newly built fort but first time okay it's my first time tecumseh and isaac brock's replacement henry proctor laid siege to the fort but to tecumseh the whole thing felt weird so what do we do now we wait we just wait we don't attack old chap you have much to learn about modern warfare now the entire run of bbc's dribblations of derbyshire just came out on netflix so you know where to find me well that's done time to back it in chaps wait you're just leaving yes well they're not giving up and i'm out of crisps let's go gentlemen oh isaac i could really use you now back in the atlantic things weren't going well for the americans you had a massive blockade and on june 1st the uss chesapeake had the cojones to engage the hms shannon mortally wounded in a death store the chesapeake's captain james lawrence told his crew don't give up the ship and then his men immediately gave up the ship but this message was not lost on captain oliver hazard perry perry was tasked with taking lake erie the key to successfully invading canada so he built a fleet on the lake and went up against the brits in his flagship the uss lawrence don't give up the ship boys oh no captain oh i meant that ship the niagara don't give up that ship let's get out of here perry and his ships had defeated the british fleet gained control of the lake and opened the door to an invasion of canada this prompted british general proctor to abandon detroit where are you going back to canada we have to protect our land what about my land i thought we were allies i know right an englishman abandoning his indian allies could knock me over with a feather brothers we will run no more we take a stand here together and die like a hero going home [Music] isaac tecumseh they finally get you yeah your people abandoned us again i had a feeling who's that guy i don't know apparently it's reference humor and some people find it funny with this tecumseh individual tribes were forced to sign peace agreements and the widespread destruction of indian cultures at the hands of american expansionism would truly begin it's kind of like the final well just wait till trail of tears but at least for this group up in the north this is this is the end for them by the fall of 1813 america was finally ready to give invading canada another shot again trying to invade lower canada with the primary objective of taking montreal this invasion failed yet again that's important my montreal's in the st lawrence river that's that's a huge strategic place to take for the st lawrence going into the ocean and then getting eventually to the great lakes that's you know why montreal exists partially because a thousand new york militiamen refused to actually cross the border partially because the american officers in charge hampton and wilkinsons hated each other on a real housewives level but mostly because of french canadian lieutenant colonel charles de saleberry and his defensive force consisting completely of canadians militiamen vulta gears indians the kids in the hall all canadians now invading upper canada had gone a lot better in 1813 in fact american forces were able to take york then capital of upper canada which they burned to the ground there's those weird shadows again and by december they took newark the former capital of upper canada and burned that to the ground too again and everything shadows and to top it all off madison received word on december 30th that the british were open to peace negotiations dolly i have to say that the war is finally turning in our favor provided circumstances don't change in a sudden and drastic way and then circumstances changed in a sudden and drastic way by april of 1814 napoleon had abdicated the throne freeing britain to attend to don't worry he'll be back he'll be back other matters all right okay last part part three so yeah this part just one line um i think all the rest of my lines are in well i mean they are they're in uh the last part in part three so you saw a little bit if you were interested in that but hopefully just you're loving following along right now with all the great war of 1812 stuff i have a comment a lot again i just don't want to make this like a huge video but i'm learning a ton um about a lot of the details i don't teach u.s history anymore so a lot of stuff is like a refresher for me it's great all right last one so this one's titled ending ending america's dumbest war okay all right last part here we go previously on drone of history hey dolly we just declared war in britain so the americans wouldn't have to face the full might of the british military yet did we just become best friends yup the 1812 invasion of canada turned out to be a wet park through the home to give up the ship boys to kamsa they finally get you american forces were able to take york which they were toronto take montreal had abdicated the throne freeing britain to attend to other matters y'all enjoying this has been awesome all right thousands of troops vessels and equipment now free from the peninsula war were sent from england defenses were strengthened along the canadian border which is exactly where they're going to strike me okay thousands of troops vessels and equipment now free from the peninsula war were sent from england defenses were strengthened along the canadian border which is exactly where they're going to strike that's where we should have our men what about here secretary armstrong well i suppose we should leave some defenses in baltimore no i mean here in washington d.c mr president i can't honestly think of one reason why they would attack our capital i it could have emoted more again it was just like a direct you know it i'll get i'll get better i promise defenses were strengthened along the canadian border which is exactly where they're going to strike that's where we should have our men what about here secretary armstrong well i suppose we should leave some defenses in baltimore no i mean here in washington d.c mr president i can't honestly think of one reason why they would attack our capital yeah i think this foreshadow setup is about to pay off and he was right by august british admiral cockburn in major whatever is okay ross we're traveling up the chest towards the capitol destroying everything in their wake and freeing thousands of slaves along the way where are you going boy you can't go joining the brits that's an american think of all this country has done for you a hastily assembled militia force at bladensburg um if you didn't know kind of the history of how how the british dealt with slaves in the colonies you know going back to the american revolution the uh british tried to get uh african-americans you know and and slaves um on board and one of the things that they were saying was that if they helped fight right uh with the british that they would then um end slavery like in the united states so uh slaves had every motivation to pretty much join the british in these wars and it looks like that relationship is trying to be renewed a little bit in the war of 1812. tempted to stop the british ground troops it was less than effective and it became clear that the capital was about to be destroyed madison and other government officials had already fled washington after the battle of bladensburg i think i forgot something hey if you forgot it probably wasn't all that important yeah you're right paul grab this painting we've got to get out of here ma'am the frame is bolted into the wall so ma'am it's not even the original i think you could see the watermark damn it paul just grab it we've got to get out of here paul jennings go grab that painting you know i'll take all the credit for it you could just log it on your back the whole time you're me soon the whole city was on the run including government clerk stephen pleasanton who had been tasked with saving important documents and along the way ran into secretary clinton armstrong what do you have there the articles confederation the constitution are you stealing the declaration of independence of course not who do i look like nicolas cage alarmists the whole lot of them nah these brits are just posturing washington will never be the real target this is fine it wasn't fun it is it's good writing let me go back to me again i'll grab your own pain soon the whole city was on the run including government clerk stephen pleasanton who had been tasked with saving important documents and along the way ran into secretary armstrong what do you have there the articles confederation the constitution are you stealing the declaration of independence of course not who do i look like alarmists the whole lot of them nah these brits are just posturing washington will never be the real target this is fine it wasn't fine the british army that was a little better because it had more dialogue to kind of go off of i can definitely emote more you always i i feel like maybe this is how acting works but um it's like you you feel like you're [Music] showing more emotion than i think you actually are i think that's what i'm taking away from some of this it's like in my eyes i was like emoting like when i was recording it in my ears i guess i would say but really when it comes off on the other side it it doesn't come off nearly as much as you think it does and that's good going forward but that was for those first i like that that scene was fun what was that guy wasn't fine the british army first burned down the capitol building good timing then set fire to the white house but not before it was making america british again madison's love letters to dolly speaking of ross why would you do that well that makes sense ironically the capital might have already been doomed because just then a freak hurricane hit dc spawning off a weather phenomenon unfamiliar to most brits what in the bloody hell is that it's a tornado what's a tornado finger of god meanwhile the economy had been in the tank all war long due to the british blockade and throughout 1814 new england federalists against the war in the first place kept meeting in the hartford convention this war has been a mistake from the beginning and these embargoes are killing us mr madison's war is a travesty we should have amendments requiring two-thirds majority to declare war a one-term presidential limit and a rule stating that consecutive presidents can't be from the same state yeah and if not new england should succeed and start its own country we can make joan brady dictator for life yeah the secession part of the hartford convention tends to be overstated i mean come on what region would really be dumb enough to try to secede anyway the americans were foreshadowing position of power as peace talks got underway in ghent belgium we want an indian barrios state no yes we want an indian barrier state from ohio to wisconsin and we want maine maine is off the table the treaty of paris specifically says it's ours now this is the level of negotiation we can expect i'd rather go swim naked and shut river honestly i've been looking forward to it i've always found letting my little quincy take a little rincey is quite restorative these okay yeah these other voice actors are so much better than me i gotta take note they're just in there working on the treaty of ghent they said they'd call me in when they needed me ah i'm here for the berlin conference they said the same thing but september of 1814 the british attempted to invade new york but were turned back at lake champlain concurrently the forces that had just raised washington dc are about to lay waste of baltimore see i told you us [Music] see we're about to lay waste of baltimore see i told you u.s major general sam smith led militias to hold off invading troops and had baltimore ships sunk to cut off access to the harbor what what the [ __ ] but if the british could bombard the overlooking fort mchenry into submission the city would fall and as the bombardment began lawyer francis scott key was aboard the nearby hms tonic attempting to secure a prisoner so is this where we're gonna discuss the release honestly there's no need to lock the door oh dr beans i'm here to negotiate your release yeah you're doing one hell of a job on september 13th aboard the tonight key watched the attack on fort mchenry through the day and long into the night he peered into the darkness illuminated only by rocket's red glare and looked for the flag that flew atop the of course yeah i mean he's getting to the the famous story of the where the lyrics for the national anthem came from for the united states was there was there a national anthem before this of the united states someone let me know and come morning that flag was still there the british released key and the prisoners and withdrew from baltimore francis scott key brimming with patriotism quickly jotted down the verses that would become defense of fort mchenry i gotta tell you francis it's a great name but it stinks you should call it the store spangled banner john as a militia leader and my wife's brother-in-law i respect your opinion but why is it a poem it should be a song you should put it to music i can't write music then just steal a song pick one that gets the crowd going oh wait i already did tell me what you think yeah that should be it yeah all right should we shouldn't happy switch to smash mouth oh let's keep looking victories at lake champlain and baltimore evened out the score a little and both sides were now looking to just be done with the war so we'll pull back any forces we have left in canada but you'll need to get rid of the orders in council and stop impressing men orders and council were repealed before the war even started and with no napoleon there's no need for impressment so whatever about that indian buffer state no dice that stays ours and maine too whatever are we done i have concert tickets really to what the concert of europe anyway we're done here status quo anti-bellum what's that mean it means as existed before the war nothing changes it's like a tie which feels weird italian war is like a tie-in baseball it's like kissing yourself don't tell to the canadians all right they are very much ones of saying victory sister hey i could be into that and with that the war of 1812 had finally drawn to a club it's over only it didn't see parliament needed to approve the treaty which they did on december 30th but congress would only get it in february until then it appeared that the war was still on and remember those british forces that failed at baltimore well they headed down south to louisiana and made their way to new orleans where one ornary son of a [ __ ] named andrew jackson was waiting for them ever since being slashed with a sword by a redcoat as a boy jackson hated nothing more than the british well maybe the spanish or the indians or the national bank okay he hated a lot of things but in 1815 his hate was focused on the british to prepare he placed new orleans under martial law and recruited everyone he could and when the british arrived on january 8 1815 he gave the command americans assemble the americans pummeled the british which really didn't matter the treaty was ratified as is when it reached washington and now the war was it did it did give alex uh did give andrew jackson though a lot of notoriety that definitely wrote into his political career eventually being the the president of the united states no winners no losers unless of course you were the indians if nobody won the war the indigenous people of the united states clearly lost and they would spend the next 100 years watching so much of what they had be ripped away as for the british they immediately had a napoleon problem yet again so they never really had time to reflect on the war of 1812 they will they promise they'll have it reviewed by top men top men men the canadians remember this war and their successful defense continues to be a source of pride but they're also proud of nickelback so whatever and considering the lukewarm enthusiasm going into it it should be no surprise that america eventually forgot what actually happened and instead focused on individual elements like jackson harrison and that song that's really justified we remember the things we remember most are about individual things not the actual causes and effects of the war but individual stories very true especially with the united states great britain and canada time would heal all wounds and the nations would find themselves on better [Music] hey is terms he taken 13 whoa nobody calls me that anymore i'm the united states of america now oh of course well you look great ah me ah i stretched from shore to shore but you hey we've all put on some provinces is that like metric for states or something oh good old 13. hey canada i just wanted to say sorry for trying to invade you all those times when we were kids thanks that means a lot would you like to dance as friends i'd like that 13 yes canada get your hand off my ass oh yeah that's hot damn it ross are you reading those madison letters again shut up cockburn it's been a long walk why don't you do something to troll of history or checking out another video or being a patreon patron like these heroes over here it shouldn't have been as funny as it was so uh can i borrow them when you're done no oh man all right let's talk about it all right we're back so like like i told you at the very beginning of this video um drawn of history might be the best channel you're not watching yet okay but there's no excuse to especially if you've made it through my video here you know this far it's gotta mean that you really liked it and i hope that's the case so that was awesome that was super informative like if i was honestly if i was teaching us history again and i needed you know just to throw in some content for to to supplement lessons i would i would totally throw these in they would be great uh great for that so tell your teachers tell your teachers if you're taking us history you know about this channel and maybe you can get it in your classroom so anyways uh that was awesome um i know a lot of you came here because i wanted to see my reaction to myself i got a lot to learn but it was a lot of fun i'd love to keep doing uh voice acting stuff i i definitely learned a lot just from doing just those few lines um but it's a lot of fun i would definitely really really like to do more of it so a little bit cringe i guess just sitting here in myself and i hear myself a lot making videos but you know actually having lines um is very different than even ad libbing i i feel like i'm pretty good at ad-libbing um for the most part but you know going over the same lines over and over it's a completely different skill and i think i think the thing i took away most is you're never you don't seem to be emoting as much as you think you are when you do lines you know of any kind of voice acting probably just acting in general and uh but that was great but just from the the the talking about the videos themselves very good these videos are getting better and better kind of like you saw that with oversimplified and i guess really i mean all the major especially animated creators is they get better at going on as they go on specifically at the writing the writing is always the best part and that's what's definitely happening here so i'm i'm very excited i mean john of history right now only has 4 000 subs and that's criminally no low i know it's a new channel but like that's got to change big time so please please go over there go to the links down below and go sub you're gonna like it even if you're not into us history um you're gonna learn a lot about it but they also uh he also has some other stuff of some other topics outside of u.s history that are really good too so anyway a lot of fun um again drawing a history mr betts let me know if you want me to do more stuff i'd love to i'd love to help out that was a lot of fun and yeah i'd love to do more of this all right with that you guys again links down below links to some other things as well and we'll go ahead and leave you here okay thanks for being here and we'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 28,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, war of 1812
Id: qxKBilnwvak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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