A History Teacher Reacts | "Germany Could Not Win WW2 (Part 2)" by Potential History

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hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher axe video of mr. Terry is a continuing research for historical knowledge here on the Internet alright after an overwhelming response in the positive we're gonna watch part two of Germany could not win World War two watch the first one I didn't originally know that there was a two part but then at the end I saw that there was the second part and asked do you guys want me to go right into part two and yeah it looks like people are very much into this and I've just I've just been able to tell over my short time here on YouTube that people are very very interested of course in World War two which is understand what's the most famous topic in history but it also seems to bring in the most discussion as far as alternate histories and just trying to make statements about it right maybe that's just because it is the most research thing in history it's world war ii is fairly simple to study i think so it's a lot easier to I think obtain an opinion about it um which is great for historical discussion any time we can get talking about history in any fashion I'm all for that so I'm definitely down to check out more of this after the first video if you did not see my reactions the first video definitely check that out but I was basically came out with the belief - or just kind of a tired already kind of been that way but that Germany could not win World War two at least not with the definitions of victory that were proposed right and that was actually one of the big things I wanted to get people to think about is we need to define what winning is right did it have to be winning at all the things that Germany actually tried or if things had been attempted differently should that have been considered winning and that that brings you down that never-ending branching tree of different events that could have happened and how alternate histories go but nevertheless they saw what they said I thought that we'll see if anything changes if they bring in new stuff here I don't know what the tactic is gonna be necessarily but let's go ahead and check it out now if you liked the video make sure you go down and go to the original video the link will be in the description give them a like and subscribe for their fine work loved abby's as a subscriber here if you want to follow me and trying to learn from more of the great history videos that are out there on the internet so love to have you as a subscriber as well alright let's go and get started Germany still cannot win World War 2 that's what they I guess they're titling this one okay so just more evidence of that I guess excellent work will be used in the future however our Intel is picked up reports of continued resistance in the comment sections mentions of danke and who not to invade Zim widespread we will be dropping you directly into the comments section with your primary objective being to root out these myths of course you know I put up a poll to go along with the first video I did about just saying you could Germany not have have one or sorry I was could Germany have one World War two and definitely most the people said they could not but what was surprising to a lot of people in the comments there's it wasn't as big of a difference as he thought I remember for a while it was like 6040 I'm not sure what it is at the end of or at the time of this definitely go check that out see if you can find that poll yeah and and it wasn't as big because a lot of comments were like people really thought they had a chance so the poll was a lot closer than it seemed like the comments section was you know the people that had comments on it generally tended to be more they could not win so I kind of think they're kind of addressing it's almost like they're in this video they're gonna be addressing the people that said that they that there was a chance so let's see just the reports indicate that to where we'll be armed with cold war-era memoirs and David having books Godspeed lieutenant this video is brought to you by - Lane stay secure online and never forget a password again more on that later so you may recall around 6 week ago I made a video about how do to Germany is lacking in the population industrial and raw material sectors they could not have pulled out a victory in the war they started in 1939 and it's sort of got out of hand I think we should read the comments is there a more a worse place on the internet than the youtube comment section other I guess other than like 4chan or reddit or something like that it's it's it's so like pathetically funny I guess anyway the other day as I was reading the comments section there I found that along with some people agreeing with me there were a lot of dissenting opinions of yet more ways that people thought the final victory could be achieved and I am here today to respond to them and also probably clear up what I meant at the end of the last video talking about limited use of alternative history here are a few more ways Germany could not have won World War two oh I think I see roughly you times is that if Hitler had not let the British Expeditionary Force get away at Dunkirk that later the troops could not be used during Operation Overlord and thus no Western Front with the implication that the German troops could have been sent East to stop the Soviets this however has two problems firstly the BEF was not simply allowed to leave France as this narrative suggests in meine Kampf Hitler does speak highly of the British at times and suggests that they could be a potential ally but this is clearly without a strong grasp of British culture and political policy and was always discussed with Germany being above Britain and having them be administrators of the Reich but only if they could shake their quote Jewish influence furthermore he realized that Britain was against his intentions in the east and would become a barrier there all this being said by the time of the invasion of France Britain was definitely an enemy and Hitler was doing them no favors so then why Dunkirk well this was an operational failing not a peaceful gesture on May 15th 1940 the Germans broke through the French second and 9th armies and steamed ahead night and day thanks in part to some tablet boys towards the coast although these gains were good for the Germans the mechanized forces were quickly running out of supplies and we're leaving their flanks exposed which opened them to being cut off the result of which could cause ruin for the German plans it is at this point a nervous Hitler being counseled by generals von Kouga and von Rundstedt gave a halt order to secure the flanks and allow the exhausted Panzer divisions to refit check out this video by mark dirges for more upon the halt our favorite drug addled flyboy Goering promised the Luftwaffe could destroy the British at Dunkirk and although he failed I would hardly call the actions of the Luftwaffe just letting the British go with thousands being killed over 200 ships being sunk over a hundred planes shot because they do the loss of all the BEF s equipment Hitler even realized that the halt was an error and resumed the attack while the evacuation was underway yet people thought people always think think that it was they just let them go at Dunkirk like know who Sue's brutal the people that made it barely made it out at their lives there was a ton of destructiveness at Dunkirk yeah wasn't just wasn't just just let him go nowhere that kind of is prevailing from that idea it was only successful due to the brave French soldiers that held out until it was complete but even if he had let them go there are still more problems asserting weight it's like I dabbing held out until it was complete but even if he had let them what is this the first dab caught on video dude he's so just like hyped that he made it out of Dunkirk he invented the dab this is a meme this has got to be a meme right like Orly I mean turned into a meme no there are still more problems asserting that this means a German victory in the war Britain had to rearm all the soldiers evacuated which is a huge loss and took some time this Forsman returned to england was not in any way ready to turn around and invade France although the trip reserves were good to have if Germany decided to invade but they were not in fighting condition for a long time but most importantly Britain is not the only nation present at d-day a combined landing force of American British and Canadian forces along with smaller groups from other countries landed and fought on the Western Front although the troop loss of Dunkirk had failed may have limited Britain's number of troops the United States having only mobilized about 9% of its population in the course of the war could have very realistically filled in the gaps as it did in reality with the British equipment losses but all of this still doesn't take into account where the real war is being fought in the East the German army will be decidedly on its back foot after Kursk and the Soviets have massive offensives planned in 1944 regardless of what the Western Allies do with the defeat of Germany have taken longer without the Western Front opening of course it would but by 1944 the Soviets have a decisive upper hand and will push the Germans back to Berlin so to say the war could have been shifted if the British had 300,000 fewer troops ignores the reality of what the Germans were truly up against by 1944 do not declare war on insert superpower okay so yeah you hear this all the time they shouldn't have declared war on Russia right or the United States right after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor I mean that that might be the most plausible the strongest case if they you know that the Germans wouldn't have had to fight three superpowers basically at the same time take just one of those away because I've heard that question I don't know sure if I brought this up and the first one that can get talked about I think pretty well is what if Germany had yeah don't attack Moscow or don't attack Russia and the winter that gun thing like if they didn't attack Russia would that would their goals have been met you know what I mean or as you could saying this one the United States but one of the common things people say is the Germans would have lost the war even if the United States had never joined mostly because of the progress eventually that the Soviet Union was making before the Americans entered the war so that's I think a more interesting argument your conversation AB this is another one I saw a lot just don't invade the Soviet Union or just don't declare war on the United States and although these comments are puzzling on the surface as removing a major combatant redefines what the war is and you are now describing how to win a smaller conflict there are reasons this doesn't work that are all to do with character motivation and why these things were going to happen unless you fundamentally change who the Germans and Hitler were and then strain to fiction let's first start with the Soviet Union if you read mind Kampf don't do it it's not a very good book or listen to a lot of Hitler's speeches both in public and in private he fixates on this idea of Judeo Bolshevism which is a rather outdated term that grew out of the idea of a Jewish conspiracy that had created communism and the two were the biggest evils facing the Aryan Nation there's a whole rabbit hole to go down here with multiple theorists their ideas but I'm not gonna go into it here but that's the basic idea and Hitler subscribe to it and the results of this is Hitler's main goal being to destroy the Soviet Union and become the savior of the Aryan people in his eyes and in the process wiping out millions of subhuman slobs and resettle the land with Germans Hitler saw this as his destiny meaning he was going to do it at some point and that this fictitious Hitler that would win World War two by not invading the East is just that fiction he ceases becoming the Hitler that we know and that existed and now we're talking about a made-up story now as to why the Soviet Union was invaded when it was comes down to two things resources in frankly paranoia Germany as I outlined in my previous video on this spent a lot of the war with fairly limited oil resources and knew that it couldn't support this attack any later than June of 41 with all the fuel that the battle over Britain was consuming and even the trade with the Soviet Union would not make up for this deficit so the High Command felt they had to go in when they did before the army would not be able to move as they needed to finish the campaign by September the time in which the High Command figured the Soviet Union would collapse in on itself under the weight of the German attack and I'll point you to David stay he'll again for more information on that the other aspect was as I said paranoia I've often seen this assertion stated in a different the it seemed like in the first video then the most prominent thing that was repeatedly mentioned was the resource thing right now having her free sources and we know with western Russia southwestern Russia being especially oil heavy that that was a big reason but yeah so that would tie into the whole they kind of have to invade Russia also not just for the population of for future Germans and the whole living space leave intron thing but for the immediate need for that that oil so what if they hadn't invaded Russia well looks like he's getting he's making a point that they had to they actually had to to keep on with any of the other goals that they would have had right so this is this is I think pretty good evidence their way of don't break the alliance with the Soviet Union although I wouldn't even frame the german-soviet non-aggression pact as an alliance in the way to think of with the Axis and Allies it's not people say that like the Germany in France or so Germany and Russia were allies no they were not like friends they were not hanging out on the weekends right so I they ought to call it a non-aggression pact right I won't attack you you won't attack me and then we'll kind of do our thing and of course they had the deal with splitting Poland and stuff like that so they each had something to gain out of that that they got out of it but yeah they're not allies so like if that was an argument that like though they should have just teamed up and then they could have defeated their enemies defeated the enemies but that was never gonna be a thing Germans and Russians are not friends it was much more in the vein of you don't get in our way we won't get in your way let's trade some stuff it was very uneasy at many points before and during its existence becoming most volatile during combat between German and Soviet soldiers during the Poland campaign after the over ran the territory that was designated as theirs and moved into territory promised to the Soviets that actually contained oil fields making it not very subtle what the Germans are trying to do both Stalin and Hitler knew that some form of war was coming just not when and who would start it but going out of their way for the most part to not provoke and they didn't trust each other whatsoever now I'm not implying any kind of civil war off preventive war toy thing the Soviet Union was refitting and probably wouldn't be ready for a large war until at least mid-1942 oh you know this kinda reminds me of if you've follow my channel you know I like to play Civilization Revolution and you make these deals a lot where it's hey I won't attack you for five rounds right that's kind of that kind of seems fitting I just came to mind thinking about what the actual relationship between Germany and Russia was was it was never an agreement there you know necessarily putting aside that they would ever fight each other or have issues with each other it's just hey we both have stuff we need to do right now and fighting each other would get in the way of that so why not come to at least a temporary mutual benefit for each other that's what it kind of remind me of yeah you do that in Civilization Revolution it'll be like hey let's stop fighting or let's not fight for the next five rounds and then once that's over then you end up fighting each other but with these two ideologically opposing powers taking territory so quickly right next to each other it was something that was bound to happen as soon as one of them felt they were in a position to make the first move by 1941 the Germans felt they were and they took the opportunity for more on this and the german-soviet clashing is in Poland I'll point you towards Steven Kotkin second book in his Stalin series or this video of him talking about it the declaration of war on the US is a bit more tricky especially given that Hitler was aware of the industrial capacity of the nation however he saw the u.s. is very internally focused and figured that it would take them much more lies than it did because they're always America came out of World War one not wanting to ever get involved in a European conflict like they felt after World War one that just like Europe is this big mess that you need to you need to stay out of right you've got to stay out of just why America is so reluctant to join in World War two and I mean World War one too but World War two especially after a while because it left such a bad taste in the american's of mouses the your stay out of European business it's a complicated mess that will not have benefit America yeah it's planned for war with the United States as outlined in his second book written but not published in 1928 but wanted to put it off until he was ready often skipping on details about how it would be done he began to assume due to some anti-german sentiments from Roosevelt the Americans would declare war in 1942 coming to the aid of the Allies like they did in World War one piggybacking off the previous statements about the Soviets he figured he could end the war in the east and turn and fight the West this feeling ended though as the Soviet campaign continued to drag on in nineteen is that like Slavin plan but it was the opposite you could finish the war in the West and then fight in the East kind of thing cuz that I mean that didn't work forty two looted the German Navy had been asking for war with the United States for some time as Hitler had been holding them back to not provoke them knowing that going against the US Navy the Kriegsmarine would come up lacking Hitler's solution to this was Japan which had a large Navy that he thought could type the Americans until he was done in Russia then turned westward and save his plan he constantly reassured the Japanese that Germany would throw in with them if they expanded their territory south into u.s. held Islands this was among many attempts to get Germany and Japan to fight the same enemy which also included trying to get Japan to invade the Soviet Union from the east in June although Japan kept it smart of the Japanese never to do that wouldn't wouldn't a been of any benefit to Japan they'd already to beat the Russians I mean it was you know thirty years before that but yeah that's there's no benefits of that so it totally makes sense that Japan wouldn't have attacked the Soviet Union learned the dark as to when they were going to attack Hitler was very pleased when they did and immediately lifted all restrictions on his navy to attack US ships and later declared war a few days later after his foreign minister Yocum von Ribbentrop said the great power does not allow itself to be declared war upon it declares war on others now this decision may have been flawed with the hindsight of putting too much faith in the sovereign policy under estimating the USS ability to fight on two fronts and mobilize so quickly but knowing that Hitler did plan to fight the u.s. way back in the 20s the timing may be bad given what we know now but it was not something that he was just not going to do in the same way he was not going to just opt out of invading the Soviet Union than here invade Great Britain no this is just just invade it like without necessarily completing the air winning the air war that that doesn't make sense to me I know how you could do that I mean the the if the Luftwaffe can't beat the Royal Air Force then what chance are they gonna have against the British Navy but I see the most take the British out before you turn east as if it was that simple the Germans tried this first by attempting to bomb the British into submission which didn't work and second by planning the invasion of the British home island in an operation named sea lion this was going to be the amphibious assault that would take Britain out of the war and plants were drawn up in early preparations were made but before going through with it the Germans themselves realized this wasn't going to work and cancelled it the short answer for why is the Royal Navy in the inability of the kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe to control the channel the German Navy would be unable to keep the channel clear of British warships to enable troops and supplies to reach the British coast unless the Army's landing was on a very narrow front resulting in less water needing to be covered knowing the coast was going to be heavily defended the army rejected this plan as they would need a wide landing front so they were not just feeding men into a meat grinder in short the Germans did not have the materials which carry out a successful landing without it either bogging down and being cut off on the ground or being simply sunk on the way to its destination in the 70s the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst war gamed the scenario with conditions favourable to the Germans and came up with the operation being a total failure some commenters have gone as far as pubs have failed the video game projections would never have happened in real life if that's do you think that's what military leaders do if they pull out insert video game here suggests using paratroopers to take the British down but I think you need to only look as far as Crete and Arnhem to see how badly an unsupported airborne operation can go the Germans would still have to land by sea to resupply them and get relief troops on the ground and the Royal Navy was too large an obstacle to allow this to happen even by the Germans own admission one particular comment out of all of them really stood out to me it began with if the Nazis weren't Nazis they would have won and I think this really speaks to the core of my point well let's go you read this first the Nazis were Nazis they would have won you know because the two decisions killing Jewish physicists and not accepting Ukraine's ally proposal and slaughtering them all instead they would have developed the atomic bomb much quicker and tech would have been found faster and to solve the fuel part of the the fuel part of they wouldn't have slaughtered the Ukrainians man this is a typing nightmare then they could have gotten access to the oil fields another decision is Dunkirk they didn't retreat and instead slaughter the entire British army then the Britain wouldn't have an army to fight with so the Nazis were now if the Nazis weren't who they were then he probably wouldn't had a warrant well then you probably wouldn't had a war at all right you would never even have a war there'll be my rebuttal to that alternative history is fun it makes for good Hawaii for games but when really talking about it seriously it's really hard to come by any academic conclusions outside of a few days of speculation because you begin building assumption on assumption on assumption and before you know it you have changed the motivations and decision-making patterns of everybody you're talking about and you are then just writing fan fiction this is your brain this is your brain on alternative history what Germany have won World War two if the Nazis weren't in power maybe but it's also equally likely they wouldn't have started the war or joined the Allies or anything else if there's no basis in reality to do with the people you are talking about in your assumption what's the point Germany decided to start a war that within a little over two years would see them taking on three superpowers at once with the resources of most of the world behind them add in strategic mistakes and intelligence failures it paints a very grim picture from the start regardless of decisions made after the fact speaking of intelligence failures don't let your private information go the way of the German armies there are plenty of Alan Turing's out there looking for information and private data they do not have the same honor to country that the original did if you're like me you probably forget and end up reusing your password for the sake of convenience but when you do that it's like using the same code books over and over and if one password is correct all your accounts but don't be angry much then before you know it all your personal information has been stolen and your glorious summer offensive is dead on arrival being someone who uses the internet for almost everything in life it feels good to have that extra level of security that - Liam provides - link can be your one-stop shop for your digital identity by managing all your passwords so you don't have to keep track of each one personal info and financials making your digital life safe and more secure - Liam works across all devices including all Apple products PCs Android Safari and chrome - Lane also has a secure autofill feature that works for personal information and credit cards saving you time when shopping online a VPN to prevent prying eyes from tracking you and dark web monitoring to see if your information is being bought and sold illegally - give it a try for free go to - lang comm slash potential history and use my promo code potential officers if you get 10% off if you want to upgrade to put things out now I would like to thank my patrons on patreon a lot of them were very supportive of my first video on this topic and encouraged me to make this one and I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for them and their generosity and keeping the channel room thank you all for watching and I'll see you next week where we shift back to the Pacific cool alright so I mean if those were the strongest rebuttals that he got to Germany couldn't win the war so like ideas that they could have it if that's the best ones then I don't I don't think that they're probably any other good arguments out there because those those were pretty easy to to rebut right away right away so those didn't it votes me at all I'm still on the side that Germany could not win World War two maybe now even more so because now I heard even more you know even more things that I agree with to two things that weren't brought up in part one so if you are again one of the people that do think that Germany could had could have won I'm still very interested in hearing what you have to say but I want to I want to see it like like put it out there put it in comments and stuff again what I saw on the poll was that I did was a lot of you know it wasn't that far off the know between the yeses it was like 6040 or something like that for nose and like 40% for four yeses but I didn't necessarily see a lot of comments I mean there were some but a ton of comments explaining yes I just like people were just clicking yes and then not really offering anything so we can keep that conversation kind of civilly going on I'm sure if you comment on YouTube you'll you'll see you'll do that go go go to the poll if you have not yet but I have I think you go to the community page or whatever on my channel and you'll see that poll but also in on the discourse server there was a good discussion happening in the discord server for quite a bit that about this topic there so if you've not joined our discord server go down below in the description you'll see a link to join our discord server it's full of people we have him looking right now as of today 3400 people on the discord server so a lot of people too that you can talk with and have good civil discussions with but yeah I would want to hear more especially on the yes side especially if you have something to that you think they either they got wrong or they did not address on this video I'd like to see a rebuttal to that that would be a good a good form of discussion so all right definitely go and like and subscribe to the original channel over here link will be down below as well so you give them the credit and make sure you support them loved yeah I'd love to have you as a subscriber as well definitely enable notification so you can be part of our live streams and premieres and things like that and be a little bit more involved in our community if you like a little bit more influences to what goes on on this video the first video I did here this this this series in general was voted on by our patreon pleasures so if you would like to have a little bit more influence in the videos that get kind of featured on my channel here patron pleasures get to vote in that weekly poll to get a little more involved and pledges start at a dollar a month so that's just an easy way to support the channel and get a little bit more involved love to have you as a potential member over there alright with that we'll go ahead and bring this video to a close looking forward to seeing some more comments and some of the conversations that hopefully you can take place on this and until then we'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 234,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, world war 2, germany
Id: bzreOn7Jv3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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