Prepping for an Observation | Teacher Evolution Ep 34

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so here we go I have all eight bins labeled ready to go that each group got all the same color markers like that group has all green this group has all blue that way they cannot fight over who gets hot color step number one to having a good observation [Music] [Music] good morning YouTube so it is already Tuesday because yesterday we were off for President's Day and thank goodness cuz I had so much to get done this weekend I don't know how I would have done it otherwise but I was productive I got some new labels made up for my classroom yeah can't wait to show you guys those I also have some fun activities planned for today and I will show you those once I get to school I forgot to tell you so this week I am having an informal observation so the way it works at my new school we have a formal one in the fall where we set it up on a specific day at a specific time we write up a formal lesson plan and we also have one in the spring where they tell us they're coming sometime that week but we don't really know when however I know that I'm not being observed today because my system principal is actually out of town so it will be either tomorrow Thursday or Friday so I'll make sure that I have excellent lessons for all of those days but I do still have some funds up for today so I'll make sure that I showed that to you all when I get to school I'm going to drink a protein shake on the way because I cannot get coffee until Friday listen Michelle you can not get coffee until Friday I need to remind myself sometimes [Music] let's talk about all of these goodies so first of all I have my plans for my ta today I've copies of the mixed numbers quiz that we are going to give today I made this over the weekend and then my team teacher make copies which was awesome because I was not expecting that and then these are things I printed out over the weekend that I need copies of so first of all this will be the note sheet for the critical features of geometry so point line segment line ray and angle so have my TA make copies are those these are pre assessments for math and then I have some science papers that we're doing and then I have an answer key for that quiz to give to my TA so I'll have her make those copies this morning so since we are starting to introduce this vocabulary I have a whole PowerPoint to go with it but I'm also gonna have my students like build these as models so the marshmallows will be all of the points the toothpicks will be all of like the lines in between and then the candy corn which these are like Easter candy corn there were pastels because it's almost Easter will be like the arrows so like a line that keeps going about directions a ray that keeps going in one direction and then angles they will put those at the very end so shout out to mr. puck full primary aka Billy who bagged like thirty of these for me last night right now I only have enough for my block one so I'm either gonna have them do it in partners or I may just do it with my block one not my block two I don't think my block two will need it quite as much just like that concrete like modeling but we'll see I haven't made up my mind for that yet then I have some beautiful labels that I made over the weekend so these are for those drawers that I have on the back counter that I just converted so it'll be pencils dry erase markers and glue sticks these little labels are for these drawers right here so I made them to fit right on the front so I will get those taped on and then these are for my math bins so these are gonna go over here on the front of all of these bins so I'll try to get those taped on I did order some more of those I went to my local Walmart they did not have them so I ordered them online from Walmart instead I'll link them for you guys down in the description box I think those are supposed to be coming like tomorrow so once I get the rest of them I will have eight of those which will be filled with early finisher activities for math also I just want to mention these are my Sterlite drawer labels so they are the same as these labels which are in my TPT store they are editable so I will link those for you guys in the description box these however are not currently in my store I really need to get more labels up I've just been so busy I haven't had time but eventually I'm gonna have just like a pack of a ton of different labels and a bunch of different sizes both in black and in color that will be available for purchase it's just not ready yet so I left these yard sticks and meter sticks out over the weekend cuz I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with them I got a lot of great suggestions from you all in the comments of my last vlog which thank you very much I had some people tell me to put them in like a poster board tube which I do not have or I could use like PVC pipe which I also currently do not have but I'm going to try to go to like an Ace Hardware or something maybe not tonight but hopefully by the end of the week I will get some PVC pipe and store these in there so I think for right now I'm just gonna put these like over here on the floor so I did earn another b2 for my ring by going to chick-fil-a night last week so I'm gonna add that and then I student bring me this notebook this smart he says eat sleep nap repeat it's so adorable in the sloths oh my goodness so now during my planting time I am prepping some cup phones so like these are so old-school but we are talking about sound energy and how it travels through mediums so I am making like six of these Cup phones just using Red Solo cups and yarn I just poked a hole in the bottom of the cup using using my scissors I haven't done this one yet but I've done all of these and then I put the yarn through and tie a knot so I'm gonna go ahead and finish prepping these so actually at a student this morning who got all of this ready hallelujah for teaching fourth grade there's so much more independent I love it so I had her go through and put the number of bags that I would need for each group like based on the number of deaths so this is their bag with the marshmallows and the toothpicks and the candy corn and then there also is a marker and a napkin for each student so the student is gonna put down their napkin that way this stuff does not get on the desk and get gross because I would probably let them eat it afterwards and then they have a marker because as we make the different models they're gonna put it on their napkin and they're gonna label what it is underneath and I made sure that each group got all the same color markers like that group has all green this group has all blue that way they can not fight over who gets what color so these are all ready to go for math which is one less thing on my plate so I totally forgot that long and foster was sponsoring like a lunch for teachers today which is really nice so they gave us like a little bag had starburst and then like printouts from them and then we were able to get a hot dog and some popcorn so I'm totally gonna enjoy this because I have a kind of tough run to do later on so I need everything that I can get right now it is lunchtime and the morning has gone okay it's been very hectic because we are taking group pictures today so like drama club dance club girls on the run like constantly they've been coming on the announcements and calling for groups of students so I've literally had kids in and out of my room all day but it's okay that's part of teaching you got to be flexible math ran over because it took my students longer to do the quiz than what I thought it was gonna take them and then the lesson part afterwards actually took about the same amount of time that I thought it would take but because the quiz ran long my math block ran long but it's okay because the science lesson with like the cups and the string did not take as long as I thought that it would so I actually got everything done with block one I have a couple kids maybe like four or five who did not finish their quiz so I'll try to get them to make that up later in the week oh and this is a students medal so there was like a hockey tournament over the weekend and they asked me to hold on to their medal so I said okay I'm gonna wear it I'm going to sit and enjoy my lunch and then I'll catch up with you all later on it is the end of the day and tomorrow's already Wednesday so 40 weeks are just amazing overall the day went really well I got through everything I needed to get through with my block - I even was able to make up a check for understanding that I did not get to last week with them so that was awesome in science with the whole cup phone experiment they loved it I loved seeing their excitement when they can feel the string vibrate and they're like so amazed that they can actually hear the sound I just think it's awesome so I love experiments like that super super simple it took five minutes to poke the holes in tie the yarn and assemble them and it made for an awesome lesson so I'm gonna go give these to my team teacher and then I'm going to go for my run and then I'm gonna come back in my classroom and do some work because this is a mess around here and I am NOT leaving it like this I have all those labels that I made over the weekend that I need to go ahead and tape on so my plan is to get that done before I leave for the day so I'm gonna go with get my run done and then I'll catch up with you guys [Music] so before I put in this last label I just wanted to quickly show you all like what I'm doing to attach these so these are just the eight-and-a-half by eleven Sterlite drawers and then these labels if you're interested in my TPT store they're editable you can use any font this is the font that I used it's an ami Groesbeck pot and I link it in the product so you can go and purchase it or if you want to use any other front you can't so i print these on cardstock and then i laminate them that way they are very durable and they hold up over time and you can even move labels around to different drawers if you need to then I take scotch double-sided sticky tape this is the permanent double-sided sticky tape although it says it's permanent you can totally take it off but I put three pieces so I put one at this end one in the middle and then one at this end to attach it to all parts of the drawer then when I put it in here I kind of bend it backwards like this I line up the corners and I push those in first and then the middle part will automatically just kind of attach one other thing to mention about these labels you have to print them full size if you scale them down they're gonna be too small for your drawers but I printed mine the full size and they literally fit perfectly so I thought I would show you real fast what all I got done so these labels are all new and what I use for the drawers probably may not make sense to you but that's okay these are just like things that I need it to store somewhere and it worked out perfectly so cup couteau cards are our school-wide like incentive cards and after my students turn them and I put them in this drawer this one is a are in math facts in a flash so it has the change that we use some of the extra charms cuz I have kids that lose them and then I put them in here until hopefully someone claims them excuse that that's an email this next one will be for batteries I haven't put those in here yet and then behavior charts I have a couple of those for specific students I'll have some colored pencils in here which these are like my colored pencils that I use for anchor charts and then I have my homeroom binder clips my block one binder clips and my block two binder clips I had someone say like oh you can just move the drawers around set the colors of the binder clips match the colors of the drawer but then it will not be in rainbow order and that's just not okay with me next I labeled mine math bins and I really really like how these labels turned out right now I only have the five that I already had from second grade but I did order more from Walmart though should hopefully be here tomorrow I think and then I will label the rest of them so now I just need to make sure that I always have stuff in there that my students can work on for early finishers but I just really like how the colored labels look on it I feel like you'll notice like a trend I either have black containers with colored labels or colored drawers with black labels or sometimes I have a black on black but for me it just makes everything look nice and crisp and clean and then last but not least you all saw me change out these drawers and I filled them up with some new supplies so these are pencils some dry erase markers and hopefully that can last us through the end of the year and then some glue sticks my next order of business is what I'm gonna call power grading I'm just gonna sit here blast some music and just try to get as much graded as possible because you all do not even want to see first of all you just have piles everywhere and my grade drawer is just like packed with stuff is not good you guys so I'm just going to try to be as productive as possible cuz I don't want to spend too much time here because I need to go home and lesson plan but at the same time I've got to get some of this off my plate look he came to join me even organize some papers for me it's very helpful it's about 6:45 I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here so I got my block two quizzes graded and entered in the grade book but like that's it I did not get anything else done except for a couple of things like I needed to do like just putting away papers and all that so my classroom so a little bit cleaner I'm happy I got my labels on there I still have a heck of a lot of grading to do but it's okay like I will get it done but I'm gonna go home because I need to lesson plan for tomorrow because tomorrow Thursday or Friday most likely I will have administration coming in to observe however it could end up getting postponed to another week which I really hope is not the case cuz I just want to get it done with so that I'm not like constantly thinking about it but it's out of my hands so for now I'm just gonna focus on planning a really good lesson for tomorrow and I'll catch up with you guys in the morning so I just got home finally checked my mail first of all Billy and I are really bad about check your mail we check it like maybe once a week and sometimes it's even longer and I had this lovely galentine's Day gift from Chelsea the hipster art teacher I will link her below she's literally like the most amazing human being alive so if you were not following her on Instagram make sure that you check her out she does custom clipboards she surprised me with one in like one of my first mail hauls and it's literally the most gorgeous thing ever so so she sent me this little cardboard heart which has my name that she hand-lettered because she's freaking amazing and then on the back she's ready super sweet note to me and like this is what means everything to me like I just I love stuff like this so thank you tell see you totally made my day and then also included where these heart stickers and washi tape and literally this is perfect because I brought home a huge pile of papers to grade tonight and then this balloon that says BFF like oh she's just the sweetest thing ever she's such a genuine amazing human being she's so so sweet and like I just love all the interactions that I've had with her I can just tell the like she is the real deal so if you are not following her I will link her down below and make sure that you get on that good morning YouTube so I did not finish work last night until like 11:30 I said a whole bunch of things like I had to get done I had to make a post for Instagram I had to record a video that I'm gonna post him know today for Highland I had to like lesson plan and you know I'm trying to make it like fun and engaging for my students so like what they were gonna do on a worksheet I changed into task arts they can go around the room I'll show you that in a second well not in a second but when I get to school so we just hook like a lot longer than I thought that it was gonna take and it's okay I know this is gonna be a long week an exhausting week because of having like my observation at some point and putting so much effort into lesson planning I know that it's gonna be a little bit like crazy and exhausting but it's okay like next week won't be that bad we have a field trip and great across America today and conferences and all that good stuff so if I can get through this week I'll be good to go I'm gonna go ahead and head to school I cannot remember if I have a meeting this morning or not I think I was supposed to have a mint meeting but it got cancelled so I don't think I have a meeting which would be really really nice but I'll let you guys know when I get there [Music] so I mentioned for math today I made some flashcards so this originally was just a regular old worksheet and I'm like you know what that's kind of boring I feel like my kids have been doing that a lot lately so if I can get them up and moving and around the room I would rather do that so I literally just took the questions from the worksheet and put it on to at these task cards I just made these really quickly last night printed them out on cardstock I'm going to eliminate them and put them around the room so draw and label a point drawing label a line array a line segment and angle and then it's like fill in the blank with like vocabulary and then down here they're going to draw line segments to create a Pentagon so I put these on there recording sheet so that was nice and easy for them to do that and then what's the least number of line segments that you can use to create this letter so this is the recording sheet that I made it just has the twelve boxes so they just quickly have to write their response in plus the worksheet was actually two pages and I was able to fit it all onto one page so I'm going to go ahead and laminate these that they are ready to go and take them around the room [Music] so as you can see and now have the task cards hanging up and this is one of those ideas where I'm like how did I not think of this sooner so I decided to hang them up with a sticky clip so I've talked about these on my channel a lot you can get them on Amazon I will link them down below you're able to stick them to different surfaces they don't damage the surfaces or the walls you're able to take them off and reuse them and it just has this little clip so you couldn't slip like a piece of paper inside so when I've used task cards in the past I always just tape them up around the room but then it's a hot mess trying to take them down get the tape off and all that jazz so I actually went ahead and just put sticky clips up in various places around my room so that way I can slip the task card right in when I'm using it when I'm done I can take it off but the sticky clip will actually stay up in my classroom at all time so that anytime I use task cards it's super easy to display them so I have two here on the cabinets I have one here on the cabinet door I'm sorry - here on the cabinet - her and then I have one by my smart board I have one up here by my front board and then I have one on the front of my desk I like to keep my desk area like open and not have kids over there so I don't have a lot in between there same thing with my back table I like to keep this area open so if I'm working with students my students working on the task carts are not getting in the way so I don't have any back here but I do have one here by my Boston sign and then by my science and social studies focus board don't you love how I haven't even put anything up yeah hashtag real life then I have two over here by my math focus board also with nothing on it oops it and then I have one here by my door it is now almost the end of my cleaning time so I do meet with my team teacher so we could collaboratively plan but we didn't have a ton to plan because next week is a crazy week so Monday will be a normal day Tuesday my team teacher and I are out at a math cohorts we're meeting up with other math teachers Wednesday me and one of my other team teachers go on a field trip on Thursday the two other team teachers go on a field trip and then me and the team teacher who went the day before will be here at school with our homeroom classes and then Friday is parent-teacher conferences so we didn't really have a whole lot to like talk about in terms of planning so we finished early I'm not gonna go through and start putting my students in groups before the field trip that is happening next week when your team teacher knows you really well and leaves us on here Dez says let's be totally awkward together it's so cute it is lunch I'm and I'm actually smiling because I told you all that I'm having an informal observation sometime this week but I didn't really know when I passed my assistant principal in the hall and she's like oh do you have a good math lesson for this morning like I'll come and I was like well we have guidance like right in the middle of our math walk so she's like okay but I just took my students up to lunch and she basically said like I'll come on Friday so I was like okay so at least now I know like it's not gonna be tomorrow it's gonna be on Friday I feel better like knowing when it will be so I can make sure that I have everything on point it is my day to stay in for recess which is nice because I can definitely use the extra time for some grading and whatnot but at the same time it is so nice outside it's like 76 degrees and I'm like oh that would be really nice but that's okay I need us in here and I do need to get grading done so I am going to do just that I did get a little bit of grading done while my students had guidance I got my block ones quizzes from yesterday graded I still need to put them in the gradebook but at least they are graded it is like 5:30 and the reason that I was not able to vlog right after school is because I had to go to girls on the run so Girls on the Run is Mondays and Wednesdays and it starts at 3:45 and it goes until about 5:15 but by the time the last girl got picked up is probably like 5:22 ish so I came back to my room I've been trying to catch up on like text messages because I literally had like almost 300 unread text messages so I just did that I am gonna go ahead and like pack up my stuff and just get out of here Billy is currently at the gym until about 6 o'clock it is my off day for money so I don't have to worry about doing that I have a lot of great thing to do like I have this entire thing filled with papers plus I have more stuff in my drawers like I really really really need to get grading done but the good news is because I know my observation isn't gonna be until Friday then I kind of have the pressure off me for tonight and I can focus just on grading and getting that done so I'm gonna get out of here go be productive and I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow so I came home to a big box of goodies so I had ordered this from Walmart over the weekend I got two things of card stock this is the card stock that I used from there cuz it's pretty cheap it's like five or six dollars georgia-pacific premium card stock so I two of those this is a foundation because I needed to get my order to over $35 to get free shipping so this is just the Maybelline fit me matte poreless foundation these are those bins that I'm using for my math bins for early finishers so I have a sick pack because that's all that I could order them in I only really need three of them so I'm gonna have three extra I haven't decided if I'm gonna take them to my classroom or if I'm gonna leave it at home but I will figure it out and then I did get another water jug because walmart sells them along with Amazon and you all know I'm famous for leaving my water dug like at school or at home so I think I might either just have this one as a backup or I might start leaving one at home and leaving one at school that way I always have it but I haven't made up my mind yet but when I do I will have another water jug this is literally too ironic for words I went to go grab my water jug and realized I left it at school so perfect timing on this Walmart package I'm gonna go ahead and fill up this jug and then just leave it at home [Music] [Music] good morning YouTube I have to say I am very proud of myself first of all I had my Sterlite bin so I'm excited to be able to label those but I got my lesson planning done for today but last night when I was working on lesson planning for today I got it done really really quickly printed out what I needed I'm good to go so then I was like okay let me grade which let's be honest when I've been bringing that bin back and forth between school at home in the back of my head like I kind of didn't expect to actually grade it all but last night I sat down Billy and I were watching The Amazing Race and I greeted every last piece of paper that I had in that plastic bin so I'm excited they're already in the grade book so when I get to school I can just go ahead and put them in my graded papers Rolly cart that's by the door so that my girls can sort it and then I do have still some papers that are in my actual grade drawer that I need to get to but I feel like I made a lot of progress and that's what I need to celebrate just little bits of progress because you can never do it all so celebrate the times when you do get a lot of stuff done I'm going to head to school so I don't think I have anything this morning but I do not have cultural arts usually we would do study hall at this time but we're actually going to and assembly I have no idea what it's on so I will let you guys know after but for now I gotta get to school there it is there's my water jug that I left here so this is now just going to be my school water jug and I'll have my home water jug that way I don't have to worry about leaving it behind the other night when I ran to Target I got this little set of gel clangs it just says happy st. Potts and it has a little rainbow and what are those gold coins so I'm gonna put this up on my door because I don't do a whole lot to decorate for holidays but something simple like this I can handle so here are those Sterlite bins that came in so here's the label if you are interested I will link these for you down in the description box but I think that these are a really really good size for like centers and games and whatnot so I'm gonna go ahead and take three of them and put my last three labels on them and then that means I'll have three left I'm not sure what I'll use them for yet but I'm sure I will figure it out so here we go I have all eight bins labeled ready to go now I just have to fill them with early finisher activities but at least this part of it is done so next order of business for math today we are going to be using geo boards which I have right here because my students are investigating whether the number of sides on a polygon and the number of angles are the same or what the relationship is all that good stuff so we're gonna do that with Geo board so I'm gonna go ahead take these out and organize them into my group baskets excuse the noise of the vent but all of my table baskets are now set up so each one has enough geo boards for everyone in the group and then I have these little containers which come from Dollar Tree but actually one of my subscribers sent to me and these are filled with rubber bands for them to use with the Geo boards it is lunchtime the morning has been just a little bit hectic because we had that assembly this morning and it ended up running over it was supposed to end at 10:30 I don't think we got back to our classrooms until like 10:53 ish so I tied me switch 4 blocks my block one was much shorter so I'm trying to like cram and get everything in and of course I had Chromebooks with them because they're making presentations for social studies and instead of having like 50 minutes to work on it they had like half an hour but it's ok like we're getting through it I also had to flip-flop when I had social studies and math today usually I start with math and then I do social studies or science after but today because my team teacher needed the Chromebooks the second half of block and that's usually when I do social studies but I need to use the Chromebooks for social studies I know it's really confusing but basically for today I'm teaching social studies first and then math at the end of the block so that's also been a little bit chaotic but it's all good we're getting we're getting things done and that's all that we can do so I'm going to sit and enjoy my lunch and then I'll catch up with you all after so I had a student who was just having a rough morning they were very upset when they came in and I talked to them but like I could still tell they were just down so I took a little sticky note and just read him a little note and I said you know even though you had a rough morning like I'm really happy that you're here today and gave it to them and then they put this sticky note when I wasn't looking on my computer and it says thank you mr. a you always make me feel better and like it's the little things my friends like I just I love the relationship I have with my students so I need to start prepping for my lesson tomorrow it is already four fifty five so I've been kind of busy with my team teachers we're trying to finalize stuff for the field trip so I just got back to my room and now I need to try to be productive because I need to go to the gym in like 15 20 minutes so tomorrow's lesson is about introducing students to the fact that angles are measured in degrees and we're gonna do that with like using a circle and a clock to kind of explain it to them so this comes from hands-on standards from et a hand to mind they have awesome awesome like manipulatives and even like resource books like this so I highly recommend you check this company out if you happen before not sponsored by them I wish it was but this was actually purchased by my district one of the like templates that is in this book is this circle like clock type template so I have a class set of these I'm gonna put these in page protectors and then I also need to get out there called angle egg legs I think is how they're pronounced I don't know how to pronounce it exactly but it's a and GL EGS so I think it's in legs so I need to get those out as well I have them somewhere with like all my manipulatives so I need to get those put into my team basket so that they are ready to go for tomorrow [Music] so my table baskets are all ready to go with the clock template in the page protectors and then I put their anglex that they're going to use and that oh goodness in this little plastic container so there's going to need one orange one and one purple one my materials are ready to go I'm just going to work on the rest of it at home I need to make my Google slides and I need to like read through the lesson a little bit more but I still have the time right now like I've got to get to the gym I've got to go get my run done so I'm gonna go do all that and then I'll catch up with you all tomorrow [Music] good morning YouTube so I got everything ready last night for my observation at least as much as I can you know this is not a formal one so like I don't have a formal written lesson plan they're just coming in and observing a lesson so I'm like you know what Michelle don't stress out about it like I'm sure it will be okay I'll quickly go through the lesson with you once I get to school and just kind of show you what I'm doing but basically I'm introducing my students to the fact that a circle has 360 degrees and getting them to start recognizing different kinds of angles like a right angle and a straight angle so step number one to having a good observation though is dress comfy if you can so thankfully it is Friday which means I have jeans and I have a sweatshirt and that means I'm automatically just a lot more comfortable so step number two is to have coffee so it is a Friday which means I can go get me some Dunkin Donuts coffee I'm gonna get an iced latte and I will enjoy every second of it I also have something really cool that we're doing inside so I will show you that when we get to school as well but for now let me go get my coffee good morning good morning can I get a large iced latte with the winter white chocolate flavor please settle yet thank you [Music] [Music] so I told you all that I would talk you through my lesson for today so this is the warm-up it will be on the board when my students come in usually they take out their homework and I check it but because I'm gonna be observed I just don't want to have to like worry about that so I'm gonna check it at the end of class instead their warm-up is to tell me how many sides and how many angles this polygon has cuz that goes back to yesterday's lesson we focused on identifying angles in polygons then we will read our icann statement that angles are composed of two rays and are measured using degrees and then for our pose a problem they're just gonna talk about it as a group they're not gonna run anything down they're gonna describe and compare the circles and the angles on the clock below and then we'll kind of go over it and say how the first clock has a smaller circle than the second clock but it has a larger angle and then they're gonna talk as a group at what time will the hands of a clock form a right angle and I'm just gonna show them this so that they can like have a reference of like the time and everything and if they're stuck and they don't remember what a right angle is then I will put this up on the board so they know that it's 90 degrees and then I'm gonna give them some examples after like you know they have time to work on that that three o'clock and nine o'clock that they are both right-angles I'm gonna show them like that it makes a square just like the corner of a square rectangle then I'm gonna show them this video so as they watch this video I want them to pay close attention to the skateboard what happens to it and then I will ask them what this trick is called so it's just a video of a skateboarder doing a 360 and it does it regular and then slo-mo so just to make that connection that like they've probably heard of like a 360 before or a 180 and so making that connection that that is how many degrees are in a circle so then I'm gonna pick one person from each table to get their table basket and that student will give each person at their table a dry-erase pocket and I'll have them go ahead and label the four number so this is the dry erase pockets is a template that comes from that ETA hand to mine book and this is just in a dry erase pocket from lakeshore learning so I'll have them label like around the four corners of the clock then I'm just gonna remind them that even though there are 60 minutes in an hour there's 360 degrees in a circle I don't want them to get confused like degrees and then time so at the white space at the top there dry race leaves to like somewhere up here I'm gonna have them write that a circle equals 360 degrees and then I'm giving them this problem which comes from that ETA hand to my book that at noon the teacher told the students they would be going to library when the minute hand on the clock has turned 180 degrees what time will they go to the library so they're going to use the clock template and the angle eggs to work on this problem and I'm this is the first time that they've used egg legs so I'm just letting them know that they snap together at the end and then you can change the size of the angle and they're gonna need one purple one and one orange one so their English will be stored in this little plastic container in the basket so they will each take out a purple one and an orange one and this will represent like our hand and the minute hand and as you can see they just connect down here with a circle they just snap together so I'm gonna give them some time to work on that I'm gonna leave this up on the board and they're gonna work with someone at their group and if anyone finishes and they figure out that problem I've given them another problem to work on set they're not just sitting there what time is it if the minute hand the clock has turned 270 degrees past noon then we're gonna review it and I'm gonna put it under the document camera so I'm just gonna have them reset their anglex to show 12 o'clock noon on the clock and then follow along as I model under the document camera and then to kind of close I want to just show them that we show angles using arcs like these and if a circle has 360 degrees I want them to make the connection that the arc would go all the way around in a circle for a 360 degree turn and then reminding them the angles are measured in degrees so a 90-degree angle is called a right angle and 180 degree angles called a straight angle so we're gonna review what we learned today like what makes up an angle to raise what is an angle measured in degrees what kind of angles have we learned about right angles and straight angles and then telling them that next week we're gonna learn about some other kinds of angles and then 2n they're gonna have a check for understanding they're gonna complete it and turn it into the block bin I don't have that in front of me right now because my TA is making copies but basically they're going to show a time on the clock that would make a 90-degree angle and then show a time on the clock that would make 180 degree angle so it goes exactly with what we worked on and then when they finish I'm gonna have them take out their homeworks that I can check it so I mentioned that I had a collectivity for science day so we are still working with sound waves and how produces vibrations and all that good stuff so this is just a bowl covered with plastic wrap and then it's hard to see but there is salt on top so what we're gonna do is my students are gonna make observations with this speaker so this is just like a wireless Bluetooth speaker and I'm gonna play music and then they will actually see the salt move from the vibrations from the sound waves and they'll actually see how like it does it to the beat of the song and all that cool stuff so I'm excited to show them this because I think they will think that it's really cool and it's a good way to show like the energy transfer that happens with sound waves it is now ten o'clock I took my students to music I've just kind of been answering emails and getting myself up-to-date on that I have the copies of the check for understanding that my students are going to complete so now I'm just going to sit and kind of go through my lesson like a couple times make sure that I have everything down and then I'm just gonna focus on not stressing out because I definitely get stressed out and overwhelmed when it comes to observations just because I want everything to go perfectly which I know isn't realistic but still it's just in my nature so I'm gonna try to just not stress out and before I know it it will be over with and I'll probably be thinking back on like why I shouldn't have been stressing so I will catch up with you guys hopefully after I've had my observation okay I am hot sweaty and gross but I'm happy so first of all I did not vlog during lunch because I had a lunch punch with four girls and then after school I actually have already met with my assistant principal who did my observation today and had my post conference so my observations completely done I have my observation form and all that and then right from there I went to basketball practice so it's now like 5:15 let me kind of reflect as you guys can tell I am happy so I did have my observation this morning for my math block during my black one it went really really well I'm so proud of my kids so this was a conceptual lesson so it was the first time they were introduced to measuring angles and degrees and what a right angle is and what a straight angle is they did so well they were so engaged I was just like oh hallelujah I was so happy I was so proud of them like it just went very seamlessly I had no like hiccups I felt good and I'm just happy to have it done with and then I was like in a good mood for the rest of the day so my block too went really really well and then I actually got an email around lunchtime from my assistant principal she sent me like the draft of my observations she's like look when can you meet in the mic well after school like I could meet right after school like I just want to get it done with and get like my feedback and actually feel like it's really good to get that like the same day so I met with her I have all my feedback it went awesome like I'm really really happy with it and I'm happy have it done so that's just like a big we're leap off my shoulders and it's done I'm in a great mood I can go have a good weekend I just did basketball so I'm a little bit tired but I still have to go and do my run so I am going to end the vlog here next week is gonna be a little bit crazy because I'm going to professional development one day I have a field trip one day read across America one day and conferences one day so they're only be one normal day that's part of the job so I'm going to end this vlog here if you enjoyed it and you're happy that I had a great observation please please please give any thumbs up if you have not already subscribed to my channel please go ahead and hit subscribe down below while you're at it go ahead and hit the bell so you get notified every time I post a new video as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here in the description box you'll find links for my teachers pay teacher's store along with my Pio address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 134,606
Rating: 4.92237 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, observaton, teacher observation, how to prepare for an observation, preparing for an observation
Id: tlIPuFdQzDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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