The BEST Thanksgiving Activities! | Pocketful of Primary

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[Music] good news I actually doing here on a Monday and that like never happens so now let's talk about my outfit to go with the theme for today because you know that I have an outfit to go with it first of all turkey hat because everyone needs a turkey hat and now I'm gonna explain to you the awesome mouth activity that we're doing today I'm literally so excited for this so you know what like I am in an awesome mood and it feels good good morning YouTube it is a short week we only go to school on Monday and Tuesday and then we have Thanksgiving break from Wednesday through Friday very much needed right now I'm very tired even though I did sleep in over the weekend like my body's just at the point where I really really need a break good news I actually do my hair on a Monday and that like never happens other good news fourth grade is providing like snacks kind of things for the entire school today so we are doing it tailgating foods so I have my crock-pot which has my cheese dip in it it's a pretty simple recipe it's literally just like cream cheese cheddar cheese onions bacon sour cream and a little bit of mayo and that's it and you just throw it on the crock-pot heat it up you know what chips bread whatever so I'm excited for today because I'm doing some fun math activities both today and tomorrow but I'm especially excited for today so once I get to school I will show you that [Music] so now I'm gonna explain to you the awesome math activity that we are doing today I'm literally so excited for this first of all I got this off at EPT so I will link it for you in the description box it is editable so I will show you the things that I personally edited first of all I have these turkeys which have a question on them who never eats on Thanksgiving I am going to hide these around the school like out in the hallway so my students first task with their groups they're gonna work in groups of three to four will be to go out and find a turkey once they find a turkey they will bring it back then I will give them one of these clues so there are eight different clues that my students will collect throughout the math period I actually edited these because some of the clues that were provided just didn't really work so I actually went through and kind of created my own so this one will lead them to where I keep the morning work journals this one leads up to the science lab this one is where my graded work goes the nurse the computer lab lost-and-found our recess cart and then my classroom library so as they come back with my eight different groups each group will get a different clue so they're each going to be starting at different places that clue will lead them to one of these envelopes now these envelopes so then we'll be in the classroom some of them will be around the school depending on those places that I just told you so the ones that will be around the school I put this little disclaimer from the front that said fourth-grade students only please don't touch because I don't want students that are out and about in the hallway to be bothering these but inside of these folders each one has a different colored feather and each feather has a different word problem I have some multiplication some division I did edit these because some of the questions that were provided just didn't work for things that we've covered so far so I actually went through and just edited and putting my own questions so once I get the feather they come back to the classroom they have to solve this problem and that will lead them to one of these smaller envelopes which will be up on my board so if they get an answer that is not on one of these envelopes they have to rework the problem because all of the answers are on one of these envelopes so once they solve it they will find this envelope and out they will get another clue so obviously it'll be a different clue than first one that they got that clue will lead them to another one of these big envelopes which will get them another feather they solve it it leads them to another one of these and so on until they get all eight feathers this is the recording sheet where they will be recording all of their work on once they get all eight feathers their turkey will look something like this and they have to arrange the feathers to answer the riddles so who never eats on Thanksgiving the turkey never eats because he's already stuffed so I decided because it's like a riddle I'm gonna make it almost like an escape room but for the classroom I'm going to put a timer up on the board and I'm gonna tell them that they have to save their turkey from getting eaten on Thanksgiving and they have to solve the riddle once they solve the riddle then their turkey is free I don't have any doubts that any of my students will get it done in like 45 minutes so I will give them 45 minutes if I have to adjust the time I will cuz obviously I want them all to be successful and I don't want anyone to be sad if their turkey gets eaten like I said this is on TPT it was not something I created but it is editable there's directions in terms of setting it all up it's pretty easy what I ended up doing because you kind of just put them in the folders randomly and then you match up the answer with this and then you rotate them but anyway so I ended up writing on here so the feather that has stuffed at the top goes in this folder and then this folder goes at the science lab so that way in between classes because I'm gonna do this with my clock one AM bought two then I'm gonna give it to my team teacher she's gonna do it with her two classes tomorrow that way we only had to make one set in between I'll be able to quickly set it back up and it won't take a lot of time so now let's talk about my outfit to go with the theme for today because you know that I have an outfit to go with it first of all turkey hat because everyone needs a turkey hat I got this from Target it was like three dollars in the dollar spot and I think it's about three dollars I've ever spent and then my shirt says bring on the turkey I actually got this from Jane comm and because they have sales that like expire I don't think I can link this exact one I'll try to find one similar but if I can't I'm sorry and then I just have one of these at black skirts that I always wear from Amazon so I will link that for you in the description and then my shoes are from j.crew so during our study hall time on friday when i was not here our students decorated turkeys and they disguised the turkeys to keep them from getting eaten and I wanted to collect them because I wanted to see what my kids came up with and here are some my favorites I don't know if this is supposed to be like Dracula or a secret agent or what but I thought it was adorable this one is a minion that this one is a peacock a bumblebee I think this one is supposed to be a teacher because of the ruler but she cut all the fingers off and then this one is Santa I just thought that that was hysterical and they're so stinking cute I have reassembled the scavenger hunt so I can give it to my team teacher and she can do it with her two classes tomorrow I also had to reassemble this and get it set up for my afternoon class when I took my block one class to lunch but I'm gonna show you quickly what I did to make it pretty easy to actually put back together first of all I had students in my block one sort the feathers and sort the clues into the different piles so that all I had to do was put them back into the folders and in terms of putting them back into the folders I actually wrote on the back of the folder what like feather or clue coordinated with each folder so this one for example says science lab so inside of this folder are all of the clues that lead to the science lab so all I had to do is match the clue to what was written on the folder on the larger folders actually wrote two different things I wrote what feather went inside and then where the envelope actually went so this one says turkey and nurse so this envelope has all of the turkey feathers no pun intended but all the feathers that say Turkey and then this folder will get put at the nurse so that way it's super easy to reassemble the game the hardest part is just sorting out the feathers and the clues but like I said you could totally have a student do that for you and what I love is all I will have to store are these eight turkeys these large folders these small folders which I could even put them inside of each other and that's it and I cannot wait to do this again next year because it was a hit I wanted to give you all an update like I mentioned the scavenger hunt was definitely a hit now I'm not gonna lie was a chaotic haps solutely it was super chaotic but it was a lot of fun and talk about engagement like my students we're so into it and when it got down in Block one I had like a minute left I had one of my boys just like oh my gosh we have one feather left and like that's what I love to see like they were so into it and you know what to get that kind of engagement right before Thanksgiving break like hallelujah I am happy my students did really really well black one I only had one group escaped but they were also kind of I had to shorten their time a little bit to get us ready for lunch so it was kind of my fault like by the time I gave the directions and then gave them 45 minutes it kind of overlapped with lunch so I had to shorten it but they were good sports about it and it you know it all worked out I cannot wait to do this activity again next year if you have not done it highly recommend that you do this you could even do it as an activity when you come back for Thanksgiving break because obviously by the time you see this like Thanksgiving will have already passed but highly recommend this activity it will be in the description like I said it is editable so you could use it for any grade you could even use it for like reading it wouldn't have to be math you couldn't edit all the questions and I just thought it was fantastic so today was awesome tomorrow I've got some more fun activities planned my black wanted black who are gonna do at different things but overall like I'm feeling good I am tired I am ready for Thanksgiving break but at the same time I'm really really excited and after school I went to girls on the run and then I had to leave part of the practice so I could come we meet with a parent because she is actually going to come in into a lesson on deciphering codes when we come back from Thanksgiving break which I'm also super excited about so you know what like I am in an awesome mood and it feels good I need to get out of here and go to the gym it's like six o'clock if I need to eat dinner thankfully I'm all planned for tomorrow like I don't have anything to do which is an awesome feeling I'm all good on grading I will have an assignment tomorrow to grade but I'm in like a good place right now and I'm excited and I'm happy and hopefully you all can tell and you know what hopefully this gives you some motivation for when you come back from Thanksgiving break like we can do this best job ever I'm gonna stop rambling and I'm gonna end the vlog here for today and I'll catch up with you in the morning good morning YouTube I opted for not doing my hair doing no makeup this morning because I wanted to sleep an extra and I think it was a really good decision now I know I'm really gonna get a lot of questions on my headband and excuse me I'm losing my voice but my headband is from nahdi's now I will warn you that they are very difficult to get she sells on Etsy and she only opens her store about once a month you have to be following her on Instagram to know when she's gonna open her store because they sell out within minutes and it took me like two or three months to even get like one headband I have another one that is like a white marble but this one is like the pencil one which is perfect for teachers super cute super comfy and has a little knot in the front I love them I highly recommend them but they are very difficult to get so I will actually link her Instagram in the description and then from there there is a link to her Etsy store I've gotta get to school after I get to coffee because I definitely need caffeine to get me through the day I am dragging a little bit but today's last day before Thanksgiving break we can do this people [Music] so this actually happened yesterday I just forgot to tell you all about it when I came in my second table was missing and it's getting really frustrated it appears it was taken from my room on Friday when I wasn't here and it was put into the back copy room which like okay I guess it's fine but like can you ask me first instead of just taking my table so now I'm gonna try to track down another table because I did really like having two tables especially when I have such a high class size I really need that space to be able to pull small groups so as of right now like at least I have lots of space over here but it's kind of frustrating that like I am playing in this battle where I tried to keep my tables next I wanted to go over our math activities for today they're not quite as exciting as a scavenger hunt yesterday but they are great like application problems for math which makes a real world which I totally love so this first one is gonna be done with my block one class basically they are going to budget a Thanksgiving dinner they are gonna plan it for nine total people and they have seventy dollars so the first thing they have to do is figure out how much turkey and how much it's going to cost so since they have nine people and it's recommend that they have at least three pounds per person they have to find the total pounds that they need then they find the cost per pound and to find the cost per pound we actually got a bunch of these circular ads from our local grocery store giant so they're gonna look through the circular and they can choose I mean the cheapest option would be the 89 cents per pound of Turkey but they have some other options as well like if they want organic or all-natural totally their choice but they are going to put the cost per pound and multiply it by the total pounds to find the total cost for the turkey then they can take whatever money they have left and they can spend that on side items or just other things that they want to have at their Thanksgiving dinners so they have to put the side item the quantity the price per item and then the total cost and that will continue that on the back then they have to find the total cost of each plate so basically they will add everything up and then divide it by nine since they're gonna have nine people then if they have any money left over they will tell me what they do with it so I love this because it is totally real old and they always love going through the circular ads and these were free just to grab from the grocery store so love that next we have my block - they are going to plan a road trip so they're gonna be using multiplication and division they're first going to select the car that they want and they have to pay close attention to the average highway mileage they're gonna fill out the bottom part and they can pick up to four people to take with them on their road trip and then on the back they have to pick at least three different stops on their way to California and so they'll figure out the mileage the price per gallon and then their gas expense they will add it all up and they've got room down here to show their work then they have to pick out snacks for the road trip so they have to have at least three snacks and one drink per person they have to calculate all that and round to the nearest dollar they will add that with their gas expense and then back here because they're going to be splitting it with the other people they're traveling by or traveling with they will then divide it by either five if they're taking four people or four if they're taking three people and so on and so they find the total cost per person for the trip so even though this isn't technically Thanksgiving related a lot of people travel during Thanksgiving so it is still applicable to their lives and something they could possibly have to plan for in the future block one is now done I just took my students to lunch the circular activity and then planning a Thanksgiving meal went really really well it is a little bit of a challenging activity because my students kind of struggle with like determining the quantity that they need and they have to round the dollar amount to the next dollar and it's a little bit of a challenging activity but I will say they were highly engaged they loved it they each had their own circular which makes it that much easier so they're not like sharing with someone else and overall very happy that I did at my students been very engaged and I love that it's a real-world application and even so my students were looking in the circulars and they're like oh there's a coupon miss right can I take this home to my parents Oh like yes have at it so at this point I'm just hanging in there I am very tired and I feel like I have no energy and I just feel very blah like hopefully you know what I mean by that like I feel like I just I just need to go back to bed and I feel like it's because my body has like reached its limit like I'm ow I need a prick desperately and it's funny because my students can tell they're all like miss fray like you look very tired I'm like that's because I am very tired so I'm trying to just keep you know up lifting mood and I'm trying to stay positive and I'm trying to maintain energy and enjoy the time with my kids but at the same time I'm kind of surviving at this point like I'm just very wiped out and I'm dragging and you know what we're gonna get there it's all good I will catch up with you at the end of the day [Music] it is now the end of the day it might block - with the planning of roadtrip activity they did pretty well they needed some assistance with determining like the cost of the gas because they had to take the mileage and they had to divide it by the miles per gallon that their car gets and then they had to take that number which was the number of gallons that they needed and they had to multiply it by the price of the gas so it's a little bit intensive however most of my students finish and I had a student who was like this bright this was really fun and that's what matters to me so overall I feel like yesterday and today have been fun I feel like I've had engaging lessons which I've really really enjoyed and they've been great like application type of lessons and problems and I really like that because it helps my students understand the relevancy of what they are actually learning right after school I went ahead and graded the check for understanding that my students did in science today put those in the gradebook I've kind of cleaned up my room a little bit and I am ready to get out of here because during that planning time today I actually got Monday for when I return from break plan so I'm ready to go I do have to prepare a professional development over Thanksgiving break because I'm going to be running a professional development on something technology-based for the teachers as the e coach but that's fun stuff I enjoy doing the head I don't really mind otherwise it's basically just gonna be all grad school work I want to try to get through quite a few assessments so I will be very busy but I will definitely enjoy the downtime I am going to sleep in tomorrow and I cannot wait if you enjoyed this vlog despite the fact that it was short because it was only two days please please please go ahead and give it a thumbs up also hit the subscribe button while you are at it and a notification belt that you are notified every time I post a new video as always thanks for watching I love you all so so much don't forget to think positive and I will catch you all in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store and my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store and my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 45,199
Rating: 4.9536381 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, thanksgiving, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, thanksgiving activities, thanksgiving math
Id: wr2erVFg0U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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