First Church Truth of God Broadcast August 29th, 2021 Sunday Morning HQ Live Stream

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life ways for the deceased brethren of the past the the prophets of old in time and certainly the apostles we thank god for them the words they spoke still living today uh because they spoke the word of god we certainly want to give due respect to our daily beloved brother and pastor who is with us today we thank god for him pastor jennings i want you to continue to pray for him as he continues to labor in word and doctrine with the people of god and those who are still yet to hear the word of god and to the many people throughout the world we do ask you always to remember his family in prayer also his wife and children and certainly the other minister and brethren in this country the united states and those that are in the foreign lands especially those in india elder johnson with those uh the saints there because of the pandemic the still ravaging that country i'll remember them in prayer sincerely as you know uh this is the worldwide truth of god radio and television program uh it's coming to you from the first church of our lord jesus christ our international headquarters is right here in philadelphia pennsylvania at 5105 north 5th street and at the intersection of lindley avenue where again pastor geno jennings is our general overseer just like to remind you again this program is on the air for your edification it's certainly as i've said before not a program of entertainment it's bringing to you the word of god in its purest form from the scripture that you may get yourselves ready for the life to come is that right i want you now to sit attentively and listen to the word of god because the word of god does say the harvest has passed and the summer is ended and yet we are not saved is that right so therefore my god the word of god must continue to be priests we present four percent onto our leader teacher and guide he's the ambassador and messenger and i say again the chief speaker among us the apostle pastor geno jennings brothers and sisters read all of our beloved brothers and sisters in the name of jesus christ we thank him for his divine guidance mercy to all of us for sending the holy prophets and prophets the apostles we thank them for the way of holiness that is clearly made known to us through scripture we're glad to be back again after being away for seemed like some time now we've been gone so much but uh we are grateful for the power of the gospel and for the work of the gospel that's being done the world over to all of our beloved ministers and to the brothers and sisters that are here and you that are watching we're glad to come back to stir up your pure mind the scripture says by way of remembrance that you might be mindful of the words spoken before by the holy prophets and the commandments of us the apostles of the lord and xavier all i am is just a reminder stir you up put you on the straight path and the right path and i hope you stay there once you get there now to all of our viewers we want to update you with what's been going on first of all to all of you in the birmingham alabama area starting a new telecast locally in your area w-a-b-m channel 68 birmingham alabama on sunday mornings from 11 a.m to 12 noon beginning september 5th spread the word to your heathen pastor let him know that the truth of god is coming in his city locally w-a-b-m channel 68 in birmingham alabama from 11 a.m to 12 noon every sunday morning beginning september 5th this will be posted on our website so you go to our website and you'll get all the information now this week i was supposed to be in cincinnati but the facilities that we were renting closed down because of the uprise of the colbit virus and also the delta virus so they shut down the facility and they started to modify meetings again in ohio in that part so we couldn't use it so we're here with you so i want to last week in milwaukee wisconsin 100 was baptized in the name of jesus christ week before that we were in cleveland ohio 101 was baptized in the name of jesus christ and as you know saint louis was 94 and a rather saint loss was 112 and kansas city missouri was 94. so if we would have been in cincinnati if we would have made cincinnati then for sure god will give us victory again it's just something that god just feel like doing for the truth of god all the time i got came down with a very bad fever in cleveland and got sick and when i got back it got worse i don't know what hit me but the pain shot down my spine and went across my shoulder blades until i couldn't hardly turn to the left nor to the right amen but uh we feel a whole lot better now thank god for that all right uh where's uh brother rick after i read this post this immediately has already posted all right to you that want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ pay attention always go to the truth of god website and you will see there where the ministers are coming to your area to baptize go to the truth of god website always every day go several times a day you go there the covet virus and the delta virus is still taking people out of the world pushing them out of time into eternity and as i said before so sad now again i advise you now run to the message of holiness you find more and more men now are changing their title from pentecostal from apostolic and from everything else and now they're using holiness not that most of them that use it are holy but uh they're watching the message and even they know it ain't nothing else over in the scriptures but be holy uh many of you that are writing me and about different false prophets that are using our name on their broadcast i know different ones tell me but i'm not interested it's sad when you got to use my name to get subscribers and viewers we use the name of jesus christ to get our viewing audience but if they want to use our name don't worry about it as i said before don't argue with none of these muppets you know muppets are not real now as a kid i used to watch the muppets ernie bert miss piggy two old men sitting the balcony always fussing they were entertaining but they weren't real so don't worry about the muppet bishops and the muppet elders and the muppet apostles making all type of webcasters or podcasters in the car in the bedroom on the toilet and and makeshift churches don't don't worry about them but this is what i advise you to do [Music] all the ones that are hollering just look at the work that they have and see the nothingness of it they have no work nothing so they have a lot of spare time on their hands to talk about the truth of god why do they talk so much because there is and i'm not bragging but i am boasting and i have to say that brother paul no man shall stop us from this boast i'm not boasting in us but i'm boasting in god there is not a religious organization in america or the world that's having this holy effect in preaching where hundreds have turned into thousands going down in water in the name of jesus christ it's not happening nowhere so the reason why you find folk hollering is because they're angry they're jealous they're mad because the devil is not using them right amen not even the devil's getting full use out of them they have felt the devil and when you fail the devil you know you you're good for nothing amen god is using the truth of god we can go in one area by god's permission and remember the areas that we mentioned where baptisms took place it was only two-day meetings that's right it was just a two-day meeting in milwaukee two-day meeting in cleveland two-day meeting in saint louis two-day meeting in uh kansas city two days that's it that's it and god blessed us to baptize more in two days than all the years you've been fumbling around in the pulpit fumbling and stumbling being misused by the devil that's right that's why i can't take you fellas seriously i would not want to be a preacher get me now for 10 20 30 40 years somebody wrote me and said pastor jennings i know you're not interested but there's a preacher that used to be with you from mississippi and he teamed up with another fellow with you all they did was spend time and talk about you i don't mind that i don't mind amen we agreed to open up a building in jackson and then we're going to hattiesburg the state of mississippi belongs to the truth of god you didn't know that the entire state belonged to us not just mississippi you may as well put america and the world that's right the reason why we get this results everywhere is because i was sent to do this that's it i didn't have a fallout with a preacher got mad left church and then opened up some little building no i didn't leave the false church until heaven spoke to me that's right different ones was asking me gino when you gonna leave i said when god tell me so when i left i left after the i am that i am spoke to me before he spoke to me he appeared to me hallelujah and then showed me what we are presently doing now god spoke to me someone said i don't believe that it's kind of too late he spoke already so everywhere we go in america and the world i'm telling you victory belongs to the truth of god before my traveling secretary make reservations before she get our airline tickets before i sit with my traveling team and plan to go anywhere that's right i can just plan to go anywhere i can stand before a globe and spin it and close my eyes [Applause] and wherever we decide to go the land glory to god that's right it belongs to the truth of hallelujah to the truth of god it belonged to us every place that the soul of your flesh looks god told joshua joshua he told joshua as i was with moses so shall i be with you that's right listen at this now joshua chapter 1 and that verse three right as every place glory to god every place that's what got me thundering this thing so loudly i not only can read this but god has given me this testimony that's right every place that's the soul of your footsteps incredible love your foot shall tread upon that have i given up say that have i give it to you as i said unto moses as i said unto men there shall be not any man there shall not be any man able to stand before thee stand before thee all the days of thy life long as you live as i was with moses what so shall i be with thee so as god was with the apostles i will not fail thee what hallelujah hallelujah now viewers hallelujah as god was with the apostles god is with us that's right hallelujah if you read the book of acts of the apostles the apostles never went nowhere nowhere without results that's right oh holy message hallelujah glory to god a holy message guaranteed holy results that's right you mean to tell me you bragging you've been in the pulpit 10 20 30 40 50 60 years and you don't have nothing to show for it at all somebody wrote me it said a false prophet says jesus ain't never had a crowd i don't know what bible you read jesus got a crowd so large until you can't number it that's right you see how narrow they are that's right bible said i saw a number that no man can number the number someone said he don't have that yet he do have it right it's just a time will come it will manifest it so i said give bible that he have it he said other sheep that i have not of this food it's just not of this fold they're not of this group but i have them until they said he know them that are his that's right you know even when you're a sinner before you get saved hallelujah lord say god god already have you that's right [Applause] before you repent before you're baptized that's right before you actually speak in tongues he knows them hallelujah glory to god he knows them that are his so he already have you oh repeat that god don't just wait for an appointed time they let your change come nevertheless the foundation of god stands never unless the foundation of god stand up ashore having this is the sale of the lord know with them the lord knoweth them he got a number that nobody can number amen so god is in the truth of god i i i'm not out here on my own so that's why i can't take the fellows that are hollering serious i can't take none of them seriously none of them amen i'm not the only one believed that there's one god but we're the only ones they're yelling about we're not the only one preached baptism in the name of jesus christ but we're the only ones yelling about we're not the only ones that believe in the holy ghost speaking in tongues we're the only ones they're yelling about why because the power of the message it's the power of it that's it that makes men holler they're jealous at you viewers they're mad with your viewers that's right they're mad at you because you are running running to this thing you know when we actually want to be baptized way out different areas and the camera hit sometimes seem like the whole auditorium get empty whole auditorium that's right the way god have it now we can't even we can't even get buildings quick enough to keep up with the crowd that's true that's true there was a time that i would go check out every building before i buy it i never thought things would get so until i don't even have time to go amen i send my church real estate agent she know the type of property that i like and how it's laid out and whatnot she facetimed me this morning called me at home i was on there with the inspector looking at a building i said i got to call you back i'm on my way to church so face time i'm looking at the inspector he going over everything with me looking at a building and i said all right i'll wait for my report found another building somewhere in missouri amen got it ready to go then kansas city there milwaukee then wonderful every place amen the bible said of the increase of his government in peace there shall be no end so the truth of god have never been still that's right never never everywhere it's a beautiful testimony god gave the church amen until the bible talks about how souls or all nations shall flow unto it even when we're not in place it's the power of the message amen the message hidden throughout africa that's right i'm glad that god gave us brothers in africa that we can sin amen we send brother pastor joshua to burundi the country of burundi amen and uh got the report about 348 went down in water in the name of jesus christ amen filmed it and got pictures and whatnot and posted on the church website this is god's doing that's right amen minister winston called me from england the broadcast is pounding the whole country of england and man he said pastor james we got people want to be baptized in scotland ireland he said uh we want to get a place because we're getting a lot of calls out of birmingham i said you get a place and we'll announce it we made the announcement they opened up their birmingham ending first service the place was too small to hold the people had to get a larger auditorium i'm not physically there but the gospel hallelujah lord take god the gospel that's it amen that's right they're asking us to come to vietnam amen want us to come to fear now lord be take out hallelujah to bring the word of god there so that's why we cannot we cannot sell to my viewers i know you don't like when false prophets holler about us but i love it amen i love it let them holler let them scream let them yell just remember they're muppets they're not real that's right you know a muppet somebody else is using it do you get me that's right they are nothing but muppets someone else is using them amen if the devil's using them you may not see him but he's down there moving them around that's right amen they haven't baptized nobody nobody received the holy ghost and they go back to an empty building am i therefore become your enemy the only time you may see a little bit people if they fellowship with uh uh fred and barney and uh these little other muffins and uh-uh every place this message go the worms are coming up out of the ground that's right god told his apocalypse i make you fishes of men and i consider the truth in fact in another scripture he said ye shall catch men catch men god have made us a people catcher that's right how is it being done by one message that's right i was sent to preach holiness these fellows say now that they're holy but it ain't no power in their message that's right you've got to be sent to preachers since the preacher otherwise and that is just paradism just repeating it that's it no i was sent to actually preach this god made choice i can say like brother peter oh yes god made choice among us by putting me in the ministry hallelujah god did it god did it nobody's pastor nobody bishop no board of directors god did it that's right as i said before many years ago god jehovah the creator i am that i am appeared unto your brother yes indeed god did it god did it and showed me this work clearly in visions several visions he gave me someone said i don't believe that still too late still too late and he showed me this before i was pastor genesis that's right i told williams about it yes you did told my wife about it we wasn't even married we were still in our teens 14 15 16. but god gave me the vision i told her about it brother mike ravenel at the time we was 14 15 16 told him about it told my blood brother about a deke amen he thought you know because dick was in the medical profession when i began to tell him about this and he thought i was psychologically and emotionally incapacitated but he sit respectfully and listen i remember when i was 16 telling him and he said you mean to tell me god showed you all this i said yes i told my mother about it told my father i'm in my teens but god never at no time showed me when and showed me where never he just told me and showed me the work that we're doing to the degree i told them here i am not pastoring telling them we're going to have a fleet of buses that's right traveling around the world i wasn't pastoring nobody that's right broadcast all around the world thousands coming to it i'm telling them this and i wasn't even 17. that's right i wasn't even 16. that's right it was an appointed time that god ordained that's right so i am out viewers because of god takes god to make a preacher amen it takes the lord to make a preacher going to seminary school because a man got his collar on backward and drive a fleetwood cadillac i don't mean nothing i don't make him a preacher cause he got on all black and white dingy socks that's right gotta cross round his neck that's not the ingredients of a preacher just like it takes school to make a student it takes the lord of heaven and earth to make a preacher that's right amen so god put us in the ministry god did it i didn't ask to be this and i wouldn't want to be this no way it's brutal i mean when you do it right brother it's brutal on you all right let me update you with some more baptisms and whatnot and we've got so many areas update you on uh all right we got the international locations and we got the local errors all right we got uh i'm catching up after two weeks is it yeah all right you got a loyal audience logan i thank the whole viewing ordinance ever since the audience been wanting to know who was this fellow that's in our amen corner for a long time and when that camera hit logan brother you got some fans logan amen all right you got 27 in headquarters 11 in bronx new york nine in uh new browns week three in fredericksburg one in del mar delaware 18 in baltimore four in rocky mount four franklin north carolina four in charlotte north carolina 14 in columbia one in augusta georgia 10 in atlanta one in mobile one in union springs four in jackson mississippi nine in orlando florida two in toledo ohio 101 as i said in cleveland six and north chicago 12 and detroit three in minneapolis 100 in milwaukee uh one in memphis four in minnesota three in portland three in monroe louisiana six in kirbyville texas 13 in houston one in austin one in providence rhode island one in mercer california nine in sacramento california 24 in los angeles five in canada 11 in the netherlands seven in cape town south africa five in johannesburg 348 and burundi east africa seven in mozambique 797 glory souls god again i said this is the lord's doing this is the lord's doing that's right now to you that want to be baptized i want you to pay attention september 18th phoenix arizona from eight to two baptisms will be taking place at 2334 west jefferson street phoenix arizona september 18th from 10 a.m to 2 at 2334 west jefferson street in phoenix arizona all of you that are in phoenix get prepared now so you can be baptized in the name of jesus christ in phoenix keep watching the program god willing we're making uh plans to be there and uh about another two months god be able to help her las vegas nevada september 25th 6541 west hamer lane in las vegas nevada baptisms will take place there saturday the 25th of september 10 a.m 3 p.m 65 41 west hamer lane las vegas nevada also las vegas nevada keep watching god willing we're looking to be in your area and about another two or three months as well denver colorado october the 9th 10 a.m to 2 p.m 3600 harrison street and denver colorado colorado baptism will take place there october 9th that's on the saturday 10 a.m to 2 p.m 3600 harrison street denver colorado you come on to be baptized minister santana he will be going to these different areas you that want to reach brother minister santana 707-396-2620 you see if this is 707-396-2620 already now you that just heard this announcement go to the church website and you can get this posted and uh it's already posted you call them there and get yourself ready for baptism so las vegas god willing we're looking to be there uh before this year go out got to be our helper uh phoenix arizona we're looking to be there as well uh people are writing me and asked us the foreign country when you're gonna come to us that's out of my control villas it's up to your country to open up their borders and to lift up the lift the sanctions as far as people being able to uh gather or not it's out of my control because even certain states now are closed here in america because of the rise of the delta virus and i want to say to all of my viewers when we come to your area if your state have made it mandatory to wear mass then just cooperate cooperate just just wear a mask when you come don't let the devil get into you and say well if i got to come wear a master here pastor jennings i'm not gone then take that attitude when you go to the doctor and cut your gut open just say if the doctor's going to wear masks then i'm not going to get surgery take the same attitude when you got that pipe burst in your house and they got the welded clothes well if you got to put a mask on and you ain't going to weld my pipe clothes then let the water float you away that's right but you come on now you come on mass and all and repent and be baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins and stop being an arrogant self-righteous hard-headed fool and let the devil make you focus on a mask that's right get yourself right with god amen so you can hear the word of god all right first timothy come to mind first timothy chapter one and begin at verse eight if you will first timothy chapter one we're at verse eight give me some more power back there ron if you're back there turn me up some more i if you don't mind all right let's have it first timothy amen a whole lot better amen all right come on first timothy chapter one we're at the eighth verse yes but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully do you hear this we know the law is good if a man use it right that's right knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man knowing this the law is not made for them that are right but for the lawless and disobedient but for the lawless and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners and for the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and profane and for the unholy and them that are profane for murderers of fathers and murderers for them that are murderers of fathers and mothers or manslayers for man slayers or whoremongers for whoremongers for them that defile themselves but then they can file themselves with mankind for men stealers men stealing for liars lions or perjured persons and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine now you hear that that's down the verse what i'm at verse 10 now all right all right let's go back to verse 8. i want to work on lawlessness the law is not for them that are right that's right whether it's moral law or god's law god's law because they're following and they're being governed right and their lifestyle get me is not a contradiction of law right law is need it when things are out of place that's right laws only need it when things are being violated that's right when things have gone wrong even the lawmakers in america and abroad don't keep the law they make themselves that's true countries have made treaties and they break them quick as they can make them that's true now god implement law get what i'm telling you and god's law is higher greater stronger better better than all the laws of the land that's right god law is the only law that have no flaws that's right god law is the only law that's perfect that's right god law is the only law that's infallible that's right god law is the only law that have no favoritism that's right that's true god law is the only law that have no respect a person the law of the lord is perfect listen now in the book of psalms 19 and we're at verse 6. this is what we're working on god's law god's law and lawlessness psalms 19 and verse 7 psalm 19-7 all right the law of the lord is the law of god is perfect hold it the law of god is complete that's right it doesn't need amendments that's right that's right you know whenever men make law before you know it someone come along and got to make an amendment to that law or the next president come along and try to dismantle that law because he may realize how unfair that law is to people you know like here in america that's right it was law one time whites only that's right it was law one time colored coverage only that's right it was law one time that blacks had to sit in the back of a church yeah it was law white water fountain black water fountains so they made law with respect to person that's right that's why you need god law which corrects man law that's right hear me viewers that's right i say god law corrects all the laws of men that's right you bigots that hide behind religion you have your own law still whites only that's right blacks only that's right well god's law crush the colonel law that men make that's right if you want god's backing hear the old troublemaker now if you want god's backing then that means your law must be in keeping at all times with all of god's law that's right with no respecter person that's right i know that most organizations have a rule book what they call a disciplinary manual anything wrong with that only is when those rules are in contradiction of god rules then that manual have to be changed to live up to the standard of god's law that he implemented that's right are you listening that's right the governments of the world i want all of parliament congress democrats republicans queens kings sick dictators presidents liberals i don't care who you are here you are every government on the earth yes every governmental body your law should coincide with the law of your creator in psalms 22 and verse 28. you know god made a law in the garden of eden yeah that he made the woman [Music] for the man that was a good law and it's still good now that's right but america made another law that's right for the alphabet group that's right the alphabet group amen the l first it was just l g yeah you know lesbian and gay now to l g q for queer l g q z h h-e-l-l that's right because that's where you're going that's right that's right yeah already god that's right so that's right the law of america say they got a right to love too but the law of god never gave no man the right to love a man in the same manner that he would love a woman no no this is where the law of man and the law of god clash that's right this is not a republican law or democrat law the law of man the origins of the law of the human race the origins start in heaven that's right before there was a white house or england or africa or europe or america or canada the true law giver is god that's right any established relationship in the garden of eden between male and female he established how that relationship should be that's right who should marry who should be attracted to whom that's right but the law of man came along full of corruption full of corruption full of self-willedness full of pride yes full of stubbornness full of hatred towards god full of self-centeredness that's right that's right full of the rejection of god full of personal feelings yeah and this is the way the laws of the land have been made since man made law that's right that's right it never included everybody no all right listen that's right the constitution of the united states is not inclusive for everybody no no no it needs to be amended that's right what's the clause for the people by the people well people of color was not included in the for the people no and when you say by the people it was only done by white people that's right that excluded people of color that's right so it needs to be amended yes amen that's why you need god's law that's right god law will come in that all white church and that all black church god's lord take the white preacher and run him out to pull a pit that's right god's law take the black preacher throw him out the pulpit and then god in law will put in the pulpit what pleases him that's right are you getting what i'm telling that's right that's the difference blessed be the great god of heaven that's right between the law of man and the law of god you see laws that men make a lot of men and women make law out of emotion true and a lot of time not out of necessity that's right who benefits from the law the rich or the poor certain law target certain class that's right taxation without representation yeah targets poor so-called middle class that's right but the rich ain't gonna worry about paying too much taxes no they make laws so the rich can have loopholes that's right when a rich man is falling listen in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 13 and verse 22 where the rich man is false he has many helpers he got a lot of help he speaks things not to be spoken he speak things not to be spoken and yet men justify him and they justify him the poor man slipped poor man slipped and yet they rebuked him too they rebuked him too he spake wisely he speak wisely and could have no place and he have no place when a rich man speaketh when a rich man talks every man holdeth his tongue what do you mean when a rich person talk he get away with everything that's right he's not condemned they don't speak against them that's right because to america and the world money is power wearing in the eyes of god god is power that's right so god i'll take a person who's poor naturally right rich spiritually and give him a word to the power that be that's right or protect god and make him unafraid he don't have to be rich god don't look for a rich man no the bible says he have chosen the poor things the weak things of this world to confound the wise hallelujah take off that's right that's what god does that's right go to the church if you listen to this filled with these bills i want to show you how god's law is different from the way man thinks that's right that's right you thank viewers according to the law of your colonel mind true blessings it's materialism but true blessings is the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding of who god is that's right you don't have to have the materialism but you have to have god that's right you can live without the material clout yeah but you cannot live right and be right loretta god without god that's right that's right what did he say first corinthians 1 and verse 27 that's what god has chosen the foolish things of the world yeah you hear this amen god have chosen the foolish thing those things that people look at as foolish to confound the wise amen that they heathen the truth of god is foolish because they are confound they are amazed that's right how do people flock to this by the number because god said if i be lifted up from the earth he said i will draw all men unto me god said it we believe it that's right god said it he's doing it he's doing it amen what he said god hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and god has chosen the weakness chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty them that are mighty and base things of the world low things of the world and things which are despised things that are rejected has god chosen that's what you see how opposite he works that's right the despise god get the weak god get the rejected god get that's right that's right wonderful hey take the weak and make them strong yeah he take the base things and exhaust them that's right to repeat they go and base things of the world base low things of the world and things which are despised things that are rejected hath god chose hath god chosen alien things which are not things which are not to bring to naught things that bang to not the things that are that no flesh go repeat to god do you hear this that no flesh has no human should glory to your presence in his presence but of him are ye in christ jesus you see that's why we glory that's right we glory in god we don't glory in ourselves that's right hallelujah that's right amen he that glorious he that glory let him glory in the lord what he that glorious hallelujah the glory of glory to god hear that glory let him glory in the lord that's what give us so much joy that's right amen that's right go back to the book of first timothy now i want to take my time and soak it back in first timothy chapter one again at verse eight at verse 8 listen but we know that the law is good now we know the law is good if a man use it lawfully but it got to be used right that's right when you don't use it right like the police department's supposed to be law keepers amen some of them use it right some of them and many of them use it wrong that's right many other police men and police women are nothing but clansmen that's right you just changed the color of your uniform from white to blue amen amen amen amen the bible speak plain i want all you cops to hear me that's right and get this now first timothy 1 and verse 8 what is it but we know that the law we know we know this we know that the law is good that the law is good if if a man does it lawfully if a man uses it lawfully the correct manner that's right that's right you use the law of the land not to the disadvantage of one amen amen like now people companies and banks and whatnot is foreclosing and landlords are throwing people out of their homes yeah because they lost their jobs as a result of coving that's right and when the government wanted to extend so they don't lose their houses other politicians who got a roof over their head got plenty of money coming in they lobby to get them thrown out because many of these politicians and those that are like them got property yeah and they not getting paid that's right you know there's a time where morals ethics exceed dollars that's right you mean to tell me a woman lost her job as a result of covert and she's raising two three and four or five kids by herself and you want your money more more then you want that woman enough children to have a roof over their head that's right that's right you mean to tell me a man and a woman a man lost his job she lost a job and they just had a baby because of covet and they out looking trying to find work and can't find them but she'll love for money yes you want that rent so bad yeah that you have put a woman and a family and a father in a family out in the street with a newborn child that's right that's right someone said it's the principle no the principle is god that's right versus greed the principle is god versus greed amen when you have the love of god love of god god law teaches us to remember the poor remember the poor and what he said that's right [Applause] it ain't that much god in no so-called christian that you jesus says this when i was hungry you better get that quickly now the book of matthew i want this to be good for you hypocritical so-called christian landlords that's right so-called christian politicians i don't care if you're democrat i don't care if you're republican you cannot we're the type of the title christian and then don't be like christ that's right if you're going to be a christian you got to have the attitude of christ amen you got to have that attitude of christ yeah you got to have the characteristics of christ you got to have the taking of christ and you got to approach matters like christ that's right in the book of saint matthew if not use a hypocrite amen i don't care if you're black in the street white is snow yellowish skull bustle clears water nobody is a christian and despise the poor that's right someone said well pastor jennis you deal with real estate if someone lost the job and uh and you was renting a property and there was a fan would you throw them out no no way no no my god-given dignity exceeds a dollar yeah what they can't pay god'll break it up it'll come from another direction that's right [Applause] is that bible yes i believe one told a man by the name of a mordecai this is enlargement and deliverance that shall come from another quarter that's right all right now let's talk about jesus now in the book i'm saying matthew chapter 25 follow me you hypocrite and church going politicians matthew 25 and verse 34. get this then shall the king say unto them on his right hand what come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world yes well i wasn't hungry look at jesus i was hungry and you gave me meat you gave me meat i was thirsty i was thirsty and you gave me drinks you gave me something to drink i was a stranger i was a stranger and you took me in you took me in naked and you clothed me you dressed me up i was sick i was sick and you visited me yeah you visit me i was in prison and you came unto me yes then shall the righteous answer him saying lord lord when saw we thee when did we see you and hungry hungry and faithful first and what and thirsty i was thirsty and gave the drink and gave you a drink when so we be a stranger when we saw you what a stranger a stranger and took the end took you in or naked and clothed it yes or when saw we be sick or in prison and came unto thee what happened and the king shall answer and say unto them verily i say unto you and as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these migrants do it to the least ones when you do it to the people yeah that's right what's the results you have done it unto me and you do it to me then shall you eventually say unto them on the left hand depart from me get away he cursed him to everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels yes well i was in the hunger then you gave me all right look at what he said to them on the left hand for i was in hungary look at what he said to them on the left hand then shall he say unto them on their left shall they say to them on the left hand depart for me get out of get away get out of my face be cursed into everlasting fire you're blessed be cursed cursed you're cursed to how long into everlasting everlasting hell prepared for the devil and his name for the devil in his aim for i was in hunger i was hungry and ye gave me no meat amen i was in a hunger then you gave me no you didn't tell me a family don't have no roof over there no place to stay nothing nothing and you will put them out in the street because they can't peter in my lord because of a virus that nobody had control over that's right that's right i was in hunger and you gave me no meat you're a christian are you are you see a lot of folk want to be rich but if god bless you to be rich yes you gotta govern those riches according to god's thoughts that's right that's right you don't impress god because you're rich because you don't have more than him no no no who's more wealthier than god right but he make provisions for everything he made that's right even the insect can eat yeah none of god's creatures go lacking that's right for i was in hungary he said i was hungry and he gave me no meat and you didn't give me no meat i was thirsty i was thirsty and you gave me no drink and you didn't give me nothing to drink i was a stranger i was a stranger and you took me nothing and you didn't take me in naked and you closed it up and you didn't think of giving me no clothing sick and in prison and you visited me now didn't visit me in prison then shall they also say him say say then shall they also answer him shall they answer him saying lord saying lord whence are we the unhungered or thirst yes or a stranger or stranger or naked or sick or christian or sick or impressed i did not minister unto thee and we didn't serve you then shall he answer them saying verily i say unto you what and as much as you did it not until you want to decrease the not do it to the least of thee he did it not to me and these shall go away into everlasting punishment you're gonna go to hell let the righteous enter life eternal you're gonna go to hell everlasting punishment amen are you listening everlasting punishment let's go back to the book of timothy now i want to take my time and soak you a little back in first time i don't agree with that i don't care what you don't agree with whatever god say i believe it and i agree with it that's right that's right that's right amen amen the bible says in first timothy 1 8 but we know that the law we knew that the law is good if a man used it lawfully if if a man use it right when they use it right they'll never be racial profiling that's right never that's right you see a car with about four black men and you see a car with about five or six white men you won't pull over the black car with just four fellas that's right because you think they up to nothing i remember when we first bought our old headquarters frankfort avenue we was going to work every day me i remember me my brother rick and uh i think about five brothers in the car we was going down hunting park avenue and a police car was coming up in an unmarked car and i was driving a mercedes at the time and a mercedes there was an equation mercedes plus five black men equal pullover it was an equation the unmarked car came down to white office and they were just looking and now the liberty slowed down i remember my brother rick say gene why you slow down i said did you see the unmarked car i said no i said i slowed down so he can catch up with me and so help me and i slowed down he made a u-turn in the middle of the street lights on pull on my bumper i pulled over let the window down he said why you slow down i said i was waiting on you you see he was waiting on me i said yeah it's irresistible for you being a white bigot cop you just can't resist pulling over mercedes full of a bunch of black fellas because you just assumed we got drugs right he said well do you i say it now if i did do you think i would say yes i popped the trunk open i said check the trunk he said no you all right i said no check the trunk do your job in other words i call this bluff that's right i remember back in the 90s i took a plane to go to memphis tennessee me and my blood brother rick yeah we were just starting going back and forth in memphis and we were sitting there airport was packed you know when i travel i'm on the plane i'm always in a suit and tie all the time unless i'm going overseas and uh we at the time rick was carrying the radio deck that we used to record and we were sitting down and officer came over with his badge out having a regular suit you would never know as an officer out of all these people in the airport and just so happened man rick was the only two black ones there he came and set big old cop he was so big he sat on the chair and raised the chair up he was he weighed so much whipped his bag out he said uh are you fellas going somewhere i looked at him i said i'm not in the airport for fun he said do you mind if i check your radio set it down say go ahead he said we can go in the room somewhere i said you didn't come in the room to come at us did you i said if you want to check it check it he said would you open it up i said you don't want to check it we know what's in there you open it up he said i don't mean to be confrontational i said then stop talking and open it up because i prefer we go in a private place i say i prefer we don't go in a private place he said don't you trust me i said why would i trust somebody i don't know right he said you got a mouth i said i don't see you shutting up either in other words i'm a free man [Applause] and i knew the plantation days was over that's right i open my mouth wide as i want why did i respond like this because i knew my rights that's right the law that's right it's good but we know that the law is good when what if a man uses lawfully use it lawful lawfully lawfully when you use it lawful you don't abuse your power you don't abuse your authority and you don't misuse it even down to your authority in the pulpit [Music] even in your authority in a position in church on a job that's right you don't do something just because you can die do it amen power is not given to be abused that's right power is not given to be misused you don't have an appetite to be a minister because you want to boss somebody go get a job and become a foreman that's right that's right the holy ghost had but we know that the law is the law is god if a man use it lawfully if if if a man use it lawfully someone asked me is it a sin for a holy man a woman to be a politician no no don't say it is not no david was a holy prophet that's right but he also was a king the king a king is a political or politician that's right well a politician have to lie that is not the truth lying is a choice that's right mean you got the lie you ain't got to lie lying is a choice like telling the truth is a choice upholding god is a choice like upholding the devil is a choice that's right when i came up in falsehood they taught young people you couldn't be lawyers you couldn't be doctors you couldn't be engineers you couldn't be a political figure lord because if you was a lawyer you have to lie that's not the truth apostle paul asked for a lord bring zenith give chapter and verse in titus chapter three and that verse 13 tells what brings you bring venus the lawyer the lawyer and i polish on their journey bring apollos on the journey diligently diligently he didn't need a lawyer to open up his understanding the scripture no god gave paul that that's right that's right so because you're a lawyer wonderful your lawyer credentials is good good if you are honest in your practice that's right in the midst of your law books compare the laws in your books with the law in the book of that's god and if you compare the law in your office simon and simon huckabee and huckabee yeah loose rafa and loose ruffa that's right all the law offices compare the books of law with the eternal thinking of god in the book of saint luke chapter 11 and at verse 45 and if you compare your law books with the law of god you will not be racist that's right with your presentation of the law you will not manipulate that's right the law to make it work in your favor and not in the favor of your client that's right that's right anybody to have any dealings with law and put god first they would always put god's law above every law under the sun that's right until if the law that's on the law books make you violate god's law you will uphold god law first and turn your back on the law on the books saint luke chapter 11 and at verse 45 because god's law yes must first be respected that's right and god's law in many cases will cause you to disrespect a law that's made by man that's right because man law is against god's law in all kind of ways oh yeah are you listening to the old man saint luke chapter 11 and that verse 45 i answered one of the lawyers and said unto him master oh that answer wanted you know jesus dealt with everything everything he didn't leave the stone unturned that's right then answered one of the lawyers and said unto him master master thus saying thou reproaches us also yes and he said unto you well also ye lawyers we'll also you lord for ye laid men with jesus didn't let them up no he didn't let them off no he didn't and i'm not gonna let him off the hook that's right not at all that's right do you hear this and he said woe unto you also lawyers i got you all so loyal for ye laid men with burdens grievous to be born amen with burdens grievous to be broken davis and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers amen so these landlords got lawyers throwing people out in the street that's right burns that's grievous to be born to be born that's right and yet they won't come for another solution that's right babies out on the street yeah parents out in the street when trump was the president he wanted to make law build a wall that's right that's right they keep hispanic brothers and sisters out that's right don't say oh well i understand you understand what what acting will they build a wall to keep white folk out yeah you're going to build a wall to target a race of people right that's right that's the hardcore truth of it that's right would you build a wall to keep your own color out amen talk back to me amen would you build a wall to keep your own race out that's right the answer is no you're hypocriting bigots but we know that the law is good he said well all of them that come over are drug dealers are murderers and rapists can you imagine that imagine that all the hispanic brothers and sisters are murderers and rapists and drug dealers there are drug cartels of every ethnic group in the world that's right [Applause] go to prison ain't all spanish men in there no when i go into prisons and preach this tough message i'm surrounded by hundreds white brothers black brothers yellow brothers brown brothers every nationality is in jail that's right black murderers white murderers hispanic murderers drug lawyers are very race oh yeah i preach to them baptize them talk to them that's right that's right that's right many white men come to me tears in their eyes telling me how this message have took them off the streets of america black men have told me the same thing spanish men have told me the same thing amen so any politician that targets a race you are a political bigot that's right any religion that's right any religion that target a race yes and say that race only is the devil right hear me nation of islam and hear me too clue close clan and hear me also hebrew israelites white man is the devil my lord black man the devil all of you of the devil all of you the bible says ye are of your father the devil what make you of the devil your deed that's right you mean to tell me a black man is better than a white man and they murdered they both have raped they both are arsonists right they both are killers that's right extortioners that's right drug dealer you gonna tell me are you gonna make an excuse and say that the black man sell drugs because of his condition did ain't nobody force him no no talk back to me yelling drugs is a choice that's right regardless of your condition that's right yeah i'm your father the devil a black man rape a girl because of the condition that a white man put him in liar that's a lie i tried it ain't no white man put a gun to his head and told him to mount up or his own daughter that's right it's a choice that's right a white rapist and a black racist rapist is equal a white drug dealer and a black drunk dealer our eco that's right it is the law that's unfair they both do the same crime but the black man and the brown man will do more time after he's done the same crime that's right that's right the word of god says but we know that the law is good the law is good it's good if if a man use it lawfully can you imagine lawfully a black man and i murder a black girl yeah i probably get about 50 years oh yeah but if i marry if i murder a white girl i'm getting lead to injection that's right that's right that's right that's right all right listening amen amen i want to say to all the young men and young women that are watching of every race stop keeping the prison system in business what do you mean pathogenics the prison system supposed to be designed to rehabilitate law breakers think now let us just think if true rehabilitation will take place then that means the prison system will not be so overpopulated that's right if the prison system is not so overpopulated then investors cannot get a return on their dollars that's right therefore that's right the prison system has been privatized and you that may not understand what i mean is this i'm a private citizen my wife and i we invest in real estate we've been doing this close to 30 years but if if she and i had the money we can buy land and build a prison i'm making an example right yeah the prison system if we build a prison the whole three thousand most times they're gonna have about five or six thousand in there so that means me and my wife will be private investors and that prison will be a personal business that's right and the government will pay us about two or three or four hundred dollars per prisoner a day that's right a day to keep that prison full yeah that's right now as an investor what investor who owned a prison who had five or six thousand inmates and he or she are making two to three to four hundred dollars a day per inmate want crime to stop that's right the love of money money is the root it's the root of the source of all evil so privatizing the prison system the private owners don't want crime to stop your politicians don't want it the government don't want it because it is a multi-billion dollar industry that's right think of it how is it you could have more policemen in a neighborhood and more crime that's true that's true more policemen and more crime some policemen are good but some policemen are rotten no good dirty criminals themselves oh yes and they are in cahoots with the law breakers that's right many of you politicians you sing a good song but when you get in office you are nothing but a bunch of thieves that's right that's right the law but we know that the law is god if a man use it lawfully if you're using lawful now in the book of ecclesiastes 29 and at verse 8. that's right yet have thou patience with a man in poor estate have a do you have faith with a man poor state and delay not to show him mercy and you delay not to show him mercy help the poor help no forget him help the poor forget the poor help the poor throw him in the street help the poor help the poor for the commandments sake wait a minute amen it's a request help the poor for the commandment's sake any of you that claim you christians i don't care who you are that's right and you ain't never helped the poor people you have broken god's commandment you have not lived up to the commandment help the poor for the commandments what is jesus teaching us eliminate your selfish behavior that's right in order to help the poor you got to not be selfish you can't be selfish that's right and also the poor cannot be a user or take advantage of them that's right help the poor for the commandments help him and turn him not away because of his poverty turn him not away because of what because of his poverty because of his state of being lose thy money you may be in that state one day that's true maybe you're on top of the mountain now but god can bring a circumstance and give the devil permission to put you at the lower of the barrel that's right all right listening that's right that's right never lose sight on how you got where you are i remember those who contribute to your development wonderful whether your development is little or much that's right listen help the poor for the commandments say help the poor for the commandment's sake and turn them not away because of his prophecy they are not away because of their poverty lose thy money for thy brother and thy friend you know what lose that wait a minute lose it lose it give it up that's right lose your money give it up for thy don't be stingy that's right for your brother and thy friend and your friend and let it not rust under a stone to be lost amen that is wisdom oh yes let's go back to timothy this is good knowledge here back in first timothy one and verse eight that's what but we know that the law is good we know the law is good if a man uses lost man use it lawfully knowing this no in this that the law is not made for a righteous man now if a man is righteous he or she live right yeah do right follow god's order then the law is not made for them because they're already living by a divine law that keeps them in check keeps them in submission keep them behaving right that's right you know like if you got a large family all the children are different there are some sons and some daughters you may have to get on more than others and there's some you ain't got to talk to and get on that much amen difference in characters some disturbing there's a bull in africa and there's some all you gotta do is look at them they back up that's right no child son and daughter shall ever get at a peak in life that your parents got to throw you out the house that's right because of your conduct yeah knowing you can't even take care of yourself you don't make enough to even supply yourself with the own roof that's right you don't think of enough of your parents to even buy a pack of toilet paper that's right honor thy father and mother so a mother or father should never have to put up with the child to the degree and the child becomes so rebellious until he or she become an in-house tyrant [Music] think they are above law that's right when you think you are above law you think discipline and order and rule don't apply to you in other words you think you're better than those that obey the law that's right that's right and when you got that mindset and they put you out you ain't got the right to get angry that's right don't look at them putting you out look at what drove them what did you do right they get thrown out that's right that's right are you listening in the book i'll be christopher 3 and verse 8 and what honor thy father and mother both in word and deed honey your father mother how both in word and deed when i was living at home and got a job when all of us had jobs it didn't matter our chores didn't stop yeah we came home from work still i had to empty out trash i'm still emptying out trash because i'm throwing false prophets out amen came home dishes still had to be washed coming from work no no we wasn't raised to come home from work and go straight to bed no sir we lived in that house we had to contribute if we were still sleeping we washed ditches and our eyes was crossed amen that's right dishes was in the sink two three four five days and someone said i didn't put that in there you live here that's right wash it up that's right amen that's right the holy ghost said honor thy father and mother both in words when you get on your own yeah y'all dirty at home you're going to be dirty when you get on your own that's right you're lazy at home you're going to be lazy when you get on your own yeah you won't be fit for a husband or a father you won't be fit for a wife or mother that's right that's true home is dress rehearsal for your future existence yeah are you listening honor thy father and mother both in word and honor your father and mother and word of deed that are blessing for what reason that a blessing may come upon thee from them amen amen do you hear this honor thy father honor respect revere father and mother father both in word and deed that a blessing may come upon thee from you see your mother coming from the market and you on the phone you don't let her walk in with bags and you still standing talking looking at her that's right you tell her on the phone hold it i got to call you back that's right i got to call you back father struggling with a big box and almost about to lean over you ain't standing there laughing is it too heavy no that's right when i came up if we was already at the dinner table and mother and father came up we put our forks and spoons down we ain't worried about the food getting cold no why our interest was to preserve mother and father as long as we can that's right all right listening honor thy father and mother both in word and deed that a blessing may come upon thee from them wait a minute do it for what reason that a blessing amen there are many today reaping many blessings only based upon the honor that they gave their mother and father that's right and they are also many today they are going through misery yes as a result of their disobedience to their mother and father he that forsaketh his father he that forsake his father is as a blasphemer in ecclesiastes 3 and verse 16. what he that forsakes me i didn't even know this was in the bible in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 16. he that forsake he that forsaketh his mother father is as a blessing as a blasphemer and he that angereth his mother he'd anger his mother he's cursed of god amen amen you don't see nobody running around now with their hands behind their backs no no i don't know you don't see that now and this is this this is law this is the law of god that's right that's right even if you disagree with your mother disagree with your father know how to keep your mouth in the writing here that keep his mouth keeping your life that's right if you talk to them talk respectfully yeah and if they tell you lower your voice it doesn't matter if your voice don't seem to be too high to you if they tell you lord they hear what you don't hear that's right that's right and they're listening in a manner that you can't listen that's right you can't listen in the manner of a father or a mother because you're not in that position my son helped thy father what in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 12. my son help thy father shoot your father help thy father touch your father help thy father rob from your father my son help thy father you father stop stealing from your son amen still your your son such a security number so you can get things steal your son and daughter identity steal your son's money out the bank your money from your daughter out the bank high in the world they gonna respect a thief that's right how can you as a father protect them from a thief and you're stealing from them right give them something that's worth respecting that's right that's right are you listening to the old man my son help thy father in his age help what my son glory glory glory i wish my father was still living my father died a young man he was 64 years old 64 years old young man amen he didn't live for to see frankfurt avenue he died april uh when we bought frankfurt avenue and we bought frankfurt avenue october of the same year amen he never got into frankfurt avenue but oh god if he was living now you know we see what's going on now i know that herald be all silver that's right amen and he'll be jumping around with the holy ghost god knows that's right you young people you got to remember you might get old one day right might no guarantee because many of you watching me are so wild like barbarians you're killing each other and the parents are walking their children to the graves instead of the children walking their parents that's right that's right how did you get so demented that's right and so lazy that you don't want to work to buy a car so you stick somebody up to take theirs how did you get so demented that you raped somebody else's daughter but yet don't want nobody to touch your sister that's right that's true how did you get so demented that you are breaking someone's house and pistol whip somebody mama yet you get upset when you hear somebody broke in your mama house that's right have you not gave thought that some of the things you are reaping is what you sowed that's right are you listening to what i'm telling you be not deceived the bible says in galatians chapter six and verse seven don't be quick god is not mocked god is not mine whatsoever a man it whatever man put out that shall he also it's gonna come around go back to where you were back in ecclesiastes 3 still in verse 12. yes my son helped thy father in his aid do you hear this amen help thine father in his age it's an honor when you've got a father that you can do something for that's right help thine father in his age and grieve him not as long as he liveth what did the holy ghost say there and grieve him leave him not don't give him trouble as long as he liveth mother and father see father in you in many cases oh yeah and then there's some cases they have no vision whatsoever that's right that's right that's the truth though that's the truth that's our mother and father they just don't have no vision yeah amen yeah but a mother and father they got vision if they tell you look stay away from that boy stay awake back off that's right well mommy i love him uh-huh that's nice stay away from him amen you fell in love with one girl that you wanted to marry and that didn't work out in a matter of a few weeks time or a month time then you're in love with somebody else yeah he was a student of ignorance you don't know what love is love ain't a microwave send them a time you turn it on and turn it off that's right you want to marry two and three people in one year don't go tina turner on me and ask me what love got to do with it ah that's right amen that's right all right listening my son help thy father in his age and grieve him not your mother tell you look leave that girl alone listen at the advice that's right when you're weak man you'll call that girl well my mother and father told me i got to leave yeah and she said she'll pray upon your weakness what's wrong with me and you ain't got to leave me alone aren't you a man make a decision for yourself that's right well i know you old spineless bum you're an embarrassment to your daddy and your mama amen amen you're an embarrassment to your daddy and your mama oh yeah and you're weak and you're weak your mother and father until you leave that girl alone but yet that girl wound got more influence over you her behind got more influence on you yeah she breastfeeding you like a grown baby her breasts got more influence on you until she got you over there 11 12 1 2 in the morning so bad until you lie to your parents you at work because now use her male hoe that's right and you think you're a man if you're a man then why she whistle when you come like a rat that's right why she's your pie-eyed piper am i ready that's right the holy ghost's hand my son help thy father in his age and grieve him not as long as he liveth amen amen you're together with your friends man you're using foul language about your mother and father you never used it man you're using cuss words to describe your parents that you'll never use what happened what happened you weak that's right are you not a man because you wear large bvds or large hands go ahead here the bible says a shame for a man to have long hair and because that hole you involved with love them long dreadlocks you keep them keep them and you put her desire above god's law that's right father keep telling you cut your hair cut yeah oh i know but you love it when those prostitutes play in your hair so you turn your back on guard law to satisfy some hood rat go ahead brother [Applause] preach it brother all right listen to what i'm talking go ahead go ahead man go ahead that girl can't respect your mother and father she ain't worth marrying yeah that boy can not respect your mother and father who's telling you what's right it ain't worth marrying that's right new mother and father stay away from her stay away and yet she can plot and pull you off the house just say you're going to work and you do it and you do it you are poor excuse of a man country because you got hair on your face some women got hair on their face [Applause] roaches got hairs on their legs yes they do the scripture says run to and fro through the streets of jerusalem and find me a man there's a shortage of men today the assembly line is not producing men that's right [Applause] what these young girls are marion are hidden pets yeah one someone they can be a puppet yeah dance by their music that's right when you're a man ain't no woman thighs can control you her breasts can't control you her birth canal don't dictate you yeah god dictates you that's right that's right a good woman won't diminish your manhood no yeah help up push up load and exalt your manhood that's right that's right that woman encouraged you to disrespect your parents she's degrading your manhood yeah you degrade your own when you listen at her that's right you buck dance to her womb yeah [Laughter] that's right go ahead man go ahead i'm out of writing that's right think of it god made man in his image he ain't no weak scared god that's right he implement law for the development of man's character to be like his that's right how in the world can you be a good father and a good husband when you can't even be a good son being a good son is dress rehearsal for manhood that's right being a good daughter is dress rehearsal for womanhood in order to be a good teacher in any aspect of life you first got to master studentship that's right you first got to be a good student yeah i didn't like everything my father said but i had sis enough to know he knew more than what i did and god knows i'm a blessed man today oh yes because i've honored on my father and my mother my wife is a blessed woman today because she honored her father and her mother that's right god speaks plain honor thy father and mother both in word and deed what's the result that a blessing may come upon thee from them you ain't honoring this law and you a man want to marry a man no way a woman wanna walk down the aisle susie and betty that's right do you take your partner what partner that's blasphemy you sick democrats we don't want to discriminate yeah with love if you call that kind of love discrimination then god is discriminating that's right because god instituted the law of marriage and made it clear very clear very clear well i want to see some old man as she needs for she needs unclipped toenails callous hands and booger-filled nose that's right all right listen to what i'm talking about [Music] [Music] what did he say my son helped my father in his age help thine this is god's law in ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 12 help thine father in his age and his age and grieve him not do not grieve him as long as he lives as long as that man is alive and if it's understood and if god said it god said it i believe it that's right and listen at this part and if his understanding fails if his understanding fails have patience with him someone said well he's my father how can his understanding fail he can get sick that's right he can't remember right he can get alzheimer's that's right he can't even remember how should we treat him and if his understanding fail have patience with him no throw him aside have patience with him dump him on somebody else have patience with him and despise him not when thou art in thy full strength amen you may get strong and in good health he may be ill and weak now that's right but don't exalt yourself and despise his weakness and exalt your strength that's right for the relieving of thy father what the for the relieving the relieving of thy father of thines shall not be forgotten god will remember it that's right he didn't say only if he saved no for the relieving of jesus shall not be forgotten god won't forget it and instead of sin instead of sin it shall be added to build the up amen wonderful it makes you that's right it matures you that's right sometimes it's hard to respect some of these men that say they're your father the cost of many of them are so worthless and bummify that's right thieves and drunkards and dope heads that beat up your mama raped their own daughters and sodomized their sons that's right that's right some of these mothers regret the day they let that man strip them out their clothes yeah regret the day they took his number regards the day they walked down the altar that's right they was walking down the altar with their abuser their murderer their rapists their killer their use of their pill every time a man get a girl pregnant that'll mean he's qualified to be a father i don't mean he's fit to be a father father's not only a title it's an occupation god bears the title father which means creator so we as men that got children we have the same title that god have father father so we must create how do we create sons and daughters it is not just putting forth in the womb and bring forth a child we must create through teaching that's right develop and shape and craft and mold the mind and character of those sons and those daughters so something worthwhile can come off the assembly line that's right so they don't be a product of nothingness and wastefulness are you listening my son help thy father in his age help your father in his age and grieve him not as long as he lives this is god talking god talking god said it i agree your creator the one that got your heart beating and your blood pumping and your breath still functioning in your body that's right the one that knew the time of your departure yeah that's right the one that know your arrival at birth i know your departure at death that's right he has all that power in his hands we don't that's right hear this my son help thy father in his age have your father in his age and grieve him not even as he lives as long as he alive and if his understanding fail have peace understanding fails have patience with him have patience with him and despise him not when thou art in thy full strength for the relieving of that young sister you may not understand your mother but listen to her that's right now this is where a problem coming at when father saying one thing his mother saying another yeah if mother and father is separated but yet it is mother that's taking care of the house and if mother taking care of the house she's laying the rules in that house and you're there you got to respect the rules of that house that's right because if they separate it and father is no longer contributing nothing no more and the advice that he's given is in contradiction to god's law then that daughter gonna have to listen to mother who's leading her according to god's law that's right even though he's your father you don't listen to that which caused you to say sin that's right that's right that's right i don't care who it comes from that's right sin is sin yes if your mother say don't go to that girl's house don't you sneak and go that's right that's right your father said don't you go to that fella's house don't you go i came up old school i remember years ago i don't like dogs i never like dogs i still don't like dogs i hate all dogs i don't care it was a poodle i don't care if it's a poodle that's so well manicured i hate a dog just as much as i hate satan that's right amen i hate dogs if you love dogs that's you that's your thing that's your thing that's not my thing that's right that's your thing i know it's his you know because he he had a dog since i'd known him yeah and all his dogs was mental to both uncle sir me personally dogs ain't me just i hate dogs all of them all of them i don't want no pets that's right so what about goldfish the only fish i wanted with my wife coke that's it i don't want no food hey man that's me hey rabbits i see him in the yard that's enough amen that's the truth of it you do dogs may the god of peace be with you that's your thing me somebody said well supposed to give your children a dog you under my roof i'll put that dog in a box and put it in the mailbox or let it out the door and run go on to the dog you run run run you belong out there in other words if i feed my children i let god take care of the dogs amen oh my god amen it's pretty broke that's me it's pretty rough if you do a dog thing whatever hey whatever floats your boat you can do your dog thing i'm not against people that have dogs i say i don't like them that's right i don't want them i don't want them around me that's okay and no farms if you invite me to your house uh if you got a dog don't have it around me that's right don't even bring it to me and ask me is it cute don't don't bring it nowhere near me i'll let you know even if you ask me to come there for a prayer you got a dog hide it hide it [Laughter] hate all dogs now i guarantee some nut won't give on get on social media and say wait a minute that's god's creation you'll go to hell if you hate a dog don't you know the bible says these as natural brute beasts are made to be taken and destroyed destroyed amen so no i won't go to hell or be judged by the lord judge standing judgment pastor stand in judgment like today they may give you five or ten years if you if if you kill a dog yeah yes they will they give you about five or ten years if you kill a dog but you won't even get that much time if you kill a person yeah yeah so i remember there was a straight dog coming down jerome street one day and different ones was playing with him so i had a rope and my other friend had the other end of the rope and the dog was biting the rope and we was pulling the dog playing whatnot my father came out and said leave that dog alone boy for that dog bite you he said put that rope down i put it down you know he went back in the house [Laughter] [Applause] my friend coached me yo dad's gone now he going there come on get down in the road i'm looking i got it other than that rope that dog and i'm pulling just yanking him father came out gene i said huh did not tell you put that rope down i said but my friend told you put pick it up he said your friend your daddy i said no get up here while i was walking up the street he ain't wait till i got in the house he took his bed off outside and i was walking up the step like i was walking down the hall of justice either walk everything moved in slow motion when you took that bet off i can hear it [Music] the propeller noise went in slow motion then when it came down i was like [Applause] things speed up went back to normal after it hit me moment i made contact i went back to speed up there leaping and jumping never again did i play with anybody's dog never again not the rub it not the pettit nothing okay at all that's right ever hey man well that's my feelings about all dogs all dogs i remember when i was younger they had a lying cartoon all dogs go to heaven ain't no dog go to heaven hey man i i know i would like for all dogs to go and it wouldn't be heaven amen all right come on where are you still in ecclesiastes chapter three now at verse four really quick so i can knock off in the day of thine affliction it shall be remembered yeah our sins also shall melt away as the ice in the fair warm weather all right let's go back up and read the reason why back in uh ecclesiastes chapter three we'll start at verse eight honor thy father and and word indeed that a blessing may come up bless them at verse twelve yes my son help thy father in his age help your father in his age and grieve him not as long as he lives whenever your father help you should be running to do it whenever your mother wants help run to do it that's right oh yes that's right no matter how busy you are always have time for your mother and father amen amen always amen listen and if his understanding fail fail and despise him not don't despise them when thou art in thy full strength and when you in your full strength for the relieving of thy father shall not be forgotten of your father won't be forgotten and instead of sins it shall be added to build the earth what else in the day of thine affliction it shall be remembered thy sins also shall melt away as the ice in the fair warm weather yes he that forsaketh his father he that forsake his father is as a blasphemer that's strong that's a strong law oh yeah that's a strong law you're making he that forsaken you ain't changing that either no he that forsake his father he is as a blasphemy that's a blasphemous and he that angers his mother he's angry with his mother he's cursed of god cursed of god my son other things go wrong in our life because we won't listen to our mother i want to listen to our parents we won't listen that's right that's right amen amen just won't listen so hardhead so stubborn yeah you that carried away over her fake hair enough fake fingernails and she carried away over your arch eyebrows that's right and your hair short is mine are you trying to get little curls in it looking like a farmer fists looking like a whole plantation of little fists up in the ass that's right like you got a hair full of ants that's right huh that's right little individual peas stick in there like your scalp is fighting for civil rights you in the world head short as mine you can try to put some gel in so it can get tight and curl it curl it look like you got a head full of moles to matter with you that's right that's right i'm trying to relieve this young society of being a fool this is old school teaching oh yeah all right my son go on with our business in meekness go on with your business and be humble so shalt thou be beloved of him that is approved you will be beloved of him that is approved the greater thou art the greater you are the more humble thyself amen is that plain amen the greater you become the greater thou art the more comfortable you become and when you humble yourself more the more blessings god will bring and thou shalt find favor before the lord i'm living that right now amen ain't no one can tell hallelujah no one can tell me different one i'm living that right now wonderful wonderful god has made us great in earth but the more humble i become amen i know i may not sound humble i may sound arrogant and mean and whatever but i know what's in it i'm a very humble man that's right amen god that blessed us spiritually and naturally but i'm humble with it that's right the reason why i humble with it because i know my place yeah i know god can snatch the breath out of my nostrils and put someone else in just as quick and not miss me i don't read no time where after moses died god was somewhere moping around the kingdom no god wasn't somebody on the throne fiddling didn't know what i'm going to do fiddling diddling not god that's right you ain't wasting no time come on joshua yeah come on get up yeah and i was mostly so shall i be with you that's right joshua this is what i want to let you know that this book of the lost and not the part out of thine mouth but thou shalt meditate there in day and night what you have to do according to all that rich in therein and then i will make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success as always moses so shall i be with you that's right i don't read nowhere where god was somewhere leaning up against the wall of the kingdom moses is gone what do you mean every one of us we are expendable that's right when you get in your mind you're not using self-deceived food oh yeah everything can be replaced everything he replaced the earth after noah days didn't it that's right water subside he come along and replenish the earth listen the greater thou art the more humble that is the greater that's in any capacity of life brothers and sisters oh yes always remember that in any capacity of life the greater you become in other words the more successful you become the more humble god humble you should be and thou shalt find favor before the lord unfavorable for the lord and people will do things for you that you never thought they would do that's true god will bless you through others but if god bless you through others he don't bless you to be selfish that's right he bless you so you can be a blessing to us that's right listen the greater thou art the more humble thyself greater you are humble yourself don't get high-minded don't get arrogant don't get beside yourself that's right don't credit yourself that's right with anything all praises is due unto god oh yes maker of heaven and earth oh yes real quick the greater thou art the more humble thyself yes and thou shalt find favor before the lord many are in a high place and of renown many are in a high place and every now and every now but mysteries are revealed unto the meek hallelujah hallelujah mysteries are revealed are revealed unto the meat i love the mystery oh yes and jesus preached the same thing that's right he said i thank you father lord of heaven and earth for thou have hid these things from the wise and the prudent have revealed unto babes that's to me and then he said foresaw seem of good and thy anxiety for the power of the lord the power of the lord is great it's great and he is honored of the lowly he is honored by the lowly he is honored of those that are humble go back to timothy so i can knock off everybody all right come on back in first timothy chapter one and verse eight listen but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully now i advise all men and women that are watching sinners and not have any dealings with law follow this scripture that's right follow this scripture but we know that the law is good the law is good if if a man use it lawfully all you bigot policemen that are watching stop profiling people of color that's right stop thinking because i'm black i'm a threat to your whiteness yes every race come from god that's right all colors come from god god made the earth like a flower god yeah you sin by choice that's right stop blaming white folks stop blaming black folk you sin by choice and you obey god lord that god by choice by choice what else but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully yes knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man but for the lawless and disobedient them that are disobedient them that are untamed then that are unruly them that are ungodly for the ungodly and for sinners you that are sinners and ungodly laws for you for unholy and profane unholy them that don't want to live right profane laws for you for murderers or fathers that are murderers of fire and murderers of mothers and they're doing it now more than ever yes they are right in philadelphia alone you young people are killing each other like you at the okay corral somewhere that's right every day all right coming across the news and fill it up that's right this one got shot that one got shot little girl outside playing innocent yeah you young foolish wild boys out there just shooting in the crowd don't care who you shoot killing now became fun that's right it's a killing field no regard for life no respect for life at all amen look that's here they hear about someone got killed young boys now laugh yeah mothers are crying and screaming and hollering fathers are in mourning losing their sons losing their daughters and the law can't do nothing about it that's right these men that privatize who own these prisons they don't want murder and crime to stop they wanted to keep going yeah because if they keep going that's money in their pocket that's right that's why many laws are passed that are unfair and it makes people tired of waiting and some laws is designed to agitate communities that's right designed not to work in their favor to bring friction in the atmosphere hoping there'll be a riot so it can be a chain reaction react riot bodies in prison yeah bodies in prison money in the bank that's right thank viewers riot violence murder bloodshed every time a crime is done i want you to hear the old man because these preachers out here ain't preaching nothing every time a crime is done and you're caught are making somebody wealthy that's right that's true think of it you are making somebody wealthy and your biggest pimp is the government of america amen [Applause] the american government is your big pimp they want to stop drug trafficking no you don't it is documented fact that many of the cia back in the 80s put drugs all in black communities they got a law called they passed what is called freedom of information act where they did research how the cia central intelligence agencies flood the streets of people of color and poor neighborhoods with crack and cocaine killing them and then they arrested throw you in jail why they don't want you out there in the street yeah they want you in prison so they can make money off of you nothing but like a slave master that's all so you kill you murder you rape you commit crime you make america rich you're making your pimp rich you better hear the old man now i don't care if you don't like me what do i care you better get this in you that's right you out here walking the streets with a bunch of chains around your neck advertising your little fake muscles you can be strong here yeah but dumb up here that's right i don't care if you can pull a car with your teeth see can you pull scripture to your soul that's right [Music] amen amen finish up timothy quickly son but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully and what knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man and but for the lawless and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners yes for unholy and profane for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers i remember one man was over social media he said i want to tell you why i don't like listening to pastor jenners i said literally i don't listen to fellows harley that much i said let me hear this fellow saying and his whole argument was because i said you're going to hell for this and going to hell for that and going to hell for the other he said because pastor jennings put you in hell too much for sin i don't like listening to him or where you think you're going [Music] wow that's like a person telling you like they don't like to hear this specific attorney or pacific judge because they're telling you if you do this crime you do that crime you do that crime you're going to go to jail if you get caught where you think you're going that's right that's right that's right you lawmakers stop showing partiality when rich folk commit crying and poor folk committed that's right don't send the rich folk to a a golf club that you call a prison right send them to old country club sit back drink pina colada and walk around and just do whatever they want to do and they become seminar speakers seminar speaker just go to just go to some you know some little club they call it prison and get seminars right don't do no crime no don't do no time hardly but nothing that's true the prison was like it was years ago prison's supposed to have been a deterrent today just as much drugs in prison as it is in the streets that's right are you listening amen to my inmates that are watching true true rehabilitation doesn't come from your prison true rehabilitation come from your willingness to cooperate and obey god's precepts and god's law your willingness to submit brings about mental and emotional and physical and spiritual rehabilitation yeah what did god want in action 38 then peter said unto them repent even if you're not behind bars but you out there in the street like a fool without law you're still in prison we have liberation preaching that's right freedom preaching for the deliverance and the resurrection of the soul of men and women everywhere in the world of every race under the sun yes listen then in acts 2 38 then peter said unto them repent this is what you do now to get liberated repent god wants you to be sorry about your sins and that won't take place until you convicted about your wrong that's right who everybody everybody repent and be baptized every one of you i want you to be baptized how in the name of jesus christ we want you to go down in the water in the name of jesus christ for what for the remission of sin for the removal for the removing of your sins and he promised and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost do you hear that and you'll be filled with god amen does anybody here want to get right with god and obey god's law and break it loose from the satanic laws of the world and repent and be baptized in the name of jesus christ if you want it stand on your feet if you want it now stand on your feet if you want it wonderful do that a standing follow them they'll lead you to the front every man and every woman need to come off the streets of america come out of your false churches lay aside your fake religion and get ready to obey god god is the best thing that's right god is the greater thing view us leave these false prophets on television and social media alone the truth of god is what god designed for the modification and the correction and the development and the improvement of your soul if you want to get on god's side and want to learn the intelligence of god the characteristics of god and the function of god this is the program that god desired for you that's right that's an in-your-face program many folk don't like something they face and make you see you for what you are and for who you are but if you do if you if you are wise you'll want to get it right with god when i preach against racism some say i sound racist in your voice no no no i'm not racist at all no i'm just not scared to tell the truth about everything that's right all right come on back we won't be webcasting this evening we won't be webcasting this evening but we will be in church this evening so come on back i thought she was getting out early didn't get another early person prayer will begin at 5 30. amen prayer will begin at 5 30. let us all stand brother dan minister dan will close us out in prayer loving kindnesses and your tender mercies oh god that you've shown towards us we thank you lord god for being the one and only true living god that's made heaven and earth and everything in it we pray oh god your blessings upon all people everywhere especially on those o god who are outside who have no knowledge of thy truth those who have not yet started to walk in the pathway of holiness lord god those who continue to violate thy law from day to day we pray lord god you'll have mercy and compassion upon them bless us this day i pray oh god bless our pastor bless all the ministers everywhere and the saints of god everywhere for we know lord god that the dead do not praise thee neither them that go down in silence but we will bless thy name o god from this time forth and forever in the name of the lord jesus christ amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 148,313
Rating: 4.8662419 out of 5
Id: JLf3lDXvSzA
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Length: 133min 35sec (8015 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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