First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1570-1571 August 14, 2021 PM Saturday Cleveland, OH Live Stream

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in the midst of wickedness men and women prepare their hearts to be holy for god said be ye holy for i the lord am holy so therefore the holiness of the lord is what we're seeking after at this time we'll give space and opportunity for a few of the brothers that are here to come and speak to us we will first hear from elder anderson praise the lord praise the lord again praise the lord again praise the lord again we thank god for being here this evening my name is elder anderson pope i'm here with my father and pastor bishop j.e pope preaching 63 years in the ministry we come up under the apostolic doctrine pentecostal church and we stand for holiness god says my brother my one of my oldest brothers elder aunt anthony pope and he stands for holiness do not the reason you're calling the city of cleveland wicked is because of the lgbtq community the reason why cleveland is wicked is because the homosexual and lesbian community in cleveland is strong but i declare we can break that stronghold in the city of cleveland i declare if we keep standing up and stand for righteousness and keep standing and say sin is wrong and don't care if your daughter turn out like that or if your son turn out like that they still wrong that's why cleveland is so wicked and it ain't just cleveland that's why this country is so wicked that's why this white house is so wicked we are here because we heard something we heard the same rules we heard the same mind and we heard the same spirit you will now yield a few minutes to the senior bishop bishop [Applause] praise the lord everyone praise the lord again god is good isn't he i am so happy i'm so happy to meet the pastor genius love god is good isn't he i'm gonna say something real fast and quick okay i've been preaching for 63 years 63 years and i met a lot of i met a lot of preachers bishops and elders that i never i'm being honest i never heard a man stand in a poor pit preached like this man here tap your hands i'm gonna come here and i had to walk down i'm 82 years old i'm going to come here and walk god is good isn't he god is good god is good i listen to him preach i listen to him on what is it my sword they got all the stuff i don't know what they call that song facebook whatever they call it i said lord have mercy i gotta go see that man i know 50 50 years ago he said that wasn't the right one 50 years ago i just listened to church our lord jesus christ about 50 or 57 years ago i listened on the radio okay god it's good i want to say something real quick i thank god for your preaching and your teaching i have one wife i'm a man man ain't no mistake i've been with one woman but sick tomorrow would be 62 years old i don't believe anything i don't believe in once you get saved in the holy the boy thing you should be i stuck to it now i lose a lot of preachers like that a lot of bishop they didn't go along with me i was coming to detroit and i didn't thank god for this man to god here it makes me happy looking i can live 10 more years to meet a man of god having to pray for me amen i'm an old man now all right but i love the lord with all of my heart all of my heart i'm a system getting ready to take my seat and i always see that every time i get up sin is wrong y'all say man with me sin is wrong church folks have no business that's right see amen unless they get the holy ghost well let me sit down that time is up god is good time god is good thank you thank you thank you i'm ready to hear the word of god and i jump inside the shouting and holly and go no no i'm not crazy now there's a little word okay thank god thank god for you bishop and at this time we'll have a few words from minister stephen williams of philadelphia pennsylvania it's time to give the very highest possible honor that can be given to our lord and savior jesus christ we do give out double honor to the prophets and we give double honor to the apostles we give double honor to our present-day apostle pastor jennings we honor all the ministers that are here in the pulpit and to everyone that's here on this evening we want to thank and praise god for god blessing and minister edwards we want to thank and praise god for god allowing us to be here this is our first time here in cleveland but one thing i am glad about how god is with the man of god and no matter what city we go to god blesses him with victory and i'm thankful for that i'm thankful for the word of god that god had put in his mouth and in his heart i'm thankful that i've been hearing the teachings of the man of god over and over and over again and this work that's going on now is a vision that god gave the man of god and he told me all about it and it's coming to pass more and more so pray my strength in the lord that god would move out everything in me that's not like him and now we'll hear from the junior pope amen praise the lord everyone amen we thank god for you all being here tonight a few years ago i was uh on youtube and i heard pastor preacher and i told my brother i said this reminds me of my father years ago when he was younger and so i called they had a number i called and left a voicemail and they called me back i think i still got the voicemail on my phone and i said we love what we hear because today you don't find too many people preaching the word of god now we think and i'm praying asking god one day for him to come to cleveland and he is here and i was doing some work for my father today and running my sister around i told him i wasn't gonna make it and i came on anyway but we thank god he's here we appreciate the real word because everybody's not preaching this no more nobody's preaching the truth no more and when they say find me a man that would execute judgment i looked at him and we said we found some men and we thank god for him everybody ought to stand on their feet and thank god for the man they're preaching the word of god and at this time we'd like to say to all of those that are here and our visible audience and those that may be listening and watching in by the way of the internet no matter what city no matter what country you are in the world there's no need to fight holiness is still right so at this time it is my pleasure to present unto you from the first church of our lord jesus christ here on location in cleveland ohio the apostle pastor geno jennings here greetings brothers and sisters as always we bear witness there is no god but one there is no god with him there is no god besides him and there is no god equal to him there is no god better than him god don't have no rivals god don't have no partners god have no associates he is god alone he always have been alone i know the liars told you that there is a second person in the third person in the godhead but he is god alone master of all creation we thank him for his divine wisdom and his divine guidance for the way of holiness that is outlined in scripture we're glad to be here with you in cleveland this evening we thank god for you that made it out to the guest ministers that are here bishop pope and we met for the first time and to minister etheridge and brother minister williams if there's any other ministers that's in the congregation you're more than welcome to come up and make yourself comfortable as long as you're not a woman preacher amen if you're a woman preacher you stay right where you are but we are grateful to be here we thank him because the scriptures is a very powerful tool and regardless of where this message go i find the same condition here in ohio as i find every place i go in the world i travel through america and canada africa europe india and different places of the world and the condition is the same cleveland is not only a wicked city but the entire state and the whole country of america is wicked elder pope mentioned he mentioned one form of wickedness which is homosexuality but the world is wicked because of their complete disobedience to god there is a hate there's a hate that men and women have towards god and the church have become a disguise to hide that hate you find just as much hate towards god in church as you do out there among sinners that's why there are certain things that the preachers will not preach because he are afraid of offending members of his congregation afraid of offending people of the community he loved money more than he loved his soul and any time that you're afraid to tell the truth you don't need to be in that church are you listening to what i'm telling you god only have one judge there was a minister a bishop i think he passed on now that i knew years ago here in cleveland i met back in the 90s his name was bishop titus you still alive my how old is bishop titus now 91 you tell bishop titus that passage in his acts about him god knows amen i would love to see him if i can't see him please give one of my brothers a number that i can reach him and talk to the old man i would love to get a chance to see him i haven't seen him in over 33 years i was he met me in the early 90s and and i think at the time i was pastoring maybe about two or three years or more and we didn't have not even a eighth of the size work like it is now around the world so him and i met i was in my early stages but we thank god for you that are here now let me say to you that are watching remember next week we'll be in milwaukee wisconsin 924 east juanita avenue at the astor hotel saturday service of course is at 5 00 sunday morning 11 and again at 5 00 pm that's 9 24 east juanita avenue and milwaukee wisconsin and let me say to all of you that are in milwaukee we're starting a new church there and when we go there next week that'll be the beginning of the first service for milwaukee wisconsin amen so we'll be starting there and god willing after that i'll be in cincinnati at 2110 uh is that michael street at the sanctuary we'll be there on august 28th and 29th saturday at five o'clock sunday morning at 11 sunday evening at 5. so you come on i hope i have some brothers and sisters from cleveland and other parks hang out with me uh for the rest of the month we're looking to start a work here in cleveland ohio god be our helper amen we're not out trying to trick the people of conde people duke the people we're out meaning bible business all i want is for folk to be right with god if you are blessed to live through this pandemic you better run right to god's word and give your whole life over to god because god used any method that please him to gather men and women for judgment and the death angel is still out now knocking on the doors of mothers fathers sister brothers bishops so-called apostles elders deacons god don't care who you are he's taking you and most people are not ready to go back with god cleveland are you ready to go back with god and if you're not ready we're here with the word of god to get you ready so if any of you get offended i advise you to leave now wise early amen you know when i used to run track as a kid we used to run with the baton in our hand and when we get close to the next runner he started running early so the timing is right and put his hand back so we can hand him that baton and he can keep on the race but the journey that he was on didn't change the apostles got the information from god they walked with jesus talked with them ate with them handled him they were students of a master teacher even though he had 12 men and made them apostles then later on judas died and matthias took his place and then later on barnabas and paul came not one not one started a new religion not one started a new church not one was the founder of a new belief even though matthias took the place of judas and barnabas and paul came along later paul wasn't here when jesus was here in the flesh but his teaching didn't change now everybody glory to god must have the same thing everybody everybody i know that you can find in cleveland like every place else we was in kansas city missouri a few weeks ago in two days 94 went down in the water in the name of jesus christ the week before that we were in saint louis about 112 went down in two days in the name of jesus christ people are hungry everybody don't want to go to hell and everybody don't want to play church and i would not have this grueling schedule of traveling traveling traveling traveling traveling trying to reach the soul of people you know it's much easier to go to hell than it is to get right the reason why a lot of these men won't get right they don't want to give up their title they love being called bishop and eldon apostle and junior bishop and half pink deacon and all that foolishness they don't want to give up their little cheap position in their church because they're getting paid making a few pennies the greatest thing you have in this life is your soul not your church position your soul is worth fighting for and if you got in mind to save your soul don't be surprised who you got to fight it may be your bishop lord say god it may be your pastor it may be your wife it may be your husband but i guarantee you're going to have to fight against yourself that's right all right williams open the word of god anywhere let's go to work and dive into the book of scripture and take it apart in the book of first corinthians chapter one and we're at verse 10. begin at verse eight at verse eight follow me who shall also confirm you unto the end begin at verse one at verse one all right whole call to be an apostate that sounds good that's right paul called to be an apostle not he would he didn't go to school to be one no he was called to be one this is first corinthians first corinthians chapter one and verse chapter one again that verse one an apostle is god called god sent god made god anointed i had a lot of folks writing me and said there are no apostles now you better give me corinthians 12 28 28. let's see what god say about that first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 28 listen and god had set some in the church first apostles and if there is none now i got bible where god put him in the church you just show him the bible where god took him out that's right and if god said he put him in there i'm going to believe god and ignore you that's right i had a man right man said you can't be an apostle because you wasn't there when jesus died or rose that's right paul wasn't either that's right paul wasn't nowhere around when jesus was walking this earth no but he declared in first corinthians 1 1 and god had said first corinthians 1 1. all called to be an apostle you're good now on call call to be in the process to be an apostle of jesus christ of jesus christ through the will of god how was he made through the will of god does he god have to make it through his will that's right how in the world you're a bishop or an elder or preacher of any kind and you don't believe what jesus gave his apostles you detour from what they believe you don't stand for what they believe i believe firmly and what is written in here i don't care nothing about nobody organization that's right i said nobody that's right why jesus ain't coming back for no organization jesus is not coming back for nobody's movement that's right jesus is coming back for the same church he left here you know there's a saying that bishops have had for years when jesus come back he's coming back looking for a church that's a lie that's a lie you look for something that's when you lose it that's right he didn't lose it he's going to present unto himself a glorious church he said he's coming back looking for it and he might present it to himself listen at what the word of god says in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 27 that's what that he might presented to himself that he he that knock out the other two that's right that he may present it to himself himself a glorious church what kind not having spot lord think god can't have a spot or a ring for any such thing what kind of church it got to be but that it should be holy and it should be baptist it should be holy methodist holy presbyterian holy lutheran holy non-denominational holy jehovah witness holy [Applause] [Applause] but that it should be holy what kind of people is god coming for it should be holy holy all right cleveland you might as well get on board with what the word said that's right all of this stuff that these churches been professing for years i have searched the scriptures for years and i can't find it in here that's right so why are you bragging to be something that jesus wasn't amen why are you boston to be something that the apostles want that's right you say you're apostolic find it in here amen you say your pentecostal find it in here [Applause] right the bible said he gonna present unto himself a glorious church what not having spotted white house or wrinkles or any such thing and what but that it should be holy bible said blessed and holy is he to have part in the first resurrection that's right that's right if you're not holy you listen there's only two options that's right holiness our health follow peace with all men that's all it is that's right the bible said follow peter thought man and holiness and baptism and holiness holiness apostolic and holiness without weakness do you know where these other titles come from let's go to school cleveland do you want to go to school tonight before you profess something trace the origin of the label baptists stole their title they hijacked it from john the baptist occupation that's right he was called john the baptist which meant john the baptizer that's right his occupation he was a baptizer his religion wasn't baptist because if his religion was baptised something is wrong that's right because john said i am not he was not that delight that's right do you hear this in saint john chapter one and at verse eight know where your religion comes from amen know who started it trace the origins of it before you join it and pay uh patronize it that's right search it out don't just go along to get along because your mama and daddy go to some church are you listening to the old man that's right the word of god says what he was not that likely saint john chapter one we'll start at verse six that's right there was a man sent from god that was a man sent from god named john the same came for a witness to bear witness of the life he come to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe yes he was not that like john he was called john the baptist but the bible said he was not that light but was sent to bear witnesses he was sent to bear witness habit that was the true life that was it what that was the true life amen that was the true light real quick which one is every man that cometh into the world yes he was in the world he was in the world the lord was made so john the baptist somebody came along and hijacked his title and start the baptist church that's right when god created the heavens and the earth and the bible said on the seventh day the lord rest right another false prophet coming along and look at that word seventh day i think i will start seven day adventists that's right that's what they've done they went to the bible and hijacked scripture and on the seventh day the bible says genesis two and at verse two and on the seventh day god ended on us the seventh day god empties ended his work which he had made and he rested and rested on the seventh day and the seventh day from all this work which he had made of all the work that is made i want you to get this in the second chapter of the book of acts of the apostles the high feasts of the jews came along it was called the day of pentacles he didn't start or wasn't starting at pentecostal church do you even know what the word penny cost mean that's right pentecost mean feast in the book of tibet for weeks that's right it has to do with eating it's a big jewish celebration that jews have to this day that's right let's analyze this in the bible let's get old and new testament in the book of tibet chapter two and that's olympia follow me in the book of tibet chapter two in verse one and what now when i was come home again and my wife anna was restored unto me yes with my son tobias in the feast of pentacles and the feast of pentecost which is the holy feast which is the holy peace of the seven weeks there was a good dinner no there was a good church there was a good dinner there was a good church organization there was a good dinner it was a good dinner prepared me prepared me in the which i sat down to eat now let's go through the second chapter of the book of acts of the apostle begin at verse one acts chapter two and that verse one that's what and when the day of pentecost was fully when the great feasts came in the fullness they were always one according to everybody was gathered together in one place and suddenly in the day god interrupt the feast and suddenly the god interrupt the celebration that's right that the jews was having and suddenly yeah during the time of the great feast and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to do what and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance pentecost mean feasts now let's see where the term apostolic came from [Applause] give me hebrews chapter 3 if i'm correct yes amen wherefore holy brethren i want everybody to follow me hebrews chapter three and we're at the first verse that's what we're for holy brethren wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly cause takers of the heavenly calling considered the apostles considered the apostle apostol and high priest of our profession what's his name christ jesus so they took from the word apostol which is a person and started a religion or organization called apostolic that's right now do you even know what is the first church organization that took the word and apostolic from the word apostle it wasn't paw it was not upc it was not bishop johnson it was not bishop lawson it was not bishop seymour it was not bishop hancock it was the catholic church out of rome italy that's right [Applause] during the time of constantine they have what is called the apostolic creed and they have a building that they call that apostolic house that's right many of the churches around the world are influenced by the pope of rome and the pulpit and church goers are too dumb to even know it that's right when you say you're apostolic you're identifying yourself as the catholic church that's right jesus that's right have never declared himself to be apostolic no am i right like that amen the impostors have never declared themselves to be apostolic that's right let's see what was the apostles what kind of prophets they were yes what kind of apostles they were he speak by the mouth of his holy prophet and his holy apostles since the world began you know he had holy apostles so that's where you get apostolic from the word apostol let's look at christianity i want to say i'm not relating to christianity not mine not mine that's a wicked religion that's right that religion came out of hell that's right someone said what jesus started christian he did not no you can't find nowhere in the bible that jesus started religion called christianity that's what you've been taught that's right and because you didn't know no better you went around professing well my religion is christianity well you say a christian is not in the bible i didn't say that no let's see where they were first called christians at acts chapter 11 and verse 26 listen and when he had found him he brought him unto antioch and what and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people taught much people and the disciples were called christians that the disciples was called christian first first in antioch there was first called christians in a place called antioch because they saw disciples or follower of jesus acting like christ that's right living a christ christ-like life so a christian is a person christianity is a religion that's right and nowhere in the bible did jesus tell us that our religion was christianity that's right lutheran where did that come from there was a man named martin luther that's right i don't mean martin luther king either no martin luther king mother named him after martin luther martin luther was one of the men of the catholic church who disputed with the beliefs of the catholic church that's right and as a result of his dispute with the pope and their some of their practices he was considered a heretic yeah so he went out spreading his grievances with the catholic church and there were other people that believe or had the same grievances so he started a church name after him luther and when you followed it it became lutherans that's right i want to take you to school you can speak in tongue tomorrow amen are you kidding me amen all these religions jehovah witnesses but they too god religion that's right no hell that's right if there was no hell i wouldn't be here in cleveland and if i was then cle if listen if there's no hell and if i happen to visit cleveland i wouldn't be in this meeting i'm pretty sure some brothers can take me somewhere where they have a good time because it ain't no hell no jehovah witness no hell no no baptism in the name of jesus christ no speaking in tongue uh no new heaven no new earth the lord gonna claim this earth up and make it fit for for everybody to live regardless of what the bible says heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass that's right so jehovah witnesses come along and took the old testament title jehovah jehovah and then they go around trying to be a witness how are you going to be a witness for jehovah when you don't even believe he's won that's right so the devil went in religious business and many of us are victims some of us mormons whether the mormon religion started there was a con man two con joseph smith brigham young two bigots joseph smith said that an angel appeared to him by the name of mermong and upstate new york he's supposed to have found a tablet with ancient writings under a rock and that's where the book of mormon supposed to come from these ancient tablets that's right the angels supposed to be named mermon that's right this is why they call themselves mormons followers of the angel named murmur in galatians chapter one and verse eight if an angel brings something that's not like what jesus brought let the angel die and go to hell but the we are names no we are an angel from heaven any other gospel i can't find merman as one of the angles in the bible no so i know that had been the devil that tricked old man joseph that's right that's right until you're here with the word of god in galatians chapter one and that verse eight that's why but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you then that which we have preached unto you what did he say let him be accursed as we said before so say i now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you that she ever what's the result let him be a curse so let's look at the variety of religions church organizations church of god in christ church of the living god church of god and prophecy p-a-w u-p-c church on the side of the lord jesus christ church under the lord jesus christ that's right church by the lord jesus christ the upper room church churches that's named after the bishop bishop carmichael's temple that's right that let you know it's his personal business and he gonna make all the money and leave you out that's right are you getting what i'm telling you in saint matthew chapter 16 we'll start at verse 17. jesus made it plain in the 16th chapter matthew and verse 17. and jesus answered unto him jesus god answered and said unto him let's start the simon bard jonah what is it first blood does not mean blood didn't make this known to you my father spirit of god that's in heaven and i say also unto thee that thou art peter now what peter and upon this rock i will build my church what and upon this rock i will build preachers they have on their building that they are the founder of the church use a liar that's right you can't have two founders no no jesus made a plane here that thou art peter and upon this rook i will build my church who can't i will build my church all right bishop apostle elder pastor that's right take that lie off your building that's right if jesus said i will build my church how are you the founder of it amen jesus laid the foundation that's right and the apostle paul come along and said for other foundations already in first corinthians chapter three and at verse eleven other foundation can no man live many will find this offensive because they never heard nothing like this before that's right amen the word of god comes stripping you out of everything you've been taught all your life that's right you've been going to church working in the church helping putting the roof on making sweet potato pies and pound cakes and potato salad and fried chicken to support a poor pit bum that's right [Applause] playing drums playing good talks playing august sincere and that man be conning you and duking you and you've been going to hell since you've been there that's right and didn't even know it that's right and in most cases the pastor is your father your uncle your grandfather or you hooked up with your blood brother to help him start a false check that's right that's right this ain't no game go ahead we have a god to meet that's right hallelujah take off that's right are you getting what i'm telling you for other foundations the holy ghost has four other foundations are the foundation no man lay that easily who's the foundation which is jesus christ who is it jesus christ paul ain't the founder of the church no she know jennings ain't the founder of the church bishop johnson ain't the founder of the church that's right barnard not the founder lost and not the founders no man out here that's right that ever was or never will be is the founder of detroit for other founders that's starting on the day of pentecost but jesus that's right the bible speaks plain for other foundations do you hear this in first corinthians 3 and verse 11 other foundations are the foundation can no man live in that easily which is jesus christ we're pointing everybody to jesus that's it and this is why we're getting the results all around the world like we're getting that's right all right let's go back to where we were now back in first corinthians chapter one and verse two now you get a chance to investigate your religion that you jumping about and waving your hands about and running around your church like you in the indiana 500 and waving handshake it's like you're rooting on the pittsburgh steelers that's right that's right if you're a preacher or a deacon or a pastor or minister and your belief detour what the apocalypse preached the size of the back jawbone tooth of a gnat amen you better get out the pulpit that's right that's right are you getting what i'm telling you one church one gospel one standard one rule one law given by one god that's right you mean to tell me we got one message here and everybody's different different that's right first corinthians 1 10. first corinthians chapter one and verse 10. that's what now i believe you brethren now glory to god now you know these hypocrites say well you got your way i got my way we all went down inside oh no no no no no no no jesus said i am the way that's right hallelujah that's right i am i am the way i retake god i am the way i'm the truth and the life and in order for your way to be like his i don't mean trying to be like it it's not a driving test you know you take a driving test you hit a cone and he said that's all right not here oh no no no you're gonna do it just like this or die and go to hell that's right it's heaven to hell that's right i don't care who ordained you how long you've been preaching how long you've been pastoring if your wife is so good she's gabriel's sister when i look at this bible every church under the sun got to do it like this that's right not do it like geno jennings do it like this that's it wonderful brother wonderful are you getting what i'm telling you first corinthians 1 and verse 10 follow me in your bible now i beseech you brethren now now hallelujah to god now i beseech you brother i want to call you attention brother by the name of our lord jesus christ that what that ye all speak the same thing no amen no that you all speak you mean him tell me that's really written that ye all speak the same thing the apostle didn't have women preachers why you got him that's right the apostles didn't have no women bishops why you got it that's right peter was a married man i don't read where his wife was the first lady or his assistant pastor why is yours that's right [Applause] the apostles had natural occupations that's right i don't read where the church put them on a salary no no and they robbed him no and told the lies that the lord told me to buy jets you want to jet get a job and go to work and buy it yourself that's right you own a match and get a job and go to work and buy it yourself that's right you want to barely get a job and go to work and find yourself amen stop giving these poor pig crooks and these poor pit pimps that's right your money amen and all they do is come back and entertain your sunday morning enough to make you happy make you feel good enough so you don't remember they lied to you that day that's right that's all that's it he just get up put his hands over his ears and [Applause] he did oh shut up amen [Applause] don't tell me nothing to make me feel good and i'm on my way to hell that's right the purpose of serving god is to escape their nation amen if the message in your church can't cause you to avoid hell use a fool to go there that's right think of it you go to church because the message supposed to keep me out of hell don't you know that that's right the message ain't supposed to put a smile on your face or make you run around the church or make you shout is supposed to keep you out of hand that's right if the message is wrong you're wrong that's right the bible speaks plain like people like priests like if the if the preacher is a liar you become a student of those lives so what you do you go witness to people about what you've been taught so you become a liar spreader that's right you spread the same lies that you ain't up from your bishop you are victims of bad teaching and there shall be like people the bible says in hosea chapter four and verse nine that shall be like people like people like priests just like the preacher is that's how the people going that's right preacher put your wife supposed to be a preacher look at the women in the church unruly loudly preach your wife like a prostitute that's right earrings everywhere went to cvs and got her an extra piece of hair with the wall green and got some plastic nails that's right got a face painting looking like jezebel twin sister that's right got earrings on about biggest hubcaps got an anchor chain on looking like a street hooker that's right and claims she's saved and sanctified saved from what amen leviticus 10 10. leviticus chapter 10 at verse 10. this is what the church got to be and that she put differences that she put difference between the between holy and that she may put that you put a difference between holy between holy and unholy this trash you see in church today you wouldn't see it 60 and 70 years ago that's right hot pants on so-called save women yeah come on grandma with a skirt no longer than my jacket that's right and the splitter that that's right half naked cleavage advertising choirs a whole choir and a whole pulpit full of acting men that's right preacher got two and three wives deacon then got his wife divorced and got another you know when you sit in dirt a long time you get used to it and when somebody clean come along and introduce to you the cleaning side you'll be like wait a minute something wrong no ain't nothing wrong that's right the problem is you've been spoiled in dirt for years and now wrong becomes right that's right let's get by before isaiah chapter five and then verse 20. isaiah chapter 5 and verse 20 and then give me jeremiah i believe 5 and 30. amen follow me isaiah chapter five and we're at verse twenty olympian go unto them that call evil good oh amen amen go unto them what wants to them that call evil good five thousand prayer line yeah ten thousand dollar prayer line an old false prophet to come in your false church and run a week's revival that's right there's a week of money collecting that's right here get up and tell you the lord just spoke to me lord jesus any old type of dumb tongue that's right and i tell you the lord just spoke to me and the lord said there's five thousand dollars in the house and the lord said if you give that five thousand dollars he'll give it back to you 100 fold the bishop and everybody come give it to the sucker yeah these men are charlatans oh yes listen i'm from the hood and if any man is from the hood we know a hustle when we see one and that's why the center don't respect these churches that just hide behind a cross ain't nothing but a club with a bell tower that's it hustlers and what make it so bad they hustle you and rob you and they use you and abuse you through the name of jesus and you trust them so the preacher come tell you god don't want nobody to be poor if you're blessed you'll have a house like mine if you're blessed you'll have a car like mine since when did you become a measuring stick of success amen the greatest success is not materialism it's not a house it's not a possession it's not a bank account the greatest prosperity you can get is the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of who god is that's right i don't give two sense about what you own when you die what can you take if you've been watching the news the countries all across the mediterranean is on fire greece is practically burning down the country of greece is burning they got ships coming up to the different greece islands people are running getting on boats to escape god is burning them down turkey is on fire burning down other countries in the mediterranean on fire burning down well we're used to california burning down what is god showing you you came in the world naked you shall return this is why we're traveling around the world to wake people up to understand you don't own nothing you don't even own yourself that's right for the lord said all souls are mine nothing you got you can take with you that's right the most precious and the most valuable thing in your possession today it's not your husband it's not your wife it's not your children it's your soul so jesus asks us what will a man give in exchange for your soul what have you sold your soul for you were elder in some church did you sell your soul to get that little title you a pastor you in a vagueness you were some little bishop did you sell your soul to get credentials you the first lady or the second lady or the third did you sell your soul that's right they get that position but there was none like unto ahab listen in the book of first kings chapter 21 and verse chapter and verse again first kings chapter 21 and we're at verse 25 and what but there was none like on the eighth there was none like ah which did sell himself oh you see all this bible here that's right there's none like ahab and what did he do which did sell himself to work wickedness he sold himself to do what to work wickedness in the sight of the lord examine yourself did you sell your dignity over the cheek position you got in some church did you sell yourself they keep going around getting knocked up by all these men who promise to marry you and leave you pregnant and you'll find out you've been pregnant about bum one bum that's right [Applause] did you sell yourself so you can run down every woman like a male prostitute did you sell yourself and that's why you wearing your pants hanging down off your behind like he's a male hooker you can't get sweet and bitter water from the same fountain that's right either you on god's side or you are sinner that's right there is no middle with god are you living together not married and still going to church on the choir still running around playing instruments did you just have sex earlier today or last night with a woman that ain't your wife now you're coming here telling pastor jenny to go ahead and preach it and then when you leave here when you leave here you're going back to your apartment so you and your girlfriend can hang out you walk around her in your drawers and she walk around you with nothing on that's right am i right that's right are you selling yourself i said but there was none like unto ahab there was none who would take god like ahab which did sell himself so the preachers have sold themselves years ago they sold themselves for prosperity for a large building promised to them by some movement for a upgrade in their uh religious office sold themselves for a new car new house new suite of clothing sold themselves in other words the church the preacher's supposed to prioritize god first your soul next that's right [Applause] god first your soul next that's right your soul supposed to be so valuable to the preacher until all his teaching is for the protection of your soul the sanctification of your soul and the deliverance of your soul so when you meet god your soul can go back with him that's right if he's willing to neglect from telling you what's right because he's afraid to lose your membership he don't love your soul when you love a person you tell them what's right that's right do you hear what the word of god said but there was none like unto ahaz that was not like a half which did sell himself to work wickedness into the work wickedness in the sight of god whom jezebel his wife stirred up jezebel his wife stirred up stand up stirred up that's why some of the preachers are there nothing but figureheads that's right and man they got jezebel for their wives that's right their wife come out blouse cut low as this hey man dress no longer than my jacket back all out bird claws for fingernails yeah big old earrings everywhere until she jingles you think somebody walking around with a pocket full of change that's right that man got on different she's dying her hair you know the mothers in the church years ago used to you know keep the young sisters in check now the mothers out here doing the same thing and looking the same way that's right that they used to get on the young women about i'm telling you folk everything is practically on this way to hell now oh yes the churches have backslid the apostolic so-called have collapsed that's right the penny cockles have went backward everything practically have turned their back on the scriptures and now church is one of the biggest rackets that's right it's a big racket oh yes full of nothing more than entertainment that's right and the people love the habits of that's right let me give you a bible that says so in jeremiah chapter of jeremiah chapter 5 verse 30. listen a wonderful and hard a wonderful and horrible horrible thing it's committed in the lane what is it the prophets prophesied falsely the prophets don't you see him in the church you know these prophets are very dramatic that make you believe they're representing god this is jeremiah the fifth chapter in the 30th verse amen you know have you ever went to a church and someone jumped up supposed to be a prophet you see how dramatic they get that says the lord oh what's the matter with you all that stomping and shaking like an empty can with marbles don't mean nothing that's right when god wants someone to prophesy god's gonna open your mouth and make you talk otherwise and that all that other stuff don't mean nothing that's right [Applause] listen at this we're going to strike all this out with bible here jeremiah 5 at verse 30. and then let's find out how do we know a prophet or not a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land the prophets prophesied falsely listen when a prophet prophesied falsely he take it upon himself to say thus saith the lord and if that thing i don't care if i got any men here to claim your prophets i don't care if you claim your prophets that's right any time a prophecy so-called prophecy came out your mouth that's right and that thing didn't come to pass he's a liar that's right i don't care if it's your daddy amen your daddy is a liar his twin brother's a liar that's right you are alive that's right i take your title of a prophet and make you lick that stuff out that's right this thing got to be done like it's written here otherwise than that there someone said well if it don't happen i'm still a prophet i agree you're a false prophet you're a false prophet that's what you are that's right come on time the prophets prophesy false the prophet prophesied foster and the priests bear rule by their means and the preachers being ruled by their mean which means they put themselves up in the pulpit now how do the people feel about it and my people love to have it so love to have itself they love it when a false prophet lie and they level when the preacher jump up in the pulpit on his own and then say god put me up here and god put you up there then god were to be in your mouth and when god's word is in your mouth you're stick one trillion percent with the word of god even if what you preach contradict the organization you're in that's right [Music] anytime you try to follow the guidelines of an organization and that organization went farther left field from god's word away with the organization come back the bible that's right come on man come on back the bible that's right god hallelujah glory to god i'm telling the world come on back the scripture here come on back don't tell me which organization you're in they don't mean nothing no amen come on back to the original thing that jesus gave his apostle he laid the foundation and everything they had they had it right that's right what did he say the prophets prophesied and the free spirit my people love to have it so all right now i'm in the book of deuteronomy chapter 18 let's see how we know or recognize a prophet or not in deuteronomy chapter 18 we'll start reading in verse 20. i want this to be good in case i got any undercover prophets here that's right undercover prophets that's right you know when this stuff get ahold of me they won't prophesy oh no no they go back to their false church then the devil get on them and make them jump around all that stuff that's right my god when this stuff hit them they sit tight like the british is glued to the chat that's right all right deuteronomy chapter 18 we'll start at verse 20. but the prophet which i presume the prophet which shall presume you speak a word in my name speak a word in god's name which i have not commanded thanks god did not command him to say that all that shall speak in the name of other gods or shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophecy that prophet shall die and if thou say in thine heart that i say in thine heart in thine heart how shall we know the word which the lord shall we know amen the word that god did not speak when a prophet speaketh in the name of the lord when a prophet come in the lord's name if the thing followed nothing and if the thing don't happen nor come to pass and it don't come to pass that is the thing which the lord hath not spoken and if you say the lord said something and he didn't say it that make you a liar that's right somebody come to you and said the lord spoke to me and said you're going to receive the holy ghost tonight before 12 midnight just wait just wait watch the clock that's right just watch the clock that's right if that hand goes to 1201 [Music] that's right if the things follow not no come to pay if you go through these churches you got some old thing that posed at the preacher that's going out telling you to touch cars and touch houses and claim it that's trash teaching that's right barbie never told you to touch nothing and claim nothing that's covetousness that's right how you know where you're going to claim a house that someone else is living in and you want it that's the spirit of covetousness that's right and that's exactly what the devil's making these preachers preaching a lot of you was touching somebody else's husband and claiming oh that's my imma pray that god give him the meat that's the devil out of hell that's right that's common chestnuts that's right paul said i set everything in order when i come i want you to get this cleveland cleveland we that's why we got to have a lord's house here amen no maybe it's all about it we got to have one here amen all the preachers in the city got to speak the same thing not not something the bible says in first corinthians 1 10. i beseech you by the name of our lord jesus christ by the lord's name that she all speaks what that we all speak the same thing all speak the same thing what that ye all speak the same thing amen they didn't have junior elders there if you're a junior elder now your junior elder title is just as good as a three dollar bill that's right [Music] [Applause] they didn't have no deaconess in there no women that were deacons and you got them in your church you ain't speaking the same thing no no no no no no no no no the bible doesn't say when jesus rose mary preached the first message and if that's what your bishop said he ain't speaking the same thing no clue where to go if your bishop said flesh and blood is in heaven and the word of god plainly says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god you ain't speaking the same thing that's right if your preacher said jesus is the second person in the godhead and the holy ghost is the third person of the godhead and god says there is no god with me there is no god before me and god says i don't know any god you ain't speaking the same thing that's right honor their pentecost whenever you see the holy ghost they speak with other tongues and the spirit as the spirit and spirit give utterance and yet you go to a church and when the preachers say speak you speak that's as the bishop give utterance not the spirit we ain't got the same thing that's right if you got a church and a bishop can tell you speak and you speak that's not the holy ghost that's right talk back to me amen give me the second chapter of the act of the apostles and then verse four says and they were all filled with the holy ghost it was all felt the holy ghost they began to do what and began to speak with others they began to do what and began to speak with other tongues how was it done as the spirit as what as the spirit as what as the spirit as bishop as the spirit as the pastor as the spirit as the elder as the spirit as your husband has the spirit and the spirit give up gave the mutterings amen you got a holy ghost and a bishop or a false prophet come in your church and run some divine that's right and said speak and you start that's the devil that's the devil that's faking that's right that's hypocrisy that's right the holy ghost is god that's right and no bishop can turn god on and turn god off amen no man amen got power over god that's right god that power over man that's right and they were all filled with the holy spirit [Applause] [Applause] if you go to any church hallelujah and your pastor or some false prophet running revival when i count to three holy ghosts going four one two everybody gets set that's right three yeah yeah yeah that's the devil that's right the holy ghost is god for you're baptized by one spirit that's right into one body that's right and that one spirit is god amen and they were all filled with the holy ghost you got a holy ghost you can't feel until you see your bishop that's right you ain't got the holy ghost that's right that's right your bishop don't have the power to operate your holy ghost that's right holy ghost is a gift that's right james said every good gift forgive me all right who y'all every person come down that's right from the father above from the father light of whom there is no verbals nor shadow of turning and they were all filled with the holy ghost holy ghost come from heaven that's right not from your pastor that's right not from your bishop not from your pastor amen so you can't kill the holy ghost until you get around your bishop you don't have it you don't have it you don't have it you ain't got nothing that's right go ahead man [Applause] and they were all filled with the holy ghost what kind of ghost is it the holy ghost holy ghost what kind of ghost is it the holy ghost holy ghost hallelujah from a holy god makes a holy church that's right makes a holy people that's right holy ghost from the holy god makes a hallelujah a holy church makes the holy people that's right they were all filled with the holy ghost it was all filled with the holy ghost with the holy ghost hallelujah i began to speak with anthony we're the spirit of god hallelujah speak through you it's not controlled by music it is not controlled by the choir it is not controlled by the bishop because it is the power of god that's right hallelujah hallelujah the problem with the church for him many of them didn't receive the real holy ghost you receive a organizational goal that's right a organizational ghost god do not break his word to do nothing god functions according to that book that's right how god gonna go opposite from the book amen and then tell you and i search the scriptures for in them yes thank you have eternal life that's right but then he gonna do something opposite from the book oh no no no no and they were oh like it's written here that's right if it ain't written i don't believe i don't believe it believe it i don't care how popular anybody bishop is that's right if that thing ain't according to him you're not gonna get me to believe it that's right i believe what's written what's your writing therefore have i spoken that's right and what is that in the book of romans 15 and verse 4 follow me in your bible for whatsoever parliament in your bible romans chapter 15 now we're at verse four we got we believe was written that's it therefore that's right have i spoken that's right i want you to follow me in your bible now everybody all right amen glory to god come on cleveland first in romans chapter 15 and verse 4 chapter and verse again romans chapter 15 and verse 4 chapter and verse again romans the 15th chapter and at the fourth verse solomon for whatsoever things were written before time what's everything we're written a full time well written for our learning it was written for what reason i was learning for a reason i was learning how can you learn it if somebody don't teach it that's right if nobody teach it then we are innocent victims and we can't do no more than what we know we may be sincere we may want to be right but we are innocent victims of charlatans the most dangerous place in the church is up here oh yes yes it is the most dangerous place that's right in a church that's right it's in the pulpit if somebody died with the wrong information that you gave them yes give me that book ezekiel chapter three and then we go back to where we were so much bible crowd in my mind here amen the most dead when these men tomorrow something oh i got the calling i got the call you got the calling to do what yes you have many false prophets many a call fewer chosen and you can tell they're not chosen because a man has not chosen to run in he run after everything that's right and any old trash he believed he's like a chameleon wherever he go he don't want to offend him because he want to give them those dollars so he go in and say amen to them go somewhere else say him into them i believe in old-fashioned holy sanctification that's right this old modern trash [Music] that came in the churches yes they're going to blast it back to hell amen [Applause] including the pulpits amen i don't care who's in them you can call yourself a preacher sitting out there that goes for you too i don't care if you preach on the corners of cleveland and we're gonna get ahold of you too do you hear what the word of god said in the book of ezekiel chapter three and we're at verse 20 most dangerous position and the whole building yeah is up here that's right what did he say in ezekiel chapter 3 and we're at verse 20. that's what again when a righteous man do a turn from his righteousness and a righteous man turn from his direction and commit iniquity and commit that which is wrong and i lay a stumbling block before him he shall die then what because thou hast not given him warrants who didn't give him he shall die in his sins he's going to die in his hands and his righteousness which he has done shall not righteousness shall not be remembered but his blood but who god gonna blame his blood will i require a thine hand that's why i have to tell you what's right you have to i don't care if you don't like me i don't like none of you i love all of you don't you like me pastor jennifer no i don't like none of you i love all of you that's right that's why i'm going to tell you the truth now you can go to your false church tomorrow if you like yeah and waste your time like glory to god i'm like well we're gonna come back and slap you over with bible that's right are you listening that's right the word of god says what because god has not given him warning he shall die in his sin think of it when the prophets and the apostle was walking earth yeah be well those men were warners that's right everywhere they went in the world they warned the people that's right you can almost count on one hand how many warners how many warners is in anybody church amen the only thing they warn you about is not giving enough money that's right that's it that's right outside of that you don't get no more warning son of man i have made you a watchman do you hear this in the book of ezekiel chapter three and at verse 17. man i've made the a watcher unto the house of israel to israel therefore hear the word and my man the word of god in my mouth and give them warnings get them what give them warnings no hire a so-called christian comedian to entertain the church and give them warning from me that's where the churches have gotten now that's right they hire a so-called christian comedian to tell christian jokes that's right then you go to churches that have sponsor cruz christian cruz and so-called holy sanctified women all out on the deck with a bikini that's right and then bishop come around that's why he wanted to pray for you then [Applause] bishop want to rub you down with some holy oil amen amen go ahead man bishop come walking through the deck and tell him [Music] and all them so-called christian women all laid hi bishop [Music] that's right you go to that garbage so long you don't see nothing wrong with it cause you don't mind bishop looking at your meat that's right you and bishop both gonna spend eternity in hell amen do you know what this is cleveland cleveland this is heaven or hell it ain't nothing else this that's all it is heaven or hell that's right that's that's the old-fashioned message that's right heaven or hell ain't nothing between no or repeated god i said nothing between that's right what did he say son of man i made me a watchman unto the house of israel i admitted wash me to israel therefore hear the word in my mouth and give them warnings from me again when a righteous man do return from his righteousness if a righteous man turns on his righteousness i commit iniquity and he sin and i lay a stumbling block before him he shall die and what because thou has not given him warning he shall die in his sin you mean to tell me a man living together where somebody's not his wife and you won't tell him because he's your brother that's right he's your cousin yeah that's what's going on in family churches that's right that's right if a sister in the church get pregnant now you and she come before the church and repent and you reprimand her then sit her down but yet your daughter get pregnant and you don't say nothing and you're a bishop amen you're a hypocrite that's right bible says if you have you to have a respected person commit sin sin you're gonna sit that sister down because she got pregnant sit your daughter down that's right because if you can't do it the bible tells the bishop if you can't roll his own house how can he take care of the house of god that's right [Applause] if you're gonna lay out a brother because he got a sister pregnant you sit that sister down and sit that brother down but then your own son didn't knock somebody up and god are pregnant i don't care if your son is an elder sit them down take them right out the poor people but if you have respect to persons the bible says in the book of james james chapter two and that verse nine if you have if you have respect to perfectism ye commit sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors amen did you hear this but if you have respect to god if you have favoritism he commits sin he commits sin and are convinced of the law you are convinced of the law as transgressions you are transgressive for whosoever shall keep the whole law yeah if a sister do something wrong openly and bishop rebuker openly fine but if your wife do something openly wrong and yet you say nothing he's a hypocrite that's right he commits sin you're gonna rebuke one of the mothers in the church openly because you do something openly good but if your kin folk your wife your grand mama i don't care who it is that's right do something wrong openly and then you like well i mean i i deal with hun later i deal with a hun no no no no no if that bible is good enough to reprimand mother charles for wrong and that bible better be good enough to reprimand your wife that's when she's wrong that's right that's right i don't believe in favoritism with nobody no you don't no you don't i mean nobody that's right am i right william aren't you right you guys me and williams knew each other almost all our life that's right he was a trinitarian i was a one guard man now we both are one god man but as close as he and i is i take his head off and serve it to generate to the world with the bible that's right nothing should be closer to you than god nothing amen all right let's finish up where we were we were in romans chapter 15 and at verse 4. really quick but whatsoever things were written unfortunately whatever then written a photo that's before i will learn that's why we got the scriptures here that's right written for our learning that we do pray to the coming of the scriptures might have hope might have who made it on now in second corinthians chapter four and verse thirteen i want uh what we speak by the spirit listen at this second corinthians chapter 4 and verse 13. all right we having the same spirit of faith wait a minute wait a minute i want y'all to hear this real good give chapter and verse and i want you to read it for yourself second corinthians chapter four and we're at verse 13. second corinthians the fourth chapter and the 13th verse listen at this good we having the same spirit of faith now if you got the same spirit of faith that means the god in you makes you believe what's written that's right there ain't that much holy ghost in a cat you got the holy ghost and you fight what's written you fight it i get thousands of letters stacks of mail from all around the world and most of my 99 of the ones that fight say they're christians i got more so-called church people fighting me than them that'll send us amen send us and say i appreciate you pastor jennings i'm not saved you know i don't go no church but when i do get right i'm coming where you are because you don't play you tell it like it is that's right most of the center he's mean oh can he say things a little bit nice he he tells the truth but oh my god why he got to say it like that all right let me ask you a question why you got to sit like that that's right why you got that act of food why you got the smoke why you got the drink why you got to fornicate like that why you got the divorce to remarry that's right why are you a man and got a switch like that amen go ahead you just like a spoiled child [Music] who parents let get away with anything and then when that spoiled child go to grandma and grandpop house the child know i'm in a different atmosphere now that's right i gotta wash my hands before i eat i can't i can't walk across the chairs with my shoes on that's right i can't hit back at grandma and grandpa i gotta say yes ma'am no ma'am yes sir no sir amen i can't step over them or interrupt them when they're talking to somebody i have to say excuse me ma'am that's right when you're young and now have no teaching you'll raise a child you'll tell billy sit down billy said no and then young mother said oh that's cute go to grandma's house billy sit down no no that's shhh once that thing hit billy she never have to tell billy sit down again all she got to do is look at the chair and billy go to it why he's now in an area where discipline is of a necessity this is why churches are like a garbage site from pulp pitch to the door discipline is gone what is discipline the rule book of law that's right if children lose respect for mother and father and there's no fear in that house to respect that house that house is chaos from top to bottom mothers this modern day parent let your daughter boyfriend spend the night under your roof let the girlfriend spend the night under your so-called christian house that's right you're a christian with jack daniels in your house cans of beer amen house parties can you imagine that smoking drinking that's right gambling cussing rap music blasting out your house that's right that's right you're a christian you're in christ ain't got nothing in common no we having the same spirit of faith do you have the same spirit of faith is your faith is your belief is the same of jesus that's right we having the same spirit of faith how according as it is written uh-oh uh-oh amen that's what got me backing so loud got me thundering the thing that's right because according to what according as it is written made up answer is richard i suppose as it is written the preacher's opinion as it is written theology as it is written philosophy as it is written amen you know many of the preachers got they named and then they got their title on their building doctor d.d yeah and they look at the stuff that been preaching in these churches we thought it was bible for years five minor prophets and five major the bible never said five minor five major nothing no john died 96 a.d in about an apollo boiling oil bob ain't never said that no 400 years of darkness fell upon the earth after the last prophet malachi died no such scripture exists that's right when isaiah said unto us a child is born a son is given the government shall be upon the show with his name shall be called wonderful counsel the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace of the increase of his government appears there shall be no end preacher says seven hundred and twelve years later jesus came the bible ain't never said that no paul dotted nero shopping block the way paul died is not in there peter was crucified head down and feet up and said i wasn't ready to be crucified like my lord no such crucifixion have ever been recorded in the book that's right book of acts of the apostles when they ordained seven the preacher's been saying for a year that was the first seven deacons in the church that's a lie the bible didn't say they were deacons no it ain't never been in the bible and you jumped and shout and huck a buck and did the split did the split moon walk fell out you know why and most churches you ain't allowed to ask your bishop no questions that's right and wherein the bishop should not mind you questioning him if a man don't want you questioning what he's preached don't you give another dime in that church not a dime do you hear this we having this verse again second corinthians chapter 4 and verse 13. i'm on williams we having the same spirit of faith not a different spirit same spirit our faith our beliefs supposed to be the same so they were holy what are you um we having the same spirit of faith our spirit supposed to give us the same belief that's right that's right i believe in holiness the bible said a highway shall be there and away it didn't say and ways w-a-y-s and away away then the word of god told us what it shall be called and it shall be called the way of holiness one way one way glory to god one set up one gospel that's right we're having the same spirit same spirit of belief according as it is written according to resurrected i believe wait a minute i want you to look at how it's broken down first we have the same spirit of belief and now it tells us where our belief come from according as it is written now we get our belief from what's written and i believe now we believe what's written and as a result of us believing what is written what's next we do and therefore have i spoken then you can preach right that's right that's right you believe it wonderful you go by what's written then you talk believe it that's right go to what's written then talk that's right [Music] that's the order that's the order believe it [Music] go to what's written then talk we having the same spirit of faith we got the same the same spirit of faith even jesus referred to what's written that's right he died and came on back and said thus it is written it doesn't behoove quite to suffer the rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sin shall be preaching his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem and he told them you are my witnesses of these these things and behold that's right i send the promise of my father on your way to the city of jerusalem until you being due with power from on high then return they to jerusalem from the mount that is called alabama and they receive the baptism of the holy ghost that's right you got to believe what's written that's it a lot of this stuff that we've been hooping and hollering and jumping around about ain't never been written no never never been written so we become victims of hand-me-down teaching what do you mean bishop got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop who got it from his bishop that's right hand it down from one to the other one it to the other one pitching to the other so then the next young generation of young men become students of hand-me-down teaching that's right and now that next group of young men go out train and learn the same junk and that's why that stuff been in the earth for so many years because each generation each generation come been learning the same old mess that's right god's word is here to break the vicious cycle that's right i'm going back to what's directed what's written i don't investigate it you know i'm a man who loves history i study history not to learn the truth i study history for information i can't fight a religion unless i know the history of it amen that way when men come to debate me i can talk they talk of them beat them up with the bible that's right when you come to me bishop's also said that's fine now i'm gonna bring you what jesus said yeah and i'm gonna ask you who are you gonna take jesus or bishop that's right when you take bishop over jesus you and bishop going to hell oh yeah i don't care if the bishop is your daddy your slap happy grandpappy they detoured from the word of god you and bishop both gonna be dropped in hell we having the same spirit of faith glory to god cleveland cleveland amen do you have the same spirit sins is your belief according to this that's right if your belief is according to this why did you bow your head and raise your hand and claim you accept christ as your personal savior and that you say your belief is according to this why do you go to some catholic church and let a priest who can't keep his hand off the off the boy throw water on you that's right you say you're faithful according to this how is it you got baptized father son the holy ghost and jesus said do it in the name of the father son the holy ghost and you can't do it in the name unless you know the name that's right and when you know the name you can call the name of the father son the holy ghost which is jesus and he's the christ that's right that's right you got the same spirit of faith how was it you touched some television and preacher said tell the lord to come into your heart lord jesus come into my heart i'm a sinner wash me clean and then the preacher said you saved my friend 20 a week that's right you got a cheap religion is that you do you hear the word of god talking we having the same spirit you got the same spirit of faith then your salvation got to be in here that's right i want everybody to hear me and understand and know the truth that ain't nobody been saved since the earth been here unless you obey what the word of god says that's right jesus come along and told his apostles and sent them to jerusalem thank god where the word of god was preached on the day of pentecost the apostles stood up with the eleven and it was written then peter said unto them acts 2 38 says what then peter said unto them repent all right cleveland cleveland all of you that bow your head and raise your hands you ain't never been saved come on i'm not going to tell you i'm sorry i i'm sorry to tell you this i'm not sorry i'm mean to tell you that's right you've been bamboozled you've been hoodwig your pastor lied to you thought you were saved didn't you amen when someone got your head down the hand up don't you know you're being robbed amen picker said bow your head raise your hand he got a lie on your back that's right that's right you got to lie on your back you thought you were saved no you ain't saying no you're not you're still a sinner you may be sincere but you're still the center why pastor jenny did jesus ever tell you about your head and raise your hand no put your hands down and raise your head up that's right well pastor i confess in my mouth to the lord jesus that he wrote from the dead and the bible said i am saved bible did not say that no give me the book wrong i love the detailed teaching that's right i show you what you overlook romans chapter 10 verses 9 that's what your bishop said as you confess with your mouth the lord jesus that he rose from the dead you are saved liar he didn't say that no no no listen closely at what it says romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10. what is it that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth you would admit acknowledge the lord jesus and shall believe in this heart god raise them from the dead thou shalt not oh you shall be he didn't say you are that's right when they say you shall be that means you got more to do that's right someone said well what more is it to do other than believe give me the book of mine and verse 16. he's not believing he don't believe i had this baptism hallelujah hallelujah believe believing is not enough that's right that god the word of god speak plain he that believeth he that i believe it and this baptism shall be saved these greeks that says baptism of the outward sign and end with grace that's told by an outward devil that's right come tell me that i make you lick that lie out that's right if you got a preacher that's not baptized in the name of jesus christ you got a center for a bishop a centerfold pastor yeah well i was told that water don't save nobody give me the first peter chapter 3 verses 20 and 21. i want to knock all the lies out of cleveland park that's right knock all the lies out of cleveland park amen i want you to look at the way you claim your save tonight and see is it in here that's it come on john follow me first peter chapter 3 verses 20 and 21. why doesn't it but sometimes we're disobedient sometimes with this one this is for those who was taught water down save nobody all right let's make a liar out of them first peter chapter 3 verses twenty and twenty my way but sometimes we're disobedient sometime was hard hit once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah well right while the archways are preparing we're in few that is eight souls we're saved by water how do baptism work for us the light figure we're under the light figure just like they were saved by water and noah's day then the light figure where unto what the baptism do even baptism doeth also now save us bishop said water don't save nobody even baptism do with also now save us no bishop said water don't save nobody you ain't got to be baptized with that i was honoring it with grace even baptism do with also now save us your bishop is a liar go back and tell your bishop hey bishop hello bishop you said well don't say nobody yeah liar hang [Applause] it's written i believe what's written that's it that's it that's it i believe that's right what's written written amen hallelujah they gonna believe what's written what you carrying the bible for what you reading the bible for why you got it on the dashboard of your car why you gotta decorate your old rotten coffee table in your house amen why your bishop got it on the podium you don't believe it tell them to give it to us to this shop so a believer that they can't afford one can get it and follow it that's right yeah hypocrite the light figure we're on too you're pentecostal hypocrite you're apostolic heathen you're a christian faker preacher man that's what you are that's right who everything in cleveland that don't believe the word of god you're a heathen hypocrite and you're ought to go to hell that's right creature are you listening to the old troublemaker the light for your wear one too the light figure will undo even better also now bishop said it don't do it even baptism doeth also now save us when does it save us now when now what do cleveland got to do it even baptism does also now when new cleveland got to get baptized now amen action 38 chance then peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized how much of ohio every one of you how in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the lord i don't care if you're a preacher a deacon or so-called you ain't no preacher you ain't baptized name of jesus christ that's right i know where you are preaching you ain't baptizing them and you just christ you walk around stealing your sins trying to save somebody and you ain't saved yourself that's right amen man if you don't know no better but you gotta recycle bum for a preacher yeah it's time for him to retire now that's right and come on and do like the bible says cliff how many here want to go to hell want to go to hell raise your hand nobody want to go no taking space no tables no tables anybody want to be right and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet tonight if you want it want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ that on your feet if you want it stand on your feet if you want it all of you that are standing go right to the back all of you that are standing go right to the back all of you you ain't baptized in the name of jesus christ you're not saved never had been saved at all everything in cleveland got to go down in water in the name of jesus christ that's right will you see this message do you see it oh i said god i just i told you this is what god do all the time all the time all the time cleveland got to repent repent repent repent repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus all right now let me get you that say you are baptized in jesus name all right let's get you see are you baptized right because it ain't nobody in the bible been baptized in jesus name no you got more than one jesus in the bible someone said well that's the way peter baptized let's see how peter baptized and then let's see how paul baptized real quick acts 2 and verse 38 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ he didn't say jesus name no that's more than one jesus in the bible that's right peter said jesus christ and paul said lord jesus lord jesus why you got more than one jesus in the bible for years the apostolic said there's two jesus in the bible no it's not it's more than that you've got an old testament you've got joshua there are no jays in the hebrew language so if you pronounce his name correctly it's yahushua the english translation of yahshua is jesus you got the name esau which is the brother to jacob in arabic esau is isa but if you translate isa in english that name is jesus in the new testament you got a fellow labor with paul which called jesus justice you got a false prophet in the book of acts by the name of bar jesus so if you just baptized in jesus name that's not good enough you've got to have jesus christ or the word lord jesus that separate from all other jesus that's right so now that's right how were you baptized how were you baptized were you baptized simply in jesus name or do you have jesus christ or are you so messed up you don't even know because when you stand before god you better not be guessing that's right the bible said we have a more sure word of prophecy i thought the church i came from baptized in jesus name maybe that is what they do jesus name yeah but which jesus you got what's jesus you got that's right that's real glory to god amen give me uh colossians 3 17 so i can knock off elijah's chapter 3 and verse 17 that's what and whatsoever you do in word i want to make you think deeper than you ever thought before yeah whatever you do in word or deed do i do all in the name of the lord jesus no do all in jesus name you all in the name of the lord jesus no just jesus name in the name of the lord jesus you got title and name that's right peter used title and name that's right jesus is the name christ is the title that's right jesus is the name lord is the title christ means that jesus was the lord's anointed that's right lord means that jesus is over all that's right he's highly exalted that's right but what you just said jesus name what jesus did you get yeah you got issa you got joshua moses minister i mean you got bar jesus that's right maybe you got jesus justice anybody here want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet and start marching i'm marching that's right you got to be certain about what you have uh one scripture says this we have a more sure word of prophecy i'm glad now that we got a gospel that's given to us of god oh yes that everywhere we have gone and go no matter what city what state what village what town what country god dig them up and bring them in by the number that's right everywhere never in no time do god leave a short change cleveland take advantage of this time now take advantage of it that's right the lord is coming amen i say the lord our god is coming viewers do you see the souls coming amen i had someone write me somebody always write me and say do you know uh they have preachers on the internet yelling about you i don't pay them no mind amen what you do is see how many followers they have and how much work they doing yeah a lot of them are hollering sitting on the toilet sitting behind a car sitting on the table and that they ain't no souls or nothing we are interested in souls that's right every city we go and god give us souls that's right amen so you examine yourself now and see what you have if you don't go down tonight come on back tomorrow don't you go to your church tomorrow you might as well come on that's right come on and be here hear the word of god at 11 o'clock come on back thank god for your time let us all stand brother minister williams will close us out in prayer father god will you come to once again in the name of jesus christ we want to thank you and praise you again for the word of the lord that was preached and taught in our hearing on this evening we thank you father god for the souls that want to go down in water in the name of jesus christ father god we thank you father god now bless us not only to be hear us but bless us to be doers of thine word also remember the man of god tonight lord god strengthen him continue to bless him and protect him and keeping by your spirit bless us now father god as we go back to our separate destinations that no hurt harm of danger would fall upon us we do pray and ask all these things in the name of jesus christ amen [Applause] you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 91,098
Rating: 4.8932629 out of 5
Id: kim21jzhj70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 33sec (6333 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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