First Church Truth of God Broadcast September 19th, 2021 Sunday AM Live Stream Head Quarters

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do anyway follow the religion of their choice or the belief of their choice but when you choose god in fact i believe the scripture says choose ye this day whom you go and serve if god be god serve him if baal or the devil be god you serve him and we that have chose to serve god we all can bear witness it's the best decision we have ever made amen now as always i want to greet my beloved brothers and sisters around the world throughout america canada and to the first churches of our lord jesus christ throughout europe to the new congregation in birmingham england and to all of you throughout the netherlands and germany and uh you guys come to walk with the truth throughout the united united arab emirates and uh throughout the continent of africa and throughout the indian ocean the caribbean as the work continued to swell the new work there in ireland and we get ready to start also in scotland god be our helper now i greet my brothers and sisters that are watching in dallas texas i was supposed to be in dallas this weekend but as brother minister dan mentioned we had to bury our dead and i know some desire for us to be in dallas but an intelligent wise person will be understanding that pastor jennings is not omnipresent in other words i can't be everywhere but i'm grateful that god have given me helpers thank god amen in fact i believe that's one of the things that god placed in the church let's read that quickly in ephesians 4 11 4 11 because i just can't be everywhere everybody call in writing some people write in and ask me uh people are writing now let us we got churches throughout india over 50 in south indian over 100 in the east india they're still writing me when are you coming to india i can't get in until your government opened the doors there are many places that the doors are open and i still can't get there in time so let me show you what god put in his church in first corinthians or rather ephesians 4 11. in ephesians chapter 4 and verse 11. all right and he gave some apostles and some prophets and and some evangelists and some pastors what else and teachers ages for the perfecting of the saints or the perfecting of the saints for the work of the minister of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ first corinthians 12 28 and god has said so out of that that's right first corinthians 12 and verse 28 god have said summon the church first apostles secondarily prophets what's next certainly teachers and after that miracle and then gifts of healing and help that's what we have help us helps that's why you have elders and evangelists and ministers and pastors brothers that we can send so we sent uh evangelist taj to dallas texas in our place and like i say to the ministers you know all they have to do is stick to the message of holiness people they already hear the message in every meeting that take place whether i'm there or not they come ready to go down in water 56 went down last night in dallas in the name of jesus christ well that's a blessing i got a text i got a text from uh brother minister santana we sent him to phoenix arizona and i believe yesterday 40 went down in the name of jesus christ so as you can see brothers and sisters this is if i use the term the gathering this is the roundup god is rounding those up that want to be right with him many can get mad and get upset and don't like it but they have to bear witness that's right nowhere in america or the world can you hear of uh something like this taking place on this magnitude on such a large scale where hundreds that have now turned into thousands are going down in water in the name of jesus christ and receiving the baptism of the holy ghost they don't like it but they can't find where it's being done anywhere well this is the lord's daughter life don't slow it down and not even death death don't stop the momentum of god's divine word being preached so we are grateful now i want to say to uh minister pastor lionel and upstate new york in middletown new york we have a new church in middletown new york and uh i want to say to all the brothers and sisters there we're going to move the dedication of the new middletown new york dedication service to next year god willing our schedule's just too tight and it's only about what three more months left in this year and we just don't have the time uh so middletown new york pastor liner we hope to see all of the brothers and sisters in fact the whole congregation there 99.9 of the congregation is all hispanic and we thank god for that amen this gospel is far-reaching so to all the first church of the lord jesus christ followers throughout middletown new york and surrounding areas god willing we look to dedicate that temple there spring of 20 22. god be our helper down to all the bahama islands all 700 islands god willing we'll be starting a new telecast covering the entire bahama islands all 700 of the bahama islands our headquarters church of the bahama islands is in nassau bahamas you go to our website and get the address bishop ferguson is the overseer of the bahama island area we're located in nassau also in freeport and other locations be watching for the telecast and look out for the announcement god be our helper over station z in s z as in zebra n as in nancy s as in satan amen i just want to give you that part because he fills the bahama islands cns tv our time god willing will be prime time god willing it'll be on a sunday mornings seven to eight before you go to your false church they hear your false prophet in the bahama islands i want to catch you before you go that way when you get dressed you change your mind and pull your dress off for your pants off or keep getting dressed and just go to the first church of the lord jesus christ of the bahamas you keep listening out now we'll give you the date we'll give you the time as well also as a reminder uh in birmingham alabama wtve on channel 51 also channel 25 sunday evenings from 10 to 11. now the channel the channel number changes depending upon your cable provider but wtve on channel 51 and channel 25 that's on sunday evenings from 10 to 11 p.m now to all of my mobile alabama watches to all my brothers and sisters friends and enemies you're welcome to visit and be in mobile alabama this sunday coming for the dedication service of the new mobile temple amen it is the only holiness church in the city of mobile someone say you lying well think what you want it is the only holiness church and the city of mobile everything else they claim to be holiness either got women preachers or allow you to divorce and remarry believe in three gods believe in two gods justify homosexuality the preacher believe in divorce or god a second wife or he's a multiple baby maker you insult me and tell me that's holiness holiness believe god is one holiness believe god have no associates holiness believe god have absolutely no partners holiness believe there is no flesh and blood in heaven holiness believe that god is the only one that sits on the throne holiness believe that god is father and the father manifests himself in a son and the father is the holy ghost holiness believe that there's only one water baptism in the name of jesus christ holiness believe in the doctrine of plural baptisms you better certify that because i just lost somebody that's right i just lost somebody holiness believed in the doctrine of plural baptism hebrews chapter six and we'll start at verse one and then give me john 3 5 and john 3 7. yes all right listen and follow me and hear me hebrews chapter 6 and at verse 1. all right therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of christ even the introduction of the doctrine of righteousness go on unto prophets let's go on to be completing him not lying against the father the foundation of the repentance of that word and of faith towards god towards god but what of the doctrine of baptisms spell that b-a-p-t-i-s-m-s someone said pastor jennings i thought you preach is one baptism give me figures four five in ephesians chapter four and verse five that's what one lord one lord one faith one baptism but then paul said to the hebrew church what of the doctrine of baptism now what is it singular plural already god it's both singular is one water baptism in the name of jesus christ plural is two baptisms that make one new birth that's right let me show you that in john 3 5. saint john chapter 3 and verse 5. that's what and very very hard to say to you except a man born of water he born of water that's water baptism and of the spirit that's spirit baptism he cannot enter into the kingdom of god john said one come after me he gonna baptize you that's right but the holy ghost in that with fire so that's the doctrine of baptism comes amen when you repent of your sins and you're baptized in the name of jesus christ after that you must have the baptism of the holy ghost that's right just like your whole body got to go in the liquid grave god will take over your whole body by the spirit that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's the doctrine of baptism all right now i want to thank uh all the hundreds in fact several thousands of condolences that came in and continued to come in internationally on behalf of my mother mother jennings and the jennings family and also the sutton family my in-laws we thank you for your condolences and cars and whatnot amen just remember the family in prayer and you that was able to be at the burial yesterday we thank you for your support and even you know there's nothing joyful naturally about burying the dead but one thing i do say bring people that you've never seen and you know i i there was a brother and a sister there that were literally like blood brothers and brothers blood sister to us uh randy and karen thomas the thomas family that lived down the street from us and the lewis family that lived directly across the street from us all of us was like literally one big blood family and randy thomas was my childhood best friend and his sister karen thomas was my deceased sister pixie best friend and i was really really really glad to see randy and i was really glad to see my sister karen and i hope uh you please ask your mother mother thomas that we asked about and we do hope to see you soon here in philadelphia at the headquarters church and to all the brothers and sisters that have consent their condolences we thank you much uh just remember the family in prayer because as we said yesterday to all them that was there we'll be back be back where to the cemetery again why god ain't done it god is not done and i want to say to all my relatives and family members that left the burial site and some of you went back sucking your cigarettes and dranking your beer and getting your whiskey and sitting around eating chicken and potato salad and some of you went and got high to high and smoke your sorrows away and drink your sorrows away if you die like that and i mark you to the cemetery you going to hell that's right i don't care if you are family i'm telling you and everybody else in the world god message of holiness is in the earth for one thing oh it's a god and that is to correct man that's right amen i know you feel sorry at the loss of your cousin and at the loss of your sister but she was baptized in the name of jesus christ and i had the holy ghost speaking in tongues and was following the truth what are you doing amen i'm not a relative preacher i'm a godsend preacher that's right and i know there were some of you that after you left the gravesite went away sorrowing crying that's natural do you know there's a false prophet i don't know him wrote me emailed me and he said i saw the webcast when you start crying after the death of your sister he said you know if you was a man of god you would never have cried can you imagine that give me the shortest verse from genesis to revelation and uh you know i got bible for just everything i just got bible for everything 11 chapter the book of saying uh lazarus died didn't he do so saint john chapter 11 and verse 13. he actually called me a false prophet because i cried while i was you know they really hates pastor genus yes they do uh i want the shortest verse shortest verse in the bible saint john chapter 11 and verse 35 hey lord jesus wept leave me alone then that's right amen that's right now when you weep while you're laughing or you're crying if you don't have no one to cry over that's your boring uninteresting life that's right if you don't never love someone enough to weep for them that's you that's right but i come from a very loving family an extremely loving family and we are close amen so to cry as a result of god taking my sister that's natural i have weep when people died in the body of christ in the book of first samuel chapter 25 and verse one give chapter and verse again first samuel chapter 25 and at verse one that's what and samuel died you know that imagine saying you're of the devil if you cry when someone died that's trying to be too holy that's right in fact that's not even being holy that's just being stupid that's right that's true listen at this first samuel 25 and then verse one that's what and samuel died samuel died and all this you know it's a shame that i even got to go to bible version for this that's true that is a shame pastor but it shows you the ignorance that is in people that's being overzealous that's right so much anointing you don't weep jesus christ was god yes manifest in the flesh that's right listen at this and samuel daniel died and all the israelites were gathered together all the old testament church came together and lamented him lamented him they cried and buried him in his house at raymond buried him in his house at rhema that's why even the book of lamentations that's right that's what you mean that let you know when the prophet was writing he was weeping that's right crying until i believe the prophet jeremiah said oh my head was watered and my eyes are fountain of tears that's right weeping day and night for the slain lord the god of the daughter of my people and in the book of joshua chapter three says what and we're at verse 15. what did he say and in that place all the sun please all the sons of men made a great morning made a great morning and weeping weeping on account of adam on the account of the first man adam it has therefore become accustomed listen he has become accustomed among the sons of men people of the earth to this day and adam died weeping crying is accustomed it's right that's right among the sons of men unto this day to right now that's right amen so yeah i'm not so anointed and uh not above shedding tears amen so i'm glad that uh that there's love in my heart enough that i'm not hard-hearted or so much or think that it's not manly to cry that's the height of hedonism that's right all right and whether one member suffer listen in the book of first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 22 by the one member suffering all the members suffer with it if you really was a preacher and representing god and was my so-called brother you would have weeped along with us that's right i believe one scripture says rejoice that's right with them that rejoice mourn with them that morn the bible talks about that that's right lord say god all right let's go to work in the book of scriptures now second kings first chapter if i'm correct let me brief you begin at verse one second kings chapter one and that verse one i want to talk about over seriousness yeah for leadership being over zelious to lead you know when you're overzealous to leave you make false claims and you don't wait for leader to die right you want to get your name out there before the leader dies so you try to impress try to entice i'm not just talking about leadership as far as preaching any area of leadership when someone is gunning for your position i don't care if you're a supervisor if you are mayor governor politician king queen priest minister pastor shepherd if you are in a position and do it well and people honor you thank god for you respect you somewhere in the midst of your surrounding they're going to be a wolf who's not going to like the way people respect you honor you reveal you they're not going to like it somewhere somehow they may try to get close to you to maneuver you out of position or they'll form a click at the job or in church you're going to be a choir director or leader of the band or the orchestra and you do it so well your well-doing won't set too well with everybody what motivates one to destroy the other someone say hey before you reach hate jealousy is the spring broad to hate are you listening to the old man everybody can do the same work everybody don't have the same skill there's some can do that skill better than another that's right to better understand it look at the intelligence the wisdom and the infallible understanding of god at night you look in the heavens you see the stars every star according to what the apostle preaching the 15th chapter first corinthians differ differ in glory glory you have the glory of the moon there is one glory of the sun listen first corinthians 15 and verse 41. i want everybody to get this yet the moon the sun the stars and the planets all of them have the same creature but different function but they still are all part of the same solar system that's right have a capacity to function in the manner that god ordained for them to function that's right i want you to get this first corinthians 15 and verse 41 follow me there is one glory of the son there's one glory one appearance one function of the sun of the sun and another glory of the moon now hold it the sun is called greater light the moon is called lesser light in the book of revelation the apostle john the son of seventy the brother of james declared i saw a woman clothed with the son listen at this revelation chapter 12 and verse one and they appeared a great one they have appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed great i want to let you know it wasn't ordinary but it was extraordinary because this event wasn't a common event that's right i want to take it apart and break it down and show you the variations of the function of god and then i want the eighth chapter book of first corinthians uh that that broadens this yes and revelation 12 and verse one all right and they appeared a great wonder in heaven they appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun not that the woman was actually in heaven yes that's right not that the actual woman was in heaven there ain't no woman up there no that one said the bible said there was a great wonder in heaven that was a vision seen in heaven that's right the woman herself was not in heaven because the woman doesn't represent one singular female that's right the woman represent a nation how's that pastor genius when it says woman before you have a nation you got to have a woman yeah i don't believe that pastor jonas give me bible all right the bible says that eve is the mother of all living living but all the nations come from a woman that's right now i want to show you the effect of the sun the woman the moon and the stars and how it was all in different places right showing that they played a different role to the woman or the nation that's right listen and they appeared a great wonder in heaven it was a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun wait a minute she was dressed up that's right glow with the sun the light of the sun she was totally engulfed by the power or the brightness of the sun that's right focus on the language of the bible and you will see the difference in effect and position the woman was what a woman clothed with the sun oh with this time and where was the moon located and the moon under her feet the moon was not in the same place that the sun was that's right nor did it have the same effect that's true that the sun did that's right she was close with the sun she was engulfed with greater light but the moon was under her feet now hold it glory to god are you getting this yes the moon represent the ending of a day that's right the ending of a time the closure of the period and yet moon and sun affect this one woman this one nation that's right where you have the moon you have a shadow that's right and the apostle paul was in the hebrew church for the law and said what in hebrews 10 and verse 1 for the lord having a shadow having a shadow of good things to come hold it during the time of israel that was the time of the moon that's right what do you mean lester light was during the time of moses law that's right lesser light until the bible says back then that the way into the holiness of all was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle yet stood for the apostle paul said to the hebrew church what for the law having a shadow the law having a shadow good things to come in order to see the good thing you got to have greater light that's right are you listening that's right the law having a shadow of good things that come and not the very image of the thing not the very image of the thing and never with those sacrifices sacrificed if they offered by you yeah i yeah continually continually make the comments they run to perfect so as long as the moon was under the feet as long as the law of moses stood that's right that could not reach the people that's right through perfection that's right it can point you to christ but it couldn't save you by the law itself the law of the school master that's right pointing you there it directs you there it pointed you towards the greater light that's right but here come jesus you better go back 12th chapter and they appeared a great wonder in heaven jesus come bringing a greater light greater knowledge greater wisdom greater understanding greater authority greater power than moses that's right jesus that's not what i'm about to say was the new testament moses given the book of acts of the apostles and giving the old testament what pop what moses testified about the prophet that would come in the book of acts chapter three and verse twenty i said jesus glory god was the new testament moses that's right and moses said he would be in the book of acts chapter three and verse twenty that's what for moses truly said unto the prophet who said it for moses truly said unto the father and what did moses have a prophet a prophet shall the lord raise up god unto you of your brother or from your brother like unto me he gonna be like who like unto me he gonna be like who like unto me and when he come what you got to do him shall you hear in all things and what whatsoever he shall say unto you that's what i mean how he was a new testament moses he was like moses and better than moses that's right and superior to moses and higher than moses that's right and greater than moses in deuteronomy chapter 18 and verse 15 and what the lord thy god will raise up unto me a prophet you see moses represent the moon under the feet of the woman that's right jesus represent the woman being clothed with the sun that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right israel can only be led to natural canaan that's right jesus can come lead you to eternal canaan new jerusalem that's right cain and hill on earth was a city built by man but here you have a city not made with hands eternal glory to god in the heavens until john said i saw a new jerusalem come down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride a dog for her husband are you getting what i'm dealing with deuteronomy 18 and verse 15. that's what the lord thy god will raise up unto me a prophet from the midst of thee love thy brother allah and brethren like unto me look at moses say he gonna be like me unto him ye shall hearken now what did moses and jesus had in common that's right according to all that thou desirest what of the lord thy god and hurry up in the day of the assembly yes saying let me hear again the voice of the lord thy god now let's see what moses said jesus had in common and get this viewers in you that are here when moses was born proclamation was sent out during the time of pharaoh to kill all the male children because there was a rumor going all through egypt that there's going to be a deliberation and that threatened the authority the kingship the position of pharaoh so what the pharaoh do send out a proclamation to kill what all the male jews and pharaoh charge all his people charge all his people saying every son that is born give chaplain verse quickly in exodus chapter one and verse and then let's balance it out with the book of luke and pharaoh church all its people i want to show you what jesus and moses had in common real quick exodus 1 and verse 22. and pharaoh charged all his people yes saying every son that is born every son you know that's really hatred yeah yeah and that's really a sign of being insecure that's right you're going you don't even want to give children a chance to be born just to secure your place of authority your place of position so if you feel as though something is even coming from the womb to threatening your authority you want to kill it before it even get here and that's the way the devil is god can predestinate the arrival of a servant and if that woman is carrying that servant the devil will talk to the mind of that woman kill yourself or abort the baby because the devil see something is formed in the womb of this woman that's going to threaten his kingdom purity that's right what did he say and pharaoh charge all its people real quick saying every son that is born you shall cast ye shall cast into the river catch them to the river and every daughter you shall save alive and what now in the book of saints matthew chapter 2 and at verse 16. so here's pharaoh sent out a proclamation kill all the male children and there was an egyptian woman who was the son or rather the daughter of pharaoh moses mother come along moses was born or when the child was born she made a basket picture within and without to make it water-resistant and feral daughter found it and named it moses moses the interpretation of the name moses meant i brought you out of the water and uh so she raised them up under the egyptians so when he was raised under the egyptians he also learned the custom the belief the doctrine the ideology the philosophy whatever theories that the egyptians had he left them but the hand of god glory that god was with moses even when he had no knowledge of self-identity that's right now let's see how jesus was like moses now the book i'm saying matthew chapter 2 and that verse 16. birth at birth it was so good even at birth amen and when and if i forgot the chapter but i believe it's in the book of joshua that talk about when moses was born right amen i i i have to show you the effect how when moses was born what was seen that's right and then i want to get i believe the book of luke when the shepherds was in the field what did they see that's right who would take god when jesus was born that's right and you know it's amazing how god take the stars and the moon and the sun and tie it together and make heaven react when a servant was born that's right i want to show you that father in the book of joshua when abraham was born now in joshua chapter 68 god listen at this joshua chapter 68 and that verse 4. really quick at the end of seven months from her conception she brought forth the sun yes and the whole house the whole house was filled with great light look at here the whole house the whole house was filled with buildings great light as of the light of the sun and moon at the time of their shine do you hear this in the book of joshua at the time of moses birth that's right it says what and at the end of seven months from her conception she brought forth the sun and the whole house the whole house was filled with great light filled with great light over to god glory to god hallelujah with great light as of as the sun as the light of the sun and moon and moon at the time of their shine at the time of this shining it was as the sun the light of the sun and the light of the moon that's right and when the woman saw the child then it was good what happened and pleasing to to the site yeah she hid for it she hid it for three months she hit it for three months in an inner room in the room all right now let's see what happened when jesus was born down the book of satan and the angel come that's right after the proclamation was sent out let's kill some more boys some more male children yeah all right now in the book of saint luke chapter two quickly now i'm gonna start in verse nine listen and lo the angel of the lord came upon them and that you know god of the protector and the glory of the lord shone round up i say god is a protector that's right that's right oh it's a god he says what and lord the angel of the lord came upon them the angel of god came upon them and the glory of the lord of glory the light of god shone round about round about and they were so afraid they were scared and the angels said unto them fear not what for behold i bring you good tidings of grace hallelujah good tidings of great jobs shall be to all people what happened unto you his body unto you in this day in the city of the name of the savior which is christ the lord which is christ the lord and this shall be a sign unto you what would be the sign you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger and and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising god and saying glory to god in the highest and what and on earth peace good will toward me yes and it came to pass at the end of the proclamation that herod sent out now in the book of mormon jesus was born in the book of saint matthew just like pharaoh did moses herod come along and did jesus the same way that's right and just like moses will end up being raised up in egypt look at what the angel said here amen to joseph all right in the book of saint matthew chapter two we'll start at verse 16. come on john then herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men yeah it was exceeding wrath and sent forth and through all the children that were in bethlehem you know that's really some hate and that's the way men are today we're people off day when they hate the fact that you in position or if they see something coming up thank god that may be uh of god or even not of god just maybe more smarter than they are or uh or people just gravitate to them more than you my god look out oh god amen if they gotta spread alive to have you dethroned they will that's right if they gotta start a rumor to have you taken down their will in other words they will never have peace that's right they will never have satisfaction until they see your being your existence thank god come to an end that's right all right then herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men and was exceeding wrath and sent forth since through all the children that were in bethlehem yes and in all the coast thereof and from two years old and under according to the time which he had digital diligently inquired of the wilderness and then was fulfilled that which was spoken by jeremy the pen was fulfilled it was spoken by jeremiah the prophet in rhema was there a voice heard and then while imitation and weeping and great mourning rachel weeping for our children and would not be comforted yes because they are not but when herod was dead and when herod was dead the holy angel of the lord appeareth in a dream to joseph in jesus and what did he say rise and get up and take the young child and his mother the young young child and its mother go into the land of israel to the land of egypt israel for they are dead which shot the young child's life and what now at verse 12 says what still in matthew 2 and verse 12 and being warned of god in a dream he was warned you know god have a way of warning you that's right thank god he can warn you any way he chooses that's right he can send somebody he could bring a vision with your eyes open or he could bring a vision of the night when deep sleep fall upon men in other words bringing in the dream that's right and being warned of god in a dream and what that they should not return to herod what happened they departed into their own country another way and when they were departed behold the angel of the lord appeared to joseph in a dream yes saying arise and take the young children child and his mother and flee into evil go to egypt and be thou there until i bring the word and then what for herod will seek the young child to destroy him real quick when he arose he took the young child and his mother by night for one reason and departed into egypt and there was there on and was there until the death of herod yes that it might be fulfilled that is the light of the lord be fulfilled which was spoken of the lord by the promised lord by the prophet saying out of egypt out of egypt have i called my son come on out of egypt out of egypt have i called my son have i called my son so as you can see brothers and sisters god raised up moses moses stood between god and israel at that time according to deuteronomy 5 and 5. the spirit of god raised up that body of flesh and blood the body of flesh and blood was called sun lamb sacrifice and that was the mediator between the human family and the eternal spirit so god was going to take a nation natural israel where you're circumcised according to the flesh and now circumcise it according to the spirit and when it be circumcised according to the spirit it will be clothed with the sun that's right the moon under the feet of the woman or the moon under the feet of israel let you know that god was bringing the old sacrifices the old performances the old things that they rendered under the old covenant bring it to an end being clothed with the sun god gonna give you a higher knowledge a better understanding in other words he's going to make the latter house better or greater than the former house the former house will have lesser light but the latter house will have greater light because it will clothe this the woman it will clothe israel but where is that god it will dress up the whole nation that's right now look at the position of the stars and the 12th chapter book of revelation back in revelation 12 and verse 1. that's what and upon her upon her head a crown of 12 stars did you hear this twelve stars represent twelve tribes twelve tribes where the twelve sons of jacob from each son came a tribe from one of those tribes here come jesus jesus coming out the tribe of judah that's right thank god unto the bible said that it is quite evident that our lord spring out of judah spring out of judah judah all right let's go back to the book of kings now real quick back in first kings chapter one and the second king chapter ones second kings come on son read fast begin at verse one second kings chapter one and we'll start reading at verse one real quick now then moab rebelled against israel after the death of ahab yes and ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in samaria and was sick yes and he sent messengers and said unto them go inquire of bells above the god of ekron yeah whether i shall recover of this disease but the angel of the lord said to elijah the tishbite arise go up to meet the messengers of the king give me uh the first first king first king first chapter yes i want to get uh benodic that's right and david and them that wanted to uh wouldn't wait for david to die first kings chapter one very fast and we'll start in verse one all right now king david was old and stricken in years you know david wasn't dead yet he was just old today you ain't got to be old you can be young that's right and have god put you in position and jealousy said in somebody look out that's right behind closed doors they go and try to maneuver in position in other words if brother moretti is a minister over a church and if brother bobby uh don't like the fact of the knowledge that maretti has his teaching skill his teaching talent and how people gravitate to what he's teaching if bobby got jealousy in him and bobby may be one of the teachers also bobby gonna try to form some friends that's right within that group that's right and he gonna try to lure them that enjoy moretti's teaching to be a part of his clan that's right and then he gonna encourage them to try to in other words he's gonna use his group like a pimp used horse amen to get his name out there spread his name that's right i don't care how you gonna do it bobby that's right just get it out there you'll be like uncle bobby b baby you'll get he'll get it outside he's gonna try your best i don't care so they may record bobby and then circulate bobby audio among somebody and then make it appear that bobby is so deep and he's not yeah that's right but bobby will get men and women to sell his name in other words he's so desperate to get his name out he will become his own prostitute that's right in other words ahab the bible says souls himself himself and when you sell yourself you will resort to any method to be noticed to be heard to get attention when god send you you never have to do anything to be noticed that's right to be heard to get attention that's right because if god make you a preacher you don't crave attention god will give you the attention that you never asked for that's right are you listening that's right listen at this now now king david was old and stricken in years and they covered him with clothes but he got no heat yeah ran for his servant sent out to him let there be sought for my lord the kingdom and then they sought for my life being a young version i get a young version and let her stand before the king and let her cherish him and let her lie first let us stand there so you can look at her that's right and then let her cherish him lie with them and let her lie in thy bosom and your bosom that my lord the king may get healed now that'll mean that they went and found a virgin to have sex with david no david of age his body temperature changed he couldn't get no heat i don't care how many blankets he was under right but if you take note of the kind of woman they wouldn't look for let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin call it young don't don't go get a young jezebel no because you wouldn't care how old david is that's right too much heat would be in his bosom that's right they would have killed david yeah that's true get a young virgin inexperience that's right just lie with him not to have sex right just so her body can press up against his that's right to have heat right that was allowed then i want you to get this your sloppy mouth bishop that are watching i don't justify you now your white sock wearing crook that's right oh yes are you listening amen amen that's not now not now you can't get no heat now you better go to uh wally world or target that's right and get an electric blanket that's right and wrap yourself up in it like a taco or die and go to hell cold what is that let there be sought for my lord the king i just have to throw that in there because i'm someone said father men don't think like that now don't you tell me that i'll tell that there's a lot of dumb pulpit preachers out here that's right why you think men writing me now fighting for remarriage and divorce because they go to the old testament where it was allowed i got writing me now justifying themselves to having concubines and they say they're apostolic my lord fighting me apostolic concubines you're going to conk your bind in hell that's right are you listening to the old man amen all right let that be sought for my lord the king a young virgin he said i ain't talking about the preacher why the preacher ain't no king no i remember one preacher who we dis associate ourself with he tried to build me up a man for mister sip he said you a king i said that's a lie he was having a conversation one-on-one amen because he disagreed with our method of bearing the dead he said pathogen if you die you should have the church shut down 30 days i said for what church i'm not the church church ain't centered around me church should stay open while i'm dying that's right if my breath gets short keep the church open that's right get in here and pray for me yeah he said don't you know you were king i said you know something that i don't i'm a servant servant god i knew your god is the king that's right there's only one man in that bible that was a king was a king and that name was jesus that's right until the bible said where is he that is born king don't say god king of the jews they ain't me no you see flattery that stuff don't move me amen that you think you will swell my head up to make me think i'm higher than what i am i say like the apostle paul i am what i am i'm not i am that i am that's right that's right don't take god that's right you'll get with that i am what i am that's it i'm not i am that i am that's right glory to god all right i want this to be good for you preachers that's hunting around for virgins in your congregation so they can lay in your old unsanctified blossom that's right you ought to go to hell in your black suit and white socks amen all right let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin found a virgin for the king and let him stand before the king and let her cherish him and then let her lie in thy bosom that my lord the king may get heat that man my lord and king may get healed so they sought for a fair dam so throughout all the coast guards i had a bishop writing sent me the scripture and wanted to debate me to justify myself having concubines lord you know they'll fight for them breastfeeding won't i supposed to be in uh milwaukee wisconsin's week after this because we started the new church there and the letter came in from some bishop who got his second wife and that's what he want to fight me for amen i don't know what happened to his chicken but he got his pork chop and he wants to defend his pork chops and he's mad at me because i preach you're only allowed chicken that's right that's right him and his chicken is not together and he got some pork chop and he wants to defend his portrayal that's right you're hellion you are no preachers you know you're none of you you're not preachers you're sent by the devil works hallelujah for the devil you're hired by the devil that you love the devil so much the lord's going to send you to hell with the devil that's right even the bible says uh where the beasts and the false prophets are oh all right son come on so they sought for a fair dancer throughout all the coasts of israel and found and the dancer was very fair and cherished the king administered to him that's what she didn't preach to him that's minister means she served him she took care of him all right but the king knew or not there you go king didn't have relation with her that's right that's plain but the king knew her not that take your fun away mr bishop amen i hear all kinds of things one bishop took prayer oil and used the scripture and manipulate women and gave them a full body rubbing anointing my lord my lord you know what make it so bad these dumb folk will believe anything that come out of these heathen mouths that's right all right and the dancer was very fair and cherished the king and ministered to him yeah but the king knew her not king didn't have sex with her then adonai to the son of hageth iran himself amen david was the king by god's appointment that's right the bible said he was a man up that god owns heart one that shall fulfill all my wills david was called of god sent of god predestinated of god god i believe sent the prophet to the house of jesse because was preordained of god that a king would reign over israel israel jesse's sons came and found the prophet that's right and uh the prophet first respond at the first son first samuel 16 and verse 6. that's what and it came to pass when they would come they looked on elias they looked on the liar and said surely the lord is going on this before him but the lord said unto sam you look not on his own wait a minute god correct samuel because he saw samuel was about to respond or react too quick that's right and then the bible give the reason or how he was reacted and what he was reacting at listen closely first time in 16 and at verse 6. that's right and it came to pass when they would come they looked that he looked on elias the first one he looked at was elijah and said surely the lord's anointed is before him hold it that's right his first response that's right sure he just assumed that the lord was what he lied that's right and this is what he judged it by because god had to correct the prophet but the lord said unto samuel look not on his luck he couldn't say look not if that's what he wasn't doing that's right he correct the prophet don't do it that way look not on his countenance on his countenance that's what i'm saying amen don't look at how many scriptures a man how many scriptures a man quote how loud he hear i don't make him a preacher no if the anointing of god is not with him you will see it in his word because it won't be much of nothing right did you hear what i said that's right a man can quote the scriptures from genesis to revelation yell scream break dance moonwalk but if the lord did not see him you will see that in his work that's right because his work will not be much of nothing nothing doesn't matter even if he came from the truth that's right after me he had permission from god to preach that truth that he came from that's right they preach this you've got to have permission from god to lead god's people that's right joshua had not only god's permission god said as i was with lord and so shall i be with you that's right that's true well you can't actually know more than that so you'll find a lot of men out there it doesn't matter if they preach the baptism in the name of jesus christ holy ghost speak in tongues look at their work that's right look at their fruit and when you see the nothingness out of 10 20 30 40 50 years the nothingness i'm not talking about socializing with pulpit pimps right when you can't see the nothingness god told his apostles greater works he promised it yeah in other words hey apostles uh you're gonna do more than me more than me you're gonna do it through me by me but what you're going to do will exceed what he done in the flesh greater works than these shall he do wait a minute he said what in the book of saint john 14 and that verse 12. he's not now nobody can do greater work that's right that's right then everybody will just get stuck having church in the living room or in a car or in a bathroom or an empty building because there won't be nobody assigned the task of greater work that's right hallelujah glory to god amen there must be greater words than what jesus died that's right verily verily i say unto you truly truly glory to god i say to you he that believeth on me did that believe on me the words that i do the works there hallelujah that i i'm believing on them right amen i'm not believing that he's the second person in the godhead right i'm not believing that at all at all there ain't no shot no no no no no no no i'm not believing that the holy ghost is the third person in the godhead that ain't part of my belief that's right no sir i'm looking at the works that god did in the flesh while the spirit was standing up in that body i'm believing that that's right what he's saying he's not believers on me what the works that i do the work that i do shall he do also he do also had greater work and he going out do me greater worse than these shall he do why because i go into my father i'm going back to spirit that's right going back to the father i i'm going back and put on the nation that i had before the world was that's right are you getting what i'm telling you amen and you mean to tell me that one man write me and said i hear you talking about the amount of people that you're baptized where in the bible i'm telling you they jumped me for everything where in the bible that the apostles always talk about how many they baptize well my god man in the book of acts of the apostles the bible said uh about three thousand was that how you gonna be added without baptism and without holy ghost that's right about 3 000 was added to the church then they they gladly received his word we're baptized what uh then they they gladly respect that was great don't tell you what that time at the same same day or they've got to be able to go from city to city 100 here 100 there 50 there 60 there 200 there broadcast is falling in the country of malawi we sent pastor joshua to uh burundi the country of burundi and one day baptized close to 300 in one day huh amen week before that we send them to another country baptize 156 in one day when i first went to dallas we baptized 156 in two days went back again in two more days baptized 147 amen hallelujah take off jesus promised it that's right greater works greater work than these shall he do because i yes i did more work than the son of god that's right wonderful because he promised it and greater works than these shall he do he only baptized his disciples that's right and then i sent them to preach to the world into the world amen we baptized more than one day than what jesus did that's right he didn't come to baptize a whole lot of people no he come to set things up that's right he come to set it up to show us how to do it how it ought to be done and then send his apostles out and told them you go in all the world glory to god and preach the gospel every creature thank god to every creature he never believed us and he's baptized he'll be saved don't believe it shall be dead and god shall be there that's right ready hallelujah greater greater works than me shall he do every city amen amen that's why the ministers that is in the truth of god they ain't got to work too hard no that's true amen where the gospel is falling they before they preach they can actually get up and say all right anybody want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ we'll baptize you first and i'll preach afterwards and he'll say a crowd come running that's right because they already come prepared because they already heard god's voice that's right god said my sheep that's right my lord and a stranger and a stranger you got to have a preacher that's right that god voices him that's it that's it doesn't matter if a man preached acts 2 38 who's preaching it the man or is it god god that's speaking it in that man that's right who's preaching it that's right is the man preaching it or is it god is the man that's it it is not you that speak it ain't pastor jennings i don't care nothing about honor that's what i don't care nothing about praise that's right god is all praise that's right god is all honor god is who we wish up that's right there is none greater than him go ahead none equal to him none better than him hallelujah go ahead man go ahead go ahead brother and when you keep it just like that keep it like that keep it like that god said he's first keep it like that that's right god say he's the last keep it like that that's right don't make nobody equal to god don't make nobody arrival to god go ahead all right listen go ahead you false prophets got all these gods and all these gods you have you still still can't get no results that's right from none of your boys that's right you mean all these gods you have and not one have enough power to shake the earth that's right by what you preach our god one is good enough for us amen amen he opened up the red sea destroyed the old world with the flood sacrifice his body on the cross yes you gonna give me some more gods god have no rivals oh no god have no partners god have no associates that's right god have no echo god have no brothers no all right listen go ahead i say that because in the religion of mormonism yeah the so-called church of jesus christ of latter-day saints teach that satan in the beginning was jesus brother and they say the earth was in such chaos that there were a council of gods in heaven a group of gods around a table in heaven steady in the condition of the world and the gods was arguing among themselves seeing how and who can we send to straighten out the earth conditions so satan volunteered supposedly and jesus volunteered and the council of gods according to the teaching of mormonism declared there was a vote among the gods and they all agreed to send jesus and his brother satan got so mad that's what made satan start war in heaven that's a bundle of religious garbage that's right are you listening amen this jealousy antagonistic attitude where one is bothered by the authority of another obsession comes in him or her they become obsessed with your position they become obsessed with your place they become obsessed with your name your title until they try to duplicate you imitate you be you that's right they can't stand you because they not you and they want to be you so they try to pattern after the one they hate that's right is that bible who do you think satan keep trying to be like be like god that's right his jealousy towards god will never end until he is cast into the lake of fire that's right and because he could not dethrone god he went after every person whom god put in position to try to discredit them to try to destroy them because in their eyes they're getting too much honor too much respect and they're having too much success compare with fair nothingness that's right that's true are you listening that's right jealousy will kill you jealousy will drive you mad first kings go back to this that's really quick now because back in first kings chapter one and verse five all right you gotta move fast then then adonaija the son of hadith exactly the son of hager exalted himself now i guarantee some false prophets somewhere on social media gonna say oh he was talking about me but he wasn't calling no name hey i'm talking to the world but a hit dog will holler that's right and they're gonna give themselves away somebody somewhere yeah who do the truth of god have to compete with absolutely nobody nobody god has put this message in such a position we don't have to be like nobody but we strive to be like jesus that's right are you listening that's right scripture says what then adenija the son of a gift exalted himself hannah and i are the son of higgest exalted himself you men that say you leaders in churches you better watch out yeah that's right everything among your congregation is shining gold it may come from your own house it is written a man folds shall be those of his own house it may come from your own relatives it may come from your so-called associate pastor it may come from the head of the choir it may care it may come from the one that chauffeur you around that carry your lunch bag that pose as a briefcase it may come from a brother you appoint to minister in the congregation it may come from a so-called student minister a understudy an assistant don't be surprised that's right don't get so caught up in what you doing that you become blinded to your surroundings this event happened repetitiously all down through scripture it may be your partner in business because your ability to articulate the business may be better than his or better than hers and they may masquerade their jealousy with grins and gifts and but in the background but try to maneuver you out of position so they can take credit for all the work you've done because they was too incompetent to do anything that's right that's right am i right you will rejoice at your brother or sister success that's right if any of my brothers or sisters is successful spiritually and naturally i thank god for whatever success that god bless you with without being courageous and said oh i wish i had it out no you my brother thank god for your talent that's right rejoice with them that do rejoice never be covetousness among you never try to compete with each other over nothing the law of scripture says let every man abide where he is called there's some that's called to do this that's right hallelujah brethren like every man let me make this example like i said i come from a very very very close family it's five of us brothers tony chris rick me rock three sisters pixie who deceased the youngest one cookie and oldest one but god made choice among my family and called me to the ministry god made choice not my father not my mother it was god's decision that's right to reach to my mother wound and form me in the womb and predestinate my entire life all day long that i will be hallelujah a preacher god made god's sense god appointed god taught god authorized given authority to represent authority not at no time that i would want to fast and ask god make me a preacher amen but at no time that i begged and prayed make me a preacher let me carry your word no amen god made choice among them let's read that in acts chapter 15 and at verse 7 and when there had been much disputing peter rose up peter rose up and said unto them men and brothers you know how that a good wallet you know how a good while ago god made choices among us made choice among us that the gentiles by my mouth the gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel and believe i can say the same thing and we have a large family amen but it was god that made choice among us and made me a minister that's right only god can make a man preach like this and have the results like this and take a firm uncompromising stand in this manner not sneaking off getting liquor that's right drank so much until the like i got a tan that's right not trying to pay off women in the church to keep them quiet ain't got to pay nobody a dime amen hallelujah and if god make choice you have no say so about ministry you have none that's right god said go wherever i send thee that's right and whatever i tell thee thou shall speak that's why every place we go every place it doesn't matter how many hungers the priests go to the same place it doesn't matter every place that god sent us there's results that's right so you preachers that's running behind pastor jennings you're going to burn yourself out chasing me yes you will listen i'm not your boyfriend don't chase me you will burn yourself out yes you will we're cool and cruising into every area bringing it down with bible and crews out that's what you do we ain't begging nobody to come god bring them god brings them that's right and this is what i mean you credit god and keep him first i don't need two or three or four gods this one sometimes it's too much for me but he's just right kings real quick then back in first kings one and verse five yes then adonai to the son exalted himself he got himself saying i will be king i will be king and he prepared him chariots and horsemen and 50 men to run before him it doesn't matter if a man owned a limousine i don't mean that stuff no i don't mean nothing if you preach action 38 acts 2 4 and leading people who put you in position to lead what's coming out of your mouth who's preaching out of you are you preaching out of anger hatred jealousy vindictiveness hurt pain agony why are you fellas out here 10 20 30 40 years and your results is nothing nothing don't that bother you look at it he whom god have sinned that's right speaketh the words of god and we'll get the results of god like god promised that's right what did he say now in the book of saying matthew chapter six now go back to kings real quick my time is moving back in first kings chapter one and verse five yes then adonai to the son of heaven had kept exalt himself saying i will be king i will be in authority and he prepared him chariots and horsemen and fifty men to run before him he got a group together yeah you always will get some nut to follow anybody that's true that's right i guarantee you right now if a brother would jump up right in here now and run out some not gonna follow that's true in any of the branch locations in america europe uh france paris london anywhere any nut somebody was telling me i got a call from bronx new york that one of the older brothers uh starts some little webcast and he's in his car preaching recording himself and put it on social media and got my name there patsy jennings and a picture of a little white jesus that's not our teaching oh no you brother you cut i believe his name is antonio if i'm not mistake antonio stop that foolishness amen i you may be serious but just stop it you're not representing god you ain't representing the church not at all they have a zeal of god but not according to knowledge if they knew what this thing consists of they wouldn't be eager for it that's right you fellows that always want to use pastor jenna's name to bring viewers to your program see that shows god didn't send you because if god sent you you would not need pastor jenny's name for viewers you would just use the name of the lord jesus that's right amen are you getting what i'm telling you amen listen and his father had not displeased him at any time oh father backed up his wicked son and on nigel real quick and his father had not displeased him yet saying why has thou done so not even his father questioned what he was doing that's right be quick and he also was a very goodly man good fella and his mother bear him after absalom yeah and he conferred with joab the son of zeruaya and with obayatha the priest and they following adonijah wait a minute who hooked up with him too and he conferred with joab there's no answer you are the son of zederweiss and with the bias all the priests got some preachers with him and they following adonai helped him you always would get some weak nuts that'll follow anything in other words the ones that follow them got the same spirit just like them that's right that's right i imagine that brother bobby is sitting in the truth that don't believe in women preachers and then he'd go out and start justifying women preachers and then some folk in the truth started saying well i knew it was right all the time he go out speaking against the baptism in the name of jesus christ somebody gonna follow him and say you know what i didn't agree with it either the water was too cold you always can find someone that got that same unbelief in them that's right touching the word of god that's right they like a chameleon they are green when they're among the righteous but they show their true colors when they get among them thus like them the wicked that's right i don't care if you get weak believe what the scripture says yeah if you have a tough time obeying it believe what the scripture says hallelujah if you have a tough time coming up to it strive and fight the devil but believe what the word of god says that's right listen and he conferred with joab the son of zeruaya yes and with the biathlon the priest and they following adonai to him but zadok the priest oh but zadok but zadok the priest the priest and banaya the son of john the son of jehovah and nathan the prophet nathan the prophet and shimayai and rio sound men be quick son and the mighty men which belonged to david what kind of men mighty men which belonged to king david were not with adonijah wonderful that's what i want mighty men what do you mean sound men that's willing to be taught not get revelations from a cartoon that's right pot pie tell him one thing and then olive oil appeared unto him and gave him a revelation that brutus is arguing with that's right amen what kind mighty men mighty men which belong to david god that's why god is blessing his work so he gave us mighty men and i'm even watching the mighty men the evaluation team made a call brothers that are interested in ministering during the last convention and they said about 21 came that's interesting and they fill out the evaluation form i don't mean everyone that fill out the form don't qualify that's right because it's not the evaluation team decision that's right their job is to evaluate it amen play man they got after that they got to show themselves before the priest that's right and you bad mind i when i say i don't care who you are i mean it down below the soles of my foot i don't believe in putting a brother in ministry because he's a friend a friend don't mean a thing to me that's true i believe scripture that's right i'm not like these false prophets favors put you in the pulpit favors to send you to hell that's right all right listening that's right that's why a lot of men don't like this strictness and they get mad and they run out and find a false prophet who don't know the bible and that false prophet will throw a title on them real quick and it won't be full on they won't stay with their false prophet long they just go there to get their license they didn't run amen that's right amen but you see the steadfastness years roll roll out basement still here briar road still here frankfurt frankfurt avenue is still here lindley avenue is still here yeah steadfast that's right one steadfastness that's right not good scriptural quotas that's right amen i'd rather have a man in the hood who can't fight but stick to me in war than a person that got a bunch of mouth and then when the time the war all he sells wolf tickets and when war break out you can't find him that's right give me the one that can't fight get knocked down but he's still scrapping still scrapping clothes top he'd get beat more than anybody but he never run yes never run but the one that sells wolf tickets while he's selling wolf tickets he's backing up yeah yeah that's right yeah yeah that's right but he's backing up hey man give me the one that get beat up on top you ain't gonna stop mouthing get beat up all the time but when it come time hey look we going down there to hang street he coming casting everything don't forget me that's right in other words he's committed he don't do a lot of talking a bunch of mouths don't mean nothing time determines strength that's right time determines faithfulness time determines stability and time manifests love and hate are you listening amen what did he say and the mighty men which belonged to david were not with ananias that's what and that and i don't know i just slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle holy holy he didn't wait for david to die so he went on doing kingly duties that's right i'm not only gonna declare declare myself king but it's time for me to go have a big feast like a king look at what he's done now and and i just slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle by the stone of zeholith yes which is by andrew jail and called all his brethren the king's sons and all the men of judah the king's servants yes but nathan the prophet but nathan the prophet and banaya what and the mighty men and solomon his brother he called not every congregational crook every business crook every organizational crook whether it's in religion whether it's in politics whether it's in the educational system whether it's in the business world they know who not to call that's right that's true they know who won't tolerate their foolishness that's right they know if i call him or her they're gonna cause chaos and they're gonna ruin everything and i can't put over my plan like i want to i don't want them to be a part of it that's right so i'm just going to call hypocrites that's right they are called weak-minded incompetent hypocrites oh yes because they want somebody who's worthless just like them that's right that's what they are that's what they just say in the street flunkies that's right and that's what you have political flunkies business flunkies choir flunkies church flunkies apostolic funk please islamic flunking baptist funky non-denominational flunkies go ahead pull pick carrying cadillac driving fingernails shining costs wearing slunkies that's right are you listening amen funky ain't a real man and a ain't a real woman a man stand up to a flunker and a woman a stand up to a funky that's right when they see you trying to deviate and trying to undermine them they will declare war a flunky all you got to do is let them hold some money yeah yeah they want to test your flunkiness that's what happened to williams yeah there was a fella who backslid and started some little church and sent williams 500 that's right denny williams yes it did she wins five hundred dollars offered me five hundred dollars offer them five hundred dollars yeah cheap as talented as this man is you guys gonna offer 500. i'm only worth 500 to 200. 500 to the man and here it is my eyes he and his talent is priceless a cheap person offer you cheap things are you listening to the old man oh we're going hit hard you know this is going to upset social media oh yeah it's going to upset him god knows that i i'm pretty sure somebody now is scrambling getting the camera together come on we got we got to do something we got to say something about this message that's right somebody gonna make some type of little podcast or audio either in the car on the toilet in the tub breakfast table in the oven somewhere that's right trying to convince the public they're not a flunky and all we're doing is preaching god's word that's right i'm not talking about nobody particularly i'm talking to the world that's right been in political position many of them start off with the right intentions but then they get exposed to dollars and become a flunky to the dollar another word for flunky is simply a slave that's right a real man refused to be a slave for anyone but he's willing to be a slave for god that's right are you listening real quick but nathan the prophet and banaya and the mighty men and solomon his brother he called not yes therefore nathan spake unto bathsheba the mother of solomon yes saying hast thou not heard that adonijah the son of hageth do with reign and david our lord knoweth it not wait a minute the king don't know nothing about it nathan went to who wherefore nathan spake unto bathsheba went to bathsheba the mother of solomon solomon's mama saying hast thou not heard that did you not hear the anonymizer the son of hate gets to do with reign oh you hear he he you know he's trying to lead folk and david our lord knoweth it not david the overseer he don't know nothing about it now therefore come let me i pray thee give thee counsel let me advise you what to do that thou may have saved thine own life and the life of thy son solomon hold it the reason why i want to give you counsel so your life would be saved that's right because if you follow anonymous your life will be lost that's right listen go and get thee unto king david and say unto him what is it dennis dumb not my lord o king swearing unto the unhand me saying it surely solomon did you not promise that solomon will be king and he shall sit upon thy and he will sit on the throne why didn't you do it why in the world is that elijah why he up there that's right why he didn't why he declared himself to be king that was their way of waking david up yeah now what behold while though yet talk us there with the king what happened i also will come in out see nathan he set things up yeah this is what i want you to say to the king and why are you talking to the king i'm going to come in other words i'm going to bear witness for what you're saying that's right i'm going to come into the room and say what i also will come in after thee and confirm thy words and that shiva went in unto the king into the chamber yes and the king was very old and and abhishek the shunammite ministered unto the jews yes and that shiva bowed and did obeisance unto the king i said what and the king said what what is thou be quick and she said unto him my lord i'll swear swearest by the lord thy god unto then hand me yes saying that surely solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne yeah and now behold anodizer reigns up there and now my lord the god my lord the king thou knowest you don't know nothing about it and he had slain oxygen nothing about these false prophets in the pool of pit today wait a minute patrick god know all things that's not what i'm talking about when i say god don't know nothing about the false prophets that's up there i'm saying god is not responsible that's right he said he said he's not that's right 23rd chapter of the book of jeremiah now 23rd chapter book of jeremiah let's let's let's let's let's defend defend let's let's get a defense here i don't know i want folk to blame all this garbage out here on god that's right come on now jeremiah 23 and verse 24 i have not sent these prophets yet they rang not talking that's right he's not responsible that's right i have not sent these problems yet they ran out i have not spoken to them it ain't a man on the earth god told he's more than one that's right that's right and a man on the earth that god ever said i'm more than one no any man says that he's a satanist and a blasphemer and a hater of god's authority that's right that goes for every religion on the earth in the world i said every religion that god more than one god that religion is of the devil and the preachers are representative of satan that's right listen i have not sent these prophets that they raised yet they're on the run i have not spoken i didn't tell them nothing yet they prophesied i haven't spoken to them i haven't made nothing known to them yet they out trying to preach but if they had stood in my country if they would have waited if they would have waited and let me give them advice and it caused my then they should have turned them from their evil way let's get here look at the people that's turning that's right look at the people that's turning god using the truth of god to turn politicians democrats republicans lawyers doctors mafia men black mafia italian mafia bloods crips mf13 gang bangers businessmen that's right black white brown yellow red never heard the gospel men straight from the street when we go in different cities drug dealers that own their own laboratory come to us crying giving us testimony at the testimony they said pastor genesis you saved our life i said i didn't save it god saved it amen that's the kind of results i want that's it that's right some results i wouldn't dare want to be up here 10 20 30 years and ain't got nothing to show for it nothing nothing that's right hey man if i have one suit at 17 and by the time i'm 57 i don't want to have just steal that one same suit because i know i'm not the same size that's right amen that's right amen hey man i do want to have some back-up plan even if it ain't much but i still want to have a back-up plan yeah because i'm not going to be the same size at 57 at 17. that's right man i'm going to eat a little bit more bread than i did at 7 and when i was 17. i mean by that space of time i'm going to digest some cornbread and perhaps some biscuits even if i back away from it later on but between that time and 57 i'm gonna get some peach cobbler some blackberry cobbler amen some apple dumpling sweet potato pie and rice pudding and uh hey man some homemade pound cake i will use that as a substitute for my cornbread along with my collard greens my macaroni and cheese and amen my fish and praise the lord praise the lord and pass the ammunition here there got to be some growth if that work is the work of god and you said especially when you put the spin on it that god sent you to do this god sent you am i right frank how many of you ever came out of the churches and men said that god sent and it been like that the same group for 10 20 30 40 50 years raise your hand quite a bit no no results no results amen god have to assign you to do it that's right yeah i want to say that man gets boasted no i'm just testifying with many other words today testified saying save yourself i'm just giving you my testimony that's right i never went on the fast and ask god to make me preach i wouldn't want to be no preacher that's right when you do it right pain is involved when you do it wrong you suffer from jaichism amen you get the jake is amanda and odala ism when you do it right you have to look to god to make provisions for you and i'm a witness he will do it oh yeah when i think of 2020 alone when a pandemic hit creation and everybody was staying home and churches shut down while the pandemic was going on over 4 400 souls went down in water in the name of jesus christ and hundreds received the holy ghost in tongues while the pandemic was going on and the pandemic is still going on pandemic is still going on and we didn't shut down no time hallelujah holy ghost kept falling that's right amen every brother we sinned they went on anyway in the midst of the pandemic massed up and went on and did the work of god now one said pastor genesis there's a pandemic there i know it's there you ain't gotta tell me that one that's right they went on anyway mashed up got baptized baptizing the folk in the name of jesus christ going from town to town city to city so many hundreds ran up on the message for the first time one of the best things the pandemic did made people stop going to these old fake churches amen hey man that couch potato turned this program on and that potato started getting baked oh yeah one of the best things that ever hit and it's real it ain't no uh entertainment program with fake healings and blowing on people when they fall out someone laughing in the spirit that's right all over the floor in that religious garbage that god don't hear you stay in that wheelchair ain't nobody any preachers don't tell you that no no they won't if god don't hear you stay there that's right you don't need to get up and fall on the floor that's right even if i pray for you if god don't hear you stay right there stay right there you come on up with crutches i'll pray for you that's right but if you don't walk i'm gonna take them quickly and put it right back under your pits okay all right go on back why god didn't hear you and that's not my place i'm not a healer amen i'm a prayer i'm a prayer maker healing come from god that's right amen god don't hear you don't blame me uh you know preachers won't tell you that amen amen someone posted healing gone wrong i think i saw it last week kenneth copeland fell in the wheelchair and i think he had epilepsy or something and copeland come putting his hands on his head uh supposed to be healing him and and the chair lost balance and the crippled man and the chair flipped over backwards and copeland just still looking unto us jesus he didn't know what to do he was startled and somebody put the heading healing gone wrong man suffer from epilepsy the whole chair went over my lord you know you know you preachers who just play with the emotions of the people you're gonna pay a penalty when you meet the lord oh yeah you got a lot of people who don't know no better really sincere really want to be healed really want to be right but they can't tell a prank stuff from a real man of god because they are spiritually and scripturally illiterate that's right and they go to these crooks who just bamboozled them and just fleece you out your money you really want to be here and you get nothing but an empty pocket full of lint balls you gonna answer to god for playing with the people of the earth that's right real quick back in first kings one and verse eighteen come on son and now behold ananias uranus and now my lord the king thou knowest or not yes and he had slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance come on and i've called all the sons of the king and abideth the priests and joab the captain of the hosts but solomon thy servant hath he not called yes and thou my lord o king the eyes of all israel eyes of all those who are looking at you that thou shalt tell them who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king after him otherwise it shall come to pass when my lord the king shall sleep with his father yes that i and my son solomon shall be counted my lord you if you don't get this thing straight when you die me and your son solomon we're going to be in the mess that's right yeah and and no watching yet talk with the kids yet talk with the king they think that they can come running again standing behind what she's saying request and they told the king saying behold nathan the prophet yes and when he was coming before the king he bowed himself before the king with his face to the ground and nathan said my lord o king hast thou said and elijah shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne yeah well he has gone down this day and has slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep and abundant and that's king all the king's sons and the captains of the host and abideth are the priests yes and behold they eat and drink be before him and say god save king adonai wait a minute the ones that hung out with ananias what was they saying and say god save king and inaudible that only supposed to be said to the one who's a real king that's right have you ever heard of the time in boxing the people's champ yeah yeah see you got the one who people feel as though as champ right and then you got the one that hold the belt yeah that's right you got the people's champ but then you got the one that really holds the belt yeah right and elijah was a people's champ that's right but david he really held the belt yeah he helped the authority he helped the throne that's right which showed you what a crook ananya was he wouldn't even wait for the man that died that's that's greed that's covetousness yeah yeah very fast but me even me thy servant and zadacter priests and benign the son of jehoiada and thy servant solomon ethiopia he wouldn't call us is this we knew better is this thing is this thing done by my lord hey hey that nathan knew that david didn't uh allow this but he said are you responsible and thou hast not showed it unto thy son are you responsible you didn't tell us who should sit on the throne after my lord the king after him yes then king david answered and said call me back it don't matter how many false prophets may look at somebody as being the man of god that'll mean nothing no don't mean they don't mean anything there's a song in the 30s i believe it was to say it don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing that's right yeah that's true they don't mean a thing of you ain't got that swing that's right it don't mean a thing how many men back you impress you bishop this elder that passing deal i don't mean nothing if god didn't put you up there sometimes they call me pastor huh that's right oh yeah sometimes they call williams pastor yeah yeah you see him over social media pastor williams they do sometimes i call him elder williams maybe not not because he's ordained no amen he he glory in the fact that he's older than me and uh he said we was in i think at norfolk state university where we baptized about 39 or 40 something souls and it was his birthday that day and i said well i want to wish my my brother williams happy birthday but before then he he was sitting in the chair before they introduced us and he said today is my birthday i said oh happy birthday whip he said and you remember now you know he always throw that finger he said remember this i'm your elder you know then he then he elbowed me and bust out laughing he said i'm your elder amen so i i addressed them as elder elder williams you know sometimes he'll throw that at me elder he said i'm your elder now you better come at me right i'm your elder amen he he know he can say that and get away with it he don't linger around too long with it because he he you know i may open up a can of whoops you know that he you don't have to open up a can of whoops that's right so he'll throw it he'll throw it at me didn't laugh it off unless you hear me let me know i'm gonna be playing with you you know amen all right come on williams there king david hanson and said call me bathsheba yeah and she came into the king's presence and stood before the king and the king swear and said as the lord liveth that hath redeemed i want all of you fellows out there who claim your pastors or whatever listen at this because i'm telling you right now you can walk around naive somebody in your congregation i don't care if you got 10 people 15 10 000 5 000 somebody in your group yeah it's going to fulfill and niger that's right even many of you out there howling about me you got like seven people somebody in your group yeah undoubtedly is already planning already plotting yeah you got ana nigel right with you saying amen that's right go ahead preach thank the lord for you that's right that's right because anania and judas are the same spiritual brothers i don't care remember whether it's religion politics educational system and the educational system you can be the most thoroughest best teacher in that district reach areas of prominence that nobody else reached have formulated curriculums that those other teachers who've been there for years didn't fall and then others want to model after what you do that's right but we'll give someone else to credit like you ain't done nothing and you're the one that laid the foundation are you listening that's right i've learned in many cases you don't have to fight for yourself when you're honest sincere the lord somehow in some way using whatever method that he choose lord that god will fight for you god will do it oh yeah i'm your brother and i know from experience the false church i came out of the preacher made it his business to put his foot on my neck for years that's right he said if you and sister darling get married he said this before the church he said i hope you're both dropped dead at the altar yeah he said i hope you both dropped dead yes it did it was teens then dottie was crying after service i walked home he said what kind of man is this he's your uncle i said that's the devil my father was still living at the time i said he ain't gonna marry us nowhere how are you going to do that he's the pastor how to say i don't care what he is he's a false prophet and a liar i said he ain't going to marry us i said my father going to marry us wonderful she said how are you going to do that gino i said leave it to me that's right that's all you just leave it to me don't you worry about that amen leave it to the prophet amen don't worry about that that's right you gave it to me he became so jealous because in my early teens 14 15 16 god blessed me with knowledge of the scriptures and he knew what i was preaching he hadn't preached it and williams was learning every day where's the bread in my house in the bible every day that's right and i was showing him how to go from old testament the new testament because he was a fresh blood trinitarian and our home was the detox that's right because he still had trinitarian booze in his blood that's right every day i i i i tell you that's right speak the truth seven days a week even after church at the house in the bible that's right every day so hinton what acts he had accustomed sometime he'd just walk around with his hands full fold and just make statements or ask you questions at random so he got williams up and asked williams a question about the godhead and was throwing questions at williams and williams was answering him based upon what i was teaching williams one-on-one and hinton was startled because he knew he hadn't taught it until he didn't stop and said who taught you that where you get that knowledge from because hen knew he didn't teach that part right and williams well he got me in trouble he said a genotype and turned on me and said did not tell you don't be preaching something that i didn't preach i don't care if it is bible that's right he said now you sat down another year and he told the congregation if geno if i even catch you saying amen to him while he's preaching i'ma throw you out the church yeah the members were forbidden to witness to the truth that's right i sat down a year after the year was over he said all right we're going to let brother gino preach tonight he said are you going to preach what i preached i said i'm a preacher what the bible says he said i didn't ask you that he said are you going to preach what i preached i said i'm going to preach what the bible says he said all right brother geno you always want to talk about bible so much i'm going to give you up to preach he gave me genesis 1 1 and saint john 1 1. he said now you preached that i said all right that's right guys genesis 1 1. genesis 1 1 and god did the rest yes holy ghost started falling he started looking around at the people he said stop preaching he told the whole congregation shut your mouth i told you don't say amen to this boy that's right sent me down another year two years that's right and i kept coming to church yes you did didn't stop coming to truck because i was sitting down there i'm going i'm going through this and my teens i could have backslid that's right after all that madness i could have backslid but i waited amen wonderful i thank god for that now because you fellas over there do all this hollering on the internet see you ain't worse than hitting no no and the endure hitting 13 14 15 16 and 17. and he was a whole lot of nothing you little insects oh yeah i don't even feel the breath coming from you on the column of my shirt my lord my lord you have no work god didn't send you and your work proves that god is not in it that's right i believe what is written you can preach acts 2 38 and acts 2 4 and not preach it with the power and the authority of the holy ghost that's right and that's where the drawing power coming at that's right think all these hundreds going uh down the water because pastor dennis got some charisma ain't got korea's nothing it's the holy ghost that do it so i can knock off then king david answered and said call me bathsheba call me bashiba she came into the king's presence and stood before the king remember viewers don't argue with none of these fellas over social media just look at their work that's right i've been telling you this over and over and doesn't matter where they're from i had a uh a man way over in bangkok fighting me some preacher from bangkok wow fighting me about the guard here he was a bangkok trinitarian speaking in his language and it was coming up in english on the screen gino jennings just gina jenner ah see the devil don't care what language you speak no from bangkok i don't know who he is i said thank you jesus you know why that let me know bangkok is watching that's right yeah that's right who will take god bangkok is watching and just like he was fighting out of bangkok we got emails out of bangkok begging us to send someone there to baptize them wonderful in the name of jesus christ all this work taking place around the world and these little minutemen i can't pay you no mind i can't even turn my back amen i just can't i can't even take you serious amen god is doing so much for the truth of god amen we're busy yeah yeah amen we're very busy and i see with the hand of god what is doing we all can bear witness oh yes amen we have to give god thanks of what he's doing for the church that's right read fast williams i can't swear and said as the lord liveth that happened that has redeemed my soul out of all distress yes even as i swear unto thee by the lord god of israel saying yes and surely solomon thy son shall reign after me yes and he shall sit upon my throne in my state be quick even so will i certainly do this day then bathsheba bowed with his face to the earth and did reverence to the king yeah and said let my lord king david live forever all right king i'm glad you said it you gotta straighten out now all right and king david said come on one thing about bad she knew that once david got this news he gonna do something about it that's right and king david said call me zedoc the priest and nathan the prophet and benign the son of jehoiada look at him getting some holy men some righteous men involved and they came before the king you know what the king also said unto them take with you the servants of your lord and call solomon my son yeah to ride upon my own music i want you to pay attention to this i want you to pay attention to this i want you to pay attention to this because something's going to happen to solomon that did not happen to anonymize you get this get this get this now the king also said unto them say unto them take with you the servants hate the world you the servants of god and cause solomon my son to write upon my own music get my own meal and bring him down to gihon bring him down to gihon and let zayd dr priest and nathan the prophet anoint him there over israel what and let zadok the priest and nathan the prophet anoint him there salmon was anointed that's right and a nigel was it that's right you see the difference that's right solomon was anointed yeah and elijah wasn't and they showed in both of their works that's right that's right now you sin amen big difference god did not appear to add on elijah but god appeared to solomon that's right listen and let's say doctor priest and nathan the prophet anoint him there king over israel and blow you with the trumpet and say god save king saul god save king shalom then you shall come up after him that he may come and sit upon my throne yeah for he shall be king in my state and i have appointed him to be ruler over israel and over judah yeah and bania the son of jehoiada answered the king and said amen the lord god of my lord the king say so too give me the last three verses of that chapter i don't have time to get all of it last three verses at verse 51. reference and it was told solomon saying behold adonijah feareth king solomon and i are scared of solomon for low he hath caught hold on the horns of the altar now wait a minute after david died he gave his son charge he killed everything he ever fought against him that's right and uh and elijah figured well i hold on to the horns of the i'm safe if i'm at the altar saying let king solomon swear unto me today that he will not slay his servant with the sword yes and solomon said if he will show himself a worthy man yes this shall not inhabit fall to the earth but if wickedness shall be found in him in him he shall die yes so king solomon sent and they brought him down from the altar and he came and bowed himself to king solomon and then solomon said unto him go to thine house is that it that's all for that all right let's move to that to the next chapter but i don't have to get time to get all of that but what i want to show you viewers that a man can actually preach acts 2 38 and acts 2 4 and no anointing come out of them that's right so you don't get the results that anointing will produce that's right anointing produces results that's right where there is no anointing you ain't gonna have much results at all all right give me that's 238 and i want everything that have not obeyed this that are here you better get ready now to get yourself right with god that's right get ready amen and if you were baptized in the name of jesus christ and backslid and been out there in the world you may as well get ready to come back to god and get right with god before he die and you end up in an everlasting hell brother that's right before you die end up in an everlasting lake of fire sister yeah then peter said to them then peter said unto them repent and what and be baptized every one of you how in the name of jesus christ all right for the remission of sin and what did he promise and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost when you receive the holy ghost you're filled with god anybody want to obey this now and escape the judgment of god that's coming and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ if you want it stand on your feet you better standing come on around to the front please if there's any backsliders here that left the lord once was serving god now you out there in the street acting like a fool and want to come back to god yes stand on your feet and come to the front please come on backslider god say he's married to the backslash lord all backsliders that left the lord and want to come back to him you come to the front so we can pray over you you that's getting baptized you go that way out that door you that are backsliders you come on to the front and stand in front of me you that are backsliders you're there getting baptized you follow them that way you that are backsliders you come on here to the front amen amen because the bible said if any man be overtaken in a thought he which are spiritual restore such a one and a spirit of meekness all of them that are what is a backslider backslide is one that left the lord amen you better get baptized you go that way yeah you that's getting baptized you go that way you that are just backsliders you come on to the front so we can pray over you all right let us all stand you better backsliders you you come on up to the front please come on eternal god in the name of jesus christ look down upon these brothers in this sister you said in the scriptures through the apostles that if one be overtaken to fought you with your spiritual restore such you want and the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest i also be tempted we ask you to forgive them of every sin of every transgression we thank you for not cutting them off out there in their sins we thank you for your mercy being shown upon them we ask you to restore their mind heart soul body and spirit forgive them the very sin and of every transgression and blot it out and not hold it against them that they may serve you glory to god all the days of their life let your peace and your mercy be upon it help them to come up to wherever they're lacking give them stability let them run this race with patience that is set before them looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith let your peace and your mercy and your protection be upon them give them his eyes of their heart only according to your divine will and according to your purpose forgive them of every sinful deed and blot out their transgression and give them today a clean slate that they may start fresh and serving the one true living god these blessings we ask in the name of jesus christ our god let every heart say amen you may be seated family remain standing brother dan thompson will close us out in prayer come on back god willing and uh prayer will begin at 5 30 this evening brother dan thompson heavenly father in the name of the lord jesus we do thank you again lord god for being the one and only true god we honor you lord jesus and as you look down upon the people this day help us lord jesus to give heed to thy eternal and everlasting word that it may be well with us my god in the life to come bless us continually and bless the viewers and hearers of this program that they'll give heed to it my god that they may be saved before it's everlasting too late and bless us continue bless our leader and pastor and all the saints everywhere these things we ask in the name of the lord jesus amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 47,440
Rating: 4.9145861 out of 5
Id: omP2V8nLhR8
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Length: 132min 22sec (7942 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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