Lost Reworked! - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up everybody youtube we are here on stream for repentance and i'm about to jump into a lost run which apparently starts the new item and uh we're gonna go all floors with it uh this is gonna be a make or break ridiculous run so this d6 apparently i don't remember exactly the thing about it you know what i could probably just look it up right now you know what i'm just gonna look it up um i want to know exactly what it says repentance is a repentance tab now already created the eternal d6 upon use this item acts identical to the d6 over the item also has a small chance to disappear okay so the d6 could disappear correct and where's my holy mantle it just doesn't even say it i'm assuming i have a holy mantle i'm glowing like i've got holy mantle what if we don't make it out the first freaking floor no more d4 no we get eternal d6 d4 was dumb d4 made zero sense it made sense obviously back before the holy mantle thing but the mantle cannot be rerolled i mean you mean like in general if i did pick up a d4 too okay we made it that was risky as hell holy man until confirmed it seems like it's just automatically on him it's not an item anymore and that makes a hell of a lot more hell of a lot of maura bibbidi-bobbidi-booby i just like freaking turned italian there for a second that worked okay eternal d6 can destroy rolled pedestals the item has a small chance okay the the item itself that's being rerolled is the chance to disappear not the d6 uh this this item acts identical to the d6 however the item also has a chance to disappear that is worded poorly if you ask me tour i'm recharge though right if we didn't want the item anyways if it's being rerolled you know that i that's so exactly what ed wanted to though like he doesn't want you necessarily to keep re-rolling things until you get the best thing possible he wants you to pick something that's potentially trash you know what that's not bad of an item should we take it or re-roll it i i did beat dogma reroll about 50 50 but i think i see more reroll oh god no papa dr gonopus thanks for the 500 bits i appreciate that what have you done hey if we get range up pills we're in business libra is so bad rip hey that's white and blue all stats up baby he's in the business i mean i i would have rather just had a tears up to be honest but ah labor's been buffed you gotta take libra now hey arts did you know soy milk now never say never nebuchadnezzar we can reroll health upgrades without worrying about them disappearing that's exciting yep taste that those are some high quality decisions access cdm i have a energy drink in my my mustache [Music] give a little extra pep to whoever kisses me daily duties two gifted subs thank you for that saving it for later trying to figure out like if you were a secret room on this layout where would you be yeah it's worth it imagine this too with only being able to take uh eight items this might be it right here oh my [ __ ] god are you kidding me this is it it's over man it's over ah oh what do you think it was over [ __ ] nerd matchstick oh god that's bad yo that's what i'm talking about yo tears up i mean all stats upgrade i'm a professional you guys just the thought that you guys even got slightly worried that i would die right there on that ridiculously easy fight is really just embarrassing for you guys i'm not gonna lie okay you should feel embarrassed you should feel pretty stupid right now we got to decide if we want to take uh the mysterious items too you know what actually better just to that range up please yo it's dross oh [ __ ] my first i i don't even know the freaking enemies in this floor i don't know the enemies in this floor i can't dodge drost's enemies as as the lost for the first time with libra 365 damage though all day 365 28 for baby 28 hours a day four days a week hey could you stop that that's all over the place i did that i messed with that oh bounces if it had to happen all right what is that am i gonna get hurt by standing on that no ross i think it's supposed to be like the sewers think i go random yeah good the .57 damage upgrade right there i mean it's also just stacking out of my range we're gonna get plenty of range via libra so because everything is a range upgrade that's gonna be good for it wrapping around it's kind of bad right now but it'll get better anyone know the rate at which eternal d6 fails someone has a poop or is that a leech the leech that's a leech range range up pills was that yellow yellow range up pills that libra is so good enemies are really different 10 to 15 you think i'm sure do you okay if you don't know though you can't just guess technology monkey four months went to bed six hours ago it's now 8am in germany and you're still streaming i have to go to work now but luckily i can work from home and watch your stream cheers to that it is 15. okay then you got lucky punk retro vision um well yeah that's not bad more money god i'm destroyed eraser erasure i'm gonna re-roll it dream catcher do we want dreamcatcher i can look it up actually if it's even on this it might not be on the wiki yet i don't see it don't see it on the wiki there it is stream catcher during transition between floors this item shows you a preview of the items that will spawn in the item room and boss rooms uh yeah that's right we'll we'll see if we can use it discern what the hell is going on because it tells us what our um our unknown item is too that sounds super good oh god they can walk on water they're not poops they're jesus holy turds don't touch it i'm leaving the room first before i touch that what the it's a super poop loving a freak holy butts how long you gonna go for as long as i can make it how we doing by the way on stuff two six subs you guys are beautiful you guys are beautiful it's the poop you make after a week of being plugged up it's the poop you get when you get home from vacation and your body's like oh my god my home toilet turtle it well like a larry junior that can do angles he's drawing oh what the f what the absolute [ __ ] get it are you still going oh never mind he did can lost take everything for free uh still god i hope so but i had to choose [ __ ] ah still funny jokes speed upgrade is an all-stats upgrade so it's a dps up as a dps up as a dps up as a dps up you know what i mean why mess with that what am i going to turn it into a health upgrade probably change spider mod that you know that actually does sound like a pretty good thing if there's a speed down or anything down it'll be turned into ups and the ups are all stats up so that sounds like peak libra shot speed lick a nut okay ah everything is a is it all stats upgrade shot speeds like hey you want to see something cool are you kidding me i literally just talked to you on phd and you [ __ ] on me like that all right life later exactly that emo perfect i'm going down i think remember to get the knife piece gotta fight the witness what do we i don't belong here you guys no place for lost [Music] you skipped dreamcatcher ah i'm i'm hardwired not to pay attention to this stupid freaking screen i bet you like ed or kilburn was like it really bothers me that no one ever watches the and ed was like shh come here i'll hurt them don't worry i'll get them back i'm gonna champion invisible boy you're kidding me boy not bore there we go darcy blows do i have to do the alt floor thing guys do the white fire thing can you just give me the knife pieces we're getting some pretty damn good pills i gotta say yeah i don't even know where the uh the mirror is so let's clear a path first i have flight thankfully i don't have to deal with this [ __ ] the moving floor treadmill sewers 0.46 damage it's not bad i'm not gonna lie with all of the all stats ups that we've gotten libra's not been bad to me oh good shots off to a boss i've never fought it's not looking good probably get hurt by that but i don't know yeah you gotta watch out for the turds that he's flushing oh man that was tight wow wow wow [Music] wow you think we do that first or should we fight the boss first imagine running away from mom as the lost that i that i think is gonna pour it into like in all stats right mirror first prime mirror without the fire that ice yeah did i for bosses especially it'll help okay we're already lost so i guess it doesn't matter or maybe i just don't need to do that [ __ ] again it's a one and done i think the curse runs reset [Music] whatever oh [ __ ] all the invisible guys aren't invisible anymore it's like we're in their realm that's pretty dope it is an all-stats upgrade from uh deadeye it was just the item room that had the key piece right the boss what'd the boss do what was the boss no maybe it was the boss room mate this is the shop where's the item room boss is an extra item is the item room am i blind sorry did i say key piece knife piece whatever where was it did i pass it my dumb i must have passed it i just checked all over here no you're lost you're really pissing me off where are you at though [Music] five piece one tinted rock yeah probably not gonna net anything but yeah sure okay good job chat three gold stars [Music] good night to those of you who had to go to bed galamos we got to do everything as lost anyways so why not just fight the boss twice just woke up we dipped below 2k the first time in a while which is fine i mean 2k was more than i thought was possible no complaints here i'm gonna re-roll that gonna oh yeah i could get a trinket i guess is there a battery maybe anyone remember there was a battery drop anywhere i don't think there was a battery drop imagine going to bed i like gold stars all swarm not necessary that was lame a super lame you missed a charged key oh my god look i'm still freezing by the way all right we got our knife piece can you go back okay so maybe we could have gotten a charge and then headed back there was a battery over here get him a blanket maybe i should get a blanket maybe i will get a blanket turn your heat up thanks chat i don't even need to turn the heat up anymore because you guys are like a nice worm blanket talking to you is like a nice hug that would probably balance to be uh net positive if you ask me minus shot speed sucka suck suck on that and suck it is what i tried to say i'm so tired i said in both the same time came out with succot i'm gonna go for luck i don't think we have anything that matters with luck um yeah i'll reroll that i mean i could touch it first for a free book touch don't forget dreamcatcher small rock you're funny good stuff all right where is it where is this hint at what we're getting okay maggie's bow and um spider sack and gideon but it didn't tell me what gideon gives me the charged key no was there actually a charge key you guys are trolling me there's never been a charged key thoughts is legitimately the best father figure i've ever had yo that's a lot of money i don't know if i want i don't maybe we shouldn't mess with that room this is mines this floor is crazy i goddamn it i tell you it was crazy super crazy mines might be the toughest floor dreamcatcher shows you the boss fight okay what was the second what was the it's the the bursting sack right immunity to spiders we think that would be worth it you probably do better right than bursting sack it does show you what the second item is though which is pretty hype that's pretty good nice re-roll yeah i would say reroll too we're being honest these enemies are pretty freaking tough i just want holy water that's the only thing i want [Music] oh jesus i don't even see those guys you know roasty toasty over there all right re-roll these i guess we're going laz rags i i don't want to be lazarus is the problem i want to be lost but i guess if we can't get the lost marks we can at least get the lazarus marks holy water our lord and savior re-roll it again you could take it as a safety net out that's what i'm thinking i'm probably gonna blow this let's be honest [Music] now that i have a safety net i can relax and play better right uh gideon not really ready for gideon i don't think but see if i can reroll the shop do that now gideon's a pain yeah gideon's pretty tough i don't think i want that got you a dollar bell's a bob i'm still here i might fall asleep uh so good night expect some stream doodles in the next couple of days awesome thank you so much icy pie i think i missed you 15 minutes ago i used to sub very long time ago as i see zerados i'm glad i'm in a spot where i can afford to sub to you again i watch your videos every day loving the don't starve apologize about missing that i see thank you phd pill was there a pill for sale all right just i'm programmed not to look for pills too yeah you're right not the one i wanted but you had the right idea sparkling key i'm gonna key on the freaking floor charge key for sale chat still does not understand what a charged key is shaking my charged head i'm not against this this freaking shot speed also once again does not give me the freaking all stats that i want probably the flies i do like shot speed in general though spider with charged key lighter with long charge that's a sparkling key you see any electricity no do you see the glimmery sparkles the sparkles are electricity wrong it's sunlight use my flights to my advantage three out of six it says the phase in the bottom these guys are really strong takes their own bombs to take them out like that oh god oh i thought the worms had me there uh uh uh crushing it crushing it crushing it crushing it crushing it crushing it ash pits yo all stats up i don't mind if i put that on my mouth you gotta bomb the great kitty indeed huts did you know if you have a chaos card and you use it on gideon things happen huts ass pit pkmg ethan two months hey buds haven't caught a stream in a while i hope you're doing well repentance has been dick kickingly hard it seems yeah for some people i can get one more charge if i do the challenge room but it's risky i'm i i like taking the risk i like doing it don't forget your charged converter charge key what the [ __ ] i don't need what the freaking black fly in the freaking black background yeah thanks gg game oh man imagine walking into a spider right now after giving up the sack you know at one key i probably do want this i'm not gonna lie we've had a lot of fun with the flies they've done a lot of damage but at one key you guys turn up your gamma i can see just fine blue thanks to the prime sub that is freaking super trash i guess it drops a pill when i buy it i can see forever that's just not that good right now we could honestly just roll that instead of rolling the d6 it just might give us just stats ups and stats ups and stats ups right d6 is probably better lava sounds it sounds like someone's taking a rip from a bong and then they pitch shifted it infinite charged pills though dream catcher charged balls ghost pepper and then the um popcorn buddy ghost pepper popcorn buddy and then tough twins i can still see forever tears up that did absolutely jack [ __ ] is chris the blind oh god hey we can go back in there and reroll that let's try to get guppy let's try not to die miserably alone and afraid [Music] a single quarter name an item that could totally dick me in the face right now in the devil pool go a charged quarter oh bob's brain is not in the deal with the devil thing soy milk you guys are not i don't think you understood what i said nine lies are you guys okay oh this is the yeah button room oh god you guys we have to run away from mom i just i just remembered and last time i thought i should have been hit like 17 times we know what that is it's less than three holy [ __ ] i just remembered that we have to run ask the mom i don't think this is going to go as well as i think it will flight should help yeah speaking of being helpful that is really nice of you to do that i am so thankful fastest way to take him down would just be the the bomb route pills please these guys are tough tough enemies [Music] oh god it's a it's a boss room we definitely should not do it but oh nope says chat doesn't anyways hey yo that's not that bad oh drowsy there we go another a couple i can see forever pills what if i just farmed coins on his butt too late a whole freaking reap creep a whole ass reap creep right now most underrated thing in the game drowsy pills they're so good he switched to laser for me i barely even noticed no the tears up pills do nothing why why why why why why why why why right better to it feels like i'm walking on sunshine we could maybe pop that no i think they probably take away everything that i have when i walk into the mine room actually the tear cap yeah but i was getting other stats ups and it was still adding on to my fire raid explain that one point dexter does anyone remember what the hell it was in here [ __ ] i forgot libra breaks the tear cap well then why the hell i blocked him on my tear cap left was ghost pepper and the right was popcorn buddy uh i like ghost pepper i'm being honest oh it's bird's eye and that means enemies that get close enough to me take damage fire damage each tier now has a chance to be a fire instead oh it's the same thing each tier now has a chance to be a fire instead which deals damage to enemies that come in contact with it wait what did they just reskin ghost pepper are there two ghost pepper items the giant fire one wait what that seems sloppy it's the same thing as ghost pep right i don't know why i'm taking the money i really don't oh god i'm out of keys something's wrong something's wrong can't do that need more keys good i may be get another key wouldn't that be funny if i just died to try to open the mausoleum door charged rotten heart you guys just like it's peak comedy in here i don't think there's been anything more funny more of a red candle versus blue candle kind of thing the golden razor hey that sounds nice ghost or bird's eye changes tears to fire ghost pepper adds additional fires oh that's right i did have a a cursed room item didn't i that we were rerolling oh well wish me luck you guys the hell is this this is your worst nightmares and i can't get hit more than twice more than once really you ready there's no holy mantle what do you mean there's no holy mantle i don't get holy mantle no mantle really open the door open the door why do they put flies in the poops did you get smoked holy [ __ ] you got smoked you got lit up yo oh yeah we did get the thing we got the the item in the other room heart was was beaten though when they weren't opening up the door so weird holy mantle wasn't on i think it disables everything that you have like all my stat stat-ups went away look at all my freaking fires oh god the snipes [Applause] hp pretty good guppy copy copy copy copy alpha nice secret room what about the secret room why are you yelling it was a freaking spook all right we ready i want to go shop but i'm out of my amount of keys there's a charged key in it reroll cursed room there's no more items yo the devil at the century is way down we go oh oh and those headless baby is our secondary and it's not very good so we'll re-roll these brimstone dudes are very difficult i was straight up running away from one of them he still shot me holy [ __ ] the whip dudes as well not cool not good steam home for steam silk so i could re-roll it yeah well no we're at fire uh we're at the fire rate cap right [Music] this probably doesn't do anything at all tears up pills were nothing it's in all stats i think it might be a nothing yeah it was nothing oh my god that tripled i don't even see that turret i shoot backwards there we go he's smarter than the game um that's the thing that's full of batteries this one like those are gonna be an extra option which is important when we start um erasing pedestals and i'm just gonna re-roll this probably broken modem is a trash item shield guys defend themselves now knife tops here we're shooting at a lot of fires so that's a positive thing like a lot of fires [Music] my active as an eternal d6 has a chance to either reroll the item or erase the item entirely this is supposed to pay out with cards but remember we took uh baggie of pills really early directly after we got libra so pre-pog drowsy that's a good one okay nothing too crazy there i'm gonna stick with um drowsy and what was the other one probably this one just in case i need to get out of a sticky situation go for long worm uh yeah what's it called tapeworm that with libra is really good shot speed up shot speed up we'll see what our shop has to say about it first i mean we were already in our shop psych loser 50 gifted subs from a 10 cent superhero oh my god that's crazy huge thank you so much 10 cents with the tier 1 sub i'm sorry i missed that if i didn't call it out 12 minutes ago very amazing very very very very awesome going back to charizard today feels good feels good halitosis is not something i'm looking forward to got money on the floor that's right um let's just dump our money into the machine we're gonna get plenty more money via items so let's just see what we can get out of this thing tape warm me please or stats up pills alibrosis imagine the lost with that trinket that turns all hearts into spiders that would be good moon shade thanks for the prime sub appreciate that that's freaking new cuts flex see if 10 cents said anything after that didn't want to miss it you deserve it man no thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] any mood f there's no mood f will most likely be a mood f music mod once mods are enabled again every time i look up huds changes the hat i mean not looked up for like three hours but what i'm hearing is you're not watching guppy oh hello we're capped what hot is also shot speed us did you know i want to save at least one re-roll or the item room don't touch the spiky rocks shouldn't have to say that though a 10 cent super hero 10 more dollars you deserve it man i wish i could support you more often because you've been a huge bright point this past year but i support you when i can thank you thank you thank you very very generous of you i'm more excited about that than my tinder match oh yeah don't touch the fires the one that blink those are the bad ones i'll thought let's get it out of the way tinder match with bethany get out of here um i think it was a re-roll all around if i remember correctly we didn't like any of it i don't remember seeing lemon mishap but tinder match with the witness in your match with ed who wants to know my location here's upper caps i'm a chronic button pusher headless baby okay i was gonna say i guess we're not gonna get in the charge and then we did that [Music] up to the book we could reroll here and try to get book worm i don't think we have book worm right a second drowsy that'd be the way to go drowsy it up tender match of the charged key and then you meet the key in person and it's a regular key and you're like i just feel like you lied about your profile middle one was mitre uh it's mazo one we could actually just fight the boss first to see if a deal with the devil might change how we spend uh our time here you got key fished heretic might not be the easiest fight honestly psych drowsy this guy's really tough actually he's like numb munch you got nothing dude this is pathetic i'm embarrassed for you i was really hoping for a deal with the devil but the speed up you know what i'll take that and then i'm thinking maybe books could be huge bookworm seems to be like it it procs like a lot yeah that's just that's really good you guys i know that a lot of you guys are wondering how i get so good at the game honestly i don't even know i'm shocked that i'm this good myself we can reroll again hots luck i think it's skill i think we all know that it's skill damn drowsy's broken i'm i'm a fan of split shot especially when we have uh spectral and we can shoot over rocks but wait a minute it doesn't split the second time they change it so it only splits once on rocks did we get got we got got chat he used to split over every single rock that it came across it's been nerfed nerfed a split shot edmund yeah i was like central here yeah yeah yeah she loves me yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm gonna reroll halitosis i think you know what why don't we just take halitosis and re-roll this item no i can't even buy that item it's not a pedestal dirt derpader der plug oh yeah oh yeah that was split baby but the splits are splitting yeah that's true um we good i think we're good here mazzle one we don't have to do anything special you guys are we gonna do this is the loss this is crazy now you're the charged key i didn't look what did it say i was looking at chats damn it what are my items little monstro and something what's on the right little monstro and number two question mark butt bombs chat yelling at me to pay attention then chat doesn't pay attention uh-huh classic story all right butt bombs i believe you wait where are my shocks where are my zip zaps i'm 120 volts i can reroll the box uh yeah yeah it drowsy if i'm in a panic or sunshine oh spun too oh my god bro this guy oh god zam walking on sunshine whoa holy [ __ ] don't feel good uh-oh i don't remember the sirens moves [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what's that what's that what's that what's that what is that where are you what are you doing i want no part of it thank you i've unlocked gehenna oh did you know if you bomb her skull sing for your friends uh lullaby does what gives your followers familiar as improved fire rates improved fire rate um i don't know if that applies to any like the knife would be the only thing that we have we're just gonna ignore the michael scott what was that green meme michael who i used all my pills you guys i just ripped my safety net imagine how much more powerful drowsy would have been on either of the mom fights or the witness got a little monstro they could do they know faster fire rate little monster though i don't know if that means faster charge maybe and she knows it's the mustache little monster buddy huh you guys feel good about that i know i have lazarus i want to get the marks for the lost kind of the point a little monstro's in the middle [Music] with your worst butt bombs then are you sure it wasn't ghost baby more options randomizes i don't want to look at you but [ __ ] what would kim do for me exactly oh that's right nothing buttons are dangerous poops i got honey that poop's got a knife oh what son of a dick lord imagine if we had the a plus you guys nothing but teeth it's still good it's still really good i'm happy to have it but we wouldn't have been able to open up like about what 45 chests on these that's my next pedestal no wait range is good range is good butt knife as well nine damage honestly at libra that's not bad 698 fire rate mate oh i really like the uh the graphic on the holy mantle too and the loud noise so that you really know that you lost silly mantle actually like really helpful 120 volts seems to be shocking enemies that get too close to me electricity at nearby enemies 135 of your tear damage rapidly and chain onto other nearby enemies if they're close enough even though we were maxed at speed it still gave me the all stats on the other ones that's pretty good that's that real champ [ __ ] box of trinkets um buy yeah once range up up re-roll this yeah that's pretty good oh that's quality that's the good stuff right there i feel like this is how ed dreamed libra runs could be done morocco charged key i don't even want this guy to pay out if he gives me an item i could reroll it how about a bomb item i don't think i've ever gotten this kind of payout payout outside of normal he seems to be more common now uh well there's the butt bombs for you what do we want to do with that do we want to reroll that we'll see if the boss is up next the boss is up next uh it's mazo too i say we take the butt bombs oh jesus we take the butt bombs we save our re-roll the last one fell asleep with your stream and you're still going holy [ __ ] i am you guys ready for this it's freaking mozzo too and we have none of our our safety pills we got to just top this out we got laser mom eyes as well as a mom's heart battle ghost pepper is blue flames bird eye can change tears to fire ghost pepper fires additional okay let me i'll hit that already oh i'm way behind on this chat there we go that was way behind don't forget the charge key i could open up this chest might as well try to drop some bombs i don't know i could hurt myself i guess with the bombs it might be actually more dangerous for me to drop bombs we'll see i could drop bombs on one side of the room and run to the other maybe already lost my elemental wow wow wow wow good thing good thing we we cleared that quickly um [ __ ] i mean we could just re-roll these right these do nothing for me as the lost correct i don't think they do [ __ ] they may they might have patched it though so that i get like a holy mental charge upon losing or i might get the invincibility upon losing holy mantle right the damage up on the negative they might have patched it [Music] it would make a lot of sense if they did patch it wasn't it negative is damage up negative damage up test for damage up negative is damaged [ __ ] it do it well i'll try this yeah it's in all stats all right that's fine if we end up seeing a black heart charge when we take damage though then that would mean that they had patched it or them oh i didn't expect to get hit so quickly [ __ ] glass now they were so they were so tight they were so unbelievably [ __ ] tight that was nuts dude way to rip all of your freaking marks as the loss god damn it i didn't see the first one at all period the second one they were like this close [ __ ] shiatsu massage on my forehead i'm so sorry about this maggot i'm not trying to zap you i know yay now you can get it as the lazarus freaking hell i can i met half a goddamn red heart i can't believe we just got hit like that that's what happened try to sum it up that was insane speed ups good this would have been the last run this would have been the way to do it it's pissed i'm just pissed off now forever i want some help health could be cool fisted your face hmm god we tried so freaking hard stapler damage up [Music] in the end it just didn't even matter he's looking at me get him off all right god can't wait can't freaking wait look at all the shots yo it's raining it's pouring the old man got annihilated what the absolute balls ed it's going faster it's like going full blast on asteroids oh that's a that's a 100 sack right there that is a they weren't even trying to hide the fact that that was a sack yeah that's what i want that's a pair um no we are capped actually uh yeah eight ball we could get a reroll yeah we found edmonds balls the balls somebody screenshot that and you know what i'll do it i mean more it came from me not to say that you guys don't mean anything i was the one that in the interview is all i'm trying to say edmonds balls he's like man i could tell you some things there's no mustache on it though [Music] fake news ah did you know the eight balls also shot speed up he was right there big honestly was bummed about the fire thing it's pretty good nine out of ten mega maggots more like megat get it guys there's no elephant attached either it could have been up above you don't know we're still capped for the fire right what was that uh that was dragon roost island zelda wind waker the tail that dangles down similar concept ed did say this game is based off of zelda libra though you obviously weren't here for the first half of the video or the stream of the run you son of a [ __ ] wait a second if i take missing page and i die do i come back as lost this is blowing the corner isn't that wanted poster not missing page oh you're right this is why i waited for a response i don't do stupid [ __ ] awesome bloodstains is there oh there's holes that i can't even see you see that i can't see that walking into things not moving imagine if i just jumped off a cliff and killed myself if there was a cliff to jump off of that is imagine if you could fall into the holes like gungeon yeah all right all right then right out somebody make a mod an ultra hard mod where if you walk over a cliff you fall that would be some [ __ ] april fools technically ah the whole stream's been fake i saw your kidney [Music] oh yeah girl damn oh what the [ __ ] ah you stole my lung sorry candy mountain charlie yes candy mountain charlie kind of like tim isn't it went to sleep woke up stream still on you know that's like the fourth person that said that so far it's almost like people sleep you imagine sleeping anybody here not seen charlie unicorn charge key charlie yeah that not tier one what's up hi evans is anime what about llamas and hats have you also not seen that we have a guppy's tale mind you that's why we've been seeing so many golden chests um i guess bombs with hats was great never even heard of that one what are some classic golden youtube era videos just like that what car roll that kills people harry potter puppet pals asdf movies end of z world yup yup yup two-thirds guppy then am i oh yo we're there oh [ __ ] oh god i'm not ready we got [ __ ] hammered last time we stepped into the freaking witness fight we're done there's no way i don't think i want to really necessarily find anything else though oh wait wait drowsy drowsy could see me through we'll see green is not a creative color lazarus versus mother oh god it was that's close that was close to the wall i see about re-rolling mom we get a really close look at the attack patterns here i guess when it's slowed down boom well glad i didn't get hit by that this time okay this one is i can now like focus on dodging it it looks like it always targets where you're at first yeah that's helpful just always move over a little bit oh god ah where's siento the second time i've ever fought her i forgot that she even did that man [ __ ] all that time how much time did we just waste ah god that pisses me off god freaking how close are we to we're probably super close get an invincibility pill that wouldn't have really i didn't know it was coming to use the invincibility pill that's like saying you died with a freaking blank on gungeon dogma seems easier than mother ah shoot thanks people on youtube for watching i guess in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 106,117
Rating: 4.9426093 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 59sec (4979 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.