Fired From A Facebook Post? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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redditors who lost their job because of a post to a social media platform what happened I worked customer support for a mobile game company I was honest with a disheartened customer who had complained that recent changes had made the game pay2win it had in truth been a glitch with an update I told then as much assurance m2 team would be fixing it in the next update but then the games profits skyrocketed the team kept the glitch and put out a statement describing the change as an intentional one designed to improve the play experience but there was my name plastered all over the game forums claiming the opposite I technically worked for a separate company that provided support for several studios but the studio behind this game was our biggest customer they approached my bosses furious I jeopardized their cash cow and demanded I be fired I promptly became familiar with the underside of the bus as I was gone within the week didn't lose my job but I watched a friend losses over a tweet he tweeted so getting head while delivering pizzas is pretty sweet one night while he was working the next morning he tweeted yo 3q Papa John's I don't need you or your stupid job anyway or something to that effect I've never laughed so hard in my life I imagine him having a boring life and making up a bj story for some Twitter entertainment the tries to explain he was lying but PJ doesn't believe him and fires him I used to work for Geek Squad in college and the co-worker was fired when a famous actor came in and she posted on Facebook a lot of his private info like full name came into our store and bought us and this and has a black Amex card and stuff he had on his computer not once but on two separate occasions that's a special kind of stupid she could have got herself in the company into a lot of trouble a former colleague of mine posted about how he was going to use up all his sick leave and quit he posted it at 9:00 a.m. he was told he had no more job at 11:00 if you want to keep a secret then don't tell it to anyone not me but the company I work for a prospective employee just passed his interview and was told that all he needs to do is pass a drug test and a physical and he would start on Monday to the company Facebook guy found the new hire on Facebook and the guy had just posted 20 minutes after the interview grab anyone know how to pass a drug test in 24 hours I was younger and an idiot I posted something on Facebook about wanting to go home and play the sim so I could create telecommunications store I worked for on it and then slowly kill off all the customers I was working a late night shift in a mall and forgot our new co-worker had added me on Facebook days before joined the games studio alongside a guy who just finished his philosophy degree he felt that the game's official forums were the best place to discuss whether disabled people would be of as much value as pigs after a post-apocalyptic event and if they should be simply slaughtered and eaten all using his company account of course do you work for the dark fall team hammer I've had one employer refused to hire me because I didn't have a Facebook at the time wasn't her HR or social job it was a fast-food joint would have been funny if you made a facebook account with just your boss and your dad on it make only posts about how much you love you job on there I was let go from the nation's third largest insurance company for what were called offensive tweets apparently someone with my similar name was tweeting vulgar things to comedy accounts and they brought me into HR and terminated me yes I sued for wrongful termination so I could finish getting my MBA apparently someone with my similar name what the actual frig this wasn't even you you'd think the army of lawyers insurance companies are known to have would have nip this in the bud I was once passed over for a job because I barely use Facebook they straight-up told me that they couldn't trust me because of how little info was on my page for future reference I'm sorry employers that 90% of my facebook page is related to Starcraft and/or miscellaneous gaming I'm sorry that I don't get drunk and post embarrassing photos of things you could fire me over my personal life is my business and not Facebook's you must construct additional profiles we require more discreditable posts a company I worked for had it written into their 7 page contracts that you were not allowed to even reference said company on social media anyone in breach would be fired instantly there's a page on Facebook called we hate that's currently one of the world's biggest corporate hate pages it all started when someone working in our call center posted online about how much the customers suck then began something of a war between the staff and customers customers posting on employees walls and vice versa the company was as a major player in its market essentially had a monopoly and there was a noticeable drop in sales that year all in all around 20 people were fired converges it is I know it is remember the story I work in a hospital and there was a police shooting in my area a couple of years ago and multiple officers were brought into our one officer was DOA and a number of idiot hospital employees posted condolences on their Facebook pages with the name of the officer before the family was officially informed if memory serves seven or eight employees were rightfully fired for that one not me but a co-worker of mine was fired recently because he got caught sneaking off work to smoke weed and drink by Facebook thus [ __ ] would post post photos of him smoking and drinking on Facebook the boss found out and predictably fired him on the spot the best part this guy was almost 30 years old and not just some dumb teenager dumb teenager is a state of mind he was definitely a dumb teenager not me but a girl on my facebook worked for the Postal Service in my town she posted on Facebook how she wanted to slit her boss's throat and went into some gory details then about five hours later she posted another status about how the feds showed up at her house and that one of her co-workers had showed her boss the status and she was now fired she's obviously really dumb and trashy going postal I had to fire an employee for a tweet he wrote about a customer he tweeted customers full name would be a great name for a gay P star I found out about it when the customers lawyer called me the next day threatening action turns out the guy worked for the local newspaper and obsessively searched his name on all social media not me but my mom's ex-boyfriend he was a waiter at a very elite restaurant and had normally expected very nice tips some guy left him a $5 tip for an over $100 bill and he got P and posted the customers information on Facebook he got fired the next day deserve it not me but in my town was a very public case where the girls basketball bull coach lost her job because she posted a picture of her husband touching her breasts on Facebook lots of people got mad and she got her job back now her and her husband who is a coach at a different school are leaving to coach at a charter school in a different town teachers aren't supposed to be real people I had to fire someone for one he was a volunteer firefighter and left for a call which I allowed 15 minutes later someone showed me his five minute old post talked him riding quads saying something along the lines of sometimes you just need to F off from work that put him on a final warning he then left because he said his house was on fire than half an hour later his wife tagged him in a photo of him sitting in a kiddie pool in front of his house the funny thing is in both cases if he had simply asked to leave early I probably would have said yes my female friend 18 was DM through Twitter by the news presenter 37 of our city he was talking about her beach pictures and how she is really pretty and how they need to get together she ended up telling him that it's pretty ridiculous that he's trying to get with her he lost his job later that week the only real reason he lost his job was because he used the Weather Channel's Twitter account oh this happened to me many years ago I was on the job a week at a law firm and had to ride with one of the female employees to the UPS Store she was a terrible driver and almost wrecked multiple times I posted on Facebook one week on the job and my coworker is trying to kill me worst driver ever the next day I was called into my boss's office with the girl sitting there with an expressionless look on her face and there was a print out of my post it was awkward and they fired me on the spot all of my account information was also sent to private so they figured a way to check my activity you have a mutual friend with that girl I got fired from an internship for posting on reddit before it was a very small environmental engineering consulting firm we were doing work on a site that had led and arsenic contamination on it the site was very dusty and if it didn't rain for a few days the dust would often kick up and blow onto the street next to the site which happened to be the main road in this semi smallish town someone mentioned on reddit in a totally unrelated way that they were from this town I made a mention of the contamination and told the dude that if he ever saw dust coming off the site that he should contact the engineers which were housed above one of the local bars apparently this guy didn't really want the site to be redeveloped at all because of the already high congestion in the surrounding roads and he called and complained and mentioned my post on reddit the company was so small it was obvious it was me who posted it and I Fest up about what I had said and immediately deleted the post even though I didn't do anything illegal or even remotely immoral I was fired because I was seen as a liability freak that people deserve to know if the dust they're breathing and could give them cancer I moved on to a different field marine biology and haven't even remotely looked back whoa that guy is a douchebag you were trying to help I remember hearing a story about a young teacher in my province getting fired for posting vacation pictures to facebook bikini margaritas a dip ship parent or teacher reported it as any uptight group off PTA mothers would want to defend young eyes from that that's stupid see this is the sort of crap that pisses me off a teacher who is on holiday has the right to privacy and should be allowed to do whatever they want outside the school so long as she is not wearing bikinis and drinking margaritas in school I am a ok with it what people do outside their work life and on holidays especially is of no concern to anyone I didn't actually get fired because I just don't post about work but I did once get written up almost suspended bid my supervisor convinced management he needed me for the shifts that day once I was scheduled to work a double 16 hours no breaks in between three days in a row before I went in for my last double I updated my facebook saying I am so tired but they literally tried to suspend me for that once upon a time at a large East Coast electric company we had a big winter storm and were pulling 18 per hour shifts all week for roughly two months anyone stating that they were tired or missed their family weather till a customer on social media or Tillett coworker was fired on the spot that place was heck not me but a teacher got fired because she had been tagged in a photo on Facebook of her in a brewery she'd gone on a tour while on vacation she wasn't holding beer or anything was just in the photo one of our best agents got fired for this she was a single mom fairly new to the job but she was great at it she posted up I hate having to go work but I'm blessed to have a job at company name hey BAM walked out the door I posted my facebook status about how big of [ __ ] my boss's and tagged him I lost my job because I was upset at my boss and I put it on Facebook a customer threatened me and instead of kicking me out the boss bought him free shots so I posted to Facebook that anyone who came and cussed me out would get a free shot and fit not exactly the same thing but I once had my college call me asking if I was still planning on attending apparently they had looked at my facebook and found a picture of me in some other colleges shirt it was just one of my brother's shirts I didn't think anything of it but it was kind of freaky that they were going to those lengths apparently signing your white boss up for was not acceptable even as a joke a guy at my company got fired for posting a picture of weed illegal here sat on top of his company security pass with his name in the company's name in plain view frankly he was too stupid to have a job the example I was given during new hire orientation someone's films they sent a bunch of flowers to her at work she took a picture of N at her desk and uploaded them to Facebook in the background were a couple clearly readable classified documents understandably once HR found out she got terminated this is a cattle of power if you subscribe your power level will increase by 64 levels if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 96,124
Rating: 4.875792 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, lost job, fired, facebook, social media, what happened
Id: mQCoNbX-Avw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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