Bosses Share Stupidest Thing They Had To Fire Someone For (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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bosses offered it what is the stupidest thing you have had to fire someone for this guy always tried to hide at work to avoid working one day I was looking for him and I stepped into the bathroom I notice a shoe print on the back of the toilet and I look up and one of the ceiling tiles is pushed a little to the side I climb up there and this mother sucker is hiding in the ceiling had an employee get caught get caught rolling twenty blunts in the produce cooler he did offer to share another incident all of lobsters kept dying off several times several thousands of dollars worth of lobsters even after cleaning the tank a couple of times in case there were some lobster hating germs in there turns out one of the overnight floor cleaners were staging gladiatorial lobster battles unfortunately he forgot to wash his hands that were covered in floor cleaning chemicals did not bode well for Spartacus and his armored brethren one of my maintenance guys tried to stab a guy over a bag of dirt company dirt dirt worked at a nightclub one if the workers called him sick but he was actually going to some party instead could you guess where they went after the party yes to our nightclub had a guy do that at our theater he got high and cooled in this wasn't terribly uncommon II then he decided to sneak into a movie right past the on-duty manager it worked as well as you can imagine manager at a delivery joint here we had to let someone go because they decided to deliver pizzas in a stolen car well it's not like who'd wanna put those miles on your personal vehicle we worked at a place that bought in used cellphones she bought a cell phone from a guy in his Facebook was still open she posted as the guy on his Facebook something like lana big frickin idiot guy came back to complain she was fired poor girl she was probably just trying to post on her own facebook but she couldn't because she's a big frickin idiot one of the lifeguards was really hungover so he took a crap in the pool so we didn't have to open up for the day now that's a stroke of genius I was managing a restaurant and did morning cash out I checked all slips against the information and the computer I noticed in new hire had a really good tip averages the day before when I had been paying her out the next day I was going through her slips and noticed a discrepancy mainly that she had added a 1 in front of each tip and changed the total how could I tell you asked she used different color ink she was fired and we refunded the money seriously at least use the same color ink when I arrived to the United States last year I would always avoid paying in restaurants with cars because I was afraid people would do this it just seems so simple and I come from a place where some people are not to be trusted I find it so weird that you guys trust each other so much to just leave your tab open like that I had to fire this kid from a gas station I worked at after he asked me if I ever poked holes in the condoms with a pushpin as he proceeded to punch holes in condoms I have no idea how long he was doing it for he worked there for over a year had to fire a girl for sleeping with a client at a homeless shelter I worked in a fast-food kiosk in an amusement park we had a machine that cooked our burgers and toasted our buns one of those ones where the food goes through on a conveyor belt one day it was raining while walking to the kiosk a girl got wet so logically she took her clothes off and put them through the machine so the heat could dry them her shirt caught on fire and set the kitchen sprinklers off her shoe forced the two toasting plates in the bun section far apart creating a large repair bill I worked with a guy who was fired for regularly watching pee at his desk they talked to him several times and he just never stopped an IT department I once worked for monitored Internet traffic and found this is quite common among senior management we tried to curb it by sending fake hand emails threatening exposure but there were still several high-level employees that just didn't give a dang this one guy would turn up to work and visit pee sites until he went home crazy times a couple of co-workers decided to start dealing see at the hospital we worked at and thought to using the internal email system was a good way to keep in touch with customers oh I am so excited to share I had an 18 year old employee go to Vegas for a long weekend he had been late a few times before and had been warned that continued tardiness would result in disciplinary action so the sign Stein is headed back from Vegas with his buddy after they both blew all their money and they realized that they don't have enough gas to make it back he really doesn't want to be late already you are probably thinking of the multitude of options available to these two fine upstanding citizens they could call saying they were in a jam they could beg for $20 and see if anyone took pity on them or they could steal some gas they chose none of these options the two of then decided the best option was to take a handgun from their trunk go into a gas station hold it up and demand exactly $20 they then drove one mile down the road to the next gas station where they filled up Aid and were surrounded by the police as they were attempting to pull back onto the road when I first heard what happened I was sure the story must be exaggerated or wrong I knew the kid wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer but I never dreamed anyone could do something so amazingly idiotic it still boggles my mind I love how they've decided to commit armed robbery and they still only take $20 receptionist who forgot to wear pants I was at a satellite office and had four employees call me separately to let me know there were some previous issues plus they were pretty sure she was on something one of my technicians used our remote software to start typing - a girl whose machine he took control of he opened notepad wrote what a mess and then went to pornhub supervisor gets an email about sexual harassment the same day and he's gone the next morning not a boss but HR had a guy on a temporary work comp transitional assignment at a retail store his regular job had very good pay a lot of benefits etc The [ __ ] stole a used scuba suit from his temporary job site on-camera bonus we are well over 1,000 miles from any ocean I had an employee who was getting drunk on the job I found him in a hallway on the floor wasted he told me that he got bad headaches and the only cure was champagne on crushed ice a PC technician was being pestered with questions from a customer about sales stuff he lost it and while looking the customers square in the face the employee had his eyes closed however said get away from any or I'll eat your face it took half the day to get over the laughter and WTF of the situation before we could even begin on paperwork sorry Pat you can't go yet I am not done laughing I once worked in a retail store where we all had our own access codes that allowed us to do stuff and if our code didn't allow us to do it we weren't supposed to be doing it on his first day during training he managed to catch the general managers code as he was typing it in and used it for about a week pretty much gave away thousands of dollars of equipment in the managers name it was particularly stupid because he did it because he still had his trainee position which required somebody to look over most of what he did if he wanted to give discounts etc if he had waited another couple of days he would have been moved up to full staff member and could have given out most of those discounts anyway without anybody noticing or caring he just couldn't wait to give his friends all the free swag Guitar Center I told him to stop getting high before work I even told him he was a good worker when not high and that I didn't care what he did off the clock I literally told him that people could smell weed on him and that he acted like an idiot well hi he apologized agreed with me even offered up the fact that it was in facts affecting his work next day shows up stoned to the bone sorry guy you're fired he forgot he wasn't supposed to get high because he was high I got a great one my friend and I were both district managers for a vendor company that worked in Home Depot's building displays and merchandising one day one of the workers was on the store phone talking with one of the owners of the company owner he is in the background an install page foreign manager he knows had been fired a month before turns out this guy had made an hour-long recording of the inside sounds of a home depot and would play it on his stereo anytime someone would call him fooled everyone for months my buddy and me drove to his house and parked outside and called him my friend asked him where he was and he goes I'm at the store we tell him you might want to look out your window we see his curtain part a little bit and close fast we told him don't bother coming out you're fired got to give him credit for the balls and ingenuity though I was the manager of a Papa John's and a lady called and complained about a driver going too fast near her kids a driver comes back and I say Pat a lady called try and slow it down a bit he goes postal in front of a packed audience of pickup customers Frick you man whose side you on not mad hurt just be careful nah freak who's lying Pat dude not mad just be careful ah no freak that you and I need to go outside calm down dude not mad lender don't worry Frick you f LPP pbbt babble nipple babble you're done man go home most Awkward pizza firing aside from when this dude tried to kill me when I worked on the coast Pat is a nurse now this actually just happened our supplier came out on to my construction site and cooked every one of free Bobby this one bloke had a meltdown and almost had a fight with the chef their conversation started off like this guy where's the butter chef ain't got no butter mate guy what kind of Bobby is this without any butter chef a free one if you don't like it don't have it then the guy blew up yelling at the chef for making smartass comments and swearing his head off while the chef thought nothing of it and remained really comment the guide to take it easy our site does not tolerate this kind of behavior needless to say we kicked the guy off site ASAP lost a job over a free Bobby and butter lol this is the most Australian thing I have ever read in high school a guy I knew stole a giant Ronald McDonald made of Legos from the McDonald's he worked at it was one of those guests the number of pieces contests he got away with it but later on he was busted for stealing boxes of hash brown wrappers with Monopoly game pieces on them cops show up at his place to arrest him over the hash browns lo and behold there sits Ronald in the middle of his room employee wrote butthole on the bottom of a customer's oil filter customer decided to change his oil one day something something something fired a concessions attendant Gator pot brownie - my 75 year old door person at my movie theater she didn't press charges but he had to go no paperwork on it either I had him resign that's really messed up I don't care about people doing drugs or anything really as long as it isn't hurting anyone else but drugging someone else is a dong move even with pot lots of people get really anxious and paranoid and to not no way would be just awful poor grammar they got cheese on cheese pizza twice higher as an astronaut fart I guarantee it I once tried to make pizza in college after the timer buzzed off I found that I had just cooked an empty rack for 20-some minutes years ago we had a guy get caught selling pee off a website hosted from his government computer this was back in the days when the network security was extremely lacks the only reason this guy got caught was because he took his computer into IT and asked them to clean it up because it was running slow we've also had guys get caught for stealing controlled items and selling them on the local Craigslist without even bothering to remove any of the identifying marks hurting a customer's info in the system is first name don't care last name smells like crap personal hygiene you'd think people would have the common courtesy to shower before working with others that person smelled like pure beer with crap sprinkled on top I worked with a guy who got fired for buying pee on eBay all day at work I thought this was pretty out there until I saw the other pee at work store easier but still I think this takes the cake because he was internet savvy and still paying for secondhand pee DVDs that varsity level work piece stupid back story employee ed works a union job works 40 hours per week makes about $60 K per year full benefits full pension tons of paid vacation and is in his early to mid 30s and has absolutely no education did not even finish high school is socially awkward pretty much sucks at his job is physically weak often injured never enough for a doctor to find a problem just enough to get alternate duty basically the picture I'm painting is that Ed would be homeless if it wasn't for this job for life he somehow lucked into he is completely unemployable otherwise mother-fucking had takes funeral leave for a Thursday into Friday for his mother's funeral some other manager who seems to remember his mom dying a few years ago does some snooping and eventually asks for some proof ed turns in a fake sir obituaries gets found out and fired I still think about that guy sometimes he turned down the best gig of his life for us to bid for day weekend when he had like 20 paid days off available for use anyway this really annoys me I'm a union man and always have been but I believe if you want a fair deal you should work hard and give a fair deal to the employer guys like this make us all look bad one of the security guys at my company was caught masturbating to pee during the day at the main reception desk by a female PA when we have his exit interview we asked him why he did it and he just said he felt really comfortable at work and got carried away while browsing ridet he'd been with the company for years the best part was a colleague of mine who came back from vacation a week later and asked happened to Ron someone said he was fired and immediately the guy said Oh what did he get caught jerking off but he didn't even know he just got the vibe that drone would be the type to jerk it at work worked at a fairly large used bookstore in NYC we often listed and sold rare books online and sometimes had really unusual items that were truly one-of-a-kind signed in numbered or personally inscribed from one famous person to another or whatever one day we get a phone call from one of the managers from the huge book store up the street which also happens to be our biggest competitor he explained that he has a large stack of merchandise that he is sure was stolen from our store apparently earlier that day a fellow had come to his store with some books and art prints he was hoping to sell but the manager looked a few of them up and quickly deduced that they were stolen two of the items in particular were really exceptionally rare and obviously identifiable as belonging to us this would have all been bad enough but the manager had one last piece of information to share thinners he says I'm pretty sure that the guy who brought them in works for you I've seen him over there a bunch of times he usually works Sundays and Mondays tall guy blond hair wears cowboy shirts blah blah blah and proceeds to absolutely and without a shadow of a doubt identify our sales associate dan dan had apparently gone into our rare book room stolen the books which were already listed for sale on the Internet walked an entire four blocks to one of the most famous bookstores in the city and tried to sell his stolen loot to one of the book said as he saw at least twice a week in our store unbelievable if we hadn't fired him for theft we would have had to fire him for the epic stupidity we are prosecuting you for theft Dan but we're firing you because you're more on I'm surprised that these videos and more popular they're pretty darn good hashtag feature me if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, boss, bosses, fired, fire, stupid thing, employees, had to fire, stupidest
Id: tFaeMPFKplA
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Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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