22 lr semi automatic rifles which is best

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alright guys we've got a good one for you today we're gonna do the the best 22 semi-automatic rifles you know in my opinion ranking for my least favorite - my favorite and a few the reasons why and I'll kind of give you a little pan up here so we got I got a few more on the side here a TLC this was testing a good sampling of different 22 ammunition and stuff okay I want to start off my least favorite I guess at least we're at the moment this is an old savage 187 n this is uh getting to the last yo clicky clack guns savage made Stevens meaning is Orgill guns you had the gills you still see this one hat retains one girl on this side and two gills on that side and the clickety-clack guns you guys don't know when you fired it long as she held back the trigger it would hold back the charging handle will release trigger it would chamber another round he'd get that clickety clack Sam I painted the front side there mmm at 15-round magazine fed tube now safety on the back there I would really love his gun if I could get it to run for me now I did a lot working on know how many times I've had this gonna pardon I'll get it figured out eventually I wore a new firing pin and I've put in these Springs from new orange but I think my issue is the aftermarket Springs I got four it's just a little too much tension on them that could cut off some coils all right originally in the gun I think someone already did that and cut out some coils on there and can get to function right everything else seems to be in good working order of the gun but it just won't wear like it sometimes you get to fire you know several shots no rosin but uh you'd be lucky if you get a whole magazine in the fire without the good feeling to feed you know that's right Lisa at the moment that's my least favorite gun right there now you guys might disagree with me on a lot of these gun pics and stuff this is my opinion and you're welcome to comment what your area is now my next one is the savage model 62 I really want to like this gun better I just can't that paint the front sight on that also say it - they're plastic polymer stock got your schools where you're slinging if you don't post laying on it now here's a decent shooting gun and a little difficult to remove the magazine latch there there's magazines made out pop metal ores a Mac or something like that and a lot of guys on at least on the earlier ones had problems with these one to feed ammunition it's also my problem feeds most 22s but it does have difficulty on some it doesn't want to feed that Winchester white box with a build wide a hollow-point in it has a problems with the federal auto match but you know part of the reminiscence and stuff like that but this gun is made in Canada by there's a lake filled I think the company histor but now savage bought them out and the problem I had with the gun it gets dirty real quick and when it does get dirty they'll start having light strikes and mainly on let me get C in there or the extractor that's back into the edge of the barrel it really builds all the dirt in there and does quite quickly and you'll start having your light strikes and cleaning then I'll start function again and I'm not talking about many rounds before I have to do that you were talking you know 50 rounds and Beyond aroused her and had to clean it I'm all 64 if I haven't mentioned already exactly like the mala CCTV the only difference is to model 62 is a blue barrel steel blued receiver or 64 is a like a part rise finish but other than that they're identical guns and I do like the gun but I wish I feel like a better but wasn't where the fact it and get the light strikes and wouldn't feed everything that's my only issue with it alright now the next one I want to grab here I'm sure a lot of you were disagree with me he is a Marlin model 795 that's where he is look at this here plastics talk real light gun and there see the side barrel if you little bit of orange paint right there like a refresh net orange peanut butter front sight with some nail polish take all these sight and believe this gun does have last round hold up and yes it does the savage does not does Josh I'm pretty savage had it ham ten round magazine I forgot to mention on the savage 10 round magazine and on the previous tube your Freddy I was 15 year olds but a magazine release right here nice look amazing now I don't know if you guys know what a hang fire is a hang fire ease we pull trigger and the gun goes click and the bullet doesn't go off now that was a lot of time an old military ammunition you know uh pull trigger go click you know be a second or two then I go pow now I have never ever experienced that in a 22 except for on this gun right here now I pulled the trigger and put this down here I pulled the trigger on it and it was snapped like the firing pin went off and luckily I support in the state of safe direction I went to grab the charging handle and the gun fired off I've never had that happen or two if I'm not mistaken I was using CC eyes also so which really made me wonder now the gun it's a it's a good sheet and cutting out of that that's the only problem I've ever had out of it it feels a little short for me more like cleanup work so on a smaller stature statue or a child would use it's a good gun now you can't hear anybody talk about Marlins without mentioning their microgroove rifling in their barrel and that's just more in my opinion more hype than there's a sheet better than the other guys know I mean it's it's good it's a good gun and before the Micra of grooving had Balor driving Creveling which took a couple processes about cutting the lands and grooves in the barrel and what the micro group and did they put more grooves in it but they weren't as deep but I was still you know made for accurate rifling and in the last three years and years and years just like the Balor does but I also you know a patent only the last for 20 years if I got my facts straight so they start off the micro grew barek berelson 57 or 58 so by now everybody's in it was a thing you know and everybody might be using it but just don't call it micro groove but a micro Roo barrel that's the claim to fame for Marlins hell and I don't really see a noticeable difference in it doing that and other guns but that's my second pick and it's a good gun it's just not one of my top favorites all right let me lay this one down and next one I'll probably be a little surprise for you now by the way you know uh that Marlin hammer get carried away there it shoots most everything and I'll do independent reviews on the Archean with ammo shootin stuff at a later time this is a Mossberg international blinkx 702 plink sir I believe this the guns made by company called CBC in Brazil now Mossberg imports them see there and sells them under their name it's a very light gun it does have a last round hold open but it's uh if you don't do this here I'm looking through the camera trying to do all this here so bear with me there we are ten round magazine it does have a last round hole open but it holds back on the empty magazine use a true last round hold of them no but I mean if it works out there it's a cheap way to do it and it works Barbour optic rear sights fully adjustable for elevation and windage so we can see that a little better there now they are plastic so you know there is a thing possibility could bust them off there fiber-optic front sight it's got a shroud over it blue barrel dry aluminum or it's painted eye receiver cover released but this gun will fire just about everything also you know down to the subsonics and stuff winchester white box you name it it's not the most accurate gun out here but it's one like a I strap on the front my four-wheeler and ah was with it and hunt squirrel I don't care about getting scratched up as I do some more high-end guns typical crossbolt safety but that's my next gonna line so now let me go to this one right here this is a winchester Model 190 and we're starting getting some of the wooden stocks right here this not a walleye stock is probably birch Winchester started making these guns in early 60s I believe like 63 or something like that and up in the mid 70s I believe they stopped possibly semi-automatic they've made these in a series hell with the pumps and the lever action also and I believe this was like a more economy version for Winchester your swing schools are to combat Marla's popularity with their model 60 and Ruger 10/22 now this gun you see to build these sights right there painting the front alright sights like around here replaced their model 77 and the model 74 prior to that which are a really well made gun cross bolt safety as you can see there now the earlier versions of these 190s they advertise where you could petite I get Reagan see up during get tesserae focusing on higher area shorts Long's or long rifles and sometimes you get into feet shorts then they must add too many complaints about it cuz now like you see in this one right here it says 20 long or long rifle now I have tried 220 shorts in this and I've got it to feed a magazine full without a jam time or two but a lot of times it doesn't have the poof it needs to put a blowback to paying on time a type of 20 short you're using now it's a pretty good gun I'd say that's why they stopped because the problems of feeding shorts why they don't little longer put the shorts on the barrel just long a long rifle but it's a pretty reliable gun we're kind of an economy 22 something I like that Winchester always did you see it kind of got this built in on the stock here and I call their shotguns and stuff like that that kind compressed the wood stock - so wouldn't split out you'll see that a lot of horse shotguns do you have the best fit and finish mmm no but I mean it was a good kind of its economy gun and I enjoy shooting this gun right there okay you lay this one over here Josh help me here okay this is a savage a 22 now usually I don't like scopes with my gun guns I do have guns with scope something we were all but I prefer the sheet with iron sights you know I believe was more of a challenge we need to hit your target without with a hot all right side some of the scope I always looked at it scope sky cheating on out now for real good long-range shots you know caution you scope and the more accurate your gonna be guess with the scope no doubt but uh this gun I ordered is my mistake I ordered it without the iron sights it does come with iron sights blue barrel blued steel receiver frostbolt safety a key trigger sling swivels here you can see it right there now this gun comes with a rotary magazine and since the patent expired on Reuters 1022 earlier magazine was out of here I'm drawing mister camera so this is a savages version of their Ruger 10/22 magazine now this will not fit in a 1020 nor will the 1020 to fit into this it's a little bit fatter but basically the same principle and this gun speeds most every everything we put into it not everything but most everything and it's a good shooting gun i Palmer stock plastic you know I just wish I already got it with the iron sights on it all right now let me get my next year having Josh hami so nice and were right here this is the Rowton model 596 97 it's the guy grace talk it's kind of ugly but it's different look at this and focus in on here fully adjustable rear sight for windage and elevation I like the sight here's your front side up a little bit of nail polish on there now I'm not real short in this kind of it's not really blue finish on the barrel but it could it's not a good shiny blue if it's flat it's a lunar receiver you know it's worse it's dovetailed out here this does have last round hold open and I forgot to mention back on the savage 822 it does not have last round of them real easy magazine about ins the simple magazine to load it olds ten rounds now this is uh I heard that some of the first malls at least they had problems with the magazines I do not on this I've never experienced it this is a really sweet shooting gun and I need to see his tap down and you know I'd get here why just right he is tacked up there were scope or you could put as the dovetails I've ever you put was cheap got twenty ringed scopes up there if you wanted to all right slip that one down here and hiccups on next one this is a Thompson Center TCR 22 and this is one of the more ripoff of a Ruger 10/22 Trias out there and crossbones safety safety you see there got molded in where your sling if you want to put a sling threaded barrel bioptic front sight picatiny rail few sights on the rear now most everything you can put on 10 22 you can put on this gun right here it has a 10 round magazine just like a Ruger 10/22 back 10 22 magazines will fit in this gun this gun does have a last round hold of them but let me put this ad a little piece right there that's what catches for your last round hold open if you put a Ruger 10/22 magazine they're no longer has last round hold of them you can put you know where we raising Ruger stakes you want a 15-round magazine 25 around 50 round drum in there whatever you want to put it all fit in there now what I don't like about this to be it's a flash wrap hold it right there you have to push down on this to load your first around it's a little difficult to load that first round after that it shoots fine I like this kind of extended charging handle like that on there as far as internal triggers stuff like that you can exchange an e Ruger aftermarket part for just about and put on this gun it's a it's a slap in the face to lure I guess and you can be a judge where they stepped it up from Ruger sloppily you can get Reuters and a lot of different configurations but this is a nice shooting rifle I know it didn't say this is a Magpul stock let me see if I can get just a focus in here and the sun's coming out in my face right here right now it's a little hard to get right there and put your bipod down here if you wanted to but he is a good shootin hacker gun see if I showed you the other side here alright and I wanna go with everybody's favorite marlin model sixty they've made over 11 million of these crossbolt safety in the rear there Schumpeter on the side simple leaf rear sight I paid in the front side of course this does not have a last round hold open you know Marlin started making these in I believe in 1960 and they've made over 11 million of these guns and everybody loves these just is there everybody's got one they made them were they held I believe 18 rounds until the late 80s then they switch down to 14 rounds I guess they're listening to the Liberals and they make these now in plastic stocks honey you still giving the wooden stocks and stuff some had a prairie dog and scroll on the side of the stock here and some had a a squirrel or a rabbit leave a really good a cur rifle and I've had this one for years and is a good example blue barrel has a little ducky ah here we can put you scope up there if you want a scope on it it seems like everybody's got one of these and if you don't have one you need one a great great gun I don't know how many squirrels this thing's taken but I enjoy the gun okay now let me get him on next one here now this is the Ruger 10/22 now we're gonna start making these in 1964 our believe and to pull across both safety their River Magazine blue barrel bloomin receiver tapped on top for scope a little different front sight some people like these some people don't I happen to like these they can just for windage and elevation there's metal band on this one we're picture one right here doesn't where you can see us all better there's a beaded front sight on it like that you get older eyes it's hard to pick up the dark front sight on it now Ruger made these I think it got over 6 million of these sold right there so Marlin outsells the Ruger's on there and they have a few years ahead of hot Ruger and selling the model 60 but I I'm not so sure they outsell Ruger nowadays not cus reading 1022 you got so many configuration so I mean you name it you know takedown models you have Palmer stocks you if you want to get tactical with it to make it look like an ar-15 just so many things different components different triggers that it's all stock one right here light triggers different both different barrels bull barrels you name it reuters got the Custom Shop now where you can have it built the way you want it on the 10/22 and let's face it Ruger is the 1022 use a benchmark of what all other twenty-twos are measured and you might not like me saying that but it's the truth they got every video you want to watch they'll be comparing it to 22 it's cheaper than a 1028 out shoots a 1022 you know uh this isn't that about 20 in the always compare it to a Ruger twin 20 no matter what Brandi is now rugers depending what you want to get it can get a little pricey you know back in the day I think I paid I don't know hard $39 for this I don't forty-nine something like that right there when they first started sell them I believe they were like $59 but you're hitting on the average reader like this around $300 mark yeah a little more low last I know what you get to plastic synthetics talking a little cheaper maybe you want to go upscale to bull barrel all that stuff right there the price just goes up just how deep your pockets are okay but it's a definitely a nice rifle you know the and also ought to start as far as the starting from the Marlin model 60 that's probably more heirloom rifles something you're gonna hand you your your kids or your grandkids and stuff like that and Ruger is definitely one of them right there now the Ruger does not have a last round hold open I had that in there too but uh for our heirloom rifle I I just don't think of plastic you know polymer stock he's gonna make an heirloom rifle yeah I suppose can hand it down but it's just not one he kept from grandpa and uh I can disagree with me I have my reasons for why I pick them in the rover like this and going over top the the Marlin you know it's it's outsold Ruger buy so much well they're out there before we came out with this 1022 and plus Marlins were always cheaper than a Ruger I remember three years going the Kmart and seeing the the Marlins in there and the riggers in there and Dave it's sad you know Kmart's almost out of business now but a lot of guns were bought through Kmart Walmart like that all right let me put this one down and off Josh hand me the next one right here this is an old savage 6a I picked this one up to a pawn shop and I think I gave 100 bucks for the gun and a 15-round magazine iron post sites as a little bit brass in the front sight their simple leaf rear sight just know on the gilt guns or quickly clocks to see all the gills right there safety up here now I believe this charging handle has changed later version charging handle there used to be fly right there but once again they you know clukey clack guns when you fired it bolt goes back and say free there and over there want to be talk to me there oh I pull out an attorney law pulled out and it goes back and long as you hold the trigger back it'll hold the bolt back like go trigger and go down and she get pretty clack sound now these were advertised to sheep shorts lungs and 20 long rival and it would cycle long rival but when you shot Long's or shorts right there what you would do you see you have two holes back here and you see that two holes back here you push that in and lock in to make it like a single shot and so you'd cycle manually wire out here 20 short pull back out cycle another shell push it back in again and so far this way you'd work it this is a very accurate gun and I wish that you get to savage 187 in to work as good as this one gun does I love shooting this gun just a piece of history these were made and I would have to look at my facts again but I think them 1938 make this model right here it's a little hard to date these guns yet to go by from the back of where these may dad stop but I think this between 1938 and 1946 really nice gun you'll see the old check ring there does hand chatter digging using the press checkering hand checker can see because you see a little bit you know it's done right there because they're not perfect like that press checkering is but a really nice gun I enjoy shooting it already you leave that one down and Josh handed this one okay and by the way that savage six a a help help six rounds tubular magazine this is a winchester Model 77 turn right hand much look here you have your safety here simple lucite I'll post front that's the brass no front there wall on stock you charge this gun from the left side right here and if you one though it does not have last round hold open but if you want to lock the bolt back you pull back here please telling this button and it holds the bolt back now you don't want to get your hand up here your thumb up there all your sheet is because it will come back there and cap your thumb you know I'll steal receiver dovetailed where's code blue barrel I think this has 15 round 2 magazine also I believe you could also get these with a 10 round magazine to never go with the model designation for that yes this is a highly accurate gun and this is the last model before they switch to the 190 now the previous model before this was a model 74 which I do not have as of yet but I will this is a finer ideal good shooting gun alright and we'll get to next one here I want this ability to run two long skinny stay well drink here first now I don't know coming you know what this is this is a Mossberg model 151 m keep this up or you can see that books name of it I think I should have started this video to other end the table where the Sun ain't shining so brightly now this has a fully adjustable peep sight it also has right here sights who you want to use them there's something different here I don't know I can get this and show you this here camera I really want to show you this it's adjustable if you take the hood off and probably can't see right there has different sight apertures up front there you pull the hood off here and you change around like a thin post a fat post a little circular like peep sight and I believe this one out of my nice three or four sites up front there now this one is long stock like this a manager man Locker if you want to call that one stock beans comes all the way there from a barrel [Music] this is a stock that magazine so you on the back right here we turn this around where you can see this where you feed two magazine I believe this holds 10 rounds and it doesn't fire everything and what I how let me get a beer here's as well as where the sling it does not want to fire like the Winchester white box and it's not because they jam in there it's just that the especially the rim part of the cartridge on the Winchester is just ever so slightly bigger and I'll feed down the tube but it won't come out the end of the tube little stack up down on the tube right there and you pulled out you tube out and I'll be sucking you have to pull the shells out there that's the only issue I have with a gun most other brands ammunition little fire and stuff and he is highly highly accurate really love the gun paul me aside i'll take this one out like squirrel hunting stuff which would be excellent wars over there because i don't want get it all busted up but uh one my definitely one of my favorite guns okay let me lay this one back right here and next one right here okay this is the Browning sa 22 the brass beads site fully adjustable rear sight now john browning designed this gun in this gun first came out I believe 1914 and it was made in Belgium I have four I play by FN album till nineteen seventy four of my come on a fast straights hard for me remember all these and dates and stuff and then it was a maiden Japan by Miroku now you think Japan doesn't do a good job and this is very nicely done and and Mariko client really makes some good guns okay peez bud start in through stock there once again I believe it holds 10 rounds just like the Mossberg take me to through there now this gun is a takedown version and what you do pull this back this new charging helm is also where the shells come out pull it back or so slightly and what do you call inner mitten threads and have you take down put that back there there's your button back forward beautiful gun they have different grades this is a grade one you can get them all you know this has a little bit engraving on the receiver and you like to pick that up right there but you're getting where their gold engraved it what great doing get high polish stock nobody knew when they're alone pricey side but you know this is definitely one you can hand down with your grandkids and uh the only thing you say about this is you know it discharged underneath which y'all have to worry about the brass hitting you in the face or anything like that but sometimes they'll go down your shirt sleeve does it discharge from the bottom right there beautiful gun and they're just so well balanced I mean right here yes - you can't through the woods that's where you you carry that love the gun and it's really hard for me to pick between this gun and the next gun I want to show you that James and that one lay there all right this is the remington model 552 15-round magazine this the BDL version by the way I think the BDL versions all you can get now but they used to make them in a more you know not a checker stock or anything conversion excellent fully adjustable rear sight Aires front sight a 15-round magazine crossbolt safety highly polish stock you can see it has a shell deflector on it this selling gun currently maintained you that you that I know of that will fire sorts lungs and long rifles and they turn around here well there you have an area here get you to read that right here focus on this little bit right here I know the Sun setting this is the right way this is twenty short long long rifle you don't fire your quiets and everything now your Calibri will not psycho Calibri but you can cycle them manually if you want to do that I want a quiet you can gun and it's beautiful you don't really need a suppress or anything like with this gun right here you seen the quiets or shorts and I just love this gun but once again it's a little on the pricey side but uh you know you're talking about guns here that you can pass down for generations and like I say I'll pay up here again and I'll show you I cross the sampling of 22s we shoot through these and stuff like that but uh these are some of the similar I have in my collection so far you know everybody's got their favorite and reason why and stuff like that you can be deadly accurate whatever gang you got you know grandpa used to say you can be a good shot with all guns or you can be a great shot with one gun the gun you shoot with more than anything else is the one you really will be excellent shooting so any one of these guns here you know what dude so what service you could have used to have one gun and I don't mean knock one gun better than either one I have my purposes as same as a lot of you guys do I prefer those the old-school wooden guns over the new polymer stock guns and why you know a may shoot the same were in some aspects we can be bit even better but uh it's more than nostalgia for me but I enjoy collecting guns and I have a affection for uh all guns 20 would be pistols and rifles and stuff like that's kind of my thing I want to get into and where they be semi-automatic rifles or a lever-action or pump power bold actions you know uh which I'll get to eventually here in the videos but uh there's so much fun to shoot we can I do dare planking whether you going to a gun range you're going on in the woods this oughta be said to go out in the woods now mooring I squirrel hunting you know and it's all calm and stuff it seems to seams makes the world seem alright you know everything is justified and especially if you get to take a child out there you know experience hunting and stuff like that now you take children out there you know they'll I want to see a little more axe you can't keep him out there all day like you would honey by yourself so you gotta expect that he would teaching one you know keep him interested and children are hard to keep focused right there you know so you take him out for an hour to a morning like squirrel hunting or tart practicin you know and teach him to have the love for guns like we all have you know 22 years a fine place to start with him and I see people like this training start off a kid you know with a 12-gauge shotgun or you know a 45 caliber pistol or nine-millimeter he like this that's not the right place to start a child off with start a child off with you know maybe BB gun first and you know then at 22 some that are not scared scared of shooting they shoot that big old gun the first thing you know that scares the piss out of them and they don't want nothing more to do with it but I teach them to have the love for nature like like we all do and uh you know how that lifelong love for guns just like us and that's that's the problem with uh in my opinion we have law that we call liberals and stuff like that people are against guns and stuff because they've never had any experience with guns before they they're just they see what they see on TV you know in all that [ __ ] you know they're eating a gun the world's gonna shoot five hundred rounds without reloading you know uh and uh there to scare the guns and they think they're all deadly and stuff and had guns a tool like everything else you know as a kid we had guns laying all around the house yeah we never had him in a safe you know uh boys have we had our little gun rack in our bedrooms you know and we knew it ought to be safe with guns and if we acted in an unsafe manner you know we got our asses to us so uh and I think a lot of the problems just you know children just don't know having experience with it or have been taught and their parents haven't either and so that's why you have a lot of the you know the negligent discharge you know kids they find a gun and their hand they find some ham initiative or and they she was another by extent this doesn't never experience about a him I believe you know you know if you make whatever it may be will be guns or anything if you don't show kid it you know it's a big secret they're really interested in finding about so they're gonna look at it you know with some in front of you or behind you back a little spacing you rather have them look at a gun and front you them behind your back and teach them it teach them gun safety you know but uh 22 is the best basis to start out children in shooting in my opinion you just can't go wrong you know or their be you know twenty rival is always gonna be quieter than 22 pistol you know it's what I would start off right there with the you know first John I wouldn't necessarily get my semi-automatic now get on a bold action you know they make several different kinds you know cricket that's what makes one right there I got my one grandson one of them in there several different manufacturers Keystone I like the cricket had a little peep sights which is easier to aim hit your target with peep sights especially where child that hasn't got the concept of using regular iron sight rifled sights now I would teach them when they use iron sights before I put a scope on a gun right there cuz you know you can always when that scope gets knocked off of a kilter and you know always would revert back to your iron sights but uh I hope you enjoyed my semi-automatic 22 collection you know leave a comment you know let me know what your favorite semi-automatic 22 years or bold action or or lever action 22 you have you know why and stuff and tell me why I'm wrong yeah but these are the lists in line of my favorite 20 so max you know this is going to be a long video so I better cut off short hair so I want thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: boomstick 779
Views: 308,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b7rA6dKkGGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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