Firearms Expert Reacts To Hitman 3’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today he's going to be breaking down the iconic weaponry of hitman 3. so as a ballpark it's a short weapon but it's not nearly short enough to fit in that briefcase it just kind of magics its way out of that briefcase i'm clearly not going for maximum realism here if there are any other games guns or mechanics you want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comments below make sure to subscribe for more videos exactly like this and if you want to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work you can check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan goodluck 47. okay first up we've got the uh thinly disguised kruger meyer 2 2 which does contain the name of the real gun ruger which is the name of bill ruger who founded the ruger company pretty good representation of the ruger mark 2 mark iii it's actually marked mark 3 visibly in the game uh it is sort of a fantasy version it doesn't quite match in in detail but if i grab an example you'll see how close it really is but this is actually a real vintage piece this is the mark one i think the only thing that really sticks out for me for being nitpicky is the trigger guard which is very picky of me but um the rugers all have this traditional rounded printed guard just sort of made a comeback these days the game model has the squared off trigger guard which was invented in the 80s for a two-handed grip where the left finger wraps around the trigger guard really quite a quiet pistol probably about as quiet as it gets with a suppressor of this volume it's not very wide it's very long and 2-2 especially if you uh load subsonic tutu would actually be maybe not a million miles away from how it's depicted in this clip the sound is a little bit sort of uh the pitch is a bit movie tv maybe but um it's definitely not just the pew pew sound they've done a little little better with this i think that stings we've got we've reached the iconic hitman silver baller pistol 45 acp and i'm smiling because the biker that just got shot was shot in the knee and remarked that stinks which i don't think has ever happened i think any bullet to the knee is probably problematic at best and a four to five is a big old heavy slug i'm clearly not going for maximum realism here the pistol has obviously been in the series since i think the beginning silver baller as i'm sure people already know comes from hardballer which is the model name of the gun it's based on so the amt hardballer so here it is disappointingly i know it doesn't have a suppressor in it and that's really a function of it being a target pistol slash competition versatile uh not much calling either of those rolls for a threaded barrel which is what you need to fit a suppressor so that classic shiny sound suppressor on the end doesn't happen in real life unless you make it happen in real life so as well as the um the hardballer silver ball of being a bit of a bit of an old gun of course the 1911 um it's in the name it's well over 100 years old now so is this really something that uh an international super assassin would be using it's fiction of course but there are better options including the roruga tutu that we've already seen a lot of the kills in the hitman games are done at close range and 2-2 suppresses so well that you genuinely might get away without being detected a 45 full full-size pistol with a typical suppressor on it that that sound although it sounds quite authentic to me what we're not getting is the real world volume of that indoors the pop of a 45 going off with a suppressor on it is still loud as loud as a balloon going off and if you've ever jumped at a balloon getting popped then you know that this is not super quiet and in the in the some of the really quiet settings that we get in these games people are going to hear you so not that suitable from a practical standpoint kind of really old hat in terms of the gun design and well actually the the caliber the the cartridge is about the only thing that does fit because if you want to incapacitate or kill some something very quickly at close range a big heavy bullet like 45 is yeah it's an option the problem is it's still got a fair old powder charge in the case so it's going to still make it quite a noise we've got a quite an interesting slightly sci-fi looking pistol up next more interestingly maybe is the improvised sound suppressor which is a real trend now in games come over from the real world where it's possible in theory to attach something like an oil filter to a pistol and that's because the gentleman who founded gemtech suppressors once told me you can get the same sound suppression as as their pistols are present with a potato stuck on the end of a gumball problem of course is that you only get that sound suppression for one shot but that's that's why these improvised suppressors would actually work where it falls down is the attachment you need to be able to fit it to the gun you need a standardized thread on the end of the barrel and some sort of adapter to fit on this paint spray can you'd have to spray all of the contents out you'd have to follow it out you'd need to diy this thing onto your gun you can't just stick it on the end like that but if once you've got it on there there's enough volume in the paint canvas work i don't know how well and i don't think it'd be very robust in the spectrum of sound suppressors it's one up from a potato welcome there is the walther or walter sorry germany wa 2000 ballpark sniper rifle or something very close to it see it behind me pretty close but the general shape the thumb hole pistol grip and the mixture of wood and finished metal is general shape they're all pretty much there i think this probably was introduced into the franchise as a result of the bond movie the living daylights which this gun was hired out for you can see when um when agent 47 is moving around the environment that the short the relatively short length of a ballpark with a long barrel in a short stop is a real it would be a realistic advantage so as a ballpark it's a short weapon but it's not nearly short enough to fit in that briefcase as agent 47 is taking it out of the briefcase it just kind of magics its way out of that very short briefcase it's not a takedown design and in the game it's not either so he's not taking the barrel out and fitting it to the stock which is what you'd have to do to fit any kind of sniper rifle into anything smaller than a very large secret we're stretching reality there but you know we have a strong tradition of video games of pulling guns out of miniature black holes the other thing about this weapon in the game is the cavalier nature in which agent 47 treats the thing throwing weapons is never a good idea with a precision rifle like this any any knock to the scope could absolutely destroy your ability to accurately shoot the weapon dropping it even would be a bad idea never mind hurling it in its briefcase at somebody as fun as that is and then at one point we see we see it thrown off a rooftop in its case i don't know maybe whatever black hole the gun hides in when it's in the case protects it from impacts as well i don't know but it's not not to be recommended throwing precision-engineered pieces of machinery from rooftops is not conducive to their good function you almost feel like a god looking down on your creation but back to business it's interesting we haven't come across each other before mister kyle ingram finally gets what he deserves yeah that's a weird gun that's basically entirely fictional so i i had to cheat and look at um the excellent imf db here but um the the hyzer defense double tap which is actually a tip-up barrel deringer just like an old west derringer but modern version of it stylistically is very similar to this thing this thing is bizarre because not only does it not have a magazine in the pistol grip it doesn't have it can't be loaded at all why would you have a pistol you can't reload no i do it sort of makes thematic sense in terms of it being an assassination weapon you get five rounds and that's that's your lot it's caseless we know that from the description and the fact that no cases come out and it fires presumably because leaving cartridge cases behind could lead to being detected but i don't think that's ever been a problem for agent 47 also in terms of its visual design it it visibly has a slide assembly on it so it's it's got all of the all of the parts necessary to reload each shot all that's missing is the magazine why doesn't it why didn't they take a step forward and design a magazine for it gameplay reasons that's the only the only logical reason i can think of for a gun that you can't reload is to encourage you to use this weapon in the game sniper rifles of course are somewhat prominent in the gameplay of the hitman games and this is a like if you squint really hard it's um a dragon of svd but yeah it's it's substantially different than the real svd rifle what really strikes me about this is the um insane physics going on so we see uh every time a bullet hits a character they are flying backward in fact a couple of times like they were they flipped like 180 and face planted onto the deck which looks cool but of course it's completely impossible because i'm not sure what in in-game caliber this is but the the 762 by 54 russian cartridge does not have the the power to do that and then schoolboy physics would tell you that if you could knock somebody a yard backward you would be displaced by that amount by pulling the trigger thanks for watching everyone i'm looking forward to playing this game at some point myself um not so much from the from the accuracy standpoint but the gameplay really does look superb museums are struggling a bit at the moment so um if if you feel you you would like to we do have a link in the description to donate or even to become a member of the royal armouries and that would be great but just watching is great too [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 286,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, hitman 3, hitman 3 guns, hitman 3 weapons, hitman 3 expert reacts, expert reacts, hitman expert reacts, hitman guns, hitman weapons, hitman 3 weapons breakdown, hitman 3 guns breakdown, weapons breakdown, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, hitman 3 ps5, hitman 3 xbox series x, hitman 3 pc, hitman 3 game, io interactive
Id: E9EEFEm-oeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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