Firearms Expert’s MOST CURSED Weapons Of 2022

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode we're taking a look back at some of the most cursed weapons to have offended poor Jonathan in 2022. oh Dave what have you done to this poor innocent block 18 I mean what can I say it's called the port of pooper 5000 I mean do you really want an attempt at serious commentary on this thing uh this is a sort of extremely cursed P90 both in its redesign and then of course somebody has decorated it foreign and the whole team here at Gamespot just want to say thank you to everyone who's watched the show over the last year we really appreciate your support and if you enjoy this kind of content make sure to keep an eye out for our new series Loadout a show where we take a look at the history and impact of some of the most iconic weapons in gaming from the sniper and lmg through to the M16 and P90 Jonathan will be making plenty of appearances over on that show too so make sure to check it out right let's take a look at some of Jonathan's pain and torment from the past year right what have we got here an M1 or M1A1 Thompson with jungle mags that's the least of this thing's problems we've got a really weird well it's not that weird Okay so let's be kind so the the foregrip the wooden foregrip of the Thompson has been replaced with a sheet steel heat shield handguard that's perforated that's a valid choice in a world of limited resources the butt stock is the real problem here needless to say it is a boot it's not even a shoe as the name would suggest so the name is incorrect I don't know why you would do that okay let's be let's be uh charitable so it's the apocalypse you've got the ability to fabricate some sort of a buttstock for this thing but it's not comfortable you've got no available rubber blocks or ability to stitch Leather So for a butt pad you just stick a boot on the end of it what's really throwing me off and make making my brain hurt is what appears to be a sliding left side cocking handle this being the simplified version of the Thompson it should have a right side popping handle with a simple round handle like you've all seen it shouldn't be on the left side and it shouldn't be a weird rectangular shape that looks very familiar but I can't think what it might be from and it's called the shoe makuzi nine when it's not nine millimeter it's 45 even in the game so I don't know where the nine comes from I don't know where the usually comes in I don't know because there's no easy on this I don't know what it is about the poor old Tommy Gun people cannot resist putting it in space and this is quite a nicely done one but uh I I'm not a fan of neon and you know different colors and yeah not not really my thing we just saw a round of ammunition in the drum there for some reason as well as the the projectile bit having a glow to it so it's got some sort of an effect the prime is also glowing bright blue I don't know why that would be the case it's either an energy weapon or it's a normal projectile weapon I would think but this appears to be a mixture of both making a making an energy weapon that that Parks back to the Thompson I can get behind that I'm not so big a fan of modifying a Thompson to make it futuristic but clearly it speaks to Something in people because it happens quite a bit foreign this is a sort of extremely cursed P90 both in its redesign it's inexplicable maybe anime inspired redesign and then of course somebody has decorated it so it still has the P90 cocking handles the version of the magazine catch the magazine is weird I don't like that sort of reverse Outrigger sight Mount I think there's a reason why the P90 has the bridge over the top of the receiver to stabilize the sights uh the whole thing just looks like a toy foreign just generic neon pink Mist when we hit the enemy almost like some sort of paintball effect I think the Tracer fire as well I mean you don't get Tracer fire out of firearms unless you put Tracer ammunition in them but regardless for this gun it's pink it's unspeakable really what's up oh Dave what have you done to this poor innocent Glock 18 at its heart however it's one of these the Glock 18 c the C stands for compensated and here is ours or one of ours in its original Tupperware style container uh with the with the markings on it which is very nice so when people call the Glock tactical Tupperware they're not just referring to the plastic frame well they might be but uh it actually does come in tupperware now from what I can see under all of this nonsense it's it's a good representation of an 18c now I can't uh hope to replicate the dubious agency here but I happen to have a Surefire light module here very simply fits to the accessory Rail and makes this one look a little bit more like the one in the game now a light and in this case laser module a very sensible accessory for a modern combat pistol fully automatic automatic capability and a 50 round rum less so foreign what can I say it's called the portapoopa 5000 I mean do you really want an attempt at serious commentary on this thing I suppose you're gonna get it I mean the thing looks like it's covered in it doesn't it I don't know if there's a clean version of this gun inexplicably the yellow bits are clean and then the rest of it is just brown maybe it's an aesthetic I don't know all right let's watch it dick well as we could have predicted it's a sort of flamethrower looking grenade launcher that fires radiated shite can I say this this is unusual even for a Borderlands game I would suggest and it just it defies interpretation that there's I'm gonna try anyway there's some sort of a vented nozzle like a like a well like a weed burner really than a flamethrower but you know reminds me of video game flamethrower a a completely pointless front sight there lots of pipes and it's kind of punting out explosive Radioactive poo bombs I I tell a lie the front side is not completely pointless it is for use in conjunction with a really terrible rear sight that has a weird shape for no reason but at least you've got something to line up your front sight with I suppose and then yeah I'm not entirely sure what's happening with the rest of it seem to be re-coating it with poop at one point one of my favorite Firearms of all time as some of you know the MP5 except it's not now has the gun itself uh I've grabbed something pretty similar here mp5a3 and it happens to be in the same configuration except for the lack of rails on the forehand as the I won't call it an Abomination because it's not completely cursed but for an uh MP5 fan like me it's pretty far removed biggest issue for me would be the magazine well area it's far too wide in reality it's as wide as it needs to be to fit this magazine going along with that is the horrific I don't know what I don't know what to compare it to but a gigantic magazine catch which sits here which is where the real sort of secondary magazine catch sits on the MP5 that nobody uses unless they have a semi or us semi-automatic only version like an HK 94 where that's your only magazine actual users of this thing use the paddle magazine release which is not on this gun so pretty disappointed with the MP5 in Modern Warfare 2 2022 foreign [Applause] we see that the cocking handle is not the HK shape it's not even the G3 shape with the longer Leaf Ridge which this doesn't need but anyway it's not bad it's just a rod I mean you could replace the coffing handle with a cylindrical Rod like that but why would you it does make it look pretty weird so we see a version of the reload there where we get a Fresh Magazine inserted we slap the cocking handle to chamber the round that's how you're supposed to use it we then see a press check of the chamber that's what you definitely don't want to do with an HK roller locks system you you don't have a means of forward assisting that to make sure it's now fully shut your rollers might ever so slightly out of Engagement which means the gun's not going to fire so you do not want to be doing a press check on this system thank you for one right this this game is really taxing my my brain which is probably an indicator that I should switch it off so we've got this thing and it's obviously a spin on the old west Weaver action rifle they're so complicated uh it's got a spiral fluted bolt which someone has obviously seen on like a high-end bolt action or something and has incorporated that because it looks cool doesn't really make much sense on this and we've got the John Browning bolt system that's in the Winchester 1892 for example rather than the classic toggle action it's not quite the Browning action but it does have the bolt that protrudes out the back to [ __ ] the hammer so there's some mechanical functionality going on there and we can see the rounds conventional looking they look almost like five point steel cased 5.56 millimeter rounds interestingly and they are held on a leather shell holder that is part of no sorry strapped to this very elaborate wooden stock I'd have to say I like the overall design the sort of black gold and the dark wood it actually looks pretty good to me it's just very busy compared to a real gun and the the cartridge is being held opposing each other rather than go all going the same way would make quick loading a bit awkward and mechanically I can't really figure out how it's feeding those rounds there's there's a tube below the barrel that would normally be the magazine but it looks too short and not kind of connected up to the mechanism in a way that would work Double Down okay in trying to figure out if this thing is mechanically viable I have spotted a weird Quirk of the iron sights so it does have iron signs as you can see looks like it has several it's got a it's got a Groove in what looks like a lot like a conventional tangent site but it has the ramps for the tangent on top of the tangent it's got design elements of a real rifle site but they're upside down and then so you could use the the groove the notch in the back of that as your site then there's a sort of gold colored horseshoe thing that looks like it could be a rare sight and then there's a flip up front sight with a round protector and a gold post sitting behind that and I can't see how that would even flip up to act as a rear sight and it isn't a rear sight because it's a post it really makes my brain hurt I think all of that is just included because it looks busy and interesting but it doesn't make a lick of sense as far as I can tell foreign revolvers gotta have a revolver in well any game descended from Half-Life needs to have a Magnum revolver in my view regardless of how realistic that is and of course we've got one faction who can basically in theory buy whatever weapons they want so what the heck the latest version of Counter-Strike has a modernized revolver with a picatinny rail on the top well not really a muzzle weight again it's a rail adapter on the front this is one of the Smith Western performance center models based on the old school series of revolver frames those haven't really changed but the the barrel profile the ability to mount Red Dot sights on there once upon a time you'd have needed a custom Mount to achieve that and with modern revolvers this type of revolver anyway you have a standard picatinny rail on the top which changes up the looks for the player as well and lets you use a scope there's always been something about a scoped revolver again thinking back to that Half-Life Magnum that was quite the Revelation in 1998 the Fanning of the hammer not really necessary it's a double action revolver as Shahs demonstrated in the animation with a weirdly sort of clockworky ratchety sound which you wouldn't normally hear I'd worry if you could hear the lock work of a revolver clacketing away as you pull the trigger uh I mean if you put your ear next to it you'll hear it but speaking of putting guns near your head um spinning it around the finger not recommended not only is it sort of pointless and the risk is you've dropped the thing but uh spinning it in that way means you're pointing the thing at yourself whilst putting pressure on the trigger and if you were stupid enough to do it sort of extra stupid enough to do it with the hammer cocked in single action mode well you've got a very good chance of shooting yourself or at least someone behind you but I understand the impulse to depict a revolver in Old West style if you're going to do that though I probably would have gone for something like a red hawk or some Modern Magnum take or bfr maybe modern Magnum take on the old school Single Action Army and then the Fanning would be worthwhile it would look very cool and spinning it around the finger would be a bit safer in theory I know it's a game you're not going to hurt yourself but yes yeah uh the Burger Town classic yeah what can I say not much vaguely horrific with the sort of meat texture so this is this is sort of the essay VZ 25. this is the Czechoslovakian Cold War era submachine gun the 25 is in 9 by 19 and it has the 25 that is has this pull and fold and then press in the latch on the butt plate section to latch it into place and let it go so you can use that as a fork grip the Call of Duty version is quite different the front half is pretty close the cocking handle is different it's a completely different shape open bolt operation it's got that right so then the back half the stock is attached almost like a like a well rod grip with tabs and two screws not with this all enveloping rear sight section here which is a more robust setup and then this rear sight that I that I don't like is replaced by a standard aperture rear sight with protectors on it so they've changed up the back end of the gun the proportions look different too other details are changed I'm going to sound like a broken record but if you're trying to replicate an historical firearm replicate it foreign what the heck is going on there so we've we've opened up the gun that apparently does fire bullets from a sort of a drum mag at the back and we've shoved a thermite grenade which I've seen being used in the in the footage that gets shoved into the action somehow even though bullets have to get from the back of the gun to the front of the gun so I'm not sure how that would work and then that is somehow superheating something looks like the barrel is getting super heated and then that makes the bullets do thermite things not a clue doesn't make a lick of sense but it's quite cool let's see what damage it does enemy down right so the effect is fairly subdued is not a great deal of incendiary effect that I'm seeing there it just kind of as it says on the indicator there revs up your uh conventional ammunition now regardless of feed issues shall we say heat is a massive problem for firearms now I'd be less concerned about that if this game didn't use conventional self-contained metallic ammunition with brass cases if it used some futuristic ammunition system I could get my head around a bit better I'm guessing the guns have some sort of cooling system built into them this one must because if your cartridge gets red hot as we're seeing here you know thermite's damn hot really really hot that's how it works burns down through things what happens is the round goes off um you don't have to hit the primer in the back of the case to set it off if you leave it in a fire or shoot it in a very hot gun this is this is why machine guns are typically open bolts so that there's air able to circulate and stop what's called cook off where the round just blows up because if that happens before the Bolt's locked the gun will explode do it damage potentially do you damage so deliberately applying super heat to your firearm is a bad idea thanks again for watching if you enjoyed this kind of content please make sure to like this video And subscribe to the channel as we'll have new episodes of firearms expert reacts every Saturday and new episodes of Loadout every Sunday again please check out the links in the description of the video if you want to help support the Royal armories and we'll catch you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 529,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty vanguard, vanguard cursed weapons, cod vanguard cursed weapons, escape from tarkov, tarkov cursed weapons, eft cursed weapons, battlefield, fallout 4, team fortress 2, rainbow six siege, cursed weapons, cursed guns, weapons breakdown, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, escape from tarkov gameplay
Id: 73R-alBXYgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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