Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield 5’s Guns PART 3

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's taking another look at the World War II inspired Weaponry of Battlefield 5 and I had some interesting little details to show him the detail that you very rarely see is the barrel change mechanism the default mg42 comes with the 50 round belt so it didn't have enough rounds to overheat but when you progress the weapon you get a 250 round belt suddenly to worry about the weapon overheating that's really interesting so yeah I I was in the same boat and I obviously didn't level it up if you enjoy this kind of content make sure to keep an eye out for our new season of Loadout a show where we take a look at the history and impact of some of the most iconic weapons in gaming we've got several episodes up on our YouTube channel with our most recent being a deep dive into the iconic tommy gun as well as a chat with Jonathan all about the MP5 so make sure to check them out right over to the guns of Battlefield 5 Blast from the Past here but I don't remember a painted skin for the arisaka what is going on with that bolt it almost looks like it's leaving itself behind when it [ __ ] oh my god oh yeah the Bol is cycling through the clipping through the chrysanthemum yeah absolutely that is incredibly lazy sorry so this this flower the chrysanthemum the Japanese Imperial symbol this was found on the breach or the the receiver ring of these rifles the they were chiseled off they were defaced this is this has one on the back of the cocking piece so it shouldn't look like that not to say that Firearms aren't decorated to that extent historically but this was not they wouldn't be wasting time engraving a floral design into their cocking piece and that that is a piece of fantasy that goes along with the white paint on the butt stock then we have the the bolt itself clipping through that cocking piece so the cocking piece is moving backwards to some extent by the look of it and then the bolt is carrying on through it so there's been a mistake in the animation this is one of a number of Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 5 G uh guns they existed but they were never really used it's an impressive design that did exist and did make it into military issue but it was not used in the second world war which really ought to be the Benchmark for your second world war game but I do understand why we want some variety I would rather not have this stuff in there unless you you got some special setting with where it makes sense but the variety is good quite a distinctive report as well I mean I don't think anyone's recorded firing one so I'm interested as to how they made the sound effects for this the the breeder is covered over on forgotten weapons by the way so do do check that out I believe they worked with got the weapons for this and for Battlefield one which explains its presence we have so this this was actually used it's distinctive it's very cool with the the grenade launcher on the right hand side so the the model 8 grenade launcher without a firing mechanism or without the bolts I should say the firing mechanism is is connected to the trigger of the rifle but you only get one bolt so just as we see in the game there or nearly as we see in the game so let me just demonstrate so I fired my my grenade we have our trigger linkage there connecting the rifles trigger you can see the sear for the rifle Bol dropping on I the trigger it's also dropping the sear in the grenade launcher at the same time but if I replicate the animation open the bolt pull it back and just rip it out the gun I can't do that if you add a bolt that you could pull straight out of the gun well suddenly your gun doesn't work so there has to be a way of removing the bolt most rifles a lever or a latch or a position for a cocking piece or a safety to be able to withdraw the ball so to actually achieve this um as we see in the game you need to lift up the cocking handle which [ __ ] the cocking piece some of you will know pull it to the stock there you then have to reach below and press the trigger linkage with your thumb to then remove the bolt to swap it back into the rifle change hands again and use it as a a rifle or carbine I should say so the animation is incorrect but I can sort of see I don't know I think I think there would have been room there for a a more lengthy difficult reload animation to switch from grenade launcher back to Rifle but I can see why they did this cuz if you're you know much more like to get shot by somebody if your animation is still playing out doing what I just did other than that I think this is a good effort add something a bit different of course because it's not typical in this era to have a a grenade launcher I was going to say over and under but it isn't over and under it's side by side on this one now interestingly we do see a player can the weapon over to look over the top of it to shoot the grenade launcher the other issue with this we don't want to be tilting it onto its side like we see in the game means we can't shoulder it The Recoil of this is going to be significant so you want the buck plate in the shoulder you absolutely don't want to be doing this with it that's going to hurt and be awkward and you have no weight away what you want to do is use the actual sight that's built into the the rear sight of the carbine push the button and the whole thing moves and you just instead of using the notch for the rifle carbine use the notch for grenade launcher and that's your front sight there that stud on the side of the gun and that gives you a pretty elevated trajectory for your grenade to go arcing in so I don't know why they didn't model the SES as they're supposed to be modeled but the actual model of the gun is good that's it yeah I think this is up there as as one of the the better attempts at the Thompson I agree as we see in another version of it I think they wanted a drum magazine because of the extra gameplay and option that gives you but it's nice to see them use a 1928 to make it realistic that it can have a drum magazine rather than an M1 or an M1 A1 and anachronistically shove one in there it also looks that big that big slab-sided design looks great and I I think it has enough sort of weight to it he's maybe handling it a bit too like it's a bit too light and rate of fire is a bit l you're looking about 900 rounds per minute for for the 1928 so I think this is a bit low thinking about it further I don't know if this is accidental as well but because when the game launched it was like axis versus British I believe so does the the TW the 1928 something make more sense as well because that was lend least to Britain it does yeah well and purchased there was an initial purchase and then a load of land lease on after it yeah they were all 1928 so it it does make sense in fact uh including some had the foregrip but a lot had just the straight for end so I think they've deliberately chosen a British variant as it were the reload is really good as well so we see when the gun runs dry you have to [ __ ] the thing first and then what they do which I've never thought of but I'm sure you would do in an emergency is you slap the drum out the other side again if you've ever tried to reload a Thompson drum you can in fact over insert it and push it too far so you can take advantage of that theory you never do it in reality CU Thompson drum mags are very expensive and quite fragile but yeah in this situation shoving it out the other side and slapping in another one is actually a very cool way to to get a speed reload going broadly uh that deserves to be in our sort of top three video game Thompsons I think my praise indeed just something I noticed as the player is in in the delal carbine which is what this is the cocking P so this the back half of this car is a a short magazine Leen field rifle front half is an integrally silenced 45 caliber carbine the cocking piece is sticking out almost twice as far as it ought to which is weird of course the SES that are on the one I'm looking at are completely wrong there's a weird ring at the front that is a not a front sight it's more on a rear sight and B it's going to get bent very easily and then we have some weird kind of Target semi Galilean optic type looking thing that I don't understand and shouldn't be there weirdly they've got the ordinary Del ladder rear site or tangent sorry rear site on there so Dave is messing me with me here I think by modifying this maybe this is the default configuration I I don't remember slash know and there are a few issues with the model as well doesn't quite look as it ought to notably the magazine housing on the proper magazine housing is the total housing comes all the way down to the floor plate of the modified cult 45 1911 Mac this one is a partial one that stops at the curve of the trigger guard I've seen that side of trigger guard on reproduction denials or or well not reproductions knockoffs as it were that that don't follow the original design correctly so maybe that's the mistake there the broad lines are there but uh in detail it's not amazing okay I see how these weird SES supposed to work there's a sort of eted on red Crosshair on the front sight and then you line that up with the rear I think doesn't really make any sense the report of the delal though is pretty good the Del and the well Rod are incredibly quiet you we can't make suppressed Firearms any quieter than they already were very hard to say whether that sound effect is is truly accurate because it's extremely subjective interestingly it is louder when you're indoors good a bit quieter when you're just out in the open the the object of a of a silencer is not to fully silence the firearm this is why the term supress has become standard it's to make it either not sound like a firearm or not s not make you not realize it's a firearm until it's too late really nice to see the Del in a video game um I wish they got the extra mile and made it a bit more correct hostiles are attempting to take objective Baker right so this looks like the m30 LT raffer take on the drilling uh which was a German Sporting gun incorporating two shotgun barrels and a rifle barrel so that you could engage different types of game the ltra adopted a version of it as a survival rif potentially for self-defense combat as we see here primarily for hunting to stay alive they they have a very Niche use but a single rifle barrel next to two shotgun barrels had it had its use with the drilling drilling has in on dry by the way if you didn't already know that you might expect a survival rifle to be a 22 long rifle round or something something very small easy to obtain if you have the opportunity to obtain more ammo unlikely I suppose and smaller light but this thing is a 9.3 mm bullets quite long as well in a 74 mm case it's it's a game cartridge it's it's you medium game dear that kind of thing so all three barrels on this thing could easily kill a human Okay so the ly salar M26 or is it's marked on the gun CU we do have one which I'm very pleased about I've never looked at it this is the first time I've ever picked this G up really quite a quirky looking Beast I suppose the the barrel shroud is somewhat conventional but the receiver is a relatively deep unusual shape pretty pretty accurately depicted in the game except for that overall engraving that I've seen on some of the guns here I will have to have a proper look at this in my own time but uh I'm very pleased to be able to briefly show you this having seen it uh in the game it's a fairly typical 1920s bit of construction solid machine steel blued a quite nice pieces of Walnut on there though the pistol grip looks quite quite crude the fact that it has a pistol grip well relatively modern for for for the era the one in the game has has got as well as weird engraving on it anti- aircraft style sites or well more like aircraft gun style sites um I don't know if these were fitted to aircraft actually those very tall sort of spider sites are really not great for infantry use AP from anything else we have some major height overb issues with sights all so the sights on their real gun are relatively compact close to the line of the B of the of the barrel you ideally don't want your sights to be way over the B because you don't have to worry about how they're going to converge at a given distance and if you're behind cover like we saw with those sandbags you can be looking at your sights shooting at the enemy and all the bullets are pumping into the sandbag because your Baron is down here so we see the magazine system being utilized there it's a sort of akes paddle well before the AK of course but it does not Rock in it in SS which we do see to be fair in the game they haven't fallen for the Trap of modeling it like an AK or an F now so the rifle we're seeing here well we've see both actually we've see the number four and we' seeing I'm now seeing the number four T sniper variant we do have both I just happened to grabb the standard British rifle member 4 which feels wonderfully light after hking that light machine gun around a much loved service rifle and the thing we have to remember with uh Second World War the British experience Commonwealth experience even more so is that the smle carried on all the way through the second world war even with British Frontline troops in the middle easn and North African theaters so just because this new improved easier and cheaper to make more robust more accurate than before right rifle existed didn't mean that the smle was obsolute always nice to see the the British service weapons represented in a game and nothing that I could see that was massively wrong there I don't I did play Battlefield 5 I think they did a good job with the number four we have Tak the detail that you very rarely see is the barrel change mechanism on the mg42 in games yeah that is really neat to see and I do not remember that playing the game I don't know if that was added later or if I just didn't use the G enough well I never noticed it because the default mg42 comes with a 50 round belt so it didn't have enough rounds to overheat by the time you reloaded it cooled down but when you progress the weapon you get a 250 round belt suddenly you have to worry about the weapon overheating that's really interesting so yeah I I was in the same boat and I obviously didn't level it up that's incredibly cool if you slow it down you can just see them using a an empty case to grasp onto the to the barrel slide it out and then chug a fresh one in so he's sticking in the side yeah I'm not sure that would work without going away and trying it very hard to carry a great big heavy steel barrel off a very small item like that without your hand riding up it or or it inserting too far burning your hand anyway but they at least it's a nod to the fact that this thing would be far too hot to change whether it would also be cherry red like that no I don't think so I think if it's if it's already that red hot you've already changed the molecular structure of the metal too much but it does look very cool they've got the mechanism correct I think it's just I don't think you could hike it out with an Mt 792 case and of course a bipod being absolutely necessary with this thing or what the game calls medium machine guns you can't even aim down sights without mounting them they're the ones that you just sort of have to hold close the chest s yeah which is I think correct of course we have that problem of the bipod just kind of floats over the surface it doesn't actually physically engage with the world there's an invisible anchor that anchors the gun on its invisible second bipod which gives it a slightly ethereal vague feel being able to use the bipod in a firstperson shooter is relatively rare anyway so I'm not going to give him too much [Applause] stick okay well I have to admit I had never heard of the nambo type one the name is different from the game but I believe it was going of the type one a prototype allegedly trialed by the Japanese P Army I've never seen this before in my life it's nice to be surprised when you have a master reasonable amount of knowledge about Firearms there's still stuff out there that I haven't even seen what's really intriguing to me about this is that it's supposedly introduced well not introduced sorry supposedly developed by the mid-30s but it has the magazine and the pistol grip arrangement of the sa23 the uzi the British MCM the whole part of the barrel reciprocates as well you see the the front end of the weapon moving toward the shooter as you shoot it very very weird thing no see that's that's very strange actually thinking about it I need to I need to research this thing and try to try to get to the bottom of it the receiver is long enough that the we may not be looking at the telescope bolt on something like the sa23 or the Uzi here where you have bolt maps in front of breach face to make the whole gun shorter but keep an enough Mass to actually operate this looks like it's got a huge great big bolt that goes back and forth leaving the breach Barrel in the front as normal and so the only thing unusual about it is that the magazine is in the pistol grip rather than the pistol grip being back here I've learned something right the the pzb 39 the Panza busher i39 asz the the number would imply here is one I won't be able to hold it up for you for very long very fragile deteriorated butt pad on this one sadly but otherwise in very good condition it has that long grooved for end on it a super heavy but tapered Barrel muzzle break on the end all imported tripod carry handle so as long as I'm careful to not damage the butt plate can show you that yes the game has got it right you simply push down on the pistol grip which rotates slightly to unlock it drops whole figer mechanism out of the gun and drops the breach block down for loading now this isn't fitted with its cartridge holder we do have them um I left it off this one and you need that sort of Hopper to have the rounds conven convenient to handle because this is a single loader this is almost like a a giant Martini Henry sights are almost correct the the aperture is a bit is too large so this looks like a you know 50 cal or something on that order well what it actually is is a 792 bullet in a giant neck to down case so they're what they're trying to do here is use case capacity to drive very high velocity and then a steel cord ordinary rifle bullet set into the front with armor penetration you want high velocity and and high sectional density so um a smaller projectile driven very very fast is is one way to penetrate armor so in my hopefully hopefully go through some tank armor but it's going to create a a small hole but then you know even a large caliber armor piercing round only the steel penetrator or tungsten penetrator is going to go through admittedly It's a larger thing it's going to do more damage on the inside but you might still with this get spalling off the inside of the uh steel plate that adds to the wounding of the crew and you hopefully can fire more shots and maybe hit something vital it's not a a a solution that's pursued very often by any means this tiny bullet isn't very good for antimaterial purposes so you've specialized to try and make sure you can penetrate tank armor but you've made it basically unusable as a large caliber anti-infantry or anti- material rifle so that's why we don't see the pzb concept really taken forward uh late war or after the war hey guys thank you for watching the more guns I think uh from Battlefield 5 nice to return to a bit of a classic like that please do check out the work that we do here at the Royal aror you can see our website our social media channels we have a new exhibition opening imminently called reloaded which is about the uh some of the decorated firearms that we have uh including things like a diamond revolver or diamond encrusted gold encrusted revolver and a golden Kalashnikov and our favorite a little art Echo baby rounding pistol um so that's well worth a look if you can uh but otherwise you can check us out every week on the Royal armories Channel and you can see me back here on Gamespot next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 185,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 5, battlefield v, bf5, battlefield 5 weapons, battlefield 5 guns, battlefield 5 expert reacts, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, dave jewitt, jonathan ferguson firearms expert, loadout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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