ARSENAL OF AMMO found in the "Plumber Collector" locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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that's some big cards how many thousands of cards did I just buy oh yeah Mo Money Mo Money what is it oh that's a gun case alright alright alright guys look at this [Music] all right what is up locker nuts we're back at the unit I was just here yesterday just bought it yesterday actually back again I've got the trailer empty I'm ready to go but I don't know if I get it in one load I'm gonna make it up as we go okay that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna do a little bit of digging but there's a chance that I'm just gonna load this whole thing bring it to my unit and unload it and go through it there I don't really know I don't really have a plan that's how we roll organized chaos one possible thing that I might be doing today is just making a huge dump load obviously I got to get through a little bit more to get an idea of how much is going to the dump and how much is going to be sold brought and looked at closer you know like baseball cards we're gonna take some time I have to get through those look look at them anything collective over they will have to take more time other stuff rush it to the market make it gone but there's gonna be some dump in here we already know there's a bunch of file so I got to get through a little bit more to make a plan as to what the next step is and where my first destination is with all the junk like I'm done with the place got all a bunch of stuff out of here so now I have a little bit more room to work let me show you what I get right here on the cart all that's garbage files files files files that is all the dirty sleeping bags and I mean they are dirty they look like they've been asleep somebody's been sleeping outside that actually makes me a little bit nervous because I'm like is this a homeless locker it sure doesn't look like it because baseball cards and all this kind of stuff but I had on there I don't know did you dress a plumber but those have definitely seen some major use dirty use so that's not going to dump that's going to my ebay supply room aka the garage dig it in and make it some room these are heavy oh heck of heavy I got my load down they're ready to go on the elevator but let's look in here I got I took that one off the top so I can see what's below it it looks like just a whole bunch of used plumbing parts I'm not sure if this dude was gonna reuse any of this but what this is just want to scrap the porter-cable air gun kneel gun metal scrap it sell it oh no I'm gonna figure it out pretty cold barrel huh all right I get my carts all loaded up a bunch more junk wait for the elevator and here is where we're at I pulled this back just so I could see what was behind it so I figured that's called that so I thought Boyer's cabinet I think it's called I forget the term for it looks like it's in decent shape yeah decent shape a few more boxes of cards here Oh football right mmm through went through one 1304 okay these are Carmen's it says I'll take them first word and if he says so I'm Commons this is right there yeah hopefully we'll find the box at ramstein all right 1993 DM these are some some big oh wait what are these that's some big cards can you often they're nice too they got like a UV coating on them huh all right got some loose stuff here oh you got some stuff in little covers there's some hockey power another Hawking's just three bucks but who knows when that was priced it could have been a long time ago okay all right that was plastic-wrapped ones and then here we just got get some basketball huh so much stuff whole bunch of cards someone's gonna like go and throw these okay seats in this box here football long gated cards again football talking all right strapped on the GoPro let's get some let's get some progress made here okay let's get some of this stuff out 49er hmm all right you know what I'm not gonna take too much time looking through these cards cuz we'll do that later maybe we even find somebody who knows what they're doing to look through them for me here let's give you these boxes what there are there's a lot of cards here a lot of cards like oh oh that's cool look at that Garfield Garfield lunch peel ooh dang it's got both to thermoses in there what if it came with two that's pretty cool again collector unit that collector unit that was my read on this one and that's what it's been so far mmm good good good alright okay then we've got tops Baseball 2005 I think in Topps baseball 1992 looks like they're both sealed that's good comic card variety $10 box Marvel weight is se mobile I think it does more Marvel cards we just auctioned some of those a big lot of those off not too long ago okay Wow look at this how many thousands of cards did I just buy or was it tens of thousands or was it a hundred thousand how many cards did I just buy I wonder cuz look it over here cards that's awesome alright and just so you guys know like right down here this unit right here this was a this was another one that went up for auction and fellow auction buyer named Mohammed bought that so he's been cleaning it out so I've been kind of like a little timid and narrating the videoing probably keeping the videoing to a minimum just because I had a couple guys working next to me there's it's just a little awkward when you're standing here talking yourself and you know people are listening with you so anyways they just finished took their last load and they're done so their unit didn't turn out so good he's found I think 1,300 bucks on him and it did not turn out so good um but Muhammad different has a good eye Oh hang on this is Mohammed does have a good eye he does when you see him bidding on something that's a pretty good indication there's something good there in Mohammed spends a lot of money he won't stop when he sees something he likes he will not stop you got a reputation for that but when you take those chances and you do strike out sometimes what's this guy I know these are Power Rangers right here but are these like official Power Rangers or these like fleamarket made in Mexico or made in China knockoff Power Rangers that's the question they don't feel a little super high quality it's a transformer that'd be even better I don't think so okay well yeah good this is good looking off it's a good overhand even if they are dollar each one two three four five thirty eight even a dollar just 30 bucks right there don't plan to sell them for dollar each but that is a easy math that I've got smart a little bit of money there look at this thing okay up top more cards iPhone box this kinda random I don't wear clothes nope empty garbage all right we're getting into this locker but it's still massively massively crowded back here is just packed like crazy so when you get to bigger items it goes a lot faster I see mostly smaller boxes and I'm not complaining that's where that's where the potential lies there's a lot of potential here if you make it some room you can quick-quick time - I got a few of the things here I got the barrel down there that pulled down I'll load this up one elevator trip for both clubs yeah check it out all this room and they got those fans out from right apparently that is a massive wheel that's like it for a shutoff valve or something but my goodness that thing is huge it is really really big you seen here a little better - you or miscellaneous parts and stuff here's the skateboard nothing special about that at all but still a few bucks um I just like skateboards I don't write skateboards anymore I just like finding them for some reason like to me find skateboards I just find out the cool stuff I don't know that's just my personal philosophy hmm I see another computer back there I'm not liking the computers that to me I mean I just went through like a basically a scrapper unit I think and I don't like finding more computers because this is a broken old kept operating that looks like another computer up there yeah another one up there I don't know oh boy there was another one there see that one back there or is that the same one I see on the other side I don't know no nope it's a bunch of computers in here I don't like that everything do not like that alright we'll keep going alright we just got this box down and more cards you know tons and tons more cards it's crazy there's so many cars I wish there was some comic books I could get more excited over then call it books but that's alright it's alright it's better than pulling out people working files right keep pulling those baseball cards out increases our chances that we'll try something good funky joke oh I see up here yes see that see those binders right there looks like more cards in their wrestling card this is huh that's interesting more straight up garments oh that's a gun case all right okay yeah you got my attention okay what's this about you listening that's not plastic mm-hmm Wow we'll get on competition what did one Aachen it's more money more money [Music] [Music] this stuff it's all like hooked on each other all right well this is not super heavy definitely some stuff in there we'll put that aside those are the two most exciting things I think right now that I got to go through we'll save that for a little bit later a little bit later okay so this it's not too heavy that's pretty interesting new Oakley what that is no cool you guys know it this is something we'll wrap around something probably some big bells or something you know some big pipes just kind of stuff this would go away Oh cheering Wow that is actually really nice Kokichi can't stay here too young I'm already feeling it tired okay yeah that's a nice chair okay this one was kind of interesting cuz I believe that's a PSP really blue bucket instructional guess you can't help funny get canvases on that bunch of canvases in though the recent Walker team there's nice little task light yes to you drum machine hmm that's kind of interesting his first piece of audio equipment that we found besides the guitar case which was empty this is like oh alright spawn actually figure up look more Hot Wheels good good I see a football card case down there okay it's just so knocked up it this could be good right here I don't know sometimes I get sometimes or not it's looks like you're too excited but I like that I felt like action figures yeah whatever group for sensible counsel that's one heavy duty stuff I know just you to send that to you alright guys just you know this is Thursday evening right now it's about 6:00 a little bit after 6:00 right now I intend to get as much of this done as I can tonight and then I will be bringing it all home it's gonna sit on the trailer tonight tomorrow morning I'll go unload the good stuff tomorrow unit it's kind of interesting that's a good sign isn't it look at that it's a good sign I think I hope that pretty please be some rifles in there that'd be awesome ok oh no no this is hmm get some fireworks explosives ok yeah oh yeah ok I see yeah that's what that it doesn't uh to leak huh yeah a lot of month I think it must be right the scrap I use you know yeah it's gonna be fun moving that ok alright that was cool that's my father-in-law he just called to give me an idea what that thing is for and what that thing might be valued at and that's looking good he said this thing might pay for the locker if I can find the right buyer and if it's brass or the scrap value loans a few hundred so that's good that's good that's good I didn't look this thing up yet barskaya all right we just peeked at that yesterday and I saw this night vision box but that's not that it doesn't even fit in there huh I thought it was because it was oh all right all right all right guys look at this yes oh that's a lot come on yeah yeah nine millimeter oh please find a nine millimeter in here please please find a nine millimeter in here I just want a nine millimeter whoa just not a nine millimeter y'all huge those are 45 I'll take a 45 right finally no no um you know how do you want a night no me shotgun or 45459 millimeter this is awesome I hope I totally peaked in that box to you in a that's a camera you know I peaked in the box of the kid with the GoPro up in native this block box I don't think any of us saw any of this cheese that's highly not legal holster we're finding everything this what's there just spit one out that's awesome okay good box box finding everything but the yard but that doesn't mean that we won't find the guns
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,008
Rating: 4.9506984 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Jeremy Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, safe opening, open safe
Id: b1iefgEYtKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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