FIRE! The Burnout Truck Needs Work - Let's fix it and make MORE improvements!

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hey look Charlotte the burnout truck is back in the shop this thing did amazing on its debut burnout in Indiana Annapolis there it did really good until it didn't but a lot of you may not know is the reason I pulled off the pad early is well she is on fire you'll get that on them bigger jobs sometimes you know what I mean and then there's some other issues we got to address like well we pulled it home on an open trailer through 47 thunderstorms and this thing drank 97 gallons of water and all of the digitals don't seem to be digital in anymore and it doesn't run currently and then we got some steering issues and brake lines and we got a lot of stuff to fix I got a couple burnout competitions coming up we got duct tape drags over there and ducks and and then we got I don't know Bristol and there's a couple few other ones anyway let's dig in we got to get this thing back up and burning tires [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so as I was saying we have some melted brake lines down here that cause a brake fluid fire that was pretty entertaining until it wasn't you know we got to fix that and then we pulled it through a rainstorm we just we tried to bag everything up you can still see some of that it kept wind was ripping it off we took the screen the big monitor out of it don't know where that's at there's my other glove I've been looking for that and then you know the Terminator X is that ruined geez I really hope not again we had taper on that and put trash bags but anyway if I flip it on here here's the problem these light up but nothing nothing happens so I'm really hoping it's just that control panel and not the big board who knows I got a controller for the digital electrical pump up here some sort of Volvo override controller we're going to address that we might address the plug-in a couple other things I'll give you a closer look at the Carnage you know a lot of you are interested in what does it look like after the burnout because there was rubber everywhere on this thing so it was one of those moments where I was like you know dummy because I had mentioned it multiple times and then never realized it was going to shut me down until it was too late but these plastic lines are really common on dirt track cars and stuff like that right well you can see here it just melted and broke there's the other end of it right there these headers get glowing red significantly hot and towards the end of my run I went to hit the brake pedal to bring her around in a corner and all it did was shoot all the brake fluid directly right up on the headers ball of Fire thankfully it went out pretty quick and it doesn't look like it burned anything else but we'll have to look pretty close there was a fan that had a Mountain Dew and he came in here and put her out for me something else I got to add to the list I got a fire extinguisher holder didn't have the old fire extinguisher in there so we'll add one is what I'm saying should probably figure out something to put back here because there were just chunks of Tire just pelting all over the place a lot of it is still laying in here and a lot of it's already blown off but this is all the bands and stuff and things down here back here is a lot of the same These Bars actually worked out pretty good because they were catching a lot of the shrapnel from the tires and it's really packed in it's kind of hard to see but the back Corners are just packed in with rubber I'm thinking kind of that Jacob sense or something I don't want to just plate it off it's got to be able to see through it here you can see some more stuff that was whipping around there as well we got one tire all the way off and right before this other one was going to pop is when I had that fire I'm glad I put that plate in there last second because that pretty well saved actually I did there's not a spot of rubber on all the digitals over here so that's good now this plug I might end up moving a fan actually sent me this nice little thing so if we want to put this somewhere recess it and I guess that just plugs into that and then we have this so maybe we'll stick that over here next to it and get this dangling cord kind of out of the way of the the shrapnel there so the electronics in question are that big board there this ribbon right there that runs under the truck and then through the floor into the control panel up here and I'm thinking this just got full of water or I'm hoping at least I do have a replacement one of those right here I think we're going to start there actually we'll start with the ribbon because that would be the cheapest fix and then that and then we can start working our way through hopefully we had bags taped up in here hopefully the Terminator X didn't eat too much water we'll probably change the oil just because that was a fresh build when we took this out it's probably just a good idea also this could have drank some water we'll pull this off and see if we got any surface rust on any of the throttle blades and all that that will eventually move our way into figuring this out I got a control unit I'll show you in a bit it's got a dial on it and I guess this is in limp mode because right now what's happening is if I turn it left and I quick turn it right it like pauses and then kicks in so it's like you don't have any steering trying to go back and forth and this should hopefully fix that I bought that on Power Tour actually from a nice guy so anyway let's jump in and just throw up a test ribbon this guy right here see if that resolves the issue of course there's two sizes of cargo trailers you feelers probably know that and I got the narrower one because it was cheaper I need the big eight and a half foot wide one or whatever they are this thing has got hips on it like Shakira I ain't kidding you that would resolve all these issues pulling it in weather and whatnot but just I don't see see us grabbing another trailer we just picked that other one up five years ago something like that okay so if this ribbon does it boy would I do a happy dance not then it tells us we got to keep on keeping on you know what I mean oh some sort of sizzling noise just happened am I being a little more trouble than I thought I'm gonna flip the batteries on okay huh that's all it was was the ribbon no way fan water pump power steering there it goes trans fan no did I not hook that up I thought it did maybe I didn't did I not get that far huh well this is fantastic news I just ran this ribbon in and all the buttons seem to be working except the trans fan and then I followed that down this was stubbed into the frame and well a guy must have been a little short on time because we never even hook that up do I have a do I not have an open oh I don't have an open oh yeah I do it's even labeled transfound maybe we can wire that in quick get that taken care of but that's great because I can return this here this was not cheap and the original one was sent to me by a subscriber thank you so much a long time ago if you remember this was actually for Independence but we repurposed it here to save some money so now we can check the fluids and we'll see if we get this thing to fire off and if it runs then we can start Dalling everything up here sometimes a guy can just get lucky I woke up this morning thinking we're really going to be into the dead of course it's going to be a fighting day so far not that bad what do I got this wrap around well for Pete's sake this can't be real hefty's not kidding when they say this big stretch goodness gracious well help me understand geez oh there's no moisture in there yeah that looks good ain't worried about that at all okay so we're clear there throw this back on you can see some of the water before we stopped to wrap this up check on the Earls here fresh minty green no water we may not need to change that actually looking at it right just want to make sure there's something on the blood stick can't really check it till it's running but yeah that's looking good I think we can fire it I don't know how much fuel oh fuel let's check that how do I check that I don't know broomstick or something what I really need to do here is actually weld a bung on the bottom and one up here and then run a clear tube up and down you see that on some older motorcycles and small engine stuff but it'll actually indicate where the fuel is in there so I'm going to do the right thing and just Jam a welding rod down the app here and that's how we're gonna check the fuel I can't remember if we filled it that sounds bone dry oh there's a little bit can't really tell though well my performance fuel meter has indicated there's approximately two and one quarter inch of fuel in here that should be enough to get this thing fired up and just idle it for a couple seconds once we hear it run we can start dollar got the computer fired on here and I'm just going through and changing this to get um some of the vitals all these are all messed up and I want to make sure we're going to have oil pressure and things like that I don't have the big monitoring right now we'll do that in a minute but as long as I can see my oil pressure I'll be happy firing it up for a second where is it map ignition rev limiters hard as oil pressure digital small sure I'm going to keep ignition off and crank it until we build some pressure here we go 40 some pounds of crank now we fire it it's going to have instant oil pressure that should have turned the computer on oh thank goodness we've got green lights down there I don't know why I'm so nervous to start this thing okay let's bring in the Thunders Park yep oh how loud it was [Music] pounds of oil pressure [Music] I gotta get something in my ears yes that startled me I about jumped right out on my boots and back in them I ain't kidding you all right that's excellent news computer is working all the relays seem to be working now we can fix this ribbon up we should probably go ahead and run this trans fan spend some time over here dull on that oh boy that's a relief [Music] okay a guy's got that ribbon laid in something I changed up this time I didn't like about it last time is I used a bunch of zip ties and I had wondered if that was going to hurt or affect this ribbon cable and I don't think it did but I think it was definitely potential so this time I use this tape stuff you know what I mean and then left a lot more slack in it and then under here I use tape on that bar as well and then a very loose zip tie here and then I'm using the clip set came with it I'll get that one in a second but I got this loose and all these cut off right now as well because I need to run one more wire from the trans fan relay down to the transmission fan this is a separate unit I want to I wanted this manual we could set it up through the Terminator but the goal is of course to reserve as much power as we can by the way we didn't have any issues with capacity after that entire run and then sitting for 77 million months however long it's been this was at 16.8 volts on One battery still so this setup I'm proud to say absolutely Works zero belts and that is that the way to go it seems like first time getting through without throwing belts anyway this guy here I think I'm just going to ground the one side right to the frame because we've got this huge sad cable it's bonding the frame right and those run straight to the batteries and then we just bring the one wire the blue wire up through and bring that down and hook it in and then we should have control through our control board up there if we run into kick this on which I probably will that's the only run it's ever done without a fan on that last burnout this transmission has been just a beast from Harmon there and then we can come back and tape this all back up again for like the 49th time put some small zip ties in it things like that and wiring should be a hundred percent yeah hadn't used green yet that's the wire I'm going to use for the Trans Am got a big storm rolling through seems like every time you come over to hang out we got a big star that's all right we need it though we need the rain you know the grass is not looking very good you know what I mean going for a third cut hey this year that would be great if we could pull that off isn't a funny how when you're in your 20s last thing you want to do is mold the yard and you sprint through getting it done now that I'm 68 years old I can't walk through my front yard without a scissors get that weight out of here don't need that in there it's just I don't I kind of believe it's in our DNA or something because it just really doesn't make sense to be honest weed in this see what it did there weeding this wire through trying to get her back over to the relays and then we'll cut her on this end over there I already got the fitting on for the grounds and then we'll just self-tapper you know because I'm lazy did all this work on wiring so let's just finish it off with some self-tappers and bubble gum seems fine that should just be enough shouldn't it it should these uh cheap little doorman zip ties are actually not that bad now take into account I have not weather tested them I don't know what they would do in Alaska or the blowing Plains in North Dakota but they seem to be hanging in there pretty good for the money you know what I'm saying to you good doubling back this ribbon gonna go easy on this one again I don't want to hurt this trip by the way if you uh I have a feeling like the computer techie guys might know this but can I just get this ribbon separately somewhere it's a two four six eight ten pin reminds me of like the guts of a computer box machine and then I wouldn't have to get the kit with the push button board if that happens again here comes the rain that's okay we need it we need it right now it's getting pretty dry gotta be honest seems like every time you come over and hang out it rains okay got the fan wired in over there and on this side just zip Zang you know professionally welded that to the frame there now if we turn a battery on and we turn trans fan on there we go nice so that oh it's throwing out gravel and stuff the tire is throwing in there I was kind of worried about that but that is working correctly okay so next I got to get this screen plugged back in of course I just took this out of the truck I didn't want to take any chances with this thing this is probably the most expensive part of this entire build to be honest we had to run that little screen because this for some reason doesn't do data logging which just bottles my mind up and is pretty frustrating so we had to unplug this in order to run that if I remember right I don't think I had gauges maybe I did maybe I had a y I can't remember but now that we got the tune in I don't think we're going to need that so we could just put this back in I just got this bent forward from when I was panicking try and take it out screw this back in plug the connector in and as long as the harness is still good which it should be no issues we'll have our screen back Martin Scorsese wind chimes still raining boy we're just that's all right we already needed it it did this just has a bunch of metric screws basically go through the back here very simple and then we can just re-bandalize the bends that have bent in it and unbend it and then bend it back and it should just go back to where it was previously been and then plug it in and boom done this is the size screen that I originally wanted in Independence but this had just come out if I remember correctly and there was like a 74 million year weight or backlog or something like that so we never did get around to it there we go all set and ready well it's a lot easier to do this than just by ear and that little screen will tell you that much right now I went ahead and plugged her in got the uh boostilizer Power thingy running she's screaming looks like it's wanting to charge battery number ones you can see it's three quarters full which is really nice again that's the run that we had plus loading and unloading it moving it around here all the dinking we've done here plus sitting so I'm really happy with that let's move on to the power steering over here I gotta find this little adapter and I'll show you I think it just plugs in here and then this plugs into the controller but we'll try it out and see what happens wait oh maybe not so Plug and Play we got there's constructions though thankfully says um plugs into a which we figured B wire it says use thick wires yep I got thick wires says uh red wire must go to 12 volt ignition switch Supply attention this red wire must be ignition switch Supply so I think they're saying this needs to be ignition switch Supply then if you turn the adjustment knob fully anti-clockwise I think the main counterclockwise but we're going to anti it that shuts her down what if you've do a reverse anti-clockwise that brings her up and then you got to wait some seconds for the ET to adjust the steerings it's not an immediate it takes some seconds okay so I think I've got the gist here grazed gray yellow is the yellow this must be switched and then that's the ground and then the 79 feet a wire I guess that I don't know maybe we should shorten that and just hang it down here because this is already switched power right there right right serious what I'm thinking I think I'm just gonna fix this here look at that I'm going to shorten these plug that into here this is my switch 12 volt I can ground it right here and then all I got to do is run the knob which we could put up in the dash but realistically the knob could just be here because we're just going to be all of it so I don't you guys let me know what you think bleep blooping knob over here just hanging with a zip tie or do we put it up in the dash somewhere where we can I don't know why we'd have to adjust it on the fly but I don't know [Music] [Music] got a mask going but I got her wired up I think Annie who's that just the digitals aren't my favorite let's be honest here we go that's sure it's shortened where'd the I don't know where the excess went but it's shorter and then we got power which goes into the 12 volt switch which is already there that's up in the calculator 9000. and then went ahead and gmd'd it go over here with the side cable like I said because that's got plenty of ground juice now I'm down to the yellow and the gray and I decided to go ahead and run that up into I'm going to follow this bar right here and we'll put it right here I don't know why I just maybe I'm getting old this just kind of doesn't look I mean it looks fine let's be honest but maybe more good or just a little bit if that was just poking through right there and we could just and then I got to decide if I'm gonna wrap this up with tape or not because that's kind of been an eyesore the other side I went ahead and put sleeving and everything on it but I think I ran out or something I'll have to dig through the box of goodies and use parts to see what I can find I don't got uh gray I got Orange it's about as close to gray as you can get if you squint and close the other eye you can't even tell and then I do got Yeller so we'll do the other the other and orange gray and I'm just going to run that up here quick gotta pop a hole in here and we're good to go this hole has to be accurate it's very imperative that it's centered and looks right sure that's where it's going I guess perfect didn't want to lose the shop or a knob boy this thing is chinsy and be really delicate here got the switch wired in got her all taped up went ahead and taped it all the way down and used the other tape on top of the tape to tape it to the Pole to tape now it's taped anyway let's go ahead and put her through there it is cute little seller all right I'm actually really excited to see if this does anything I assume it does probably going to get a lot more noise and whip out of the sear pump be a bunch louder I'm guessing when we bring her oh we've got a 10. probably start at the low setting which is assuming where I was at try the power steering and then crank on it you know feed her the onions give her the cold bring her all of it give it all put it all the way to ten maybe find 11. did I lose the knob again had to have Jessica come in here and look for this knob no Jessica how Ard help me ah look I found it stop panicking so there's zero the adding number is getting bigger 3 6 9 12 42 12 Niners all all the way I think it's ten and then back down there we go so I think that's it well I got her flipped on in the lowest setting that was definitely lower than what it was before if that makes sense Still Still those power steering things has turned it up a little and oh there it goes that sounds really close to what it was before see there's that dead spot okay all right let's send it follow it oh man that sounds like a 7 37 or whatever they are the big the big aluminum tube Flyers oh much easier okay wait it's still there but it's much better I think I can live with that boy is that gonna burn that motor up this thing is sand oh sweet well I think that might resolve our power steering woes oh it's getting better nice turn that off and turn that off well now that a guy's got the digital sorted out it's time to move on to the wool pedal and it's actually pretty important in the burnout pit because it helps me Pitch it in the corners or if I'm going to start a 360 or a 180 got a bite on the front so we got to get rid of this line which is conveniently ran right underneath the engine so I think we're just going to clip that off and basically flat out ignore it I should almost it would be easier to get this up on the lift but I ain't got brakes to get there so I'm going to jack this up get it on some jack stands and then I got to find a fitting to come out of that wild Hood I know this one works so we're just going to go back to this one again I need a different fitting right there which I'll dig through my box hopefully find could maybe even use that fitting right there for the old clutch master that's just along for the ride and then we're going to bend up some steel lines and run them a little bit differently so they're not going to get so darn hot this one we're a little limited on because it it's right here although I could probably just zip tie that to the what is that roll cage yeah because you know we're not going fast anywhere we just you know it doesn't barely move it's walking speed I just gotta have a pipe hooked into it oh and I need a t of some kind great yeah gogo gadget truck lifter upper sure did you know you're supposed to put oil in these when you buy them does anybody actually do that yeah I didn't think so me either and then we all complain that they don't lift very high with one pump how high are you going well I don't know I gotta get my belly under there well I think you're pretty high now I think the stands are going to be just fine well they might slide off at the front so I I've never seen that happen before this just get her all the way up and get fine whatever see I told you I told you that was going to happen idiot laying under the rig here here's another look at that bermed up oh we got some grape juice right there done shook the hole bolt out there and nuts missing on that side we can fix that one looks like it's hanging in there there's the plastic there it runs up in here somewhere and then obviously T is right here so I'm just going to take and snip all this out snag it on out of there we don't need it see that's what this is what we're doing so I just got to take this fitting and this off and then we should be able to put a 3 8 24 right into that and then on this side I just got to figure out this fit to get that also to a 3 8 24. we can start bending up some lines I think I'll put a t in hmm here and we can bend this one around to there and then the other one will shoot down and then go around that one hopefully while I'm whipping up some brake lines here I thought I'd talk to you about this event it is quite honestly the most laid back chill event of the entire year it's one of my absolute favorites to go to with the wife and kids it's called duct tape drags this year it's September 29th and 30th at Tucson Dragway and man there's so much to do as a spectator there's a lot to watch if you want to participate there's the five thousand dollar hoop to this year because the market is just nuts it's hilarious watching some of these cars drag race in a bracket and they actually judge whether the crowd judges and Freiburger and probably dulcich if that car is worth 5 000 or not over under there's The tri-5 Showdown there's open Drag runs for anything any make and model bring a rental don't care new this year is the vice grip garage burnout pit yep I'll be on the microphone and we'll be able to chat about your rig watch you do your burnout talk about your vehicle whatever it's a freestyle competition there's zero pressure there's all makes and models and skill levels beginners this is the place if you want to get into burnouts this is the place to do it it's a nice big open box come out and break a rig in or start trying to figure it out or whatever it's going to be a blast but I'm telling you now way in advance because if you want to be a participant those tickets are limited just so we can make sure everybody gets through you got to go to the and just search duct tape drags I'll probably put a link down in the description for you and you got to get those now quick there's camping there's even the legendary bonfire party where doll Stitch is going to be there David fryeburger lucky is going to be there I think Dave Chappelle are doing it Dave's going to be there a bunch of other people we just sit around to the fat hope to see you guys there we're going to definitely take Charlotte there I don't know if we're going to open it up with Charlotte or close her down with it but either way we're going to put on a show and uh hope to see what kind of rig you got this is the little piece that's going to go from the T over to the front wheel hopefully so here's what I got so far got the main line bent down that's a t-block right there and then that shoots off over here and that's already into place so the way that this is angled or bent I'm hoping to get under the steering and then around the frame essentially that's going to be a tight one I might have to go back and then Loop over I'm going to start working on that one this one looks goofy but it's gonna work so that'll come up to that t gearbox basically goes between that Loop this is a cross member section and then I got a marked right here where I need to put a fitting on actually I'll flare it and then I'll cut it out off and then I'll put a fitting on I'll start again and a couple clamps should hopefully keep this in place then I'll have Jessica come out and help me bleed this it's getting really late and I want to want her to help me before she gets to bed so gotta hustle get this in well that was a little tricky but got her swooped around the steering around the suspension the control arm far away from the header as possible and then comes across it's clamped right on our teeth and then up over the other side and that is already plugged in as well so brake lines are done well a guy was Walling around on my backside went ahead and replaced the bolt and nuts on the header collector there got all that buttoned up second ready to go ahead and bleed this thing called Jessica talked her into jumping in and running the pedal you guys have seen this a million times there's nothing to show only got two to do I'm gonna start over here leave this one this one I've got a bleed on the line because the bleeder is snapped off in a caliper that's fine don't worry about that well I can't believe it but I guess I got to I'm looking right at it none of my fittings anywhere leaked and I believe we've got them bled well with the storm real quick hit the brakes boom so I think another one I don't even know how many hundreds and hundreds of your blood together good job I can't even see you over the edge of the she's had to like sit up on the seat to even reach the titles but breaks done well I think that's going to do for Charlotte it probably should be ready and I almost forgot but you'll see it later this month over at Bristol we're going to be doing a burnout competition with Charlotte here I've also got the Crown Vics on Sunday nitrous powered Crown Vics and the driver list is nuts there's F1 cars there's monster truck drivers there's off-road Champions it's pretty wild and maybe I heard a rumor I guess I might be doing tour destruction I don't really know much about that but it sounds pretty fun yeah and don't forget also to get your tickets for duct tape drags I believe that is September 29th and 30th that's in Arizona where I will also have a booth set up and we'll hope to see you guys there that's going to be a lot of fun as well hopefully we don't break this thing if we do it we'll get her patched up for duct tape super excited for that I'm going to start cleaning up get this truck on the trailer and I guess you got to get me packed we're leaving tomorrow so I gotta go on a flight bright and early tomorrow another Revival coming soon thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much see you soon I'll be in in I don't know three hours [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 433,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, burnout, race truck, fire, repair, will it start
Id: u0XeYYHFSqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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