EDC Update 2020

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[Music] [Applause] the acid ever going to take a look at my current EDC for 2020 EDC is everyday carry the items that I carry on my person every day and this year we've had a lot of changes and so I know this is a very popular subject for a lot of people so I thought we'd go ahead and do the 2020 EDC alright guys 2020 I have made some significant changes to my EDC and one of the things that we're gonna just talk about right up front is of course the things that typically everyone carries you know you have your cell phone and of course I have one of the iPhones and I've been carrying this for years I do like the Magpul covers they protect it very well and I've dropped by the number of times and they just seem to protect just perfectly and so I like this I keep carrying it now one thing that I do I'm going to just show you and I've gotten my boys to do this and daughter to do this as well is back here in the back I always slip some cash back here and I don't really think about it I try to keep it out of sight out of mind but if I ever need it I've got money cash money right here in my phone and so that to me sometimes I don't necessarily carry cash and so that's really important now the other thing that I do carry is my billfold or my wallet now for a long time I was carrying a wallet that I had gotten in Tennessee at Rock City was a handmade leather wallet I really liked it a lot of people are asking about it and I didn't really have anybody to refer him to and so while I was down in Savannah Georgia a few months ago a couple of months ago I went into the nine line store and they have a outlet store there and I came across this wallet it is the exact same design and yet it's non line which I love I love what they stand for and so I switched to the non line wallet so you can get these at 9 line and you know I have a link down below they sell a lot of cool stuff but it's just a good leather soft leather wallet now you can decide if that's what you like but for me I like it I like it very simple because it's just a bifold and yet I put all my cards here and in has a little flap here to put my cash and then it has places in the back here I can put different things as well it's a minimal type wallet and yet you can get a lot in here so this to me is just a really great wall of the way it feels it fits just right in my pocket and so this is my choice of course keys you know we need our keys for our car and of course I have my Hummer key here I have some different storage building my shop key I do carry a griffon tool and these are great little pry bar and has a lot of features to it I'm really good friends with Casey over at Griffin tools he's a great guy and check out Griffin tools also have one of the small little Oh lights and this is the i1r e OS and even though it's small it puts out a lot of light and so this is a great little flashlight I like to have one on my keychain very small because there are times where I need just something really handy and then my ever-present key bar guys this is the all copper it's heavy but I love it I've had some of the aluminum models and I love them but just the copper and the way it wears I just like it it's nothing fancy we'd always say it just really hits the cool factor for me then I have one of the key bar magnets and these are super magnets I mean they are super tough and I was a little dubious about having these on here but it just seems to retain the keys and then we have the exo tag rings the key rings and I really like these because you can press it like this you can see it just opens up these are the easiest to load much better than this and this is the original but I really like those EXO tech little key rings I mean they are super fantastic super fantastic in fact I wouldn't be carrying it if it wasn't super fantastic as far as my pocket knife I have switched to the micro tech L UDT I've carried the zero tolerance knives for years but this isn't automatic this is a fantastic night I mean this thing is built like a tank it is super strong and I just love this knife this is my EDC knife I carry it all the time and I've been kind of back and forth over the past year so because of Benchmade you know giving contributing to some of the little kind of a left-leaning kind of organ it helps protect them but not for gun owners and so I just really put my barrage away which I've carried for a number of years and guys I'm telling you this is a vast improvement this is an incredible knife if you've never had a micro tech I highly recommend it and of course you've got to check your local laws and your precincts to make sure you can carry something like this but here in South Carolina we're allowed to and I really love this knife and I mean I just love it it's just an excellent knife it's a little pricey but for me I'm carrying something everyday I want the best quality and so that is one reason why I always carry a knife and I'll tell you this I have a good friend of mine lives up in Brevard Dave Galloway and he is a in law enforcement he told me one time when he was a young kid he said he got caught his cousin's took him and tied him up to a tree and they were just playing around they left him and he slipped and it got caught around his neck and he started to choke and he said I had a pocket knife in my pocket I pulled it out cut myself free he goes from that day on I've never been without a pocket knife after hearing his story I have never been without a pocket knife guys this is the number one tool for a lot of things it's really convenient but it can get you out of tough situation and guys having a knife again it's just critical for everyday and also I'm carrying the Minuteman watch this is a self-winding watch has the webbing for the strap I just love this watch a good friend of mine JC gave me this watch and it's just a minimal lightweight watch guys I love having it on my wrist because a lot of times we can use our phones you know to check our time but for me I like to stay off this thing as much as possible and with this on my wrist it makes it really fast to be able to look down good quality watches I do also have a BCM dive watch then I have one of the reactor watches this the Griffin and that's also great but this seems to be what I've been carrying almost every day here lately and guys always have a no light in my pocket having a good flashlight is just essential if you haven't been carrying a flashlight you don't realize how much you need a flashlight on an everyday basis this is the S one our baton it is in the bronze color I love this and guys I'm telling you this thing is freaking freakishly bright and it's just an excellent I think it's a thousand lumens on this flashlight with this size it takes one of the cr123 s o light does a great job and I really like having this in my pocket I have trusted o light for the past eight years I've been carrying a no light EDC and I've never had one to let me down this is also rechargeable has a little charging pad magnetic that just pops on here and so I love this little light now guys one thing that I'm not always carried is a multi-tool I mean most of them are large and clunky but I started carrying the Leatherman squirt just it's so small this is the ps4 model there's a number of different ones it's really handy and you can bring it out you've got a pair of pliers you have some scissors you have a file you have a knife which is great for redundancy I like to have an extra knife and so I really like to have this in my pocket I find I'm using it quite a bit but again guys you know it's one of those things where I've been kind of back and forth because I'm carrying so much already but I've always find a lot of uses for this little guy and I do like to have a tactical pen I'm always needing to write anyway and so this gives me writing capability and in places that I can't carry something for self-defense I can always carry my tactical pen and we have a little tip here to be able to use in a self-defense situation and this one actually is a Maxpedition model and I don't think they still make these they made these for a while I believe and I'm not 100% positive but this has been a great little tactical pen but what I really like about it is it's so minimal is so small and I have been carrying the bokor 45 caliber I like that one as well but this one is just even smaller and lighter now I know I go a little overboard but I like to have some ability to start fire and here I have one of the exo tag strikers and this is one of the Nano strikers there's the striker and then here we have our fire steel and so there are times where I'm needing to build a fire and we just like to have fires around for different things while there are cheaper versions out there EXO tacked to me just is a cut above and so I love EXO tack and so I'm carrying this there are a lot of other options out there but you know bic lighter would be one but one thing about a bit lighter is that if you press down on the lever you can release all your gas and then you have nothing except just the little striking and so I really like to have something a little more optional and of course I'm big on survival so this also is an important element fire is the most important survival element we use they can give you warmth heat it can cook your food it can boil your water boost your morale keep predators at bay I mean it is just essential now we're gonna step in to our self-defense or our CCW or our concealed carry and one thing that I have been doing for the past few months is the p3 65 I've just been carrying it pretty much straight up I do carry some other firearms when I'm doing reviews or I'm testing things but the p3 65 is just is so small and yet it still has ten rounds I've carried the Glock 26 for over 10 years and I still like the Glock set up I like my 26 Gen 5 excellent handgun but it's larger than the p3 65 and it still has the same amount of capacity and then I carry a 12-round magazine to back it up now one thing that sig had some issues with before was they had some reliability issues they had some strikers to break there were some problems but I put 2500 rounds through this pistol without one malfunction and so I have a lot of confidence in this pistol and so this that's the reason I carry it and so for a while there I didn't because I kept seeing problems but mine has just been flawless and so with that I also have one of the armored guard Kydex holsters and this is from Pete from the Armory Channel Pete now have been friends for a long time and he sent me this he started making holsters one thing about Pete is he is very particular and it shows in these holsters they are so well finished the precision the molding I love the clip choice and this is just a super comfortable holster to wear for Appendix or you know however you want to carry it but for me I like appendix it's really fast to draw and so this is just an excellent holster and I highly recommend Pete over at the Armory Channel and it's armored guard holsters comm but we're going to be doing an upcoming review on this and I have also one for my G 19 Glock there's something that I slept in my pocket regularly is the little North American Arms pug this is in 22 Magnum has a nice grip to it it's small it fits down in my pocket it even fits in the coin slot of my jeans and it's so easy to have in your pocket I have a good friend of mine this a federal marshal he told me that this is his get off me gun and ever since then I've always said that my mind and guys it's just such a great little pistol or revolver to have in a 22 Magnum you have some power behind it but this is something up close and personal it's so easy to carry I don't carry this all the time but I do carry it regularly and it does have night sights on the front so that makes it even that much more effective now guys all this would be great but if you don't have a good solid belt your pants are gonna be hanging around your ankles and so one thing that I've used for many years and this one in particular is a doubt tech force bull leather belt in fact I believe this one is about nine years old maybe ten years old and it's funny because I have other bull leather belts from dowel tech force but this one's so comfortable for daily wear I typically wear this belt but for other things I do love the core essentials belt now for Sunday I have some nice leather dress belts that I like to wear this is one more for tactical use so if I'm going to any kind of training class or going to any kind of competitive shoes I'm going to use one of these belts that has the webbing but what I love about these belts here you have your lock and all you have to do is just press up and this just pulls loose and so it just goes right in and then you hear that ratchet system this thing you can lock this down to exactly the position that you wanted the tightness against your waist especially for concealed carry and the one thing about this is it has a lot of rigidity and so it's not gonna waver in fact I did a full review on these belts and guys they're just top-notch and so I've been very impressed with course Central's and I've seen a lot of reviews out there where a lot of people are excited about core essentials and so this is my belt that I wear again for tactical for classes and things like that but for just standard everyday the bull other belts hard to be you guys one thing that I don't have right on me because I was doing something in a survival pack is the phil ster medical kit it has compression galls that's in a little sleeve you can slip it into your pocket of your cargo pants and it has a cat tourniquet that's also in a holster and you can slip that in the other one and we always carry those to the range and so that's one thing that I think is important to have a trauma kit close at hand especially if you'd like to shoot and especially if you're carrying a gun as a self-defense option because you could find yourself in a situation where you need to treat yourself or others and so I've really liked having trauma kits close by I do keep a couple also in my vehicle so guys that is my ADC for 2020 we'll see how it evolves for next year but this is what I'm carrying and guys again it is an ever-evolving thing and so while you're planning your EDC it's great to think it out it's great to be wise with it and guys you know again you don't have to carry all this stuff but make sure that you have your essentials the guys I've almost embarrassed to say that this weighs four pounds ten point two ounces I mean this is absolutely crazy but guys this is what I carry so guys having those few items with you can make life even more convenient but also can be really important in a serious situation and so make sure you have your EDC tidied up ready to go you know invest a little more in your EDC it's something again that you carry with you at all times you're building your EDC hopefully this will help give you some ideas be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] and so it's a minimal type holster and so this has pins this has really been a great so guys that's about it so guys that's about them now one thing that I will now one thing that I do need to add to it is I do carry a first-aid kit and I I know some people are gonna look at this video and go everyday crazy what you carrying all that crap for they be unprepared if you want [Music]
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 1,923,192
Rating: 4.8081131 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, EDC, Everyday Carry, Pocket Dump, EDC Items, Carry
Id: 0V320ZSrl_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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