Fire BOSS Ultimate Fire Kit!

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fireballs let's check it out [Music] to me one of the toughest challenges I have of being prepared are the small details maybe it's little button compasses maybe it's char cloth maybe it's just little things that you know are hard to find or you're searching for little things and those little things can add up to big problems later on down the road if you don't have them so one of the things that's pretty cool is the kits that are coming out the boss system and this is from Stanford outdoor supply they've been putting together some kits where they do the work and you don't have to worry about it now one of the things we're going to do is check out all the details in this see what it's all about there's a number of different kits we're going to take a general look at that but today we're going to focus on the fireballs go have to say that my first impression so far has been just quality the packaging is excellent the way it's packed the materials that I'm looking at here are very sound I haven't even opened these up yet so I really don't know and we're going to be testing them out to check it out to see we're going to be specifically looking at the fireballs and again ball stands for bug out survival supplement this is a 33 piece fire kit so you've got a lot of redundancy here and that's important of course my overall plan is based on the rule of threes and that's three minutes without air three hours in harsh conditions three days without water three weeks without food and of course medical and self-defense flow in between all those now before we get started with the fire kit specifically you can see the contents right here here's the hunting and fishing balls here's the water gathering balls here we have the navigation balls and then we have the shelter boss I mean this thing is packed full of gear now here right on the front we have a list of all the things that are in the kit I like that the back is clear and gives you an idea of what's in here and also this isn't a ziploc heavy duty bag I mean this thing is pretty strong and solid it has that mylar material and the heavy meal plastic we have tear tabs here but then you can reseal as you need so let's go ahead we're going to all that loose and that's really great because you can continue to use this bag even when you pull out the different products here we have all the contents laid out everything was packed in that bag pretty solid but it wasn't difficult to remove you're going to be able to maintain the integrity of the bag the one thing I've done here is just put a lot of the fire tinder kind of stuff on this side some of the tools and fire-starting capability and so there's just a very wide selection of different things what we're going to do is look at each one and we're going to test each one bit glider very important to have in your kit one of the things you'll notice is that it has wire around where you're where you hold down to strike this is to keep the fuel from inadvertently getting leaked out by this being pressed down with a lighter you've got the wire it is coated so there's a lot of cool things you can do with wire pretty decent length actually so I would say this is at least about 12 inches of wire and with a lighter we obviously know what we can do with that and there you go and we have a nice thick fire steel it's good and solid has the striker that goes with it and also a cord the edges are on the striker that you need to hit the fire steel this coating needs to be taken off before you can actually start a flame but as you can see comes right off and this thing really does lay some sparks down there we go I'll tell you what this fire steel puts out a lot now one thing about this fire steel it's a little softer than some of them so it will not last as long and in a long period of time but look how thick it is next one of my favorites is a pencil sharpener and this is a metal sharp printer which is nice over the little plastic ones processing wood with this for your tender is just incredible I mean this is invaluable I did a whole video on the pencil sharpener actually as a survival tool while a pencil sharpener doesn't seem like it would be a great tool being able to get this makes a great fire tender look at those small shavings of course you all know about pencil sharpeners but this is a great way to get those shavings and we can really make a nice little fire with this it doesn't take long to accumulate quite a bit make a little nest take your fire steel and you want to pull the steel away from you holding the striker still there we go and next we have one of the wire Souls these are great to be able to process wood to cut without having an axe or a large knife you can process a lot of wood with this salt and that'll wear you out but it's definitely great to have in a survival situation plink cut not bad now this is one thing that I've been very impressed that they've included this is Kevlar string it's going to be super tough and then we have a small ball bearing pivot point and this is for your bow drill which is something that a lot of people just don't do and need to be able to do you need to know how to do that only problem right now I've got as far as testing this out is we've had rain last night like crazy and I think I'm going to live it later on do just a video on the bow drill and we'll do it with these materials the box of waterproof matches there are 40 in here it has your striker on the box but you also have a separate striker as well and we have our waterproof matches there's 40 of these we're just going to douse this thing with water we're going to lay it in the water here we go strikes write up the matches work dry as well well jute man that stuff burns and we have a small little Fresnel lens this is perfect if you want to start a fire using the Sun the Prez no lens magnifies the Sun now we're going to place it over this wood the more direct you are to the Sun the more intense the beam watch this wood it's already started smoking it's a great way to start an ember you can only do this on a clear day if the cloud comes over it's going to block it out so you're limited plus this pretty much just makes an ember where there's smoke there's fire right here you can see where it's burned right here in this wood and guys this takes care of five different methods for starting fire I think really the only one that we're lacking is maybe flint and steel so of course you have your striker that will take care of that and a couple of tea light candles this will give you prolonged fire and light one thing about a small tea light candle is it does provide just a little bit of warrant that gives you some light and it's just a good morale booster so having a little tea light candles in an emergency you know with us around the house or wherever it's a great little option included is 10 feet of jute twine great for fire starting and we'll take our jute because it has so many fibers you can really get that down fine which makes it nice you can see how fast that burns you can use it as a match and save your lighter fluid or again you can just use it straight as tinder and then a pack of fat would there's a number of different sticks in here this can be used for feathering and a lot of other things but the resin that's inside here is flammable and this is a great way to start fires now you have an instant match and this thing will burn it's amazing how that resin will burn like that now with fatwood you'll probably have to beat on it because it doesn't feather very well but even with this small knife you can get some batani even on the serrated part there's some real small pieces how easy that lights up is everything to do with that resin in that fat wood what's incredible we have the wet fire fire starting tender okay we have the wet fire this is from ultimate survival calm a little waterproof case I've used this in the past is really good stuff you can break this up into pieces which probably is the best kind of a wet feel to it then you can store the other away to use again some other time there it goes one strike and you're good we have six tender tabs and these are all so far starting just pull the fibers apart and you can actually use quite a bit of this so give you a lot of tinder right here just take that fire steel I mean really that first strike actually got it but look how well that burns we have six magnesium capsules and if you've ever had a magnesium bar you can shave it off and it really likes fire well this is powder inside these smaller capsules magnesium capsules open it up that's a pretty good bit actually you could probably do okay with just that you can see even out of the top it's falling out we're going to go and pour it out see how much we have quite a bit of magnesium powder no doubt one little strike that stuff burns very hot and that's just one capsule guys you can see what it did to the bottom of this piece of wood and it burned it out this stuff is real high temperature so you want to be careful what you have it laying on and we have four pieces of char cloth and this is great to get an ember going here we have char cloth and just can pull it apart or you can like the whole piece but you can save it just breaking it off it's typically cloth that's been completely dehydrated and take a lighter your fire steel now this creates an ember and create necessarily an open flame this will definitely get you going where you need to go with it and we have some steel wool if you add a nine volt battery to that this will light this up and really help get a fire going now this really fine steel wool and it needs to be really fine and that's what they've got here you want to just kind of spread it out a little bit take your 9-volt battery you can see the flames already starting that is just the coolest thing or we can light it the old-fashioned way then we have this small little square this is foil back paper great for setting it down and getting your fire started this to me is a really cool idea because a lot of times it's been raining here but it's kind of drying out a little bit but still this ground is pretty wet this is going to make a great barrier protects it from the moisture and it's that fire going there we go plus you can use this as a reflector especially if you're lost in the woods is a signaling mirror also included is a small instruction sheet this has your fire starting basics starting the fire also it has how to do bow and drill which is pretty cool this is also printed on writing the rain paper so it's waterproof this is going to give you hundreds of fires I mean there are so many different methods here and if one isn't working you can always go to another one of everything worked just fantastically again we didn't really get to try out the bow drill method but we will be doing that coming up this is just a great way to create a lot of fire and to me this is the ultimate fire kit as far as prices on these kits the fireball starts out at $19.99 which i think is a great price also the fishing and hunting balls is $19.99 the water balls is $29.99 and the shelter and navigation or $39.99 you can go to the Stanford outdoor website check that out I've links down below in the description but I think that this is a really cool way to get your kit set up and you don't have to worry about it now one thing I'm going to recommend is you test out your stuff test out your gear you know don't just buy this and throw it in your bag and think I'm fine there needs to be training you need to get you know up to speed get your skill level up and then you'll be ready to go you do not want to be learning about this in a crisis situation as far as pros and cons I think it's for 1995 I think a pretty solid kit definitely a lot of fuel potential and a lot of choices I like that because there are times where certain elements of fire-starting have limitations and so this covers your bases in a lot of ways the fire steel while it's a little soft it puts out a lot of Sparks and that is huge I would go with that it's large which I really like I figured this is probably a real small one some of them are very thin this is good and heavy and long the knife while it's suitable and it's something that is just kind of a backup it's you know it's not all that great but it's definitely something that you can do what you need to with for me I carry a pocket knife on me at all times anyway but I think this is definitely for in a pinch Plus this keeps the price down this is a fairly inexpensive knife and for 1995 I think to the price I'm fine with this knife the lighter is small I would probably like to see maybe a standard bic lighter that would be a little bit better this is going to not hold up quite as long but you know it keeps the kit small but then again that's the only thing and really those are the only things that I even have a little bit of criticism about but to be honest with you to keep the price down I would go with this instead of going with a higher price so just a few thoughts guys many of you take pleasure in going and finding each individual piece that suits your needs and I definitely understand that but if you're very busy and you just can't get the time to put together your kit this is a great way to go and to if you're just a novice and you don't know what to do I think this is also something that can complete your fire kit fire is very important not only for cooking for boiling water for morale for warmth I mean there are just so many things that fire does for us and so I think that the fire boss is just an excellent kit and I want to thank Stanford outdoor supply for sending these kids we're going to be going through some of the others as we go but definitely the park it is top-notch and you can go to Stanford outdoor supply calm and check it all out yeah we got the fire boss whoo be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] we're going to focus on the fire box not a lot of profit and I don't think so is the five is the three is the rule of threes and it makes it and it really well and in this step is really flammable ClamAV orphan and bible here we have our little magnesium tab here we have here we have a nil okay these are the magnesium now as far as prices on the kits the fireball starts at 99 check them out and Stanford Stanford outdoor Stanford outdoor supply [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 191,827
Rating: 4.9086151 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Fire, Fire starter, Fire Starting, Tinder, B.O.B., Bug out, Fire Kit, BOSS, Prepared, Stanford Outdoor Supply, Kit, Survival Kit, fire steel, Wet fire
Id: w6jO3zQeQ5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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