Finishing the BOSSES - Hutts Streams Darkest Dungeon

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I suppress the record button so YouTube people welcome back to darkest dungeon gibbering profits and hag which we have to go hag which is the one that puts one of your guys into like the the cauldron and they boil alive until you can get him out gibbering profit that's the one with the pews right that drops the [ __ ] that killed like a bunch of my people mods for this game give it so much more playability darkest dungeon types is austin hague lady i really don't want to fight the gibbering prophet i really really really really don't want to fight the gibbering prof the professor what else do we have to do gibbering profits hag which brigands sixteen pounder defeat the sleeper their inner buds from rig wrecks first stream good luck thank you so the cove there should be another boss fight then the brigands smell where's the brig in sixteen pounder is it Cove no it's warrants isn't it it's gotta be wheels or ruins maybe it's Weald current song is not even playing shut up monstercat let's take on the hag maybe we'll see who's available honestly first peg which darkest dungeon I just want to like read the little page on her like I said like these are things that like we don't already know I it would just take me an extra hour to get to the you know reasoning this I highly recommend you guys using the darkest dungeon Wikipedia its wiki whatever wiki page Grif nice tomorrow play dead cells anymore so overwhelming when people bombard me with games Grif lands will be on YouTube there's gonna be four more episodes coming out and dead cells no I don't play that anymore it's possible play it in the future but I have no plans to currently alright soul hey Herman since the slots three plus four will not be moved hitting these slots required for the fight she also has a high resistance tons and blights but quite vulnerable to bleed with two actions per round dots will tick quickly slots one and two are always taking them by the pot which doesn't need to be attacked to win the fight mainly just gets in the way you prepare to fight her with three heroes as one will spend the fight in the pot even if they get out she'll probably chuck someone else in when someone is taken whoever was behind them will move forward since you can't predict who will get thrown in you must also be prepared for everyone to move up a slot if for example your slot one hero is taken then whoever's in slot 2 to 4 will be nel 1 2 3 breaking the pot open is not ideal because she will simply throw someone else in there wasting all the time you spent attacking it whenever the hero in the pot reaches zero health it will pop out a death's door so be ready to heal them right away when the hag does little damage on her own even one point of damage is enough to kill a vulnerable hero her strategy is to boil her hero down to zero health and then finish them off herself a Hilo is very important to prevent this from working nationally the best strategy is to rush her down as quickly as possible before wherever in the pot is boiled depending on who was grabbed his quite possible take her down before the first year was boiled if not then heal them off desk soil door and keep on fighting the Hellion excels in this fight targeting the hag is easy as you can bleed as well to Helens in the front can make quick work of egg while also ensuring that if one is grabbed you have a spare one to handle the fight for other classes beware skills that may be disabled at the better hero moving forward such as the gesture be wary of skills that may be disabled by the hero by moving moving forward like gesture man-at-arms repost will be actually added frequently though shield breaker can easily reach the hag but piercing is of no use will not protect her from being thrown into the pot the worst here to bring will be the ones that can't reach the hag at all such as the leper mark and snipe good luck dad thanks to the bits man man so it's a double Hellion in front dickwad is currently busy so if we took marriage and then backed it up with they said like you know shield breaker but piercings not good but her damage is good but I feel like maybe you were stasher lunging could be pretty spicy I have a hard time getting the shadow fade damage off but stun and poisoner are not even a thing focus on bleed dismal can hits you do some dualist advanced stuff good get like it's like a dance combo going on right now vessel highwayman highwayman hey lien is the ultimate speedrun team you think double highwayman dismaland Timofey too mouthy flurp just watching some darkest dungeon on YouTube we got tired so decided to see what was up on Twitch and realized I was watching your videos huh master can keep bleeding her marker for extra damage and self heal when on death's door do I even have a ha master I do Vegemite Vegemite could be good what if I did like this the marking is less good though because I'm not bringing SKT I mean which I bring toast enjoy your videos welcome you guys excited for the PvP update I I'm not all about the PvP so no not really probably won't play it at all some people thrive on that I don't I use video games as a way to relax not to like feel like I'm more powerful than other people essentially I do play into the gungeon still let's see here laid out his useless great leading up to the fight if it bleeds would be good Iron Swan necessary those are just the two that we're gonna be going back and forth with this guy he might move forward to the front slot if he's at the front slot he can always point blank shot like if we brought a bunch of dancers highwayman included point blank shot though is not good cuz it does it does damage chance the cauldron right so we don't really want him in front but if he does get in front he can back up but he backs up let's say they took my Hellion and he's in front he has to back up to do anything now my hound master is gonna be in front and he's just gonna be worthless in front like actually worthless so it's like glass cannon II we're just crossing our fingers saying don't take the heli and if you do we're all dead all of us I just I don't like the the way that that's set up I could totally take a flash and then just rain of sorrows keep the bleed up here I mean maybe turn on the heal self point-blank shot is useless first enemy slot will always be taken by the cauldron yep uh-huh exsanguinate really sure I feel about all this I really would like to take dickwad with me what are you doing dickwad you're getting your diseases off we can do a quick run just to you know come back and you do like an easy right week I don't think we can actually do an easy because everyone's six level but you do this one single medium with a bunch of off characters swap dismal for the flag badge board is good like that got bleed bleed massive damage coming in though from the highwayman if he was able to sit there and shoot the pistol shot would really take the combo two of them though you don't matter you don't care about marked right you don't care about marks it's fun to a Marc play to be very good against the hag I would agree that Marc play could be very good against the hag right now I'm come leaning towards bleed play let's see what the bleed chances 65% bleed resist and this would be one hundred and forty percent bleed base - 33 percent bleed resist we would basically get her or Lasserre bleed 130 pretty much would be close to a very high high bleed chance if we can get that resist on over the - the negative resists one pond a ham 28 months is up all antiquarian run against agar no balls I do like the antiquarians I'm not gonna lie insane bleed team she's got bleed - if it bleeds not very much bleed but you know two points for three rounds isn't gonna be much when we're up against a 135 HP boss but monstrous size is no intrinsic parent this is the bleed team this is the blade team and I think we should do it well we go yeah - time bleed resists ten crit if torch below no torch above torch above max HP bleed skill chance take that yes we got better healing resists bleed resists unholy what is she she's just human marked stun resists damage speed dodge more stress virtue chants and bleah death flow resist would not be bad to put on Evans hairpin is good it is good but you know I'm just covering the bases here ten accuracy does she have any dodge 27.5% Dodge do I really need it we're not we don't have any stress heals does she have any stress specific moves you get stressed if you're in the cauldron right stress plus ten when she seasons to perfection stress plus ten when she tastes the stew virtue chance it's like when you get tipped over the stress point you either get like a positive or a negative effects and I think the virtue chance is like a higher chance of that being a positive effect I could also just do plus 20% damage but with the no stress heels there's just so many trinkets that I have man plus the 33% bleed scale chance to torch below no I don't do that [ __ ] I don't mess with that torch [ __ ] dodge blade resist thought you're not ranged damage speed and dodge go you what do you got deathblow resist 20 dodge a death store plus 20% damage of stress above 85 plus 20% blade skill chance plus 15% damage if HP below minus 20% healing skills plus 4 speed of HP below the deathblow resist sounds good and damage a death store because he might be grabbed if he is he's gonna pop out on death's door thinking about maybe giving this guy 25% damage nah flexion is negative virtue heals a hero 459 stress and buff stats overall while your streams so blessed I feel like I hope you guys enjoy watching this stream watching me play darkest dungeon because it's literally just 80% me sitting here staring at the screen being like trying to min/max that's like all this game is well she was unholy we're gonna stick with the eternities caller it's fun to watch your gears turn just Austin glad you're enjoying it plus 30% bleed skilled shanz plus 20% damage - healing skills - 20% healing received I still feel like that's worth it [Music] this would be minus 15% damage plus 12 dodge they would balance out we'd still have a plus 5% damage and we'd have 12 extra dodge on there maybe a dodgy boy no one could hit him and you don't need to heal him if you can't hit him right sounds like a good trade-off to me DD's didi is good until you get absolutely screwed it's fun standard just plus plus healing skills there there's a couple other healing skill ones one of them being the head but you get more stress this gives you negative stun skill chance which is fine because I don't think that she's done a bull not really and then minus HP so group heals or for right loving a freak the hang time is worth watching you get hyped on doing something crazy she's 100% hit chance no matter what question mark 100% hit chance what do you mean made such a bad mistake when you rename Dismas into dismal because if I do a darkest dungeon mission was dismal and the original blah blah blah Reynald then they get an achievement that is that much time Oh scroll is probably the best out of them all I'm oh I'm just making sure we have all of our bases covered it's been a while since I've jumped back into this and I just want to make sure that you know it's one of those moments where like if I don't do this then you guys are gonna remind me later and be like cuts are stupid yeah that yeah I know I just really I really couldn't care less about the achievements in this game I don't want to even play this game anymore than I have already played it okay it's too stressful for me and I want to be done but I've come so far that I have to finish the goddamn thing plus you guys are hounding me all the time I have no choice but to jump back into the darkest dungeon I think we're good hag me oh let's check their stress levels toast is good Vegemite is good boy it's good marriage oh no no matter place where I take it no no I'm wanted playthrough I'm not even sure about darkest dungeon too when it comes gosh shuts I'm just telling you honestly my opinion here we're in the Weald by the way and in let's remind ourselves what the Weald is all about marks are good which we don't have so the mark team would be good against the hag because it would be good in the Weald in general fungal scratchers I don't even think that they do T weakness is bleed so they they do have they do have a weakness to bleed so bleed end marks are both good we should do fine why should be good shield breaker is good in Weald I think this is gonna be a good team I think what gon get them maybe but how long is this to medium I could tell by the firewood bundles every month how much food do I take for a medium 16 to 20 take 18 shovels I need a lot of shovels for this right a lot of [ __ ] in this cave in this level this is telling me to take anti-venom to three bandages to bit of similar herbs one two two holy waters I mean I'm not I'm not here for the money and not here for the gold in trinkets and baubles really so I mean I could just totally load up just to cover my bases I could cover my bases honestly we probably should let's just say that I followed the expedition's guide do it T totally over doing it but I don't even need skeleton keys but I'm gonna bring them total overkill I agree but we're gonna do it I have money I'm gonna spend it I'm gonna make sure this goes well beat darkest dungeon with one with two Shield breakers and my whole team was zero stress and pretty much full health it's like half half of people talking on darkest dungeons like I beat this game it's so easy you're such as the wimpy wuss and then their half is like hots you forgot this other thing you idiot ten points the next person who says something positive about my DD play go a master's mark is fine in the wheel because it removes protection it's good it's awesome yay it's hard being a streamer gosh see now that sounds like a sarcastic you're a wuss thing doing better than me wait you forgot I beat the witch she was easy to grow intolerable she coughed all manner of strange fungi herbs and concoctions intent on gaining some insight into the horror we both knew to be growing beneath us the change in her was appalling and no longer able to stomach it I sent her to live in the Weald where her wildness would be welcomed it's not about queefing I don't know no assisted kua method in the wild corruption here there's a form of wretched malevolent wretched but vallarta one two three four five one two three four don't do this to me don't do this to me don't make me go the entire dungeon just to have to turn around and go the other way oh god it's literally the same distance from here to there don't mean it sounds sarcastic [ __ ] you for ignoring me unsub did something happen darkest dungeon hell no ones aren't gonna argue against that I feel like this room is empty kind of may be nice to go to the right then get some scouting off maybe I think we have some good Scout chance right there's no Scout chance thing is there ma'am maybe not I don't know shoot no one seems to have an opinion on it self 90 watch them set the trap off good start so far don't you touch that my curio wield right holy water for a random positive Cork hang on back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back a little bit we needs a good positive quirk no one has room for one that's good that could be good that's good that's good yeah maybe is this arranged hounds Russia actually does count as ranged even though it's pounds tooth that's good types of damage to fish people oh that's bad it's not bad it's not super good hey [Music] well no I think I'm gonna give it to bored manslayer that's perfect I should have probably combed through all the negative quirks probably just to see if anyone had something really bad for this mission but there's only so much I care to do as a pair of volleying of fact ruins tactician it helps that doesn't help me at all that that we're not even in the ruins and is you're a hound masters projectile okay you can touch the sack if only treasure could staunch the flow of pucks naughty tackling corruption you may touch the sack yes somebody stop me oh boy do we have anything to do against invisible enemies no make it bleed dog whistle you know what I actually I equipped his uh what's the called doesn't have a name redeem it's called redeemed it is a redeem five he's good okay he's good as I didn't upgrade it but I think it's fine I guess I can get a bleed off or I could just go hard and try to finish him invisible I see no one there oh oh so funny the jokes [Music] confusion sports Nev force that was just I was a perfect flip that was an absolutely phenomenal flip forward one is such a waste there's now he needs to move forward one forward three better she was right back in her same spot ground control to Major Tom who's my biggest worry here is it really the corrupted Giants or is it the stress that I have no way of healing it's stupid [ __ ] but you can see her double chin I don't know how much she really has the ability to dodge stuff like that no offense but like you know he's gonna focus masterfully like she dodges everything the Crone she's nimble's [ __ ] nimblest when he placed our kiss dungeon he looks at chat for brief Lance's I'm not going to grab his attention really sighs say he missed it again while he's looking at chat you guys I am doing the best that I can I swear crit tree branch tree branch smacked down his 78 that's you know that's why I was originally saying I should probably focus him but it's coming it's coming thirty four is even just unreal it's unreal his mark to which I mean that's really what doesn't man 12 he's so close to just being dead a lot of damage if it bleeds you might as well get something off resists the bleed how how does an old chubby lady dodge a dog dog a very thick dog look at him he's training for this [ __ ] she looks like she's been in quarantine for a month stop lying oh my god Jesus get hit once alright okay this expedition at least she's so little don't attack my quarantine body like this say we're all in this together isn't that weird this is like one of the like the only times when everyone in the world is in the same boat against the same enemy I say that because I just read of something that was like about like basically what was it Brazil just fired their health minister cuz he said that they need to take it seriously 27 months first shiny blue what's up that's like three kiddos I'll let you eat some of the snack okay yeah I still want you hungry for dinner okay [Music] lockbox could be trapped right any loop times three or antivenom also works those definitely as a key here Orin teen body y'all are getting worse I'm getting more shape though I never leave the house anyway just don't even know what to take and what not to take I never know high wave flash powder name hope not here for the gold like we said before phantom 10 months welcome back I really old this is the way to the bosses humblebrag cough cough secret door that'll be after the boss one one more fight know if we can get scouting in this room and out to there then it'll be one more flies would be two more before we know watch it be the thing from outer space this is don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me medicinal herbs for food yep I'm fine with that since he's already been snacking I'm in healthfully small I didn't mean to eat it you can eat it though and you knew munch on the rest of it there you go good job nice your hamstring we're back this hanger bar can hate these things only the strength to follow it they bleed not really wicked hack serving up jell-o jell-o snacks blade if you try hard enough how's Eric yeah I know is Harry 140 hundred percent resist to be a 40% chance to get him listen bleed it could be nice try it 20 damage is amazing - very soft see can't really stun a milk free to us when you miss how much cursing champion Falls [Music] this guy can still make other slimes right look at all blatant he does he literally has no blood I guess they're giant boy you're [ __ ] kidding me well that's a joke the biggest joke I ever seen [Music] can you not their formation is broken all right he's gonna make another small blob is it a chance that every attack they get every ectoplasm they just create either a small or big because that's such horseshit I'm in misinforming I'm sorry what would I even say I mean I totally saw that how dare you it bleeds don't you cytokinesis me you list where'd you get this coming from who supply the Joe [ __ ] horseshit dude I gotta kill them both at the same time what is this you Stan am all kinda the match is drunk blazing he itís columns on the floor slowly hurts dead for now give it the bleed and finish it poke it a little bit give them no quarter I'm actually fine but none of that ah give them no quarters for their quarter machines damn it give me some goddamn scouting Nature herself man Manhunter bed scissors Britney my cat want me to go to bed should I hold with Miss intent cats sleep during the day bro you don't have to you don't have to do that bandage for gold and shrink 'it's i'm gonna let him a little worried that someone's gonna try to grab at it and get blight on the way back is it worth it to just spend a bandage to get rid of this little corpse I could check through every single one of their bad perks to see if someone has a fascination with corpses I guess no no excessive cleanliness nope I'm fascinated with injury wounds and torture I don't think that counts no we're good Seagram do I have to go into the secret room too it's not going anywhere right we're hungry got to sleep all the time you're fine it stays just I'm just so hurt by this game all the time that like I'm just waiting for the next thing to screw me over this is a tough one focus on the upside-down crab walking bloated tummy [ __ ] bag here that just destroys my face or this guy who can literally one-shot me subdued this could be a good spot for this Jarrid for months thank you for that appreciate you write the wheels to fight summon to mark them when he's already marked he's doubly marked he's so Marge look at him you get 140 percent we've known 65% he is honored for you never mind snip amides is mark some Marg could there be any more marks she's dead next turn five rounds 10 damage she's easy gone her he's Tripoli marked target just called him for a job hey that's fine hey better even love it I like what you did with the place you've renovated oh my god the triple mark he just dies this turns into it like a [ __ ] target and then like rolls over the grounds too much mark 20 bleed damage in you're done bud name legally changed the mark death by inches [Music] Ishod ha ha Rose rotlo definite Ella mod sapphires are prettier than rubies sorry I'm gonna go sapphire in that one it costs it gives me less money I still like it more you guys can't even see how beautiful they are though okay see that I'm pretty they are want to touch them he's a marker aren't sapphires a form of rubies are we now getting into like a square rectangle debate marker I barely know her play anything after darkest dungeon I don't think I'm gonna have the energy to know I wants to have a go at this no wait cancel that leave it you save your key for the seeker um all right little tiny hallway they're like hmm we can fit a fight in there loving Grif land though it's good isn't it definitely something I think we'd be better to play on stream but it just takes so long to play it oh thank god watch this [ __ ] spider crit 30 damage me though of course it's not in the back so I can't get them here's the problem here's the problem if I do a feign that gives me a damage down which we totally could I don't think there's gonna be enough leeway enough room another ramp up into the boss to get rid of it son of a [ __ ] y'all killing me this little grave nibblers to our gonna just nibble all of my grave why do I try why do I try it's not the collector the hora rotlo driven into the bottom turned into jello way to destroy the jello moving again it's out to me Lucky Charms dog the spider come on I don't get obliterated all littering [ __ ] only thing worse than a spider is a fast spider to bleed damage to three health ear [ __ ] on my grave continually onslaught destroy them here we go jumping in little sac touch first take your bets take your bets fairly live show thank you so much the 21 raiders appreciate you ferry live so show sorry I can read take your bets you guys who's gonna be taken into the cauldron will it be marriage the Hellion in second place boy the fletchie Fletch Vegemite hound master or toasty toast healer i got hope it's not my healer but we do have too many healers at the moments don't down toast that you think toast is gonna get her toast buttered buttered toast always the healer who would I want to be taken not gonna lie probably Vegemite or bored bored would be probably ideal because he can come back and he can self heal himself but if she likes let's say bored gets taken he can still do that it's something he's beloved forty percent health fell that's gonna be tricky I think I'm gonna I'm hoping that board gets taken he's got his such good bleeds though and the bleed resists down gains purchase I'm gonna I'm gonna go out in a limb here and say that it's gonna be marriage I'm gonna say it's marriage Oh master probably ideal Vegemite in the pot that makes sense we didn't maniacal twisted and I what if I could spice the pot before I went in there with some holy water would that be nice when do we get to take some dog treats I wish you could bleed up the bunny you can bleed hear her bleed resist is up still a 60% and you're hitting for only a hundred if it bleeds one oh that's why it blows that's my bad I should have upgraded it for sure I didn't know it wasn't it was already equipped I was like great perfect that's ball something we're gonna SWAT it up then [Music] Swann is still amazing later sets down come on get a get a get a yes yes extendable no no see dance very live show hey how's the game going good what that's good that's good that's fun perfect that's good that's good that's good this is the final hag boss of darkest dungeon we're clearing out the toughest bosses in the game so if you're new to this game welcome to hell look I name is like so bubbly how how do these ladies what magic are you using the Dodge dog she tastes my suit 14 health pack for tasting my soup my dog gonna regret that sweet gamer flag bathwater stop tasting soon I bought how do I see his help I can't she's gonna pop out oh my [ __ ] god she's healing herself faster than I can even damage her did I get some damn bleed off nine damage is not enough if she's gonna heal herself for 14 ill me I don't want to be I'm not dead yet oh my god [Music] these an opportunity use dog treats I'll take the damage I will take the damage teetering on the brink facing the computer I called the [ __ ] drag [ __ ] well I should probably just heal in many ways on top of everything he can heal himself but it you know he can he's whatever I can't iron salon anymore that's fine you know what else could be possibly even take nothing get her back is it worth it to do this healed 50% max HP minus 25% healing skills I feel like I should wait until maybe somebody else gets taken and then he can just kind of hang out under 40 HP 40% and then that person will pop out and then he'll be like well pow and it'll be really good so this is actually like the perfect condition for him to be in [Music] and he's gonna play the bleeds on well how do we handle a group heal though we just don't group heal because that just seems silly not to heal him but he's better there she gets cell feels that's what she said they have a chance of dying when he comes out treats right [ __ ] it up all that dog is just ravenous don't you want them hungrier though see how long her tongue is though ladies [Music] might be just better to sack the heels even though it's less damaged yo what's up homes three months in a row five total welcome back the very precipice dude we're getting so much stress just from this guy dying the next flow-flow blow could be fatal flow could be fatal [ __ ] is she gonna get a turn before I get a chance to heal oh god what's her speed 7 what's my speed 8 suck on that hag wait wait where's my turn No dodge it simple it's really easy you guys is that about 40% doesn't matter she's dead no she's not she's now oh yeah she's dead oh she gone leave her corpse brought I was horrifying I thought he was done I really liked bored by the way if you can't tell oh why does the blueprint take up a slot only thing I'd love to do is to jump out into the secret room and then we can go so I don't really need all this stuff much much much much everyone you eat eat stuff y'all faces it's not worth much but [Music] oh wow what is this you don't even the right position toss the treat now they can just simply get the secret amigo gets the dude that applies the most stress what's the what's the dude sham blur I think I think we should probably find a sham blur before we leave what say you good plan let's just maybe bite everyone stating holy day [Music] put out your torch no that was a joke testicular strike [ __ ] yeah Sandler time I still want this stress here professor few gifted a sub 210 congratulations thank you so much professor puke stop trying to stress me out a douche bring it I want some [Music] monstrous size has no intrinsic merits inordinate examination be considered a virtue be palpable the trifling victory but a victory nonetheless how long you been playing about 15 minutes one pound Han gifted 10 subs hell yeah say thank you everyone giggle get rid of what this last torch Jia might the promise of safety promise of save dude we did it not too bad hey we got the spoon flight skill chance flight resist some disease resist it's just an all good thing okay that's cool sacred scroll don't even need it I got like 30 of them got the creeping cough - damaged quad or plus 15% bleed resist - where I'm sent stress heal received from inspiring tune fear of the unholy okay rtd I see sign for a day out absent in the sunken faces of passers-by almost done a glimmer of hope a glimmer of hope toll should probably just get put into the thing well someone was up there Vegemite oh he did that who's next douchebag McGee brigands sixteen pounder we can do it and it profit plus looking both up see which one you'd like to take on completely missed my five hundred bits awhile goes as R Eleanor about giving you any suggestion some supporting you I was responding to the person who was saying that shield breakers are good and wheeled but there are anywhere I really like to shield break here thanks to the five oh two bits my friend they are good to anywhere I like MasterCard for everything else as a shield breaker strategy for the Prophet the Prophet starts his thoughts for behind three planks of wood that act as walls to protect him if you break the planes he will start moving forward into empty slots each plank is tougher than the last so you may want to avoid the third plank which has the highest health the planks are worth money if destroyed each plank worth the same amount of money though so don't expect the big bonus for the third client the Prophet himself unholy making the Crusader effect once the striking within striking range making the Crusader effective once within striking range that's what that said despite being unholy the Prophet is equally vulnerable to blight and bleed but the undead of the area are resistant to bleed so blight would be recommended if you want to do tea let's do tea actually stand for tea man man has one action per round limit limiting the effectiveness of any do teas damage over times thank you for that this does make debuffs more effective however you can either break the planks to get him within range of your heroes or ignore them with a team that can target a backline if you want to focus in so bringing a mark and/or dodge debuff to maximize your damage an herbalist in particular gets the large boost to mark grave-robber gets a boost to mark and blight close-range class 1 to 2 Crusader lepers can shop through planks quickly then start swinging at the Prophet the occultists weakening curse can stack a damage reduction debuff on the Prophet making the rubble damage manageable cultist weakening curse can stack a damage reduction debuff on the Prophet making the rubbage rubble damage manageable okay a cult design I'm not I like never use the occultists for anything where is the cultists he's level 3 baloney chaotic shadow 24 two years Congrats welcome back get your MMORPG knowledge buzz no ice can guard the rubble that's what we did before buzz noise just doesn't have a lot of other uses very very low damage you know let's see here unless you can kill him incredibly fast you must also deal with rubble falling in your party healing through them is impossible consider bringing the men-at-arms and using guard to redirect rubble unto him if he stacks is protecting can negate most of the damage of one ruble per round you can also buff the party's dodge the shield breaker can block rubble but only if they land on her you could make use of her numerous move skills to keep her position to under the rubble the leper able to buff his own protection and heal is not a bad choice ky and then the brigands Ragan is not as bad I'm thinking yeah brigand pounder this guy we handled the brigand so easily before with just taking out the guy that's gonna fire it well it takes up one slot isn't stationary is only has one action per round his immune to just about everything under the darkest Sun except mark on its own it does nothing but summons brigands every round once one brigand will always be a match man assuming there isn't one already and his turn away her Stern will always be fire in the hole there's a fire in my hole which prompts the pounder to attack if it's ever allowed to fire there's a high chance everyone will reach critically low health or death's door there's a small chance of a harmless misfire but this should never be relied upon to occur obviously you never want a lot of matched men to act the bringin pounder cannon is absolutely devastating and can put the entire party on death's door and a single blast combined with the brigands attacks your party can be wiped quickly since the match men usually end up in the back bringing heroes that can hit him anywhere is important fortunately this he has a low speed so he will always act last he can also be stunned making him lose a turn a stun will double the amount of time you have to kill a particular match man but the stun resist debuffs buff present' prevents it from being spammed ideally you'd cycle between stun and kill every other round if you want to stun the bounty hunter athough has the highest chance of success he does bounty hunters for stunning carbonara this one flashbang 150% bass it's also shuffle single how does that work if there's a match man behind the brigand pounder and he gets shuffled damage bonuses versus human marks stun meaning he was born for this fight brigand pounder itself is a high health and protection so bring your heroes that can ignore protection will that will greedily increase the speed at which the pounder Falls consider bringing a grave robber with the pic to the face and a shield breaker with a Pierce to increase damage to the Delta the pounder after mentioned heroes have skills that can attack all enemy positions which make it easier to deal with a match man the shield breaker also has camping skills snake eyes allowing your party to deal more armor piercing damage she since the brigand pounder is immune to just about everything there's not much else you can do except mark mark and be used to boost damage on heroes that use it having one action per round the mark will persist for a while bringing multi target skills which will often hit the boss - or a men-at-arms this guard protection combo excels in soaking up incoming damaged so you can focus on the boss and the match bank consider bringing repost related skills as well as they have a higher chance to proc do the multi targeted attacks of the normal brigands just remember to never allow a match man it could get a turn okay cool you guys in are blows town master good Hound master it would seem carbonara what can you do from what position almost everything almost everything so I'm thinking stunned No finish him I stunned the match guy and then he could finish the match guy right probably better than an uppercut which is knock back stun you need to go back her Bernard get in there mark could be super cool too though but then interested damage versus marks I'm not probably pop I'm probably not gonna go marked here abomination for brigands 16 pounder actually he's amazing for crowd control I don't even have an abomination I don't even have one of those Marino hello that's just kind of what I'm feeling here but the party stressed though I don't think that this is a mission I necessary necessarily have to worry about stress so I'll fight for sure take him he can hit from here though and then they recommended a shield breaker and a what was it grave-robber with a pick to the face I'd be down with grave robber these guys will kind of shuffle around shield breaker crusader in two and three for a shuffling bass why would I put crusader in there I'm going for the bryggen right you guys are aware may only be three months but feels like forever thanks for being awesome thanks floats for days vessels always good I mean I'm definitely having a healer in there yes heal at number five it's not a good combo so the plan is that he uses his flashbang stuns every other turn the other we want to kill the the guys as much as possible the the candle stick [ __ ] what's his name match man the matched man we want to kill him if possible but if not possible he can get a stun off that's flashbang five is max right five is max thanks oh yeah we were just on the page then you will be doing your piercing through the armor of the brigands pounder what else you got lights not very good anything that can hit the back too so you can also hit the back the match man which would be good like that's just she really just needs her pierce and then you worse - sure pick to the face over a blight Dart this is armor-piercing and the shadow fade lunge could gain I'll position yourself wherever you need to be I guess maybe thrown dagger instead of flashing daggers because it might need to hit the back you might need to hit the back and kill the the match Minh what the [ __ ] is cosine look at cosine was it like the weird face you know they're just kind of shuffling between weird faces yeah and he went over five to matchmaker matchmaker find me find catch me a catch where'd you go let's double check this yes good oh yes good yep yep yep yep feels so much later than it actually is my my chat keeps disconnecting and reconnecting so I'm sorry if I missed some things that you guys are saying I think I'm literally getting like 70% of it benchwarmer seven months what's up welcome to this stream and welcome back to the butt Hut you're good to go right five five five five five five if we're good 10% damage to reigns kiss okay damage ranged crit ranged is the matchstick this is the matchbox 20 a wonderful it's not to be the super hero wasn't that matchbox 20 I wonder what I'll do they all did just what I said I'm gonna give is to start man I think we should switch up this order first of all Oh trinkets trinkets trinkets trinkets trinkets unequipped ball trinkets and then resort every time I come I produce a court oh it snows boats and hoes did we get the the other one with this maybe not max HP damage is just marked you know that would be good if we had a mark we could totally have a mark if we handle the match man and he's got a turn where he's just got nothing to do we could just have a mark I don't think we really need to pull can he pull can he pull the uh I wouldn't want him to honestly I think I probably have that mark for death and I have to upgrade mark for death gotta go back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait am I really gonna equip her with that ability I don't know either way he can still mark them cuz werster sure is like a plus 40% damage - marked thing I guess but she would still only use the pick to the face Oh [ __ ] man happy fairy Jerry to win her bits love your huts thanks happy fairy Jerry I appreciate that swap the pole for mark I don't I don't honestly see myself using either one of them but but maybe but maybe okay back to trinket 10% protection maybe was the best thing - speed I don't think I need the speed because I get the ticket speed back right there with move resist the match matchbox 20 guy goes bet he goes lasts always blight would be super good just to get there though cuz she likes a lot unnecessary though what else could you even put on you I honestly like putting the legendary brace or Honor I think this even less speed though 20% damage stream is dropping here and there for what anyone else I wouldn't be surprised I think my Internet's kind of bouncing around mark spear I mean yeah it's just we don't know if it's - 10% damage if I don't use the marked option you know that plus damage melee - move skill chance what's this move skill chance currently stress heal received while camping scouting chance um this is just human right enemy type ironwork the dude that we want to kill is human stun chance is there a stun chance this is a Wilbur's flag is stun resist it's just a human fight maybe I'll get the legendary bracer to him well maybe this the candle the candle is just good Andals just good it's not lose it though you don't want stuns I want to stun the matchstick man 12 dodge plus accuracy like this is too good to pass up damage versus blighted I won't be damaged I won't be blinding them scouting chance trap disarmed plus 2 speed plus 5% crit standard protocol of you once scroll one book speeds you know we don't have our much speed here so we'll be limping through until we get to the boss what is a stun chance 150 and the Sun resists well it doesn't say what the stun resist actually is for the match man I could look it up 70 percent stun resist so was at eighty percent chance oh this is a - to 20% stun skill chance though I probably don't want to use that trinket then shoot shitman take it back we're going something that increases it's done chance wonder one of our to be a super hero oh we already looked first stuns chance I mean we couldn't find it and find anything that a games done chance 10% stun skill chance worth it for speed look at this common commoners trinket maybe 20% damage would be better well you didn't make more videos and binding of issac epic Ahmed I'm unsure who knows accuracy buff on gr isn't made useful unless you use throw knife so maybe just damage buff is better yeah well she does have throw knife in case she needs to knife the back guy in which case I mean plus 12 dodge though 12 dodge is huge that's what I like about the grave robbers she just can't get hit dismisses had an legendary bracer damage plus 20% stress depending on how many of those Crohn's we run into I don't like I said I don't think there's too much stress that happens during the boss battle forty-two Dodge rice I'm so up in the air about so much of this it's all just little little itty-bitty things but it adds up if you do it right let's do it let's go Riggin pounder pound me this is the same place right we're going right back to the the wields with another medium so I say we just we repeat what we just did basically just following the expedition's guide just to cover my bases two of these two of these through those why not what'd I miss antivenom all right good for aarambh a dodj works for both heroes as well as your enemy is the dodge chance decreases the chances that they attack hits the target if a unit has 90% accuracy and your character is 50/50 dodge basically means that the enemy has a 40 percent chance to hit it mark cool we ready eager to end the tiresome domestic distraction I instructed my newly formed militia of hardened bandits brigands and killers to go forth and do their work compliance and order were restored and the noisome population of the hamlet was called to more manageable numbers yeah the higher level bosses that you do the more you start hearing about how the original owner of the mansion was just a ginormous [ __ ] now that the massive math is done let's get some gameplay now that the nerdy [ __ ] over with and gunpowder hangs in the air the war machine is closed there are definitely the speediest of all Speedy's I'm gonna put you in front I should've put that as a default party order to order not older she's gonna fade back immediately and get the damage what our world is last we use superhero if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption little yellow tags on everyone sometimes math can be fun who let that person in how did you go first 15 speed my sweet dick but I just missed that you went out of 15 you must have got a real good roll there it's not gonna jump in front and negate the ability for her to do her thing douche you didn't even kill you didn't even kill the last guy you didn't even do your job it's darker Jerry but she can still fade back if we really think about it or you could just finish off the battery the first hit the entire round what should I do just smack them pick to the face position three I don't think so I think it's one two [Music] I feel faint little yellow tags on whenever you want something something something that'd be fun dick works in position three of course it does that's what I said guys I'm gonna maybe do like a cut-through nice litter ated great you know what [ __ ] that I just killed I'm nya lated go save them it's not a very good move bill just got the armor-piercing her non-armor-piercing faded lunge does like 75 times more damage which is what I rely on most of the time what do you got little red yellow tags on ever you want and golds positive quark positive quark or nothing anyone have a quark that wouldn't mind getting rid of +4 speed on first round that's it poster 11 which still should be lower but plus 4 speed plus 4 speed right so that's fine to go back to default then what we're doing oh yeah positive quark natural I totally forgot that our Carbonaro is natural we could add max HP healing received n plus three speed if we just had taken off all the trinkets whoops probably would have been better than everything that I gave ya whoops-a-daisy let's just have him let him do it I get nothing that was a 30% chance 33 all this huh Bob who's gonna do this in that so glittering gold lucky and Bob a little [ __ ] paid for in blood natural is basically a survival-based trinket set get everybody if you just impale them I kinda wanna take that Crone she's gonna end up dodging it anyways though I'll put money on it ah dan litters is blighted but you can't target because you're stupid can she do anything from that position not really - Tegan Pierce back forward she's good ddddd little yellow tags I want to bring you one it gets done what are you human Eldridge human beasts see Arthur [Music] I don't have stress field so let's be wary of stress this boy does massive damage to marks she just could never be hit little yellow tags I won't ever you I think I'm gonna she can't do her Pierce move if she's not in front whatever mind false alarm boys see me out tough good night [Music] just finished watching your YouTube channel just the channel my name in a video oh he's done deadly combo they both try to take him down the bigger the beast the greater the glory by bigger the hoop the bigger the hole cool channel bye all of it no more videos pretty impressive do it again big did symchay vampiric spirits debuff resist shock [Music] it's not good at all honestly dodge everything why'd she do that how does she do that and groping me you Grover rush disadvantage give them no quarter [Music] a momentary abatement I felt it Craig coming in he's almost 50% stressed already it's not stood continually onslaught don't really care about the money honestly I'd rather have the that we gave up all of our portraits last time y'all don't realize that old crone is from the hidden Weald village major herself victim to the spreading corrupt the whole so angry all the time waiting to be spent journal pages I don't think I've made it out with a single one of those as the light gains purchase the spirits are lifted that purpose has made clear wash gelatin [Music] [Music] see pipes thanks so much for the prime sub whoa Danny Boy the pipes the pipes are calling wouldn't even be a bad idea to stun the back dudes and stun them and then finish the next turn stop it launched on them please nineteen lunge nineteen shadow faded lunges just awful you get back to work in that last guy under unbalanced come on get one of them that lazy fools 33% protects why does it protect how does a pile of gelatin have any protection with floating bones inside that makes zero sense [Music] that might even make negative sense a crit heal to yourself when your full health very nice you should be proud nation is broken maybe outer surface congeals a little [ __ ] a loss did what I'm guessing might as well armour-piercing still me a damage which is nuts whose marking who now another 20 kriti on yourself in narcissistic such a terrible assault could not be left unanswered [Music] 29 that's what I'm talking boot long-john I'm 31 perhaps the timing better it better much better if he brings back another double boy I'll be pissed especially at 5hp you're the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] ever decimated that one that one day the big blob that's blowing thanks bud we were all confused as to who to hit we had no idea though that one I didn't see it how does it Dodge yeah when they got in my head um but the one I appointed they have protection because they are gelatinous aka harder to do real damage to ass line you're gonna bring back a small one stun of it's your only chance or do just size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade surfers are pretty we already have $1500 onyx so I'm gonna pass probably when check the dents to 28 [ __ ] stress er right shale on this shovel for gems and heirlooms I understand even care that's lame everything's lame works for me dogs are just deadly just deadly but distress from this guy is deadly and we're pretty high on stress not gonna lie tough pudding skin are you gonna tell me though that tough pudding skin is stronger than just skin maybe it's like pudding that you did tough pudding skin is skin that is zero protection I don't want to stun them that I can't flashbang from this position confidence surges has the enemy crumbles you guys could literally you know that up I was like why does he have feet they're like are like what I don't know something kids like a rocket fall to the sky and kill one of my guys randomly and you gotta be like well maybe someones throwing rocks I throw rocks sometimes rocks are fun to throw and like you just [ __ ] devil's advocate me til all [ __ ] day there was that one guy now one mission that threw rocks come on huh it's not that unbelievable ouch rabies no present people get to the subjects odeon wonderful what's up ha I probably should have pierced this guy because he's got the armor protection finish the dog miss the dog I want the dog alive it work Shadowfax [Music] just trying to make logical sense of someone that doesn't make sense to you for your benefit though not to mock you I know but sometimes I just want to be like that's dumb and heavy guys be like right and I'm like yeah we're friends now you know like that one friend that like constantly calls you out and says that you're wrong no matter what and you're like man sometimes I wish you'd just take my side that's all I mean all right choice Dunham again that's how much you can do here mocking is fun says Austin I do it too I mean I'm on it's fine you guys I'm not really mad I plays devil's advocate all the time stun the healer toss us tongue to your healer [ __ ] dodged the mega super lunge got a crit though give me a chance to finish him before he goes good resists monsters in front that I was one of your stories sunless inordinate exsanguination inordinate exsanguination yeah monstrous size is not always good unless bleeding a lot is considered a good thing motorboats oh I got it sorry I'm not actually med Mellinger I'm just I'm feeding this [ __ ] back you know looks like a big [ __ ] wheel how about this then yeah the slimes are definitely dumb and sucky like how does a small slime spawn another slime that's a larger than it right did it use some of its goo to make that one cuz harder to get more goo can it summon goo from the floor this isn't making small batches of jell-o in the back is there a [ __ ] microwave back there how are you making this jello right well technically gelatin is made from bone fragments firm bone cartilage stuff from animals and there's lots of bones in this wheel that's full of corruption and there's actually bones inside the jail yes it does actually make sense press up whew 26 months optional say I just hit Affiliate - congratulations cheetahs thanks so much the 26 bone marrow is that it I don't whatever it's something that I don't have to deal with but I'm not a gelatin manufacturer so the way is that the path is clear mitosis will require only to follow a text mitosis would be like I know yeah yeah but no don't touch it but the gravestones just bones and bone marrow there and you can just easily whip up some gelatin it's not Betty not hard Hut's you're just too simple-minded to think of it how good it would work this is a good trait right positive quark positive quark chance to turn any miss into a hit kind of like that actually could I get rid of these these are these locked in they're not locked in right is it they're not locked you clearly aren't defined gelatin connoisseur accelerated mass mitosis holy water yeah but honestly it's better to reinforce at home but is it possible to get rid of the one of these called the special just use an you know reverse card in the slimes you can clear the positive quirks deliberately at the sanatorium no no I'm not saying I want to I don't want to I want to know if it's possible to gain a random quirk and have it replaced Twilight dreamer or prismatic coagulation or are these like a permanent because they're special or they not permanent I don't want to lose them sadness converted from a twitch prime to a tear once thing sadness appreciate that they're not locked in okay and I don't want to [ __ ] with it I just yeah I kind of like the trinkets or the the quirks that we have right now this guy could get rid of hippocratic or armor tinkerer morons who go weapon upgrade costs could go he's already ups max natural is the only thing that I don't want him do to lose here [Music] I just I don't even know why I speak but mankind haters good it's good it's good wait that's good the natural but it's good I don't know how I know there's no God hit him hard [ __ ] know how I know there's no God dad why not the odd to one that one - the guy what if I stunned him I would have been a [ __ ] prime stun LUNs can't at the back dagger can though there's the that goes from last time you could start them decent chance to but can you do anything versus stunned not back row you can't Vestal highwayman are there strong as strong as me why table yeah it wouldn't be a bad play I'm gonna do it it's really hoping to get him blighted then I could Shadowfax come lunge in really do some naughty things he just exposed himself dude we're so stressed bad time he's just like lift up feast your eyes [Music] that's me mobile that like eyes glowing indecent exposure mark him again maybe impale um I want to blight him that's perfect she better go first it's kind of silly to focus on the heads because all you need to do is kill the collector but my god I told you the highwayman [ __ ] murders 24 only come on indecent exposure is really times were they Greg is it more of an exposure no that's not good that's good angel shade 31 everyone's a big number so I'm out of meaningful things to say to put here what game would you play right now if you weren't obligated to play certain games for high views well I snuck in recently or earlier today about how I've been playing a lot of Borderlands it's like a way to relax and that'd be cool if I could get like a bunch of people but I wouldn't want to be locked into playing Borderlands either because it's kind of just like like it's not a normal game for me to play right the rest of our campfire there's a chance she'll break your nightmare I thought I think we did all the nightmares Borderlands is fun the third one the third one you know what we totally could have slept before the last the hag and you know gotten some buffs and [ __ ] I kind of forgot about those sleep buffs but I want to say that we did no we did we not do because we should have the other trinket then and then there's maybe one more and that would be devastating yeah that's that yeah runner yep yeah well yeah oh [ __ ] shuffle still yeah that would have been so much better had he actually been stunned as well because I would have done the extra damage maybe it's a 50% dementia oh my god he does so much damage already you can stun them now let them have it spongebob you can have it [ __ ] me to health fine fine mrs. okay blight him again yeah for the lunge do it for the lunge and the [ __ ] this is it you're done come on how's the ghoulish kulluk kind of wandered an extra turn there just to get a heel off but you know last time man we're good no thanks the match is struck a blazing star let's make her match me to find me a fine to [ __ ] me in my neck [Music] all right before the boss - no no no no [Music] no fight by the time that we get there she gonna be at this health for the fight didn't think it'd be like it is but it do we could rests but we might fight ginormous snakes houses just talking about there isn't God better than getting crit by highwaymen again the stress - you think I should camp we don't even gain stress I don't think anyone can even give stress in the next boss well besides credits which will probably happen sixth nightmare is actually worse than the seventh camp camp camp snakes sound fun I can I don't know what if I guess it snuck up on I didn't look at my camping abilities prevent the nighttime ambush okay can't might be able to get rid of the nightmares to do it sounds like such a poor idea you guys if I fight snakes if I fight snakes furtive and vulnerable xxx and rats amazed I probably should've just eaten all of it honestly how do you guys even got in here damage versus size to know everything size one never have it about like a really bad disease I don't know if there's actually any D buffs coming into the next one besides crit chit are you religious spicy cheese is not religious there's no way plus Prout and max health would be good do I heal or do I get rid of the stress you might not get snakes the shield breaker said nothing I think it's after sleep though right [Music] greatness nerves perfect it's gonna be like oh god no they're back in radiance may we find victory good thing we camped I'm so smart I'm ready for anything I'd run D stressors but I'm also horrible at this game so yeah I just think specifically this boss fight there's not much stress coming in besides like the two to five we're gonna get per credit and I do think that they have the shooter guys that just like test [ __ ] on everyone so crits abound the light the promise of safety the light the promise - 18 speeds and an invisible boy in the back okay I think that we're going to focus him in the neck we do have to kill the pounder though and these guys gonna do massive damage this is what man-at-arms would have been good for cuz he could repost it reposted reposted blocks somebody okay should we mark this descent the damn thing dad still won the big wall with the metal things good guys [ __ ] that guy too so much damage don't touch me dar you sir you to bug one I'll put him in the back is an ideal for anyone maybe I should have had him stun the back guy I did say we were gonna do that you can't even lunge the back guy the bet yellow water is the Sun can't blight it I don't light it I just bite it name that song I dare you armour-piercing you probably just select the way to go here how does the cannon ring for reinforcements that's BS well if you hit it it probably jostles and makes a lot of noise and the match stick guys like oh gotta go that doesn't feel good does it vigor is restored a we damage not sun damage grievous injuries [ __ ] Maui created she specifically gets credited who created it Britta did it did it credit did that it did what it did it did it could it did it did it oh we're handling it though we get it ain't no thang [Music] built like a shitty Bell there could be a bell in there you don't know how many bells and whistles it literally has I like how it like goes backwards and like lifts up like it's like wow it's like guys it's like Thomas the Tank Engine oh don't leave him hanging don't make someone else to clean up your [ __ ] sloppy work - the one guy you see the same one it stayed still there look at it guys a decisive public she is just like staring at him but not even touching him it's latinum [Music] how did you [ __ ] dodge that you don't get to dodge that if it gets a shot off we're dead holy [ __ ] she just got healed so much she grew in like another arm you choose just one shot him so we can focus on the [ __ ] tank engine here wish I could stun the back there's a chance it'll misfire and I'm not gonna rely on that crash ooh wow look at you we tried to slap in the Canon slaps the roof of this bad boy this bad boy can fit so many bringing Pyro's in it how is he doing that how is he doing that we're dead we're dead what [ __ ] dead let's start some crits on top of it like whipped cream [ __ ] should heal probably boom injury and despondence is at the stage for heroism or cowardice or cowardice solely shut [ __ ] me drank some potions I don't know blanket fire and we're dead yeah it's gonna get a turn too I think you wanted to take out the infamous fusilli or stun them stun and would do it don't push them in front that's not where I want him at all [ __ ] I don't even know can shank the back stop push him in the back man many calls were for reinforcements they do they call back more cutthroats and Fusiliers right it's not just just the pyro yeah man other guys - yes but fusilli or priority if the fusilli er doesn't exist let's say that the party was wiped it was just the canon and it called reinforcements gonna call free people or is it just one at a time anyone know it can call free us I'm just saying I'm wondering if it's even worth it to try to get these guys [Music] King lunar bro 15 and boundary much lately just want to say thank you for everything you do content bring joy to my life where's the 15 months kingler bro I'm glad you made it hey oh yeah don't know what that means hopefully is good so a back step could be meaningful or we should just right soften this boy up he's done do I still need him soften for next turn for a guaranteed kill she's gonna die oh when his focus [Music] focus cannon morsel and definitely focus the cannon because when the can is done it's done right that's victory condition but a singular strike dances just begun she's pumped dude that was so clutch oh you can't reach that no he's marked even good [Music] sedated damnit it's the wine that's the guy Isis been waiting for his crits coming in here have another resolve test come up don't make me do this again no that easy a to health you're killing me smalls imagine if she had gone with a bad virtue and then she like skips her turned and I didn't it was able to kill him you imagine he's in the wrong spot to be marked though is the only problem who ever since I grabbed the fusili it's kind of a problem I should have maybe had both the stun in the back and the stun pull but I bet to the move resist is crazy on this yeah and it doesn't matter I got kid I had to kill a few salir in order to stop that from happening but we're doing it maybe I'll just stop marking it probably oops why don't I forget the back guy because we can just kill it now do we focus six for six this guy's like well let's die that [ __ ] lays down success so clearly you don't even have a name tag or is it merely a trick of the light Wow stuff man this is [ __ ] tough hot to trot +20 accuracy first round 25 damage 1st round 5 crit or places Cove adventure so she's got +4 speed first round +4 speed first round Plus 25% damage first round plus 40 extra C and first round plus 5 crit first round lady obsessed with killing yeah we knew that already we reconstruction I don't even care virtue chance that's less than good lock that stat boost in Ranger is it that good and obsession mile markers on my road to damnation well it's that good I think I stay there no they don't stay there that's cheaper for you well Scott stressed and that one spicy cheese but not really there's definitely better ones hot rot isn't that good that's what I'm thinking it's it's good but it's you know if it was replaced by wheeled adventurer then yes I would be a little bit pissed off about that okay now what how many fights are gonna be on one turn this late in the game I really don't want to fight the gibbering prophet gibbering shitstain so if I there's there's three pews right if I break one of the pews does everyone slide up they did say that right that's correct huts so they're suggesting potentially doing something like Crusader leper in the front to just shop through the first two pews to bring the profit into hitting range but now we're probably talking about maybe like healer are ballasts because like what is what's gonna happen when we're just waiting for the pews to break down right that's gonna have fifty one health and eighty two health it's like unreal man to get through just even get to the Prophet who is going to have two hundred and fifteen health by that point in time there's gonna be so many things he drops on us shield against Prophet comes in clutch vessel Hal master commanded arms Hellion I'm kind of thinking of maybe like like you're saying not worrying about breaking the pews they have bleed bleed and blights would be strong against him but he only gets one turn one one action per turn it's not that strong marked for death also reduces protection it seemed like maybe just raw damage would be the best but that that would be a reason to go chop chop to the pews what if we did buzz noise right buzz noise and healer and literally just focused on damage just raw damage bail and the beasts shopping through the pews guarding people that are gonna get landed on and getting them up there you want to break the pews as well take out the profit you want an abomination otherwise backline target options are most important man-at-arms hound master guard or the other two is how a master do a guard these disease though guard a light buff self 17 dodge and take out who ignore the pews finish the fight ASAP while man and arms and how master tank the damage who is doing the damage to him No domination I don't have an abomination though play doctor may be dope this place done of all that be strong as hell now 145 percent stun resist Elian can reach the profit I know who can and we cannot reach the profit you guys that's not the concern the concern would be if we do want to go with raw damage through the pews because he only gets one turn I'm not sure that bleed and blight is going to be the best play here but frustra puke get to the sub the Tilted red panda it's up tilted red panda thanks puke iron swan is useful against a prophet once again yes things that can go over the pew great but getting him up if we chop through the pews and we got him up to the front these guys would make short work and I mean should we go through the pews or should we just target him in the back as I said abomination cuts through the pews but you don't have one right but that's not helpful then well there you don't need to keep saying it because I don't have one I get that we wanted to target backline we'd go Hellion stick what good feeling received as good warrens where is this guy in the ruins manslayer this unholy he's not even a man he looks like a man five percent melee skills knocks hp+ to speed what else you got unholy Slayer yep dickwads in so if we want to do this it would be something like this where he got bored board would be in like this you guys are saying to do the highwayman and healer but we have be like like he's gonna send in the rocks from above and I have no way of dodging it I've got no protection and I've got no guard leper is awesome for the first to spot clearing that was the question though are we gonna clear the first two spots are we gonna hit him in the back I just don't know how and master for the guard like that Pew's have so much health man-at-arms is protection guard I know I know could totally like run like like this but the problem there is man-at-arms is basically useless outside of that or you get buff the dodge and speed could go like this so he guards them and then buffs their dodge and speed rush the boss down to like 5 HP and try to break the pews if you're if you die finish the boss right I know I'm not you can't get the boss down to 5 HP if I break the pews though it's one or the other running man and arms in - why would he be better here flash needs to be 1 or 2 and hele needs to be 1 bolster is pretty useful - stress is he a stress dealer Sammy stress moves stress plus 11 ion you fuser for gold you're rich now if you're finding your way through the pews you need to break them quickly the rock ruble is too devastating especially when it hits more than one person both howl master and man-at-arms who's doing damage then cerebral just the Hellions gonna take down this 215 HP bro I was thinking possibly the flash because if he does end up getting hit with the rocks he can heal himself and another person like massive heels I can't believe the pews no but you can bleed the profit I'll master those disease he's got minus 20% damage right now so I was thinking not using the hound master I suggest how to hear me out you do what you feel this is a helpful way to discuss things though to make sure that we is all the checks and balances did you think about this did you think about that last time get to it just die I don't care I do care though Hellion you can just tank every head you think he's good even good with 20% damage lost hunting hounds of hell why science in second slot Oh Bello is -5 dodge minus 5 speed on the enemy I was thinking of bolster plus 5 Dodge for the team I'd have to upgrade it though I can try this I just I'm not exactly sure that it's gonna do the thing he'll self probably is worth it if he's going to be tanking damage because he might have to bring himself back from the brink of death marking a target that pounds Harry is not worth it there we go I can get on board with that so one three five six stupid disease I mean I write probably should just run a stupid mission now to get rid of that but assigned camping abilities what's camping what everything about no Jaap but instead doing an adrenaline rush potential self-heal if she does get hit by the rock that's what I'm feeling you know I'll upgraded here five five by five four for you little [ __ ] he might have just leveled up actually by five give her to death's door the OP is useless against the Prophet we still have to get to the Prophet let's not forget that we still have to get to the Prophet how much stress you got there seven no stress heels another sacred scroll whoo remove bleed out for if it bleeds yeah Blee no it's just one of my favorite moves especially on the way there we're not going for any of the the peas right so this isn't helpful in the last boss on the boss either this one though is just amazing getting there in my opinion my man-at-arms is natural actually and I'm thinking about just rolling that she even gonna need bleed no she is gonna need damage she has to do so much damage just her though this is insane probably a legendary bracer if she's staying in position one you can swap out wicked hack for if it bleeds she still uses wicked hack all the time normally an enemy's double man-at-arms would be best for DPS if repost works in the rocks while double Holland would be safer right I think the ability to still use the hell and master for damage would be nice if he's not blocking cuz he can still target the back and he can bleed this game looks sick yeah this is sick it's sick how much pain and stress it causes on you repose does not work on the rock attacks we're hoping we're just literally hoping that that +20 dodged that the guard dog gives like he'll just dodged the rocks if he doesn't dodge rocks he's gonna have to lick himself but he's basically screwed if he doesn't Cinemax she said her [ __ ] he's natural which means max HP healing blustery speed I can still give him something that ups his protection I don't know which one's gonna be better along I've been streaming for five hours 45 minutes and 59 seconds that's a lot of looking's this idiom would it be better to up his protection [Music] more protect with protect buff I still want distress 10% protection in position for 50% healing received if in position for +10 dodge in position for why would I not want him in position for right what if I did that you want him in position for do you have any heavy boots I don't know what heavy boots are no question mark I don't see any boots look at his moves he's got one that he can't use rampart in the back one other one you can get is miss Bello he will literally have zero attacks then though in the back [Music] literally zero attacks neutered not that he really does very many you know what's this attack what do what is this attack rampart which doesn't do very much damage - 60% and then this crush which is like I don't never put him in front [Music] retribution is reposts yeah his repost is good but it's you know is it better than having plus two dips and healing received and ten percent protection and ten dodge that sounds like it's like the the priority here is going to be trying to cancel out the The Rock attacks and I think that's the way we got to go it's we're gonna be limping though on the way they're struggling through the rest of the enemies that are gonna be you know champion level reposts is his main strength sister Eleanor but right now his main strength that we're using him for is to block period crushed in retribution over Bello in command actually strimmer is pronounced repost repost II no nothing clicking the button he's from Southern Canada it's just his accent rhe pasta I'm flicking the button for it to say it it's not doing it are you guys hearing anything because because that's what you call a slam dunk in baseball terms so you can suck on that send Victor has a nice echoed to it what all right um I think I'm gonna go um this is these two guys can handle it maybe yeah we're good I'm just gonna I want to not look I'm gonna stop looking at it and I just want to just want to go I'm shaking with nerves we can lose people though literally like if we fail a mission or we lose some people should happens right thank God it's only medium quests rip past as in pasta is the correct way the voice is wrong obviously all right well I'm totally fine with looking like an idiot and using the wrong way totally believe you you're probably right I'm just gonna I'm gonna do the same old thing where I just kind of follow the guide they'll they with everything I'm not gonna [ __ ] around money is meaningless money for nothing is you know chicks for free that'll do what if they'll what if I took an ageist scale you're missing trinkets on your hand Master what do you think you're [ __ ] smart something thanks mate he did slip to the crocks there didn't he blade skill chance you know I don't really want that actually he doesn't really have a good set you know damage I guess on ranged is good Randel jiske nice the tier 1 sub appreciate that dude I you know I'm loading these boys up oh you know what I totally forgot to unequip it trinkets from the last people which could affect me could not affect me it just wouldn't affect me besides the fact that I kind of won't be I don't want to go back and have to refill out the thing what do I want with this guy Plus dodge probably Plus dodge because he's literally relying on his dodge so Lee to get out of the way he is either literally look relying on his dodge hundred percent to get out of the way the rocks wolbers flag is really good for free dodge ten dodge yeah you know don't take that if I lose this [ __ ] though boy am I gonna be salty I'm gonna be so salty if I lose all this stuff aegis scales would be good if you take enough of them you can pop an aegis scale right and then that's like you don't get hurt it's done resist from Wohlers flag it's very useful as well I got out full of our stupid equipment is we picked the right mission right what if we picked the wrong mission did anyone pay attention you can do it ice what's that when you back out and you go back in it picks a totally random [ __ ] mission go back and look just go odds resigned to his uncommon corporeal resilience i lured him to the dig there I showed him the thing and detailed the full extent of my plans he said him hosting my open lay I watched as he tore his eyes from their sockets and ran shrieking into the shadows wailing maniacally that the end was upon us all is that bad huh the echoes of his mindless tittering reverberate maddeningly look at how long this path is collector think from the Stars I don't know why I cursed myself like that scouting would have been really nice too but don't you [ __ ] touch the books don't you touch the books oh good - glad you touch the books would you replace Warren's adventurer good job nerd what are sight orbs Hey got rid of his stress nothing like relieving stress trying to take apart a trap that's going to destroy you spike trap that'll kill you sounds like really easy good stress relieving work otherworldly corruption heck is a sight orb Oh is eyeballs thought you were telling me I thought you were trying to link that to my not having a scouting we'll just pop the side orbs like Aegis scales stop trying to distract me soon Victor don't touch it what if I did want to touch it though what would we touch it with I might want to touch it any loot times I don't care about the loot not here for the loot mom medicinal herbs though for for that the light.the promised no [ __ ] touches stop so annoying you just ripped a chance for what 20% they have 30% damage not 20 and would you don't you know that's not even who are you with damage you have a book it's it up book take a look just cannot I don't care about heirlooms Gold's or gems we're not gonna use our keys elsewhere though purge negative traits in the sanitarium every mission huts there's so much the balance in this game and it's just literally good so overwhelming that I stopped doing [ __ ] because I just can't handle it and [ __ ] the Lancer and then like everyone's like but aren't you gonna keep playing and then I play and I'm like I'm stressed out and it's all [ __ ] going on and then everyone's down my throat like you forgot this movie number 75 on the list of 300 things to do every single time before you do anything ever you didn't do number 75 and you're an idiot it's like 10 times more difficult than than a [ __ ] tinted rock ah this game my stress lovers are higher putts this resolve was being tested like seriously I just like that's how I feel playing this game every time you guys every time without fail stun that boy I don't like stressful games writer better for more than that foul board hey that's not good [ __ ] that no stop it was easy just think it's like Isaac twice Isaac throws [ __ ] around [Music] that's balls I are crit mod here so I think we're [ __ ] you guys just based on the soul that we simply don't do damage right that's why I was like maybe we should break to the pews but here we are I hate all of this what other games Yoona playing this month crying in my bed staring at the ceiling more crying probably inspiration and improvement trust me we're gonna die before we even get there still still guarding one more turn left on that yeah what if I just buffed myself instead to get ready for the spanking stop targeting him here you get good at one game what would it be something that would make me way more popular I'm not valiant though there's something cooler so guarding you are it's like smash I don't think I would I would have myself be better anybody just target the marked guy still at a specific game what I would do if at all possible would be to make me competitive in any way shape and/or form because I'm just not competitive in any way shape or form let me get a stunt off I guess Freight guards the back again yeah tetris merida soldiers has the enemy crumbles targets everyone that I'm not protecting good speed them up I've already good the game that you don't get an enjoyment are getting better you get the enjoyment of squashing people that's fun been getting better at overwatch brush.this advantage give the game cheats it's become Balor and pros had scissors Invicta I said not valance I think some sort of battle royale type game just the first-person shooter in general if I could just hit heads it doesn't really matter first-person shooting in general popping heads would be the thing I would pick you get that skill if you're good at any of those games we got no need to heal so get you a valour and key I mean I haven't tried it so like who knows okay holy water stress til 20 cure status effect heal 12 don't really need that but guess you could take it holy water into the holy fountain I guess your key hats are you actually playing it's Invictus it's something that you're like looking forward to [ __ ] dodged it though or double cup now but I can learn how about you answer that question sin fected you can pick something legitimately one game to just be good at because I know that you're not good at anything so if you could pick it one game that was a joke but huts couldn't hear send victus laughing through his tears yeah I'd be good at Isaac rocket League oh yeah they'd be a fun one to be good at but is anyone really care like people play the [ __ ] out of rocket League but as far as streaming goes and watching rocket League does anyone do that anymore are there any high ranking rocket League streamers how hard how high does rocket league go and you're talking about tops streamed games fighting games I can't stand fighting games I hate them all I'm gonna guard probably should guard this this lady because he's better at dodging I think they're both good at dodging vessels like am i a joke to you Street Fighter Tekken I guess I really don't like fighting games and I'm I guarantee you it's a hundred percent due to the fact that I had oh I guess I some popped up my phone and I was like wait what I'm not gonna say what it was I jumped I had older brothers and playing a fighting game against them was literally me going like this and then being like yeah your dad you're an idiot I hate you I was like that was my life 8k watching rocket League at the moment okay so it's up there still but 8k still it sounds like a big number probably not that high right Pro and just chatting honestly wouldn't that be the thing I think that's probably one of northern Lions biggest skills is that he's good at just chatting tell me I am wrong tell me that's not just one of his top things is just just keep a freaking conversation rolling that guy is he still invisible how is he still invisible Ivan we've done like three turns at least as corrected for damage three damage which protection do you have by the way 65% it's pretty good I guess I'm Niall 8 minecraft is 20 K ooh yeah what if I said minecraft because if I if I'm good at minecraft what I'm really actually gaining there is just the ability to be [ __ ] creative which is amazing so I could make up some like super bomb-ass builds know all the ins and outs of redstone oh my god could I make a killing map that's very good actually I don't know how the map would have written down like there's a guy right here like how long do they say I get their skeletons now that I really think about it their skeletons they're probably there for a while Parfum bar come down the map there's the skeleton standing in this spot he'll probably be here for the next 500 years or so like my eye I'll color it in I'll take the 12 hours it takes to paint that guy in get it friends with huts that'd be my game up I mean thanks man oh so nice of you say skeletons are playing a board game and you interrupted it these guys aren't skeletons though and have no ability to get this guy actually no restrooms not the one that no one can okay or not I don't even have any AoE we require only the strength to follow it mumbo Jumbo's minecraft strains had like 100 K + I'm just saying minecraft people have been doing it for what how long is my crap been out like there's been like tippity-top minecraft youtubers and streamers for what 10 plus years and they're just still killing it just unbelievably like minecraft fell off for a while and everyone's like oh and all sudden pewdiepie played it I was like whoa it's back that's just not going anywhere what do I do do I just move around now that guy's dead I almost didn't want that guy to die keep updating it and it's interesting quickens AoE still doesn't block the damage got it so I should just buff their dodge will the fight falters he like tickled me I don't kill that corpse I'm afraid of what happens if I kill it [Music] minecraft has to be one of the most consistent games of like people playing it streaming it and instill maintaining like a good rank amongst the community and making the dough and everything I think those out there nice to the wrong one which one did I just do 10 dodge no I did the right one accuracy is the other one right okay dodge was the right one oh he's available yes Annelle I'm available now punch him Isaac's definitely up there I mean I've I've been doing this for what five years or something [ __ ] like that these nine Isaac isn't going anywhere filled they can't be beaten get burnt out of minecraft so fast minecraft is just like 100 percent though like are you a creative person do you have patience can I honestly come back and get these windings I can't bear you in a sub now it's like extra food or something don't touch the books you can touch that once again I don't know why I'm touching everything I should just come back balance is csgo and overwatch bastard child well speaking of like creativity everything originality is dead it's completely dead so you can say that I've been in any song game anything anything that comes out in the future is gonna be somehow linked to something in the back in the past pro body art streamer I honestly would really like to be good at like face painting [ __ ] like those people that do that because like think about all the cool things you can do for streams to dress up as people like people that can like paint their face and do the makeup to make them look like Johnny Depp for example that would be amazing this guy down one the big guy with the big nips the pepperoni baloney barb the possible occurred something new in a way you will create something new especially if you're unaware of the past right I didn't study every single song that was ever made back then but if you said that it sounds like this other song or maybe I heard it once and it was in the back of my head somehow influenced me to bawl blah blah blah blah still cool that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it or that's not amazing it goes to Peyronie's you're hungry boy you want some pepper face paint to match the game character you may play exactly like if I can turn myself like like for Halloween I thought about being the narrator or the whatever guy and I would be so cool but I just never got around to it cuz I don't have that kind of skill nor do I know anybody this is a forsaken Lance let's go with actually the dodge for the shotgun guy forget the nipple pasties Hutt's yeah this guy is not the terms service I gotta keep my mouse pointer right there sorry guys ancestor yeah okay um what do you want to do with you she's so good it's like even though she D buffs herself like a lot it almost seems like it never makes a difference now dat one dad's a guy he's got pepperonis too you just can't see him and they said son I'm telling the dog like 22 - another 20% down to 17 yes but 17 is still amazing and still kill them it's just good man oh you only get one bolster per combat I didn't know that shoot [Music] like that kind of blows nice keeping stress down by cops on its own clapping cheeks it's nice boomer I do have merch - speed that was saucy more cheap copy Africa debts success so clearly and few for is it merely a trick of the light trick of the night one two three how could you smush so many battles into this bone bearer not the guy who I thought it was gonna be not the guy I thought it was gonna be my Dre chat I'll hydrate to that that's the guy [ __ ] him up he's marking just for himself but you know how much more damage does he do plus 100 it's double damage so there's that then he just not bleed holy stun resist on him wicked such top-notch sound effect by the way oh mama that was gonna say too cuz the double damage is this gonna be even better if you get a crits what is you what does he have your buffing him so much he needs to go in radiance may we find victory I'm thinking critten us us accuracy and crit yep that's right why don't you suck on this Big John that was minus 40 or that might have my only mine is 20 but still a non-critical do that what the dick another 39 bro Wow regard regards the tape nothing ouch though walk damned first step to give you is don't get attached to any of your roster says cry the first - okay thank God I'm very new at this game so it's it's helpful to hear these tips now in the beginning of my career can you taste the sarcasm because I'm laying it on pretty thick I wasn't talking to you it's okay good good to cry good that'd be cool alright continue to give [ __ ] to chat I'm on board I asked the question dammit this is Austin I just assumed that you guys always say everything to me cuz I'm the most important ear he would say if he was a narcissistic butthole wait huts isn't a narcissistic butthole this expedition at least promises success it's mad when I don't reach out gets mad when I read chat too much that interaction was golden second tip I hope to win and expect to lose hope to win expect to lose math table not stable meth table meth table golden gems don't care as the light gains purchase spirit we're doing well you know Here I am thinking that we don't have any damage oh Jesus I just remembered that we got to fight the the profit health is high stress is low don't jinx yourself you still have two fights to go ready up cuz this is gonna blow torch for in stuff all bright chem table yeah s don't really I don't care nice rhymed Oh doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo Oh Oh hippity hots all up in this strum flashbacks to the stupid bunny [ __ ] in Animal Crossing hippety hoppety home shutters I need you to take her down could you do that faster oh god no not zipper if you could stop being marked that'd be great great oh my god this guy I'm gonna switch your block to him since he's marked boy needs it as Mark back mark sets you I want you to take that guy off good crit nip rip the nip she's got to I think I haven't seen him yet she'll come around the slow death for see I've been like chewing on my lips so much need some chapstick man ripping my lips up oh my sexiness I will feast on your heart do not [ __ ] with her might as well it's good idea I chew gum why game because I do the same thing that's the guy we didn't need to do that but he's stunned anyways don't forget to camp don't tell me what to do the peasant I do as I please one health right he may signal for more what the hell is that mean if you take too long they signal for help seize this momentum push on to the tasks and come on and seize the day pop it up up up Papa Bop nothing enough pump pump it up use the firewood and camp right here let's get some saucy bus eat all your [ __ ] food easy come come out and seize the day we got buffed me plus ten accuracy plus ten dodge I honestly want to give that to buzz noise probably to just keep well maybe I want to buff the dog even more could see like I said he's relying solely on his dodge are you gonna need it eat all 24 rations in one campsite flex on them come on the other damage is good no one really has stress party +10 dodge west end damage - maybe I should just use this guy up that thing that I thought that I don't then a 9-pound thought than a pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom I didn't do the uh mmm if we get ambushed I knew that was gonna happen we were so not gonna get ambushed I was not even worried about it nope I knew it chat I'm Way smarter than you so much so I can see the future I'm not even worried yep sometimes a dog does like seven billion damage and sometimes the dog just like basically will lick the other guy tell me what am I gonna do tomorrow nothing just like you did today watch Hut's videos got them locked into that one got me there only thing I'm worried about right now is the stress masterfully executed doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo let's keep the heels to be top finish them right now it'd be perfect timing curse it in Polish is this game worth his hyper it's absolutely phenomenal if you're into it if you're into this kind of game into things probably most likely killing you then you having a slim chance of winning then yes he goes anything I should do before I walk in P stop letting Shannon fire it's not incense guard time we're guards don't forget dog treats I don't want a dog treat though if he's just guarding the man man hides there behind the pews well not if a new disaster will strike yeah who do I want to prioritize probably buzz nice right I can prioritize buzz noise blocking and with you could dog treat rip some pepperoni off welcome back Schoen how was the bike I don't know though because he's gonna take the damage most likely this guy would probably just dodge it just negate the whole thing all together but he's running my only damage dealer so he's gonna need to rip some nip yeah you're gonna need to rip the nip on that one buddy can't even reach you do this a damage good job restroom a dizzying blow to body and brain double he doesn't have to do anything if it's coming down on him right like he's good or should I I should guard somebody cuz then I get plus 20 dodge what no he dodgy if he blocks her he'll still hit her so he should block the vessel yes this is the strats that needed six months ago is Miller well this is why we read through the wiki and then I have this like long [ __ ] powwow with you guys over the whole damn thing tell me I'm right here he needs to block with the vessel he can guard for the Dodge he like he totally should right it's not like it's only dodge oh he can't she's already guarded can you guard him if he guards him does that block does that cancel the guard how does this work can you do can you do a triple guard I feel like it's gonna stop the other guy from guarding if buzz noise blocks hound hound blocks Hellion buzz noise takes all of it can add two people guarding the same girl at the same time what he block her would he block him guarding a garter overwrites the guard that's it yeah you know what I'm fine with that I think but guarding a garter or guarding a guarded I don't even guard replaces other guards but what if you guard a garter does the gardener no longer guard regards I needed that like on a [ __ ] clip right now and a gift our guards burn cards overwrite his block is he's gonna block her instead my god mother of Mary we're doing fantastic damage by the way alright that's good enough dip it dip top that's the stress Oh Mike Mike Mike Mike come on Miami's 5 - [Music] you're such a [ __ ] oh that's not good cuz he's guarding the wrong girl my heart would burst spoiled you want to guard her now actually you can well no you do need to I want him to attack I want him to attack there's no guarantee he's gonna actually dodge the damn thing this is so backwards have to override the guards just a guard again he's picking his target so smartly strike singular strike I counted there was only one strike there singular I'm helpful there might have been two but no hey unless there was why me [Applause] three attacks would have been many minus two is the real amount god stop doing this [ __ ] monty python reboot anyone who wants to fund it count to three not four not five six would be too many too too few three is the number you must count are all the voices done by you never remake a classic sistered okay we wouldn't call it a remake we wouldn't call it anything but have no name oh my god Maliki easy I was so worried man look at this boy he's floundering it's like he can't see great see you know I don't have to do anything I'm attacking with my vessel that's how bored I am right now I'm shining a flashlight at him like this bug yeah he's done watch me lose somebody now plus damage while guarded could be pretty good I'm thinking though the Dodge just make sure we continue to dodge phenomenally squad a squad right there Quad Squad just dodging it like an absolute monster that works she needs to be guarded still though well she's gonna go I don't know how that really works just regard you just redo it I'm not gonna take chances here be pointing that way but she's behind him who lost his eyesight here guard that one I don't know she's somewhere I think I saw over there the vessel coming in clutch but the damaged MVP did he or see his own demise you get the money from the pews though were you dumb dead that makes no sense because now the pews are still there why don't we just pick up the pews now you need your damn dog treat am I gonna go back to open up a bunch of [ __ ] I don't know I totally forgot about my aegis scales by the way round there are hundreds it's 4:30 a.m. so good luck with the rest of your stream huts buddy I hope you don't have too much stress from playing this today good night morning afternoon evening to all sleep well when individuals do thank you for joining us rel endure appreciate the support see in the next one I'm gonna open up one chest thing from the stars boom go dude look at us zero stress full health love and life how many bosses you got left I literally only have the darkest dungeon quit scam oops eyeball accuracy speed and - stress it's in position for that's pretty good it's an all good thing austin hunter bits gotta head to work soon thanks for the great entertainment appreciate you have fun at work I guess syphilis had too much prognostication hard skinned not again a finely crafted instrument of butchery and bloodshed you can upgrade someone for free even though everyone is already upgraded yeah oh it's like a run-through to make sure everyone has actually upgraded nope team mouthy [ __ ] yeah got it alright let's just double-check that the only thing we have left to do I mean I guess we can go back or look at this thing here oh look at all let's check marks you guys we've come such a far such a long way sleeper is not not important a cultist and domination level 6 not important who so good at this game everyone's like you're gonna lose meanwhile Mike graveyards like yeah it's got a couple of people sandwich Danny DeVito I'm sad about that where's that Danny DeVito No that's original alright that's gonna do it for me today maldark is dungeon out so I'll have to pick it up well no actually I'm gonna pick this up only on YouTube I think I'm gonna finish it on YouTube you guys this might be the last darkest dungeon Stream this might be it
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 16,923
Rating: 4.8817205 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Darkest, Dungeon, Darkest Dungeon, Turn based combat, rpg, dungeon crawler, rogue like, difficult, perma death, single player, stategy, dark, rogue lite, horror, quirks, enemies, bosses, learning, blind
Id: 5BykZ7Y7v_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 10sec (12670 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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