Hutts Streams Darkest Dungeon (Youtube Episode 13)

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[Laughter] put yourself top right I don't mind this spot here I'm kind of like maybe mildly in front of the map but then like a realtor interest and obsession all right you guys he's not done yet what's with the empty armchair chair can that's like a Lenny can if I decided to use it what happened last time you guys we got it stressed we got super stressed so darkest dungeon if you guys don't know what this game is you have a group of people right that you can hire from your little Caravan thinking or your stagecoach and you bring them in then they can level up it can like you can have them like do certain skills each class has like seven different things to choose from you get to pick four of them bring them on these turn-based quest mission things where they attack people and yeah and you try to win let's see here this is the list of missions available to me right now let's see here C or C or C here C here green ones are easy level one orange ones are level three and then the red ones champion level 5 and I think that probably corresponds to like the level of my characters like I wouldn't want to send Clive Owen who was a level 1 dude on a level 5 mission in fact he'd probably [ __ ] about it this quest is piaj my experience right but I have like a level 5 dismal or level 5 Reynald and I could send them on those missions this sculpt I think that means it's a boss fulminating profit so the rewards that we would get berserk mask leper only how do you guys feel about leper as a class you like leper guide you to your blue hundreds what's up they flip over so I can actually read that can you guys even read that uppers great solid front line it's a lot of damage but doesn't he suck cause it's like accuracies like- 700 I gotta go for a bit bye she did he's pronounced a minute good thing I guess I replied darkest dungeon with mods yeah but I'd like to beat the original game first like I've got crimson court not even on it said if this is the first time playing it don't do crimson court so I didn't virtuous chalice I want to find something that like maybe ups my healing ability minus 50% healing skills probably not that plus 10% damage melee skills Reynald stocked and Clive Owen is natural meaning that he gets plus 20% HP and plus 3 speed and not wearing any trinkets debuff skill chance debuff resist to - Fort Dodge I don't want to fight a boss right now plus 20% max HP - 1 speed + 33% healing skills for an árboles who doesn't heal he's got like battle medicine two to three buff target plus 20% healing received so if he just kept buffing people but if I'm gonna put a man árboles in there then he's probably gonna just be dealing damage to backline plus 50% distress heal received plus 33% healing skills Crusader only on master only fifty percent max HP - 20 % stun resist our ballasts eight accuracy five crit - Fort Dodge bullseye Vandana you can get a trinket for him in spot one that increases his damage by 75% and he has great self-healing and def boosts talk about the are bolused or mix modified Diablo accuracy would be bad - if you worried about your arm falling off the leper one I really don't wanna fight a boss right now you just like do a quick short mission could really use some more deeds and portraits uncommon is that sell for a decent amount to laggy for me on the website but works in twitch desktop a plumber wall they racer what's up let's see here nothing nothing really jumps out to me now so I say we just do a mission and we do an easy one and we take some of these guys that I really don't use very often this guy does a lot of bleed damage and I think bleed is good for Warren's possibly Bristol for 14 months resub last week but now I can announce it oh yeah I always keep the expeditions guide up to so that I can remember what [ __ ] is Warren's for bleed but you still bring them into the runes it's not that big of a deal and I'll see if we're doing a short mission who's to say we don't take Gilpin with us I'm not sure I'd like to have this guy maybe I'd like to do like something like this that buzz noise he's just so nice when you pair them with the the Gilpin not that we even need money right now but why not right no clue anything about this game but loves some Hut's this character specifically the antiquarian if I bring her with I get way more treasures way more treasures let's just try this I really don't think the bleed guy's gonna do very well but this is a short mission right medium it is a medium because that's why we have a firewood okay some of those some of those and some food probably too much already but that'll do Pig a lot of these things so like we can get like bandages so if we end up getting bleed which will do like 1 to 3 damage per turn for 3 turns something like that some that enemies of your lineage once-familiar no Thorin antiquarian gold buffs tax like I didn't know that if I got a second one I can also use the bandage though in my inventory to use on these curios here there's just like little things that like you can sometimes get good things from sometimes get bad things from like I said it's a turn-based attack thing be to stick around you'll get the hang of it box open it these heirlooms is only the first test how it must be carried home now it must be carried home heirlooms are good for upgrading buildings back at base what's my mission right now explore 90% of rooms ok and the scouting is really nice who's the scouter here who's this counter though it's 2 fights to get into this one room though good skip it oh my god I don't even realize that cornet was stressed with super high why did I take kick corn with me son of a dick will call me up to camp and get her stress down if she spikes up too much does this guy's got stress healing though doesn't he I don't remember maybe I should just have this guy instead of having her and guard her I'll have him guard her back here so when the stress students come into play should be alright another abomination cleansed from our lands I had to learn this game hunts me boy all right punished so if you look at this little thing here the dots the yellow dots are where I can hit where I can use this attack from and then the red dots are where I can aim to so I can aim the first two spots on the right side let's see here accuracy base is 100% accuracy crit chance there's a 60% crit chance there is bleed 110 percent base since here are four points of bleed per round for three rounds that's pretty good and it also will debuff the target minus twenty percent lead resist so that's just showing you guys how they're like read this mark clear target transfer bleed transfer blight mark target minus 25% stress on me I can't actually grab their stress okay I can't stress field at this dude I can stress heal myself but nobody else do pens expire not to my knowledge you can repost but these guys are gonna be dead so quickly shoulda reposted son of a [ __ ] you got poisoned he got a disease and stunned on the first hit really - 20 percent max HP can we quit is that an option their formation is broken maintain the offensive that's such [ __ ] stun charm the trifling victory plus 20% stun resist nicely dodge you think that would be nice for one of these guys this guy's got an at a locked-in natural so he really wants to stay with no trinkets this guy is pretty full up on a focus ring plus tempers and accuracy and crit - eight dodge stun resists he just did get stunned technically this I think I need medicinal herbs and I don't have any medicinal herbs on me to make that go away a torch increases the light meter to 100 we just don't abs gyms 50% blight if I touch that I don't wanted to deal with that and stream now dad's as hutch poops sounds very angry especially here in the ruins this bone quartier and the cultists acolytes these two guys all they do is just dole out stress after stress and this white bar here is my stress meter as soon as it hits 100 they freak the [ __ ] out as soon as it hits 200 they die so we don't want that to happen not really though just on off make some skip the next turn rain of sorrows in the back three points of bleed right take out the back first just generally a good idea they both resisted it sweet dude nerd get to the sub two huts poop sup nerd let's go fly she could have him guard or she could also just stand up and he could guard her instead which is what I'm gonna do right now to stop her from dying festering vapors she was one of them a dizzying blow to body and brain dude has - like what 15% max HP he's got like 19 title health and she's literally at 97 this is not going well this is going actually really really really really really really bad oh it just gonna dabble on twitch and then I'm gonna come back if you like everyone's dead no one's gonna know what happened or why and so you're about that sedated thanks for guarding doll appreciated still wait to bleed out in the back probably try to focus on Chinese fun runners though that's a good damaged one he's at one hell if you activate your repost while killing this guy activating repost means that a summon ties attack him or the person he's guarding he will retaliate fight back attack the back of course of course the it said two rounds of block it said two rounds of block I read it it said two rounds what happens one round and it's gone and then she gets targeted I'm sorry what could you repeat that I read I was like Oh to rounds good oh oh good okay just making sure I said double check hang on you guys something's up my doorbell burn at my door give me like a minute I don't know some dude selling some [ __ ] okay so she's freaking the [ __ ] out she's paranoid she's gonna be in Greece everyone's stressed she's gonna like pass on her turn she's gonna not accept healing it's gonna be really really really really really really really [ __ ] bad I just summon up that's five damage coming in yo for help you are blight Abel the decisive homily bukka met one health classic I really need to get some more stress healing [Music] he'll everybody for health nice as the fiend balls of paint hope blossoms this is again that you don't want to play drunk but makes you want to drink as victories Mountain so to resist to raise baggage this is just a normal chest I don't think I need him it's an unlocked strongbox I don't need to do anything with it I don't think well I always open it with the antiquarian my bad for a task well performed tried to get rid of something right now or maybe I could just put the stun like resist on like the antiquarian like this she could just hold that charm - to dodge it's not that big of a deal that way we can hold more [ __ ] pretty rough start you guys she's getting stressed just being alive the match is struck a blazing star is born can you camp now I might have to think about it he's just gonna do it plus 20 damage until camp then let's not camp then let's not 60% chance to disarm this trap 50 60 75 Hey she's under a hundred stress trinkets and baubles another one does that stack does it stack if I use it twice the same guy does anybody know if it stacks I probably just add the damage under this guy if it doesn't I think it does white stasis has no zeros as science do it buts for science I think don't stack I don't think so let's just do this guy that these are holy water that's 30% damage said 20 the way is lit the path is clear the beacons are lit require only the strength to follow it the bacons of should we go to this tiny little room over here we could totally skip it and just countered it's part of the 90% but 10% that we don't need to do okay I'll get right here it's a trap hit second trap hey another one okay I'm gonna test it all right plus booty boom you could have had plus 80 oh he does like the least amount of damage though so like a prize honestly corn does more damage alone forward she says bleedin blight resists actually sounds really nice Plus that dodge hey guys smoke this judge the back the baby's still corn this is a huge mistake to take you one anywhere remember blight resistant I'm like nah loves it grabbed my nipples paranoid and sick slowly gently this is how a life is taken it was just that light the blood quickens I don't have anti-venom oh I do have administer soot did I pick that up somewhere or did I buy that in the beginning I don't remember what are you gonna do with your life vape someone I smell deceit I lived among much worse than you she attacked my dude reasonable very good thank you Jews as the enemy crumbles you picked it up okay good great is the weapon that cuts on its own all right let's see that plus 50% damage but it still only five told you that's pretty garbage damage stuns nice dog coward you reject the lights did you just try to heal him brush this advantage give them no quarter maybe we just let her die my bag burned the fluorite the process Romer safety you sorry I didn't make the cut Crusader only probably would sell for a bunch I can't store it on anybody you got to put corn down Old Yeller that girl she totally attacked my own dude and still took a turn just look it was lucky though was the guy that likes being hurt so he's probably like super turned-on suffering from success what would you guys take here would you take them more money because I don't think we need the money we just like literally need the heirlooms but maybe I'd rather take the paralyzer crest instead of like the Jade because I'll probably sell this from more than 375 what you think holy water could be good but like maybe not though maybe I don't need four keys and what is this I'm gonna firm for this either doesn't need a key scale and key or a shovel if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption we should make a list of all the words we don't understand that that guy says staunch just not a word I use in my on the daily never use the staunch sack me tax laden with loot are often low on supplies gotta have the why am I not opening every [ __ ] thing with the antiquarian why did I even bring her I'm not gonna use her I haven't said that before we left I will not sit idly by and wait for your betrayal such a [ __ ] I don't think it's very easy to bleed skeleton 177 percent normally 200% bleed resists so this guy's kind of out of element there festering fevers back what's the debuff that she gives she give medieval - ten accuracy does that her fault remember and I'm like nobody cares about the antiquarian anyways she's dead she's [ __ ] dead yep what a [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean darn too this guy's got lower health to you let yourself be hit why would you why would that be just like putting them down to it's all angry and [ __ ] to the worst person that should just finish this guy off before he gets a turn taking a lot of damage I can use his move that he could use of below 40% he'll say like this one valid below 40% HP keeled 34% max HP self also wait a second I used on somebody else he'll 38% some - for any carcass and healing skills - 25% healing received - tree speed interesting litter ated yeah she's paranoid nice little dance that you did there I like literally [ __ ] hate you so much now what did you do apologize to her I'm sorry I just like the sound he makes executed with my she knew that that was mean very mean this expedition at least promises success can take the money I can't take the citrine just two to full-on shits then I already use up a whole stack of torches goodness me I'm six left maybe less holy water she's got a super nice I am egg rolls five months what does that buy Meg rolls welcome back I'll see I'll fight and bleed these guys it's good though plus five dodge and everybody let's do some pestering neighbors this is pretty good very good flight damage myself all right hey that works for me that's such good damage and lead damage horribly damaged what was it three turns Dayoung good dodge elevate was gonna hurt see you're too damaged well how much house six health they could do two damage and two more poison and you'd finish them that's one damage I think he didn't get the memo there oh shoot we've got five health of floor blight yeah [ __ ] it up beragon very very good dude this blade boy is just the best these not dogs have enough room for a thousand gold to be beaten shoot man that's a lot of gold books books are bad books are the worst maybe the antiquarian would be like good at reading books though you think Scout their best scouting ever by the way you guys good job real proud littering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood littering torches torches and more torches turn your way to increase storage space no like a camp that would open up a slot boys these guys could technically or don't really that's not what you want to do kill one of them for now minutes well struck as mods that do it gosh if you wanted to edit this like that'd be fine with me guard shitty guard guard could be real good or just a nice little stun nice very nice glad that we didn't guard yep good said I would earlier I saw that I just didn't comment on it until now thought I'd throw a comment in there Weejun remember that voice line weekends beautiful I did another one Falls another one Falls and another one called another one falls into the deep sea we clown about Oh bump bump bump dump in another one Falls mods don't do that there's a mod that all like wow who put this trap here I just walked this way there's a mod that makes it so I can stack journal pages but I still don't have the run to stack journal pages dark Olney run we're kind of headed that way aren't we another [ __ ] trapper you can uni Lee she found a way to reduce her stress under baits LARPing just dropping by I'm sorry I can't donate more but still enjoy the bits I will enjoy the bits thank you very much so does her paranoia go away when she hits zero stress more books I'm gonna pass Thanks eating is free of a spot can't see traps anymore we lost scouting [ __ ] great every time that me more holy water I do it away still worth it but dude I don't want to camp ever boy could have been at a hundred percent am i stacked it on one dude 100% damage delts plus 100 not just 100 well that's how much they normally do the Dodge good Dodge that eldritch [ __ ] get that out get it out of here can't before leaving to get rid of stress you know what activate repost right now and then she'll die good good um he's so good she's so good go team you got your booty stop boy he LARPing cease this momentum push on to the tasks and I'm just getting rid of the gold I'm here for the heirlooms really what case I think is better than just the stack of books look case say for yourself bookcase nothing 20% scouting 20% stress plus 15 13 percent positive quark six percent negative quark 20 percent journal entry 20 percent nothing Yolo okay she's fine she's okay burn the books plus hundred-percent stress I continue panthan the beginning there but we did ok I love all that guy when he takes damage Jesus like no clemency in mercy please forget dude oh I'm so glad we stayed for that like legit another 1020 really happy to be fighting humans specifically for this guy pestering the poor's his blight resistant 0% so how did he resist it someone want to fill me into that blanket fire me [ __ ] see if I care yeah buddy vii Elizabeth clarified in a single strike mortality clarified in a single strike gas holy nipple punch this point does not want to be stun right anyways let's super try it anyways good killing though free damage coming in he say he's dead anyways get back Oh victory perhaps the turning point this dude so good how come I never named him other than we've all come up with a better name than Duval Schatz triumphant pride precipitates but dizzying the ball is he fall what is this holy water other than that it's a 50% stress he'll 4:10 cure status effects you you know this guy's actually more stressed I don't have any more holy water okay yeah it was just 50% cold gems which is balls I'm honestly fine being done I didn't care balls Danny DeVito isn't there like hey all positive things deathblow resistant five cents counting chance of ruins hard skin soundly goes nice though the poor caretaker I peer his long-standing duties here have affected him it looks like he's enjoying it all right we're gonna put them in the Tavor anyways or not this guy's still drinking what does that mean can someone be so stressed they have to stay another week you're going in and then buzz noise needs to go as well would have been nice maybe we could have gotten buzz noise down far enough but like yes the cans is zero right somebody else in there let's just take a look through our characters and see if anyone's like really rabies here cosine I got you like that [ __ ] I think somebody else has rabies - oh yeah bulimic - term sunnylinks goes well camping that's not the best bad humors duval - 20 percent at max HP you're going Duval was good though isn't there like an actual action movie guy David Duval or some [ __ ] what I saw Danny is that right Danny DeVito what did you do to make the mods so mad they taught me out for a minute there's a Robert Duvall that's why we went I'm thinking of Lil Duval get a gesture when you can why how about another man at arms I'm gonna nother are bolused or a flag flag me increase the number heroes available increase my roster size don't need that just yet I'm trying to save up to upgrade my guild really 15 of those and 38 of those were really really close a couple more missions and we'll be there blacksmith also would be nice to upgrade everybody need a an upgrade yep upgrade your stagecoach firsts as white stasis over doing these I don't like the the dancers because you throw them in with any of these other guys that I currently have and they all need to be in a certain spot the dancers push him around and also my Ken he's half my stuff I'd have to get a whole team of dancers of which I don't have like a jester and some grave robbers or some [ __ ] but I don't have any of them so I've been stopping myself from getting any of them sell some [ __ ] to how good is this martyr seal 60% damage at death's door 14 percent credit death's door like how often do I get to death's door maybe it would be good for Danny DeVito cuz he enjoys taking damage right he would be very well suited for being on death's door jesters a good stress healer dancer team sounds so much fun good and flanger list probably be pretty good but so would well focus ring maybe not so much and didn't I put something on somebody just for the time being corn grab something or it was Gilpin yeah she took the stun charm and you really don't even have this time charm okay so let's say that I went to Danny DeVito this is good 25 percent damage and I'm fine with him having the stress - let's take this off and put this on you yeah it makes up for the HP loss of Dismas head - this is I'm gonna probably sell this so that's so that +10 accuracy + 5 cent crit - 8 dodge what if we did that focus ring on SKT she needs more accuracy right he's at 8 dodge heads ROP you want and stressed for sure jester's ROP the character dies you have to complete the fight to get their items back gotcha the fight or the mission Danny Dismas just to fight focus ring let's just hold on for now all right see what we got I'm gonna get some more portraits and crests that looks sick flatulent only plus 33% healing skills - [ __ ] upset bleats go chance that's all he is he's bleed skill move skill chance movers East look at that Plus 25% damage versus eldritch minus 20% max HP though yeah Sun ring already have one of those - one speed for a plus forty percent bleed skill chance and melee skills it's our highwaymen having me put some room for stuff these aren't very nice Vestal only Plus 25% healing skills I got to go for it I got to do it if it's a daiquiri what's good for Weald I'm gonna try you ask my expeditions guide cold wields Hellion marking their weakness is bleed Travie facts are blight well to buy my bleedy boys like takin she's good she can be in shoot man I don't have like a front running team Raynald I could put Reynald in with marriage he's like the only guy that was a front-runner that's like a decent level Weald is the beast right it's like the it's got the rabid nasara the dogs that hit me with disease and then the fungal scratchers and the fungal artillery the fungal dudes think warrens is more beast isn't it the thing from the Stars roams here this week oh I don't know that means you might encounter it never even seen that before never even seen that before vampire I got to go for this tome of holy healing it's so worth it it's a boss now let's say we go here instead not super excited about this team what the hell is this quest I've never done this one before alright I'm gonna go here what should I take and a medium a lot of shovels apparently it's same four to five shovels on a medium Wow antivenoms are important here that torches large eldritch mini-boss do it it's like some anti-venom and two bandages all right one key what's the bottle thing next the would the mission right now is there's a little angle tumors and the lambda where you live activate three infected corpses had to find them and then use this potent selves terribly strong concoction to counter the effects of disease and infection never done this one before so I don't really know what to expect no antiquarian though map what I like that you didn't tell me what the [ __ ] trap did you who imaginations spring to life with a singular purpose stupid map activating corpses how do you surprise a towering ectoplasm soup you've caught the soup taking a shower it's like ah in radiance may we find victory what I would do with this thing why kill these guys where they light my ass 49 health wha-wha has done it no I cannot gee mama - seven Dodge finish it brush disadvantage skeleton jela I'm no quarter give them no quota you whack it doesn't bleed does it no it doesn't bloody jello damn that thing's got a lot of homes to it you can't dodge you how did you miss a big slide [ __ ] pile of jello on the floor and he's like how did you miss it's a bowl of jell-o it's not very high chance of studying if heal the wounds of war can be healed but never hidden but never hidden that's terrible this and that's why you kill that [ __ ] thing slime smack really cut that thing right down there raw she said one health you guys got to stop doing that continually onslaught destroy them to health he's like why didn't leave it at 1l or did your size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade honestly kind of surprised that we didn't get some sort of disease there Marty out of space and I think crests are good so what is this thing infected corpse great alright every time we do that - we free up space you know or your inventory don't tell me you just do that you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] thank God you resisted that you've done this I've never even fought and Crone before deepest recess of the Weald hide these pernicious harpies they wield foul curses that lower hero's accuracy and dodge mark heroes were easy kills inflict mass stress and can even inflect heroes with their fetid sensor if she's accompanied by her slave do not be intimidated by its size kill the master first you can't hit it though can't hit it you are worthless Philby dog compassion is a rarity on the archer is over that really sucks that I can't be stealth or I don't even I didn't think about bringing us a DSL thing we're allocated such a terrible as thought and could not be left unanswered nice alliterated she alone now you really can't do anything torchlight plus 24 cause the light Gaines purchase spirits are lifted that purpose is made clear the light not my favorite thing that's ever happened but an old woman just dodged you how do you feel you feel good about that I can't bleed papers up that well was there a corpse there I remember if she was in the same spot you're right papers would have done it blossoms I did bring antivenoms [Music] a momentary abate a momentary impedance how's it going chat tell me your thoughts get the back two guys - accuracy and crit uncle and maybe they'll miss them maybe they'll just resist everything and everyone will [ __ ] die Seventeen's a lot of damage very nice let's finish that or not our Hellion is really really really not accurate pretty interesting game it's your first time seeing it taxi marked which is not good the artillery do not want to be marked she's at half health stressful game purge the unclean it's cuz the only guy that could really target the back and he's not doing a good job anything importance maybe to kill everything if he doesn't miss meanwhile they're doing all of this and we're gonna be dead that's a lot of lights this kind of extra damage unmarked target something they probably both do super-dee-duper bad news this is this one of your favorite games I would know I would not say it's one of my favorite games it's good though and that's for talking favorite like top hundred left net to health confidence surges has the enemy crumbles understand everything you struggle to understand everything what is your favorite then I despise the favorite question this is my favorite game that I am playing currently that's what I would say I never have a good answer with the whole favorite thing what's your favorite color blue you believe you're [ __ ] awful our all hellions like the worst we're terrible [Music] on our bits everyone knows his favorite game is popping the soup pop in the soup what the hell is that there's pop in my suit what have you stunned him again and we got another go at healing people I mean is that a double stun then probably goes away once he's like done more stunned dance it's got a question what's up what's his speed he said he has blow speed we're gonna be able to heal before that what is round on both sides and high in the middle but you're asking a question with the game let's round on both sides but I in the middle I don't know I need some cred heels there dude daiquiri well this guy's speeds lower than his that huh know what that guy magically gets to go first guess I just don't understand what speed is deez nutz Ohio oh my god my team is so [ __ ] bad seems so bad the ground quakes be wary triumphant pride precipitates participative diging all by food so long and thanks for all the fish [Music] sticky bandages I think I'm not mistaken that's banded sheis touch it then with bandages thanks hard slide yummy brochure who could staunch the flow of otherworldly grub thank me for listening to it well if you guys can't get too hungry here because if we ate all the food already the stump antivenom oh that's our last anti-venom I'm gonna pass on that it's gonna be much more loot that we can't carry anyways sans was up 3333 huh it's too much you need stop Nature herself victim to the spreading corruption more staff armed with missing tent very nice such a satisfying noise should we get something for doing that sack mate wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike how much how many torches do we have left 12 we're good we're gonna torch it whoa who are you slavery good look at my eyes they're white LEM he's being worked it's not very stunning a ball there's not looking like a pretty boy he's unholy which is great for a Reynald big boy smite him like I honestly want to take out the dogs first is that crazy at me blade out could be really good though oh mama now we're gonna get rabies no rabies wait why did you jump into the back oh no stress oh no stunned my healer oh no everyone's bleeding I don't have an I do have some damaged sections it's two turns [ __ ] dude festering the worries ensues the mind Jesus Christ this is not going well or who was it package guy as a package I'm gonna go grab that package before someone steals it you could buy finish him he said six okay I just finish him up and then I'm gonna get that package it's got bleed though okay how did he get bleed who played oh oh right bleed girl good good good move good thinking honestly stunned this boy he might have been able to kill him but maybe not plussing extra turn four heels god you saw you're not doing well needed that Thanks there's so much bleed on us great is the weapon that cuts on its own freight is the weapon that cuts on its own holy [ __ ] what if I discarded the potent South mission will be over right so that's a lot of money to give up on but I got to do what I got to do it's for damage you are bandaging these guys can probably just handle it welding terror everyone's dying I appreciate the scouts though this could be the last one right here dig it up for gems dig it up looks like great didn't pays off sometimes great I can't carry any of that [ __ ] where's the trap you know Reynald is good at taking apart traps 169 do you all have in and out burger where you are oh my god oh hi future Josh don't slack off you [ __ ] I do not have in and out burger is it is it like really really good there's a five guys vigor is restored vigorous restore big [ __ ] boy human beast some crits in there SKT so you couldn't you could have stopped that from happening Eska teats that could have been you 29 [ __ ] damage okay kellyanne's like i ain't bad at this offended ten that's not even close doubt much the other girl did tree branch literal Skyrim giant right here compassion okay she's she's hittable now but I still think we should focus on the flight boy there it is Therese land of the face [Music] it turns away he's like Oh it's not very stable [Music] the light go down I'm stunned about you you're very sellable stunning but I still feel like the party Hills are doing it hot until tree branch Smackdown 21 yep what terrible strength [ __ ] hit me right in the balls finish him up dude five HP with three bleed just finish it I'm supposed to target her first anyways a big three perhaps the turning point perhaps a turning point 67 stress not my favorite thing got a whack his corpse just to get to work coops Wacka and of course puts him out of reach for him this can't win man kind of wish we got a another heel in there before you did that but yeah oh this is she promises success what is that don't know dies an old coffin 50% golda heirlooms 8 percent positive quark wheeled adventure 8 percent positive quark wheeled Explorer 33% nothing let's just like a win-win right who needs another positive thing I don't think it really matters at that point hacks laden with loot are often low on supplies Taco Bell's is dance I'm sorry I missed a conversation with in-and-out burger exclusive to the West Coast stabbing at his deal it's really good it's like the five guys billing they focus on burgers the burgers are top tier sounds good could you send me one I have a peel box how many preservatives does it have before it might make the trip waiting to be spent [ __ ] me sideways right now I just didn't know I needed to take something that would be stealth that wasn't aware if you're gonna do three heels on a group heel in five and a single you might as well just do the group here five guys amazeballs every single thing they have there though has dairy in it like they are so not allergy friendly you literally walk in the door and you get like wafted into the face with this big old fan of peanuts if you had a peanut allergy you are straight-up [ __ ] dead the moment you walk you open that door it's just like just dead sorry can't handle peanut tree nuts or peanuts free peanuts you're done just [ __ ] dead and everything has dairy so Jan can't go there I think it's cooked in peanut oil see your mega [ __ ] I'm just saying like if you walked up there and you're like hey I have a peanut allergy what do you guys like like Jan did with her milk allergy she walks up there she's like kaity of milk of the buns and they're like yep you have a peanut lru you are [ __ ] dead the moment you walk through the door I'm gonna try to get a stop I really don't want to be stressed anymore at lil baby thanks Smashburger is okay yeah she can get Smashburger Reynalds [ __ ] super-mega Fox should I bleed him again I'm giving myself a minus 20% damage uh debuff though every time I do this but maybe worth it did you just get to the [ __ ] battle it's really good damage actually it's done Sunday go ahead and stop me [ __ ] favorite song from my favorite song from Little Mermaid I got a slight milk allergy and it [ __ ] sucks what a slight milk allergy mean like you're lactose err it's an actual allergy I'll just slightly die a little a mild diet the wounds of war can be healed I die but like a little bit and her dude finish this you could finish it you're not calling to those here [ __ ] thank you for dodging that curse it champion Falls [Music] bum bum bah [Laughter] slightly lactose-intolerant makes me throw up laughs too much yeah I think that would be if anything you'd call that lactose intolerance Jan is two tablespoons and she dies and like if she if she dipped her hand into a glass of milk she'd get hives and like like he flicked milk in her she would like start melting can I put the blight stone in somebody someone want to try this nobody okay and I don't even care about it oh my god the amount of stump let's stop the path is clear we require all never heard of the condition that severe I mean it it's an allergy right when I say milk allergy everyone what people here is lactose intolerant but like if I said I have a peanut allergy you already know for a fact that if I eat peanuts I die right after have an EpiPen or my throat's swallows up shut so it is a milk allergy technically to whey protein and casein I can't I don't want to have to come back to this room if I miss it if this is where it is also that's a really nicely decorated tree camp now I'm like really well the stress we can do better on stress and weed free up a spot in our inventory yeah a spark without kindling is a goal without hope unidentified fapping object if mortality fee buffs they feel 50% part-ii - 15 stress that's good we just need to cure the stress honestly that's like the only thing really need plus the 25% damage in position one I'm gonna do it I don't have any had more stress healed anyway so you hold 35% HP you don't need the heels can you stress Hill yourself do wound care that's about it remove bleeding 21 healing that's dang that's good [ __ ] let's not get ambushed please the match is struck a blazing star is born amazing star holy [ __ ] vs. the prop makers art is advocacy on witnessed by his own eyes empty sack in a trap nice unless you honestly wish they'd use Lu still talking about burgers or oh I have five food exertions of adventuring have produced a growing hunger almost amongst the party take 20% damage plus stress damage but I've got five food though five food you eat more food hundred food consumers stress about fifty somebody else had that same thing stress eater I'm not sure why five isn't enough cuz hundred percent that's 1 1 2 1 that's 5 would be 5 would be 5 them no force of will can overcome a failing bar yeah right and these sack and a trap means makes sense though there's no more big boys please I don't want to deal with it [Applause] [Music] great great is the weapon that cuts on its own compassion is a rarity in the fevered pitch they really stepped it up here on this like I've gone through the Weald before right and it was fine it was hard but now they're like everyone's invisible every time you fight there's a giant he's a [ __ ] that's gonna do 20-plus damage plus horror horror horror and everyone oh my [ __ ] god every fight what happened to like spiders and what happened a train all doing like literally any damage at all ever he does even more damage against unholy she's doing 20 plus he's doing less than 10 every single hit see a fire wolf superbugs oh yeah that's it that's the stuff Fargo's the healing that's like you do plus 25% damage against unholy 7 what is your deal what is your [ __ ] problem right now damage 8 to 16 plus 20% this dudes protection must be through the roof 40% the Lord then jus heelas rabies adds 10% damage yeah but it also makes that they never hit anything ever literally the only way he got to the turn is a beaut I don't even want to win I kind of want them all to just die I'm so frustrated with that age and every one of them I'm okay wait I'm okay with it just kill just take them now take them away I'm [ __ ] done with these dudes they're bad they're really really really really bad they're not doing like any favors of course when they have like no health left it's a super mega ultra [ __ ] crit I'd like 10 times more fun when I usually antiquarian buzz noise as victories mount so too will resistant reads 3% crit upset damaged five accuracy and accuracy range skills he does need the accuracy when he doesn't have any misses like all the time I'm pretty sure that she's gonna go over the tipping point is that ninety-nine I was really hoping that this wasn't a box and it was in fact the infected corpse sorry lady you're [ __ ] okay we're hungry right did I read that right yeah stress is about 50% we're hungry how much food do they eat how much food do they eat chat out of seven food how much did they eat was to left they ate five food so back when they were hungry earlier and I had five food what are you smoking I did the math tune I was like five I had five and must be just missing something nope got hungry again ate five food yeah I got extra 2/7 and I went down down to two I'm just really happy that we have to do this again charm below come and read that to me can't read it he's blind fire suppressive fire I could do that pledge five bucks gern thank you so much dirt appreciate that so much and thanks for reading it to me his papers does more damage than his sword the pen is mightier than the sword that's later let's just be buff yourself for nothing let's just throw it away let's just give up yeah let's take that yeah yeah let's just die that's George I'm cool with that she's not now stressed over the top so she's not really gonna be able to heal very well be an frailty finally Clayton now dude okay I just I really don't want daiquiri to have a heart attack if we could not they do you have you have the most accuracy +5 accuracy +10 accuracy ranged skills you have all the accuracy all of it still miss it Pass good because nobody needs heels good though if she was in front she could keep bleeding them almost worth it to push her up they really really needed to dodge that surgical precision buttons era days perched at the very precipice of oblivion death cannot be escaped but it can be postponed their dodge is still 18 interesting George thank you so much the sub now hell yeah super appreciate that [Music] company thumb for the stun he does his other movie still does nine damage or seven damage all my [ __ ] god teetering on the brink she is based pile of applesauce right now she is like oatmeal this has been the worst [ __ ] group I think I've ever traveled with you guys are just honest blind-fire what are you even doing right there nobody wants you there yes this is the most accurate [ __ ] boy ever not papers em fine damage the bigger the beast my god y'all are awful give me the deeds y'all are [ __ ] awful or crusty crests I would like the crests what can I get rid of in order to keep the crests Scouty boy keys we have to food you wanted to speed that we got to make it all the way to the last room or hopefully unless we [ __ ] it up real bad don't thing we have any herbs no would have a nice rack of food for your healing eat the food to make rum trinkets and baubles get it done that first or in blood I don't want to I didn't mean to do that I didn't know she had a thing selected I didn't know if she'd already selected a move I was trying to click on him so that I could maybe like do something else but yeah okay that's nice it's too late I was literally gonna use holy water on him madness our old friend madness is our old friend or [ __ ] darkness hello darkness I give up I've come to give up and [ __ ] die [ __ ] tell me now dad the birthplace [ __ ] ready to go to rest there's an achievement if you complete a mission with everyone stressed out can't wait watch me finish this without her reaching 100 though because that's what's gonna happen extra damage which is a marked guy still does seven I feel they need to say I don't actually want anyone to die that helps [Music] was granted like bless my allies that they may stop fooling around oh these two these two were falling around you guys through that that's juicy that the juicy deets they were like a [ __ ] are we now monstrous size has no intrinsic merit a unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue inordinate sanguine nation become a virtue you guys catch that I need a dictionary for every one of those words I hope there's not a fight I hope it's just just the thing no fight place it would be the last goddamn room may get her rest of this plague a that 25% healing skills though we had a lot of heirlooms that was a big old heirloom run 40 [ __ ] to crests the one thing that I don't really need egomania don't care plus damage versus eldritch I will take that because now he does more damage versus unholy and eldritch sure eyelid light filters its way through the roughing boughs plus / Psalm plus 15 damage on in wields oh gosh I can't wait to go to the Weald I've never been there before it sounds like a great place 33 percent resolved XP inwe'll the next quest so we should go to the wheel then correctly do-do-do-do-do upgrade the guild please three more portraits cannot trade something for portraits no cannot do that either you can't trade anything for portraits am I getting that correct portraits can just go [ __ ] I just really great great great great great great fantastic okay was pretty [ __ ] so who has to go where you have to go there miss Katie it's got options I think good thing we have 50,000 gold what do I do with extra gold you guys you can trade them you have to increase how many of the items to get portraits it I didn't understand that by the bank I could buy the bank but do I have a before I do I have one blueprint how about the monument with no purpose but the bank costed a bunch of money all it costs is portraits that I can't get spending gold and upgrading skills armor on everyone check check mark go to the heirloom screen and when you choose an heirloom if you increase the number next to it oh my god that's like way too many 3 for 18 Yolo hey has a weakness the wise hero trains for what he will face let's upgrade some [ __ ] well you can't because you're still level 1 you're a little baby buzz noise call spend out money I bet you some of these moves that like I haven't dabbled with they're probably pretty good self two blocks bye-bye money so long and thanks for all the fish actual tall two months in row I've been hots it's axel tall it's ex Odle then why did you write axel tall don't forget you need money for provisions I got 27,000 breath I'm so low they don't even know what to do with it all tome of healing who wants it raise your hand corn corne wants it Oh Michelle Theo Lu is not that much honestly sick dude corns boofed all right now we're gonna go back to the wields probably do an easy mission axolotl axolotl that's the fish right the is a lizard I don't know all right the wheeled what wheeled you ancestors pen I'm not doing a champion moon cloak oh we have the the thing from the Stars +15 protective torch below and I don't do that Holy Orders Crusader only very rare from apprentice level kill one brigand eight pounder Oh with the boss battle Crusader only it's a bunch of [ __ ] it would just set it really but it's got the upgraded stuff for going to the wields brigand eight pounder what do I want to bring for the bring an eight pounder pree salamander it would be axel tall I thought you pronounced an axolotl holy orders is amazing the Hutts is it 15% virtue chance - crimson stress 12% deathblow resist 20% flight resist 20% bleed resist it doesn't sound bad but Clive is a natural boy and Reynald artis maybe yeah probably this but the stud a nice done a lot pretty decent I would probably get rid of paralyzers crush though okay if we went back into the Weald we want bleed we want bleed so Danny DeVito you're [ __ ] in dude maybe Danny DeVito and then dismal like without challenge how am I to improve okay Jacob under beds redeeming a push-up point for ignoring dance twice now Mazda decided that we have seven points after this transaction I gave you ten Jacob and in squat used for immediately or Dania push-up point because you failed to say hello to me when I came onto the stream okay fine ten push-ups it is fine buzz Wak how it said it was said when I wasn't even here to hear it and I'm confused I don't know what you just said should we bring buzz noise he's so good though he's like the best thanks dad we love you bits we haven't done anything with Jake Gyllenhaal in a while it's got a lot of blight I don't think that blight is really good for a wheeled baloney he does bleed right no mark this one he bleeds himself I just I'm not a huge fan of the occultist segue once again you are bleed cosine we'll also be stack onto this [ __ ] maybe just well we could throw Bologna in there it's maybe Jake Gyllenhaal from the third physician which one could she not use adders kiss I don't totally hate this she have a back move forward in the back she could just go forward and back forward and back because the buzz noise can do all of his stuff you know adders can go back in the front though she won't make it to the front expose she could do that bypass stealth well what's words it's a medium I don't really need to bypass tell much prefer the u-tube of this game but I got get to the sub so I feel bad if I'm not watching says Risa ouch a cultist is good for eldritch monsters at the fight snakes with Jake if you camp it's true but we got to do it at some point anyways right the cultist is very volatile forest sopia seen him on other streams he's given cold just I don't have a filler right now let's try this so once again what's important here antivenoms some bandages maybe shovels the medium it's telling me four to five shovels I should just about do it I think maybe in a medicinal herb you know who else is nice wood cutting up a DD stream for YouTube not be the best of both worlds though well what you'd expect did agree to edit this so food dance is nice that's who you scrub Admiral Baro he has your Boris and you less damage taken I have no idea we met I know Admiral baru he has your Boris who's my Boris buzz noise more food you think for a medium quest guess having a lot of food for camping is nice it's a boss battle let's not forget simple folk are by their nature loquacious and the denizens of the hamlet were no exception it was not long before rumors of my morbid genius and secretive excavations began to feel local legend in the face of my increasingly egregious flaunting of public taboos all turned to iron and demonstrations were held in the town square two stacks 20 for food and gunpowder hangs in the air the war machine is closed fill your inventory with food and torches why would I do that it's got to be here right where is this crazy boss from the netherworlds my god there he is okay light of all no yes I'm sure it wouldn't mind getting rid of you though no rabies good 33% okay it's just telling me that I get those bonuses here which is huge confidence surges as the enemy crumbles no let's listen now I just didn't understand what you said though it's really a problem this guy bleed but we're fighting where did the unholy come from you want darkest dungeon type this word dark I kind of want to do a defender thing going on here these guys usually hit in the front right I don't think they can't even hit in the back so it should like guard yeah whatever I don't think it matters these two can just forward forward forward and we get some stuns up brush disadvantage they're like mild answers the kind of dance darkness can't fight him and hit that guy be gone up a balloon and trap Nature herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed with Miss intent shoulda brought the antiquarian it's gonna be too easy no match is struck a blazing star is born I'm only saying that so the star boss shows up back hit though love it and this guy do stuff from the second Oh totally then she should be up front she's got that super blight move but if I jump in front of this guy it's not good holy [ __ ] I don't know why that did the normal blink sound it should've done something way better than that they can get something for the 10,000 bits I'm putting on a hat hell yeah buddy [Music] it's hat time it's hat time I really really wish that you could Reina sorrows you're pretty good though shouldn't maybe focus on these guys they heard a lot where is brain power rights what happened to it gave up didn't you bum dag up from a social safety anyone who just recently got here typed the word dark in to wit a copy of darkest dungeon do it now do it good lick this dungeon just like you should play some brain power get some I appreciate you blight and back bro that's good I want her to stay there wield adventurer minus 20% stress what's this what is this sigh would need a shovel for this but for heirlooms just hope you don't run low on shovels a fool pack often attracts unwanted attention one shovel up dude I just hope I don't need to use my shelves later immediately needs to use the shovel light for points or you just do make a massive damage Oh God Jake Gyllenhaal I don't know why I'm not using you more you suck at this game but you're probably right honestly on easy mode you're worth the nuts love everything you do they could get some you could activate [Music] and the next turn started somebody in the front probably not this boys he likes damage JK's games hardest luck yes I made it she's good damn is 75000 bit you are a la Leyte just watch all your wizard of legend videos because you told me to and you didn't beat it only Adi I I did I bought I beat the final boss if that's what you mean five damn come in with for health he were done sir next don't want them to get a turn-off I could get a free heal if he doesn't that's six what's your speed five that means I should go before hand doesn't it hit him you need to go first success so clearly and beyou or is it merely a trick of the light start bubble winner is nobody special not in the videos you didn't says exploding boo did I not upload it then uncertain I'm not sure if I just didn't uploaded her I did beat adults you look at my main channel or they you Hut's - I'm gonna save my last shovel I think the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it the way isn't it [ __ ] lit for all fam like that first time that you haven't killed someone outright don't worry I got it their formation is broken which games do you play today Isaac in now darkest dungeon which this game wasn't twenty five bucks I would say it's we're at 25 bucks a night I'm sure but intellect the slow death unforeseen unforgiving you're already dead don't need to do this but I'm gonna just get another heal I'm gonna get a free deal off Oh God eleven was a standard heels oh my [ __ ] books plan on making more vr videos soon I don't have anything that I that I have to that I feel the need to upload a record at the moment can't even fit the gold I'm okay without the gold honestly well if Jade's pretty stupid instead it's gold it's like pretty much in every pack there's this demon star-lord Danish that [Music] eradicated five blade damage still loving that [Music] death by inches if I don't have to camp before the boss I think I'm not going to because then we can camp after the fact if we're feeling good and then we can fight the the demons of the Jake Gyllenhaal's have like gains purchase spirits are lifted actually don't mind is made clear sentient cannon Nick Cannon before tuned waiting to be spent one single picture [ __ ] I want it a lot of money throw away in radiance may we find victory if you remember to camp that's very true but I'm gonna try to challenge you you know what I wanted to do the adders kiss to start off with but I gotta kill these guys first it's gotta be done I like to do a stunt too nice I'm just trying to minimize stress here like my number one Tommy had Ahmad does not remove permissions tying me out to prove it can mod step off mods is that something I gotta do oh god my nipples plus 20% of stress and then they hit him with the stress thing that's not good that didn't stress it just close to the guy okay this point moves though mods can't has to be the streamer thirty minutes that should do it one help bah kut see if I have my permission still wait what the [ __ ] the clock we've already done this before we've literally already done this and that's how white when I say that's what it does is because that's what it does oh the clock is a moderator the channel that's whack uh-huh right seize this momentum push on to the task and carry any of this [ __ ] Prester like the least thing that I need I'm okay without taking it littering Google [ __ ] trinkets and baubles paid for in blood I've got a medicinal herb for you that would takes drink ten food that's so much food every needed I haven't touched my food yet good dodge I've been touched my food yet everyone's [ __ ] starving immediately were dying all right cannon good thing I saved my shovel another abomination lens from our lands Jake Gyllenhaal I am just I don't know it's just been number one today you need to move up number one super good dodge skills massive damage doesn't matter who you comply to those guys right yeah executed with impunity with impunity this expedition at least promises success actually that's been working out for me it's been working out real good full health low stress didn't even camp what if we traveled all the way to the other side here to try to find that moon boss oh you can't blight it we want to get the match man right that's pretty important I think match boy I'm not my [ __ ] god I could have destroyed ten match boys that's unreal 76 health I'm not sure what to like really go for here I hope it kind of hits all of us that's why his rip host will be activated every single time that's good to see seven damaged back he could people get real punished for AoE with with buzz noise boy bleed isn't good for the cannon so like whatever I'm done can't stun them get the back seriously it's an earthquake holy [ __ ] run it's another but a match boy I'm pretty sure that's all it does if it doesn't have the ability to have a match boy on hand you're so far behind can't blight it I just thought maybe somewhere damage can't stun it either this guy's doesn't really have a whole lot of stuff going on here how much longer here opposed to two rounds just keeps moving that or buff a target buff you for doing more damage so there's an accuracy crit chance 20% damage well-guarded maybe I'll do that and argue a brilliant confluence of steel brilliant holy [ __ ] genius casting spells on a cannon we're lost Wailord strike testicular strike is that what he said he doesn't read comments oh no I don't read any comments ever in fact where did that blood come from I'm joking Lal uh not mine every comments it's my straight face that guard you or is it I get more damage while guarding no she does yes I'm not sure if that cannons gonna get the ability to fire before this guy no he's got a turn he's gonna bleed out okay good you did good good good good good good good good good you know what good I must not be special to such ignores me I'm just glad that you guys get it Geico signs like the best hero in the world the best best best of you you got 20% healing skills plus 33% all my god we got our work cut out for us match boy this boy and she does damage what if they got it so much would bleed that it actually did start to bleed what an exciting boss battle by the way I bet you leveled too it does more than just bring a match boy back I got to use my damage on this thing cute kites can you can't even handle dude you can't even handle it I almost want to let it shoot once just to see what happens sike got three health co-sign finished it on twisted metal and splintered wood the matchstick guy's like ah [ __ ] I'm out about health stone dodge stone money I'm good actually continue adventuring what we're gonna do is we're gonna walk all the way back then we're gonna camp then we're gonna fight the demons the snake demons then we're going to look they're gonna explore the rest of it and look for the moon boy stone stone wood stone what be talking about now Camp cannon stone let me miss something health stone dodge stone don't forget to camp well can't let me get here just in case I don't know if something happens before them I don't know how this like moonboy works so like what if he is like met us halfway through down the hallway Cal stone dodge stone stone stone wood stone cannon stone eating like crazy right now it's not that long hallway guys slow down kidney stone I'll [ __ ] the trap dude carelessness will find no clemency in this place no limits clemency means I think it's a type of orange okay well camp here at 12 together I don't need too much of a toe and bone we don't need the HP rats in a maze what can we both let's maybe trying to take out the night time ambush can you be ambushed after fighting the snakes all companions plus 10% damage that's nice party plus 10 dodge that's nice remove disease plus 40 stress 20% blight skill chance light resist can't be marked - stress picking weapons practice and tactics all companions - a little bit of stress I can do the plus 40 stress how about we don't though pressure the wiki says snakes count as the ambush well I couldn't resist it anyways so leg must don't you know what I thought I had to do the nightmares like four times what okay hey I'm fine with that if you're fine with it that's not the moon boy that's the NIP boy with my repos when they need it it's a licen days boy bleeds yeet stone dreaded trouser snake you guys need to slow down [Music] the bigger the beast the greater the rawest look your dad this is a okay so the last scene that we had was from garbage right it was the worst thing I've ever seen this team just phenomenal for no reason like they don't really bounce off each other they're not buffing each other at all not really but Wow unbelievable heals and damage oh [ __ ] brought low and driven into the mud your trap expert here you're playing in a lower difficulty yeah this is that yeah I mean but I've been absolutely stumped this was this an easy question easy quest you're right you're right I don't even argue that hacks laden with loot are often low on supplies brain power stun it said that there was a chance that I would run into the moon boy he doesn't seem like that's gonna happen what's your ass ideal Amazon box steal it off someone's doorstep that's possible don't have another bandage-osis gives me one a shovel thanks I guess we already kicked some dick right now now I didn't see him it did say it was a chance right --oil that boy it's done very high cans well struck bleed could bleed my god you guys need to calm down that's it that's everything triumphant bride precipitates but vizima dizzying Dalvin like pressing next he's like will not [ __ ] done - 20 percent healing received I would blob rabies I think I get like I'd like to get rid of that because she heals herself my groups I see their angry faces as they stormed the Manor but I was dead before they found me and the letter was on its way nothing special about today I get another monitor arms other flagellants don't really need to stress heal I let her go to the sanitarium and put cosine should get rid of rabies you think or the healing skills probably that one who else has some garbage that we could get rid of right now believes is possessed with demons the diseases that we need to worry about bulimic is not the worries ESCA teats let's get him in there upgrade the stagecoach dad what do I gain from doing this though what's in it for me experienced recruits or stagecoach Network I'm not even sure who I'm looking for though to grab from here better heroes [Music] who's Larry family afford well it's here I could afford both of them technically we didn't arrive foolishly seeking fortune and glory bye-bye to all my stuff of the Damned well we did well today it's super wellis to see what they even have in store for us one boss riding the ruins which is the fulminating profits look at that Cup occultist Plus 33% healings alikat those any healing skills stuff that I can add on to these guys I'm gonna go straight for that 20% damage - one speed that actually sounds really nice if we gave that to like Jake Gyllenhaal how much damage would she be doing oh here we go she's got the 15% damage right there from the ancestral candle so like she good are bolused 25% damages in position for which he always is - healing skills which I don't use that would be bad - Twitter says stress superlame that Holy Orders though all right you guys like I said I'm gonna call it a day today 25% healing skills I'm so bad though at the farm stand it what if we did one farmstead run what if we did one farmstead run for that Toma holy healing I told you if I see what I'm gonna go for it all right one pound of ham you settled it thank you so much for five gifted subs does Deezy industries cool jet quantum dawg DW Viking and Metro man sir hell yeah thank you my friends what if I brought the same team [ __ ] I put cosine away though horn couldn't come I guess guess cosign is our top healer though they don't have anybody that's got stress heals horn sucks though she's got the tomah holy healing nailed oh she got that tome she doesn't have rabies she's got the tome that I just gave her and daiquiris slightly stressed so you know cosines really where it's at and I put her away five hundred bits from phalion first stream man said I missed it but have a good one I'm a little longer I think thank you for the bit so I appreciate a little oh I appreciate that a lot I really like the ability to repost and guard these dudes if someone's not doing hot I think this is a good team to go we've grabbed gesture for stress heals and buffs I've haven't seen a gesture the last three turns entice someone goddammit what a Molotov I didn't summon you but god you're here gesture next though you guys are all obsessed with gesture go with a highwayman for better reposts what does the Dismal do for the repost oh he has reposed he mean activates reposed here doulas advance forward one does he have a back ability point-blank shot he visible FAC ability if he gets up there what would I take away though d stealth is nice I'm gonna try this group I'm gonna try this group of dudes and see what happens why's hot snot used mercenaries for the farmstead it's a mercenary a class who's the mercenary what does this tell me about the farmstead colvett doesn't say anything about farmstead on this four expeditions guide it's a bummer doesn't have them unlocked I don't I don't know what that even is first playthru yo well I feel like this could be okay after killing Miller they come in action what do you guys pack for a farmstead run chard dust used to tap into otherworldly power but be aware of its other effects picnic basket and lemonade every debuff cure [ __ ] ton of food all the food what do they usually do though do they blight me or they bleed me they bleed right then they poison no key no shovel they they poison right they blight horror there's some of that this uh ups my resistances but I'm not sure exactly what I'm resisting yeah they blight let's do maybe a couple more of those then alright let's go with this huh only a few of the people do horror which is laudanum but when they do it it's real bad debuff cure though holy water it's too late seems safe enough for now is there anything it put here that would do anything for the celestial cornerstone I think so these nuts oh boy we're already starting off hot that's not what I wanted to see light Abel blight Abel but I can't see him of course I didn't bring anybody that deist else why would I do that this guy's got repost but I think I'm okay with it it's dead another abomination cleansed from our lands schibetta cants area of effect that boy boom boom boom boom boom boom boom how much damage could you do five to nine that's got nine health with a five bleed finish it flail the crops sup kotomi though the seeds one more turn until it's no longer invisible puncture bypass a guard pull - doesn't really matter I don't think but summated so much damage I'm gonna guard her and then buff her so she does more damage well guarded four guards I bleed this boy No it's a blight it does blight I really don't like the idea of this thing maybe I'll just kill that first killed it though more stress or gainer okay use the command this one repost is bono which would have been Ryan ice right there San massive going in heels honestly probably better just go like this slowly gently this is how a life is taken nothing sounded gentle about that [Music] this is going well so far first now that I said that the universe is gonna somehow be back rate is the women they're welcome none of them are going down into little crystals in the ground where I can kill him human cuts the shield breakers first attack ignores any protection percentage so it's always one shot those crystals okay okay though so it only has eight health because it has a ton of protect it makes sense to me so my nipples really wish I had some area of effect that's okay though for damage with five health lifts darn is just not enough waste this it's Pierce or these kisses confidence surges as the enemy crumbles or we got a long ways to go if I'm a dude dies this little meter at the top goes up and I think we get a presence for each line that we can make it to Holy tome being at the very very end of it we're just like doing really really well though and I'm really proud of everybody I should want to say that five to night damage she's got seventeen heal everybody give us done off really not much to go here we go that's a good one how much left in your repost two more rounds should we do a Garda guard on this doesn't have much else to go much else to do without boy being invisible and everything there's the crystals that I was talking about last time and there's the pickles from last time I've got the laudanum whoops after the box there's a holy to continually onslaught we're gonna kill the corpse the light turns into the crystal [ __ ] [ __ ] boys dodge my repost what a douche she's stuck on a stick he's a scarecrow you can't hurt him got real strong resist and stack your repost so it lasts longer right that's a horse Zelo you got dude not saying you're a [ __ ] but your [ __ ] as the fiend pulls a faint hope blossoms I stun the boy not really okay corn now with the book of healing pretty good rate of Sorrows much more card one more round in the guard to where islands on the reposts and skeet guarding gonna switch to a different target like I want him to take damage that's fine with me on forgiving hey guys take out the crystal anyways like a buff everybody you know this is a good time good time for you to go invisible that works works well for me yeah heal everybody actually just you like the fall perfect you can - your stress I suppose there's no amount of times I can use this right no limit he would tell me if there was a limit I think another horse will then the but this is the bypass guard right or armor-piercing there that's the one that bypasses the protect I see kill it one go holy [ __ ] you almost did it a snake's neck is always exposed because it's a hundred percent neck where's your repost what were you doing balance would have been nice to have that repose huh don't you think a momentary abatement a momentary abating Jagger wall 500 bit slow behind stinky JK well appreciate that it's only forward 1 but it's probably worth it than it then just moving grab just size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade parapa parapa wrap deep deep be pretty piti piti piti - pbbbt just a quick baiting what's going on though were they stunned he must have been stunned right because his turn came up and he's like I am an Anatomy thing I could but I won't [Music] see only 20 [ __ ] so much blood I'm gonna get these crystals before they explode how many did it how am I going to do that is what I'm trying to say [Music] there it is knowing uncertainty the birthplace of dread that hurt those crystals did more damage than anything else could do some aerial effect in that boy just bleed oh [ __ ] starting to fall apart here stunned starting to fall apart [Music] festering fear consumes the mind 7 stress per round boy not doing well with that ten he'll flock to not good not the best 22% protect I think he needs that you've got sold such little health to block your be great at the ethnic [ __ ] you where's my repost on that huh their formation is broken I think if they die with believe they don't leave in soup they don't leave their corpse right can't use a lot right now okay [Music] transfer her bleed hitting him won't do anything this is gonna do such low damage in the back guy any sense of egg makes as they don't leave a corpse so blighting would be good can you blights yes brush disadvantage that's such a good thing with crystals are balls dude pre-party he'll okay that was unfair behind a head but for a moment peace or is that supposed to happen what is this do i touch it gleaming shards can I use something on it that's what happens if you get the shards great touch the crystals can I use anything on it though it's it's a curio right no cleansing there's no cleansing 5 to 15 shards give me 15 that's not shards flatulent only +4 speed of HP below 40 I'm trying to avoid it from getting to that point but yeah sure eat them why didn't I get any crystals for that this this says right here 5 to 15 shards there's nothing about getting other things I hope I just get them blazing I've never gotten this far I know what is this oh [ __ ] yeah pause noise power fragment The Listening char memory I did this before and I didn't have any this happening remember any of this [ __ ] happening they really should hit that last guy oh he's invisible that's why I can't hit him okay jellyfish first this guy and go right through his armor are we her best best target you can do endless runs here after this I think I care about your particles barnacleboy [Music] I'm really glad that he when his resolved was tested he was he did well because that would have been real messy would have been super messy inspiration salting out [Music] the decisive pummeling get the stress boy now maybe just target your mouth nobody wants to bleed here not good to have lead on these on these dudes plus 25% bandage got the guys got good dodge paralyzed on to me eight you did five in a group heal I got better than that give a stunt off get beef my repost they keep coming I had no idea that it swapped around like this got a bloater press Dunham not really know don't start I really don't want to lose porn compassion is a rarity and in the field of battle gargling grab just get into death's door would you goodness gracious great balls of fire you're gonna do some pokey pokes on this guy cuz he's a douche well this guy does a lot of damage too but you need to go why am I not using more blight for this dude totally did heat using a ders kiss stuns like healer he doesn't know the truth test hold fast or expire heal 37 self-heal 41% yeah I think I gotta do this right he'll somebody else and he'll myself is that right okay I'm gonna do that to her peopie use it more though he's got much more help uses remaining the one you are going to go ahead and block her you probably shouldn't move bill but you're fine you can block in the back oh my [ __ ] I didn't even know that's the thing holy [ __ ] I didn't know that boy could do that oh [ __ ] these guys did a lot of damage where's your block you letting them block dude injury and despondence sustained or cowardice as this guy's corpse gonna explode or is that only the crystal bros the flag is knit we told you don't let him explode tell the bloat I didn't really did that why is there fish in the farmstead you know that was my question that was my first thoughts I can use this one more time does that mean that as soon as I get to the halfway point then I go into the room and I come back that he can use this more times or is it more like til the end of the whole farmstead run he gets one more use fish farms are a big thing you know why is there a farmstead why am I wearing a BB hat I think it's battle you can use it after so it's smart for me to use this now then it's not like he'll never be able to use it again because it's just not his fight fish don't bleed apparently two uses per battle there we go those will explode where's your repos dude oh he said the blights good and as you just killed the aberration back to the bit back to the where's your [ __ ] repost you would have killed all of them by now [Music] they do bleed all right no corpse no corpse good just the way grandma likes it you're better than that dude six [ __ ] heels you or got it you know you know for me dog way to leave a corpse you idiots buff's everybody that's good and blade them [Music] dirty [ __ ] why does it look oh nothing over it means we maybe see I thought it came back and then it did the thing again it gets me every time Brow's me right up I thought exploded like the first one did well we have food so eat up eat up babe a feels a lot better I can't do anything to this oh [ __ ] heals 90% of max HP it didn't really matter we could have saved some food but alright are we are we do feel good about that is like nothing else we can really do here right okay back to these boys dirt a Ravel like that two rounds of the foreman as he the guy know the Miller Stunna bull not blind a bowl bleed a bowl this boy gets like 17 turrets right why wouldn't taken 17 turns I stun him but he's gonna repost on me he's dead you know if you're gonna be stunned you might as well down [Music] compassion is a rarity in the fevered picture of battle [Music] keep doing it get them good I stab them but it all dancing and fighting there is no difference it's kind of a difference arguably you missed [Music] dabbe dabbe that actually made sense that he dad there are we Fools to press on oh no lie table dude I love this guy buzz noise is the best but buzz noises best noise what should you do more protect yeah it's gonna run out soon imagine of all your moves at limit use like like pokemon power like P P you still blighted dumbass enjoy that really wish I could rain his sorrows on his ass - did we are so good at clearing corpses it's not even funny see what does this do damage mod - 50 % so this is just better what about the corpse though [Music] Scone 43 months holy poop sickles it's a lot of months thank you so much scone hopes going as well it's gonna move in fact I think champion falls beautiful haha woot my veins are on fire here don't worry sir that's normal you can sell the seeds on me any day taints gonna work just go ahead bump yourself up there that'll little guy little fella Miller are gonna be here any any did any second now any second the Miller is gonna come out who's Miller why do I fear him you might as well go for that blight just so we have to deal with this corpse oh you can't you're right a momentary abatement [Music] you like when I do that you do good he is very hard to beat that's not him this isn't what I signed up for [Music] let the snake lady deal with it a tanky [ __ ] before it visible recall fans 17 damages that it has eight health time a chance Senate not to go invisible interesting choice very interesting dare you dodge that you will be judged [ __ ] what the hell is up with this guy hydrate bot all right mr. Miller safe from the comments maddening light she bite it if I had a skeleton key I could have popped this sucker open you guys like no keys you get food 6 to 12 food supplies and trinkets without that I just get herbs and food bandages that's nice munch munch anybody else hungry nope plus 15 damage too I'm not sure how that happened all right Miller this guy's stressed out though that's well back that's fine this is less fine on our healer look at me look into my eyes can i play but he's play table how much protect 20% I might well I'm gonna jump in front and then we can adders kiss back with that bleh maybe ah my nipple he's got 143 health he's a healthy boy Stunna ball 5 percent chance to stun judgment we'll do five - hey damage the stun will be one two three Wentz full help though so let's go for it Yolo dude he gets two turns he's gonna need it Master beckons I hope he doesn't bring in other enemies buck not good he does not bleed either really disgusted the snake lady did to do all the damage here [Music] is that all he does know last antivenom litem such good damage do a good job we appreciate you here the wounds of war can be healed ss4 dioxin what's up dioxin prime sup thank you my friend get that guy right wait up I get this guy first this gauge is not is not suited for this battle this guy's if he if he tips with stress really it looks like I really don't want the the front to fill up this guy's got a really good move in the back seems like [ __ ] off I don't want him around I can and repost up you need to do some heels very good YouTube editing I agreed - some is easy videos I enter the gungeon love the style I'll bake you guys this one but that you appreciate it takes me a long time to edit those things F the amount of time all right I need the serpents got stress healing so much damage masterfully executed so good stop reaping and he use the veto he's got another turn left in him he hits you again you're dead dude it's like the wounds of war can be healed three damage coming in on blight Belle oh what a stress do when they hit 200 when they hit 100 stress they either freak the [ __ ] out and they like skip their turns and they do like they hit each other stress everybody else out or they become like there's a good small chance that they are like this guy turned powerful so he does good stuff maybe if it's 200 stress then he has a heart attack and dies then he's just done till 4:00 a time to perform beyond one-shots now he's gonna get blight and it died on bricks from becoming gone wow you guys told me I could use this again Danny DeVito is dead he told me I could use it again that it was per battle he's [ __ ] dead forget the corpse sorry Danny I want to single them out but she's almost she's gonna die to party yes can I eat the blue ghulam him he can't eat food in the middle [ __ ] that'd be the best thing he just launched the food it's dogs at the back of my mind 131 stress I cannot afford to lose buzz noise can't afford to lose you bud devastating blow odd devastating harvest me all day noon I get I get stress healing from that I want to kill this guy off but I could maybe finish this [ __ ] well or is it 1 hp no that's a third time that Danny DeVito has been a destur oh yeah G of the intelligence oh so it has been said easy I got that toll I got dad told damn 330 gold littering gold trinkets and baubles damn healers gift Plus crimps and healing skills while camping 10% damage of HP below fitty sure zoo phobia has sex of beasts plus to speed of torches above the worries spot trouble yourself not with the cost of this crusade its noble end before do you brought tolerance in your choice of news select a few champion heroes so a select few champion heroes have come to answer the strange call the comet they hunger for the spoils this otherworldly vessel and can only be used for the endless harvest quest in the farmstead it can be found by the stagecoach 420 veteran what is he level 6 should I go for it isn't allowed to visit the brothel with it what did you do NORs stealth plus 10% max HP it doesn't like doesn't jump out to me Jesus a level six is opie he doesn't have any like good things over here though right take him take it what else could I spend my shards on lapper is awesome he's also fully upgraded know he's got level 5 skills he's got level 5 blade and uh armor leper rocks dude no but the gear and skills would be expensive he deals insane damage he's got 70 HP okay fine okay fine I'll put him up here in the front he's only for the mill how do you know he's only for the mill I thought that was a mercenary thing this is like uh this is the other thing it can only be used in the Weald it says what she thought about who says this two random events bye bye bye that's a lie the letter what letter she talked about boy you can use it wherever he's not only for the mill I'm gonna do it this ma'am understands that adversity and existence are one in the same this is where the chard people are here is the Mercs interesting okay level six oh man you just pop a level six right up from there that to using the thing with the stuff okay um cool so we beat the miller it didn't go that badly like you know we're alive we're mildly kicking it's a few little pigs left oh you [ __ ] that's serious the only place you can go where can he go nothing's telling me you can only pray or flatulent can only be flagellated da caretaker is such an [ __ ] who fit of annexed land in a robe while claiming communion with the divine madness buzz noise needs to go Wells jake gyllenhaal corn know I think corn needs to do this Jake Gyllenhaal can go gamble or some [ __ ] okay nice did awesome today yeah you know we did some stuff and things and I feel good about it you can remember to do the YouTube outro so I can add that in the post you nerd what YouTube outro like thanks for watching everybody I'll see in the next episode that thing but like not a question Amati here now you can use a stream ending I mean isn't this going on YouTube yeah for sure but they're gonna understand that it's a stream thing too though that the game's music you'll get copyright all right you guys I appreciate you stopping by and spending time with us we did well today Lenny's super pleased about it he's like don't touch me get away from me hope you guys have a good rest of your night or day whatever it may be and I will see you guys the next stream which is gonna be on Thursday in two days first little darkest dungeon thing there went really really well can i Papa hots good night dr. hacks and sinks the bits appreciate it oh my god double notifications your bad streamer prove it alright you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,326
Rating: 4.9652176 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Darkest, Dungeon, Darkest Dungeon, Turn based combat, rpg, dungeon crawler, rogue like, difficult, perma death, single player, stategy, dark, rogue lite, horror, quirks, enemies, bosses, learning, blind
Id: lxgyQj1w3r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 37sec (12397 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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