Finding a 28 year old Sonic the Hedgehog Flipbook

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[Music] this is a box of sonic the hedgehog trading cards from 1993. uh so these are 28 years old this has never been opened and there's supposed to be a flip book on the back of these trading cards if you get all the right cards and put them together in the right order i've done previous videos where i unboxed garbage pail kids cards we did pee wee herman cards and found the flip books on the backs of those so today i'm gonna open this box of sonic the hedgehog trading cards and hopefully find the full complete sonic flipbook that they put on the backs of these cards [Music] it says cards includes sonic 2 tips so if any of you are still playing sonic 2 you might find some tips two prism cards randomly inserted in every 36 packs how many packs are in this box there are 36 50 cents these cards were 50 cents a pack okay here we go this box has been waiting 28 years for this moment which one should we start with eenie meenie miney no wait four cards four stickers that mean there are eight cards in this pack or there are four cards and that they are stickers beat robotnik so that's a sticker okay so there are eight okay so let's see there's supposed to be a flip book on the backs of these cards oh there it is there's a frame okay so we've got one one flicket card so far so there's number 16 and number two and number nine and number 18. and here's a bunch of tips so if you want some tips for sonic 2 this is the place to go let's see if we can figure out what's going on based on five cards that we have so far well he's doing something [Music] take a look so far i'll write down all the numbers on a list and then i'll cross them off as we go and that way i can keep track of which ones we're missing all right we know we at least have um 31 cards all right let's keep going [Music] double double i think oh 30 33 so it goes up to at least 33. spike it sonic sneakers alright we're missing at least we're missing at least at least six [Music] did we need 27 no do we need 32 yes we're missing number 25 uh and that's the only card left we're missing unless there are more than 33 frames okay 33 duplicate 21 oh 25 there we go so the question is is this complete or are there more than 33 frames let's flip and see what we've got and then i'll try to figure out if there are more cards than this yeah i feel like i feel like there's got to be at least a few more frames so we're going to open up more packs i think this is my favorite card yeah i'm not seeing anything past 33 so it's just weird that because if you look at that frame it feels like it just feels like the action is not finished yet it feels like we need like one or two more cards after that what is that oh we got one of the chase cards we got one of the prism cards there should be one more prism card in here nope nothing nothing past 33 and unless there's another prism card in here we only got one oh there's the other prism card okay well we didn't find any flipbook frames beyond number 33 so i guess we can assume that it's just 33 frames long it just looks like there should have been like two or three more frames to finish it out because there's a lot of standing around at the beginning of the flipbook and then he doesn't actually leave frame at the end so that's just lazy animating let's go through these and see if we have more than one complete flip book yeah there were i didn't realize i had this many duplicates well tops definitely made it easier to collect this flip book than uh the peewee flip books that's for sure that would be really awesome if we had three complete flip books let's hope there's another number 10 in here uh we'd be so close oh yes there's one okay come on where's the two one and one yeah so we ended up with actually three complete sonic the hedgehog flipbooks let's take one last look at it so what i'm going to do i'm going to give away two of these complete flip books so if you want to win one of these leave a comment down below let me know that you want to win and i'll randomly pick two people from the comments to win um to each one one of these complete sonic flipbooks so i want to look uh actually want to look through this just one frame at a time we'll go kind of slow so you can see see how the animation works and you'll notice here that some of these increments are pretty big like they're pretty big changes from frame to frame like look there see that so you don't always have to do these little tiny movements if you want to go for something that feels kind of snappy and fast make your increments a little bigger frame to frame and this is a pretty good example of that here if you watch his step and then of course you can get that nice feeling of the legs moving really fast just by drawing lots of blurs and stuff in there all right i think i think that's it for this video today thanks for watching me unbox a bunch of old trading cards um it was fun to go through these and find this flip book find three flip books to be exact so uh let me know what you think down below leave a comment if you want to win one of these flip books and um don't forget you can visit where you can pick up my merch and flipbook making supplies stay creative and we'll see you in the next [Music] one you
Channel: Andymation
Views: 1,278,189
Rating: 4.9041595 out of 5
Keywords: flipbook, flip book, flipbooks, flip books, andymation, animation, stop-motion, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic flipbook, flipbook animation, flipbook tutorial, flip book art, flip book cartoon, flipbook ideas
Id: zwMlv0EaDxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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