My Brother's FLIPBOOK // GIVEAWAY Contest

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my brother and his family made a whole bunch of flip books and we want to show them all to you today I'm also doing a giveaway and I'll tell you guys more about that at the end of the video and now let's check out these flip books that my brother and his family have made so first up this is a flip book from my niece Kirsten this is her first flip book and then she did another one called the blob I love her font no letters no she did there that's so awesome my nephew Chris did a series of flip books called awesome battle so he has awesome battle one two three four and five this is the first one so cool [Music] explosion you have fire effect right there [Music] there's awesome battle number two [Music] look at the way he did like the mouth movie and everything I think that's so cool awesome battle number three the pink twins [Music] watch the way the hammer sees the hammer like steps down into his hand awesome battle number four [Music] always ends with a big explosion puts up his gravestone let that monster right there and that mirror effect like yeah he's bouncing them being off of the shoe number five the final awesome battle [Music] give that little face right there [Music] I just love that they all end with an awesome explosion it's got some really good poses here [Music] listens from my nephew Brighton the shady I'm sweating and then he kicks them in the stomach and kicks him away [Music] this is my nephew Josh he wanted me to let you know that this is his very first flip book so he wasn't sure how good it was but I think it's awesome and it's very similar to my very first flip books [Music] watch there's another one for my nephew Chris again seems really funny of the animation right there nobody falls over it's really good and this is the final one that Chris did look at that right there that he's got such a nice little a nice little delay right before the hit they you really feel that right there too it's just that little bit of anticipation before the hit I think this is really good and finally my brother made one my brother is an electrical engineer he works on radar systems and so he made this flip book to show how radar works including all the math involved so I'm gonna have him come in right now actually and explain some of the things in this flip book so you can understand a little more about how radar works here guys I'm Andy's little brother Robin and he had asked me to make him a flip book and so I stayed up all night last night without sleep Ian made this flip look for him okay this is my little brother yeah so Andy you're like six three I'm six foot eight yeah he's pretty tall but well my arms can reach six foot eight right in our math we're gonna get excited about math today isn't it it's bouncing a radio wave object yeah yeah exactly the basic premise with it is that you send out very high power radio waves and you send them you try to reflect them off very very distant objects and so this flip book shows the math of what's going on and so here you see the waveform going out and going out into space across a very far ranged object bouncing off it and then coming back and from back in the signal and being processed this equation the end represents the power seed versus what you had transmitted so the real purpose of the civil book was to show not only how radar works but also prove that I'm smarter than my big brother thanks to my brother his family for making all these awesome flip books this was a ton of fun and now I want to tell you guys about a giveaway I'm doing so I want to do a similar video with all of you so I want you to send me your flip books and I'm gonna pick some of my favorite submissions and feature them in an upcoming video along with those submissions I'm doing a giveaway so this is the canvas GT 221 Pro v2 from huion if you're into digital art or animation this is a really nice big drawing tablet it was generously given to me by huion for doing a giveaway so mail me your flip books and I'll pick a random person who will win this big drawing tablet I know many of you already have my flip book kit but if you don't you can still submit a flip book using whatever materials you have index cards notepads math books whatever you can also check out my video on how to make a basic flip book which I'll link below October 7th 2019 is the deadline I'll put a link in the video description below which will take you to my website and give you all the info you need for sending your flip books and entering a giveaway all right that's it thanks for watching stay creative and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Andymation
Views: 18,359,924
Rating: 4.8730431 out of 5
Keywords: flipbook, flip book, flipbooks, flip books, andymation, animation, stop-motion
Id: IkPi5GAh_2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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