I Found MORE Flipbooks I Made as a Kid

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[Music] like freaking out I can't believe this [Music] so come home where I grew up visiting my parents and my mom started mentioning all the flip books that I had made when I was a kid and now I thought that I had almost all the flip books that I had made and I showed you guys the ones I had in a video a couple years ago but I was just talking to my mom and she started mentioning all these other flip books that I had totally forgotten about I was like wait what do I have more flip books here somewhere that I animal but I don't have any of the ones she was mentioning okay so I used to keep all my flip books in this old briefcase which I thought had been emptied but my mom says there are still flip books in it and she thinks it's in here under the bed let me turn on light I seriously well she told me it was under the bed but I didn't think it would be like right there this is what I kept all my flip book dude I [Music] am like freaking out I can't believe this is like flipping out I forgot I even had these I'm so excited I haven't seen these flip books and so long and it was like I thought in my mind I was just making up how many I had when I was a kid but I've got like bags full of more flip books so I'm gonna wait we're gonna look at them together I'll open them up on camera and I'm putting these back I looked at just a couple of them I just couldn't help myself I'm gonna save the rest and we're gonna look at them on camera before I open this up today's video is sponsored by Wix I built my website with Wix and I'll tell you about it at the end of the video so okay so what I've got in here there are baseball cards and a bunch of other trading cards and flip books and you see looks like my mom went through and labeled all these before you go to the flip books let's just look real quick I just want to see what other stuff I've got in here basketball cards and baseball cards that I thought were valuable I never really followed baseball but I thought it was fun to collect cards Looney Tunes the trading cards that I really got into the most some of them are not here but of course Garbage Pail Kids a ninja turtles cards Terminator 2 trading cards they have the whole set here let's put that aside and start going through some of these flip books there's a lot here I don't know if I'm gonna be able to fit all these in one video [Music] that's it all right let's just kind of go these are not you're not gonna be in crowd in chronological order but let's just go through an order of how they were piled up randomly I'm the flash What did he say right there I'm the flash so this is a very early one this one I got out of a box of cereal this is man I remember looking at this and just thinking this was so awesome this was like an example of something that got me so excited about flipbooks super golden crisp oh and watching this like I remember going through this frame by frame and just watching how he tied that knot it's really hard to flip it I loved like anytime I found something like this I just thought it was so cool the digger guy walking he finds a map on the shovel x marks the spot so I was a dynamite so I started my treasure chest pops up he pops out of the treasure chest wearing a crown and gold jewels these are oh that's my neighbor and apparently he didn't need all these business cards anymore so he gave them to me and my brother we made flip books out of them so these these are additional copies of my two-headed guy flip book which you guys have seen and these I made in my graphic arts class and I printed a whole bunch of copies man throwing and jumping over a ball see my mom titled that that's not the title that I made well you guys I've come a long way oh there's one on the other side oh yeah so okay so you can see the ball rolls this is almost like a little pinball machine type thing goes up there this is one that I remember this is like a really really early one as well this guy and it gets so hard to flip it I used to draw this is a yeah I used to draw guys like this all the time you can see the it was like the thing to peg to do like PEG peg legs on your pants you would fold your pants over I'm just gonna show you how to do it okay so what you do is this is what we used to do with our pants would go like this you get a little flat fold it over like this then you would roll it up and you're trying to get it really tight and then you'd walk around like that and you were so cool so that's what that guy has right there very handsome guy I was trying to just have him make a flip you know very good okay here's another one that I did like oh you know what this is supposed to be a continuation this is part this is supposed to be part of this one these little notepads um one time my brother and I really wanted to make flip books and so my mom drove us to this store and we found just like this assorted grab bag of all these random little notepads I think I have the other part of this one yeah this is the first I have the other part of this one in my bin we'll come back to this one I hope I can find the other part to it I won't take up golf I'm not invisible anymore just fast all right so we've got an invisible guy drinking becomes visible again and then he runs really fast and he cried he chops a table and he falls apart instead I think I will take up golf parachute I'm gonna say piranhas I have no idea what this is gonna be okay so this is not actually a flipbook micro bug special forces hot dog I wonder this might be like the early version of my hot dog it totally is this is an early I didn't even remember making an early version of this this looks like it's really out of order though yeah this is all out of order let's see if we can get this one back in order [Music] all right we got this figured out yeah I totally forgot that I made this first version of hot dog and then my other one was like me going back and remaking it spins flies through a hole and then this guy opened his mouth my sister Liz that looks like this is one that she made my sister is the best and it looks like yeah the rest is blank but well flower growing it'll see what else we've got turning on a light that is very short to rock it this is really short too I wonder I feel like this was part of one I think I think this was like the second half of one yeah there had to be more than more to them to this one this was there's definitely more to this as well this is only part so yeah it may be that there's some pieces are still in some other containers somewhere these are just pieces secret garage let's see if this one is complete oh that's the part of yeah that's this one okay so these two go together wait that way yeah that makes more sense and then maybe this is complete I guess see this is another one this is like this is part of another one as well so maybe I'm hoping more of these will fit together so let's come back to these this is a little printed one that I got somewhere I don't know where oh this is Ninja Turtles - I love the first Ninja Turtles movie and I came out it was just like I could not have been more excited for a movie I need to finish my Wolverine flip book so some of these were just like you know when you're just kind of trying it out for the first time and just trying hey look this is the third part of that one okay hold on wait a minute all right we put this together all right secret garage I don't know if this is complete yet I guess we will find out that's pretty awesome I wonder if there's there could there could totally be another part to this one so says this one was my mom put this together cuz it was all out of order it's still a little bit out of order but uh there's just a little doodle just a guy running off okay this is part of one as well these are all pieces and these have got to all be put back together the whoopee cushion and wait a minute wait a minute okay there's a whole bunch of these that are bits and pieces that are out of order and that they go together I'm gonna have to come back to some of these and he goes through this portal thing he turns into a dog I need turns back into a person so this one is it's bound with glue used Elmer's glue to like bind the ends of the paper together here we go pencil draw as a car oh and then it continues on the back the end that's kind of odd there was a ninja turtle there for a split second no meat oh yeah this one I started I didn't finish yep here's another one this is definitely part of something bigger and this one actually this looks like when my brother made this is one that I remember I was over at my friend's house I remember sitting on a chair just working on this flip book I wasn't even playing with my friend he was just off doing stuff I was just at his house just in my own little world making this flip book I totally thought this one was lost last but not least I was really interested in virtual reality when it was like brand-new in the 90s and so the idea with this flip book is it's like supposed to be from your perspective you're putting on a virtual reality mask and then flying through this virtual world and this is another one that I didn't finish all the way and this ending I think these are just like extra doodles that weren't actually part of it all right now we got all these little like bits and pieces I wanna see if I can get some of them back into their correct order so hold on [Music] there it is yes yes yes this is all part of the same one I'm piecing together the mystery guys so that one goes there and that one continue then that goes to death and then that goes to that oh yeah look at that there were six separate pieces we got them all back together so the first side is called bridge out okay here we go first side it takes a raft to the shore it's over cycle other side small adventure shrieks most of them and I really like this one actually thanks for watching guys I'm gonna get these put away now hold on uh-huh the whoopee cushion whoopee cushion there's both halves now wait a minute wait a minute oh you guys this one this one goes together too I knew it all right all right whoopee cushion has been restored all right so the whoopee cushion on one side other let's do muscles first so there's a table with some sort of muscle growing potion and now that what because for this this is right there [Music] okay so he basically makes a big fart cloud which turns into a tornado and sucks this guy up how would you like to be sucked up into a fart cloud tornado alright well thank you for watching I want to thank my mom for going through and keeping track of all these things for me I'm just I'm still shocked and it's excited and surprised that this whole briefcase full of flip books existed I just forgot about so many of them this was just awesome to go back and look at all these so thanks mom I also want to thank the sponsor of today's video Wix which is the platform I used to build my website Wix has a professional solution for every need you can build your store a blog it's really powerful I love the way Wix handles video and it's been a breeze to add all of your animation videos to the animation showcase section of my site Wix takes care of all the heavy lifting like reliable hosting to keep your website safe and secure custom domains and mailboxes email marketing and more the platform allows you to create whatever you want yourself whether you're a novice a business owner an advanced designer or a professional website builder so if you'd like to create a website for your business portfolio or hobby click my link in the description below and get started today alright that's it thanks for watching stay creative and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Andymation
Views: 5,626,573
Rating: 4.9013448 out of 5
Keywords: flipbook, flip book, flipbooks, flip books, andymation, animation, stop-motion
Id: UdVDYpjddVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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