YOUR Flipbooks - 2020 Compilation and Contest Winners

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[Music] all right i asked you guys to send your flipbooks for flipbookfest 2020 and you guys outdid yourselves this year i got so many oh wait there's one more yeah there we go that's a little more impressive looking um i don't know how long it's going to take me to go through all these aren't there more oh yeah there is yeah wait there's more [Music] there's more [Music] all right that is actually all the flip books i have no idea how many are here or how long this is going to take me to open them uh but let's get started well we start with this one okay here we go all right this is flipbookfest2020 hold on there's someone at my door oh hey it's me from the future hey you know how i like to pop in once in a while and prevent you from making embarrassing errors in your life yeah well you keep saying 2020. it's january now it's 2021. right go get em champ all right hey guys this is 2020 2021 [Music] so today we are looking at the flip books that you guys sent me at the end of 2020 for flipbook fest uh and i'll be announcing the winners thanks to copic for helping sponsor this contest and i'll tell you more about them later in the video first before we start looking at flip books and announcing winners i just want to say thanks to you guys for sending so many they came from all over the world a lot of you guys sent me letters and notes and made me little things and i just want you know i read every letter and every note so thanks for everything you guys sent in yeah i'm just grateful for all of you guys also we had a huge range of ages who submitted flipbooks and that was so cool to see we've we had a couple 84 year olds who sent in flipbooks and that was so cool all right well let's check out a few of these flipbooks and then i want to show you guys how we've been organizing and keeping track of all the submissions [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right we've been opening uh packages all day okay we have so many flip books lori's like the master of organization she's got like a whole system figured out well last year i think it took us like a lot more time than it should have because we kept getting things out of order and you have all these color-coded stickers and then you put a sticker on the flip like a sticker on the entry form and a sticker on the little entry card where we do the drawing yeah those are the cards for the random drawing yes so for this one i just opened it's number 137 the entry form gets a sticker and then the back of the flip book gets a sticker and then we get these on here and they go in there so now when these get separated we know how to match up the winners and who did which flipbook so now i'm gonna put it in a baggie to get sent up to your office to get filmed and then they send me bins full of bagged flip books like that then i open them all up and i flip them i bet we have like a thousand yeah i hope we have a thousand okay so after opening all the packages we actually ended up with well over 1600 flipbooks so that's a lot of bins full of flipbooks um around the house and then i go through each bin of submissions i film each one of them there's lots of bins there's bins everywhere and then at the end of the video after i announce the grand prize winners i'm going to draw out 20 of those little blue cards with numbers on them to pick the random winners all right let's check out some more flipbooks and then we'll talk about the prizes oh it's a stamp this is so cool thanks ivy [Music] um [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] bah [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's talk about prizes i wanted to include copic markers in every prize because i love my copic markers so i reached out to copic and they were kind enough to provide these massive marker sets for this contest copic markers are japanese alcohol-based markers and what i love about them is that you can blend all your colors without bleeding and ruining your marker tips they're also refillable they have hundreds of colors so you can always find exactly the shade you want i also wanted to show you this invisible blender marker and this is a little trick that i used in my return of grumpy cloud flipbook you can kind of erase color with it so on this wide shot where the cloud gets blasted out into space i actually made a mistake and i forgot to draw the cloud before i colored in all the black luckily i was able to use this blender marker to add the white cloud back in by just effectively erasing the black ink in that spot so that saved me on that shot and it also made it look a little more fluffy and cloudy than if i had just outlined it like normal so that was kind of a happy accident there anyway i love my copic markers and i'm so excited to be able to include these massive sets in the prizes people create the most incredible art with these markers i want you to go check out copic markers for yourself and so i'm going to put links to their website in the description down below so be sure to go and check them out so i i literally have hours and hours of flip books so if you don't see yours in this video i just there's there's so many to pick from um but check out some of these submissions and then we'll start announcing the winners shortly [Music] my [Music] did [Music] so [Music] so [Music] happy [Music] okay guys it's time to announce the winners and let me just say choosing the three grand prize winners was not easy they were really tough decisions to make i had way too many that i all wanted to be grand prize winners um but i had to pick just three it was tough it was not easy and it became a whole family thing where we were trying to narrow these down for hours so just remember even if you didn't get picked for a grand prize there were so many that i wanted to give grand prizes to but we we had to narrow it down to three and these are the three grand prize winners that we picked okay so we've got three grand prize winners first we have creative catton from france who did the startled mermaid [Music] flipbook [Music] next we have lily from bethesda maryland who made the peculiar pigeon [Music] and finally we have nick hansen from alaska who did can we nook [Music] um so i'm gonna try to get all of these guys on um facetime and to tell them that they are grand prize winners [Music] don't look it okay hey nick hey i just wanted to let you know that your flipbook is one of the three uh grand prize winners yeah it was awesome i loved it yeah dude so that's actually a true story a real life story of mine that i actually experienced i didn't have a harpoon in my hand but that was a real life experience for me so it was kind of like it came from like a true spot in my like my actual life that's crazy that's so cool could you can you tell me a little bit about like your process of making it yeah so uh my brother is actually like a big-time fan of yours and he's got your flipbook um kit and he was like stoked on it he got he was like dude you're an artist i know you can draw so we want to make something happen and i'm like alright so i started watching your videos and i was like trying to get the hang of it and then uh i just started drawing and it took me how many days did it take me over a week for sure it took me probably like 10 hours a day for about five days straight of just drawing going at it going at it because i didn't know what i was doing and so i was learning every single frame i drew i was learning and then i also wanted it to showcase my culture and who i am because i'm being alaskan native you know big part of my culture is subsistent lifestyle and so i wanted to show you that in in a way that i thought would be fun yeah that's cool well i loved it i'll tell you right now my brother is going to be so stoked like out of his mind stoked this is so cool because this is for him this is one of those things i do like when jonathan tells me something to do it's like it's for him so um but man dude it's super cool i'm honored honored to be uh one of your favorites i think it's um it's just a big honor man that's cool i was we've been thinking about it and then it was out of my mind and then i was like wait what text message from andy nation well i loved it um well i'll be in touch yeah thanks so much man we'll talk to you okay thanks bye all right let's see if we can get a hold of lily hey uh so you're lilly yeah hey um so i just want i wanted to let you know that um your flipbook is one of the three grand prize winners thank you so much yeah i loved it like it was uh yeah it was one of my favorites for even know how many sure she spent working on that book yeah i think you said in the letter wasn't it like 20 or 25 or something yeah it's like it was you know kind of a bit new to me so i was still figuring a few things out yeah like in your you said that you used watercolor my alcohol markers however using they were drying out so they couldn't uh color on all the pages so i used watercolor on some of them well it was really cool i just loved how it turned out i don't know the way you painted everything it just it looked really cool anyway i really liked it yeah yeah like where did your uh idea come from well it was kind of um i wanted to do something that could incorporate a lot of different scenes and you know a lot of different colors if you've ever heard of the concept of like pigeon spies i was originally going to do something like that because you know it's kind of weird and mysterious and then i got to thinking you know a pigeon's a random thing you don't even know what's going on in their heads so it's like you know maybe all this could be going on in their head yeah yeah it was really like out of the box which was cool awesome well um thanks for hopping on with me and um we'll be emailing you guys pretty soon thank you so much cool thanks yeah thanks lily okay bye all right and last we're going to talk to creative catton in france over zoom hey i wanted to let you know that your flipbook is one of the the grand prize winners um sorry can you tell me like a little bit about it like where the idea came from yeah i wanted to do something with water and and hair hair and water because that fascinates me how how it moves and how i could play with that and so i thought well let's make a mermaid it was a lot of fun it was a long process but in the end i i was quite happy with what i made i rarely make slime books but when i did it's always so much fun i loved it and as soon as i saw it and flipped through it i was just like wow and just the way the hair moved and everything anyway i really really loved it thank you so much all right congratulations to the three grand prize winners who are each getting a massive 216 marker set from copic an ipad mini with apple pencil my flipbook kit my paper pack one of each of my flip books and my signed garbage pill kids card and now let's announce the 20 random winners so every person has one of these little cards with a number on it all right random winner number one me again oh hi again me from the future hey how's the editing going i just wanted to pop in and stop you from another terrible mistake uh that hair kind of looks like a mistake well this segment that you're editing where you draw the 20 random winners look i'm all for drawing names out of a bucket but it is torturously boring to watch you draw names out of a bucket for five minutes this video is already kind of long so shouldn't you just announce the winners right now that's a good idea and now in no particular order here are the 20 random winners [Music] and that is 20 random winners and guess what we decided to draw five more names just because so here are five additional random winners and let's do one more to make it even congrats again to all the winners uh we'll be emailing each of you directly this is the end of part one stay tuned for part two of this video where i'll be showing more of your flip books stay creative and we'll see you in part [Music] [Applause] [Music] two
Channel: Andymation
Views: 2,371,574
Rating: 4.9097457 out of 5
Keywords: flipbook, flip book, flipbooks, flip books, andymation, animation, stop-motion, oddly satisfying, andymation flipbook, flipbook tutorial, flipbook kit, flip book stick man, flip books for beginners, flipbook animation, flip book art, flipbook fest, flipbooks among us
Id: H6dDCpt2COE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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