Find Your Vocal Range

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hello everyone and welcome back to sink eeek my name is Ronnie Peterson and in today's video I'm going to help you find your vocal range in today's video I've created for you track to sing along to it will show the pitch name and then your sing along with it first it's going to go down all the way down and you sing along step by step until you find your lowest note try and sing along with that note a few times maybe pause the video to see if it really is a note that you can sing if not me go a little bit back and try higher note it should be something that you feel comfortable singing in an actual song and then after what you found your lowest note you go back up or keep going with the video and then you will find your highest singing will know step by step now don't feel so bad if you can't hit the exit the absolutely lowest note that I'm having to hear in the track or the absolute highest note that I have in the track I did go pretty far with each so that it's applicable to all voices me myself I'm about mid soprano and the lowest note that I feel comfortable singing in song is in E flat three I just think down the scale as you think down the chromatic scale I recommend that you may be single in a vowel and vowel is a really good vowel for you to get that resonance forward as you're singing you it will be easier for you to actually create the resonance and create the note outward that you want to make as you're seeing on your higher notes as you get through the second end of the track I recommend that you sing on an oval oh it will help you to get really nice and pinpointed with those notes remember as you're going up to your higher range that there's actually your head voice is a part of your range so feel free to switch and don't try to build up all the way up to your highest note switch to your head voice and sing fluently now if you haven't already done it I want you to pause the video warm up your voice both low and high so that it is limber and wait for you to sing along with the track so if you did that then let's get started [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you okay guys hopefully you found your lowest singable note and you have written it down really all there is to say is maybe now do a few lip trills and your higher register just to get your voice back up to like a normal range and if you've been staying low if you kind of feel later talking like this so maybe do a few lip trills or do a few or hum a little bit up and your higher register and then let's get started on your higher register [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so great job hopefully now you know a little singable note and you know your highest singable enough so the next thing that you can do is that you can click on the link that I provided below and it is a free PDF file with the different voice classifications and then has an empty piano at the end of the page where you can color in your own vocal range so that when you've seen your own vocal range you can compare it to the other the other local classifications that are on the top of the on the peak of the PDF I think it's really nice you get a visual on it well we use the voice specifications for is for example if you join a choir in a choir we have it set up you might have heard it before like there's the basis there's tenors there's Altos and The Sopranos and depending on what voice classification you have you are put in one of those voices so that when you harmonize together it sounds really nice and you get to sing where you are the strongest so check that out try and see what you are and please share below I want to hear what your specification you have what is the most common now here at the end I did want to mention to you that your vocal range is not set especially if you haven't trained your voice that much as you improve your technique sample your breathing and then you're supporting up your notes you will be able to sing lower and especially higher notes as you train how to stretch your vocal folds healthily and properly so have a look around my channel train with some of the exercises there and maybe in a few weeks you can come back and you can try this again and see if you have extended your vocal range [Music]
Channel: Singgeek
Views: 245,355
Rating: 4.9269996 out of 5
Keywords: Vocal range, find your vocal range, how high can I sing?, how low can I sing, find your highest note, find your lowest note, my vocal range, what is my vocal range, find your singing range, how to find your vocal range, how can I find the range of my voice, voice classifications, find your voice, What is my vocal range, vocal range test, vocal range finder, vocal range male, songs to test vocal range, vocal range test female, voice rang
Id: 0DLEviuO6HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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