Female Voice Classification - Are you a SOPRANO, MEZZO or ALTO singer?

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now maybe have you ever wondered what the voice type you actually are well there are lots of things that come into play when figuring out what would take you are it's all about where your break is where the walk-in tone of your voice is and also what kind of reins you have so it's very difficult remotely to figure out your voice type but here we can give you a pretty good idea just based on your general comfortable range so if you've got no idea this is going to help you so ladies if you are an alto this should be comfortable sing along with me good so if that range is easy for you then you can sing in an ultra range and possibly an alto if you are a mess a surprise your comfortable range will be this [Music] okay and if you are a soprano then you should be able to sing this range [Music] yes that was a Topsy for those of you who possibly Sopranos now it doesn't mean that you can't sing outside of this range this is just where you should have the walls and the comfort of your vocal range so unnecessarily uncomfortable in that message soprano range but I also sing very very low and I can sing much higher than the soprano range too so I've got a really great range but the warmth and comfort of my voice is in the Met so range therefore I in essence prana but don't allow those classifications to stop you from working on your range and working to change your classification if you want to if you're an alter naturally new what's this problem there is nothing stopping you from working outside of your comfortable range just make sure you're doing it safely and you can also continue to work on material that is outside of your vocal classification I don't like to label things really the way we want to be do anything you want to do it locally there's nothing to stop you from achieving what you want to achieve keep working remember we've got lots of exercise videos available on this channel to help you lots of advice videos to help you and backing tracks for you to keep working with so take some time to look around make sure you're subscribed take care happy singing and good bye come on
Channel: Verba Vocal Technique
Views: 374,947
Rating: 4.9058022 out of 5
Keywords: voice classification, voice range, my vocal range, high vocal range, best vocal range, find vocal range, singing lessons, singers, voice, range, how to sing, soprano, soprano (musical voice), mezzo range, alto (musical voice), alto range, vocal lessons, vocal tips, singing tips, increase vocal range, vocal range, what is my singing range, Am I a soprano, Am I a mezzo, Am I Alto singer, sing, canto
Id: 7qAdTGHpcrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2017
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