Head Voice vs Chest Voice: Vocal registers explained

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so what is head voice and chest voice and how do you find these registers in your voice to help you become a better singer I'm gonna work on that today with you welcome to sink e hello seers and welcome to another geek video my name is Ronnie Peterson and as always I'm here to Kega on your voice the goal today is to help you understand how the registers that we call the chest voice and the head voice how they work both how they feel like and how they sound like now a register is a range of notes that has the same tone quality to it so for example the chest voice ah same quality of tone to it and the head was [Music] later in this video I'm going to give you four steps that you can go through to find these registers in your voice and so that you can start navigating now what do I mean by navigating well it is so that when you hear people sing really nicely and smoothly from a high place to a lower place or vice versa it's not because they were born without registers it's because they worked very hard at navigating them and changing without people noticing so they can start from a lower note and go smoothly up to a higher notes it's because they are navigating and they know how it feels in the two registers so they can go for example like this [Music] without any changes of cracks you can also do it intentionally with intention like with a yodel yeah from chest to head and so that's some of the things you can do but before you get to navigating your registers first you need to know well where is the chest voice and the head voice in your voice so what are they sound wise as you heard earlier the chest voice and the head voice they have different qualities to it the chest voice which is also called 2m1 registers it has a fuller tone and it's usually where most people speak and the chest was it got its name because of the fact that when you put your hand here and you sing in chest voice you can feel the vibration try it with me hello yeah especially if you sing something very low you can really feel the chest voice here in the olden days they actually thought that you were projecting and singing from your chest but today we know that your resonators are your skull and your throat and they were projecting from here so this is actually what we call sympathetic vibrations trail of vibration from your resonators that you can feel in your chest so that's your chest voice the head voice is also known as a register m2 and the tone of the head voice is less fool than the chest voice and if you put your hand here again like you did it with the chest voice and you now engage the head voice you won't really feel any vibration anymore if you go oh I'm not feeling any chest vibration anymore a lot of you people they will feel the sort of pinging in their head and when they sing in head voice and even a lot of people's they put their hand at the back of their neck they can feel some vibration it's not as strong as the chest voice though so don't feel so bad if you can't feel it just engage the sound if you're not sure how to do the head voice you can imitate the sound of an owl oh oh or you can make the sound of a siren hey whoo that's also head voice or you can do my favorite which is just talk to your pet most of us we use head voice we go like who's the greatest yes you're so cute I love you that's also your head voice I personally catch myself and sounding like that all the time when I talk to my family dog Shiba so try that one out there might also help you with your head voice now to understand the navigation of the chest voice and the head voice we're going to do some more geeking out on the anatomy of the voice but as always if you're excited to get started with the exercises and if you already know the anatomy of the voice that's totally cool and the exercises or the four steps to to help you find the head was in the chest voice they are at this time so for those of you guys who really wanted to get into the nitty-gritty of how the voice works with chest voice and head voice here is the explanation so when we create chest voice it is created differently than the head voice when we sing in chest voice the whole vocal folds this is one vocal for them another vocal fold they vibrate together the whole of the vocal but when your sing in head voice only the edges of the vocal folds vibrate so only because in the ligaments only the ligaments vibrates so here's the ligaments it's the full vocal folds yeah and so now you can also see why there is a fuller tone to your chest voice because the chest voice has more mass engaged with creating the sound compared to the head voice which only has two ligaments so now I know you must be wondering well can I just engage the full vocal fold as high as I want can you just sing in chest voice with this full vocal fold as high as I want unfortunately not there is this muscle inside each of your two vocal folds if you look at this rubber band and use there's like these two vocal folds it's this muscle inside called the ta muscle the thyroarytenoid muscle and what this muscle is responsible for doing is shortening your vocal folds to create lower pitches so it starts like this and then it contracts that's what the thyroarytenoid muscle does to create higher pitches in your voice there's another muscle involved called the CT or the cricket thyroid muscle and that is a guy that is in charge of stretching your vocal folds stretching it so the TA muscle is in charge of contracting your vocals and the CT muscle stretches the vocal folds now as long as you have some contraction inside the vocal folds from the ta muscles you have some chest voice but this guy is going to contract less and less and less and less and at some point to sing higher this guy has to take over and for him to take over the ta muscle they will completely relax and that's when you are in head voice that's when you have stretched so you can see this sort of symbiotic relationship between the ta muscles contracting and then relaxing and contracting a little less and then the CT muscle stretching the vocal folds are further now if you have a quick abrupt break right now it's probably because this guy is contracting less contracting resonance like he gives completely out and this guy takes over but right here where this guy can sort of stop contracting as much and this guy starts taking over there is place where they can learn to work together and when they're working together that's when you have that seamless break right that makes sense so instead of making these two muscle groups work against each other you need to start learning to have them work together and you can practice that I hope you still with me singing geeks and if you are great job getting to know your voice and getting to know how you create higher and lower pitches you can really use this knowledge in navigating your registers now let's get to those four steps that you can use to finding your chest voice and your head voice and navigate your registers so our goal with these four steps is to map out where does your chest voice stop your head voice start and more importantly on what notes here in the passaggio as we call it the break do you have the chance like you choose if you want to use chest voice or head voice personally I have my I register mix pretty much map out so that I can anticipate when I'm singing a song and I can choose what register I want to use here in the passaggio I want to get you there too so let's get started with the four steps that you can take to find your chest voice and your head voice step one get comfortable with your head voice if you weren't able to engage the head voice earlier I have a card right here that you can click that will help you find your head voice now the reason that we want to make the head voice strong is because most of us we have a pretty strong chest voice we speak using the chest voice everyday but for the head voice if it's not very strong you don't use it very often how can you navigate with this guy so much strong and so dominating so you gotta get this guy the CT muscles the head boys you gotta give them a chance so practice that head voice step a to get comfortable with your passagio your break where you going from head voice to chest voice or chest voice to head voice get comfortable with that a lot of people are not comfortable with it at all and they avoid it and how can you get to know it if you're not spending some time there so do some slides where you're going from low to high or higher to low and you really feel that switch between the head voice to the chest voice you can go [Music] right there right feeling that break try breaking later or earlier just have fun with it get to know it step number three so in this step you're going to map out your voice so I want you to go to this video on the link right here it's called to find your vocal range I will also link to it in the description below and in this video I want you to go to the second part of the video where it goes up and you will see on the screen you will see a letter and a number and I want you to sing along step by step with this until you feel your chest voice stops and your head voice starts and I want you should note that down come like most of the time for girls it's somewhere around and where it says a four to c5 and for guys it's usually around d4 to f5 and you will also find that some of the notes you can do both and that is great that is really great if you find those notes also mark them down to step number four sing a song that has chest voice and head voice for the guys I recommend that you do apologize by OneRepublic I'll link to it in the description and the same for the girls I recommend that you do everybody by Ingrid Michaelson so go there and listen to the song and hear when they sing chest voice and here when this thing head voice well you can anticipate doing it and then have fun singing it that's why we sing right we like to sing songs vocal exercises are great but we want to sing the songs so practice with a song this is a big and rather complicated topic that we cover today so if you have any questions please please please do not be shy ask them in the comments below I love to kick out of this it really makes my day so just ask away I'm going to love it and if you want some vocal exercises to practice your chest voice in your head voice they are right here in this playlist and if you haven't done it yet please subscribe to thinking right here join us every week as we continue to geek out on your voice to create the sound that you want
Channel: Singgeek
Views: 428,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: head voice vs chest voice, register navigation, head chest voice, using head voice to sing, chest voice vs head voice, register of the voice, registration, smothening the register, vocal register test, vocal registers, vocal registers explained, vocal ligaments, vocal folds function, chest and head voice, chest and head voice transition, chest and head voice difference, blending chest and head voice, head voice vs chest voice male, singgeek, vocal quest, Mixing head chest voice
Id: zM2GDKDLr8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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