How to Find your Vocal Range Pt.1 | Singing Tips for Beginners

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what's up tear bye I'm Tara with Tara's I'm in studio and I'm cus Jeremy and today we are talking about how to find your range yours not mine Matt is yours okay in order to find yours we're gonna show you how we do it okay this is tap and our range would be in super super vulnerable here Jeremy is such a good sport it's kind of like being naked as a singer you know like that's well that's all I got that's all there is to it right so no one really wants to tap out their range and kind of tattle on their vocal range and say well this is where I stopped today at least today right you can always kind of squeak out different notes on certain days but like for today we're gonna show you where coach Jeremy's ranged taps out at both high and low and we're going to talk about the difference between doable and singable singable cuz there's a different okay so coach a me why don't you tell us what the difference is between doable and singable notes okay so a doable note is a note that I can sing like I can I can reach that note whether it's high or low I can sing it but a singable note is note that I will be willing to perform in public today allow the public to hear me sing this note so duple notes are more like they're for the practice room you know you really really seem in testing your reins and seeing where you are yeah in front of listening ears yeah yes yes so singable is something that you can do right now on a stage somewhere and you'd be alright okay so as a general rule at TSS we like to say that if in an exercise you can hit say oh I don't know say a c5 write that and that's your that's your top doable note you're probably at like a B or a B flat in a single note we usually like to drop it down a half or a whole step okay and we find that that's a pretty great general rule of thumb and it's tried and true okay so that half our whole step lower is something that you could perform on a stage for other listening and discerning ears the whole step higher and to that point like we always want to exercise beyond the singable points you know I'm saying that we have really really warm and then ready for what we're gonna do 100% we're start so so today we're gonna learn what Coach Jeremy's do a whole range so you get to pick would you would you like to go low or high first let's go ahead and go high just let you know that I really love to learners like this it's really it's really so proud of him because this is really a very scary and vulnerable thing like I'm gonna take him to failure we're not gonna stop where he sounds good y'all okay we're gonna go to where he is scrubbing all right yes I said scrub all right so in order to go high where do you want to start you tell me spot on that um oh middle seat of your clothes yeah oh my god let you we don't use these as a yeah I'll do hey now hey now okay so start the cheetah mm-hmm okay there yes well you want me to start a little lower than we can build up in jail yeah let's start the fifth-wheel esteem okay got it got it so we're starting on an f3 Rana you ready I know it is okay so that was that be alright yes yes that was that be yeah so b54 jeremy is where the train comes to stop a grinding halt oh it's grinding dinner right and it's interesting how you can feel that tension they love you're like here it comes here it comes right and there's that this sense of like anxiety then those up there that's actually something that we that we believe is mental it's into singing is 90% mental 10% talent now Jeremy if I did that a few times and got him used to that note he'd be able to say that beat but I would still bring him back down to say the b-flat or the a now I think the training has a lot to do with which one you choose so if there's someone in here that's got good technique that's a pro singer or someone that's trained vocally I would probably say it's safe to only back you down a half the step yeah I'd say that with your technical background you'd be fine doing that B flat as a singable note on stage but if you were someone who was new who squeaked out that B I would say you know what we're going to a as your singable okay so if we were if Jeremy was a student of mine and not a coach I would say to him okay Jeremy we got to be today but your singable note is gonna be a b-flat or I'm a if he was a complete beginner say okay we got to be today Jeremy but your singable note today is an egg okay make sense so that's his high and that's his there there are three different ways to define range that's his high in chest okay do you want to define low chest or do you want to go up to head let's go low okay so now we defined up to chest yeah now we're gonna define his low in chest and then we don't know we're gonna go and define his upper register okay and see what that is to because there's three different types all right and a lot of people really only focus on the chest we're doing that first but I really think it's important as even as a male to know what your upper extension is your falsetto some of you Colin right and if you haven't heard our debate on falsetto go ahead and check out that tutorial on what is falsetto because that was kind of fun kind of went back and forth a little doubt yeah duked it out okay so which one would you like to start on Jeremy for defining your low register let's start on the fifth being that middle see yeah okay anyone who may know again can we do hallelujah yeah ready [Music] Oh I love you every night we are very nice and right we are Oh [Music] [Applause] okay Wow okay so that was eetu at the bottom that we bought um doubt on so we're gonna say f this is doable right and I would say a half side I probably say actually on the low end a whole step was you know more feasible more comfortable and more successful in a public environment setting for that for a note like on the bottom but f2 would be his doable okay so we've got we've got the be up top here we've got b5 yeah one yeah we got b5 on the top and we have f2 on the bottom as chess that is well that is a 2 and basically a half octave chest range there which is nice it's really a lot to work with actually especially for a male and now I love you oh you're such a good sport baby I'm feeling so much I think of the people the goodness for you it's for you it's for you guys so very much what would the terabytes yes what would you like to do exercise wise to go up um just an open that's it okay okay so what's nella see ready if you want to change holiday time you can do 60 of you [Music] [Applause] okay we're gonna back you down I want to give you one more chance I don't look at the dog all right makes you out [Music] Oh oh I that's that's not bad guys that is I really feel like we could have gotten to hi-c okay but yeah not whistle going on guys so this is I think if I really wanted to embarrass him we could have done this we are we're one step away from hi see where that be right below hi see right here and that's doable like the sound came out right but let's just be honest that's not something that he would want to like display on stage for the world to hear right so I'm saying that probably a whole step down from there which would be that a below hi-c would be his top singable for head voice okay so really we're working with a lot here we're working with a lot of range you got what on the bottom you got down to yeah the f f2 and now we're all the way up to a up top right below hi-c so we've got one two three octaves and three notes we've got three octaves and a third a major third of range okay ma'am alright well you know that's pretty darn good so which is why you teach both male and female people claim you can pretty much demonstrate amazing that's awesome so this is how we define at TSS our range what we are capable of doing and here's why it's valuable when you know what your limitations are you also can know what you can excel at within those limitations and then you can expand or as limitations as well okay so it's a great kind of like when someone's going to the gym for the first time and they take up that proverbial before shot oh right but then six months later you take that shot after and if you did the right things and didn't eat like a slob right but next month you're gonna see some difference right and it's really encouraging so this is essentially the very first thing we do in lesson right I mean you you we write this down in our practice sheets and we say okay this is where you are this is your vocal before picture so that as we go through a range expansion vocal exercises technique in voice as we go through our lessons from week to week we can say hey yo guess what a month ago you were here and guess what sister girl you are here now and it's like oh well it's a really great feeling for those students that like wow look where I've come from that's correct yes and the proof is in the pudding right there's no that this is not a tangible art form and it's and therefore it's really difficult to measure progress you can measure damage or you can measure a downturn in vocal progress but you really can't measure the upturn as well it's hard to measure and this is just one of the ways that CSS that we measure your progress this is your vocal before picture yes yeah sorry Jeremy it's okay but it's so good and this is nothing to scoff at three octaves and a third is some serious range and proficient by the way this is great technique that he's thinking is like my haters stone but I really hope and know actually that you guys got a lot out of this we're gonna actually if we've if you haven't seen already make sure you check out the upcoming one for females as well because we're gonna post that one after this one and it's gonna be finding your range for a female this is for a male so if you liked this video and you're a female don't worry the other one is coming we're going to release that after this one but make sure that you take this into account because the same way we did it for males is the same exact way we're doing for females we just want to give you an actual live example of what a female voice would sound like but this is the same thing that we'd be doing in that video as well so make sure you check that one out if you haven't already subscribed to the channel click that notifications button you know you want to that you can be part of our notification squad and be a member of the terrabyte TSS family and there's a link below in the box that says private lessons if you want a lesson with Coach Jeremy you better email us because he is amazing he's trained personally by me and you're gonna benefit so much from his training I know it thousands and thousands of people all over the world train at TSS and you can be one of them coach Jeremy doesn't matter what time zone you're in Hawaii midnight to train you it's fine right I will the good of people people right so make sure you check out and if you have already you can also check out in story actions calm that's something really cool that we do as well as our eight-week course there's all sorts of things in that description box to help you take your voice from good to great we love you we are proud of you and we'll see you guys on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 280,751
Rating: 4.9579501 out of 5
Keywords: #how to sing, #how to Find your range, #vocal Range, #singing Range, Finding your vocal range, Tarasimon, Tara
Id: 4Od4q5gHDzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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