3 Common Reasons for Pitchy Singing and How to fix it

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hi singers I know it can be super frustrating to sing out of tune today I'm going to share with you three common reasons for pitchy singing and how to fix it welcome to sing geek my name is Ronnie Peterson and I'm here to geek out on your voice so pitching us can just be so frustrating it really makes you doubt yourself it makes you self-conscious and I've even heard some people that they just stop singing because they feel like they can't figure it out but there are common reasons for this in common fixes so let's look at the three most common reasons for pitch enos and how you can fix it here's reason number one the first thing to look at when experiencing pitch enos is your ear as singers our instrument is different than for example the guitar where you can see the note that you're playing we can only hear what we're playing we can't see anything so that is why you ear is so important it is literally the only tool you have to tell you if you're singing something wrong alright if you're having trouble telling if you're on picture off pitch it can either be that you're tone deaf or that you just have an untrained ear now very few people are tone-deaf but it is quite common to just have an untrained ear let's do a quick test together right now to see if you can hear the difference between when I sing in tune and when I sing out of tune if you can hear the difference then you're not toned if your ear just needs a little more training I'm gonna sing along with three piano notes and one of them is going to be off now I was scared that my facial expressions was going to give off the answer so in step the background would be this cute little cat right here here's the three notes [Music] [Music] so which one of the three pitches was off let us know in the comments below if you are able to hear it then you're not tone-deaf your ear just needs a little bit more practice I have some practice exercises on my blog and the link is in the description below now we're on to the second most common reason for pitch is singing and that is that even though your ear is trained you forget to use it this is probably the most common reason that I see for pitch singing in my students to use your ear you have to sing the notes in your head so there's two steps here one is identifying with your trained ear what note is it that I should be singing right now and then thinking about singing it when you think about singing a note your muscles will adjust to make that note and then the note will come out the right way so practice that the more you practice your pages with different exercises the quicker you will be and adjusting your muscles to the page that you want so there is a vocal exercise track that you can try out right here the link to that track will also be at the end of this video the third common reason for pitch enos when you sing is that you have chosen a song to sing that is too hard for your current level of vocal skill so lack of breath support and not so good resonance in your voice are big culprits of flat singing and so it might be that you have pretty good breath support and resonance in your voice when you're singing the vocal exercises that you're working on so your pitch is great there but then you get your a really hard song something by ariana grande or Christina Aguilera and you're trying to hit all those fast notes and riffs and runs and you're running out of breath and you can't place your resonance in all the places you send we just don't have time to hear each note in your head before you have to sing it so try something that's a little bit easier and trying to see how that goes with your pitch and then every time you master a song you move on to something a little bit harder a little bit harder a little bit harder I have a list up here with five easy songs to sing four female singers that you can try out and see if you could master one of those songs and joy sounding good with your voice when you're singing and then you can practice and you can come better and you won't have pitch this so those are three common reasons of for singing pitchy so number one that you have a little bit of an untrained ear that you need to train a little bit more number two you're forgetting to use this ear of yours and number three that you're just have been choosing songs that may be a little bit too hard so try something easier and your pitch will start improving right here next thing we have a playlist with vocal exercises for you to train singing on pitch and right here I have a subscribe button that I would love for you to hit join me here at singing every week as we continue ski got on your voice to create the sound that you want
Channel: Singgeek
Views: 92,248
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Keywords: pitchy singing, pitchy singing example, pitchy voice meaning, how to sing, how to sing on pitch, sing on pitch, pitch recognition, pitch recognition test, in tune singing, fix pitchy singing, sing in tune test, sing in tune, sing on key, sing in key, match pitch practice, match pitch singing, false singing, sing out of tune, how to sing better, how to sing right notes, how to correct pitch in singing, pitchy voice singing, singgeek, singing tips, singing lessons
Id: qzWhKDRHVq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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