Find Your Vocal Range in 1 Minute (Or Less)!

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what's up guys this is Matt from Ramsey boys calm and thank you so much for watching this video today I want to talk to you about a subject that is near and dear to every singers heart and that subject is vocal range so today we're going to talk about what is go whole range we're going to talk about how to find your vocal range and I'm going to give you an exercise to find that today but we're also going to talk about why it's important to find your vocal range and how you can actually use that information to make some really smart choices about yourself as an artist now before we get started if you find this video helpful make sure that you like subscribe and turn on notifications for this channel or if you're ready to just jump right on in and start expanding your range check out my complete singing course master your voice okay now that that's out of the way let's talk about vocal range what is vocal range vocal range very simply is the measurement from the lowest note that you can sing up to the highest note you can say now how is vocal range written vocal range is usually written as a letter followed by a number with a dash and then also another letter and another number no what does all of that mean that usually means that the letter not usually but the letter always means the note that's at the lowest part of your voice so for instance and the example that I just gave saying a C on a C in the 3rd octave so C would be the first letter there the highest note that I sang was a G in the 5th octave so that tells you right there exactly how to write your vocal range you've got the letter with the octave number next to it so C 3 up to G in the fifth dr. g5 now there's a lot of what I would call like octave confusion out there in the youtube world right now so when I'm talking about C 3 I'm talking about the C below middle C so this is middle C or C for aa and here is the C 3 below that and when I say a G and v octave I actually mean the G in the octave above c5 so there's say 5 and G 5 is on top of that so now that we got that straight let's talk about why it's so important to find your range well it's obvious that you want to find a range because it's good to know how low or how high you can sing and I've even seen some people get kind of competitive about it I'm like I can sing in seven my can you really or is it just whistle register and they were like hey it's in my head voice okay sure it's totally fine but in addition to being able to find how low and how high you can sing there's lots of good reasons to find your vocal range one of the biggest is that it will help you determine your voice type now what am i mean by voice type your voice type is like examples such as bass tenor contralto Alto soprano no these are all the different voice types and a big part of determining your voice type is knowing how low and how high you can sing comfortably assuming that you've had some vocal training and that's actually a really important kind of assumption because there's a lot of guys out there sorry to pick on the guys but there's a lot of guys out there that can't sing bass too deep or breaking or straining that doesn't necessarily mean that you're a bass just because you can't sing up past in e4 you could very well be a tenor but unless you've had some vocal training to help you get through that transition up into your head boys you may not have the full expanse of your range so just wanted to point that out the next reason that you want to know your vocal range is it's really good to know where your weak spots are just like I was talking about a lot of guys have a problem singing around that v4 that flip it and break or the mob nut and pull through it same thing is true for ladies around in 1/4 or mom but wouldn't it be so great if you knew exactly where those trouble spots were your voice if you find your vocal range you know it's very easy to tell exactly where those trouble spots are the third reason why it's really important to find your vocal range is to be able to measure your progress as you're taking singing lessons singing instruction online singing courses whatever training that you're doing it's really really a great idea to kind of have a snapshot of before and after so I just started my vocal training and I could only sing up to a GA for well maybe with some training it turns into it and it's actually the b-flat above that that's a little bit tight now well if I know what my vocal range is beforehand then I'll know that I've actually gained one two three half steps and even though that doesn't seem like a lot to the untrained ear it gives you a lot more options with the songs that you choose and that's actually the final reason that you want to find your vocal range is because it's so important to know your range when you're finding songs that fit your voice so to go back to the example that I just gave if I can only sing them to a G and it's a little bit tight then I might not choose a song that's gonna go right for that however if I'm doing some vocal training and I'm working with a teacher that I trust I can definitely work on a song like that and improve it over time but if I have a gig tomorrow night I'm probably not going to choose that song I might choose a song that's a little bit lower a little bit more in my comfort zone so now that you understand all the good reasons that you want to find a range I'm gonna give you a really simple exercise to find it in probably less than a minute now before I show you the exercise I just want to point out that there's a lot of great articles videos and apps out there that are dedicated to helping you find your range now I did a lot of research on this before I actually did this video and I want to warn you that it's very very easy to kind of game those apps or to kind of like cheat even if you're not aware of it and that's just because it's very easy to kind of either singing your whistle register and then it's like all of a sudden I've got like seven octaves or it's easy to to do in your vocal fry' to get to the lower notes no we're actually talking about the notes that are comfortable for you I'm not talking about notes that break or strain a little bit those are totally fine but if you're pushing your voice super far in either direction you can't really count that as your range that's not really comfortable for you anymore and there's actually a term for that it's called tessitura which is kind of the comfortable range now today I'm just gonna show you a very simple exercise we're gonna start in the middle of the keyboard on c4 because this note works great for guys it works great for girls and you can do this scale no matter what gender you are and all we're gonna do is we're just gonna sing a C major scale down to as low as you can possibly sing and what you're gonna do is as soon as you get to that note write it down I'm gonna have the numbers and the letters flashing on the screen then we're gonna start over and I'm gonna start from that middle C again and we're gonna go up as high as we can and take a note on what that note is for you as well now I want to stay out of your way so that you can hear what you're doing but I'm just gonna sing along with you for the first octave just so that you can get a chance to hear when I'm talking about now don't be subject to octave confusion here I'm talking about C 4 and sounds like ah for a lot of guys that's gonna be pretty close to the top of your chest voice and they feel like it's at the top part of your voice but that's actually the note that we're starting on not that's too easy and that's where we get into the so well I can sing it g7 g2 it's like can you so we're gonna start from [Music] good now we can do it a little bit slower here it is once more [Music] you be pretty amazing if you know we're gonna do the same thing ladies and guys you're gonna be right with me here again starting from c4 ah in this time we're gonna go up so we're gonna walk our way up to the top note and again I'm just gonna sing that first octave for you so you can really hear yourself pay attention to what's going on in your voice guys it's very good it's gonna be very tempting for you to break on the third or the fourth note here ladies probably around the sixth note in this scale so just pay attention to that as well and you can even mark down where your break is too but remember we're gonna sing through that just as long as you're not super pushing your voice you can still count it in your range so we're gonna start from aa from c4 so [Music] fantastic good I'm going to do that a little bit slower and I'm not gonna sing this time so starting again from Oh make sure you're starting right there here we go [Music] excellent job guys so if you found the lowest note that you can sing and you found the highest note that you can sing make sure that you write those guys down put it in a place where you can actually check in on it every once in a while and then consider doing a little bit of vocal training so see if you can start to expand on that now I do want to point out that just because you can sing up to that high note doesn't always mean that it sounds good like for instance like I'm yeah I made it up to that c5 but does it sound really good well if it doesn't then you can do some exercises like mom to make sure that each of those is sounding it's very best after all what's the point of vocal training if we're not actually improving otherwise it's just numbers on a page you actually want to sing as best as you can so I hope that you guys have felt this exercise was very helpful for you and happy singing
Channel: Ramsey Voice Studio
Views: 41,404
Rating: 4.937654 out of 5
Keywords: vocal range, find your vocal range, what is my vocal range, find vocal range, how to find your vocal range, vocal range test, vocal range lessons, my vocal range test, range finder, how big is my vocal range, find your vocal range female, find your singing range, singing range, matt ramsey, ramsey voice studio, find your vocal range male, how high can I sing?, how low can I sing, find your highest note, find your lowest note, voice classifications
Id: DuPQuhqcH1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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