Winning ALL the cards from the DC coin pusher! 3750 Plays! (250 Swipes for 250 Subscribers Special!)

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hey guys what's going on I'm John we're here at the arcade I got five $20 game cards and that's enough to give me 250 swipes on the coin pusher it's 200 T twice because I just passed 250 subscribers thank you so much and a big THANK YOU to Edward and Nicky from the arcade cranny axe who helped me get there yeah man Hank yeah yeah he wants to so you have five cards and how many credits at each one each one is 100 and what was that in total that was $100 and each swipe will cost out two credits so he's gonna put $100 in the DC superhero coin pusher which is absolutely insane cos because I've never seen anything like that look at this if you collect the cards you get 10,000 tickets yeah I think you could do it with $100 I've opened at least one if not two says yeah so right now guys make sure to like the video comment down below do you think he's gonna accomplish this so I don't know that's gonna take a long time just swiping and swiping and swiping to get the hundred dollars on there but ya get the ball rolling see what you get okay alright so like we said before I'm going to swipe all five of these game cards onto this coin pusher it's a two credits for a swipe and I have 500 credits so let's do this so the object of this game is to knock those cars down and they will fall into this tray below you want to get all seven superheroes to get the super your bonus and you won't get all five remember at all seven super villains to get the super villain villains if you get all of them together then you get an extra bonus and that's like a tenth of the total so that's really good and so the each book each swipe a bridge is about 15 15 plays so 250 swipes is gonna be a long play it's gonna be it's gonna be about three thousand seven hundred fifty fifty plays so I'm gonna be here for quite some time but yeah I'm really grateful for all people that subscribe I'm really grateful to Ed and Nikki Ellen I just know there are two compliment those who you don't know Aquaman did the real one so they have two cards at our boat Aquaman is really awesome so are you just you're just fine now I'm all right like I'm just going a fastball to like I mean I literally have to do two are 55 which is what 54 points show that this 5/5 iteration I threw that 50 times did you just hold the button I yeah you could yeah really oh wow that's all good I mean whatever IRA God was I got a bad feeling the first one a minute average common but you know what I'm still good you know the good push to like um but the GC point for sure sometimes like the theme of the log tokido centrist angled come at it just go straight in the middle don't lose so many angles that's pretty good so that way the UH the Aquaman can come out and I just saw two more cards fall down just go back to the main board so possibly fell but in one day it's really cool this one's that they give you ticket for every uh coconut foam all we do yeah that's really cool and I'm already out I go up don't want a deeper man this is so cool would you guys ever put a hundred dollars into this that's crazy look at any cards 15:20 I'm at 225 like the reason why I do I want my sponsor time yeah because if you see a bunch of swipe you can get my plane within Delta GM don't know really understand this game and they might think you're lying if you go on there those are gonna fall oh yeah awesome and on the edge hey um Lundy has grown ice about this being I slammed it is that the cars did or they could pop out the tokens we fall all is it ah the Green Lantern Green Lantern you know and Anna entertain another choose this is on this list is dumb this one was paying out this is really all how it's gonna come out so if you see on the left you see the card - guitars with the right yeah pardon me the right aren't as likely to fall because um the coins go to the left yeah honor but this this was good because at least they go to left on them this ain't is a mentality of like it's pusher do you miss it and you get in the Bible there's aa huge card is so me Harry oh man yeah on another card another three that's gonna push a lot i've got like ten dollars and nothing Paul do that's to Jamal those are everything is gonna fall her in there right here yep Oh all of those gizumon late for courts gonna fall right now look at that is just throwing them all yeah I'm just going ham Vegas is Oh got one deal sign that's gonna fall - I think I'll side with it see how they're like teeter-tottering man I ask Allah give us the whole thing came out oh dude everybody comment down below how long do you think till it say oh my got another one you got green latter another car get green lemon again oh oh yeah in which was that dumb sometimes these little uh little Toby's come out yeah and you can put them back in they'll count the swipe oh really um somebody died right here but the thing is they won't you might not allow it because I'm still on some credits like some are really finicky like you have to be like you have to run out of all the plays you had on the card before you can put a token in and some some you to put into a token hold another card penguin oh uh yeah I I think I'm gonna get 50 cards no 800 oh you oh you're gonna get the 10,000 now yes it's like all them like move it awesome ass go there thank you this is the most money I've ever put on swing football another card I was a Lex Luthor justice fell yeah this is another card this is just too much to handle another card like this is this is probably the best point which I've ever played out like I I'm not used to so many cards Tony I like back to back it's it's often often times you get like one part I've been uh I've been like underlit five minutes I think like at least 500 dude an Aquaman and a green engine that's really good I just got laments that's a rare one for the for the for the heroes so I awful man and yeah I did a whole bunch of guys guy there I'm happy just the all fans self I mean I've put in a hundred dollars so if I get even ten thousand tickets that's pretty good and all commands basically so basically the set for the uh he's a red Ruffing says he's basically worth like four thousand so that's like four thousand right there so if I hear the other Aquaman I'm had only I just got two more cards this is this is ridiculous this is so much I am i I don't know today I'm I'm free I'm free of a speechless right now and I'm I'm not even done with like one card and I have five cards oh I'm at well-pleased right now yeah and I have quite a ways to go but this is really fun and that's why we're gonna pause that cyber is definitely gonna fall um Oh comment comment down below which um which of these characters your favorite do you like oh you like cheetah do you like penguin Poliquin Lex Luthor captain cold dark side Joker Green Lantern cyborg all flew me out flash Wonder Woman Batman or Superman which one of those is your favorite superhero or super villain and I'm out so I'm gonna put on a few more flights [Music] 150 let's go 300 all right that's 300 and 300 play so that's you laughing for a while and uh that's all finished the first card so everything I've done I'm not even a fifth of the way done this is just this is just too much beyond i I don't know what I hope I didn't get mad at me for playing their game to this but they should be happy that they're getting money I mean at least someone's playing this point without thank god oh my god the hero and villain bonus so the hero of dorm bots are they're not really part of this ex but they're worth extra tickets normally the card or a third or the 50 but the love you guys complete set you get the bonus but if you don't have reset then they're only worth fifty eight but these are the hero bonus and villain buoyance I like that that's a bonus and the villain bonus those all are worth 100 each but they are not part of the set they do not give you any extra you don't need them to cool it up to complete the set but they're just nice down there a little bit rarer than the avant-garde art stuff dream of cars but yeah so they're little rarer than the atomic cars but they're not as rare as the what's college they're not as rare as the Aquaman or the dark side in fact I haven't seen an augment or a dark side fall since I picked up the two off command it is possible that I picked up the last two Aquaman they everybody there's still one lost - I know one of the possibly too loud complement because I don't think they really pay attention to which cars they put in I know some arcade they're really stingy us to put that's a one day put in a car but I don't think they really care here I just have some bowling alley so it's I I doubt they really care Anu as much as I got a major arcade but so right now I don't really have any card near the edge sorry I just waiting for Maura card to come and just like a car came but all the cars are stuck up top is our city time funny rollin they spell because that Lex Luthor is stuck in the suit they can come out because it's just it's just stuffed with so much done like there's all this all this going to spell they finally fell oh that was a really good put that like Louise just came out and he's already not the center in fact I might be like first line yet this is you know when it rains it pours ice got another card of Batman just um oh and again I just wanna say thank you to all 250 people I should turn 50 plus people that subscribe to my channel I haven't made a video in a long time I've been really big to school and I also want to say thank you again to the RT Craney act I just met them out they thought I was cool I thought they were cool and you know they are like this you know huge youtuber and it's like decide help help me out with this really breath is really nice and I'm high I cannot I could not be more grateful for everything they did give me and they give me an opportunity I don't want mess it up so yeah I just want to thank you again to Edward in the cult and back to the gameplay there is a Lex Luthor that Lex Luthor that just came out he's the one that's that I might get and I did because he fell in the proper area if they bow in the middle you're much more likely to get them Batman's pretty closely well I show you that flash maybe that green Lansing I'm not going oh that's a dark side that's a rare card I want that so bad if I get that dark side I will you know I should get the whole set now give me 15,000 and like I said if I get 10,000 Diggins for $100 I'd like a pay you for ticket so I'll be pretty obvious I get it I get more than 10,000 tickets for five dollars now I'll be I'll be pretty happy especially my point which is when questions are pretty notorious for being uh L being bad pay out like generally uh a lot of people have to like you know go to like quick job across the road and they have to practice a lot because really there's not too much skill I'm just pressing the budget drop me all that down to my farm so yeah there's not that much of stealing ball of this game it's really fun but I don't think my climbing ability will really make that much of a difference I I do think you can time it so you have a better chance to gain the both token either drop it when the two little flaps are down so I am Batman I don't know how Darkseid got there but oh say Oh same extension to the little flaps but dark I came out so I I have both careers I have you have two Aquaman so I have three rares but the extra rare won't do anything unless I have a full set so that's a little tip for anyone who who does point pushers if you get a rare card whether it be one that the dark minion from the gel lab leatherby dark side or awful man from from this table from this on DC superhero coin pusher or if it's uh Gary from the spawn ruble coin pusher or tribbles from the Star Trek one pusher don't turn those in because those things are body butters but they only give you 50 unless you have a headset but they're so rare that they're basically worth a few thousand tickets on their own use God get the comments so my tip of the day is to hold on to the rares and another your uh yeah exactly to hold on to the almonds because uh well on the Commons of all you can because the more Commons that are in this in the pool cards the less likely you are to get a a rare card and I think two more cards to fall down so a two more cards came out this is amazing but yeah like if I turn it all these comments here the next time I come back all these problems are gonna be but I will only turn in one or two rares so you want to keep that that ratio of rares to comment ha you want more rare Scotland that's a penguin and green Leon enough two more cards this is this is absolutely ridiculous I have so many I I don't know how mean is but I mean I guess it's a lot this is probably gonna take me a little while oh look I'm finally out I can't believe if I'm actually out I'm actually out of a place but actually I should I should put 150 played on this part and I I'm pretty sure I'm out because guy said zero credits so yeah I I will have finished one whole card after after this iteration of was it 150 down to 133 so basically I've been doing all of this and then everything I've done I'm gonna do that four more times so this is gonna take this is gonna take a little while I think right now I'm around 14 minutes so uh fourteen times five that's what what 70 minutes oh it's two more cards that's an hour and ten minutes they got cheetah and Wonder Woman that 101 would be a little pickle now I don't have too many as I really want you Superman I'm not sure if I'm gonna turn all the cards now I'm gonna hold on to him good I'll be back here but if if I do come back then I'm gonna I'm gonna want to make sure that I don't turn in anything other than like you know maybe like a pole set but even that I'm probably gonna take these carton and sort them out because I really wants to all what I get this is just this is just amazing I mean there's literally but five part just on the contrail loan I've seen this game and there's only like three or five card in the entire playing field so now five card entrees be saying that's and that was it that was a Superman yeah I got a lot of cards all right this is good this is just this is ridiculous but you know what anyone else is ridiculous change 150 subscribers oh I've got an Aquaman to fall down so there's aqua in there and all kinds yeah so I have a dark side Aquaman already I think I misspoke earlier when I said I had three bears but I have two rares and one on the edge and now one in the tray for the top tray so this is just this is just too much i I don't know it says so much thing I know I am silver whelmed overwhelmed when they put me in their video and overwhelmed when I got all y'all just subscribe me I am so grateful for every and each one of you I think I might spare my words because I just a shock is like I just wanna have some fun but they get no subscribers is really cool like I was only expecting maybe like 20 25 like maybe like some friends would subscribe to me but this is just really cool I'm gonna get down to the playing area not at the tray but I think you're giving the frame so yeah as you can see it uh there's a lot of cars down there and of I think in their play you know it I'm shaking I'm shaking so much shaking that all all of these cars all our subscribers and this security this is just too much Ambo Expo and as of now and I am finally done with the first card and I have all of these cars in the trailer some tokens this is just too much I don't know like I thought hey maybe get 50 after all of them but this right here might be like 20 or 30 so yeah it's to credit each and as you can see I have 98 left side 100 so each one was each one was a 100 credit so that showed that I have a 500 credit Oh which is in fact 250 swipes which I believe is I believe that 3,750 plays but I'm not winners in sure oops I meant to stop 300 now I gotta keep going because I am not too much and 450 that's uh that's uh that's that's 30 slides so this will be will be 60% of okarito so yeah it's gonna take a while but you know what this is fun this isn't your really fun you might see kind repetitive kind of wearing back you have a long smile like all I'm doing is I'm just pressing a button and watching this point go down go through one of those slots and those tokens this bench down sometime the car comes out and then you push those coins and cards over and so for those who you don't know the way this work if you can't the got the button here and then that takes one play out and there are there are seven different slots you can fall into you can get five three one bonus one three or five so if you get the one three or five one three or five tokens will come out of the chute but if you get this bonus drop then whatever oh the light line up here was on but when you land it in the bunk drop that page open and a bunch of conscious Cal I think they're talking and get off that's all other there and there Superman um it's just crazy but going back to the bush all that bonus office though and so whatever is on going to be eight five fifteen five or eight and then the right take card and what those do is they release the car from the slot and are from the bin and then they fall down the chute and then I pushed that car down and out and I think I just got another card I'm not wandering this way but I know that I a mom I think's going card this is incredible I am very happy all going out there without hope is that I gave my jam because I have I have over two hundred plays that's just a lot come on I could go over to the other point buzzer they got a few of art there but my rabbits do all in the same line I don't really think it matters I feel that it's like a I've got enough comments out give here so that I think that I think I'm air probably do I think would be a more light will come earlier here anymore I think there's just an Auckland just lysate a rare card another Auckland that's welcoming at number four I think that is just unreal if I can get man I always basically work worth 4,000 all you do is collect you look almost like opponents this is just so much I'm happy to say because this is a long time but is this this is amazing planet boys drop that got me a bonus where that was just a quickie dreamville class very quickly totally so yeah it's kind of hard to tell me you got although there's a book right here but it goes down pretty quickly so it's hard to know exactly we got but doesn't matter what matter if you know exactly a guy you got 5 meter 15 and all those are good and three more cards let's drop the class Wonder Woman and something else I'm not exactly sure but yeah I'm not going to sure but oh it was a good day there's actually a hero bonus so that one's worth 100 100 and that awful man oh just came out like he feels like just like like two seconds ago you know he was a is coming down the chute that all for me on the dogs came down okay I'm with Wonder Woman that's like ultimate number four and Darkseid that's five rare cards I basically got twenty thousand tickets already plus I get tickets for quickly move it over and I think I got like a thousand doesn't the first for the first set of 100 wipes are my 105 at $100 100 credits would be fifties my package yeah I think I got thousands from that so I might get 5,000 tickets just from the coins so lost whatever I get from the UH the cards that is just a lesson feel I mean I I don't know what to say it wouldn't really hope for now is that I get this nice to file off but it's really re kids you got in you got to get a cup I appointed bounced off and then falls to the right because these coins do overlap on their own yeah this is just this is incredible yeah I got to Superman the to Batman's on field right now I got three Batman but it's you in the middle so those two bad men should fall through that Superman to spell this is ridiculous oh that's a good boy that's a good pushing is that Wonder Woman fell like like like not on top points beyond she should capture something on himself wasn't the best that could have been a good move there but it was definite good a good fall like if they put the card fall like on just the bare surface they can get nice Bush it gets pushed a lot of coins a lot of cards down further down the track and those Batman RPG on the edge I oh there they are that's do more Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman that means now an elbow just waiting time to where is but this is uh this is really good I actually might speak over to the other side because I just have the eyes have these uh these three cars and I don't know canal's inhale to come out so I might I might switch over to the other side just just because it seemed like it seemed like a richer field right now I'm just putting go Gonzalo I'm not really getting much and I have 165 wave left I'm 23 now but like this isn't doing anything it's not progressing my set and there are one on the side which which would be nice but just as I mentioned the lack of cars to get any other card they know I feel have this thing set up to keep you going right when you feel like you're gonna you're gonna win they call you back in and like just like that there's a second card and neither any card it is the hero bonus which is an uncommon card and is worth a hundred rather than 50 so yeah oh and a third card came out fourth car this is this is just unreal I I just got like four cards in hand and before cars over to come down to the shoe rather and two of them are gonna fall in those laughs they are they are all applying filters but and there that there's a Wonder Woman I this is too much I might have I feel like I got a lot of a man come in well whatever the fluoro Aquaman is I got loves so I don't think I'm gonna get any more of those guys because they are a lot more rare for air a lot more rare than the other cards I'm starting to be a dark side is actually more rare than Aquaman because I think those three maybe four off the ban but only one dark side correct me if I'm wrong but I mean from this set of cards Darkseid deathly rarer I always thought those same rarity but it may or may not be the case hopefully I get that you're going out within the next six or seven plays because I am I am gonna switch over to the left side because they're just a lot of cards are close the edge and I see like there's like eight cards and that's a song there's only five year and three of those five are actually on this area of the top tray so I I think I'm gonna stop this one I have all that but like there's another cars like said they pulled me back in but this is gone this is a very very good haul for point wisher um I should make a disclaimer and just say that your results may vary I once spent twenty dollars and got no cards and they had on a setting that gave no tickets for four tokens over they only gave you the cards so now every arcade has a different standing coat so you never know exactly where you're gonna get but I just got a nice kata the hero card of the hero bonus come down and then the villain bonus so yeah I think I'm gonna I think that ending here I got what there's four plays another card but yeah that's not a it's not a rare one so I'm just gonna head on over to the left side over here and then I'm going to uh I'm going to continue my place here I'm just gonna transfer all the all the cards from one tray into the into this left race that way I don't forget them I don't think anyone's gonna take them if there's not that many people as arcade so I feel like I get done I could trust uh I could be safe being in there as far as uh as far as they're not stealing them but um yeah I can be forgettable done so and it's it's uh there's a lot to get caught up in right now so I'm gonna I keep going [Music] that's a 205 that was a 280 I don't know how I got 280 because that's 20 less than 300 when you press the start forever didn't matter so because I started over I'm gonna have to you know do little extra work to get to pull off that top of that ledge it's not a lot card there are the whole tokens there so there's gonna be some some tokens that are gonna go up on that ledge that um as you fill that space before you let em pretty uh-oh ledge down below but I mean that's pretty negligible I should like maybe like 5 or 10 plays and I have three thousand three thousand ten are pretty plays yeah five ten plays great negligible um yeah so like I'm gliding over here because I want to like these cars but I'm not any cards I feel the other one was uh give me a lot more cards so I think I'm gonna I might actually just go back up this one because I've already done 50 plays and nothing's about and Ryan's say that a car comes out these things are psychic so if you complain that there's no cards then it will give you a card that's all you're just playing you know just ask just ask the DC coin pusher gods - or whoever controlling these things to give you some as a cardinal code now yeah why'd you go there kid but then we're card already down the Laurel edge so it was easy to get those first three will give it a rest the card I was it that was really good she just came so we have about 200 left and I think I think that will be the RIP the dub the end of my second part so when I am about thirty minutes in so I'm not all the way done with this card but it's not the set so I don't know I might need slow down my plays there's doing yellow little stuck I think uh I think there's a moisture it got stuck in here and that's why the pointer get are sticking like it sometime if you have two things go at the same time you don't don't get anything because essentially does know which one I go for but another card came out so alright another card so maybe just takes a while but then starts guillotine it gets up you're going but even the beauty of the cards that they gave me that's still pretty good you know for like a hundred place I don't worry about these ones but they're just um just a lot of cards [Music] so far I have not over 136 tokens over the edge because give you one ticket per token that bald over so that's a nice little extra I mean one ticket per token isn't really that much I mean you know there's games that use Jack monsters like 500 and the game cause like you know five Prez that's like a hundred ticket for credit and this is giving me like what ten ticket for credit maybe 20 so yeah point winters are generally not worth the money but this point was very wrong I recently found it it was just like - it was just like a good point record like I wouldn't serve that on he's heading or if it's broken but I think they're just putting on heater setting because uh I don't think many people come to our page so they uh they probably put on either an easier setting to give up more cards because they want more people to come by but I mean whatever the reason is I'm I'm pretty happy with it cuz I can get my kit up I can forget my said cuz completing a set in one in one day is pretty amazing but then I mean then again to be fair like most people don't put off hundred dollars on one day but even then I've definitely spent over $100 on a point butcher over several visits and still did not yeah I didn't get the whole set so to get the whole set in one setting or one sitting event it's pretty cool so yeah I have a seventy place left there's a lot of Commons I was a near Aires you know we might cross without uh that this one with empty in that that one a happy more but imagine much but there are a lot of card here but they are kind of on the right and cards on the right take a long to find the fall because as I said before the tokens come out of shoot from the right to the left so the depart on the right is to be very hard pretty push but the cards here are some one on the right if you look on the one on the right machine the cards are all the way to the right so I don't think I can get anything there so I figured the ones that are like maybe you know in between the middle and the end the far right that was a good decision to come here because I think in time I would have a better chance of getting more focused on more parts ball seventeen plays now fifteen yeah oh that's going to ones at the same time but it gave me both one so the census here pretty good I know the the Spongebob point butcher has a has issues that's unfortunate because this one focal point where is it is a really fun game but it's really disappointing it's very discouraging when you get through the pineapple and nothing happens and just like that I'm out of credit for out of place and I'm just blind here it says no fun to my account so that card is out right now saying a no new player at this time so we help you is you have to wait so that's it does you know finalized all of it tickets and I'm gonna try this card no new player still so it's a it's still counting so I'm gonna have to give it like you know I'll give it like five seconds or so oh there you go that's five slides that's ten swipes at 15:20 that's 25 swipes and that just gave me three hundred five plays so each card give me 750 so yeah and seven times five is three thousand seven and fifty if my math is correct oh yeah this is almost four thousand plays on the coin flip here yeah if you're watching this one thing if you want this whole thing thank you because some people like repetitive content some people like you know small snippets really this is just a way for me to celebrate and say thank you to everyone who has subscribed if you do like this video please like it and share it it means a lot to me but really just you watching this this is um this video for you to more than like you know a minute or two that's definite video that's that's a minute or two of your time and you can be doing other things there's an Aquaman there are rare cards okay this is a good point for sure I was worried Gaga I was worried that this coin pusher was uh I've been don't drive all the rare cards because that something happens like you get a one pusher it's not just Li the coin pusher but mostly arcades like the manager look through all the rare cars hold on them they're really stingy with it and it unfortunate because I mean our gaze a place that one and once people catch on that you're holding on with all the cards all the rare cards if the whole thing is gonna walk like like it's it's really just is really just better for a man it's just like leaving all the cards is it makes it more fun for all if people won't play and even my giddy all the cards there are many other games that give me a lot more tickets it's not like I'm trying to you know beat the house or anything like that like like I was going to a casino ain't like that anyone have fun and yeah like reducing the amount of rare cards you know through the hand of a manager so I'm at 200 and place they're all wall carvings honestly I'm actually surprised that there are this many have been able to stay on in same time I think that that cheetah is that cheetah that Superman I think those are uh those are positive issues because there's a some they're causing the line up on top okay they're not they're not allowing the cards to be pushed down but hopefully uh lovely something can slide in and push everything out because it's starting to come a little overloaded and actually when you wind up when there's too many cards in a in the in the playing field you can actually be an issue because one card might be on top or another and then don't go get to the ledge and the legend on inclined so the car will be on another card on top of the pink line and then the the card will actually slide back and that's no fun at all because ever I said ten dollars to get it all come at once and it it was always there and then it slid back in agile clash that's another flash but I really want that well coming up is off here I really want dark side health 101 I mean every part every cards a good card there's no such thing as a bad card because even you can't use it it's still 50 tickets yeah it's whisper game twister game in the was like price of so oh there's all coming I an about other things 400 so I got stuck up and stuck hold this plank and push it out sometimes the card get stuck because they all they follow where an angle there's little nubs on the conveyor belt to help or sink down also I want to show you that ledge you can see that there's that lip you talk on incline so these are these cards sometimes they'll be on that lip for a while like you know just a there it can be really annoying and like that cheetah on the right that's on top of the cyborg um it is possible that can we actually slide back and then you have to you basically lose all your progress and yeah so that's not Red Bull and you actually if you look closely you see that penguin in the middle it's actually missing a barcode which is it did not get a lot good thing because they have a machine here to scan the cards and there's no barcode then they can't stay on the card so I'm guessing you have to give a you have to give it to an attendant and you have to put on manually but they might think you got it from somewhere else which is you know so you might be Sol when it comes to getting the 50 tickets there but 50 tickets isn't that big of deal in the grand scheme of things but if it were a dark side or alpha man that had no barcode that would really that would be really bad because that that would be the rare car without a barcode and you basically lost your 10,000 bonus there are so many cars I've got like four already in the dark side oh yeah and leave for a second this is good I'm we got halfway done with my Pacino just win pushing but you know what is it was definitely worth making it for everyone who subscribe if you were watching this like you deserve like all the internet cookies in the world like you deserve like I there's no way I could be I don't live that fork Argentina in a row this is really quite what is this this is insanity this is ridiculously there's so many cards I'm going to be only pushed off because the coins just gonna fall off this is absolutely ridiculous this is just this is just too much okay this is so much and I'm at 43 now another card is just so much there's so many card on the tray now how do we know that you put the cards out though because like the car just games stuck this is just this is ridiculous pleasure I don't break machine but [Music] [Music] I'm a single digits finally I'm finally at single digits for this card but I only think I was a category so I'm gonna get more slices see what I get oh yeah and I already got like 500 tickets just from the tokens that falling down this is great oh yeah so that was halfway done yeah that felt like good 305 yeah they're gonna say 500 happened but it ain't a credit so I missed the last bonus oh yeah it's no big deal so I did I did I didn't swipe it yeah to a fist time but necessary to every time however if there is an issue of me not getting all my swipes and you know one for every subscriber thank you very much all who subscribe okay but if there is e issue but with the number of swipes that registered I will I was just merely a 550 more times that's a good desk or that's a good push that's a good car V and they mail down and up push the car down on it and that dad that that work with Nolan I agree then here hanging on the edge here just dangling there and they finally came down and another card another card at the hero bonus this is all that was my Superman yeah this is uh this is wow just wow like I do apologize for the noise someone just decided to play up Mario Kart and that's cool it's not my place so another all of that but it's unfortunate that that game is right next to me just kinda loud but it's all joy and hope you can hear me yeah I just got down to 300 so I should get I should get Batman penguin Lex Luthor Green Lantern they RT doing it this is that just guys when I was like six card is Mel I hope y'all come out yeah so those are really really good I don't show how me cartwheeled again because there's a long-nosed up right here they keep up they keep piling up here but they should good that's good see that that that flash just push of musical Cardinals hook it off play pushing cars took more cars can get underneath that's really good because I am the car so these cards is because I don't know I don't want them to get stuck in the chute there's Superman that's not villain to us that's on bonuses uh it's almost there and I really want because that's 100 tickets and they're really good and you know one thing is that you'll have to worry about putting the bone of the bonus cards like the film Boeing or the hero lon talk to the UH that's it like the economy because there were the hundred and they're always were the hundred so you may as well put them right back in so you put them in the scenes hopefully the via the game technicians will put them back into the game and so you can get that card past console to get the hundred it's not as much as the dark side or Aquaman but um it's uh it's worth it it's nothing worth it and that was just like we're home apart at down yeah this is the green lamp I got stuck but you got to put my some tokens oh you actually know there is a car that's not there I don't know is like a villain card I feel that but if we're something we're awesome okay game Jack I just bought the video and get a game tag but I really wanted it all in one one fell swoop no no real editing maybe put in some like words but I don't have to make any cuts because this is gonna be a gun seven minutes long gives me a long video like Ed said but no I just wanna show you that this is a this is like a marathon this is like it was like one of those endurance challenges that you see all over YouTube but really it's not really a necessary for a challenge for me to challenge as a thank you for everyone who subscribed I mean 250 I think it's like round like 270 280 that's more than I ever thought I'd get let's see I think there's a hero bones right there finding that Batman yeah there's a Batman this Bell and I think that's a the hero buoyance and I think it's I think it's national costume I feel it's gonna fall all you that flash default is in the proper position and all those will fall this is dog this is this is good this is very good yeah honey plane I haven't really put in a while I said there's one right there but I don't remember seeing all the other than that so um I already out for Aquaman so I would like it for set but I don't let me I like a one dark side so actually I think I have more more Aquaman I do have horse then I do all your plants so so for that win the pole is really good I just broke the uh I just broke the down to double digits I think it your balance itself no longer there yeah this is going really well the game hasn't jammed haven't had the call he takes it there's a lot of Cardinal playing field and this bright side is getting very very very thick and the figure gets generated the better because nothing it's already to pay out and I'm I am stoked I think like there may be four or five six seven cards you know maybe no more and there's outside loop side work now that you pretty good fall it they'll always go right so actually a par not really good because you can get hit possible to get a car a tough fall it to the right and that will basically counteract the the inability for the tokens are fall for the right OpenType all left but it is hard to get a card to falter right because make that moving ledge will most likely block it but look at that Batman looking like that is there's over the edge Jeff I felt it was like defying gravity almost but I'm at 40 plays left it was really great my hands are yellow shake you guys have been warned my phone so long this is a lot that was a penguin and Superman and Captain or that captain boulders all the villains are thrown the Batman Superman - so yeah Oh supercars game gave me the right but hardly the full stacked involve you just want to do and I got a 1080 two tickets from that but um this includes all the pipes that were prior prior swipes from the from an hour without from that card the way inter card often works is that it will keep track of all the tickets that you've won on this one so I have no funds in this account so I'm gonna put this uh I'm gonna put this on the left side to let me know that there's nothing left there this one right here there's no funds there so down the left well right here no funds in that account [Music] there's 98-96 [Music] I'm gonna do all fifties my point on let's just go let's just go for it I have 718 it should have been 750 so that's what 32 that didn't count that's a that's like one or two maybe three types of things out plays whatever I think I've missed like maybe four five five total but the cool thing is I can take the little token they put back in so I have seven hundred and seven plays and I uh you know now we ll be the best that card I can all the cards I did all watch so I think that 700 plays should get some these cards fall down I I really hope so I mean 687 yeah so I'm under 500 cool milestones be down to 0 but uh yeah as you can see there's a lot of cars are piled on the right and there aren't any endurance films that we're in the center because again the the coins do go from right to left after this don't start do a little heavy it's not a crate now a phone can get kind of heavy after honey for just uh 53 minutes but you know what it's gonna work out maybe I need to exercise or whatever but uh there's a lot of cars here I just wanted something I really want I want to get a green green engine so on this dark side there is a dark side that would be another my second rare villain I need that because I have for Aquaman I think I can get two full sets Mexico so yeah my friends asked me how big here it is but in fact I tried to a micro yeah so who do you think is gonna blow up I got a good thumbnail already like yeah I got I got a second dart tag on the on the on the ledge that's really good but yeah there's always cars in that my friend just came by here is amazed how many cars are there but that's a little trap by God you might look amazing it is but it's gonna be very hard again and I'm kind of bummed I'm not getting a dark side down I really wanted that dark side off the ledge like I really need your website I mean I have blaze I broke 600 although that I got to good renaming in a Batman and a captain bone this is good yeah like vile I mean I don't care part of those dead but I've got more comments like I really want dogs ah he is a rare card and rare cards are well not common that's a good dog a cheetah no the good doesn't very good cheetah because it pushed they pushed only coined our way I think it maybe got that you have to push door as well and I thought she might become quicker than a lot of the cards I got should be actually beat the other card because it isn't the dead center and it is touching the ground there is nothing underneath it that's what you really want so you can get a card to be touching the did you get me touching different before then um yeah you're good you're going but um now I know which shouldn't fall first either the cheater dark side but both are gonna fall and me very happy only bell at the same time dark side and cheetah all right and I'm just give you a little update this thing this bin is just it's like overflowing my hand goes down so far this is just so many Corazon I uh I I wouldn't be surprised to live over a hundred um I'm gonna I'm gonna sit down they do from this view I think it's kinda cool you gotta get a view of the point bow now but um this is just this is such a great experience I think that everyone should try doing a a thousand or two thousand plays on a fine butcher let's try doing something over and over and over and over again did you see these things like on YouTube you see these things on Facebook you see these things on the internet and you'll make it look easy and I thought it'd be pretty easy but no just standing the same position hold your phone and talking for an hour it's actually a pretty nice challenge so now I broke the 500 mark so the Queen's balance Oh 3.0 low get happen again the coins balancing on the edge and largest fell blog no no this is uh this is a uh this is a really good challenge I suggest uh you know try doing something like a hundred times or a thousand times like it doesn't feel a rkv like you know like dry like throwing a baseball mm time to try hitting a golf ball on thousand giant it's wrong it's not even do you think because you gotta just maintain your composure for all thousand or hundred or however many iterations you shoes to do but uh it's definitely uh a seventh accomplishment to do some sort of marathon like this actually uh used to be the running and I ran a marathon and just doing anything where you would have to keep going over and over and over again it takes a lot of determination cuz you can break the wheel and I think the cart is bail like I can put the villain um but you know these these um these types activities really uh I think I can build character because you're uh you if the focus you have to not give up you have to do the same thing over and over and over and over again any uh it's it's like anything live you've got practice and that was a good that's a good flash at that flash bail very well it's very it's a very good goody cart ball although I think I think I think some point got under it so it's not it's good it good again there's like a cheetah that happened a few minutes earlier but still is good it was a good fall for that flashcard um so I just wrote the hundred mark so yeah 2410 is a car balancing in the center in itself some workers walk by me but they didn't really gain seem to care now this place is seem to seem pretty chill I've been some system our page where they they accuse you of key or hacking and really annoying because you try to have fun at one time the the kiosk was enjoying the gaming history and it was because they had a --air in their key off but uh they accuse me of cheating because I was 15 Oh bigots and fifteen thousand six kill your fifteen thousand tickets definitely a lot but when Arkady is like you know your biggest hobby you know it's not unheard of to have 15,000 tickets on one card so I was really disappointed in that establishment for having a worker accused me of cheating when I only had 15,000 tickets and I just see a man ever have an aunt Leon for those who are very careful about their grammar but welcome and uh they figure if you just fall the pointer point on top not only Batman stuff so the balance a fine and I think I have to dark side we're all together it's like sometimes I'll give you one play one player five plays sometimes it gives you nothing but at this one they give you a full swipe they give you full you know 12 or 13 or 14 if any harm you do that's the never got to mention you know the reason why I've been doing it in sets of five if you because you get bonus plays you get bonus plays for doing mobile swipes so if you do one you get 12 if you two you get 26 and that's a that's 13 each David you three you get 14 each and fo and four is 15 and 5 is also 15 each it's very rare or to see a coin pusher give you a bonus for that fifth swipe I'm not sure why the news I mean really that they could do they could do 11 12 13 14 15 but dead they do 12 13 14 15 15 which is commerce angry just like 3-car just felt like in a row is just this is just this is nuts [Music] but yeah like oh there's Batman um I did see one one arcade exactly I'll take my uh my nephew there and I'd like this downtown arcade and they actually gave you a t5 can you be like say maybe six but that's very only have ever seen it and I've been doing hand for arcades I think that things are wrong I think I have like 30 different arcade game parts maybe I'll show that sometime maybe can be do that but uh yeah like some arcades are just different they don't have to do like the standard setting that you get in the manual some of them are really stingy some of them are really are really generous I went to arcade at one time and they're space invaders they're jackpot was very high and they only gave you one point for every 5,000 points you got in the game and normally it's like one ticket or every 30,000 points you get so it was really stingy and the prize weren't great good so then the guy was shocked I had you know 15 tickets and to me like $50 I got a Funko pop and the Funko ball close it was in bad condition but I had never seen that poem about Boreas um there's a fortnight character so I really want to get it so yeah I'm at 203 now sorry I've been able to read probably uh just by going on the lower leg and upper ledge I've hit one in shogi sequentially in there where the part where that points fall now I guess I guess I guess I can go from here how you do it from here there or I could start way up but this is little giving information this give you some information I think this is the best because I need that spot because you could really see most the actions but this tell me how many tokens I have this tour Joffe they tell you how many take it very cool but that's not really important because I could look here and I have 18 2008 writing tickets like this and this just let you know how many sellout and it look Aquaman to spell I didn't even know you I do realize he's off he's you down there let alone close the edge know about we're not all commend out I thought I'd already fallen regardless I'm in right there it's green no I think no my bad that ducky green and red zone okay no that was golf man that wasn't there he just you just feel really fast zombies cards somebody smart walk all really quickly some nice cards will take a long time fall and that's all every dumb and Batman developer but you never really know how many cards you're gonna get argument all take and with it Batman a clash maybe there's a line like about this you don't know what you're gonna get it's not a game of skill it definitely gave me luck Isis some steel in this part but it's definitely a harder to predict where the Toby's gonna fall as most like that list of discontent where you tighten it and a Star Trek one you have pretty much have complete control where that opens oh I already checked this the Star Trek with the uh The Wizard of Oz company because there's not really that much there's no way that my job you know actually going on and say with the way long I mean school at all okay I'm not gonna play that much I like the DC boy measure and I like actually found this uh this Avengers coin pusher but a little bit coins it was up with Infinity stones and so you had not yet not six don't go the over the edge and you got a UH you got a uh spin at the bonus wheel there were no cars but it was definitely a point for up swords so it's pretty cool but I uh I think that testing so my if I receive ever see again I'll try get a video that gun pusher oh yeah I'm all the way like please let me know if you uh if you like the sort of things you like these sort of marathon videos where like I do something like one hundred five hundred thousand times or in this case you know 250 swipes or three thousand seven fifty plays no just let me know let me know what you want to see give you some give me some suggestions give me some suggestions huh alright yeah I'm talking so much I can barely talk but give me some ideas and of what you want to see and I'll I'll do my best to do it so I'm not under 100 bucks under fifty so I am done with the fourth part and I haven't seen this disc fall I'm actually surprised 700 plays and just acted fall but really what's happening like they've been falling my one and twos and that's kind of I stack I don't check a whole blob to fall because it's really hard to get a big a big massive tokens to fall on the right side but you know it's my I've gotten so many card this is this is ridiculous I don't know like I mean I've never gotten this many cars before I think once I got on my friends livestream got around 65 cards and I think I beat that record cuz I want to put John 2000's but Gil it might as well let you know here are the four cards this card no this card no fun no fun in the account that was the ending a 4-1 94 yeah so for 194 as nothing this one ends in four one eight no funds there this one ends in four two two three no funds there and I just want to show you that this one ends in four one eight seven no funds in the account so this is the last one so I'm sure no I'm not joking this dude nice 75 that time is 5 for sure there's sleep temperature the card I feel that actually listens I do we do that's why because the game can jam and a lot of managers don't know how operate the games they really deserve okay they really oversee the whole bowling alley has a business and somebody's up text but like you know technicians but you never know if the technicians would be there so right now if the game were to turn off at 42 I wouldn't be too bummed but if there are if I put you know when I had seven empty plays but I was pretty nervous because yeah the game could have aired out any time and I think is awful me actually huh so maybe that Walkman that Bell once talked me I thought was maybe I got nothing I didn't realize it [Music] there's no control command for Aquaman and dark side or dark is you know that if you like a plural version of Aquaman or dark ideas now please let me know and I was a Batman and Batman so Batman squared I'm not sure if they're connected to a mathematical operation on Batman if you look up there you see the the token is a balancing that's very funny so let's uh let's give it a few more swipes one two three four oh the accounts locked I think I've been doing too fast ah sixty all right 75 so it didn't it didn't take any uh it didn't take anything out but [Music] all right I'm down to 50 that's 300 which is uh that's proper because I put in I put in a was advise wipes and this is another or not so this is another uh nine sets of five so this would be three hundred and they give me three hundred so I didn't get a sheet of anything this time I do know that I got cheated out of a few swipes on the last card I did on fourth card and I think I got a I think I cheat a few cars on the my second or third maybe first one but in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal there's off me I kind of still but I don't think I'll come after that come down anytime soon because yeah but you know he does have a corner sticking out so maybe uh maybe he'll get pushed to the left you never know and to Cartersville I see a bat me on something else I'm not sure where it is I I want to check but it's very hard to see what's coming down but I think I'm hard stuck in the chute no they're all they're all there but I'm definitely take some cards I'm going to put down put them on swap on my lap because I uh I don't want to do thank all right for all I know I could lose a UH I could lose like a man I could lose Aquaman or dark side that'd be really bad he goes that basically four thousand tickets to I don't want to lose them at all this is uh this is the last card so five game cards and the reason why I have a five-game party as opposed to one big game card well there ducky a few reasons oh if you pile off the card that'd be really bad but also one time I put $4 on a game card and the manager I didn't like something I was doing even though I think he didn't like to factor out taking pictures or recording or something like that even though there's no notice and he he wiped my card so I ended up only getting fifty dollars worth and my bank will be able to help me because they don't really understand how arcades work and because all these song with a credit card transaction so if you have the desire to play a lot I suggest that you get multiple game cards because it's just it's just too nerve-wracking to have to carry a balance of you know two three four or five hundred dollars on one game card because if you lose that you just lost my money and I don't think they care capital you yeah if they block one card that's $500 you just lost our dollars and but they only block my cards for $20 it's open to other cards out where pointless and they shouldn't block all your cards unless nefarious but back to the game I see an aqua man I saw him fall talking about you know well yeah it's all coming on he is in a prime position if I don't get it oh man I'll be very sad because I should get him he's actually an up I think you'll see right now and maybe he falls hopefully when he falls not if when oh no no I was bad he fell back a little bit that's not talked about earlier the because it's been gone incline you never you ever wanna you never want to again you never want on your teaching count your chickens gonna hassle because that alternate on the edge but he's uh oh he fell but I have had all command pull back and I basically lost $15 know my progress yeah you don't want to like celebrate too early because it's kind of humiliating embarrassing but you don't want hope for it but you never want to never want to walk you said you don't want until you get it but you know it's definitely understandable to be excited to win it all come in on the edge but I like it it's uh it's just like oh man another all around can I get that one I don't know I mean I I still of all I think stick the safety credits left you need 30 swipes I think I think I like for under plays baseball it right so now that's not looking very good but not sure all the fotomat way he got lost on my uh trying no-man's land somewhere that's okay I mean I got like 300 man I didn't you know I've heard a dark side I think I just pointed to the right because I don't know where is where all my gardeners are at his dark side is uh dark side is pointing up twice I think I think you show one decide one way or the other so those may be there because a good thing I came to this machine but as far as which machines better I don't know I'm not sure at all I think it just looks better Wow comment down below which much of with machine is better well that's why the right one I mean out a bit on the right one for like one card like one a half parts i play on I play it on this side three half cards like I think I did like seven people on the side 32 on the other side but I gotta get this one out there I think I have over a hundred cards I am counting it after I'm done with this all these cards I'm going to I've been turn it off I gave a go file and I'll sort them out and I'll count them up and itemize it for y'all and I'll let you know what I got I don't think I maybe I'll turn them in today because because I really want tell them I really like counting things you know numbers math kissing both these are all been really interesting to me so I really want to you see if I have apply for charter man and yeah I do uh I do realize that I'm gonna have to make that long trek back but I plan on talking back to you anyway so it's okay yeah this to 14 but counting I lay on to 14 when that was uh Stella Ghana zero you know I pay 40 goes that I don't know it's 289 now we know how you get to 89 but you know what I'm sure I was gonna finish off and I'm done so there is nothing left on that account so I have zero at zero credit left and so there's three on 60 plays or my last dimension plays although I actually am I'm gonna put in a few tokens and yeah but it allows these a lot place my spikes by I'm gonna take something back to you have some points from well than before from the last time at the arcade so I'll use those once while I'm doing that because I don't all use the count of how many cards I am this is it there's dark night there's dark sky I need dark side 339 good I want my dark side I want dark side sorry about the finger but I want dark side very bad and he's he's in a good spot come on dark side at least I'm not sure Batman is no good and there's the Green Lantern that's my twin no no the good Harley Quinn Bush because she's pushing cars on the right so hard for a lot closer that that green lamb is over the edge I don't know how he's hanging on I uh I really look at all the retailer three Co inches way that same time straight honey you see the gap right there because they were clean but dark sides a dark side but I don't even come down for pee time soon how lucky get go but you know as I've had this for an hour and 20 minutes anyone who watches all of this oh I'll probably get surprised with this yeah I'll get some I get Brian so an outro I'll just sort this so this videos gonna be like no oh there's Aquaman that's good that's great it's not dark side but it's all command all created rare so that was really good I think I think the stuff getting blocked so like it's gonna it's not gonna talking to follow or is gonna have to just just push all out just because you look closely the there's a lip under that uh on that shoot and it looked like it looked like there it was rather I only I got a good view of it but it look like it was getting caught oh that was good that was a really good push [Music] somewhere in there I think it Superman that's super nice Thank You Man I'm gonna take a I'm gonna take to make our jobs out of the thing you know clay making room for the shoot because this is uh and I get you know the Green Lantern we can't see it when you look from afar it also like alchemy I thought there's another walk going but that's not Aquaman high school though I'm not sure if I came from doraga right bill Darko's on the collar he's up there he's down there there's just so many card this is just ridiculous the long plays or 3,000 plays be exact but uh oh that's good hopefully oh holy pushes nah it's just it's your stupid card and now you can see you man but you just see why saying about when there's two eight cards when there's too many cars things start shifting around it the cars are pretty slippery and they have to be that way somebody they call the shoot but when the car do the syllabus degree they can fall back on themselves pick one on top of another please fall back on the arena yeah maybe this maybe maybe this uh this nut pointers are too good possibly disc leverage too good or you know like if you saw point push with this week fogs would you play it I would but you can't really tell what there is to go for there's too many cars it's just the whole thing just littered with cars I mean it's ridiculous considering how many cars are it's not surprising I've known that be very happy anyway because if I can get one card in this wipe that's really good so I did 200 these pipes I can't even get a hundred cards every pretty good w-what a forty-percent car Draper's pipe so 100 divided by 250 that's two fifths and a forty percent but um yeah this is just this is so much that's a good push that's good question that was good push our card yourself tell like three cards I think I eat there the dark side right there I think that the dark side under the green lanten so I have I accidentally find out it was an accident but something happened a notification came and I it stopped reporting so that's unfortunate but is whatever I I was able to catch it right away and I got right back to reporting so if there's a skip frame that's because someone tried to call me but I declined it right away but back to the gameplay there is that dark eyes I I see it could be here dark side or holy plane I can't tell it's really hard to tell from this angle I see I want to start guide but I don't want I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch you know I mean so but I don't see where anyone forked over so I can be I really hope that down um but it is kind of going to go left a little bit that's that's uh makes me a little nervous oh yeah I only have uh um I do have a few plays saved up with uh with some tokens I had from the last time I was here but oh that was a lot of cards I was like five cards and you know they all went through I'm really I'll go there look how they pin from the right still yeah this is just so mean let's run the edge dose treatment Paul yes I'm not rare but who cares card to card if they come out I really want that dark side and I am out so that's all the swipes however I do know that you'd missed something in some place and I do have a few tokens from before and so you want to do here sets of four sets of five so this is there I have I'm gonna do one too but you don't know I'm not done why uh because it uh invested some swipes so I'm gonna I add some point it up and I wanna make sure I can't win 50 plays because uh because they had two hundred subscribers so now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these tokens and I put one two three four and that just gave me 60 plays so I'm I just wanna make sure that you know for all the swipes I missed that I do in fact get 250 you know full swipe in because again I appreciate every one of you that subscribe to me [Music] but I hope you appreciate me making this video in appreciation of you but again thank you to everyone who watched my first two videos who subscribe share it means along to me this is really cool I see uh a couple card are sucky stuck it's not that easy a lot of all what's the point for you'll get more I don't know if Amelia dark side it's kind of worth it but it is I are I got like two of them they're like what block man this is pretty cool [Music] so that was that set of four and now I have a I have a set of five right there and so the reason why you want to set to four sets of five it's because you look at that you get you get a few more plays first swipe or in this case tokens so it's cool because this place doesn't differentiate between of tokens and swipes so that's pretty cool so saving five plays maybe not maybe I'm at that Walkman with the dark side but maybe I won't but regardless I got I got cards right there and I got card right there and this was $100 so this isn't your typical point where you're playing but it's definitely doable I mean the greens do anything $200 isn't that much you know like these definitely wants to spend at the arcade but at the same time it's really nothing you know especially when you're doing it to thank people for what they've done and I just want to say thank you again to everyone who is watching scribe share commented it's a gimme the lockni I mean now I got two videos I've been really busy so for people to subscribe to me and basically leave it me and say that I'll come back that's really cool I want to dry off and like I really I hope I get something I gotta let you get off I gotta let blue I think I bored not one integer holiday you're stuck all right I am almost done I have 12 left 11 10 5 4 3 2 1 and I am done that is all of it that is $100 worth of coin wishing I got a lot of cards I'm going to turn it off and I'm going to see what I got thank you for watching this is not the end but it is the end of the coin pushing I will sort these cards out and I will be back [Music] so I'm back from the arcade and I sorted out all the cards and the tokens right there these tokens are worth a extra free play and I got I think 68 tokens and that's over a thousand plays so that's gonna be a nice nice time next time I go back but as far as the cards are concerned you can see I got a lot of a lot of cards there's more of heroes than there are villains I'm not sure why that is but overall I got 194 cards which is a lot I've never had this many cards especially from one coin butcher and especially from one Hall I got 24 Batman 20 Superman 18 flash 19 Wonder Woman 8 Aquaman 16 cyborg 20 Green Lantern 8 hero bonus 8 lex luthor 5 joker 5 captain cold 6 cheetah 5 Harley Quinn 8 penguin 2 darkside and seven villain bonus so that's just a lot of cars there's two full sets that's twenty thousand right there I have some Aquaman so those are rare so they're worth more than the fifty tickets that they're that they'll give you for attorney in but as far as it stands right now he's not part of a full set because I only turn them in when I have all of the heroes and villains because that's how you get the ten thousand ticket bonus so I'll just save the Aquaman until I can get a more dark side and then I'll have more complete sets and almost turn those back in overall I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope to do again sometime so overall I had a lot of fun making this video I got a lot of cards I got two full sets thank you so much for watching thank you so much for subscribing if you like these videos please share please comment please like have other people subscribe whatever you do I appreciate it thank you so much for watching once again and I'll see you next time
Channel: IamJZ
Views: 37,771
Rating: 4.8338947 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, jackpot, ticket, DC coin pusher, jackpots, tickets, arcade games, ticket games, coin pusher record, winning all the cards, how to win, jackpot win, jackpot wins, extreme jackpots, trending, amazing wins, win, arcading, bowlero, big win, amazing win, bowling alley arcade, bowling alley, prize, prizes, console, gaming, craniacs, aquaman, darkseid, coinpusher, cards, rarecards, DC, D/C, batman, wonderwoman, flash, 10000 tickets, clawd00d, arcade warrior, wow, coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, coins
Id: -9zQTzSSH_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 2sec (5642 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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