FINALLY AN ADULT!!! - Saurian Demo Gameplay | Ep5

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well we got a little lizard scurrying about Oh Jason break it out [ __ ] slice it by [ __ ] little loose oh look Miller go run away I can't run down ales of it hello and welcome back to another episode or in particular episode 5 of our saury on let's play so without further ado let's just jump straight into haha you thought the alpha cousin this no this is the plushy finally unboxing figure that look at that sorry on sticker bad I think this is the decoder after I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it was it's kind of a shame to sort of tear this oh hey then mmm another sticker to tear blisters so we've got another Sauron and number 6 so is this the 6 want a little a little a little little Oh awesome oh my god baby let me look you oh my god holy crap we shared you know Jesus that's really good the quality of the print so we've got like you got a Soria little tad logo there handmade in Scotland by Rebecca groom it did a great job back at this is not a toy children under 14 woo species is days 1/4 of test Khemi mr. teeny liquid the 22nd of June 2015 6 of 6 so we didn't get the first one we got the last one ever made there was only six of these well why are my boxes sooner like oh my god so we take a quick look here dice like follow plastic but the print it's even got like glass and sorry like glass eyes a little air but nice so cool I would never have thought to have printed on too something like this to get it like really high-quality because you know a toys you you got legs and segments and stuff like that but wow this is just kind of showed me what a uh what a plushie could actually look like cause if the stayed to Sookie we get a leg in there you go aha you thought I'd forgotten didn't you you're about to be in the commercial where's the plushy no I had your back I was gonna do and it can't just say that while we load the game God thing looks so good the quality is amazing I had a quick look before recording but before now hoofers recalled miss just have a look at the paper plushies and they have like a 70 centimeter you taranis with a sculpted head it looks beautiful but it's like 270 quick who sells like $350 is so very expensive so I'm not gonna play with this I'm just gonna put it on display because it's so gorgeous like I was wondering why it was such good quality but I once I looked into what they do I sort of found out for myself ah this is top-notch quality poufy stuff and it looks exactly like me it looks so good I mean they could have just taken the UV map I suppose although the color map from in-game and here we are another beautiful day in paradise ah but apparently there has been more updates in the game they've added new creatures such as the tiny little birds I don't know what else has changed though I feel like there's probably some stats changed now you no longer take down these on you hold on this is interesting we've got stumps of trees at least I think they're stumps I could be wrong I love this game I do I do love it so last time we logged off we'd killed a Pachycephalosaurus and if I just have a check nope he's nowhere near me it's probably just cleared all the bodies so we have 220 server tops here allow gouges so I now know that this is the Hell Creek Formation I've done a little bit more research meaning I read a sentence of the description of the game and then a lot of you guys commented saying that the the instrument was a didgeridoo in the background which made me also questions as to why it's even in there in the first place since there's no it didn't take place in goddamn Australia so can you guys left ten thousand life on the last episode for the pushy just for that can you beat ten thousand likes that is a crazy amount of life but I just want to see if you can do it for what could be potentially the last episode of saw Rihanna for now until they release you know the t-rex oh like Triceratops you know the next line at all that we can fire because we've pretty much seen everything this game has to offer at the moment I feel I mean this of course is not always going to be update I mean look at this Wow oh yeah there we go there we go there we go oh my God look at that oh just tearing him to shreds don't even need a ballot oh okay this will just stay like this one right there we go beautiful so apparently I'm so good at the game now I don't even need a balance oh we're dropping bits of meat okay you want to Triceratops so I mean I'm dropping bit of meat everywhere we have a little bit of a smell that's a little bit the Triceratops hmm that is a worthy adversary thank you several source once I got to an adult who is kind of too easy so can we eat a little bits of meat that Ivor oh why you can they don't give you much though if anything at all nope they don't give you anything you have - oh there we go so I had it my mouth now it's still nothing okay you have to you have to be the pachycephalosaurus itself so that that's definitely a glitch should they need to fix or a bug probably just a bug okay okay right oh no there we go should we I mean I know Triceratops can't really catch up to me but I don't want to die but I do feel like you know what Oh god no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know what happened I just launched myself toward you yeah oh is it even even care you don't even see me oh damn it oh you know Choi's like a weird bug where you just saw like if you run too quick downhill you sort of jump hold on where me meal go I'm I swear I saw some sort of Raptor here ah he's going for me meal yellow bug in come back here ah blah don't miss them hallo baby ah what ah you're not gonna die ah there we go I'm going to do a running jump right this is going to be epic oh no god oh god oh oh crunch tap it gonna happen though this time buddy I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you for the buck oh I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh no bug lag what the hell's going on hold on the air there you go turn around ah okay brother run run run run oh no no no no come on frickin glitch act and see me as much of a threat though I don't like the cut of his jib there we go as long as we do that we're okay oh are you may turn around it's too late for you oh never mind running into his legs is not a good idea ah if I've learned anything it's that we can't easily kill a triceratops so seeing as he's off the menu there's still some dinosaurs or creatures that we need to kill and one of those is a crocodile so let's go find they shouldn't be hard to find really we saw that the pachycephalosaurus is no match for a crocodile however we can easily kill a package of a source now and hopefully a crocodile - I don't know about in the water though like the soundtrack is a very Kingdom vibe to it it's its little notes that sort of just drone on and it's really nice it's a nice touch because I think it's hard deciding what kind of music to have whether it's like a full-on Orchestra all the time because I think that in this case could be a little bit overkill it's something like there's just hints of music it's sort of fit in with the world is a really nice touch see I can give praise when something like really good is on oh there we go we found a next meal go there done it at the door dodo yep oh we could just ride on then it's gonna leave stuck on his nose so apparently right now I don't need to balance on a package of the source because it's easy to get ahold of my relief there we go just taking it for a ride yeah there we go in the back of the neck oh well I don't know how I've done it but I switched off the UI so let's go crocodile ah ah yes soggy awesome well I was really really easy I mean you look at the size and yeah I could imagine now out with the brain Dom oh he's like I missed it dick yam yam but you don't eat you don't like gay anything from those scrubs though I can eat this and just get nothing from it how like how quickly this crocodile there we go all gone so the only thing we haven't killed is of course a t-rex and Triceratops but what really are the chances oh there is there's that here X I don't think we can attack that you probably could but we're gonna die like a triceratops is quite cumbersome but a t-rex can turn on a dime in this game anyway in comparison oh look another crocodile hold on buddy ah just want to take you for a ride oh no whoa okay oh wow there we go he proper like killed me jeez look at the hell I thought just by you know being on its back it couldn't attack me but apparently crocodiles can oh there's my next victim the water yeah you thought I was gonna take the raptor God idiot this looks interesting you used to go almost pitch black but now we've got this like dusky blue colour whew is that because I'm I'm an adult don't think so it's a live update tonight that looks nice I quite like that well if it's night we may as well go to sleep I mean what are we were almost age 7 so when we wake up we should be 7 yeah or not you know oh gosh I'm still alive oh there we go okay anything me me oh no oh yeah yeah now do be getting app animation it wasn't like I was up before yeah no you were sat down why would you get it because to me sit back down obviously you know we're still an early demo so we're gonna we're gonna see glitches like that and bugs here and there kind of want to find this this new booed every time something new comes out in the game like in collision course we never find it right away we find it when we're not really wanting to find it ah they're just gonna do circles are we are you just walking away I don't think so me damn damn yeah early victim number 2 ah I tried you can't touch this awesome feel a little bit okay though now even the pachycephalosaurus can put up a fight at this point hold on we've got another adult Dakota Raptor ah this is awesome what would I do if it sees me nothing you know want to do anything you're just going to trot around go in the water oh oh it's stopped it's when to walk up nope now it's like through a troll again see this is the problem we just end up with AI that really has no frickin idea what it's doing with itself and what its purpose is I mean obviously they're going to fix that but like right now this AI just exists to be food or to try to make you into food and that's it and the Dakota Raptor is the worst offender it has no idea what the hell it's doing now look at that you may think those Pachycephalosaurus azar clinging to the Triceratops for protection but I assure you it is just a complete coincidence that they're together hello oh you know we could just attack you oh you want to go son I think he does whoa Oh Pachycephalosaurus that wants to fight back I like it ah mr. P Oh Oh what are you you're another Dakota after except for yours like us no you're an adult oh oh yes we're gonna like eruptive plac going on here this is awesome go get him no you know what you attacked it for like two seconds and then you got bored well you would come to help me you try to attack oh okay okay okay okay oh okay I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck what is up in there Wow the Jamboree of nonsense there's something else in the water over here too is that it I think that's a sub-adult I think it is I'll bless them oh it's coming towards each other yeah it's definitely a baby what's gonna happen here do you think oh nothing okay but know if it was me you'd killed me but no because it's an AI you won't screw you man yeah die yeah just like that dead and you yeah actually no you know what no you'll be my baby that's right I'll look after you you don't need you don't why do you even go you study somewhere underneath cards Liam well at least now I have some sort of purpose I can look after the little baby as long as he you know like oh there we go we'll push them on oh okay you can fly make it fit he's only trying to get in towards land come on I don't know where you going design on either side you're not a swimmer it would be so much quicker for you to take take one of either with the land so go that way hey look see yes we're doing it me and you buddy together come on Rome is the land yes feel like some sort of rap the lifeguard oh okay rise pyrus to the sut again there you go see that wasn't so hard now was it now when nighttime racket I was gonna set the pachycephalosaurus over there do you want you want to follow me we're gonna eat the Pocky no you want to go that way bloody kids don't listen Jenny what I'm gonna go kill the pachycephalosaurus and I'll be right back I'll find you don't worry yeah oh there we go lovely jubbly can I take a bit where did he get up to well we got a little lizard scurrying about Oh Jason break it out [ __ ] spider playing [ __ ] services or shall I go run away I can't run down tales of it jump jump yeah oh it's lucky going long I mean I was a Pachycephalosaurus Mannion that's why you touch me give you such a shock okay baby you're gonna help me let's say down this Pachycephalosaurus : go and look the city is done see where'd you go wait a minute you're not me baby yeah yeah imposter ah well tell you what I'm gonna go to sleep let's see if anybody oh my baby's going to the water hold on you know what it probably still be that when I wake up go on then have some fun in the water Oh Pachycephalosaurus sitting or the dead is it alive no I think that's dead it's got to be dead right yes all the massacres we've got like that dead body we've got this dead body so we got three dead bodies like all next to each other there's one 200 just my baby is this as far as you got oh oh no where did you grow up you're like a sub-adult now oh that's awesome if that's the case I may just be a new tended to be coder up to whoa all right come Doon where's the fire buddy it's a fire oh no you're not there's a baby one oh my god we got the three life cycles like the chiclet the sub-adult and me already starts a juvie I'm not sure should I follow this one or the other one I have been following out on the whole time though sorry dude there you go just like that one bite and we make a tasty snack though okay where's the baby it is a simple life his toys just follow them so go away man it's going through his edgy teenage years they never said being a parent would be easy he never said it would be so freelancing like I'm just continuously sniffing sniffing his tail he walks with purpose so I like about him there's nowhere he wants to go but he knows that he wants to go there wait hold on yes it's a little bit oh no he flies away I swing into the water you just dive bomb straight into the water where do we go we just kill ourselves put down burden olanski arey up he's going in the water having a bit of a cool down they all know that the Kota Raptors don't make good parents look at me where's our crocodile hello come on come on I'm a is all now I know I know what I'm doing what is very dangerous place two things if you have feathers oh there's another one no you don't know yes is my baby yeah that's right go away that's what I thought for a speedboats off we need to know where you going dude I'm gonna try to nudge you towards the land okay this is another crocodile up ahead I don't want you to I don't want you to go in all right oh he's actually swimming away awesome oh don't you dare don't you dare yeah there we go Hey look at them swimming blissfully unaware got no idea it's really nice the way the head looks I'm sort of like keeping an eye on them hello hold on I'm just gonna get some the drink okay although we come across a t-rex I might have to just leave you alone no don't go back in there you've been from that way yeah go back that way good and I guide you all right because whichever way I'm walking you seem to go the opposite so if I go this way then you'll turn left yeah and if I go that way you'll turn right y'all perfect Hey ain't no turn left okay not gonna lie I am getting quite hungry all right so if you would please stop walking around in circles for a second I need to get some food well no wonder the decoder of does make bad parents because the bloody children are awful all right well I'm gonna go to sleep you do what you do I haven't eaten in like a whole day oh god okay now I'm getting hungry where'd you go I don't even know how you don't how the hell did you get across the river not you what oh no that's not you oh this makes it look easy how old am i I'm eight and a half oh he's always bolted oh no you bothered for a second then decided not to okay oh oh sorry I'm stuck Oh brilliant yeah this is really freaking well landed episode we've been trying it for like a baby we'll carry the Sun and we got to an adult we have quails I mean you can only get to 40 and then you die and just have to repeat the process up to join it leave like it until next time I'll see you later why
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 323,799
Rating: 4.9577608 out of 5
Keywords: saurian, saurian demo, realistic dinosaur game, dinosaur simulator, simulator, the isle, gaming beaver, the gaming beaver, dinosaurs, dinosaur, dino, dino game, kick-starter, early access, t.rex, raptor, lets play, review, new game, new dinosaur game, dakotaraptor, baby dakotaraptor
Id: Gpe4jkEBgDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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