Build Your Own Dinosaur Ecosystem - Tyto Ecology

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skip time continued to three months they named your biodome I want to welcome to another Ori sorry a new episode I'll look at the right ventually of title ecology this is a game where you make an environment depending on which kind of ecosystem you want to be you've got Cretaceous so that is dating from 70 mm oh it says right there 70 million years ago or you can do Alaska Himalayan Great Plains which are more modern day times when you've got the opportunity to recreate a dinosaur ecosystem why else why would you want to make anything else so that's precisely what we are gonna do I haven't been keeping tabs on this guy I've seen it but you know they put dinosaurs in the game so would you explain a good recovery yes so everybody's forget the basics welcome to ty to ecology I'm Albert and I'll be acting as you crater for your biomes here you can grow and maintain your very own ecosystems it looks pretty empty now yeah no I'm started yet I'll be home to all sorts of plants and animals tunes let's take a look around ooh interesting we seem to be like boarded off that's weird while we were out hold shift to move faster very good right click to rotate the camera scroll wheel to zoom in and zoom out can we only build in this bit for now a zone is locked ok even more control use Q and E to change the elevation oh look at that dirt ooh take some time to look around your bio dome yeah it's like being in a huge polo that's been licked and loads if I said oh that's a huge polo when you're ready to move on press ok adding life you're able to add many cool animals and plants to your biome you will be able to unlock and know know about all these species over time let's try placing down your first consumer consumer more like a customer a consumer is an orca 'some org or the Noah's know that no organism that gets its energy by eating plants or animals in other words it consumes user impact points to place also we have points that's how we got 100 okay so uno hold on so here it is it's a consumer list so right now we have well we have one and that is a fin oh no hold on we got animal here we go Protoceratops - I click and drag it click on the terrain to place the territory you can drag while clicking to adjust release to load list is that good I don't know if that's good as Wow oh okay oh alright well it is a huge range set of a making seven of them herbivore interactive place go on then and there it is so we have one oh no we have seven they're all slowly spawning in so these are Protoceratops id's or Protoceratops one of I think one of the first ceratopsians it's got a fluffy tail walk cycles good of course here is with a little bit of work but this is an indie game at the moment so everything is always gonna be worked on I think oh no any more click the X button to close out of the menu oh okay right the actual X I was clicking the X on the key four territories you have placed your first consumer territory animals will only move around within their territory try view territory information like clicking the tower blah blah blah blah boring we're gonna work by clicking and placing things so we're gonna click on this we're gonna click on leaves because it needs leaves so what can I not place it Oh click on the Protoceratops territory marker to see the info right was still in the tutorial and click away to close it click on one of the prototypes to see them moving around its sleepy it is a herbivore it is one year and 32 weeks old already and it is a little bit hungry when you're ready to move on press Continue place a producer well that one that good place place so we have we have some grass ferns that's right because we didn't have grass in the Cretaceous period it's all finns and we're no trees or the word tree sorry there was no grass I think place three thern groups okay one oh let them go so happy to see some vegetation and place oh it already is going for it yam yam hey check for improvements you have placed your first producer your producer up should be much less hungry now there we go Bo fo check the Protoceratops is territory alright serious level one and two t rias now you are what what now that you have a new inhabitant in your bio dome be careful about deteriorates is another word for waste such as dead leaves bones and poop allowing too much satirists in other words crap to build up well i'm everything in the ecosystem so we're gonna need something to take care o green thumb cretaceous manga oh yeah we got achievement so now we need something to feast on those so mushrooms mushrooms can grow in oh my god the mushrooms have a huge territory oh oh my goodness there you go good old mushrooms decomposes alright y'all to come decompose it will consume some to tears everyday but only from the plants and the animals within it started which is the whole bloody thing your bio dome starts creating more tears then your decomposes can handle so you don't need to add more decomposes so to balance basically congratulations you now understand the basics of maintaining an ecosystem with all three elements producers consumers and decomposers you can also take photos as you watch your ecosystem expand let's try taking one now ok press G key oh snap enchant neat Oh tonight did I take one when I did that did it did it freeze time when I did that G no it just sort of high-tech pictures like it supposed to click G again lord knows fast forward speed up your time okay pause and resume ecosystem this is an average of the health of your biodome everything Oh everything yeah everything's great there's no water oh no hold on there is there is what we probably should a placement by the water should we does grass need water skip time continue the three months they named your bio dome let's begin in death dome beautiful so what do we have here population 18 out of 30 health deteriorates and zero juveniles twenty two weeks until reproduction oh so we're gonna have babies soon okay right well it's about time we had something to kill those buggers so let's go on to consumers unlock one oh we have to unlock them can we do that there you go okay we only have 44 so can we go along but her 60 sorrell office Gallimimus dina Charis over up the name Kento soros tarbosaurus and therizinosaurus finally you've survived a week just 51 more of these and you might have an achievement that's actually impress you little buggy maybe I want to play it anymore hold on we can unlock deinocheirus omnivore lodge held yes hell yeah make that can I place it it's an omnivore place is that oh wow just like that okay how many did I make oh well we got giants so they need some things to eat does it tell me what they eat okay I can only place fins all right we could probably gonna need I'm sure you guys eat ferns right of course you do who doesn't eat food okay and also let's place some mushrooms okay we're gonna need gonna need quite a few mushrooms place place there and there we go just like that have you got a mushroom on your head oh you're sleeping standing up oh that's impressive hold on I want to have a look at you oh that's okay okay something just knocked me I think it was the mushroom bubble see you're asleep what's either one doing you also sleep oh so you are hold on we click geez take a screenshot I think 97% hungry okay let's have a look at the tereus level one the tourist level one fungus is 30 out of 30 for population and 14 out of 30 so we're doing great these guys seem to be okay so we look at the biotechs size lifespan and reproduction is pretty low biodome diet dinner terrace is thought to have been an omnivore the shape of its skull and length of its necks it's an exit as Mosel would have been ideal for scooping up plants it may have competed with therizinosaurus for high foliage though the shape of its bill would have allowed it to eat more aquatic plants which there is no source could not have easily eaten fish scales and a gastroliths or gastroliths a stone that some herbivore swallow to keep up with a digestive tract to aid in grinding down the food i've been found in the stomach of regions of the fossils in your biodome deinocheirus will eat fish and very small animals okay so we're looking at rats I don't even know if we have fish can we even get fish I don't think we can hold on so we got flies we got a pollinator for plants okay there is little ones there but as far as I'm aware that are no fish okay so we kind of need to oh my god freeze it cost to unlock trees oh my god why would you spend your points I guess you kind of have to does like the better better the tree oh are you dead no you sleep in you just resting I hope it's not dead please don't okay the rest in everywhere they've got a big a big widespread - oh hold on replenish fish population 50 out of 50 so we do have fish although they're not worth our time yeah apparently okay he's gonna say that water doesn't look too realistic gonna lie yeah it seems like this game is focusing more on the gameplay rather than sort of like finishings like that at the moment oh my god he's racing in for the ferns or is he gonna eat a Protoceratops you can have whatever one you want made you're the big boss around here you're the big boy no could only lift them I like how ferns don't have a habitat the mushrooms do but the ferns don't in fact actually we've got we've got a bit of a funky funky problem here so I'm wondering how we tell you what actually we have velociraptors don't worry I unlocked it costs 16 for a velociraptor okay this will be interesting do we have enough of velociraptors to eat well they just get killed by the Dino cherish you know maybe it's maybe at this point in time we just gotta focus on keeping these guys happy there we go making a lovely garden with this music oh it's so nice press spacebar to rearrange the plants oh okay there you go spend a lot on this lovely garden Tootie rias one leaf 150 is not pollinated this plant is always flowering okay so right so certain flowers we're going to need to pollinate in order for them to reproduce or be edible flowering status okay so there's quite a bit to go into this as well when it comes to frigging plants - that's something I've got a minnow game I've oh there you go are you eating the the fern let's have a look it is look at its Leafs going so when I place down a fern and it gets eaten it's not it gone again more questions I should already know the answer to who back go on let's place down some velociraptors yeah I'm gonna place them over here and see just what happens now they should technically feed on the Protoceratops oh I voted oh my monthly income of six Oh beautiful now I kind of want to see how these guys react to years nine weeks old but this one just buggered off straight away now what I want to know is will the Dino Charis the better is this thing we need to kill it or will it not look at everything when it spawns in it just runs and then goes straight to sleep yeah that both this they've got well I'll tell you one thing one thing we can definitely unlock some different type of no no we can't nevermind hmm well to tell you something the Raptors don't seem to be doing anything and the Protoceratops seem to be okay as well that's what I'm gonna do is put in more Protoceratops and move them like the same location about there and then place more okay can I know it right okay after they have to be close okay so placing that so we're gonna get another seven Protoceratops here I want to place two more Raptors over here as well and we're almost there for lining so we'll place two more right so that makes four Raptors and fourteen pros Protoceratops so this should be more than enough and plus if the Raptors are really hungry there's fish in the water so we'll plays father's already wrapped a pack there will place another one yeah and there we go so we're gonna we've got four Raptors at the moment he really just looked like chickens yeah all right congratulations please five animal territories in your biodome try not to let them starve I'm gonna try not to oh man I got loads of stuff for that okay so we're gonna have I'm gonna spend 20 on rats because apparently the you know what both of them may be the Raptors can have some rats as well put well put the rats like in the middle so they're sharing territory with Raptors even a fungus so that's okay so I'll place some rats in the only cost 25 let's place another another set of rats right there oh god the fish they need replenishing that's fine whatever it'll be okay they can eat each other so now we want to go onto plants we can unlock the platanus let's would lock the platter loose that costs 25 now that's a big bloody tree so I'm wondering termites tutti rias oh you got loads for that that's ten so you know what we'll save up for a tree I was like is he holding a bit on it no it's just a Protoceratops running underneath so yeah place the tree one singular tree place so that's great no no that's not what I wanted there it is 24 weeks until pollination is needed so we're gonna use something else to pollinate it and unfortunately the only pollinator I've caught is the zang's of it sank Zhang Zhang goes all Vidya which is 30 so I feel like the tree may die I've wasted all this coin on it so if that's gonna be the case I am gonna switch back and we're gonna place down a few more ferns that should do and yeah let's see these rats oh well there's one how many of rats you do I place down one okay there's a rat the rat he hurts well uh how many other insectivore I know that's an insectivore okay so if we do make flies and nothing can either oh of course that's gonna eat as well I'm an idiot okay so they may go extinct because the Protoceratops can eat the fins and possibly the tree as well as the Dino Charis the rats are eaten by the Dino Charis they're also the rats eaten by the Raptors but the rats have got nothing to eat off and also the tree has nothing to pollinate with and you see just like that the entire food system is gonna fall apart because I don't have flies buzzing around me trees that is the world we are living in today so I need 30 coins 30 what's this a group of fishes low population uh 60 and oh is that it oh we just got one one group yeah okay fish is all right 62 to get them back so but you know what no eat the rats it's fine it's fine it only cost me 25 fish is gonna cost me 60 to be honest I bet the Raptors have been eating them hold on 94% 94% 87% and 87 do they eat fish I don't know if they would well actually you know what they should eat anything if they're carnivores right so they might eat the fish well it seems like they eat everything except for fish even down to insects which I do not have now I'm wondering if they're gonna actually go and eat the rats and even know where the rats aw hold on rat he's anywhere in this circle is that him no that's a protozoan Oh hold on oh there they are ah little cutie noisy so your only purpose is to die I'm sorry we don't have anything for you to eat fish population is low still nothing to do about that unfortunately okay we have quite a few rats here actually hopefully they never need to eat but they can constantly reproduce that would be great they look at tiny those rats all right just got like strata let's trot on trot on stood on and trot on trot on where's our fish oh my god we actually have fish are they dying Oh hold on replenish there you go lots of fish beautiful eye that cost me a fair ton right so every month I get like 10 coins and I'm gonna need a lot more than that to get the bloody flies whoo things are eating the tree oh that's great it's lost some of its leaves it's good good good good I think precisely what I wanted to see now more ferns hopefully my little there Protoceratops is can breed how old are we how old one year 34 weeks so getting there getting somewhere near all the rats all the rats down by the lake in pairs except for you who don't your button you don't have a partner all by himself velociraptors are they okay 81 and 87 percent okay well they haven't decided to eat anything just yet so the Raptors haven't been on the hunt I'm guessing they might eat the little righty things and if push comes to shove maybe the Protoceratops --is too but hopefully not because they cost a lot yeah 47 weeks until reproduction and what about this 24 weeks to reproduction and 16 weeks so that oh we're gonna get even more Protoceratops --is if we can survive what about you 65 weeks on the rats 13 weeks so we're gonna get rats Protoceratops is three weeks apart from each other so a month ish whew babies that'll be interesting my first sound best what the hell is that is zal salim balusters god that's a weird name doesn't just roll off the tongue now it is it Oh hold on oh no yo you got him no oh wait no he's running away yeah what's his health on okay doesn't say is he dead oh yeah I think no no what's he doing did he die he's still got a hunger so I don't know okay it goes the Raptor is he gonna get him oh yeah that looks like he died yep lost all his health so velociraptors are on the hunt and they are killing the rats great well that's kind of what they were there for I didn't want the rock velociraptors to attack the Protoceratops ah's and for the sake of what like how much is the rats cost like 25 oh my god you're not are you still hungry okay do not attack the Perla Sarah tops there's plenty of rats go on go get the rat oh no no no no no no no no god damn it I got rats for you Jay says you kill them you me Mel burger recreate well you didn't even die though he's got a hundred percent Oh No hundred meat points three weeks until decay till DK DK he's a leader of a bunch well they have I didn't want that to happen I mean there was a rat right next to him we just decided Nino this time off I want blood right well that was not three weeks and he's vanished so well deathtome is certainly living up to its name that's for sure I know another one was killed so we only have we've got six in that one and we got four Samedi cities territory but be honest by the time they go extinct then I can afford to buy more so that doesn't really I feel that this game wants me to keep these Keys like places balanced oh no no no no no oh god damnit another one Jesus these four loss erupted is murderous little [ __ ] aren't they so we've had two rats die and two of these ceratopsian Protoceratops has died yeah awesome eight coins this time well we're getting close that's thirteen I need I need thirty coins to get some dumb flies never thought what it flies as bodily we get termites but yeah can you can tell it to be eaten I don't think so oh it's eating the tree Oh awesome yum yum yum eat the tree and then straight back to sleep wow these guys do not move much leaf is not looking good to 20 weeks old well 20 weeks until population that's one game I can't say I've ever played a game where I worry about the trees growing old and reap and bloody populating the tedious there you go another tree right next year how about that can you not pollinate from the other one no okay there's no drinkie ving buggers you oh my god the amount of Z's so many sleeping out like mice they're all dyndns for these things though there you go we'll make a wall of trees to protect the Protoceratops --is from the velociraptors or at least you know to give them some sort of protection what are you doing down there rode back to safety you fool you fool that's where I've run straight towards the velociraptors yeah go on bugger off off you go gone where are you are you hungry oh here comes the kill rich rats you gonna get aah oh my god oh there's already like a little rat skeletal over here Oh family's there and he's eating them in front of huff they don't even seem to care there's like fish bones or the eating fish is that the right stick yeah he's like oh whatever it's like him anyway oh that's not good Wow they profit tore that tree apart didn't they 41 it's almost dead you really that hungry was it it was this one I think man 99% hunger Jesus you told that one a shreds dead trees grow back health 41 out of 200 124 out of 200 and 200 and that interesting okay we have a ton of mice over here for some reason are they nesting but they're out in the open that's their role goal is sleep in the same spot that's weird are they sleeping next to their dead friend because it's like a little skeleton mer well that's so sad I think they are there's two of the exact same skeletons now and that was where the other skull was where the other one got killed so yeah it must be that's where that must be to killed in that exact location and their sleep in there well guys oh no no oh god they all run away oh look at them scurry away yeah look look those are the two skeletons and there's another one dead they just don't learn do they uh-huh something more though that's so sad well guys on that note of a bombshell Oh God and another Protoceratops I think oh no a lot is it's still alive but it's sleeping so or is it sleeping is it playing dead because I'm pretty sure he just attacked it and then was like there you know what now he's asleep I'll let him live unless he's seen something else to eat no no just uh just didn't decide oh now who's either coming out of him so he was pretending to be asleep because now he's properly sleeping so that's it playing the old guard off he goes oh no I already got another right while we are losing so many rats so many and I was so much traffic going on rats killed bloodshed everywhere another right going to pay is oh wait they are nothing good like sleep and drink next to them it's so weird so weird well anyway yeah I'm gonna wrap this up here if you want to see more leave a like I mean if we do continue with this there's plenty to do like there's loads of other dinosaurs to get we definitely need those bloody flies though and then there's like Gallimimus sera loafers over up the NEM good to Saurus which is some sort of sauropod Tarbosaurus and of course and most expensive which is therizinosaurus to be honest I shouldn't have spent all my money on these huge Deena charrisse's because they simply do nothing I suppose that's it's a good way I suppose and all I do is really eat trees and they don't cause me much hassle like like these guys but really the main goal of this game is to make some sort of ecosystem that you can balance out so the carnivores balance out the herbivores the herbivores balance out the trees and then you got the fungi to balance out all the crap yeah so if this is something you're interested in is on Steam now I don't think it was too expensive but gotta be honest this was a DLC add-on I think for for pound of to pound it wasn't too much knuckle I so again if you join it whatever I like it until next time I'll see you later why
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 431,318
Rating: 4.9382219 out of 5
Keywords: tyto ecology, Dinosaur Ecosystem, Dinosaur, Ecosystem, dinosaur game, dinosaurs, dino, retaceous Tyto Ecology, Cretaceous Dinosaur Ecoystem, Gameplay, gamingbeaver
Id: RrtZf1lYLPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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