Feathered Dinosaurs!! - The Archotek Project

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the aisle dude shader edition hello everyone and welcome to the Arco Tech project now this is enemy game it's just been released it is right now I think it's on offer for like 12 quid or something it's I think it's 15 quid actually and I think normal price is 17 pound I don't know too much about this project all I know is that when Mesozoic er was coming out prehistoric Kingdom the Isle this was one of them I think this was originally I could be wrong here but I know there was one called Jurassic genetics which was originally retitled that could have been Pierce or kin we could be miss but either way we're here now and I have no idea what this game is it I think it's a dinosaur simulator game so we're gonna be taking control of a dinosaur like you can see in front of us and they seem to be feathered Raptors I'm going to take the bubbles as feathers yeah so there is oh there's party other game options that aren't ready yet but be the dinosaur is one of them pretty much the best one so here we go we've got four servers public three seems to be the best one so let's join and see what this game is about I have no idea how this is gonna go I'm just gonna go on and said take it how it is oh this is this feels very familiar loading into an environment that's so lagged and oh here we go so we have oh wow we've got a list I think how many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 dinosaurs however we've got Deinonychus and Deinonychus H so I'm guessing H means hatchling so we've got Coelophysis and then regular Coelophysis so you can pick oh there it is pixel a t-rex that colouring sorry this one which doesn't loaded yet unless that is the skin I'm I'm hoping it's not yeah it doesn't have feathers does look they're very like saurians that's another get dinosaur game that's coming out as well but you know I mean they've gotta be scientific I don't know if this one's going for scientifically accurate got like glow stones to light the environment is pretty cool but we should be the deinonychus cuz that's a cooler you could change the skin oh I like it oh that's nice Oh they've got albino they've they've got albino why is our buying our things why does every where's the I love albino first dog what is this one that's nice it's like a chicken I like the green one oh I like that one but I like that one speed-dials be deinonychus or dinah dinah dinah coches oh oh oh so you click you click a and you're spin around in a circle fantastic W is forward no matter which way you stand Oh so the camera is just a camera you really can where you go you just click forward you hold forward down basically and then left and right to turn interesting we've got a die we've got a dialog box except from the top left instead of the bottom left welcome to the aisle dude shader edition how'd you talk I was gonna say one two three four oh there we go could we jump ah we could jump we have no stamina right now okay so is that oh you do double byte in the third one oh cool if you do it two in a row assuming jet okay what's everybody talking about what is this game so it seems to be a very early sandbox game very very similar to the aisle although I'm sure that whenever I mention that the game looks like another game or whatever they've all got they're all gripes with each other they all hate each other which is I mean maybe the iron there's probably reason for it and what have you this they sometimes they get along honestly guys I'm here to play video games I'm not here to take sides with every with every person there's always two sides of the story there's always like somebody doing something I never want to get into that because I don't I don't want to know I want it's like if you knew the author of a book was a huge racist it's like it's gonna take slightly but what you should do is you should separate the person from the creation I think when it's something to do with this is it's a book or a game or you know some sort of media I think it's worth doing so that looks like a Styracosaurus can you bite it oh god I'm glitching hold on can we get him just follow huh we get him oh come on Nicole let's go Oh is he stopping oh please don't kill me he was looking round can you even kill each other oh we've got water so this I think well I don't even know if there's multiple mouths but this is the first one first one I've seen can I even hurt him Oh oh we could do a headbutt I can get him though I all these tear axes we have t-rex's down here okay are they killing each other oh they are but can they die have we got jiggle weight physic things what can they fall damage what I didn't take too much there look at these guys you know oh you got these wherever you go do this alright we have fun can you even kill me you wanna go son I'll bite your ankles I'll do it oh they come he's dead he's doomed oh wow and even though you had health pod you click insert or something no oh you can top oh there we are wow this is very like the aisle I think this is made by like a one personal or possibly the odds right you wacom yeah you get him can we age to sit down to know how to play the aisle well then you know how to play this game oh what's the safe please don't kill me you're are you what are you are you a tiny version of me you're like a bird can we swim do we have swimming swimming animations oh I look like a duck oh look at that that's amazing well at least everything has a swimming animation that's one up on the aisle sick fern just gonna say please don't get me oh we have a galley I thought Deinonychus oh there it is I did something I clicked the button it's all awful roar oh it's there we go right gotcha I got my music I thought Deinonychus was big I thought they were as big as the Raptors in Jurassic Park in fact that's where they were based on I'm I'm wrong he's like whoa get out the way okay um wow this really is it isn't it so what Donnie is this a galley ritual but we're all day do they run the corner well like I let me skip from over here so I want to see if I can eat pie yeah ll pie you're so cute oh he's mine can we eat then is e eat hold on hold on I just want to test this out Oh God clipped on the rock okay hold on that's just hey we don't have health or well I didn't seem to all have hunger there you go I made it to be a happy everybody was sick of me now participating in killing things there we go I've killed I've killed an innocent thing I have been murdered sorry didn't know I could you're not you're not sorry hey what's this thing is that like a baby Deinonychus watches the rexes fight I want to be Rex that's what I want to do who's over there oh it's the galley okay what's this thing oh look it's the gaming beaver yeah this is obi-wan Kenobi I against too easy well I mean I don't really know what to say it's kind of hard like I don't know what they're going for if they're going for like a sandbar it's like this is the thing okay it is an indie game yeah yeah please don't hit me oh yeah that's tough for me I can fly you want to go son you want to go [Applause] [Laughter] just come back is t-rex I don't kill you let's be an Archaeopteryx yeah oh that's the thing that was doing the knob yeah don't that that aren't that daddy there yeah as a beautiful oh is that are you freaking serious is that how I actually run and run like this oh my god Archaeopteryx we're just Birds this is very simulator now there's a lot of argument well let me just have a complete serious conversation well it's goes off in the background there's been arguments as to why there isn't oh that's that's the best thing in the world right there where there hasn't been feathered dinosaurs in Jurassic world and I mean personally I don't know there hasn't been really many horror or scary films with birds in if I could think of it like like feathered Birds I mean apart from you know Stephen King's The Byrds I think it is or can we fly can we flap flap I can't fly with Archaeopteryx wow that's a bite trying to kill him oh I think he's going from that's why I'll help I'm coming maybe people just don't find bird scary maybe that's the consensus but everyone likes every what's popular not many people really know the dinosaurs should have feathers or a lot of them a lot of the predatory is anyway I'm not to think things change all the time and they're not like the ones in Jurassic Park I'm supposed to be like scientifically accurate they just you know hybrids like you know you could argue that the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park was like the first hybrid because oh its first like genetically modified dinosaur you can't kill a stag oh we're too small he doesn't really try you know hungry chickens are we if we kill this steak oh that won't be the best thing in the world nice oh it was good Oh awesome okay since we spawn in the same place Oh Stegosaurus Stegosaurus Triceratops oh hell yeah yeah let's be that one and let's kill the stego we need oh where are we oh my god we can run let's hear us roar I could do what better Ellie now do less ko essing and it will be better really I don't think it would be better hey you like that's innocent if you don't kill in this game what is the point it's his roleplay this is a like this is the problem of God as well like if you would ask me right now Bevers Gary fever would you recommend this game honestly no and I know like it's it's early days it's early access it's not a real game I mean okay bye you go when does the losses people died before people snap the stagers the Triceratops like now it's a good game yeah what's it do differently to the aisle I know I don't want to draw comparisons it's forwarding on people loads of people hating on me especially the game dev of this game I'm sorry I'm just I'm just being honest I mean you must have known that you were gonna get comparisons and I'm not being I'm not trying to be negative on this game because it shows potential it's got its own art style very tuned Shadyac shader ambient occlusion looks very nice very stylized what's the main goal I think I I think I've see I kept up with it and I think they try to make a park maybe this is like you know where you can play as a dinosaur and then it'll be a park version a bit like Jurassic Park operation genesis i think something along that line because you had Mesozoic a priest our kingdom Jurassic genetics which I think was this I could be wrong which got then changed to our crow architect things drastic whatever it is but yeah I don't really I'm gonna be honest I don't know what this is giving you that those other go what are you you killed me hits a barrier and you know the thing is I can't oh I can't even catch hello I'm gonna play games and play games go and then you can fly kind of over by trike you killed be true haha Allah be revenge you I forgot you need to kill it an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind an avid affair yeah I know it's an online game ok so really you killed me too yeah a little buggy yeah yeah it's gonna happen you're gonna die I'm not dying today I'm a triceratops Oh what oh god okay well we could be a t-rex now let's try not let's be the glitch skin oh yeah look at this bad boy [Music] right where are you son I am weird glitchy skin they won't know it so anybody can talk on the server it's like a global chat right okay I bought yesterday and you know I've done a let's play of it and it's completely different because I can't compare the two this is an indie developer and it's I don't really think that they have really high budget I presume I could be wrong but you know right now the game doesn't reflect that like a high budget but I paid 15 quid for lamerz and yeah that's a complete game this is an early access one but this is the same price and I would say right now I wouldn't think it's it's worth the money yet it might change it probably it will change of course it will change and it will develop it will you know become better but as of as it stands right now Oh God sounds right now we lie down oh yes I like this tongue animation oh that's nice I like that shame that this skins box it's for some odd reason and it's stuck in its really low poly form it's really you could just do this though yeah can you sit and spin damn it ah better than the Isle then the Isle you can do that yeah or is it that's the next feature they need to add so anyway guys I'm gonna leave it here kind of a short episode oh no this can find me loaded must be really big skin oh man that's crazy I'm just I'm tapping all the other buttons to see if they do anything but I don't think they do anyway sorry I'm just eat me tea always Americans would say dinner I've eaten my dinner I mean it depends where you are you've got breakfast lunch tea dinner supper you got like we eat a lot in England okay yeah but yeah anyway guys I'll leave it here I'll leave it in the comments what you thought if you know I'd like to see what you think of this game because I oh you know I like reading the comments and sort of getting feedback from my viewers hence the reason kind of why I make these videos so until next time maybe we'll play this game when it updates and adds more things who knows and I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 585,548
Rating: 4.9015675 out of 5
Keywords: the archotek project, new dinosaur game, dinosaur, dino, dino game, play as the dinosaur, gaming beaver, early access, t.rex, stegosaur, raptor, feather dinosaurs, feathers
Id: MhqPxH85GC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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