Final Fantasy VII Explained (in 23 minutes)

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Ok so… It all takes place on a planet called… The Planet With an ancient race of people called… The Ancients Who were like magical hippies that could communicate with the planet The Planet is like a gusher It’s got that hard outside but it's liquidy on the inside And that liquidy stuff is called The Lifestream Which is the essence of the planet containing all the souls of everyone who’s passed and can be controlled by The Ancients as a source of magic When an Ancient would pass on to the afterlife they would call it returning to the Promised Land Which ends up being really important later on when it gets mistaken as an actual real life place Instead of just the afterlife Well one day a meteor crashed into The Planet and the Ancients investigated the crater site only to find a naked alien lady they called Jenova who infected the Ancients with toxic space diseases wiping out the majority of their population. The few remaining Ancients managed to seal the creature away with their magical powers then thousands of years passed and the Ancients faded into history thought to be long extinct But their descendants the humans flourished And humans did what humans do best and drained the planet of all of its natural resources A corporation called Shinra began building big ol' reactors all across the planet which were used to suck out The Lifestream and convert it to a source of energy they called Mako Using the power of Mako civilization quickly advanced And also got a whole lot more polluted and green On the bright side they were able to condense Mako into something they called Matieria Which lets the wielder use a variety of magic like shoot fire or summon Bahamut Well Shinra realized that eventually The Planet was gonna run out of Mako and so one intern was like, "ok I heard from my friend, who heard from his Uncle, that there once an ancient race of people called the Centra (Side note: The Centra is just another name for The Ancients) Who could control the Lifestream and knew the way to a Promised Land of eternal Mako So Shinra searched across The Planet and eventually found the crater site of Jenova and were like, “Well, I don't know what this is, but you can't prove that it isn't a Centra" So they took her back to their lab to begin their experiments Which involved injecting Jenova's cells into regular humans combined with a whole bunch of Mako in order to create a Human-Centra hybrid that could hopefully lead them to the Promised Land. Their plan was obviously unsuccessful because Jenova wasn’t a Centra but it did manage to mutate the test subjects into super soldiers they named SOLDIER but like in all caps SOLDIER The Shinra scientists also had a team of elite bodyguards they called the Turks One of the turks Vincent was in love with a scientist named Lucretia But Lucretia blamed herself for the death of Vincent's father so she started a relationship with buttugly Hojo and the two had a child named Sephiroth who father of the year Hojo injected with some of Jenovas cells making him into a super powerful baby Vincent confronted Hojo about his baby experiments but got shot and then also experimented on Meanwhile thanks to Jenova's cells Sephiroth grew up to be the strongest warrior of SOLDIER Who was pivotal in winning the war against Wutai However Hojo never told him about his origins only that his mother was named Jenova Why did Hojo tell him this? Because he's Hojo dude he's crazy After witnessing all the screwed up stuff Shinra was doing one scientist named Gast left to go research the Centra on his own He ends up meeting the actual last Centra named Ifalna? And the two fell in love and had a child named Aeriths? But they're eventually tracked down by Shinra and Hojo shoots Gast and takes Iflana and Aerith back to Shinra’s lab While in captivity Ifalna gave Aerith the Materia for Holy the strongest white magic in existence But because she’s a kid she just puts it in her hair and forgets about it Eventually the two manage to break out of Shinra's lab But Ifalna was fatally injured in the process and died in the slums of Midgar Aerith is taken in by a local resident and years later as a teenager starts selling flowers in Midgar It's here that she meets a member of SOLDIER named Zack and the two kinda had a thing But unfortunately nothing good ever lasts for our boy Zack Meanwhile in a town called Nibelheim a boy named Cloud wants to be cool like his hero Sephiroth To impress a girl he likes named Tifa so he leaves town to join SOLDIER But failed the exam and became a generic infantryman instead At this point all the Jenova research was moved to Nibelheim because…. because plot. Cloud Zack and Sephiroth are then sent on a unrelated mission to Nibelheim where Sephiroth ends up finding the test tube containing his supposed mother Jenova and after reading some of Gast's research at Nibelheim Mansion Realizes that his mother was actually a naked alien lady who wanted to destroy the planet He then goes crazy and kills most of the residents of Nibelheim On his way to pick up his mother’s body he’s stopped by Zack and Tifa who get stabbed Cloud arrives on the scene and in a fit of rage also gets stabbed but somehow manages to lift Sephiroth up and toss him into the Lifestream below Why didn't Sephiroth just let go of his katana? IDK MAN IT'S COOL OK JUST STOP ASKING QUESTIONS GOD Sephiroth swims through the Lifestream for a while growing even stronger and begins to rebuild his body inside a cocoon at the Northern Crater Meanwhile Tifa gets rescued by her martial arts instructor who is like, "Yeah i'm not dealing with all that" And so Cloud and Zack are left behind and later found by Hojo who takes them to the basement of Nibelheim Mansion to be experimented on and injected with Jenova’s cells with the plan of creating a clone of Sephiroth because that worked so well with the original Sephiroth Nibelheim is repopulated with Shinra's employees to hide the facts of what really happened and to watch over all the other failed Sephiroth clones who are sorta just mindless vegetables shuffling around Nibelheim Meanwhile a Mako reactor explodes in Corel Town and Shinra reasonably burns the whole place to the ground in order to cover things up Two locals Barret and Dyne try to stop Shinra but get their arms shot off Yeah like literally shot off But they later have them replaced with super cool gun arms so honestly not that bad of a trade Dyne becomes yet another Final Fantasy 7 unstable edgelord so Barret takes his daughter Marlene to Midgar where he starts a Shinra rebel group called Avalanche Meanwhile meanwhile obligatory Final Fantasy character named Cid is an aspiring astronaut However right as he's about to take off into space his assistant is like, "wait we haven't discombobulated the defiburators." And so the launch is cancelled Shinra cuts funding to his space program takes his aircraft and he becomes a cynical and depressed chain smoker Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile Yuffie wants to restore power to her hometown Wutai so she sets out to steal as much Materia as possible Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile Red 13 is a cat who gets captured by Shinra I guess to also become a Sephiroth clone but like... in cat form? idk Ok back to our spiky haired boys Zack eventually regains consciousness and breaks himself and a slightly comatose Cloud out of Shinra's Lab giving him some of that SOLDIER drip as a disguise But the two are chased down by Shinra and Zack is fatally injured in battle Cloud manages to wake up from his untimely nap and Zack hands him the Buster Sword before succumbing to his injuries Cloud then makes his way to Midgar where he's found by Tifa who has recently opened a bar where she's hiding out all the members of Avalanche Because of all the experiments and trauma he endured Cloud has essentially formed a fanfiction inside of his head where he was actually SOLDIER 1st class and Tifa was totally into him Tifa notices that Clouds a little unhinged and wants to keep an eye on him so she convinces him to work as a mercenary for Avalanche Hey look we're finally at the start of the game It only took like half the video Avalanche succeeds in their mission of blowing up one of Shinra's Reactors but Cloud gets separated from the rest of the team and endsup meeting Aerith who as the last Centra is now being chased down by the Turks In order to stop Avalanche Shinra's President makes the totally sensible decision of dropping an entire plate of Midgar on top of the slums killing a bunch of characters that weren't really important enough to mention Unless you’re playing the remake in which case they've had 60+ hours of development Aeriths gets captured during the madness and is taken to Shinra's lab where Hojo tries to get her to reproduce with a cat because He's Hojo dude he's crazy! Cloud and the crew break the two out and reach the top of Shinra HQ only to find that President Shinra has died of natural causes and by natural causes I mean Sephiroth's comically long sword. But it's not actually Sephiroth who killed him because he's still relaxing in his crystal cave But he's now so powerful that he has the ability to control anyone who has Jenova's cells implanted inside of them even Jenova itself Who he shapeshifted into his own form and is now using as his main body He also has control over all of the failed Sephiroth clones which includes Cloud to an extent Who he's using as his puppets to go search the planet for the ultimate Materia known as Meteor in order to enact his evil scheme So the Party leaves Midgar to put a stop to Sephiroth's stabbing spree In the next town Cloud gives the party a quick rundown of his past with Sephiroth but like the super cool version where he's actually Zack and in SOLDIER but Tifa points out all the plot holes in his fanfiction and so it's deemed non canon Following Sephiroth's trail the party stows away on a Shinra cargo ship where Sephiroth shows up and Clouds like, "remember ME?!" And Sephiroths like, " not really...anyways.." There's this party I have going on at the Northern Crater all the Sephiroth Clones are gonna be there You can come too...if you want.." And then he awkwardly floats offscreen Reaching the next continent the party must overcome a ton of trials during their search for Sephiroth The Turks are constantly getting in their way Barret has to kill his old friend Dyne And the player has to get through Yuffie's dumb recruitment minigame without a walkthrough Eventually they reach the Gold Saucer where everyone's favorite character Cait Sith joins the party Listen I know I gave Quinna flack in the Final Fantasy 9 video but I think Cait Sith takes the cake on weird animalishing characters that I sometimes wish weren't in the game And I don't care that the human controlling him looks like a Chad Cloud and Tifa return to their hometown Nibelheim but find it completely repopulated with Shinra staff and the weird vegetable clones Sephiroth is waiting at the basement of Nibelheim’s Mansion and is like, “Hey don't forget that you're invited to my party it's over on the next continent y’know only if you have nothing better to do" And Cloud’s like, “wha-” “Think fast!” and he throws a Materia at Cloud's face then awkwardly floats offscreen The party also finds Vincent sleeping in a casket and he's like, "oh y'all want to kill Hojo too? Alright let's head out" But like in an edgy way At Rocket Town the party meets Cid and they try to convince him to hand over his broken down plane so they can continue to chase after Sephiroth They manage to take off but crash land in the ocean And so it becomes a makeshift boat…somehow Now because this game's progression makes a ton of sense The gang naturally has to go talk to the Weapons Seller who is running a thriving business at a lone building literally in the middle of nowhere Where he tells Cloud about the Temple of the Ancients which holds the ultimate black Materia Meteor But to open the temple doors you need a completely different Materia of which he sold to the buff man running Gold Saucer After obtaining this Materia Cait Sith everyone's favorite party member steals it and hands it off to the Turks Revealing that he was actually a spy the whole time And before Cloud can destroy him he also reveals that he's holding Marlene and Aerith's mother captive in Midgar Very cool. Love this character The crew arrives later at the temple and find one of the Turks all stabbed up from his encounter with Natural Causes Going inside they find Sephiroth who explains his plan of using the black Materia to summon Meteor which will wound the planet so badly that all the Lifestream will flow to one place in order to heal it At that point Sephiroth will stand in the middle and soak it all up like a sponge to become ultra powerful so he can destroy even more planets since he’s crazy and thinks he’s supposed to follow in his planet destroying mother’s footsteps He vanishes and the party finds the black Materia, but it has some kinda futuristic Indiana Jones trap set on it where if you try to take it the entire temple will condense and it will kill everyone inside Cait Sith is like, "I'll stay behind and set the trap to atone for my actions" And everyone else is like, “Hey alright I like that plan” So he does and gets crushed and Cloud picks up the Materia But then the worst case scenario happens Another Cait Sith appears Oh and Sephiroth controls Cloud into giving him the black Materia That was bad too So with the mission a failure Aerith is like, "alright y'all are hopeless i’m outta here" and leaves to go pray for the planet. Cloud and crew follow her to the Forgotten City and arrive just in time for her to be turned into a shish kabob A shocking turn of events exclusively for my Grandma who's never been on any internet forum and is also blind and deaf and dead Sephiroth is like, “Hey don’t forget about The Reunion It’s just past the Mountains at the Northern Crater Y’know, only if you have nothing better to do.” and awkwardly floats off screen Again Cloud lays Aerith to rest in the nearby deceptively deep pool of water Hey what's going on here how is Cloud standing but Aerith is like sinking 200 feet down to the bottom I don't understand And the party moves forward across a snowy mountain Where Cloud copes with the death of his best friend by Playing a fun snowboarding minigame! They reach the Northern Crater where The Reunion is taking place The party manages to defeat Sephiroth but Cloud realizes that he's not the real Sephiroth and that the real Sephiroth is somewhere nearby Because he no longer trusts himself he hands over the black Materia to one of the party members Who stays behind while Cloud and Tifa head in alone Sephiroth starts mind-screwing Cloud with illusions of what really really happened in Nibelheim 5 years ago and how Cloud was just a filthy casual Soldier 17th class He also sends an illusion of Cloud back to the party and gets one of them to run inside and hand the Materia over to a mindbroken Cloud Who floats up to the real Sephiroth and hands him the black Materia letting him summon Meteor The ground splits open as a bunch of giant robots emerge from The Planet Yeah so apparently The Planet itself created these Kaiju monsters as like a defense mechanism idk it's supid Cloud falls into The Planet's Lifestream and gets a double dose of Mako poisoning He eventually washes up in a nearby town but is once again braindead The party finds him and Tifa decides to stay behind to help feed him his oatmeal Meanwhile the dumb Kaiju monsters are like still fumbling around not sure what to do because they want to kill Sephiroth since he's the biggest threat to the planet but since he has a barrier protecting him they just settle for destroying whatever civilization they can find Which includes the town that Cloud and Tifa are staying at Cloud once again takes a dip in the Mako pool as the two enter this weird Evangelion instrumentality world where Tifa can see inside Cloud's mind and searches through his scattered memories Cloud comes to terms with being a SOLDIER flunky and Tifa finds out that Cloud actually does like her he's just an edgelord Clouds is like, "alright whatever I'm done being angsty at least until Advent Children" And the two emerge from the lifestream together However they’re still unsure of how to stop the giant flaming rock in the sky And so they visit good ol' Bugehagen the wise sage from Red 13ths hometown who shows them a magical flashback of Aerith’s death where he's like, "look remember the green marble that was bouncing around in that one cutscene? That's actually the ultimate white magic Materia Holy And the whole reason she was praying at the Forgotten City was to summon Holy and protect the planet And it turns out she was actually successful but Sephiroth is holding it back with his unexplained Holy stopping powers So they resolve to take down Sephiroth to release Holy and push back Meteor Meanwhile Shinra is like still fighting a Kaiju monsters and has built a giant Mako cannon that they shoot straight through it managing to also break Sephiroth’s magical barrier in the process However Hojo is still off his medication and is planning to fire it a second time this time at Sephiroth to give him even more Mako energy because he's just that great of a father. So the party has to parachute into Midgar and kill Hojo once and for all A week remains until Meteor will crash into The Planet and everyone in the party leaves to go spend some time with their loved ones Except Cloud and Tifa who have a romantic night of love making on the cold hard Midgar soil The rest of the party returns the next day prepared to fight Sephiroth for the fate of The Planet Together they descend to the bottom of the Northern Crater and find Sephiroth at The Planet’s core holding back Holy They engage him in battle with Sephiorth taking his ultimate form Safer Sephiroth Uhh, really? Safer Sephiroth? Is that actually the name for it? They destroy his mortal body but his spirit still exists inside the Lifestream And so Cloud meets him on the astral plane for good ol' 1v1 where he obliterates Sephiroth once and for all ...Until Advent Children With Sephiroth gone Holy is released as all the Lifestream on The Planet converge to push back Meteor saving The Planet Hojo turns green I don't know why I had that in my script like it was an important plot point I mean I guess he does turn green Now I know what you're thinking, “Chase this is all gonna get retconned in the remakes anyways so what's the point?” Well...not all of it... The biggest change is that a fan favorite character is still alive that's right, Wedge! Wedge is back baby and Biggs too! I can't wait to see how this change will affect the overall plot in the next Final Fantasy remake episode in the year 2027 Ok ok and Zack is alive too Turns out that he survived his fight against the Shinra troops in this timeline Or maybe in a parallel timeline that’s running alongside the main timeline? Idk it's kinda unclear right now The Sephiroths we see in this game are also just the failed vegetable clones instead of a shapeshifted Jenova With Sephiroth using his illusionary magic to make them look like Sephiroth so that he can bully Cloud In fact a lot of the weird confusing parts of the game can just be explained by Sephiroth's illusionary magic Like the entire final battle Remember that he could do the same thing in the original game so i’m just gonna chalk it up to that Alright class is over everyone. If you enjoyed the video and would like to support the channel then subscribe and leave a like! If there's a game or series you'd like to see me cover then leave a comment telling me what it is and i'll try to get to it when I can Thanks for watching and hopefully ill see you next time!
Channel: Chase Kip
Views: 1,015,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7, ff7, final fantasy 7 explained, final fantasy vii, chase kip, final fantasy vii explained
Id: D36jDxsEcKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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