Fill Your Horn and Go - Bishop T.D. Jakes | The Pacemaker Series

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[Music] [Applause] again First Samuel chapter 16 verse 1 through 7 Amen as soon as everybody stands I'm going to start reading from the Word of God and what I'm going to do tonight I won't be long but I'm gonna teach until the Lord releases me I'm not going to be hindered by a clock yeah I'm not gonna be hindered by a clock we don't have no balloons to drop or nothing we just we came to get a breakthrough to get us ready for what God's gonna do this year are you with me for that no form no fashion no foolishness I'm just gonna do what the Lord sent me here to do the Lord gave me a word I'm just so enjoyed I'm so enjoyed my time with him and it's after after all of these years of preaching the Word of God I have so enjoyed my my time with him in my time in his word in my time he's giving me something that feels prophetic tonight it feels prophetic tonight it really feels prophetic I'm not doing this series out of ceremony there's a certain unction of the Holy Spirit only to share this tonight and I can't wait to get into it because somebody's life is gonna be changed somebody holler let it be me and the Lord said unto Samuel how long without mourn for Saul saying I have rejected him from reigning over Israel how long how long how long how long will you be said how long will you be bitter how long will you be angry how long will you be stuck how long will you be frustrated how long were you mourn for something that I have rejected I have rejected him from having leadership in your life the thing that used to control you will not control you anymore the thing that used to boss you around will not boss you around anymore I have rejected him from reigning over Israel and look at this next word he says field on horn with oil and go fill van horn with all and go and I was Cindy to Jesse the Bethlehem I for I had provided me a king among his sons and Samuel said how can I go if Saul hear it he will kill me and the Lord said take a heifer with thee and say I am come to sacrifice to the Lord and call Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show thee what thou shalt do and thou shalt anoint unto me him whom my name unto thee and Samuel did that which the Lord spake and came to Bethlehem and the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said cometh thou peaceably and he said peaceably I am come to sacrifice unto the Lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he sanctified Jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice and it came to pass when they were come that he looked on Eli AB and said surely the Lord's anointed anointed is before him but the Lord said unto Samuel look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because I have refused him for the Lord see if not as man Siam's for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart say man somebody go back to this first verse because this is what really mad me and had me up at 3 o'clock in the morning and the Lord said unto Samuel how long will they mourn for saw saying I have rejected him from reigning over Israel talked about the Sunday morning but not this part feel Van Horn with oil and go fill your horn and go fill your horn with oil and go look at your neighbor and say fill your horn and go say coal say it like you're yelling at your children go poor children poor children polystrate have your way used me tonight in a supernatural way I understand my responsibilities are great I realize that there are people logged in from all over the world I realized that there are people who travel for this night alone there are people who came and dropped off the stuff at the hotel and rushed to be here in service tonight some of them haven't even checked in yet because they came to here what does sayeth the Lord understand my responsibility tonight I'm not just talking to my congregation but I am speaking to nations around the world who are looking for your direction and I pray God tonight in the name of Jesus that you would use these lips of clay that they might be anointed in such a way that they would effectively do what you called us to do and I believe you for increase in Jesus name somebody shall to increase in jesus name amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord for the benefit of those of you who may not have been here Sunday morning Samuel is standing in a very awkward position he is hinged between that which was and that which is about to come he is in transition he has had a tremendous experience with the former king of Israel named Saul he has anointed Saul to be king even though Saul was not God's choice he anointed him to be king and saw rain for a long time but he watched worse and worse and worse and God had to finally let Samuel know I have rejected Saul from being king over Israel so when we enter into the text we see the Prophet weeping he is weeping because God has rejected Saul from being King and God comes down and speaks to his servant and said why weepest thou over what I have rejected God gets upset when we try to live what he's trying to kill when we try to maintain things that are not in his will for us to have God gets upset when we become obstinate and set in our way and we keep going in our all the way over and over and over again God's saying to Samuel I want you to be in agreement with me because I'm getting ready to do a new thing in you and I don't want your emotions to be tied up in that which I have rejected I want to give you a new heart on the matter I want you to catch the rhythm of where I am right now I learned as a leader it's not not to the whole staff we have almost 300 people who work at this ministry and they were depending on what department you work on where can you catch the rhythm of the head of that department but if you work close to me I can't have just anybody working close to me not not just because you got a degree in it not just because you're talented in it not because not even just because you feel called to it you have to have my rhythm I like that is my own sets of people I personally cannot work closely with somebody who's looking at the clock who gets upset if I get if I text you after five o'clock you might work at the ministry but not close to me if you're gonna work close to me you have to have my rhythm cuz I get bright ideas at 10:30 at night I will text you at 11 o'clock I will text you in the middle of a football game right before it touchdown telling you something that the Lord showed me and if that offends you you can't be close in my team because in order to work effectively with the leader you have to have the rhythm of the leader you have to have the rhythm of the leader you have to have the rhythm of the leader and so God is trying to get Samuel to catch his rhythm because Samuel has lost his rhythm he's gotten off beat I wish I had time to really tell you God is a God of rhythm you're going to learn over the next few weeks that God is a God of rhythm David understood something about God that Moses never understood about God Moses understood the laws and the ceremonies of the rituals of God but David understood the rhythm of God God is a rhythmic God glory to God you're going to learn as we begin to continue to teach on this God didn't just choose David because he was a shepherd boy God chose David because he was a musician David understood rhythm God is a God of rhythm God is a God of rhythm who are he is a God of breathing everything that God created has a rhythm to it the ocean has a rhythm to it the heart has a rhythm to it breathing has a rhythm to it the earth has a rhythm to it the rotation of the Sun has a rhythm to it the rhythm controls the seasons the rhythm controls the days in the night God is a rhythmic God when you catch God's rhythm you can walk with him the Bible said if you walk in the sphere you should not fulfill the lust of the flesh that word walk means to be synchronized with not just to stroll along in a haphazard way but God said when I move I want you to move when I step I want you to step when I go forward I want you to go for it if you're gonna walk with me you gotta have my pace you gotta have my rhythm and the reason that God is talking to Samuel is that Samuel has broke his rhythm and God says you're messing up Samuel because you're weeping when I like weeping I don't want you to week when I'm not weeping why are you weeping over what I have rejected I have found me a man I have found me a man I have found me a man the weeping is over God makes abrupt changes sudden changes immediate changes right away he's not hot between two opinions he's not unstable in his ways he may not do that double God is not that kind of God God is a right now God he's an immediate God he's a straightaway I told you sir prophetic word when a prophetic word gets loose in house all kinds of stuff get stirred up that's how you know that God is talking because there'll be a stirring in the spirit but you stay with me everything's gonna be all right God had a rhythm and Santa was about to miss the rhythm because he was lingering where God had left he was lingering for God has left the God moves he moves it either is or it isn't is either day always likes it it's either up or down you see the right or it's wrong he said why are you weeping over what I have rejected I want to explain to you what Samuel has to learn about God when it comes to God pronouncing judgment on something death comes slowly Death Comes slowly he told Adam and Eve the day you eat of the tree now shall surely die they ate in a tree and said I'm still here but what's God says the thing it may take a time for it to manifest but it was done when he said the day you pulled the rolls is dead the day you pull it is dead you can pull it in and it can have a rosebud on it and it will still blossom but it's dead it will spread out but its dead that moment you snatched it from its source it was already there God said the day you eat of the tree that shall surely die it might look like you're not dead but thou shalt surely die Jesus walked up to a fig tree and the Bible said then he cursed the fig tree and the disciples looked at it and the leaves were still on it and the tree was still standing but when they came back out of the city it had withered up there will be a time period where God says something and it looks like it didn't happen but if you just wait a while if you just wait a while everything God said will come to pass in my blood for a minute it might blossom for a moment the leaves might be green for a moment but when God said it's done it's done God has rejected Saul and Saul is still in office he still the boss he still the King he's still sitting on the throne he still making decrees but like the roles that snatched from the vine he is rejected why weepest now over what I have rejected Saul is rejected He is God and this is the situation and this is what's important you need to understand there are some things that operated in your past that God has brought to an end he has said it is finished it is over it is done depression you are done poverty you are done defeated them you are done discouragement you are done oh you don't hear what I'm saying anger you are done hostility you are done it may still be trying to operate it may still be sitting on the throne it may still be talking smack but when God says it's done oh do you hear what I'm saying do you hear what I'm saying do you hear what I'm saying slap your neighbor and say it's finished it may still be talking but it's finished it may still be walking but it's finished it may still be arguing but it's finished it may still be fighting but it's finished when God said it's finished it's only a matter of time by the time you get back out the city you're gonna see that the word was right the word don't need no witness in a stand all by itself when God says the thing it is so it is gone it is over it is fitted God said why are you weeping I'm done with him I'm through with it it's friends he propane one time he said the ground will no longer yield to you what it used to yield to you can dig in it you can plan in it but it's not going to work like it used to work it is finished I came to tell somebody that what the devil used to be able to do he's not going to be able to do it anymore he can dig it and he can plan in it he can water it he can bring it up he can show your images and flash back and present but when God rejects it it's rejected somebody shouted the god [Applause] well I'm excited I'm getting all excited I'm in my first point I'm already sweating it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over stop wrestling with this stop crying about it stop worrying about it stop bouncing to and fro stop waking up in the middle of the night it's over it's over it's over the reign of the enemy is over in your life the reign of terror is over in your life you are not who you were you are not what you were you are not where you are it is finished my god that's our stuff my god that sleeping stuff my god this run of stuff ding dong the witch is dead ding dong somebody that's been through some say dingdong the witch is dead it was a long time before so Phil then on the battlefield and it manifests on earth what God had declared in heaven but in the presence of God he was dead before he found the day you each car should be the tree it's done cancer dry up y'all can't handle this kind of work chances dryer it's done somebody shot his god many of you heard me give my testimony we were a wicked welfare down-and-out didn't have anything bought an old raggedy car driving downtown to Charleston with my sister I turned and looked at her and said I'm not gonna be broke anymore she said what do you mean I said I don't like it it was done it took a while to manifest the car was still cranking the tires were still popping there was no food in the refrigerator my clothes were still warna but the moment there are some things in your life that God has rejected he has rejected he has rejected in his finishes Alma is God stopped upon his ass time [Applause] we have to get that if we don't get any further you have to know that if you don't know anything else it is done it is finished it is settled that's it it's rejected glory to God glory to God and man don't know but you've already left him don't you know you've gone before you go you've left before you leave you divorce before you divorce or your legal talk to me you're gonna talk to me your legal talk to me by the time you get the papers it was already we the boss April 15 no you didn't that's when the papers came in you've been divorced for a year and a half why with the sound what I have rejected I'm through with it it's done it's over I'm gone before I go I quit before I resign I leave before I left it's over once I give my heart out I'm out oh [Applause] don't pay this body no attention this body may still be coming home so since mother while I get my heart out God said I pour my heart out of there it's over I've rejected him I'm through with him the issue is and this is the issue for you there are some things that operated in 2018 [Applause] that God has rejected it is finished it is done it is over but it's still sitting there [Applause] it's still looking you in the face it's still meeting at the water cooler Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying y'all I hear what I'm saying y'all don't hear what I'm saying it's still all the evidence is still there I believe that moment right on Third Avenue right on the corner of 3rd and Stockton when I told you it was telling it was finished right there it took up it took many months for it to manifest but it was over when I said it was over you need to declare Allah God says to him take that horn and fill it with all and take the horn and fill it with hall and Co take 9 horn and fill it with hall and go leave from this depression stop allowing what I have rejected to control your emotions [Music] they didn't hear me let me try y'all stop allowing what I have rejected to control your emotions when you brought that thing to the hall tables done right there and so Samuel says to the Lord he says you want me to take the horn and fill it with all and go and anoint another king Wow Wow Saul is still sitting on the throne you want me to get up from here and walk right past the King to somebody else and anoint my future you want me to anoint my future while my past is still sitting on the throne oh this is good this is good you want me to operate in the new dimension while the old dimension is still sitting where it was look at me in the face you want me to call those things that are not as though they were you want me to walk in my healing while my back is still hurting you want the poor to say I'm rich oh y'all in here is me tonight so this was the Lord told me to tell you in order to get what he has for you you got to operate in two dimensions [Applause] you gotta operate in two dimensions what I've rejected is still sitting there but what I've appointed is coming so he says how do I handle what was in the face of what he is anybody listening to me tonight and there were three things that God gave me God gave him a strategy number one he said you will have to use discretion you will have to use discretion cuz all is gone but he don't know it it's over but I don't know it so you'll have to use discretion a lot of people lose the opportunity to step into the future because they give out too much information to their past come on come on talk to me baby talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me you can't run up in Saul's face and tell him I'm getting ready there no ain't your replacement the Lord said this is a season in your life where you're gonna have to be discrete you know you can't let your left hand oh I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to somebody the reason you've had took so much turbulence is that you talk too much so God told Samuel what the tale saw he said tales saw that you're going down there - washer get a Hoefler bring her with you and when you walk past the king tell him I'm going down here to offer a sacrifice up to God you don't have to tell him everything I told you you don't have to tell it what you shall be you don't have to tell him your dream in your vision you don't have to tell everybody what God is about to do in your life or not preach it - so you won't have to be wise God said I'm gonna tell you what to say I'm gonna tell you what to say somebody throw your hands up say Louis tell me what to say I'm in a season of transition I'm in a place I've never been before I'm having to operate in two different dimensions I've never had to operate in two different dimensions I'm stuck between what he is about to be and what used to be tell me what to say somebody's been in a perplexing place you're not quite in but you're not quite out you're not quite up but you're not quite down throw your hands up say Lord tell me what to say see this is your year for there will be transformation there will be a shifting there will be a transition to break forth in your life and you will have to use discretion number two you will have to use discernment where I'm getting ready to turn around get ready to take you you cannot lean to your own understanding only the knows only the knows only the knows you can't trust your own eyes you can't trust your own ears you can't trust your own friends those people who got you here you can't trust them you're gonna have to use this sermon when you get to the right place you don't know it because the oil is gonna flow I don't care whether you're in a storefront or a megachurch got stained glass or no glass padded peels or folding chairs the only thing that I care about is their an anointing in that house for where the Spirit of the Lord he is I want to be careful because I want to be sure I give you everything that he told me to give you in other words God says fill your horn with oil because you are getting ready to use something spiritual to affect something natural you're getting ready to use something spiritual to effects of natural your anointing is gonna change your leadership your Lord thing is gonna change your government only when the oil flows there's God who am I talking to there's gonna be a shift you won't be anointed to do stuff you don't even have a degree in I'm getting ready to take you into another dimension and you will have to be fool to do this fill your horn withal and go touch me people say fill your horn with all and go so the Lord said the Lord said the anointing is going to have classified information the anointing is gonna have classified information God's gonna give you something that you don't qualify for that the rule said you shouldn't be able to have you will read something on the website say you can't have it go anyway because the anointing is going to destroy yokes it's gonna open up doors it's gonna make way somebody will say I don't even know why I'm hiring you I don't even know why I'm giving you this opportunity I don't even know why I'm putting you in this position but God said fill your horn with all and go touch your neighbor and say fill your horn with all and go so you don't have to have discernment number one you go have to have discretion number two you gonna have to have discernment number three you gonna have to be dissecting that's it the Word of God is sharp sharper than any two-edged sword casting asunder so from spear bones from moral God said I'm getting ready to dissect some things I'm getting ready to go into someplace I'm gonna separate some stuff you didn't think could be separated God said I'm going in between the bone and the Morrow I'm gonna get down to the heart of the matter I'm gonna dissect some things with my word bone from Mara so from spirit my word is gonna separate my word is gonna do some dissecting my word is gonna bring about a change my word is gonna fit not your word that's why I told you shut your mouth it will not be your word that does that's sexy it will be the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord the word of God will do the work who am i preaching to [Applause] my third point I'm almost done take Van Horn and fill it with all and go what's this don't feel a container or vessel why does God telling the filler horn a horn has to be cut from the head where there is no blood there is no oil [Applause] the principle of the blood and the oil are all through the scripture whenever you see blood the oil will flow wherever you see blood the oil will flow once you have been through the blood you can get the oil do you hear what I'm saying God said feel that horn with oil you don't have to be full this year you will have to be full this year you can't be sitting in church thinking about nothing this year you can be texting your friends and tweeting out all kind of information to people that don't even matter and you didn't get it yourself [Applause] I'm not against tweeting I didn't send myself but I'm old-school in my day we took notes this generation tweets out stuff you don't even understand you so busy giving it away you don't have it get it yourself first get it to shout first God is giving it to you then get down in your spirit to get down in your soul and you giving it to everybody else and then you'll attain remembrance for what gods get ready to do in your life in this year you have to be full over the next few weeks I'm going to show you how to feel your horn with oil though you hand them say feel my horn with oil throw it again feel my healing horn with oil said again fill my horn with oil that means I don't have any room for anything else if I'm full of oil I think be full of hate if I'm full of oil I can't be full of frustration if I'm full of all I can't be full of depression somebody said fill my horn with all whatever God is getting ready to release in this season in your life you're gonna have to come up under a fresh anointing this will not be like any other kind of annoying you had before you're gonna have to have your horn filled with oil you're gonna shift some things some things are getting ready to change in your life and the Lord told me to tell you he's already been telling you it was gonna happen whoever I'm preaching to and bearing witness to something that's already been down in your spirit if I'm preaching to the right people give him a praise right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah attention Damon tell about getting a fresh anointing and that will be like who I was and like more act like how you say don't expect me to be who I used to be and coming into a new season and coming into a fresh anointing and coming into a fresh power and coming into a fresh glory you might not want to sit beside me because I'm getting ready to Florida to mention that I've never flew in the floor and getting ready to flow with the fresh anointing I need three minutes of crazy Holy Ghost [Applause] yeah yes yes yes yes yes you got a minute left fill it up fill it up fill it up fill it up fill it up get it up fill your heart let's go fill it up before you go to work drill it up before you deal with that problem give it up gods get ready to take you into abundance gods get ready to take you into overflow gods get ready to drive out the enemy gods get ready to fill up all space you won't be empty you won't be lonely throw your hands up and say fill it up my god I feel the longing of the Holy Ghost in this place every vessel in here give your God of praise [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah if we were born in the 2018 that would have been good enough but because we're stepping over into 2019 you can't praise it like you did in 2018 God said I'm gonna give you a present Martin open your mouth [Applause] I feel the hall change I feel all change I feel it all shake all change I feel it all change devil you should've killed me when you had the tab but it's too late now I feel the hall of the Holy Ghost coming in my life I beg you to pray that [Applause] hear the word of the Lord what God is giving to you is not for you fill your horn with oil but I'm gonna give something to you that's not for you it's going to affect everybody around you let your neighbors have got something for you he put it in me it will affect you if you don't want to be affected don't my me I have an anointing to bring about a change who am i preaching through in this place [Applause] the Lord told me to tell you stop crying over who wouldn't receive you because what God gave you everybody can't receive it you tried to pour it on the wrong person and it didn't even work stop crying about it God protected you from anointing the wrong thing the Lord said praise me for people who love you jobs you didn't get laws that didn't open if it was for you I want to game until you y'all don't hear what I'm saying I feel the spirit of release in this way thank God for what you didn't get [Applause] or I'm separate now everybody got the caliphate everybody then the canopy and thank you for what I didn't get I thank you from the door that didn't open I'm taken from the woman who walked away and thank you for the man that rejected me come on come on come on [Applause] Samuel was a true prophet but he almost anointed the wrong man to be king he meant that he live in Lyon was tall and strong and so what's home and strong and he looked like he was the one but he wasn't so when Samuel tried to anoint him he held the horn over his head but the oil knew what the prophet didn't know God said if it didn't work it was supposed to work he's got something better hope they can hear me he's got something he's got something better he's got something planner he's got something better somebody praise Allah [Applause] slap slapping people and tell him he's got something better Jim Radek Jenny this is y'all did rather put something better open your mouth open your mouth [Applause] Oh open your mouth open y'all I'm praising him soprano praising him lafrana and 2019 I'm praising God in 29 and praising God Lamanna somebody shout Rama [Applause] lay your hands on your neighbor and say God in the Mantha going to with manna [Applause] God in the bathroom aren't you with better the reason 2018 was so hard is because the devil knew that matter was on its way but I want to tell the lemma 2018 is over this is my year [Applause] [Applause] we've been badges the badges rapidly all grata definitely off ladder everybody in here regna slap [Applause] that with the Prada rather for my life whoa rather papa open your mouth [Applause] tell your neighbor neighbor excuse me get out of my way I'm ruling out the planner step around them that pass you got all of them women 19 rather in my life women I need that in my spirit [Applause] to print before I need 3,000 people to go into a holy ghost shop right now [Applause] [Music] that's like you're glowing in the bladder that's watch it for them to batter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 210,620
Rating: 4.8657579 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, td jakes 2020 motivation, fill your horn and go, the pacemaker series
Id: 4nvBkDe65V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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