Bother Me - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] well listen everybody I'm excited because I've got a word I want to share with you something that the Lord put in my heart and in my spirit I think it's gonna speak to your life and to your spirit I want you to get ahead of me and go to the Gospel of st. Luke chapter number 18 verse 1 through 8 and there you will find the reading of God's Word again the Gospel of st. Luke chapter 18 verse number 1 through 8 glory to God hallelujah glory to God I would say I'm glad to see you but I can't see you but you can see me and I hope you're glad to see me and I'm grateful to God that you're there and I'm seeing it and I'm feeling it on the Instagram and the Twitter's and the UM tweets and Facebook and all the different modalities in which you're communicating with us thank you for the encouragement and the feedback it keeps us uplifted to know that your needs are being met especially at a time like this we're anxious to make sure that we're not gonna let covet 19 or any other Covidien come along and stop us from doing what God has called us to do we're just gonna do it differently and that's what you got to do in your own life when you can't do it the way you want to do it you got to learn how to do it differently there is another way to get done what you're trying to get done somebody shout amen and it reads us Lee then Jesus told his disciples a parable or a story to show them that they should always pray and not give up so that's the why he's telling them the story so that they could learn to always pray and not give up now here's Sahu he said in a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought and there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea grant me justice against my adversary so if we were doing a movie this is one Scene one who we establish the characters we have a judge who doesn't fear God don't care what people thinks and we have a widow in the town who has to kept coming to him with the plea grant me justice against my adversary now we're gonna get into the plot for some time he refused but finally he said to himself even though I don't fear God or care what people think even though I don't care that what people think yet because this Widow keeps bothering me take that out because this Widow keeps bothering me oh my god are we were the church I would just have you test somebody and say she kept bothering him yeah because this would all kept bothering me I will see that she gets justice so that she won't eventually come and attack me and the Lord said listen to what the unjust judge says and will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night will he keep putting them off I tell you he will however when the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth somebody shout Amen so today I want to talk to you this morning from the subject bother me bother me because I believe that's what God is saying to us I want you to bother me somebody shall bother me Holy Spirit fall in this place descend upon us like the morning dew falling elegantly upon the leaves before the Sun has ever began to shine fall with such propensity as such power that our leaves are affected by the amount of do that has saturated our circumstances speak to us in a different from a pitch away so that you might unfold to us the mysteries of the book I think you in advance for what you're going to do now bind every foul spirit every evil so polity that was tried to disrupt the Word of God from penetrating the souls of men and give us the life that we have been promised in the scriptures of that life more abundantly and it isn't the invincible irrevocable eternal immutable name of Jesus we pray every believer who loves his name shout Amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord now it is interesting to me that the Bible says this is a confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us that's the confidence we know we know that he hears us okay so that means that if we pray one time and we believe God when we pray we can walk away from the prayer knowing that God heard us yes and there's a great deal of teaching and a great deal of Scripture that validates the fact that God doesn't have amnesia he doesn't forget so we don't have to keep reminding him like he's forgotten what we said and yet when Jesus is teaching on prayer in this particular text he is telling us about the tenacity of this woman and I want to talk to you about tenacious praying because we must admit that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much effectual and fervent intense continually perpetually we also know that men ought to lift up holy hands without doubting and without right praying without ceasing the prayer should become a lifestyle not an emergency but you only pull when you're in trouble it needs to become a part of your daily life but there is more to this text in Man and I want to walk you through just some beginnings of gleanings of truths that we must first look at the system in which the prayer is operating because a lot of times we preach about prayer but we don't preach about the system that prayer has to penetrate in order to function prayer trade systems prayer penetrates systems so systems are set up and they stand did to be the status quo the way things are done how it operates over here if you're gonna come over here it works like this these systemic pressures are have to be penetrated through prayer and prayer can penetrate a system it can penetrate a sickness it could penetrate a pathology it can penetrate a mentality it can penetrate a behavior it can disrupt a pattern and order prayer is a weapon it is an anvil it is meant to penetrate it is meant to break through it is meant to crush it is meant to dislodge it is meant to change the circumstances whether it is penetrating a storm on a boat that's rocking in the winds and the waves and Jesus says peace be still and it penetrated the turbulence around it there are some turbulent seas that we're dealing with right now and have been dealing with for a while it's not just Oviatt 19 there are some systems that in place that prayer must be able to penetrate when you pray you're bucking the system it's no needed praying if you're not gonna be prepared to buck the system prayer is how you buck the system prayer is how you disrupt the outcome I know that some of you have heard a prognosis that that look good but prayer prayer will buck the system it will change the prognosis it will dislodge the circumstance it will remove the obstacle it will open up a door it will bring a wandering child back home it will reconcile a marriage this off try prayer will buck the system and I want to talk to some radical people this is not a message for the feeble and the faint this is not a message for the polite in the timid this is a message for somebody who has got something that they so urgently need from God that they're willing to be out of order and they're willing to be looked scandalously and the willing to be ostracized criticized because you're ready to bug the system this is not for somebody who's more concerned about being liked than being healed this is not for somebody who's more concerned about being popular than they are about being powerful this is not for somebody who's more interested in political acceptance and the grandiose ideas of men no this is for somebody who knows clearly what they want and they need a breakthrough and they're ready to put a hammer behind an anvil until they crack something that a door may be open oh my god I'm trying not to get excited but I'm happy already cuz I feel like we've been talking about breakthroughs and now we're gonna crack something and I'm gonna show you how to break through you're gonna break through with prayer you've gotta break through with faith you're gonna break through with works you don't want works without a prayer and you don't want prayer without works you want them to work together succinctly how to be able to see what you're praying for about what you're doing I'm gonna say that again how to be able to see what you're praying for you don't have to say what you're praying for I wanna see what you're praying for about what you're doing you're doing and your prayer have to be concerted they have to be in sequence they have to be synchronized together why because faith without works is dead God says I don't care how much you believe it if I don't see your actions validating what you believe nothing is going to be done I want to back up and look at this system there a little bit because this woman lives in a caste system a caste system is a class system where do you have the haves and the have-nots you have the powerful and you have the powerless you have the influential and you had the peasants she's in a caste system that it's not steered in her direction some of us have to operate against gaming winds of opposition now let me show you what I mean it's funny to me that I can get on a plane flying from Dallas to California and it only takes two hours but when I fly back from California to Dallas it may take three and a half it seems like it's the same distance going as it is coming why is there a difference well the difference is when I'm flying to California often I'm flying with a tail wind that is expediting the process that when I'm flying back home I'm flying against a tailwind and it slows down the process there are some things that you want from God that you're flying against the wind yeah nobody in your neighborhood ever did that nobody in your family ever did that nobody in your choir every day that nobody in your church ever did that and whenever you're flying against the wind it may take a little bit more effort and a little bit more tenacity and this is the inflection of this prayer for those moments when one prayer won't do it but you're flying against the wind and you're gonna have to bombard the system to get the kind of breakthrough that you need but I believe it breakthrough somebody say breakthroughs I haven't even breakthroughs even when you're flying against the wind even when the odds are stacked against you even when you're dealing with systemic racism even when you're dealing with sustainable gender ISM whatever the system is as flying against you doesn't mean you can't break through if that were not true women wouldn't have the right to vote if that were not true blacks wouldn't be able to eat in restaurants if that we're not true America would not be a country if that were not true the Jewish population would have been destroyed and the Holocaust is always somebody who pushes against the system whether it's a nothing Mandela in the apartheid there's always somebody who pushes against the wind until we get the breakthrough the interesting thing to understand though this woman is pushing against a system that is not designed for her to get what she needs now we in this country which profess to be a democracy are more aptly a republic still function in many ways like a caste system we don't like to admit it but there's two different levels of justice this rich folk justice and poor folks justice there's people who get things worked out on the golf course while other people have to go through the court room it depends on who you know and what you know how things happen even in this country that says and tries to be and wants to be fair we're still struggling after hundreds of years to perfect freedom and liberty and justice for all we have justice for some we got justice for certain sex and community we got justice for certain groups and certainly income levels but if you're born in the wrong zip code oh come on somebody here if you don't know the right people justice become something that you have to pray for now some people don't have to teach our prayer for justice because they already possess justice the wind is blowing their way but if you happen to be born in the wrong ship code the wind is not going in your direction for true justice and you have to fight for it a little differently than somebody who was born with it oh my god the interesting thing is we have this judge who is a power that this woman normally would not even have access to and we are told about the personality of the judge that he is tenacious and relentless and he does not fear God nor care what anybody thinks he is a power he is a sovereign he is a decision-maker he can resolve issues and then on the other hand we are told about this woman and the woman the Bible says is a widow now that's just a slight little detail that he gives us about this woman it does not give us her name it doesn't tell us her tonight it doesn't tell us what she had on it doesn't tell us about her income level but it says she's a widow the reason it tells us that she is a widow it's because Jesus lived in a message in a society where being a woman without a man meant that you really had no voice ah we're about to get into something and Jesus uses he's teaching the disciples but he's talking about a widow woman why would Jesus use a widow woman when leaving a message for a group of men about how to pray he's teaching these men how to pray when the system is against you the system you see is against women and it has been for a long time and it is all through the Bible if you will remember the daughters of Zelophehad who had to go to Moses death said why Cannot we reap an inheritance that our Father left us sing as he had no sons why should we be discriminated against because we are women and at first Moses was not going to give them their fair share but he had to go to God and God told Moses God told Moses look at how God overruled Moses God told Moses the woman is right sometimes God has to speak up for you to get justice God told Moses the one that I write it's a shame that they had to go that high to get what men didn't have to go that high for but when you're flying against the current and you're trying to break a system sometimes you have to put in prayer work to get what is rightfully yours but the dollars of the life ahead would not be denied they said no we're gonna pray and pray until we get a breakthrough because they lived in a message any society that did not appreciate women nor regard them as being influential and yet in spite of that this woman this widow woman this man less woman went before the judge and worried him and bothered him until there was a change I think about Leah and Rachel whose marriage was negotiated by Laban and Jacob what woman today once Laban and Jacob to enter into a business deal that affects who you end up in the bed with look at how women were considered like property like cabbage like cattle like sheep like oxen they were traded off in a business deal even though they were his daughters now you know if your trade your daughters your hand maidens don't stand a chance I want you to see what we're talking about when we're talking about this little woman and how little regard throughout scripture was given to women they were not respected they were not appreciated they were not honored and seldom in the scriptures do we even get the name of women for example we know that there was a woman at the well we know what happened to her we know the details of her life we even know about her sex life and we don't know her name y'all not gonna talk to me this morning they didn't even think it important enough to identify who she is they identified what she'd done they identified her religion but her name wasn't important enough to be shared with us and no historian to this date has been able to dislodge the information about her name because who she was was an incidental it's like naming a puppy or name and a dog the name in a goldfish it wasn't significant enough in the story to be included who she was while they described were great intent where she was where the well was what the conversation was how many men she had what her religion was you would think they would mention her name but women had such a low regard in the scripture in the days of the scriptures that the pennmen did not even think to note her name Oh what about the woman with the issue of blood we know the personal information of her hemorrhaging we understand the fact that she's bleeding we understand what the law has said about her we know how long she's been bleeding we don't have any physicians she's been to see we know everything about her circumstance we know the names of the people that are surrounding Jesus but this woman who is this centerpiece of the story she is the leading lady of the story she is the one with who the story is written about wow how can we know all of these men's name and the woman who the story is written about they never even mention her now I want to talk to somebody who's bit less shameless I want to talk to somebody who's been referred to as a statistic I want to talk to somebody that's been referred to as a people group I want to talk to somebody who's never had their name mention never been recognized never had a voice never handed me influence and yet there was a woman in the Bible that was caught in the act of adultery that man caught her snatched her out of the bed brought her down the road and threw her down at the feet of Jesus they were getting ready to stone her to death and never even mentioned who she was have you ever felt unseen have you ever felt overlooked have you ever felt like your voice could not be heard your opinion not valued who you were not appreciated have you ever felt like you were locked out of the circle where decisions are made where changes are done where righteousness is accomplished where justice is ratified such it's the case in the text today who could not in spite of the fact we know that she is a tenacious woman was unable to be regarded by her adversary you're not gonna tell me that she was tenacious with the judge and had not been tenacious with her adversary but because she is a widow woman she is easily overlooked come on help me somebody she had exhausted all means of resolution on her level now listen to this she had she had exhausted all means of resolution on her level this is where most people quit when you have exhausted all means of resolution on your level most people give up she couldn't work it out with her adversary she couldn't get an arbitration clause she couldn't get ratification on her level she most people get to that level say I did all I could and I give up I just walk away if God would have meant for this to happen for me it would have happened if God means for me to get a house he'll give me a house if God means for me to get a job he'll give me a job if God means for me to get out of this court case he'll bring now if God not this woman somebody needs to say not this woman not this one see you have to set yourself apart from the status quo and let the system know you may have run over everybody else but you're not gonna run over me you might run over people who look like me but you're not gonna run over me you might have run over everybody in my neighborhood but you're not gonna run over me she said you might have run over every other woman but you're not gonna run over me and Jesus is using the story of this nameless widow woman to teach his disciples because his disciples were hated as much as a woman they were ostracized for being Christian they were ostracized for being believers they were ostracized for being his followers they could not say the name of Jesus and be respected because Jesus himself was to be crucified and he showing you how to fight when the win is against you and all hell is breaking loose and there's trouble in your life and though he slay yet shall I trust him I still believe that God it's gonna work it out my god I feel the power of the Holy Ghost I didn't come up lift the people that are already uplifted I came to snatch somebody this downtrodden I came to snatch somebody that the odds are against you I came to talk to somebody that the diagnosis doesn't look good I came to talk to somebody that's got bad credit I came to talk to somebody that's been abused and criticized ostracize molested I came to talk to somebody that's got a laundry list of reasons why you ought to just give up and turn around and walk away and go by but Jesus just say that you until a breakthrough comes until a change is made until a body is heal until a job is filed until a deed is side until the property is conveyed until the book is written until the door is open until you get your boys by and here you get your sight back until you get your legs back until you get your temperature under control somebody in this room I want to talk to you about the advantage of the disadvantage it sounds like an oxymoron it sounds like a contradiction it sounds like a radical statement but there is an advantage to being disadvantage advantage people don't know how to fight they haven't been trained how to fight so when they get in trouble they panic if the economy falls they patty they think the economy is everything cuz they've always had the advantage but when you've been disadvantaged you've been broke before you know how to take a nickel and make it do you know how to take a dollar and come back with something you know how to work with what you got you know how to make corn bread without milk you know how to survive y'all are gonna help me when you come from a disadvantage background you're not as threatened intimidated because you know she's down anyway she's rejected anyway she's ostracized anyway she's been ignored by her adversary anyway to be ignored from the judge wouldn't make her any less than she already was there is an advantage to being disadvantaged let me take some disadvantaged people fight differently disadvantaged people have the ability to survive differently disadvantaged people have a toughness that is born out of their affliction so much so that the Bible said it was God for me but then I was afflicted if I had not been afflicted I would never see the glory of God it was God you rejected me I feel like calling all of my enemies and saying thank you let me send you some roses I'm glad if you would help me I would have had to thank you for where I am but when you rejected me I don't have nobody to thank but God what I preached it to I feel a praise about to break loose [Music] you have to be persistent you have to be if you're going to break through the systems and the strongholds that are in the world today you have to be tenacious you can't just sit back and wait and I hope it happens to you I'd have to be all the time who are waiting on their opportunity and they're waiting on their doors open and they're waiting to be discovered and they keep putting content on YouTube hoping somebody will see them and there'll be one of those minority of people that gets discovered on for you to do you know that you can count those people on your head there's far more people who made it with a job far more people who made it with the business far more people who made it with a degree then people who made it because they wrote us all on YouTube that went wow they are I want to tell the parents it's a bad thing to make it too easy for you here let me get down these steps where I could see it's a bad thing to make it too easy for your kids if you give them everything they don't know how to work for nothing I said if you give them everything they don't know how to work for nothing if you make it too simple you don't know how to fight for anything if they don't know how to earn anything there's something you get from the struggle that prepares you to survive when mom and daddy are not there anymore stop making everything so easy for them put them in a condition in a circumstance where they have to fight their way out because you're not always gonna be there to take care of them you're not always gonna be there to help them think they've got to be able to think for themselves and you're doing them a disservice because you gotta teach him the advantage of being disadvantaged oh my carved from Zion I remember the first check I ever got in my life I got it from cut and miss Minerva Cole's grass miss Minerva Coles was a woman who lived in West Virginia and her lawn was on a hill and you had to cut the grass it was one thing for eight-year-old boy to cut grass on level ground but I had to cut it on the hill which meant I had to cut the grass and let the lawnmower go over the hill and then pull it back up and then push it back down to here and pull it back up and I was eight years old I was sweating and it was hot and I blistered my hands and I worked all day to cut miss Cole's grass and she gave me a check for $8.00 and I was so happy about it I framed it somewhere my mother had it on the wall for years she left me out there to sweat mama didn't come check on me she didn't come see about me the lawnmower was bigger than me it was dangerous I could have cut my leg off I could have slid up under it but I learned how to pull my own weight I learned how to fight for myself I learned how to hold my own money learn how to be past I learned how to pause in the middle of the stuff you got the part if you will pull your church out you gotta pause if you're gonna pull this man down you gotta pause if you look at your finances huh you gotta pause this madness woman comes to this powerful judge and I want you to see how she started operating in a dimension she didn't live in and when like she was used to hanging out with the judge at the golf course in one little they belong to the same country club it one that they hang hung out at the same five-star restaurants it wasn't if she had a previous relationship with her she was out class she was in a place that she didn't fit she probably wouldn't dress right the only thing she had going for is she kept coming now remember that Jesus is teaching about prayer the woman kept coming and she was coming into a dimension that she didn't fit she was coming into a dimension that she didn't fit because she had to go above her adversaries to get justice because she'd never get justice from her adversary people are going to help you because it's right people are going to help you because it's what they're supposed to do people not gonna help you because the truth is on your side people are not gonna help you because you've done this and done that and done the other sometimes you gotta go above their head to a higher power and fight for justice justice has to go up and not down and here comes this woman into a neighborhood [Music] we we but we don't but in this particular case the Lord touches us with an opportunity to get classified information the judge decided about this woman because she's come keep bothering me she keep and I now fellas I don't know about this and you can call this a sexist statement if you want to but when it comes to real intercession women are hard to be yeah women are hard to beat women are hard to be known even you get mad women are hard to be when you ask a brother to pray for you you see some Father amen and if you don't get it from man you don't get it but when you ask a woman to pray for you a woman will walk the floor and shake the head and say w alai you can't have my child never get out of my house turn my daughter loose I plead the blood of Jesus so crying the hands over walk around in the house for you witches and warlocks and every time he turn around he come again every time he went to lunch she was standing on the sidewalk when he closed up the office getting in his car she was out in the parking lot every time he stopped to get coffee in the border she was there at the coffee shop this one just beginning to break I said I better do something about it because she is bothering me now hear me when I tell you this is what I want you to understand because she bothered him she moved God I came to tell you don't give up sometimes I've had people in my life and say my number you know and people who don't bother you you forget their politeness kills the intensity of the relationship if I didn't want you to bother me I wouldn't have given you the number I can't tell you how many opportunities are lost being polite cuz I didn't take seriously the fact that somebody really wanted me in this or not I'm gonna bother you till I get a breakthrough in the shower you can't get justice without persistence to share with you I don't know what you're fighting I don't know what's against you I don't know how the odds are stacked against you I don't know how the wind is blowing against you I don't know how tired your arms might be I don't know how many times you have to pull the lawnmower up the hill and it feels like it's bigger than you but God said bother me I don't know what's keeping you up at night because it bother me I don't know what's catchy indigestion messed up because it bother me I don't know what's made you break out in hives because it bothered me I don't know how the enemy's threatening you but the Holy Gaga's Holly laughs [Music] like your girlfriends they're not going through what you're going through you're gonna fight if you bother him he will deliver you if you bother him he will bring you up if you bother him he will make a way out of no way if you bother him he'll open up a door for you if you bother him he'll rebuke your devourer if you bother him he'll bind the curse if you bother him he'll heal about hear somebody say bother him oh my god mr. Jake's can you prove it yes I can let me leave this woman alone and go down into Egypt and there they were in Egypt and they had been slaves for 400 years and the one God said to deliver them had to run away and was living in Jethro's house but the slaves kept bothering God they kept on praying huh they were bothering a God that they hadn't worshipped for hundreds of years but what they could remember of him they kept on bothering him Moses was settled in Midian he had a good job he was in a good place he was doing his thing he had a safe position but the Bible said that while Moses was taking care of the sheep God appeared in a burning bush and said all this now listen take off your shoes the ground you spend or is holy ground let me go into the house he wasn't so she put my makeup on find my stilettos and come to you like I like to I'm going to bother you [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel him about the Spence feel over America I feel him about the standstill over his people huh I feel him about to stand still hung over this crazy world I feel God I heard him say if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from the wicked way it will bother me I'll heal there if they'll bother me I'll raise him up if they'll bother me I'll sustain him while you're walking around in the kitchen bother him while you're driving that truck bother him while you're on that treadmill huh bother him why are you going on that job [Music] Jesus use this tenacious no-name woman to teach his disciples now the disciples were going to be the foundation of the New Testament church they were going to be great leaders but Jesus teaches great leadership out of great servitude he doesn't use Pilate to teach them he doesn't use Pilate as a metaphor in the new Socrates or Aristotle he doesn't bring men on her Martha he doesn't mean none of the powers of his day up he uses this nameless woman to teach his disciples how to be powerful in his absence how did I yeah cuz he knows the wind is about to blow against you and if you don't know how to bother him you won't get to your destination and though the storms keep on raging in my life though the wind keeps blowing though the crisis keeps arising so it seems like things are getting worse instead of better though all my plans have been shattered and all the things I thought I'd do this year I've now been compromised though my business doors are closed though my 401 k's have gone down though nothing is turning around the way I thought it would I will not let go of my dream I will not let go of my strategy I will not give up on what God gave me and if I have to bother him every day avenge me avenge me of my adversary avenge me of my injustice avenge me if I gotta take night classes avenge me if I got a rearrange my players avenge me if I gotta change the product of my company avenge me if I gotta start something by myself avenge me and the Bible said that this woman received justice because she bothered the church today I want to challenge you my brothers and my sisters yeah I know you're important you can go see you CEO and got all those alphabets behind your name but you need to drop down on your knees sir you need to act like your grandmama and get down on the side of your bed and let your dearest follow your bedspread and start bothering God and till you get a breakthrough of what you're going to do next it's not fair it's not right it's not just you haven't been treated justly but God said if you bother me I'm going to give you justice I'm going to give you justice to make things right if you have the courage I'm gonna fix it for you and the reason I wanted you to be here this Sunday and stream to this broadcast and hear this message is because the devil's been lying to you and telling you to just accept it it's not gonna work this accept it it's over just give up you can't win the devil's been trying to show you I got Japan shaking I got China shaking I got North Korea and South Korea shaking who are you to stand up I got Great Britain shakin I got America and Canada and South America shaking but this one woman this nameless woman woman with no man to speak up for her she said not me baby I'm gonna get justice if I have to come every day if I have to come every night if I have to be the first face you see why are you trying to unlock your office I'll get justice now all of this jesus said to teach them about pride that's why he told him the story he said when you sink your teeth into prayer be a bulldog when you start praying about it hold onto the horns and altar and don't let go I don't know how long and I don't know how many times your adversary has said get out of my face but I know that there is a higher power and he has given you an invitation he's given you an invitation is this a simple invitation the Lord God said it takes a while for you to face uncertainty and and not be rattled you are accepted in the beloved let me get in your spirit so you'll stop chasing in behind people but validation for people who are uncertain about themselves because it's easy to feel rejected and it's easy to have a pity party bake a cake and go into doom and gloom because of what somebody said I'm telling you what God said I don't care what they say the root of the blessing is still down inside of you you might have a setback you might have to start over you might have to get your keys in it start the restaurant you have to go through all kind of stuff but the root of the blessing it's still Manning because you are blessed in him in Christ not in the building don't lose the thing that made God choose you as the first place [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 507,749
Rating: 4.8552985 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, bother me
Id: 5Sq5q7SlLOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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